An Unexpected Turn

by Derek D

8 May 2022 714 readers Score 8.7 (27 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


Steve woke up in a daze. Something was bothering him. Then he realized Ian wasn’t in bed with him. He slowly made his way through the house looking for Ian, though he didn’t call for him because there were others in the house he may awaken. As he left the empty kitchen, he thought maybe Ian may be downstairs, but then he felt compelled to check the deck. He returned to the bedroom and just as he got to the glass door that led out to the deck, he saw Ian standing on the railing. A sudden fear struck him, but before he could say or do anything, Ian yelled out, “Shit!” and fell off the railing, surely plummeting to his death below. Steve suddenly sat up in bed with a jolt in a cold sweat and yelled, “Ian”! It had been a bad dream, but where was Ian as he wasn’t in the bed with him. Then he heard a voice yell, “Shit”! It was Ian’s voice and had come from the deck area. Steve’s heart went to his throat, “Ian! No”, Steve yelled as he jumped from the bed and ran out to the deck almost breaking the glass doors as he scrambled through them in his haste. “Ian! Oh my god, no”, Steve cried out as tears flowed down his cheeks! He was afraid to look over the railing. He’d seen it in his dream. But it couldn’t be happening. Not now.

“I could use a hand down here”, a voice called out! Steve was startled from his state of shock and depression, “Ian”? Steve looked over the railing and about six feet down, Ian was hanging from a lanyard, trying to pull himself back up. He was having a difficult time because the lanyard was connected between his shoulder blades, and it was difficult to pull himself up in that position. Tears continued to flow from Steve’s eyes even though he was suddenly laughing, overjoyed at seeing Ian safe. Steve then took notice of the tie offs Ian had made to connect the lanyard. He began pulling Ian up as he cursed him, “You fucking scared the hell out of me Ian! What were you thinking! I thought I’d lost you”! Ian suddenly realized with what they’d been through, how Steve must have felt, “I’m sorry Steve. I wanted to get a head start and didn’t want anyone else to have to hang these lights. I made sure to wear a harness and made sure the lanyard was secure. I didn’t think it would be this difficult to get back up if I did fall”. Even though he was glad to see Ian was ok, he was furious at the risk Ian had taken by himself. Tears were still freely flowing down his cheeks as he had Ian halfway to the railing.

Carl had awakened to a sound. Then he heard Steve call out Ian’s name in what sounded like desperation. He jumped out of bed and shook Chad awake as he threw on his briefs and ran toward Steve and Ian’s bedroom. He knocked on the door and called out, “Steve, is everything ok”? When he received no reply, he opened the door to find the room empty. He hurried to the glass doors to the deck and then saw Steve at the railing, “Oh my god”. He ran out onto the deck and found Ian on the other side of the railing being helped over it by Steve. As soon as Ian’s feet were on the deck, Steve grabbed him in a hug, “Oh my god Ian! Don’t ever scare me like that again! I’m going to kill you for this”! “I’m really sorry, Steve. I wasn’t thinking about this happening and what you’d think. I’m so sorry. I know you’re mad at me and you have a right to be”. Ian could feel Steve shaking as he held him in his arms. “What happened”, Carl asked, suddenly aware that Steve was completely naked? “What’s going on guys”, Chad asked as he stepped out onto the deck? Steve was too overwhelmed with emotions to talk, so Ian began to explain with his head pulled tightly against Steve’s chest, “It’s my fault. I wanted to decorate out here but didn’t want anyone else to have to do this part. I woke up early this morning and thought I’d get a head start. I remembered asking Steve what these eyebolts were for, and he’d said they were for when someone needed to work outside the railing, so I put on a harness and secured the lanyard to both eyebolts to make sure. After the fall over the mountain, I wasn’t taking any chances. I guess I should have told someone though”. It was Chad’s turn to be angry, “What the fuck were you thinking Ian? You could have given us a heart attack”! “I know. I’m sorry”, Ian apologized.

