From Campus to Camera

by ThatAussieGuy

25 Apr 2024 516 readers Score 9.5 (24 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

There is something strangely comfortable as I wake up and look at Henry there with his perfect tanned chest acting as my pillow as he runs his fingers through my hair I can feel my cock fully bulging out of my underwear right now and I can feel his pressing against me. 

“Sleep well?” he asks as I nod my head as he holds me there just cuddling into me as I reach over to my phone to look at what time it is as Henry is curious too because his phone is still in the living room. 

I show him the time that it’s about 8:55 and he seems comfortable enough to just keep laying there as I look up at him with the urge to kiss him as I think he gets the same sense and I feel the two of us moving our heads closer and starting to kiss each other. The kiss starts off softly and gently which feels good and in my head, the whole idea of kissing other guys feels pretty normal and it’s the idea of being with a girl these days that feels a lot weirder. 

The kiss between us feels amazing and in my head, I’m thinking nothing more than just how hot Henry is and the fact that I’ve got feelings for Tyson like I’ve never had and then with Henry who I know is not single but he doesn’t act as if he is making out and cuddling with me. The two of us kiss for a bit until we hear a noise in the kitchen that makes us break the kiss.

Henry smirks “I think we should probably head out there so they don’t have all the fun,” he says winking as I get up and see how big his bulge gets fully hard as he opens the door and heads out to the living room ahead of me where Tyson and Cam are chilling eating breakfast.

“Thought we would’ve heard more noise coming out of your room” Tyson smirks as I walk past and hit him getting some coffee and making one for Henry as well as he checks his phone. “Nah, we decided that we wanted to do it on Camera but just trying to work out a time that would be good for the two of us you know, I mean Scott said that he could really only do Friday with his schedule with school.”

Cam looks at his phone “I’m flying down to Florida for the Spring Break series” he says which is a load of filming that they do every year to release around spring break time giving them enough time to edit and build up the series for it. “The only real time is Wednesday afternoon but you have class then don’t you Scott.”

I nod my head but my head is telling me not to ruin this opportunity to have sex with Henry as much as I want it but then I know that I’ve got a commitment to my schoolwork as I open my mouth “I can take the class off, it’s not exactly the most important and the whole lecture gets put up online so I’ll just catch it up.”

Tyson’s smile couldn’t be bigger as I’m surprising myself more and more about how much I really want to get into this whole thing from when I started being so worried about it and worrying that someone from my family would see it. The four of us chat for a bit before Henry and Cam get ready to head off because Henry has some other commitments and Cam needs to do some schedule management with a heap of live shows coming up this week from the house.

“Since when was Scott putting porn before school?” Tyson asks as he stands there behind me and rubs my shoulders as it feels good and I focus on eating breakfast with my stomach empty since last night other than those raw fries. 

“Well, you know it’s probably since I got roped into living with this guy who does porn and…” Tyson laughs and squeezes my shoulder as I look up at him smirking. “Don’t you put this blame all on me, you started in porn all of your own choosing, I just gave you a place to live and encouragement not force” he says as I know it’s true and look at him and pull him down for a kiss as well.

I think about how much I’ve changed because I managed to kiss three guys yesterday plus fool around a bit with Cam in the shower when back at home I wouldn’t even spend time with too many girls even though I’m definitely not a virgin.

“Ok Ok… it’s not totally your fault that I’m doing this but without your encouragement then I wouldn’t have thought about going further or living somewhere like this and actually enjoying the inner-city life rather than the outer suburbs” Tyson smiles and takes some pride in what I say about helping me out of the crap hole that I lived in when I first moved to the city and how much happier that I am now.

I look across at Tyson “What’s your plan for the day?” I ask with no real plans for the day and I’ve actually somehow actually managed to bore myself of studying all the time although there’s a lot of blame for Tyson on that factor.

“I’ve gotta be at the salon at 12 for one appointment today but other than that nothing is going on, I didn’t even want to be there today but Chelsea and I go way back and she’s got a big event tonight so I told her I’d fix her up,” he says as I nod my head and try to think of something to do for a while.

Tyson and I head to the gym for an hour before he gets ready to go as I sit there for a while scrolling through the limited contacts in my phone which doesn’t give me much inspiration because most of my contacts are school-related, studio-related or my family and I don’t want to talk to them until I have to call Mum tonight.

