An Unexpected Turn

by Derek D

10 Sep 2022 586 readers Score 9.1 (27 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Bachelor Party Surprise

Justin Bainbridge had left the police station a little angry. He had explained everything he knew about what was going on. The police were sympathetic about it since they were very familiar with Steve Andrews and Ian O’Connor’s recent history. The problem was, without proof of a plot, they were powerless to do anything. As for Jimmy Jackson, what he said on his show was covered under The First Amendment.

The lawyer said, “I wouldn’t be too worried about it if I were you Mr. Jackson. What you say on air is covered under your First Amendment rights. As long as you don’t yell fire in a movie theater, you have nothing to worry about. I mean, you didn’t ask anyone to commit violence against these guys. You just expressed your opinion that they were frauds”.  James smiled and said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Thanks for coming over”. James (Jimmy) Jackson had just explained to his lawyer what had occurred the night before with the private detective, Justin Bainbridge, he had hired. It brought his mind at ease. He need not worry about what Mr. Bainbridge had told the police. If the police investigated it and discovered a plot for violence against those two guys, anything he said on air was covered by his First Amendment rights. If the police didn’t look into it and violence did occur, he was still in the clear. He didn’t mention to his lawyer anything about some phone conversations he may have had. After all, anything that may have been said was their word against his.

Ian awoke feeling Steve’s hard shaft wedged between his buns and his left arm draped over him. It felt good so he pushed back into it further. “Good morning stud”, Steve said softly behind him. Ian smiled, “’morning Steve. You’re already awake”. Steve grinned and said to the back of Ian’s head, “I’m always awake before you. It’s time to get up. We have to be out of the house in a couple hours”. Ian grumbled, “I was hoping it was different this morning. I wanted to remain in this position for a while longer”. Steve rolled onto his back, saying, “Sorry stud, but we gotta get up”, then slapped Ian’s bare butt cheek. “Ow”, Ian yelped! Steve eventually coaxed Ian out of bed, and they showered, made breakfast, and then cleaned up before leaving the house. They each grabbed a bag with a change of clothes and toiletries so they could get ready for the party at Chad’s place (Ian’s rental property).

Carl and Chad arrived at Steve’s place around noon, happy to find it empty. They began unloading boxes and taking them into the house. Scott and Tony arrived a little later to help set up the decorations. As Scott began hanging something that looked like an overcomplicated string of ying and yang symbols, Chad yelled, “Be careful with that Scott! Don’t pull on the string”! Scott looked over at Chad and asked, “Why? What will happen if I do”. Chad just said, “You’ll find out later. Make sure you hide the strings though”. While Scott hung up the ying and yang symbols, Tony was hanging another string made up of what looked like two people ready to kiss. It seemed like the raciest out of all the decorations, most of which were being put up downstairs in the Family Room and Game Room where the pool table was. An hour later a van pulled up. A guy got out and began unloading some equipment. Carl came out and helped the guy bring in his equipment. Most of it went downstairs, but some remote speakers were set up in the living room and outside on the patio.

Around six, guests began arriving. Ben and Melissa brought little Ben, but there was someone else with them. A guy neither Chad nor Carl had met before. Ben introduced him to them, “Carl, Chad, this is my son David. I hope you don’t mind that we brought him along. He just returned from being away for a while”. Chad said, “Nice to meet you David”. Carl added, “Nice to meet you, David. We don’t mind at all and we’re sure Steve and Ian will be more than happy to have you here”. David shook their hands and said, “Nice to meet you Chad and Carl and I’m glad you don’t mind my intrusion”. Melissa scolded him, “Big brother, you are not an intrusion”. David just smiled sheepishly. Little Ben just ran off for a drink and to investigate.

Greg and Catherine arrived next with Cindy, Davey and little Greg. Cindy stayed with her mom, but Davey and little Greg went in search of their friend, Ben. Mike then arrived with Julie. They headed off together looking for drinks. Another car pulled up and parked and a guy, girl and two young kids, a boy and girl, got out. Michelle, with her two children, Bobby, and Chelsea, who Steve and Ian had saved from the landslide. With her was her younger brother Jeremy, the cook from the hospital. Carl and Chad greeted them enthusiastically, “We’re glad you came. I’m sure Bobby and Chelsea will have fun with the other kids”.  Michelle said, “I’m sure they will. I appreciate that you decided to have this as a two-part party so the kids can enjoy themselves”.  Carl responded, “We wanted to give time for the women to enjoy themselves as well since there wouldn’t be a wedding shower. Michelle said, “A very nice gesture on your part. Thank you”. Another vehicle pulled up and two guys climbed from the back seat and paid the driver. Ryan and Peter had arrived.