“What’s all the commotion about”, Mike asked, appearing at the door to the deck. As he stepped out, he saw Steve was naked and hugging a harnessed Ian. He was too late, Julie stepped out right behind him, “Oh”, she said, seeing Carl and Chad in their briefs and a totally naked Steve standing there on the deck. Chad explained what had occurred as Mike and Julie listened, though Julie was a bit distracted by the fact that Chad was in his briefs. She was also sneaking glances over at Steve, impressed by his solid frame and firm, muscular butt. Unfortunately, she couldn’t get a look at what was hanging between his legs because he was pressed tightly against Ian. Mike shook his head after Chad finished explaining and then noticed Julie’s wandering eyes. “Um, Julie. Let’s finish getting dressed and make some coffee for everyone. Julie turned pink, realizing she had been caught looking. Mike steered her back out from the deck area.

“Looks like you rigged this up pretty well Ian”, Carl said as he looked over the way Ian had anchored the lanyard. “Steve, you’re crushing me. Can I get out of this harness now”, Ian asked, with his face still plastered against Steve’s chest? Steve reluctantly released Ian from his bear hug and said, “Don’t you ever scare me like that again”. Ian grinned sheepishly and said, “I said I’m sorry Steve. I guess I wasn’t thinking of what might happen. Don’t worry, I won’t do it again without letting someone know and I’ll make sure there is someone else present before I do this again”. Steve finally smiled as he wiped the tears from his eyes. He leaned in and kissed Ian and then helped him get out of the harness. Chad then said, “Steve, could you put that on for a minute”? Steve suddenly realized he’d been out there this whole time completely naked. He also realized the nature of Chad’s request, “Not gonna happen Chad”, he replied grinning and then added, “Ok guys, thanks for coming out to help, but how about letting Ian and I have a moment. We’ll be out in a couple minutes and get breakfast started”. Carl replied, “No problem, Steve. We’ll get breakfast started, so take your time. By the way, I think Julie approved of your birthday suit”, he added, laughing before heading to finish getting dressed himself. Chad followed with a grin on his face. Ian grinned and said, “Steve, you’re blushing”.

While Carl, Mike and Julie began breakfast, Chad went down to wake up Tony and Scott. Instead, he found Tony pounding Scott’s ass. Scott’s knees were on either side of his ears as Tony held him under his knees and slammed into his upturned ass. Scott was begging him to go faster and harder. Sweat was rolling down Tony’s back and dripping off his nose onto Scott’s chest. Chad looked on quietly while rubbing his own hardon through his pants. Soon Scott began firing cum onto his chest neck and face and immediately Tony grunted out that he was cumming as well, inside Scott. Chad then made them aware of his presence by stating, “Better way to wake up than Carl and I had this morning”. Tony and Scott just turned toward Chad and grinned. Chad then headed up to allow Tony and Scott to get cleaned up.

Tony and Scott emerged from downstairs at the same time that Steve and Ian emerged from their bedroom. “Morning guys”, Steve greeted. “It is a great morning isn’t it”, Scott said. Ian lowered his eyes and said, “That all depends on your point of view”. Steve grinned and said, “Yeah, it’s never good when you start off the morning falling over a cliff”. Ian rolled his eyes. Tony looked confused and said, “Wait. What”? Ian shook his head and said, “So you guys didn’t get the news yet? Don’t worry, I’m sure it will be the breakfast conversation”. Ian was right and he would have preferred to have stayed in bed, but it was soon over, at least breakfast was. The ribbing would go on all day, especially because Ian, for the most part, remained on the ground all day directing the others doing the decorating. The main joke or inference was that he was grounded. He took it as well as could be expected since he knew he had fucked up in not letting anyone know what he had planned that morning. Everyone was starving by lunch and they were rewarded with barbequed ribs, baked potatoes, broccoli and for desert, apple pie with choice of ice cream topping.

