An Unexpected Turn

by Derek D

16 Apr 2023 374 readers Score 9.7 (21 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Chapter 67

Fresh Start

“Ian, you caught my eye, and I was blinded by your presence. You lifted my heart when I hadn’t realized it had reached a low point. You made me care again when I was careless. You cared for me when I was in need even though you were suffering yourself. You broke my heart and made it whole again. You risked your life with me even knowing it may be our end. You make my day every morning when I see your face. You make me happy when I hear your laughter. I made my choice the moment we met. You are caring, and selfless to a fault. I love you with all of my heart and that will never change.  Will you marry me and share our lives together?”

Steve, you comforted me when I was frozen with fear. You searched for me when I was lost, and I’d forgotten who I was. You risked your life to whisk me from a fiery death. You guided me to safety when death was once again approaching. You frustrated me and at the same time made me proud of you when you risked your own life to save others, selflessly. You are my savior, my champion, my love, and my soul mate. How could I not choose you, Steve? How could I not love you? You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Will you marry me so we may share our lives together? They then said in unison, “I will”.

I awoke after dreaming about us making our vows to each other. We had arrived at our hotel, Oceans at Divi Carina Bay, in Christiansted, Virgin Islands in late afternoon. We were exhausted from the long day of travel and ate a small dinner after our arrival. Once we settled in our room, we both got a second wind and made love into the night. I had now awakened with my left arm draped over Ian’s left shoulder and my body pressed against Ian’s back. My cock, wedged in the crevice between his muscular buns, began hardening once again even though I’d thought I’d totally worn it out the night before. Ian’s head was against my chest and I smelled the shampoo in his hair as it brushed my nose. I nuzzled into his neck. I don’t think I could ever love him more. He is my everything. Suddenly I felt Ian push back into me as he said sleepily, “..and you are mine.” I smiled as I realized our shared brain trust. We were one and it was meant to be or at least that’s what had been handed us. I was more than happy with that. I hoped Ian was too. Ian said, “I’m not sure. I have my doubts”, as he giggled, then said, “those doubts are that we could ever be separated even in death. You are mine forever Steve, and I am yours.” I playfully bit Ian’s neck and said, “You know if this gift of ours keeps growing stronger, we’ll stop actually speaking to each other and people may start spreading rumors.” Ian giggled again and said, “Sounds scandalous. I like it.” I bit his neck again as I thought, ‘Scandalous, huh?’, and then began tickling him. He squirmed all over the bed trying to escape. It ended with me sitting on Ian while trying to hold his arms over his head. They didn’t call him the mini-Hulk for nothing. His arms were hard to hold down and he was bucking upward which was moving me forward. Soon I was so far up on his body that the tip of my cock was slapping his chin each time he bucked. I grinned as I realized he was doing it on purpose and intentionally slid back a few inches. Ian bent his head forward, trying to get his mouth over the head of my cock. I began moving my hips back and forth slapping his cheeks as he tried to capture the head of my cock in his mouth. Eventually, he was successful, although by then his cheeks were smeared with my precum. He stopped bucking and struggling to get his arms free. Instead he bobbed his head forward and back as his lips slid across my hard shaft. I reached back and felt his hardness. The head of his cock was slick with his own precum. I pulled out of his mouth just long enough to flip around so I could take his cock into my own mouth. We greedily went at each other’s cocks until we erupted together. We both swallowed each other’s cum but held enough in our mouths so we could share in a cummy kiss. As we broke the kiss, we just stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed like eternity. After one more brief kiss, we got in the shower and soaped each other up and shampooed each other’s hair. We decided against room service and instead got dressed and wandered out to find breakfast. We ate at the Twin City Coffee House, then went down to the beach and its crystal blue water. Every time we walked to or from the water, we noticed both guys and girls staring, most probably at Ian’s awesome butt. His hard buns barely fit in the suit he was wearing. I had picked it out for him myself.