Everyone was having their first drinks when Steve and Ian pulled up. They parked and then came up and greeted everyone. The music was playing, and people were talking in groups. Ben, Davey, and Greg ran up and grabbed onto Steve and Ian’s legs. They were giggling. Steve laughed and said, “Hey boys. Having fun”? Little Greg then said, “Davey wants to know if we can wear capes for the wedding”. Little Ben spoke up and said, “No. That would give away their secret identity”. Ian grinned and said, “Ben’s right boys. This is a civilian wedding, not a superhero wedding”. Then he noticed Bobby and Chelsea standing there staring at them and said, “Hello. Are you having a good time”? Chelsea just nodded her head in the affirmative, wide-eyed. Bobby asked, “Can you fly Mr. O’Connor”? Ian laughed and said, “No, that’s Mr. Andrews job. I smash things”. Steve just shook his head as the children looked in awe at them. Melissa intervened, “Kids, why don’t you go play and let the adults talk”. That was all that was needed, and the kids scattered in laughter.

Around 9, Melissa and Ben approached Steve and Ian to let them know they were leaving but asked if David could stay. Steve, Ian, Carl, and Chad said in unison, “Of course he can”, then they all laughed at the quad answer. As they left, Greg came over and said, “As much as I’d like to stay, I don’t think what’s about to happen next is my thing. I hope you understand”. Steve said, “Of course we understand Greg. Thank you for coming”. The boys and Cindy gave them hugs before they headed out. Next, Michelle stepped up and said, “I’m really glad you invited us. I met Catherine and Melissa. They are wonderful people and I wanted to thank you again for saving my kid’s lives”. Steve smiled and said, “It was our pleasure. Children are our future and their lives obviously needed saving so they can serve some purpose in that future. We were just doing our part”. Michelle shook her head and said, “If there was any doubt in my mind before, you’ve just removed it. That was a true hero’s speech”. She then leaned forward and kissed him. As their car pulled off, Ian said, “I think she’s got the hots for you Steve”. Steve looked over at Ian and said, “Maybe I should ask her on a date”. Ian elbowed him and said, “Not even funny Steve”.

Carl and Chad stood side by side and Chad said, “Time for phase two”. They went down and pulled the string on the ying and yang streamer and it turned into two guys in a sixty-nine position. The one with two guys kissing changed to two guys fucking missionary.

A van pulled up and two young guys climbed out as well as another guy, about ten or fifteen years older. Chad approached them and the older guy said, “Remember, no groping allowed. Your clients must remain seated and keep their hands to themselves”. Chad grinned and said, “Don’t worry about that. They won’t be able to grope your boys”. Chad then looked over the two guys who looked barely over eighteen, but in good shape and twins at that. They were good looking as well. Under other circumstances, Chad wouldn’t mind having them in his own bed.

Steve and Ian had no idea what to expect as they were led into the Game Room and over to two chairs that were placed side by side. The DJ had some mysterious sounding music playing, adding to the atmosphere. Most of the others were standing in a semi-circle watching as Carl and Chad led Steve and Ian over to the chairs. Someone tossed each of them something as they stepped behind them, Chad behind Ian, and Carl behind Steve. Chad then said, “Put your arms back behind you”. Steve and Ian looked at each other and Ian shrugged as they complied. They immediately felt something clamping around their wrists and realized they’d been handcuffed. Arms then reached around in front of them and unfastened their belts, opened their pants, and pulled them down around their ankles. Catcalls ensued and Steve and Ian both blushed. Carl and Chad then pulled Steve and Ian down to sit in the chairs and then secured their hands to the backs of the chairs. The music suddenly changed to dance music and out pranced two young guys who looked like twins dressed in pin-striped suits and nerdy looking glasses. They bumped hips as they pranced toward their two prone targets, grinning. Their routine seemed to have a glitch as they laid eyes on the two guys seated in front of them, but they resumed their moves after a few seconds. Stopping in front of Steve and Ian and timed by the music’s base, suddenly they ripped their suits off exposing wrestling singlets, revealing bulging crotches and firm buns. They gyrated around to the music and cheers of the crowd of guys around them. Then the cheers grew louder as the guys began grinding themselves against Steve and Ian.

A pair of eyes watched a guy across the room looking on the action nervously. He was obviously transfixed on the action occurring before him and was obviously aroused but seemed uncomfortable around those with him. As things really heated up, he faded back and exited the room.

