An Unexpected Turn

by Derek D

29 Apr 2021 1150 readers Score 9.1 (38 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


The fire trucks arrived just in time to see it flash over and become totally engulfed. The Fire Chief ran up to the people on the lawn and asked, “Is everyone alright”? The woman was holding on to her son crying. The older guy said, “I think we are, but the two boys who saved us went back into the house for Ben’s kitten. I didn’t see them come back out”. “Shit”, the Fire Chief, Greg, said as he looked at the house totally engulfed in flames. He knew no one could have survived in there. Greg then looked around and saw a familiar car, “Oh my god! No”, he yelled as tears rolled down his cheeks!

The firemen went to the house which was beyond saving. They’d arrived too late and it was a total loss. All they could do was make sure it didn’t spread to nearby trees and grass. They began hosing to try to knock down the flames and some of them went around the sides and back of the house to make sure flames weren’t spreading. Two ambulances arrived and took the three survivors to the hospital to get checked out and as the ambulance pulled away, a tearful Fire Chief stood and watched as the house burned. One of the firemen asked, “Chief, are you ok”. The Chief looked at him and said, “See that car over there”? The fireman recognized it and said, “Oh no, Chief! Was he inside”? The Chief just nodded. The fireman went back to work with more enthusiasm and began barking orders as if the house could be saved.

Drew, one of the young fireman was walking around to the back of the house when he saw a pile of debris near the house and thought that it may be too close to the house and catch fire. As he carefully approached it, he noticed it was covered by what looked like a tablecloth. As he got closer, something moved beneath it. Suddenly he heard coughing and someone say, “Damn it Steve. You knocked the wind out of me”! “Well, I think we’re lucky to have any wind in us at all”, someone else said and then laughter. Drew was instantly on his radio, “Chief, there’s more survivors out back”!

I gently pulled the tablecloth off us and said, “We better move further away in case this thing collapses. Is the kitten ok”? We both stood up and as we moved away from the house, Ian checked the kitten, “She’s breathing, but looks pretty weak”. “Are you two alright”, a stunned Drew asked? Suddenly, I was grabbed, turned and was in a bear hug and unable to breath, “You son of a bitch! I thought you said you didn’t want to join us”, I heard Greg say! I groaned, “I’m not going to be here much longer if you don’t let me breath”. Greg released the bear hug, “Sorry Steve, but I was just mourning your death, prematurely I see”. Then he smiled at me. I smiled back and said, “No thanks to this guy. He had to rush back in to save the kitten”, indicating Ian, adding, “You’ve met Ian already at the celebration”. Greg looked over at Ian, “Yeah, I remember you. Last time I saw you though, you were feeding an invalid his dinner. How are you”? Ian replied, “I’m fine now that I can breath again. Steve tried to crush me just now. Actually, he saved us at the last second before the house blew up”. Greg said, “Yeah, we saw that when we pulled up. It’s called backdraft and few are lucky enough to survive it”. “All I know is Steve grabbed that tablecloth and wrapped us in it, then shoved us out through the flaming window. The blast sent us further away or we’d have fallen closer to the house”, Ian said. Greg then turned back to me and said, “I hate to tell you this Steve, but I’m going to have to take you back to your favorite place to get checked out again”. I wasn’t too thrilled at hearing that, “Do we have to? I’m feeling fine and Ian’s no more beat up than usual”. Ian grinned at me. “Sorry, but you’ll have to come with me”, Greg said, then added, “Drew, can you bring us some gauze for his cuts”? “What cuts”, I asked? “Steve, you have cuts all over your back, probably from glass shattering. I realized it when I released you from the hug and noticed the blood on my arms. Ian looks to be ok. Your body probably shielded him and the kitten, but he needs to be checked for smoke inhalation just to be sure”. I hadn’t felt any cuts before, but after Greg mentioned them, I realized my back and neck were stinging. As we made it around to the front of the house, Drew ran up with some gauze and a scissors, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to cut your shirt off”. I replied, “Why don’t I just pull it off”? “NO!”, came from both Drew and Greg, then Greg said, “You may have glass imbedded in you from the blast. If you begin pulling off the shirt and moving it across your body, you may actually make your wounds worse”. That made sense, “Ok Drew, cut away”. Drew carefully cut my shirt into two halves. The front part fell off, but the back stuck to me. “Ok, this might sting a bit as I slowly pull the fabric from your back”, Drew said behind me. “Ow! You weren’t kidding”, I winced. Greg then said, “Yep, you still have glass stuck in you Steve”, then said to Drew, “How about dabbing the blood and then joining us in my car for the ride to the hospital”? “Sure Chief”, Drew responded. As we got to the Chief’s vehicle, Greg said, “Ian, you’re up front with me. Steve is going to lie down on his stomach while Drew tends to his wounds”. We were then off to the hospital. Greg made sure to announce two more victims from the fire were enroute.