I throw my phone down on the table and turn on Tyson’s PS5 and almost immediately my phone buzzes and I look at the number and see the text message and see Henry’s name on the text message.

Henry: “Wanted to let you know everything is good for Wednesday and I’m keen af”

I smile knowing the next shoot is booked in as I put it in the details in my phone and text him back

Me: “I know, I’m so damn excited about it”

Henry: “What are you up to today?”

Me: “Nothing, Tyson’s at the salon and I’m bored”

Henry: “Wanna have lunch together?”

Me: “Sure, but wouldn’t you want to spend it with Cam”

Henry: “Nah, he’s at the studio editing and organising a shoot today”

Me: “Did you wanna have lunch here or out somewhere?”

Henry: “Anywhere is good, I mean why don’t I meet you downstairs in 20 minutes and we can go somewhere”

I text back a thumbs up and have a shower before putting on just a black t-shirt and jeans and head downstairs where Henry is waiting for me wearing a Soccer jersey that clings to his chest and a pair of ripped jeans that hide the bulge I saw this morning.

Henry pulls me in for a hug and a kiss as people walk past which surprises me considering that even though I was starting to do a lot, it was still either in the studio or with Tyson in the apartment and then the kissing with Henry was up on the private rooftop. 

“Where do you wanna go? You know this part of town better than me” Henry says as I roll my eyes because I barely know this part of town and barely know much of the city other than the outer suburbs where I used to live. 

I shrug my shoulders “I have no idea in all honesty, I just follow Tyson’s lead” which is true because I’m still not really exploring the area that much other than knowing where the Supermarket is and basic stores otherwise if I go out it’s with Tyson taking the lead.

We walk down the road and find a steakhouse and head in there with the atmosphere very much like the Tavern Blue atmosphere as I look and see that it’s owned by the same company that owned it which makes a lot of sense and I can tell they put the effort into keeping this open. 

“This is like where I used to work before I got into porn” Henry gives me a curious look with a smirk and smiles. “Ooh so Scotty was a sexy barman” he says as I laugh and shake my head because there was no way that I was a sexy barman.

“Absolutely not, I was more in the family part of the restaurant so was definitely not sexy” Henry’s smile is as charming as Tyson’s and Cam’s and I can see how they get on so well even including the fact that Cam and Henry are step-brothers. 

Sitting with Henry having lunch is a better use of my time than sitting there playing the PS5 as I get to know him and even Cam better. I have so many questions that I want to ask as it feels like they had to actually go and catch the chicken for my Chicken tenders as we sit and wait.

Henry looks at me with a smirk as I look across at him “I mean you’re so wanting to ask me questions I can tell how hard you’re trying to hide that fact” he says as I shrug trying not to let on that I do. “I know that the question is you mostly want to ask and no Cam and I haven’t fucked… not that I haven’t tried to convince him.”

I laugh as I actually did want to know whether Henry and Cam had ever hooked up because I knew they hadn’t on screen but at the same time off-screen it’s surely hard not to have done it. “Well, I’m glad you brought it up because I mean I wanted to know but then wasn’t sure if I should ask or not” Henry just laughs and shrugs.

“If you’ve got a question, just ask me because well every bit of me is an open book and sometimes it’s all open” he says laughing and I laugh because it was the exact same thing Cam said to me. 

“You know Cam used those exact words to me too” Henry laughs and nods his head. “Of course he did, I know we are only step-brothers but it’s funny how much we are alike together which is probably why we got on so well”.

I look across at Henry as the food finally arrives “Aren’t you ever worried that porn might kill a proper acting career and ruin things with Christian?” I don’t know why I’m so serious right now but it does go through my head thinking about my future as well.

Henry sits there thinking for a minute “Not really, I mean porn is who I am and Christian knows about my porn history and absolutely loves it plus the minute that he doesn’t feel comfortable then I’ll stop but whilst he’s ok and turned on by it I’ll keep doing it and the main acting career seems to be doing ok with some decent parts.”

The lunch seems to be going well as Henry and I chat again like we had done all night at the bar and it feels like we’ve known each other forever. “So what do you want me to do to you when I’m fucking you?” the waitress looks at us with concern as she takes our drinks as we ask for a refill and Henry’s eyes go big.