The twins straddled the chairs Steve and Ian were sitting in and ground their cocks into their faces. They then high-fived each other and swapped positions. They then looked at each other questioningly and then nodded to each other. The onlookers were cheering loudly. Their escort had a worried look on his face as it seemed the choreographed routine wasn’t being followed. The twins then moved behind Steve and Ian and began rubbing their chests and licking their ears. Steve and Ian looked at each other and grinned. They were enjoying this and were happy that everyone there was enjoying themselves. Steve noticed Mike turning and heading for the stairs and understood that he didn’t want to see this. He then also noticed Melissa’s brother, David turning to leave as well.

Mike made his way upstairs, hoping no one had seen the bulge he was displaying. He needed to find somewhere private, to be alone to release the pent-up tension from the erotic display he’d watched. He tried the door to the second entrance to the deck behind Steve and Ian’s bedroom that Steve had recently installed and found it was not locked. He slipped inside and stepped over to where the balcony was, just on the other side of the closed sliding glass doors. He looked out over the water as he reached down between his pants and briefs to rub the hardness beneath. His briefs were wet with precum. He was relieved that it had not soaked through his pants. He used his other hand to slide down the zipper. He was just about to free his cock from the confines of his briefs when a streak of light entered the room. Someone had opened the door. Mike cursed himself for forgetting to lock it behind him. He froze in place and after the door reclosed, he hoped whoever it was, hadn’t entered. Then he realized someone was right behind him. The guy asked, “Are you alright”? Mike muttered a response, “Um, yeah. I just wanted to have a moment alone”. Suddenly the guy pressed against him and reached his arms around him and said, “I know what you mean. That action downstairs by those strippers and your friends was pretty hot”. Mike wasn’t sure what to do or say, so he tried to play it down, “It was ok I guess”. The guy pushed harder against him pressing his hardness against Mike’s butt, and his left hand moved inside Mike’s zipper to wrap around his briefs-covered cock and said, “Ok enough to get this guy’s attention”. Mike groaned as he turned his head back toward the guy and said, “Don’t”. “Don’t what”, the guy asked as he leaned in to kiss Mike. Mike turned away and said, “I have a girlfriend”. The guy planted a couple kisses on Mike’s neck and then he said, “The girl you were with earlier tonight? She’s a very beautiful girl”. The guy resumed kissing Mike’s neck and began tonguing his ear. Mike was in a version of fight or flight. His brain was telling him to flee the room now, but his will to do so was failing him. While he tried to fight the feelings coursing through him, his body was frozen in place as it experienced waves of pleasure as the guy manipulated his hard cock through his briefs while his lips and tongue were causing goose bumps and tingling throughout his body. He heard groans of pleasure and realized they were his own. He also felt the hardness of the guy as it pressed into the crack between his cheeks. He should be horrified, but his cock throbbed with excitement. The guy kissed along his collar bone, then asked, “Do you want me to stop? You seemed to be enjoying the show, so when you left, I thought maybe we could get together for our own private show”. Mike’s mind was racing. His mind was screaming to get out of there, but his body was feeling things it’s never felt before, “I’m straight. I’ve never done anything like this before. I have a girlfriend”, Mike repeated softly, but never answered the guy’s question.  The guy kissed Mike’s neck again and as Mike raised his chin, he began kissing him in that spot just under his chin, then the guy asked, “Does that feel good? If you want me to stop, just tell me”. Mike couldn’t bring himself to say anything. His body was lost in a state of shear pleasure.