When we arrived, they had a stretcher waiting for me and a wheelchair for Ian. A nurse took Daisy and said she’d take good care of her. As they wheeled us in, I asked about Ben and his mother  and grandfather. I was told they were doing fine thanks to me and Ian. All was well. It seemed to take forever as they removed tiny pieces of glass from my back and neck and even though they sprayed a local anesthetic on the area, it still stung like hell when they poured on alcohol after extracting each piece of glass. “So, you chose death of a thousand cuts this time”, a familiar voice said. “Hello Dr. Green. Fancy meeting you here”, I said. “Look, I’ll write down my home address and give it to you, so you’ll stop pulling stunts like this for an excuse to visit me”, Dr. Green quipped, then added, “I see your arms healing very well. Ian will be in shortly. I gave permission for him to come in as I’m assuming you’d like that. Right now, we’re giving him oxygen to counteract any carbon monoxide in his system”. “Thanks Dr. Green. I appreciate it”, I said knowing Dr. Green understood the relationship between Ian and I. “Lift your head up Mr. Andrews”, a nurse said and as I did, I was fitted with an oxygen mask. “Arm please”, and then a needle was extracting blood. Dr. Green then said, “Your oxygen levels aren’t too bad considering the amount of smoke you inhaled”. I chuckled and said, “Yeah, I’m a non-smoker”. Dr. Green hit right back, “That’s odd considering your penchant for playing with fire”. I chuckled at his quick wit, “Touché’ Dr. Green”. During the banter with Dr. Green and the nurse putting on the oxygen mask and drawing blood, I hadn’t realized they were no longer pulling glass out of me, “Get all the glass finally”? The nurse who had been pulling the glass out said, “We think so, but we’re checking to be sure. It is glass and is hard to see, so we’re taking time to look the area over completely”.  I heard the door open, and Ian said, “So apparently Superman isn’t impervious to glass”. I laughed and said, “So what does that make you, Batman? I can’t believe you rushed back in that house to save a cat”. Ian replied, “I can’t believe I did either. It didn’t dawn on me at the time that you’d rush back in to save me. I’m sorry. I could’ve gotten both of us killed”. “Don’t be sorry Ian. I’d have probably done the same thing, but always know that I’ll rush in to save you as long as I’m able”, I said with a tear in my eye. I couldn’t see the nurse look at Dr. Green who nodded and momentarily closed his eyes in affirmation of her unasked question. She smiled. “So how’s the pussy”, I asked? “What”, was Ian’s surprised response? “Daisy, the kitten. How is she”? Dr. Green and the nurse were both on the verge or breaking into laughter. “Oh. She’s doing fine. They put her in a glass bubble with oxygen and put her next to Ben’s bed. He started crying when we brought her in and he realized we were not killed in the fire as he had thought. Melissa and Benjamin were happy as well when I stopped to see them on my way up here. They couldn’t stop thanking us. It made me feel so good”, Ian said. “That’s the reward for heroes. That great feeling inside when you’ve saved someone”, Greg said. I hadn’t realized he’d come in. Dr. Green then said, “Just stop trying to be dead ones. Both of you”. I didn’t respond, but Ian said, “Sure doc”. I knew Dr. Green realized as well as I did that I’d never stand by if someone was in need. I felt something a little sticky sprayed on my back and it stung, “Ouch”. Ian quipped, “Talk about a pussy”. Everyone but me laughed. The nurse then said, “That was an antiseptic to keep any of those cuts from being infected. You should be good to go Superman”. I grinned sheepishly as I got up. Just then, Drew entered the room and handed Ian keys and a shirt, “Thanks Drew. We appreciate that”. Drew then stepped back out and Ian handed me a shirt. It was one of mine, “Drew volunteered to retrieve a shirt for you since he had to cut your other one off. I loaned him my keys and had Chad meet him there”, Ian said. “Thanks Stu, uh Ian, that was really thoughtful”, I said. I couldn’t believe I almost called him Stud in front of everyone. I put on my shirt gingerly since the many cuts still burned a little. Dr. Green then said, “All your cuts are superficial Steve. Fortunately, none of the larger shards got through that tablecloth I hear you wrapped yourselves in. Ian, could you look them over daily to be sure they’re healing alright”? Ian grinned and replied, “I think I can handle that doc”. Greg then broke in, “At least you don’t have to feed him this time and who knows what else”. Ian laughed and I said, “Thanks Greg. I needed that”.

