An Unexpected Turn

by Derek D

31 Dec 2021 570 readers Score 9.5 (28 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Avengers Assemble

‘In the hospital once again’, I thought to myself as they wheeled us both into emergency. We both had IV’s hooked to us and doctors and nurses checking everything but our height. Dr. Green was in and out of the room and it seemed a permanent smile was pasted on his face. They eventually put us in a room together and after the nurse gave us each a shot, and as she was leaving said, “Sweet dreams guys. You need the rest”. I looked over at Ian and he smiled and said, “They should have let us share a bed”. I smiled back and said, “Like we’d have gotten any rest if they’d have allowed that”, but before I had finished the sentence, Ian was out. I was out immediately after.

“When can we see them”, Carl was asking for the umpteenth time at the nurse’s station. The nurse rolled her eyes and said, “Like I told each of you a half hour ago, they’re getting some much-needed sleep. As soon as they wake up, we’ll allow you to see them, but only three guests at a time”. “That’s three guests for each patient, right”, Tony asked? The nurse said, “Yes, but. Oh, I see where this is going”. Just then Dr. Green walked up and said, “I’m sure we can make an exception in this case”. The nurse looked up and smiled, then said, “Certainly Dr. Green”.

I woke up and looked out the window. It was dark. I had slept all day and still felt worn out, but I was also starving. Ian was still sleeping. He looked so peaceful. I wanted to walk over and climb in next to him and hold him so badly. One of the nurses entered the room and noticed I was awake, “Mr. Andrews, how are you feeling”? I smiled at her and replied, “I’m still a bit tired, but mostly I’m starving. Could I get something to eat”? She smiled and said, “I can get you something to eat, but only something light for now. Too much too soon isn’t a good idea right now. We’ve been giving you nutrients through your IV”. I rolled my eyes, “I’m hungry for real food, not liquid vitamins”. She laughed and said, “I’ll bring you something and your friend as well. After he’s awake and you’ve both eaten, would you feel up to some visitors”? I smiled and said, “Sure. We’d love to see one of our friends”. She laughed again and quickly covered her mouth fearing she’d wake Ian, then she said, “The waiting room’s been filled with people wanting to visit you all day. Fortunately, most of them were convinced to go home and return tomorrow, but we have some hard cases who refused to leave. They’ve been here all day asking about you every few minutes”. I smiled and figured it was Carl and Chad.

As the nurse left, I noticed Ian stirring. He slowly opened his eyes and realized where he was. “Sleeping beauty finally awakens. How ya feeling stud”, I asked him? “Like I could use eight more hours of sleep”, Ian groggily replied, then added, “Got an extra blanket over there. I’m freezing”. I felt bad for him, “Sorry, but I don’t. I’d come over and warm you myself, but they got all these tubes in us”. Ian looked at me and smiled, “I wish you could. I can’t wait until we’re back home in our own bed”. “You and me both”, I agreed. A half hour later the nurse returned with two blankets saying, “I thought I’d bring these in for you. I realize you were down in the cold and damp for days”. “You must be psychic. I’m freezing”, Ian said. The nurse grinned and threw another blanket over Ian and said, “Your food should be here any minute. Like I said, it will only be a light meal, but if you hold it down alright, we can give you a bigger breakfast in the morning”. As if on cue, the door opened, and a young guy came in with a cart and served us each a tray with a small bowl of beef stew and a roll. It wasn’t a lot, but it tasted great and was surprisingly, still hot. Before she left, I asked the nurse to give the extra blanket she’d brought for me to Ian. Oddly, the young food deliverer stayed in the room with us while we ate and after the nurse had gone, he asked us, “I heard you’re Steve Andrews and Ian O’Connor. The guys buried in the landslide. Is that true”? I had just finished and set the bowl back down on the tray, “Yes, that’s us. Why do you ask”? Suddenly, a tear ran down the kid’s cheek as he said, I volunteered to bring this meal up. I usually help in the kitchen, but when I heard this was for you two, I asked if I could bring it up myself. I wanted to thank you for what you did. That was my niece and nephew you saved up there. I prayed every day they would find you both alive and when I heard you were found safe, I broke down on the spot crying for joy”. Ian finished his stew and said, “Thanks for the stew and for praying for us, dude. What’s your name”? A small smile crossed his face, “It’s Jeremy, but that’s not all of it. As I was on my knees crying my eyes out, I felt a hand on each of my shoulders and someone said, “You know, with real endings like this, we need better writers”. I opened my eyes and there was Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo with a hand on my shoulders. Now I’m thinking this was the best day ever, and it was, but I started thinking; these two guys are two of my favorite Avengers, but my favorite heroes are you two”. I think Ian may be rubbing off on me, but I couldn’t resist, “Well, Chris Evans did admit Ian has a nicer butt than his”. Ian turned bright red, and Jeremy laughed. I then added, “But seriously, we have heroes around us every day. Doctors without Borders, the police who serve and protect us every day and the firemen who rush into burning and sometimes collapsing buildings to save us. I’m no hero, just a normal guy who does what any one of us should do in that situation. Who wouldn’t try to save two kids about to plunge over the side of a mountain? I don’t consider myself a hero, just a lucky guy to be in the right place at the right time, and lucky to have someone like Ian beside me”. Jeremy smiled and said, “All I know is that you’re heroes in my eyes and many others’ too. I’m really glad they let me bring this food up to you. I’m on tomorrow, so if you want something special, just have someone let me know and I’ll make sure you get it”. Ian couldn’t help himself, “A Medium Filet with a baked potato would be nice with a side of asparagus. I don’t get to have asparagus at home. Steve hates it”. I just grinned and shook my head. Jeremy didn’t miss a beat and asked, “What would you like Steve”? It took a second to realize Jeremy was taking Ian seriously, before saying, “Jeremy, Ian’s joking. He doesn’t really expect filet mignon”. Jeremy smiled and said, “That’s ok. I’ll do my best to deliver regardless”. Ian then said, “Get Steve the same, but with broccoli instead of asparagus”. “Got it”, Jeremy said. I just laughed and said, “You’re incorrigible Ian”. Jeremy looked at Ian and said, “I don’t even know what that means”. Ian just giggled and obviously, it drove me crazy, as Jr. came to attention, but nothing was going to happen. Damn him!