The guy then turned Mike to face him. Mike looked at him, transfixed as the guy said, “My name is David. I thought you should know that about the guy who’s about to put your dick in his mouth”. That statement was just registering with Mike when the guy dropped to his knees, pulled Mikes pants down along with his briefs and took his throbbing cock into his mouth. Mike inhaled sharply as the warm mouth enveloped his rigid cock. David’s right hand played with Mike’s balls as he skillfully slid his lips over Mike’s hard shaft. Mike was surprised that the guy was taking his whole length in on some of the strokes. David pulled off his cock and started lapping at his balls, soaking them in his saliva. He then took one of them in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. David was also playing with Mike’s ass, stroking his hands up and down his cheeks. David released Mike’s nut from his mouth and looked up at Mike as he took his tongue and licked up the glob of precum hanging from the tip of Mike’s throbbing cock as Mike watched through slitted eye lids. David then stuck the middle finger of his right hand in his mouth, wetting it. Withdrawing the finger from his mouth, David took Mike’s other nut in his mouth and worked on it. After a minute of this, David released that nut and once again took Mike’s stiff cock in his mouth. Mike let out another groan of pleasure. Mike hadn’t noticed how deep David’s fingers were getting in the crack of his ass until he felt a wet one contact his hole. He jumped in reaction and drew a sharp breath. David withdrew from Mike’s cock for a moment and said, “Just relax dude. I won’t hurt you”, then took Mike’s cock back in his mouth. Mike felt a little embarrassed that someone was probing around back there, but also curious because of how good that wet finger felt working in circles around his tight ring. Suddenly the finger pressed through the ring just to the first knuckle and continued its circular motion. As the finger moved deeper, Mike groaned once more, and David smiled to himself as a flood of precum entered his mouth. Now David began moving the finger in and out of Mike’s hole as he continued its circular motion. Mike was in sensory overload and was about to explode. David could tell by his breathing that Mike was getting close. David was enjoying the pleasure he was giving this guy, knowing it was obviously his first time with a guy. Mike’s brain as well as his body were on overload as he was vocally in gibberish mode, “Oh fuck, Uhnn, Ohh my god! Holy shit! Oh god! Dude! David! I’m gonna cum! Fuck”! Suddenly Mike’s sphincter clamped down on David’s finger and then blast after blast of Mike’s seed jetted into David’s mouth. David held Mike’s cock in his mouth, savoring the sweet, salty cum as it flowed into his mouth. David felt Mike’s hands grab onto his shoulders apparently to steady his weak knees from the incredible orgasm he was experiencing. Eventually, Mike’s cock had ejaculated all it could, and he leaned on David’s shoulders catching his breath. David pulled his mouth from Mike’s cock, making sure to catch every bit of sperm as he did. He then looked up at Mike who was looking down at him with wide eyes.