Before leaving the hospital, we stopped in to visit Benjamin, who was happy to see us and seemed in good spirits considering his house had just burned to the ground. His viewpoint, “Look, I have insurance. The house will be rebuilt. Thanks to you two, we all made it out safely, including you two, thank the Lord. On top of that, little Ben has two new heroes”. Melissa was beaming when we walked into her room, “Thank you so much. You saved my whole family. I don’t know how to repay you”. I smiled as Ian said, “There’s no need to repay us. We just did what anyone else would have done”, and then he smiled at me having used my own words. Little Ben’s whole face lit up when we entered his room. He showed us Daisy in the bubble next to his bed. She looked much better than when we had left her with the nurse. She was actually batting around a toy that they had given her. He teared up when he said he thought we had died and gone to heaven when the explosion (backdraft) had occurred, but then his face lit back up when he said almost in a whisper, “I’ll keep your secret, but I know you are real superheroes because you survived the explosion unscathed”. Little did he know. Not so much unscathed. “Where did you learn the word unscathed Ben”, Ian asked. He grinned proudly and said, “I learned it from the superhero movies and mommy told me what it meant”. Ian and I just smiled at how smart this six-year-old was and we were so glad to have saved his life. As we left his room and began walking out of the hospital, I noticed Ian’s smile and body language. I grinned at him. “What”, he asked? “I don’t think I’ve seen you more happy and holding your head so high”, I said, happy myself. Ian’s grin actually grew wider, “What’s not to be happy about. Little Ben is an awesome kid, and it feels so good that we were able to save him and his family and then there’s you, my very own Superman who whisked me through that window and saved us at the last second. The man who asked me to share his life. So, what’s not to be happy about”? I thought about it and he was right, except for four words, “There’s just one thing”.

Greg then pulled up and we got in for the ride back to my car. As we pulled up, the scene was horrible. The house had entirely burnt to the ground. There was nothing left but the smell of smoldering, wet wood. A fireman had remained to make sure there wasn’t any reflash of the smoldering pile. “It’s good you guys got here when you did. They’d have all been dead by the time we got here. Why were you out here in the middle of nowhere anyway”, Greg asked? “We just decided to take a drive and ended up here”, I said. Ian nodded. “And you just decided to take a different route home the night you saved those kids from that accident”, Greg responded? “Yeah, really. It’s just a strange coincidence”, I said. “Uh huh. Well, you guys have a good and safe night. I’ll see you around. Somehow, I’m sure of that”, Greg said. We hugged, Greg wouldn’t do just a handshake and then climbed into my car. As I started the car, I felt odd and realized Ian was looking at me strangely. “What”, I asked? “He’s right, you know, about this being more than just coincidence. Have you ever been down this way before”? “No, but..”, I began. “Why didn’t you just take the same way back that you took to get to Carl’s”, he asked? I didn’t have any answers, “I don’t know Ian! I don’t know why!”, I replied too harshly. “I’m sorry Steve. I didn’t mean it to sound like I was accusing you of anything”, Ian apologized. “No, Ian. I’m sorry. It is strange, but it’s really frustrating not being able to explain it. I don’t have any answers, but I shouldn’t have lashed out at you for asking”, I said.