After lunch, they put the final touches on the decorations and then agreed to stay through Sunday morning. Mike then took Julie for a walk down to the water while the rest played pickup basketball. Mike and Julie returned in time to watch the third game, and each cheered for a different team. After the game was over, they all showered before Ian and Steve prepared dinner although everyone insisted on assisting. They all enjoyed the T-bone steaks, baked potatoes, and sweet peas as well as the strawberry shortcake for dessert. While waiting for sunset and the Christmas light lightshow afterward, they played charades. None of them were very good at it which made it all that more hilarious. By the time the game was over, it was completely dark outside, and Ian turned on the lights.  It was an awesome sight to behold. Chad said, “I’m glad I don’t pay your electric bill”, which received some laughter. Ian replied, “They’re LED lights, so they’re probably less than half the cost as they would be otherwise”. Ian then insisted on everyone piling into the back of the pickup and driving down to the entrance to see the lights as someone would entering the property, of course everyone had to promise to keep their eyes closed until they were at the driveway entrance. Once Ian had arrived at the end of the driveway and turned around, he said, “Ok everyone, we’re here. You can open your eyes”. As he moved from the entrance up the driveway, the lighting went through subtle, but noticeable changes of color and intensity. It just seemed to get better and better until they arrived at the house, and it all opened up, and focused on the tree. As he stopped the pickup and got out, Ian asked, “So what do you think”? Everyone was just sitting there with their mouths hanging open in awe. Finally, Julie said, “This is just so lit! I would have never realized when you were being so picky with moving a string a foot this way or that way that it was going to result in this work of art”. Mike was still staring at it, but said, “That’s what this is, a work of art”. Steve jumped from the back of the truck and embraced Ian in a hug and said, “This is awesome Ian. I love it and everyone who comes here will as well. I didn’t know you had an eye for art, but obviously you do”. Ian replied, “Thanks Steve. Does this mean you are no longer mad at me, and could I breathe now”? Steve laughed and released his bear hug and then said, “Of course I’m not mad at you any longer. I can never stay mad at you”. “Look”, Ian said. Steve turned to look and saw just about everyone taking pictures of the lighting with their cell phones. Ian smiled and said, “Don’t forget that you all helped to set this all up. Thanks”.

As they all stood around commenting on the lights, they heard the faint sound of a vehicle very slowly coming up the driveway. Whoever it was, they were obviously taking in the wonderful lighting. Everyone was wondering who it might be, except Steve. He just stood there smiling. Eventually they could make out two sets of vehicle lights, but the headlights on both vehicles were turned off so they had a better view of the Christmas lights. As the vehicles drew closer, you could see the occupants staring wide-eyed and with mouths agape at the lighting display before them. In the first car, Greg was driving, with Catherine in the passenger seat. Cindy and the twins, Greg and Davey, were in the back seat looking amazed. Benjamin was driving the car behind them with Melissa in the passenger seat. Little Ben was between them staring in awe at the lights. “This is a surprise”, Ian said to Steve. “I called them and asked them to stop over. I wanted the kids to be the first to see this magnificent light show you designed. I knew they’d love it”, Steve said smiling. “We designed”, Ian tried to correct him, but Steve replied, “No Stud, you designed it. We were just lucky enough to have played a part in its creation”.

As they emerged from the cars, Steve and Ian went over to greet them. The kids climbed out and at first continued to stare at the lights, oblivious to the people around them. After the greetings, Catherine said, “I’ve never seen such a fabulous light setup like this”. Cindy continued to stare at it, but heard her mom and agreed, “It’s magical”. Melissa shook her head and concurred, “That’s exactly what it is, magical”. Benjamin was smiling as he nodded his head, “I can’t think of a better word for it”. Greg then asked, “So. I know Galileo is dead, so who did you hire to put up this amazing piece of art work and how much did it cost”? Ian stood there beaming. Steve said, “It was Ian’s doing”. “With slave labor”, Chad shouted over. Everyone laughed. Steve then said, “Ian directed us where to put what. Everyone helped out. We had no idea what it would look like until Ian turned it all on tonight. It really is amazing”. Ian stood silently, grinning with pride. Chad came over and put his arm on Ian’s shoulder and said, “I was just kidding about the slave labor. We were happy to help, and I now know my best friend is a true artist. You’re right, this isn’t just a great light show. It is magical”.