“Tristan was right, you look all nice, cute and innocent but really you’re just nothing more than a dirty boy who loves fucking guys right?” I try to act all innocent and even though there are other people sitting near us that probably can hear us I’m not bothered and slowly I’m embracing it.

Henry sits there “Just to get fucked really hard you know and more of that kiss” he says as I smirk as we finish lunch and then head down to a few shops before walking me back to the apartment and I head upstairs.

Tyson is back home when I get there “Hey, was wondering where you got to,” he says as I put my stuff down. “Just had lunch with Henry, he wasn’t busy and asked me out so yeah just went for a bit of shopping,” I say as Tyson smiles and I’m worried that he’d be upset for some reason.

“You’re not upset with me for doing that at all right?” I ask as Tyson looks at me like I’ve just asked the dumbest question ever. 

“Of course I’m not, I’m actually glad that you are making friends with some of the guys from the studio and around the place to socialise because it was something that you never did back living alone right.”

I nod my head and lay down on the couch “Did you two talk about what you want to do?” Tyson asks me as I lay there and shake my head. “Not really you know, we mentioned it but he just wanted me to surprise him and go at him plus kiss him because he reckons I kiss amazingly,” I say not sure if it’s true.

“I can totally get that because you are a fucking amazing kisser you know” Tyson’s excitement about the kissing is unmatched as all three guys that I’ve kissed have remarked on how much they’ve enjoyed kissing me.

The next few days seem to drag on as I’m probably more excited about this scene than any of the others as it gets to Wednesday morning and Tyson is already up waiting for me to get up as he is more excited than what I am right now. 

“Morning” I say getting up and getting coffee as Tyson puts me through his regular shoot morning routine which even though is mostly around when he has to bottom but has it anyway even when he has to top. I follow the routine precisely and he takes me down to the gym to make sure that I’m looking as pumped as possible which I don’t know how it’s going to be considering that it’s probably more obvious on his big frame as opposed to my now almost twunk frame these days.

We go through the workout and it’s almost like Tyson is the one who is filming today with how he is going through his routine “You seem to like that you are going on camera to film today?” I ask him as he shrugs.

“I know, I just get nervous energy, especially for you and being around actually helps me out more than Friday when you got to fuck Tristan and I had to be at work” he says laughing as I nod and don’t feel too nervous today because I feel connected to Henry like I did with Tyson.

Having a shower, I don’t get any sort of peace as Tyson is running his hands over my body to make sure it looks smooth and perfect as I let the water down my body and he does some last-minute grooming for me and I get ready.

Heading to the studio, the nerves are starting to kick in a bit because I know that I’ve kissed and slept with Henry but there’s something about having sex with him that makes me feel a bit weird, especially knowing about his backstory. 

“How do you cope with having sex with a guy that has a boyfriend and all that?” I ask Tyson who looks at me and picks up on the nervousness. “It’s really no different to when you fuck a guy with a girlfriend, they wouldn’t be doing porn if they weren’t ok with having sex with someone and if you’re talking about Henry then Christian knows everything and they’ve been together for ages so I don’t think you’re going to break them up” Tyson laughs and I nod my head although I don’t know if he knows how connected me and Henry have gotten.

“Yeah I know, it’s so stupid thinking like that but that’s the overriding thought that goes through my head and well it probably shouldn’t anymore and it’s dumb” Tyson looks across at me as he drives to the studio. “IT’S NOT STUPID,” he says quite loudly at me “It’s the opposite actually, it shows how much of a good person you are and that you care about things but remember if porn is why someone breaks up, then it’s not you it’s them,” he says nodding my head.

Getting to the studio, Henry is already there walking around with just his necklace and tight jeans on as he pulls me in for a big hug and kiss as he does the same to Tyson “Sup my boys” he says excited about this morning as he looks even more tanned and smooth than he did the other night.

Henry and I chill for a bit talking to a couple of the guys who are staying at the house at the moment doing some shoots as I turn my phone off with Ash and another friend asking me where I am today because I never miss class.

Cam and Tyson are moving stuff around along with some of the other production guys as eventually Cam calls us over “So guys, I thought that you two might enjoy a shoot out on the balcony today, we’ve got some good sun out there and thought you two could add to the heat” he says as I look at Henry who looks excited by the idea as though he wants to get changed and adds the idea of us chilling around the pool which Cam thinks is a good idea and Tyson agrees as well as if he has some say.