I noticed Greg was still in his car watching us. I put the car in gear, and we headed home. The ride home was in silence. This had not been the ride I had imagined when we left the house. Everything had been turned upside down. I had no regrets for what we did. How could we not try to save that family? I had no regrets for saving those four teens, but why had I taken the routes that I did? I recalled Bruce’s words to me on that fateful day, “Now go! Get out of here! You don’t belong here”! What if he was wrong? What if I was supposed to die that day? Have I been toying with fate ever since? Were those four teens and that family supposed to die? Was I putting Ian’s life at risk just by being close to him?

We arrived back at the house and pulled into the garage. I turned off the ignition and Ian stepped out of the car. I just sat there. Ian looked in the door and asked, “Are you ok Steve? Steve”? “What”, I asked suddenly realizing Ian was calling me. “Are you ok? You’ve been silent the whole ride and when we parked, you just sat there”, Ian said with concern in his voice. “Sorry Ian. I was lost in thought. I’m ok”, I lied. We made our way upstairs and Ian mixed us a drink. As we walked out on to the patio, Chad greeted us, “Hey! The Dynamic Duo has returned from another day of adventure”, he said, then added, “I hope you don’t mind, but I ran for some fried chicken for dinner since I figured you would be a bit tired and hungry from your ordeal”. Ian gave Chad a look and it seemed Chad picked up on it, “Sorry, I was just trying to help after talking to that fireman who stopped by for Steve’s shirt. I thought dinner was the least I could do” “Thanks Chad. That’s really nice of you”, I said. “Are you ok Steve”, Chad then asked? “Yes Chad. I’m fine. Let’s eat”, I said trying to change the subject. The fried chicken, mashed potatoes and corn were good, but I wasn’t very hungry, but acted like I was enjoying it. Chad left soon after we had eaten since tomorrow was Monday and we had to work.

Ian received a call a while later from Chad. He stepped away from Steve to take the call. “Yeah Chad, what’s up”? “That’s what I want to know Ian. What’s wrong with Steve? He was totally distracted when you guys got back. I know you could tell he was faking it tonight. He tried to make it look like he was enjoying himself but he looked so sad. What happened to you guys today”? “I’m not sure if it’s what happened that’s the issue Chad”, Ian said. “What do you mean”, Chad asked? “I don’t know where to start, but Steve wanted us to take a drive today and I won’t go into detail, but it was to discuss us, and we ended up on this dirt road and that’s when we smelled the smoke and found out there was a house on fire. After we left the hospital and The Fire Chief, Greg brought us back to Steve’s car, that’s when things got strange. The Fire Chief started asking why Steve took the route he did the night he found the accident with the teenagers and then also why he chose that route with me today when we ran into the house fire”.  “So, this Fire Chief thinks there’s something fishy going on”, Chad asked? “No! Greg’s a pretty good guy, but I think he’s freaked out about it because there isn’t an explanation for it. Chad, I’m kind of freaked out myself and I didn’t help things when I said that to Steve”, Ian said. There was a pause, then Chad said, “It does seem pretty strange, but it could just be a coincidence”. Ian said, “Chad, I know you. I can tell by your voice that you don’t believe what you just said. If you’re trying make me feel better about this, thanks, but don’t”. “Well, you can’t blame me for trying Ian. You’re my best friend. I don’t want you all stressed out and if this isn’t just a coincidence, what is it? We’re getting into some strange shit here Ian”, Chad said. There was a long pause before Ian said, “I know Chad and I think that’s why Steve is so stressed out and I didn’t help the situation. I’m worried about him Chad”. “What the fuck happened to him”, Chad asked? “I don’t know Chad, but I think it started after the accident when we were returning from our last job in the field. I’m not sure, because I didn’t know Steve too well before that. For all I know, he’s been saving people for years. I don’t know. I just want him to be ok again”. Chad could tell Ian was close to tears now, “Look, Ian, if you want to help Steve, you have to keep it together. You both can’t be freaking out over this at the same time, at least on the outside. This could turn out to be just a coincidence, but if it isn’t, one of you has got to keep things steady”. Ian took a deep breath and then said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right Chad. Thanks”. “That’s what friends are for Ian. I’m worried about Steve too. Could you keep me updated on things”, Chad asked? “Will do bud”, Ian said as he ended the call.