After spending the afternoon on the beach, we headed back to the hotel and after a late afternoon flip fuck quicky, showered and went out for dinner. Our dinner was delicious. We ate at Rum Runners. We skipped the appetizer and each had a Salad Tropique. For the entre’, Ian had a Shrimp and Crab Spaghetti and I had the Seafood Pasta which had just the right amount of spiciness. When I tried to pay our bill, the waiter asked, “I don’t mean to be rude, but I am instructed to ask if you are Steve Andrews and Ian O’Connor?” I looked at Ian and he gave me a nod, then I replied, “We were, but now we’re Steve and Ian Andrews-O’Connor”. The waiter’s eyes lit up and he said, “I see. Then I must say congratulations. Also, upon verification of who you are, the manager has instructed me to decline payment for your meal. It is on the house.” I was about to insist, but Ian said, “Thank you. We’re honored. The meal was delicious and we’ll be recommending you restaurant to our friends, but at least allow us to leave a tip.” The waiter smiled and said, “If you insist, but I’m satisfied with just having the honor of serving you. News of your heroism was on tv’s throughout the island. You are quite the celebrities.” Ian turned bright red and mine felt flushed as well. We insisted on a tip and Ian and I left the restaurant after also thanking the manager who asked for our autograph.

We walked around, stopping in some of the shops just to see what was inside. We bought a few souvenirs and every now and then noticed some people staring, trying to figure out where they knew us from. Once we got back to our hotel, we got some drinks and sat out on our balcony which had a beautiful view of the beach and crystal blue ocean. I’m not sure if it was from the seafood or just the surroundings, but we were both soon climbing naked onto the bed and were fucking each other’s brains out once again. At one point I had to cover Ian’s mouth as he loudly begged for me to fuck him harder. Ian ended up falling asleep on top of me after he had emptied his seed inside me. His head rested on my chest and my right arm draped across his back. I dozed off to the scent of his shampoo, periodically being mixed with the smell of the ocean breeze.