Suddenly Steve’s space was invaded by Cindy as she stepped in front of him smiling, “I’m glad you and Ian are alright, but I knew you would be”, then she came in and hugged him tightly. Steve smiled as he hugged her back and then looked to Catherine as if asking, ‘What’s this about’? Catherine just smiled and as Cindy pulled back and said, “I’m going to go look at more of the lights”, and walked off, three boys came bounding in colliding with Steve and Ian’s legs laughing and hugging them. Little Ben had latched onto Ian’s right leg, little Greg latched onto Steve’s left leg and Davey had an arm around each of their other legs. “Hi boys. Do you like the lights”, Steve asked? “Yeah”, they said in unison. Little Ben stepped back so he could look up at both Steve and Ian and said, “It was like driving through a magical forest, and then it opened up to this big magical tree”. Davey whispered something to his brother Greg and then said, “and deep inside the magical forest is where the superheroes live”. Ian was about to say something, but Carl interrupted him, “Ok boys, but you have to promise to keep that a secret, ok”? All three boys nodded in unison. The little Greg said, “Don’t worry. We won’t tell anyone your secret identity. The only other person who knows is my daddy and he only talks to us now”. Catherine gave Steve and Ian a quick look, then said, “Boys, why don’t you go play and let the adults talk for a while”. Davey said, “Ok mommy. Come on Ben”. The three boys then headed off to explore. “Stay away from the pool boys”, Greg yelled after them. “We will, Uncle Greg”, the twins replied.

Carl, Chad and Scott went in to get everyone a drink and Tony and Mike got a fire going in the outdoor fireplace. As they all took a seat, Steve looked over at Greg and gave him a questioning look. Catherine noticed and after Greg shrugged, she said, “I’m sorry, this may sound strange, but the night of the landslide when you two were trapped, both boys came into my bedroom and told me that their dad had visited them and told them you would be alright. I thought that they must have been dreaming until Cindy told me the same thing. That’s when I knew it had really happened and I called Greg to tell him that we knew you were still alive and would be found”. There wasn’t a sound from anyone for a long time until Ian said, “So is he our guardian angel”? “I think my brother may be more of a messenger than a guardian”, Greg said, then added, “But I believe what Catherine said is true, that he did visit the kids that night”. “I believe it as well, especially after finding out that Steve had spoken to my Grampa after he died”, Carl added. “You guys are giving me goosebumps with all this talk about ghosts and guardian angels and magical forests”, Tony said. Everyone laughed and the Benjamin said, “Behind every myth, legend and fairy tale, there is a true story somewhere. After seeing these two men emerge from a house literally blowing up almost unscathed, I can believe anything”. At that moment, Steve and Ian’s red faces weren’t just the reflection of the fireplace. Steve looked to Ian and then turned to everyone else and said, “Contrary to the opinion of some, Ian and I are just two normal people who have done what anyone else would have done in the same situation”. Greg smiled and nodded his head and then said, “Great speech Steve, but these are your friends. You don’t need to lie to them, just everyone else”. Everyone laughed except for Steve and Ian.

Suddenly the twins ran up to Ian and asked him, “Ben said you can fly. Is it true”? Ian looked like he had no idea how to answer them. Steve answered for him, “No, Ian can’t fly. He tried that this morning and it didn’t turn out too well”. Ian turned bright red. Steve then said, “But, he is the mini-Hulk, and he turns red instead of green and by the looks of it, you kids better run”. The kid’s eyes grew wide seeing Ian’s red face. They screamed and ran off laughing, knowing Ian would never hurt them. Everyone was dying with laughter. Even Ian had to grin after a while. Steve then explained to those who didn’t know what happened that morning. At first, they were shocked, but then laughed knowing Ian was safe and now the butt of the joke. Steve and Ian let the others know of their wedding plans being moved closer and everyone was looking forward to it.