When Ian went into the house to take his phone call, I walked over to the outdoor fireplace and sat down. I didn’t bother to light a fire, I just wanted to sit and reflect on the day and try to make some sense of the recent events. The truth was, it didn’t make sense. Everything in my life had been going fine. I had a good job, and a decent house and once Ian came in to my life, things got much better. I was really happy. Then the accident threw a wrench in things, but it seemed even that was temporary after Ian had gotten his memory back. Why had I chosen that particular route home from Carl’s that night? I’d never driven that road before, but I found myself on it and came across the accident. I had just figured Ian and I could take a drive so we could discuss our relationship and take the next step. I had never taken that particular road before, but we were on it and we came across the fire. Why?

Ian came out of the house and walked over to where I was sitting, “Hey”. I looked up and gave a weak smile and said, “Hey”. As Ian threw some wood on and got a fire going, he said to me, “That was Chad on the phone. He knew something was wrong when we got back. He’s concerned about you Steve, as am I”. “Thanks, I appreciate your concern, but I’m ok Ian. It’s just a lot has happened over the last couple weeks and I’m trying to figure it all out”. Ian sat down next to me and reached out his hand. I took it and squeezed it. I felt a little better. He always makes me feel better. Could I live without him? Would he live with me?

Suddenly my phone rang. It was Carl, “Hey Carl, what’s up”? “Steve, I heard about the fire. Are you and Ian alright”, Carl asked? “We’re fine Carl. I got a few minor cuts on my back from broken glass. Ian was almost crushed, but his ribs made it without a crack”, I said as I grinned at Ian. He grinned back at my exaggeration. “Ian almost got crushed? What happened”, Carl asked exasperated? Ian knew I was taking the attention off myself, “I’m just using Ian’s words Carl. Actually, I landed on him during our escape and knocked the wind out of him. Can you believe he ran back into a burning house to save a cat”? Carl replied, “I think you’re rubbing off on him Steve, so yes, I can believe that. I know also that you ran back in after him Steve. Seriously, are you doing ok”? Carl had obviously talked to someone, Ian or Chad. I gave Ian a questioning look. He shrugged his shoulders indicating he wasn’t sure why I had looked at him that way. “I’m fine Carl. Like I said, I just got a couple small cuts on my back from the broken glass from a window”, I said. “I’m not talking about your physical injuries Steve”, Carl said abruptly. “You’ve been talking to Ian or Chad haven’t you”, I asked and again glanced at Ian? There was a pause and I heard Carl draw a deep breath, then say, “Actually Steve, Greg dropped by and we talked and then I called Chad”. “Greg called you? What did he say”, I hadn’t expected that? “Steve, please don’t be angry. Greg wanted to ask me some questions about the accident. He told me about the fire today and then said that even though it’s only been twice, he’s not convinced that it was a coincidence that you were there after the teens had crashed and when the fire happened”, Carl explained. I interrupted, “Wait! What are you trying to say Carl”? Carl quickly said, “Steve! Greg’s not insinuating that you caused the crash or started the fire, if that’s what you’re thinking. Greg thinks there’s something strange going on where you’re somehow being guided to those places”. “Carl, do you realize how ridiculous that sounds”, I asked hypocritically? I then recalled Greg saying, I’ll see you around. Somehow, I’m sure of that “. Carl responded by saying, “Yes, I do Steve. It sounds almost as ridiculous as when you told me that my dead Grandpa told you what to tell me. That sounded totally ridiculous to me then, until I actually looked behind Grandma’s picture”. It took me a moment to digest the truth in his reply, “Yeah, I wouldn’t have believed me either. So what did Chad say when you called him”, I then asked looking at Ian who suddenly looked guilty. “Chad said you seemed distant, almost sad when you guys returned. He’s worried about you Steve and so am I, and I’m sure Ian is as well. Both Greg and Chad talked to me out of concern for you Steve. We care for you a lot and hate to see you in such a dark place”, Carl said. I took in what he said, and replied, “I appreciate everyone’s concern. I really do, but this is something I need to figure out. I’ll be alright Carl. Thanks for calling and I’ll talk to you later”, I ended the call. Ian took my hand again and I squeezed his in return. We sat in quiet and watched the fire.