The next day we rented a car and drove over to Frederiksted per Ian’s wish. It was an eye opener as this side of the island houses most of the working class. We ate lunch at Louie & Nachos Beach Bar and had a few drinks. After that we walked around, stopping at some of the shops on this side of the island. Somehow, we ended up in a sleezy, rundown area. There were children playing in the street and Ian started talking to them. Soon, we had a dozen children standing around us asking us questions about the mainland. We answered their questions and asked our own about their life here on the island. Suddenly, one of the boys tapped another on the shoulder and made a head motion to his right. The boys scattered in all directions, leaving us standing there wondering what had happened. We found out soon enough as about twenty feet away stood four guys in their late teens or early twenties. One of them asked, “What brings two tourists to our neighborhood?” Ian replied, “We wanted to see the island, both the nice parts and the not so nice ones. I like to meet new people from all walks of life.” The same one, the taller of the four and apparently their leader, sneered and said, “Well, that would be your mistake because we don’t want strange tourists snooping around our neighborhood.” I realized these guys were looking for trouble and said, “We’re not looking for trouble. We’ll just be heading back from where we came.” The guy sneered even more and reached into his pocket and pulled out a switchblade. The other three did the same. The guy then said, “Oh, there won’t be no problem. Just hand over your wallet and money and you might leave here alive.” Before either one of us could reply, a voice behind us said, “If I were you boys, I’d put those knives away and get out of here before you get hurt.” Ian and I glanced back to see an older guy leaning in a doorway with a toothpick in his mouth. The leader of the boys laughed and asked, “What you gonna do old man?” The elderly man smiled and said, “Oh, I’m gonna watch as these two gentlemen beat the tar out of the four of you like you deserve.” The leader suddenly looked uncertain, “What makes you think they can take on the four of us? We have the knives. They got nothing.” The guy in the doorway laughed, “I guess you miscreants don’t recognize who you decided to pick a fight with. These guys have taken on a lot more than the four of you. I doubt they’ll even break a sweat.” Ian and I just waited to see how this was going to play out, ready for anything. Word must have travelled because the kids were back and it seemed their parents were with them. I heard Antony, one of the older kids we had talked to earlier say, “Chocho and his gang are about to get their butts whooped.” A woman, apparently Antony’s mom sternly said, “Antony!” So, apparently, the leaders nickname was Chocho? I smiled to myself. He looked even more uncertain, especially now that a crowd had gathered, “So how do you know these two, old man?” Antony’s mom said, “Obviously you street scum don’t watch the news.” Another man said, “These two saved multiple lives one day, pulled four teens out of a burning vehicle the next. Then they saved a family from a house fire which blew up while they were inside and they survived.” Another guy said, “Only to then save two children from a collapsing mountainside, getting buried themselves and then showing up a few days later, once again, unscathed.” This was getting a bit embarrassing. The exaggerations were a bit over the top. Another guy then said, “Then, when a group of white supremacists took several people hostage, including women and children, with guns, bats and knives, they and a few friends kicked their asses.” Chocho looked at his friends and then back to us and said, “Well, I guess you outnumber us, so we’re gonna let you move on from our neighborhood.” I smiled and said, “No, Chocho. You’re not going to let us off that easily. I think first, you’re going to demand that we take those dangerous knives off your hands so you don’t get an accidental cut.” Chocho looked back at his buddies and one could be heard saying, “We ain’t givin’ up our knives.” Steve calmly called out, “Is that your decision, Chocho?” Chocho turned and yelled, “Just give us a minute.” Suddenly a voice on the opposite side of Chocho and his gang said, “We’ll give you three seconds to drop those knives and any other weapons you might have.” One of Chocho’s boys looked back and said, “Shit! Who called the cops?” As the boys dropped their knives on the ground, a woman yelled, “I did! I told you I had reached my limits with you Jayson!” Chocho looked surprised, “Mom? We were just trying to protect the neighborhood.” Antony shouted back at Chocho/Jayson, “Protecting the neighborhood by trying to rob these guys?” The old guy said, “Yeah, the neighborhood doesn’t need nor want that kind of protection.” The Virgin Island Police Dept. officers approached the group and handcuffed them. They then led them to two police cars parked nearby. No one had seen them pull up because everyone was focused on the four delinquents. When the officers came back for the knives, they approached Steve and Ian and suddenly they had a strange expression on their faces. The senior of the two, Officer Jordan, said, “Looks like maybe our assistance may not have been needed after all. You’r Steve Andrews and Ian O’Connor aren’t you?” Ian replied, “Actually it’s Steve and Ian Andrews-O’Connor now officers.” They both smiled and Officer Jordan said, “I see. Congratulations. It’s an honor to meet you both. Many of us on the island have seen the reports of your heroics.” I responded, “It’s nothing anyone else wouldn’t have done in our place and nothing those in your service don’t do on a regular basis. We were just lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.” Officer Jordan grinned and replied, “Spoken like a true hero. Would you mind, I mean, Could we get a picture of us with the two of you. My kids would love it.” The other officer, Officer Sanchez pointed his thumb at Officer Jordan and said, “And this big kid will cherish it for the rest of his life. Every time he sees you on the news, it’s all we hear about for the next few days.” Ian volunteered us, “Of course we’ll take a pic with you.” That started a photo session where a lot of the people there requested either photos with them or just photos of Ian and I standing together. By the time we were done, it was time to head back across the island to Christiansted.

Once we got back, we went up to the hotel room and had a drink out on the balcony. After a shower, we took a long romantic walk on the beach. As were walking past one of the few spots that weren’t open to the view from nearby buildings, Ian guided me back near some brush at the edge of the beach. We kissed briefly and then Ian dropped to his knees and pulled my cock out of my shorts and immediately took it in his mouth. I whispered, “Ian, what if someone walks by?” Ian didn’t respond. He just began working faster. At first I kept nervously glancing around for someone approaching, but after a few minutes I relaxed to enjoy Ian’s warm mouth gliding back and forth on my cock. It was risky but it was also late and the chance of someone coming by was remote. The warm breeze coming off the ocean brushing my bare skin felt good. Ian had worked my shorts down to my ankles and the warm breeze was also caressing my balls and helped make the moment that much more intense. I was soon feeling ready to explode and warned Ian, “Stud, I’m about to cum.” Ian only worked more eagerly, and I was soon flooding his mouth. He continued sucking and swallowing until I had ejaculated the last of my seed. When Ian eventually let my still sensitive, throbbing cock out of his mouth, he pulled my shorts back up as he stood up and we again kissed, sharing what Ian hadn’t swallowed of my cum between us.