The nurse returned and asked if we wanted some visitors, so Jeremy left, thanking us again and swearing he’d do his best to deliver for us. I smiled at her and said, “I’d rather have more food, but since that’s not an option, visitors would be the next best thing”. “If there’s one less visitor that leaves than came in it’s because Steve ate them”, Ian said with an evil grin. The nurse laughed and said, “I’ll be sure to warn them to keep their distance. Unfortunately for you though, they’re all guys, but every one of them looks good enough to eat in my opinion”. She continued laughing as she walked back out. Ian grinned at me and said, “If she only knew”. I just grinned back.

Minutes later, in walked Carl, Chad, Ryan, Tony, Scott and Mike. “How are you guys feeling”, Chad asked? “Tired, still hungry and I can’t seem to get warm”, Ian complained. “I even gave him the extra blanket the nurse brought in for me”, I said, then added, “I’d like to crawl in beside him, but that wouldn’t go over too well”. Carl said, “You’d probably get all those tubes and wires tangled up knowing you two”. “We’d have fun doing it though”, Ian said proudly. Everyone laughed. Carl approached me and asked, “Seriously though Steve, how are you doing”? I knew Carl wasn’t just asking about how I felt physically. “I’m doing ok Carl. I’m glad this is over, and everyone came out ok”, I said. “Except for that engineer”, Chad said, and then regretted it once everyone gave him a dirty look. “What do you mean Chad”, I asked? Chad knew he couldn’t ignore my question, so he replied, “Well, there was an explosion. You guys probably heard it or even felt it. He was standing too close and was struck by some debris and was killed. They thought a firefighter had died too, but he was resuscitated”. “Chad”, Carl warned! Ian just stared at me, and I suddenly felt terrible, “Oh my god! My FOB must have triggered it when I pulled myself from the hole I was in. We heard it right after I climbed out”. “No”, Tony suddenly yelled, startling everyone! We all looked at him and he explained, “Look, I was there when the lead engineer and Greg were talking about it. He said that the explosion was caused by the cars shifting together and that one of the car’s security alarm went off which resulted in the explosion”. I shook my head and said, “That doesn’t mean that my FOB didn’t set off that security alarm”. Scott then said, “I was with Tony and Mark, the lead engineer said your FOB signal couldn’t have gotten through the rock, Steve. Even if it could have, it wouldn’t have been your fault”. I thought about how soon between climbing out of the hole and when I heard the alarm, and it was too close to be a coincidence in my opinion. Regardless, I tried not to let that bother me and instead enjoy the company of my friends.