Ian was walking around searching for something. He called out, “Daisy, where are you”? He looked for a while until he saw what looked like a small bottle brush under a radiator with the tip burnt. He reached under the radiator and pulled the limp kitten out and hugged it to his chest. He looked around and it seemed the fire was suddenly everywhere. There didn’t look to be a way out. The doorway he’d come through had flames all around it. He was coughing from the thick smoke which seemed to be growing thicker and hotter. Ian was slightly bent down, holding the kitten in his arms. Suddenly a big ball of flame and the room exploded. “Ian”, I jumped awake!

“Steve, I’m right here. You fell asleep and I didn’t want to wake you, so I brought a blanket out for each of us”, then Ian saw tears rolling down my cheeks, “Steve, what is it”? I calmed down and took a deep breath. Ian was fine. “It’s ok Ian. I just had a really bad dream”, I told him. Ian wiped the tears from my cheeks and kissed my forehead. I recalled my mother used to do that when I’d woken from a bad dream and smiled at him. “Want to talk about it”, he asked me. “No”, I replied! “It was about me, wasn’t it”, Ian asked? I knew the question was rhetorical. He knew it was about him. I slowly nodded my head. “Steve, don’t worry about freaking me out. I’d really like to know and I think it might be good for you if you talked about it”, Ian said. Maybe he was right. I recounted my dream to him including the ending which was when I awoke screaming his name. Ian smiled at me, but at the same time had this strange look on his face. “What”, I asked? “I’m here Steve. I didn’t die in that fire and neither did the kitten because you saved us”, Ian said. I thought about it and he was right. The dream wasn’t what actually happened. It was all just a bad dream. I realized the fire had gone out and said, “Thanks Ian. Let’s head to bed”. “ Yeah, the bed is more comfortable”, Ian agreed.

The next morning we did the usual routine and went in to work in Ian’s car. We were going to stop at his house on the way back home and Ian wanted to discuss something.

While at work, Ian took a few minutes to send Chad a text, “GOT A FEW MINUTES TO TALK?”. Chad’s reply, “SURE. CALL ME”. When Chad picked up the phone, Ian said, “Chad, something weird happened last night. Steve had a bad dream”. Chad replied, “He’s been under a lot of stress lately Ian. That doesn’t seem weird”. Ian then told Chad what the dream was about and Chad said, “Yeah , but it didn’t end with you dying. Steve saved you, remember? You’re still alive”. Ian laughed, “That’s pretty astute of you Chad. That’s not the weird part”. Chad said, “Oh. Then what is”? “Chad, everything Steve described to me about what I did in the dream, where I was looking for the kitten, how I was calling it and where I found it was exactly how it actually happened. Steve couldn’t have seen me doing that. He wasn’t there until the end part when I was holding the kitten slightly bent over coughing. Even if he was right on the other side of the door, which he wasn’t, it was too smokey for him to be able to have seen it”. There was a really long pause, “You still there Chad”? Finally Chad replied, “Yeah, you’re right, that is weird, but I’m not sure that’s the right word for it. Fuck Ian! What the fuck is going on”? Ian replied, “I don’t know Chad, but I didn’t tell Steve about that. I left him think it was just a bad dream and that it didn’t turn out the way the dream ended, so please don’t say anything to him”. “I won’t Ian. I’m not sure I’m glad you told me though. I got the willies now”, Chad said. Ian sighed, “Sorry Chad, but I had to tell someone else. It’s been freaking me out all day”. “Ian”? “Yeah Chad”? “Do you think I could tell Carl? He’d want to know. After what Greg told him, he’s concerned about Steve as well and I think he’d want to know about this”, Chad said. Ian thought about it for a moment, then said, “I guess, as long as he doesn’t tell Steve. Steve’s got enough on his mind about this whole thing without finding that out”. Chad replied, “I’ll make sure Carl doesn’t say anything to him”.