As we kissed, I felt Ian’s hardness rub against my right leg. I broke the kiss and kissed the nape of his neck and then moved down to his chest and licked and nibbled on each nipple before moving down the valley between his ribbed abs and to his belly button. Ian was now breathing heavily in anticipation, but took a quick glance around and said, “Steve, maybe we should take this to our hotel room.” I looked up at him grinning, and said, “Oh, now you want to be cautious.”, then I quickly yanked his shorts and briefs down around his ankles as I dropped fully to my knees and lapped up the precum from the tip of his cock before taking it into my mouth. All Ian could do was inhale sharply and attempt to whisper, “Oh, fuck!” I wanted this to be something Ian would remember from our honeymoon, so I tried to work his cock and balls to a crescendo and then edge him back down and repeat it for as long as possible, though I knew we could be interrupted at any time. After edging him for the fourth time, Ian begged, “Please Steve! You’re driving me insane. Please, let me cum.” I pulled off of his cock for a moment and grinned up at him, “Just what I wanted to hear, Stud.”, then I went back to work, this time, with the intention of letting him cum. Soon Ian was again breathing hard , almost panting as he warned, “Oh fuck! I’m cumming!” That was an understatement. His cock suddenly grew harder and then I felt the surge from the first shot of cum from his cock and the force of it shooting into my mouth. Ian was grunting with each blast as it filled my mouth with his sweet, creamy seed. I began swallowing as I realized this was going to be a huge load from him. As his ejaculation slowly eased, I continued to hold and caress his pulsing nutsack as my other hand held one of his hard buns. Once I was sure I had gotten all of his cum from him, I pulled up his shorts and briefs as I stood up and shared his cum with him in another kiss. Just as we had finished sharing Ian’s cum and were about to break our kiss, we heard voices approaching. They were talking about a secluded spot up ahead. Ian and I broke our kiss and smiled at each other, then made sure our clothes were on properly. As we turned to head back, two guys appeared around the brush appearing to be heading to where we were. They were surprised to find we were there and the taller one said, “Oh! Shit! We’re sorry. We didn’t think anyone would be here.” Ian and I both grinned and I said, “No worries. We were just heading back to our hotel. Have a good night, guys.” The shorter guy with red hair and a cute, almost boyish face turned bright red as his ‘friend’ said, “Thanks. You have a good night as well.”

As we walked back down the beach, Ian giggled and said, “You think they’re doing the same thing we were?” I grinned and said, “You know they are.” Ian giggled again and I said, “You realize when we get back to the hotel room, we’re gonna fuck each other’s brains out.” Ian responded, “I’m looking forward to it.”

Back on the mainland, Tony and Scott were playing video games down in Tony’s Family Room. They heard a door close upstairs and Scott asked, “Are your parents home?” Tony replied, “They’re not coming back until next week. Must be Mike and Julie.” They heard the door down to the Family Room open and Mike’s voice, “Yo! You guys down here?” Tony yelled up, “Yep!” Mike came down the stairs, went over to the refrigerator and grabbed an iced tea and then sat down next to Scott. Tony glanced over and asked, “Where’s Julie?” Mike replied, “She went with her mom to her aunt’s out in Chicago. She’s having surgery and she and her mom are going to help her out for a week until she’s able to do things herself again.” Scott said, “Nothing serious, I hope.” Mike shrugged and said, “No, just some woman thing but they don’t want her on her feet much for a week after the surgery. Jules asked if I wanted to go along but I have to work and Jule’s dad didn’t go either.” Tony then said, “So pick up a controller and give us a hand here. Scott and I seem to be the only ones in our group who know what we’re doing.” Scott joked, “Like Mike does.” Mike picked up a controller and then jabbed Scott in the ribs. Scott yelled, “Ouch mother fucker!” Mike laughed as he connected to the game and joined in the fighting. A few hours later, the three were done with the video game and shut it down. Tony then asked, “Anyone want a beer?” Scott replied, “Do any of us NOT want a beer?” Tony replied, “If I get one for Mike, he’s staying the night.” Before Mike could reply, Scott said, “Get him a beer. He’s staying.” Mike looked to Scott and said, “Thanks for making that decision for me, dad.” Scott sarcastically replied, “You are quite welcome, son.”