As it grew late, the boys sauntered back. They were obviously tired and little Ben climbed up on Ian’s lap. Not to be outdone, Little Greg and Davey climbed up onto Steve’s lap. Soon, all three were asleep. Steve looked to Ian and smiled. Ian grinned and gave him a nod. Melissa looked over at her dad and smiled and he nodded as if they shared a secret, and he was giving his approval. Just then, a bright light appeared in the sky, just above the decorated blue spruce, almost like putting a star at the top of the tree. It then streaked across the sky. A shooting star had just added to a magical night. “Did you see that”, everyone heard Cindy say as she emerged from the darkness? Everyone nodded and Melissa added, “Amazing, wasn’t it? Almost like a sign”, and then she looked at Benjamin, her dad, and confidant. He smiled widely and nodded saying, “I’m sure that was a sign of approval”. “Approval of the lights”, Chad asked? Benjamin only smiled.

Catherine eventually said, “We had a wonderful night, but Greg and Davey must be wearing out Steve’s lap and we should get them home to bed” Melissa added, “Yeah, we should get Ben to bed as well, although he looks really comfortable on Ian’s lap”. Ian smiled and Steve said, “I could let these two sleep on my lap all night and it wouldn’t be a problem. They’re two little angels. I’d hate to wake them”.  Greg grinned and said, “Don’t worry, they probably won’t wake up”, as he lifted Davey off Steve’s lap. Steve then got up with Greg in his arms and carried him to the car. Ian followed, picking up little Ben and bringing him over as well. Catherine and Melissa exchanged knowing glances as the sleeping boys were gently placed in the cars. They hugged and said their goodbyes and were soon driving down the driveway. Cindy, still awake, watched the lights through the glass of the sunroof as they did, thinking, ‘This was truly a magical night’.

Scott looked over to see Julie whispering into Mike’s ear as she looked in the direction of Steve and Ian who were watching as the two cars made their way down the driveway. “What are you two whispering about”, he asked? Jullie grinned and said, “I was just telling Mike that they would make great fathers”. Chad started laughing, but Carl interrupted his laughter and said, “She’s right. Didn’t you just see how they let the boys crawl onto them and cradled them until they fell asleep”? Chad’s laughter turned into a face of astonishment, “Yeah, but how would….”? He stopped mid question as if asking for an answer. “They could adopt”, Tony suggested. Scott said, “Yeah, that’s an option for them”, supporting his BF. Chad said, “Yeah it is, but there are so many obstacles for gay men to adopt. I know Ian and Steve would make great dads, but society is against them, especially if they try to adopt a son. Just think about the rumors”. Tony then asked, “Are you saying that they shouldn’t become parents because of what other people might think”? Chad replied, “No. I’m just trying to think about how other people might portray it. How will the kid be portrayed”?  “You’re stereotyping Chad. Who cares what other people ‘might’ think? You have two guys who love children, male or female and would make great parents and all you are thinking about is what some bigoted people might think, rather than how much love a kid might receive from Steve and Ian”, Carl said passionately. He understood where Chad was coming from but had a totally different perspective. “So, you think they should adopt a girl, so it doesn’t receive the false portrayal of gays being child molesters”, Tony asked, astonished? Chad turned ashen, “No, that’s not what I meant! Wait! Maybe it is. There are a lot of people who push that narrative. Maybe I’m playing into it and trying to protect Steve and Ian from that experience. People twist things into anything they want, to portray things in their perspective”. “To twist people’s thinking to believe what they want them to believe. To make people think that two guys can’t just love a child as parents and nurture them into an adulthood. Instead, they want to portray them as predators who are just ‘grooming’ the kids for their own pleasure”, Julie chimed in and then added, “Well, I know these guys and that narrative doesn’t fit and we shouldn’t allow that to cloud our own judgement about Steve and Ian’s decision whether to adopt and who they should adopt”. The silence afterward was deafening.

In an unusual story post, I pause this story in order to ask you, the readers, for your opinion of gay parenthood. This will not affect the story, because Steve and Ian’s state of parenthood has already been written, but I’d like to hear your opinions of whether there should  be a specific choice of adoption for gay parents or whether gay parents should choose to adopt because of stereotypes. I thank you in advance for your comments.

 End of Chapter 48

by Derek D

Email: [email protected]

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