After work we drove over to Ian’s house and made sure things were in order. “I think I need to stop over tomorrow and vacuum and dust. It looks like the place hasn’t been lived in for a long time”, Ian said. “Maybe you should hire a maid”, I said joking. When we entered Ian’s bedroom to retrieve more of his clothes, I turned him around, kissed him, and then slow walked him to the edge of his bed. He fell back onto his bed and I went with him, still kissing and embracing. When we came up for air so to speak, I looked into his eyes and said, “Have I told you lately how much I love you”? Ian giggled, “Every day”. Jr. was instantly throbbing to get out and I didn’t need any more convincing. The clothes came off and we were soon licking and sucking on each other ravenously. After a while, Ian pulled off me and said, “Fuck me Steve”! I crawled out from under him and climbed behind him. He reached into the drawer of his night stand and handed a tube of lube back to me. I greased up Jr. and then worked it into Ian’s eager hole, slowly adding additional fingers until he said, “Come on Steve. I need Jr. in me now”. Jr. was jumping for joy and I had to concentrate to keep Jr. from becoming over excited and spilling the beans or actually, seeds. I soon had Jr. fully in his warm, tight, favorite place. “Fuck yeah Steve”, Ian said as he began rocking back and forth. I soon began matching his rhythm and the room soon filled with the sounds of heavy breaths, grunts and a rhythmic slapping of crotch into melons. “Fuck yeah Ian. I love your hot, tight butt and fantastic set of buns”, I grunted. “I love big Jr. ramming into me Steve. Harder Steve. Fuck me”! Soon I was feeling the buildup and slowed to a stop, “Time to flip on your back stud. I need to look at my stud’s face as I plant my seed in him”, I said. Ian wasted no time getting on his back and legs in the air. I reentered him and resumed slamming his ass. I looked in his eyes for a while and then leaned down and we kissed while we fucked. His cock was rubbing between us and soon had us soaked with precum as it smoothly slid between us. We broke the kiss for just a moment and said simultaneously, “I’m gonna cum”! I began firing my seed into him as he spasmed around my cock firing his cum between us. We continued kissing until we had both emptied our seed. I eventually rolled off of him to his right side, “That felt so good Ian. Did I tell you how much I love you”? Ian laid there catching his breath and turned to look at me, “I love you more every day Steve. I think maybe we should shower here before heading over to your place”. “I guess I can put my clothes back on, maybe go commando on the way home. By the way, It’s OUR place until you tell me otherwise”, I said. Ian giggled and Jr. began stirring back to life. He stayed happy the whole time we were in the shower and was disappointed when he didn’t get any exercise and instead got covered back in clothes for the ride home.

We returned home long enough to get changed into nicer clothes and then went to a restaurant for dinner. When we returned home, it was getting late, so we had a nightcap on the deck and then crawled into bed. Jr. was happily spooning Ian even though he didn’t getting any more exercise as we drifted off to sleep.

I was sitting in my recliner, watching TV alone. The house was quiet and it felt normal to be sitting there alone, much as I had before Ian came in to my life. The news came on and a helicopter was filming what looked like a huge accident on the highway below. There was fire and cars in piles everywhere. The camera zoomed in on a pile of wreckage that looked like the cab of a burned out tractor and the remnants of the trailer it was pulling. The reporter spoke of the wreckage as having been a tanker full of diesel fuel which had exploded from the impact of the mass collision of vehicles. Dozens of deaths and dozens more severe injuries the reporter was saying. The scene looked strangely familiar and yet different as I watched. I felt really sorry for all the victims and a tear rolled down my cheek. They showed a picture of a man briefly and he seemed to have had something to do with the accident. He somehow looked familiar. The scene suddenly changed and a voice said, “and in other news four teens were killed in a horrible wreck that resulted in their bodies being burnt so their dental records had to be compared to verify their identities. They were found after a fire was reported in the area which had apparently been started due to the crash. Again, the scene looked familiar, but at the same time, very different. Suddenly I found myself standing with Bruce and Dave was looking on. Bruce said to me, “Now go! Get out of here! You don’t belong here”! As he and Dave were walking away, Dave looked back at me and smiled, then said, “There’s a reason”. I suddenly awoke sitting up in bed. Ian was looking up at me looking worried, “Steve! What’s wrong”?

End of Chapter 18

by Derek D

Email: [email protected]

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