As they were on their second beer, Scott asked Mike, “So, David was your first?” Mike turned a shade of pink and said, “So, you actually want to go there Scott?” Scott replied, “Yeah, I do. It’s just between us Mike. We’re curious. After all, you kind of changed overnight, you know?” Tony chimed in, “Yeah Mike, it was like a switch suddenly got thrown. One minute you were attacking us for realizing we wanted to be together sexually and the next we find out you had sex with this David guy.” Mike surprised them with his response, “That’s your fault!” Scott grinned and asked, “Wait! What?” Tony asked, “How is it our fault, Mike?” Mike said, “Remember that day I walked in on you two fucking?” Scott said, “You mean when you creamed your own jeans watching us fucking?” Mike grinned and said, “Yeah, that was the time. I had a difficult time coming to terms with that. I had a hard time accepting that I had cum in my pants just watching the two of you , you know, doing it.” Tony grinned and said, “So basically what you’re saying is that seeing me fuck Scott turned you on?” Mike’s eyes were looking at his lap as he nodded his head and then said, “Yeah, it did, but what was the most confusing part was that Scott was begging you to fuck him harder.” Scott protested, “Hey! You..”, but Mike cut him off, “Hold on Scott. What I’m saying is that I was under the impression, wrongly, that in a homosexual relationship, one was the dominant one, or top and the other one was the submissive, or bottom and that it wasn’t necessarily a pleasant experience for the bottom. I was wrong and I guess begging is the wrong word. It was more like demanding. I had no idea!” Scott looked smugly at Mike and asked, “So, you thought I suddenly turned into a femme?” Mike understood what Scott was asking and said, “I didn’t really mean it that way, Scott. I didn’t even know which of you was fucking which until that day. I just had this stereotype in my head.” Tony interrupted, saying, “Actually, Mike, we fuck each other. Scott’s not always on the receiving end.” Mike smiled, recalling how he felt that day as Peter hit his prostate. At first it had surprised him. Then he realized how great it felt and how much more forcefully he had cum from it. Scott waved his hand in front of Mike’s face, “Earth to Mike! Are you with us?” Mike snapped out of his thoughts and said, “Sorry, I spaced out for a moment.” Scott replied, “Looks like you went to a good place. Did it have anything to do with a reported second encounter we heard about?” Mike grinned, “Maybe. What did you hear?” Tony and Scott looked at each other, then Scott said, “Just that David wasn’t the only guy you had sex with and that you may have gone further the second time. Why don’t you tell us about it.”

Mike was silent for a moment while he decided whether to tell them about it and if so, how much he would reveal. Then he began, “You probably already know it was with Peter. We were alone one day and I let it slip about my encounter with David and we talked about each of our first times, including Peter’s first time getting fucked, how he was nervous about it and how much he appreciated how gentle it was for him. I let him know about my pledge to Jules and he later asked if I wanted do some oral with him. I decided to do it and then he asked me to fuck him. Peter was my first gay fuck, and it was pretty hot. We then fell asleep, but I woke up an hour later and thought about how you were reacting to Tony fucking you and how Peter was telling me to fuck him harder and I got curious. I flipped around and pushed back into Peter who was sleeping, but he got hard when I pressed back into him. He actually apologized when he woke up to find his cock wedged in my butt crack. I asked him to fuck me. He asked if I was sure and I let him know it was now or never, and I trusted him. Peter then took my cherry.” Tony grinned and said, “So, you discovered your prostate.” Mike grinned and said, “You might say that and even put it in caps. I mean, holy fuck!” Scott and Tony both grinned, and Tony said, “Yeah,  discovering you have a sexual organ you weren’t aware of is a pretty big thing.” Mike grinned and said, “Says the king of understatement.” All three laughed. Then Scott asked the obvious question, “So Mike, why didn’t you come to Tony and me? We would have been glad to help you out with your experimentation.” Tony gave Scott a look like he already knew the answer to that question. Mike replied, “You guys are my best friends and once you came out to me I turned into a complete asshole toward you. I felt like a complete hypocrite and couldn’t bring myself to even approach that issue with you. I never considered sex between us ever happening. We’re best friends. We compete with each other, not get all lovey dovey and mushy.” Tony said, “Scott and I are best friends too, but we’re also now pretty much fiancés.” Mike grinned and said, “Yeah, but from what I witnessed that day, your sex was also pretty competitive.” Scott said, “Yeah, we now get lovey dovey, but our sex is always competitive.” Tony laughed and said, “I can’t argue with that.”