David smiled and stood up, steadying Mike as he did and then moved in and kissed him. The sudden kiss surprised Mike as he tasted his own cum. David’s tongue invaded his mouth, but he didn’t resist. His reaction was on autopilot as his brain was registering, ‘so this is what my cum tastes like’. Eventually, David pulled back and asked, “So, how was your first blowjob from a guy”? Mike turned bright red and didn’t know how to respond. David grinned and said, “Don’t be embarrassed, this will be our secret”, and when he saw Mike close his eyes and tilt his head slightly, he took it as a signal that Mike wanted to be kissed again. David leaned in and placed his lips on Mike’s, and they kissed, mutually this time. As David broke the kiss and pulled back and smiled at Mike, Mike smiled back and said, “Wow! That was incredible, David,”. David smiled and said, “It was my pleasure, uh, I don’t even know your name. I usually at least know the name of the guy who’s cock I put in my mouth”. Mike smiled and said, “That’s good to know. It’s Mike. My name is Mike. This is all very new to me. I was in a different mindset a few months ago. I’m learning new things now, but it’s a little difficult. My girlfriend insisted, um, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have shared that. It’s nothing you’d want to know”. David looked into Mike’s eyes and said, “Look, Mike, I don’t know your situation, what you may be going through right now. Obviously, you have a girlfriend who you love and who loves you, so just know I’m enjoying what we’re doing, and hope you are as well”. Mike grinned sheepishly and said, “I did enjoy it. It was incredible!” It then registered on Mike that David said doing, like they weren’t finished yet. David hasn’t cum yet. Suddenly it dawned on Mike that David may be expecting him to reciprocate, “Umm, David? I’ve never um, even touched a guy before. I mean, you know, their cock or anything. I don’t think I’m ready to put my mouth.. Umph” Before Mike could finish, David leaned in and started kissing him again. David’s right hand found the center of Mike’s back pressing their chests together. Mike was thinking how much different this was than kissing Julie. Julie’s mouth was softer and yielding to Mike. David’s was rougher, more demanding, more dominant and yet it had Mike getting hard once more. Mike felt David’s left hand take his wrist and pulled it to David’s crotch. Mike felt the hardness through David’s pants. David held Mike’s hand against his hardness and slid it up and down along its length. Mike heard himself groan against David’s mouth as they continued to kiss, his own cock now fully hard again. Mike heard a metal sounding rustling and realized David had opened his belt and was now opening the button on his pants while Mike was still rubbing David’s hardness without David’s hand guiding him. David gently pulled Mike’s hand from his hardness to allow his pants to drop around his ankles, then pressed Mike’s hand back onto his briefs-covered cock. Mike began rubbing it again, this time with less fabric between his hand and David’s hard cock. It seemed strange, taboo, touching another guy’s stiff cock, but it was also exciting him, causing his own cock to twitch. David broke the kiss and smiled at Mike. Mike looked back at him waiting, wondering with both trepidation and excitement. What was next? He had crossed a line. Where would it lead him? David saw the look on Mike’s face and took his chin between his thumb and forefinger and after giving him a peck on the lips, said, “I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to. How about if we lay down on the rug in opposite directions and I’ll jerk you off and suck your cock some more. You can rub my cock, jerk it or anything else you’d like to try. Alright”? David released Mike’s chin and after a moment, Mike nodded. Mike turned to make sure the door was locked while David shed the rest of his clothes. David said, “Don’t worry, I already locked that door. The other one doesn’t seem to have a lock on this side (the door to Steve and Ian’s bedroom). As Mike turned back to him, David reached over and helped Mike remove his shirt leaving him completely naked as well. They laid down on the rug, head to feet on their sides facing each other. David took Mike’s cock in his hand and slowly jerked it while licking at Mike’s balls. Mike stared at David’s stiff cock for a bit. Up this close, he could smell the manly musk of it. He thought he’d be turned off by it, but it was almost intoxicating. He inhaled it deeply and then reached his hand and palmed the large ball sack in his left hand and fondled it. He then released David’s balls and hesitantly grasped the steel shaft and began stroking it slowly up and down. As he did, he stared at it almost hypnotically, in wonder. Then Mike felt David’s mouth once again around his cock. It felt so good. He glanced over for a moment and watched David sliding his cock in and out of his mouth like he was on a mission, wanting to please the recipient of his ministrations. It made Mike feel a little guilty that he wasn’t doing the same. He looked back toward David’s hard cock and noticed a glob of precum had formed at its tip. Had he caused that or was David that turned on by sucking his cock? Curious, Mike used the tip of his tongue to just catch the drop and barely touch David’s cock. Its slightly sweet and salty flavor was not what Mike had expected, nor did the contact of his tongue, even just slightly, on David’s cock cause him to be repulsed. Mike decided to go a little further and stuck his tongue out once more. He barely touched it to the hard veiny shaft of David’s cock which caused David to let out a moan of pleasure. Encouraged, Mike licked it again, this time with more force and enthusiasm. Mike found the taste of the silky skin over the steely rod wasn’t unpleasant as he had expected it would be. After several licks of the shaft, Mike moved to licking the spongy mushroom head, eliciting more precum from David. Then Mike took the plunge and put his mouth over the head. He was rewarded by a flood of David’s cum into his mouth. This gave Mike a strange feeling of almost pride at what he’d accomplished, and he started sliding his mouth across David’s shaft, trying to emulate David. Suddenly David pulled off Mike’s cock and instructed Mike to do the same. At first Mike thought he was doing something wrong, but David said, “Why don’t I lay on my back, and you climb over me to free our other hand”? Mike thought that made sense and as soon as David rolled on his back, Mike climbed over him, placing his knees on either side of David’s head. David then took Mike’s cock back into his mouth and Mike followed suit. Mike soon learned why David wanted both hands free as he felt both David’s palms on his ass once more, rubbing his cheeks and fingers sliding in the valley between them. Rather than feeling uncomfortable this time though, it excited Mike and he moaned in pleasure and started going deeper down on David’s cock. Soon Mike felt the finger probing at his hole once more and he involuntarily groaned his approval. David also noticed the flood of precum in his mouth. David took that as a cue to insert his finger and began working it in and out. If David could have grinned with Mike’s cock in his mouth, he would have as Mike’s moans and groans of pleasure grew louder and his mouth was moving up and down his own cock with more enthusiasm. David added a second finger causing a groan from Mike and another flood of precum. David was sliding his fingers in as deep as they would go now, and it seemed like he had opened up a faucet as Mike’s precum was freely flowing now, and his cock began to harden even more. David realized Mike was now close as was he. Suddenly Mike began going up and down rapidly on David’s cock and then he let out a loud moan as David felt Mike’s ring clamp down on his fingers, the cock in his mouth hardened even more and then began pulsing, sending wad after wad of creamy cum into his mouth. This then triggered David’s own orgasm as his cock unloaded its seed into Mike’s mouth. Mike was once again in sensory overload as he was overcome by his orgasm, and surprised at the load of cum firing into his own mouth. Mike hadn’t considered the end result of sucking a cock and was totally unprepared when the cum began filling his mouth. He instinctively began swallowing it, but some of it leaked out of the corners of his mouth.