I noticed Ryan remaining quiet and called him over, “Ryan! How are you? I haven’t had a chance to say thank you for jumping into that pond and helping Ian and I out of the water. Where’s Peter? I remember he was there as well”. Ryan said, “No thanks are needed Steve. Peter’s out in the waiting room. He thought there might be too many people in the room, so he decided to stay out there”. I shook my head and yelled, “Scott, would you go and bring Peter in here with us”? Scott smiled and said, “You got it Steve”, and left to go get him. I looked back to Ryan and asked, “So, have you and Peter been hanging out at school”? Ryan smiled and said, “I’ve been showing him around campus, and we’ve been hanging out a bit, but we haven’t done anything, you know, physical, if that’s what you’re asking”. I smiled, “Sorry Ryan. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I was just curious. I think you’d make a cute couple”. Ryan turned a bit pink and said, “I don’t even know if he’s interested in me that way”. I rolled my eyes, “Are you blind? It’s pretty obvious he likes you”. Ryan grinned and said, “From what I’ve seen, the kid likes anything that’s male and walks on two legs”. Just then Scott walked back in, followed by Peter. Ian greeted him, “Hey Peter. Thanks! If it wasn’t for you and Ryan, Steve and I might have drowned in four feet of water”. Peter laughed and said, “I was glad to help. It wasn’t four feet until we were close to shore though. At the waterfall, it may have been more than ten feet deep”. Then came the question. Mike asked, “How did you two know where to find them”? The room went completely silent.

Peter shrugged his shoulders, so everyone looked to Ryan. Just then the nurse came in and said, “Visiting time is over boys. You can come back tomorrow”. “Ryan, Peter! Hold on a second”, I called. As the rest of the guys said goodnight, Ryan and Peter remained in the room and I asked them, “Are you staying in town for a bit? If so, you can stay at my place. I’ll have the nurse get my house key”. Ryan said, “Yeah, we got a few days off classes because of what happened. I hadn’t thought of where we’d stay until you asked”. The nurse heard and opened a cabinet in the room, and she fished out my pants from a bag. When she pulled out the keys from my pants pocket, parts scattered all over the floor. “What on earth”, she asked? Peter bent down and began picking up pieces. When he was done, he held the remnants of my FOB in his palm. “It doesn’t look like that could have set off any alarm”, Ryan said, grinning. “I hope you have a spare”, the nurse said. Ian started laughing and said, “Why? The car it’s to is in as bad a shape as that FOB”. The nurse looked horrified as she said, “Oh! I’m so sorry to hear that”. Ryan then said, “It’s ok. The car and FOB can be replaced. What counts is that Steve and Ian are alive and well”. “Amen to that”, Peter said. Ian then said, “We may be alive, but I’m still freezing and starving to death. They only fed us an appetizer”. The nurse rolled her eyes and said, “We’ll bring you breakfast in the morning sir”. I laughed and said, “Don’t mind Ian. He just likes to complain although I’m still hungry myself”. The nurse then laughed and said, “I was told by the nurse that I relieved to make sure and count all the visitors when they left to make sure you hadn’t eaten any of them”. Everyone laughed and then Peter said, “I guess that’s our cue to leave while we’re still in one piece”. More laughter. I called Ryan over before he left and said, “About Mike’s question; how did you know where to find us”? Ryan hesitated and then said, “If it’s ok with you Steve, I’d rather wait until I’m alone with you and Ian for that”. I looked into his eyes and then just nodded. After everyone left, I said to Ian, “Even though we slept all day, I’m beat. I think I’m going to call it a night. Are you still cold”? Ian giggled, the bastard, and then said, “I was just joking earlier. With these three blankets, I’m plenty warm and plenty tired too. Hopefully my empty stomach won’t keep me awake”. I laughed and said, “What a whiner. Goodnight stud. See you in the morning”.

As I slowly stirred awake, I heard voices. “I don’t know about this” “The Hospital Director approved it himself” “Put them over there”