Things suddenly grew quiet, and you could feel the tension in the room, sexual tension. Tony broke the silence asking, “So, how about a game of cutthroat with a twist?” Mike asked, “What’s the twist?”. Tony grinned and said, “For every ball of yours that drops, you have to remove a piece of clothing.” Scott said, “I’m in.” Mike shook his head, saying, “Not me. You two will team up on me and insure I lose.” Scott grinned and said, “Probably.” Tony said, “Ok. So any other suggestions?” Mike asked, “Do you have a deck of cards? We could play poker.” Scott asked, “Strip poker?” Mike said, “At least it would be fair.” Tony walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a deck of cards and said, “Ok, how about we make sure we each have the same amount of clothes. What does the loser have to do, or better yet, what does the winner get?” Scott suggested, “How about the winner gets his dick sucked by the loser?” Mike asked Scott, “You’d be ok with Tony sucking my cock?” Tony and Scott both grinned and Scott replied, “I’d be more than ok with it. It would turn me on seeing Tony suck your dick or seeing you suck his dick.”  Mike laughed and said, “Or maybe you sucking my cock.” Tony said, “Now that would be worth watching!” Mike then got a little nervous, “I’m not sure I’m ready to have sex with either of you, at least not yet.” Tony looked to Scott and then back to Mike and said, “You did say you’re not sure, so how about we do this and if at any time you want to stop, we will. Would that work?” Mike shrugged his shoulders and said, “Ok, I’m in.”

They agreed to pass the deal on each turn and would play five-card-draw. They moved to the floor, sitting cross-legged. They cut the deck to see who would deal first. Mike won and dealt out five cards each, calling threes wild. Tony exchanged two, Scott exchanged three and Mike also exchanged three. Tony ended up winning the hand with three jacks and Scott and Mike removed a piece of clothing. The next hand was won by Mike. Tony and Scott removed clothes. After several hands, they were all down to their briefs and Tony still had his A-shirt on. Tony lost the A-shirt, but Mike also lost. His heart was rapidly beating as he removed his briefs. It wasn’t like Tony and Scott hadn’t seen him naked before, but this meant he was going to have to suck one of their cocks or decide to back out. He felt embarrassed in front of his best friends, but he decided he wouldn’t quit, at least not yet. He noticed both Tony and Scott were hard and stretching the fabric of their briefs. His own cock was chubbing up as well, but he didn’t have briefs to hide it. The final hand ended with Tony winning and Scott shed his briefs and his stiff cock sprang up slapping his abs. All three of them were now sporting steely stiff rods and Tony smiled at Mike, and then stood up and stepped in front of him grinning. Mike looked forward, seeing Tony’s hard shaft spring out in front of him as Tony pulled his briefs over his hips. Mike noticed the clear drop of precum forming at the tip of his cock and he felt compelled to reach out with his tongue and taste it. He resisted the urge due to his embarrassed state, but Tony wasn’t having it. Tony wiped his cock across Mike’s lips, spreading the precum across them. Mike then heard Scott say, “Come on Mike, take it.” Mike reached up and took Tony’s hard shaft in his hand and then stuck out his tongue and licked the remaining clear dew from the tip of Tony’s cock. He then swirled his tongue around the head of Tony’s cock, enjoying the soft texture of it. He then held it up towards Tony’s stomach and began lapping the underside of it. Scott was slowly stroking his own cock as he watched Mike then move down and lap at Tony’s balls, taking one then the other into his mouth, soaking them in his saliva. Scott then looked up at Tony and saw him grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Tony noticed Scott looking his way and he nodded his approval. Mike returned to licking Tony’s cock like a lollipop for a few licks, then put the head in his mouth while swirling his tongue around it. The he slowly slid down its length as far as he could and then began moving his lips back and forth across it. Tony and Scott grinned at each other as Scott continued to stroke his own hard cock, now slick with his precum. Scott slowly moved next to Tony and they began kissing. Mike was now stroking his own stiff rod as he bobbed on Tony’s delicious tasting cock. Mike saw another stiff cock bobbing in front of his face and he looked up with Tony’s cock still in his mouth and saw them kissing. They paused their kiss and looked down to see Mike looking up at them with his mouth full of cock. They both smiled down at him, and then he surprised them. While still holding Tony’s cock, Mike dropped his own cock and then grabbed Scott’s precum-dripping shaft and moved his mouth onto it. He bobbed on it for a while and then switched back to Tony’s while still holding Scott’s in his hand. Mike moved back and forth for a while before Scott pushed Mike’s hand off of his and then moved behind Mike. Scott laid down on the floor behind Mike and then maneuvered himself between Mike’s legs until he was looking up at Mike’s own cock and balls hanging in front of him. Tony knew what Scott was about to do and suggested they reposition themselves. Tony sat down on the sofa and then Mike moved in front of him on his knees and resumed sucking Tony’s cock. Scott slid back between Mike’s legs and was in a better position as he lapped at Mike’s balls and then took Mike’s cock in his mouth. Mike moaned on Tony’s cock in reaction to feeling Scott’s mouth on his own stiff rod. Then Scott moved back to Mike’s balls and periodically behind them to his taint. Suddenly Mike let out a whimper as he felt a wet tongue slide over his pucker. It was something he’d never felt before and sent a charge up through him from there up through his spine. Scott continued lapping there, periodically pushing his tongue briefly into the tight ring. Mike was seeing stars and it was causing involuntary whimpers and moans becoming louder as the tongue intruded further into him. His cock was oozing a string of precum into Scott’s golden wheat colored hair.