As they both recovered from their orgasms, David pulled Mike around to face him. He gave Mike a big smile and said, “You missed some”, and then pulled him in for a cummy kiss. Mike’s head was swimming in sexual bliss and confusion at the same time. Questions swam through his head as they broke their kiss. David searched Mike’s eyes and asked, “Are you ok Mike”? Mike nodded, then said, “I think so, but I’m going to need some time to wrap my head around all this”.  David smiled and said, “I can understand that Mike. Like I said, this is just between us. I’ll leave you my number if you’d like. Call me whenever you want, even if you’d just want to talk to someone”. Mike smiled and said, “I’d like that”. Mike stored David’s phone number in his phone and they got dressed. David said, “I’ll let you go back to the party first. I’ll blend in later as there’s no one there I know anyway”.

The twins were in front of them again and Steve was once again confronted by a now hard cock being ground in his face and he noticed the singlet had an obvious wet spot. He glanced in Ian’s direction and his mouth was being fed a hard, singlet-sheathed cock as well. This was far more than Steve had expected and he was glad that, other than Mike and Melissa’s brother David, the remaining crowd had at some point been sexually involved with he and Ian. Steve also noticed the look in the guy’s eyes who had escorted the strippers in. He looked confused. Obviously, things weren’t going as planned. Suddenly the twins dropped down and began licking at Steve and Ian’s briefs-covered balls. Chad said to the twin’s escort, “They’re really putting on a good show”. He glanced in Chad’s direction and grumbled, “This is far more than they’re being paid for”. Carl chimed in grinning, “Then we’re getting our money’s worth”. The guy just groaned and continued to watch. He was there to stop any of the guests from taking advantage of the boys, but he had no instructions to step in if the boys themselves went further than they were supposed to. The twins looked up at Ian and Steve grinning, glanced at each other and then switched places. After a few more minutes of licking at their balls through their briefs, the twins began nibbling on the two stiff cocks in front of them. Before long, Steve and Ian’s briefs were soaked in saliva and more than likely a mixture of their own precum and their bulges were clearly defined.

Suddenly, the twins jumped up and began gyrating their hips and asses at the crowd and then turned to each other and kissed sending up a cheer from the audience. As they kissed, they began sliding the shoulder straps of their singlets from each other’s shoulders. After working the singlets down to their waists, the twins stepped on either side of Steve and Ian and pulled their mouths to one of their nipples. Steve and Ian both took advantage of this and began tonguing and nibbling on the nipples. The escort looked as if he was about to move to put a stop to it, but the crowd was cheering it on and the twins were grinning and enjoying themselves, so he reluctantly stayed put. The twins then switched places and fed Steve and Ian their opposite nipple. After several minutes, the twins stepped back in front of Steve and Ian facing them with huge grins on their faces. Steve and Ian were both grinning back. The twins slowly turned toward each other and again kissed, then slowly turned to face the crowd with their backs to Steve and Ian. Then, in one swift motion, the twins yanked their singlets down around their ankles, so their hands were down at their toes, showing their bare smooth cheeks to Steve and Ian’s delight. The twins were both wearing baby blue jock straps which contrasted nicely with their milky white butt cheeks. The crowd roared as the twins wiggled their butts, then after stepping out of the singlets did the same to the audience as they grinned at Steve and Ian. The escort checked the time on his phone. He was hoping to be home by now. The twins turned to each other and kissed again before turning in opposite directions and circling Steve and Ian’s chairs half dancing as they did. They suddenly stopped, each one beside Steve and Ian and pulled their mouths against their jock strap-covered cocks. Steve and Ian both took notice that the twins’ cocks were hard and almost sticking above the waistband with their moist tips exposed. Steve took the twin’s cock between his teeth and slightly bit down on the hard shaft. The twin drew a sharp breath and looked down at Steve smiling. Steve was looking back up at him mischievously. The twins then leaned down and kissed them before circling around a few more times until the opposite twin was positioned beside them and again pulled their mouths onto their stiff cocks. By now, the twin’s cockheads were sticking slightly above the waistband of their jocks. Steve and Ian both took advantage of that to lick the clear precum from their tips. The crowd cheered them on to the chagrin of the escort. The twins then gave them a kiss before once again circling the pair. There was possibly only one cock in the room which wasn’t rock hard. The twins then stopped in front of Steve and Ian and dropped to their knees between each of Steve and Ian’s legs. They gave them a grin and then went down to mouth their hard cocks once again rewetting their briefs with their saliva and playfully nibbling on the steel hard shafts. Steve and Ian looked to each other smiling in disbelief at what was happening. They were close enough, so they leaned toward each other and kissed. The crowd was going wild and more than one had their hands down their pants. The twins swapped places and continued their work. Ian said, “If they keep this up, I’m going to shoot my load in front of everyone”. Steve replied, “I know how you feel stud”.