I opened my eyes and saw someone leaving the room and then felt a presence near me. Two figures were standing at my bedside. As my eyes came into focus, I said, “Well, I never expected to wake up and find Captain America and Bruce Banner standing at my bed”. “Please, call me Chris”, Chris Evans said. “And it’s Mark”, Mark Ruffalo said, then added, “You’re lucky Iron Man isn’t with us. He’d be trying to recruit you to join us in the next Avengers adventure”. I grinned and then heard Ian ask, “Can we Steve, please”. Laughter filled the room and I said, “Don’t even think about it stu, um Ian”. Chris raised his eyebrows and Mark smiled. Chris then said, “About these boxes”, I then noticed there were several boxes in a pile in the room, “they’re full of autograph requests”. “Um, ok. Why are they here”, I asked, confused?  Mark grinned and said, “We figured you’d be able to sign these before you were released. The rest are being delivered to your house Steve”. Ian asked, “They want Steve’s autograph”? “And yours, Ian”, Chris said, “Mark and I will add ours as well once your signatures are on them”. I looked at the boxes and said, “Seriously”? “Let me explain”, Chris began, “Mark and I went up there to see if we could help in some way. You see, you’ve drawn some attention with what the two of you have already done. It’s great to see some real heroes in action for a change. We didn’t expect the media attention to start focusing on us. So, we decided to use it to help, so we decided to charge a small fee to get autographs from you two and Mark and I would add our names as well. All proceeds will be divided between your local and state rescue departments and flood relief. That is if you and Ian agree to it”. “How could we not”, Ian said excitedly. I smiled, “I guess that’s your answer. It would be good to find something positive out of this tragedy, all the flooding and then the landslide”. Chris gave me a strange look and then said, “About that Steve. We heard a rumor that you two knew it was coming which is why you were there. There’s usually some truth behind these stories”. I avoided eye contact and said, “I’m not sure what you’re referring to. Ian and I were just returning from dropping a friend off at the airport”. Mark interrupted, “Just like you were on your way home the night you rescued those kids from the car accident and then there’s the joyride in the country to find a house fire”. Chris jumped in again, “That Mountain wasn’t on your way home from the airport, Steve”. Ian tried to help, “The traffic was backed up and Steve was trying to find a way around it”. Mark then said, “Look, we may be just actors, but even we can see there are way too many coincidences going on here”.

“You’re right”, I said. Ian tried to help me, “Steve, you don’t have to tell them”. I looked at Ian and nodded, “It’s ok, Ian. We can trust them not to tell anyone else. Am I right”? Chris looked to Mark and then they both looked to me and nodded. “I guess it started after we had the accident on the highway when we were returning from a project we were on. Anyway, it was after that, when I was on my way home, I felt a need to take a different way home. I didn’t even question it at the time. I just did it and I came upon the car accident. I didn’t have any idea that that’s what I’d find. The house fire was kind of the same, Ian and I were just taking a Sunday drive. I stopped to ask him to marry me”. “Steve!’, Ian realized what I’d said! Chris gave a slight smile and said, “He said yes, I hope”? I nodded and felt a tear on my cheek as I smiled at Ian, then continued, “Yes, he did. It was right after that; we both smelled smoke and then saw the house. Smoke was billowing out a window. We jumped from the car and ran in. Neither of us had any idea about it before hand. The landslide was different though. We both had dreams or nightmares about it, but it was always so jumbled, and we had no idea where it was. We had seen the kids about to go over the cliff in the car. We had found ourselves going over that same cliff. We were in the dark and heard the explosion, but it was always fragments. Ian was telling you the truth when he said we were trying to avoid a traffic jam. We had no idea until we heard the woman scream and began running toward it. That’s when Ian said to me that this was our dream”. “But you ran to save those kids anyway, knowing you were going to go over that cliff yourselves”, Mark said more than asked. I just nodded and said, “Anyone else would have done the same”. Chris gave Mark a doubtful look and said, “Knowing what you already knew? I doubt it”. “So, anyway, can I get an invitation”, Mark suddenly asked? Ian and I both looked at him, confusion on our faces. “The wedding”, he explained. I smiled sheepishly and said, “It would be our honor to have you both there”. Chris shook his head, “No, it will be our honor to attend. Well, it’s almost breakfast and other visitors will be arriving, so we better disappear. Our cell numbers are in your cell phones. We’ll be in touch. Call me anytime, either of you”. They then headed out.

The young nurse from the day before came in the room a few minutes later and said, “Your two visitors resemble those two actors who play The Hulk and Captain America in the movies”. Ian grinned and said, “Yeah, they get that a lot”. “Where did these boxes come from”, she asked? “Paperwork for us, unfortunately”, I said, tongue in cheek. Ian just grinned, thankfully. The breakfast cart then rolled in, and they were true to their word. The cart was loaded, and it was all for the two of us. We pigged out on bacon, sausage, eggs, fruit, cereal, pancakes, English muffins, toast, orange juice and coffee. It all tasted so good, but they were right as the saying goes, ‘our eyes were bigger than our stomachs’. We wanted to keep eating, but our stomachs must have shrunk, and we couldn’t fit any more. We had many visitors throughout the day besides our close friends, including Greg and the state’s lead engineer, Mark. Melissa stopped by with little Ben and the list went on and on. The whole time we had the visitors handing us autograph requests that we were signing. We were exhausted at days end. Fortunately, we were being released in the morning.