Suddenly, Tony pushed Mike off his cock and said, “My turn.” Scott slid out from under Mike and got up. Mike looked around, confused at what was happening. Scott then sat down where Tony had been and grinned at Mike. Mike smiled back at Scott, eager to repay the pleasure he had received from Scott, he immediately went to work on Scott’s stiff rod with a vengeance. Tony crouched down behind Mike and began rubbing his butt cheeks before spreading them and inserting his own tongue deep inside, causing Mike to again moan in pleasure. Tony attacked his hole with his tongue for a while before wetting a finger and inserting it into the spasming ring, slowly moving it in and out before adding a second. Mike was soon moaning in pleasure again as Tony’s fingers were just touching his joy button slightly, but enough to send jolts of pleasure through him to his throbbing cock. Mike’s back was soon arched to accept Tony’s intrusion as he eagerly slurped on Scott’s steely-hard cock. Tony then slowly pulled his fingers from Mike’s hole and asked, “Mike, do you want my cock in this hot hole of yours?” Mike eagerly nodded his head and continued on Scott’s cock. Tony slid on a condom and then lubed himself up before pressing the head of his cock against Mike’s tight pucker. He slowly slid in, pausing when he noticed the slightest discomfort from Mike. Eventually, he was pressed tightly against Mike’s buns and then slowly began pistoning in and out as Mike’s moans increased. Tony looked to Scott who was grinning widely, happy that their friend was enjoying it. Tony was getting close as was Scott, but Mike’s whimpering and moaning suddenly grew higher and louder and Tony felt his anal ring suddenly grip his cock tighter in pulses as Mike’s cock blasted cum in volley after volley onto the floor, the front of the sofa and even on his own abs and chest. Rush after rush coursed through Mike’s whole body and he thought it would never stop, nor did he want it to. This was the most intense orgasm of his life, and he didn’t want it to end. Tony felt Mike’s sphincter spasming around his cock, milking it just as he was building up into orgasm. It overwhelmed him and as much as he had wanted to pull out and blast his seed over his friend and his lover, he unloaded inside the condom inside Mike. Scott then yelled, “Fuck! I’m going to shoot!” Mike stayed on his cock and swallowed all he could, some escaping around the corners of his mouth and down his chin. When Scott finished emptying his seed, he and Tony both pulled Mike up onto the sofa and cleaned both Scott’s and his own cum from his body with their tongues before all three sat back in a blissful revelation of what had just transpired. With Mike between them, Tony and Scott each traded short kisses with Mike and then Tony said, “I think this just renewed a friendship that had endured some really tough times, but I always knew we would get through it, I just didn’t know how at times.” Scott then said, “Yeah, that was fantastic and we’re going to have to come up with something incredible to top it. Maybe next time we could get Julie involved.”, Scott winked at Tony. Mike replied, “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”


End of Chapter 67

by Derek D

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024