Mike suddenly appeared next to Tony and Scott and they both looked at him. Scott asked, “Where have you been? We thought you might have left”. Mike smiled and said, “I needed to get away for a few minutes”. Tony asked, “Are you ok Mike”? Mike looked to Tony with a smile and said, “Yeah. I’m good”. Tony and Scott looked to each other questioningly, then the three of them turned to watch the show. No one seemed to notice David rejoining the crowd.

With Steve and Ian’s briefs thoroughly soaked in precum and saliva, the twins stood back up and turned to the crowd with their wet faces, grinning. The heads of their cocks clearly peeking above the waistband of their jockstraps showing they were as turned on as everyone else. The twins glanced back at Steve and Ian and then stepped back between their legs and sat down in their laps and began grinding their butts into Steve and Ian’s throbbing wet cocks. Ian groaned, “Holy fuck”!

The escort thought they were finally done, and they’d be leaving in a few minutes and grew very annoyed when the twins didn’t stop after a minute or two.

The twins, for their part, were enjoying the feel of Steve and Ian’s hard, wet cocks sliding between their butt cheeks. Precum was oozing from both of their cocks. They glanced at each other and smiled, but they each saw the sexual need in the other’s face as well. A mutual nod and they suddenly stood, then quickly slid out of their jockstraps as their stiff cocks slapped up into their hard abs. The crowd cheered loudly as they switched places and sat back down on the hard cocks beneath them. The twins began grinding harder, wedging the stiff rods in their butt cracks, sliding in the precum and saliva-soaked briefs. Steve and Ian looked at each other, knowing what the other was thinking, that they’d like nothing more than to be able to reach around and stroke the twin’s stiff cocks as they ground their tight butts into their throbbing cocks. Unfortunately, both were handcuffed to the backs of their chairs and all they could do was enjoy it. The twins must have read their minds as they grabbed each other’s cock and stroked in rhythm to their bouncing and grinding. Steve and Ian did what they could and shared a kiss when Steve realized Ian was groaning loudly and realized he was about to cum. This triggered Steve’s own eruption. Ian then cried, “Oh fuck! I’m gonna cum”! Steve followed with, “Me too stud”. The twins felt their cocks throbbing beneath them and the addition of warm cum on their bare cheeks and soon spurt after spurt of cum flew from their own cocks landing everywhere. As the twins leaned back against Steve and Ian’s chests catching their breath, the guys around them erupted in applause and cheers. Scott looked over at Tony and Mike grinning and said, “That was so awesomely hot”! Tony shook his head and was surprised to see Mike staring in disbelief and then noticed the tent in Mike’s pants. He grinned and motioned his head for Scott to look as well. Scott grinned in response. Ryan and Peter had a look of shock on their faces, and both had huge tents in their pants. The music faded and the DJ, who was sporting his own wood with a wet spot at the tip, announced, “Okaaaay, that will obviously be the highlight of the night. Why don’t everyone refresh their drinks while the guests of honor clean themselves up, um after someone gets their cuffs off”. Everyone laughed and then the twins turned around and kissed Steve and Ian and one said, “We’ll leave you our number in case you want to get together sometime outside of our work schedule. We really had a good time tonight with you two”. Steve and Ian glanced at each other and then Steve said, “We obviously had a great time as well and maybe we’ll take you up on your offer”. The twins then stood up and Chad handed them each a towel, then took some over to Steve and Ian while Carl unlocked their handcuffs. The twins headed up to the bathroom to take a shower and Steve and Ian went up to their private bathroom. On the way, Ian said to Steve, “I can’t believe Chad and Carl planned those two strippers for us”. Steve replied, “I can’t believe they went so far as to cause us to cum in our underwear. What do you think, have them over sometime”? Ian grinned widely and said, “Most definitely”!

While Steve and Ian cleaned up and everyone got fresh drinks, Carl and Chad set up the next little game for Steve and Ian. It was loosely based on an old game show.