When the uber dropped off Ryan and Peter at Steve’s house, Peter seemed amazed. “Nice place. I feel like we’re intruding”, he said. Ryan laughed, “Steve’s a very generous guy. We’re not intruding. He’d insist we make ourselves at home and we have to make sure we’re ready to welcome him home when they get released”, Ryan said. Ryan showed Peter around the house except for Steve and Ian’s bedroom and the private deck. He showed him the patio, but said he’d show him more of the outside, including the pool in the morning. Ryan made them a drink and they went in and sat on the sofa in the living room. “So, how are your classes going so far”, Ryan asked, trying to get a conversation going. “Ok, I guess. The year’s just starting though”, Peter replied, then added, “I appreciated you showing me around”. Ryan grinned and said, “Steve would have insisted”. “Actually, I meant the campus, but thanks for showing me Steve’s place too. It’s bigger than I would have thought. He must be loaded”. “He said a lot of it was from inheriting his dad and mom’s money when they died in a car accident, though he’s got a good job as well”, Ryan explained as he opened his legs further to make contact with Peter’s. Peter didn’t flinch, but he took a large sip of his drink showing his nervousness. Ryan slowly rested his right hand on Peter’s left thigh and rubbed it lightly, asking, “Is this ok”? Peter just nodded nervously as he took another sip of his drink. Ryan then lightly squeezed Peter’s thigh and asked, “You seem pretty nervous Peter. Do you want me to stop”? Peter shook his head and said, “No. It’s just I”. Ryan then asked him, “You’re not going to tell me you’re a virgin are you”. Peter avoided eye contact with Ryan as he said, “Not exactly”. Ryan hesitated, but then asked, “Are you not attracted to guys or is it just me, because you seemed to um, come to attention when you were near us at the restaurant”? Peter turned crimson and said, “No Ryan, I really like you. It’s just that I, I really haven’t done much of anything before”. “I thought you just said you weren’t a virgin”, Ryan asked?

Peter took a deep breath and said, “A couple years ago, I slept at a friend’s house. We were in the same classes at school. After dinner, we played video games and watched TV and then his mom came in and said it was time for bed, so we turned off the TV. When she left the room, Kyle began getting undressed for bed. He took off everything but his underwear. I had brought my pajamas with, but after I took my clothes off and went to my bag to get my pajamas, Kyle told me not to put them on and to just get in bed with him in just our underwear. I was worried because when Kyle stripped down to his underwear, I started to get a woody and I was afraid he’d notice and tell everyone at school. I quickly climbed into bed and under the covers, but he must have seen it, because he was grinning at me. Then he asked me if I ever played with it when it’s hard. I didn’t answer. He suddenly pulled the covers down and exposed my cock pushing up against my underwear. There was a wet spot where the tip was pointing up. I wanted to run out of there as fast as I could, but he just giggled and said to look. He had the same situation going on in his underwear. Then he asked if he could touch it. He had my attention then. I nodded yes because I couldn’t talk, my throat was too dry. He reached over and grabbed my dick through my underwear, and I almost shot my cum. He just laughed at my reaction, then he grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand onto his woody. It felt really weird touching another boy’s dick, but I liked it. I began rubbing it like he was doing to me. Then he reached into the waistband of my underwear and grabbed my bare dick. It felt like a jolt of electricity ran through me and lots of clear liquid poured out. At first, I thought I was cumming. He just grinned wickedly, and I did too. He nodded toward my hand on his dick, and I knew what he wanted, so I reached in and grabbed his bare dick too. It felt so hot, and he had slick liquid coming out of his dick too. We soon had our underwear off and were stroking each other’s dicks. It felt so lit! The liquid kept oozing from our dicks which I later learned is precum and it kept everything really slick. Then Kyle asked me to suck his dick, to put it in my mouth. I said no. I wanted to, but I was afraid he’d tell someone. He asked if I would do it if he did too. I said OK, so he flipped around so his head was toward the bottom of the bed and then he put his mouth over my dick. I almost yelled at the shock. It felt so good. Then I noticed he was thrusting his dick toward me, so I slowly put my mouth over his dick too. We didn’t have any idea what we were doing, but he was soon sliding his lips back and forth on my dick and I imitated what he was doing. He must have sensed that I was ready to cum because he pulled his mouth off my dick, and pulled his out of mine, then flipped back up next to me in the bed. We stroked each other off then. He shot his cum all over my hand and his stomach and as I watched him cum, my dick began shooting cum all over. Kyle was laughing while he covered my mouth because I was too loud. I had made a big mess. I had cum all over both of us and the bed. I think his mom must have heard us because she didn’t allow me to sleep over again and wouldn’t allow Kyle to sleep over at my house either after that night”.