When Steve and Ian came back downstairs, Carl and Chad separated them. Carl said, “Sorry, but we’re now going to play a game of ‘Ian or Not’, and we need to separate you two. Ian yelled, “I never heard of that game before”. Chad laughed and said, “Yeah, Carl and I invented it just for you two. Your version will be ‘Steve or not’”. Steve thought, ‘This can’t be good’. Carl said, “You’re first Steve. We’re going to blindfold you and have you start it off”. Steve grinned and said, “Sounds interesting”. Carl put a blindfold on Steve and then led him to a chair in the middle of the room. After Steve sat down, the DJ said, “Ok, let’s get this game underway. Steve, this six-year-old kid, after watching some boy scouts build a fire, started a fire in his bedroom almost burning down the house. Ian or not Ian”? Steve grinned and shook his head, “No, not Ian”. The DJ said, “Wrong answer. At six, Ian built a perfectly good campfire in his bedroom, nearly burning the house down. Fortunately, his father smelled it and was able to put it out quickly before it spread”. Steve shook his head and said, “I guess I better keep Ian away from matches”. The guys laughed in response. The DJ continued, “Ok, in the eighth grade, a certain kid, Chad, pantsed another kid in the middle of the hall after gym class. Ian or not Ian”? Steve laughed and said, “That sounds totally like something Chad would have done to Ian, so yes, Ian” The DJ said, “Wrong again Steve. It was Ian who pantsed Chad on that day”. Steve grinned widely, “Yeah, I should have known that. I guess he was a little devil most of his life”. The DJ said, “Oh for two Steve. Let’s try something different”. Suddenly Steve felt a tongue in his ear and then someone sat in his lap and ground into his crotch before getting back off him and walking away. Before the DJ could ask, Steve said, “Definitely Ian. I’d know that butt anywhere”. Laughter erupted, signaling Steve was correct. The DJ said, “Yeah, we had to throw you a softball to help you out of the hole you were digging”. Steve grinned and thought that they had no idea how easy that one was as he could sense Ian’s proximity before there was any contact. The DJ resumed, “This one is a bit serious. At fifteen, this kid was accused of abusing four puppies which were found abandoned and starving. Ian or not Ian”? Steve knew Ian would never have been involved in any of that and said, “Most definitely not Ian”. The DJ announced, “Once again, you are incorrect Steve, though this time I must admit that it was a trick question. The fact is that Ian was found with the four malnourished puppies and at first was accused of abusing them. It was later found out that he had rescued them from their abuser and was trying to bring them back to health. In fact, Ian saved all four and was able to find homes for them”. Steve shook his head and said, “You’re killing me here. That one wasn’t fair”. Again, laughter from everyone. The DJ then said, “Ok, last question, and this is a good one, this guy was the shortest player to ever dunk a basketball during a high school scrimmage game”. Steve grinned widely and said, “That has Ian written all over it”! Everyone cheered and the DJ announced, “That was correct, he got called for a foul because dunking was prohibited. Very good but you still came out at only two out of five”.

Carl removed the blindfold from Steve and Chad brought Ian over to the chair and put a blindfold on him. The DJ then asked, “Ian, are you ready”? Ian grinned and said, “Hell no but fire away”. Steve yelled out, “You should choose your words more carefully Ian”! Ian looked puzzled at first and asked, “What? Oh yeah”. Laughter once more. The DJ began with the first question, “Ian, when he was five, on his first day of kindergarten, his mom brought him in to class, and after leaving him in the room, his mom chatted with the teacher out in the hall. When she returned to the car, she found him waiting in the back seat for her. Steve or not Steve”? Ian was grinning and said, “I’m going to have to go with Steve”. Steve grinned and the DJ said, “Correct Ian. When his mom asked why he had come back out to the car, Steve apparently told her he had changed his mind and decided to come back home with her. Ok, next question. At thirteen years old, he came in second for the Jr. Muay Thai State Championship for ages thirteen to sixteen. Steve or not Steve”? Ears perked up around the whole room. Scott asked, “What is Muay Thai”? The DJ said, “Good question. It’s an ancient Thai or more accurately Siam fighting technique similar to karate”. Ian grinned and said, “I should have known, yes, Steve”. The DJ responded, “Wrong! Not Steve. Actually, this was your trick question. Steve was the winner of that championship”. Ian grinned and said, “I see how this is gonna be”. Suddenly, Ian heard someone approach him and licked his ear, then sat down on his lap and ground into his crotch before standing back up and walking away. The DJ then asked, “Ok Ian, was that Steve or not Steve”. Ian grinned and said, “Well it certainly was someone about the same size as Steve, but no, it was not Steve”. Steve grinned. He knew Chad had asked David to do it since he and David were close in height and build, but he knew Ian would know the difference. “Ian, in his senior year, he was voted Homecoming King. Steve or not Steve”? Ian grinned and said, “That sounds like it would be Steve, but I’m going to go with not Steve”. The DJ said, “Good guess Ian. Steve was class president that year though. Ok Ian. Last question, he was recently informed that he and his partner would soon be the parents of twins. Steve or not Steve”? Chad was grinning from ear to ear and so was Steve. The rest of the room stood with their mouths hanging open. Ian sat there absorbing what had just been said and then yelled, “Wait! What?”!

End of Chapter 57

by Derek D

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024