“So, that’s it”, Ryan asked as he recalled telling Steve and Ian a similar story some time back before they awakened him to the pleasures of consensual, freely given sex. Peter half-smiled and said, “Yes. Is that ok”? Ryan smiled as he set his drink down and then took Peter’s drink from his hand and set it down as well. Then Ryan leaned over and kissed Peter briefly on the lips and then asked, “Is that ok”? Peter smiled and replied, “More than ok”. Ryan then leaned in and kissed him again, but more deeply this time and soon his tongue was searching Peter’s mouth as Peter moaned in pleasure. They kissed for a while and Peter soon was dueling with Ryan’s tongue. Suddenly Ryan’s hand was on Peter’s throbbing cock and his moans grew louder. Hands were soon all over each other until Ryan suddenly stopped and got up. Taking Peter’s hand, he pulled him up and led him into one of the guest bedrooms. Clothes came off and they were soon tangling naked on the bed, grinding their hard cocks against each other. Ryan slowly began kissing his way down Peter’s body, licking, and nibbling on each nipple and then slowly licking his way down to his naval and plunging it in. Peter’s stomach muscles instantly tightened, and his legs pulled up. Ryan stopped and grinned up at Peter, “That’s a very sensitive spot isn’t it”, he said. “Oh my god yes! No one’s ever done that to me before”, Peter said wide-eyed! Ryan went right back to it and Peter yelled, “OH fuck”! Ryan felt the slick, wet tip of Peter’s cock rubbing against his chin, so he soon abandoned Peter’s naval cavity and began licking his hard shaft from his balls up to the tip. Peter’s hands were gripping the blanket on either side of him as these new sensations poured over him and Ryan was enjoying every minute of it. He realized now how much fun Steve and Ian must have been having with him the first time. He took each of Peter’s balls into his mouth and sucked on them, driving Peter wild and then slowly licked back up his throbbing shaft which was jumping around frantically. Ryan then put his lips over just the head of Peter’s cock and used his tongue in circling motions lapping away the copious amount of precum flooding up through the slit. “Oh my god! Holy fuck!”, Peter cried out and then Ryan’s lips began sliding up and down his shaft. In no time Peter felt his orgasm approaching. He was about to cum, but suddenly Ryan pulled off his cock and grabbed his scrotum at the base and pulled down on his balls, stretching them down. Peter groaned, but then he realized his pending orgasm had faded. Ryan then resumed working Peter’s hard cock with his mouth and tongue until Peter was once again on the verge of cumming. Ryan again stopped and stretched his balls downward. Ryan repeated this several times until Peter was beating his fists on the bed and begging Ryan to let him cum. This time, Ryan stayed on Peter’s hard cock until it exploded in his mouth. Peter cried out loudly as he saw stars as his cock began blasting out the biggest load of cum he had ever produced. Ryan tried swallowing it, but there was way too much, and it began flowing out of the corners of his mouth. Some even came out of his nose. As Peter’s orgasm subsided, he just laid there trying to catch his breath. Ryan climbed to his knees to look at the shocked expression on Peter’s face and smiled. Peter’s glassy eyes eventually came back into focus as he caught his breath and he looked at a smiling Ryan. Peter began laughing at both the most amazing experience he’d ever had as well as Ryan’s smiling face with cum dripping from his chin. Ryan then climbed over Peter and brought his mouth to his and kissed him, sharing his own cum with him. Peter kissed back hungrily, tasting his own cum and Ryan’s sweet lips. Eventually, Ryan rolled off Peter and laid beside him. Both Peter and Ryan had huge smiles on their faces. Peter had just had the best experience of his life and Ryan was really happy he had given Peter that experience. Even though Ryan insisted it wasn’t necessary, Peter insisted he return the favor. Even though Peter was inexperienced in giving head, Ryan enjoyed seeing Peter enthusiastically trying his best and soon was filling Peter’s mouth with its first load of cum and he sucked it down greedily except for a small amount which he saved to share with Ryan in a kiss. After that, they both slept wrapped in each other’s arms.

End of Chapter 40

by Derek D

Email: [email protected]

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