Heading to the wardrobe, I look at all the stuff that is there swimwear-wise and realise I don’t know how good I would look in a pair of speedos as much as Henry is trying to persuade me into it as I get cold feet as Henry instantly grabs his pair and changes in another room as I sit there for a minute before Tyson comes down.

“I don’t know how I can pull them off compared to Henry” I say as Tyson puts his arm around me and gives me the pump-up talk that I need. “You don’t need to compare yourself to Henry, he’s a 10/10 sure but so are you and you can rock them as well and remember how confident you were when we got here,” he says as I nod my head and look at all the pairs and grab a pair and put on a light blue pair and head out to the pool and jump in before Henry.

I look at Henry standing there about to jump in the pool and his bulge is massive again as he turns around as Tyson takes a photo for the photo page and I can see his firm muscled ass so tight in the speedos as I can’t believe how good it looks.

Before the cameras roll “Don’t forget to use your studio names, not your real names Jordie and Ryley” Cam says as I look at Henry who looks at me and winks as we are in the pool together.

The thought of the fact they were going to put us in jocks in the gym originally isn’t in my brain as we just generally spend some time in the pool as Tyson tells us to act naturally and act normally as we swim around the pool as he dunks me under for a minute and I try to get at him but lose him even in the small pool.

Eventually, he catches me again and puts his arms over my shoulders and kisses me softly at first and whatever nerves were there are gone as I feel Henry’s tongue pushing into my mouth as we both moan softly. The water and speedos might be between us but I can feel his cock hard pressing up against mine as we make out moaning loudly as he pushes me to the wall of the pool and kisses me deeper than he did before.

Up against the wall of the pool, Henry has me pinned and I put my arms over his shoulders as the kissing continues with both of us moaning as he reaches down under the water and slides off my speedos under the water as his hand explores my cock for the first time and I moan loudly.

Picking me up and sitting me on the edge of the pool, Henry spreads my legs apart as he runs his tongue up my inner thighs even though they aren’t smooth like his it feels so damn good as his fingers run over my balls and massages them. I feel his hands separating around my balls as he massages each one before his fingers move to the shaft and run over the now leaking head.

I’m sitting there as finally Henry moves his head over my cock and starts to run his tongue down the shaft and starts sucking on the head as I throw my head back watching this blonde muscle stud sucking on my cock. The slowness and tenderness of the sucking makes my cock and jump leak pre-cum out of the head before slowly my cock disappears down his throat.

The speed of the sucking picks up as I run my hand through Henry’s wet blonde air as he looks up at me for approval as I have a big smile on my face as all I can do is sit there and watch Henry sucking on my cock so hard and fast right now as I don’t know how long I can hold my load.

I push Henry back into the pool as he looks worried but he then understands as we get out of the pool and start kissing again as the size difference actually makes things feel better as he hugs me and my hands feel his firm muscled ass as I massage them.

Henry puts me onto one of the sun lounges and straddles my body as he rubs his cock over my chin and face as he is so hard and the bulge is bigger than I imagined probably closer to 9 inches and bigger than my 6.5 inches as I start to run my tongue on the head and taste his pre forming on the head.

The taste of Henry’s cock is better than I imagined and the wait is totally worth it as he lets me take it slowly as I run my tongue around it before he feeds it into me. Laying I can feel Henry still growing inside me as I start to slurp on his cock, tasting the flavour of his growing load and his meat which feels normal to me as I keep taking all of his meat.

The slowness of how we are doing everything makes it feel a lot more passionate than what it would’ve been if we rushed through it. I gag a bit as Henry forces his cock further down my throat as he starts to pick up the speed and all my mouth is now is just a hole for him to fuck and I’m happily obliging as he continues to fuck my mouth.

Henry gets close to cumming already as he lets out a lot of pre cum and he pulls his cock out of my mouth and then moves down back to my cock which is still hard and he starts sucking on it again as he’s turned around and I’m rimming him at the same time.

The position of Henry having his ass up in my face and his mouth on my cock is probably really awkward but Cam is getting the camera in close and I look across at him subtly as he gives me the thumbs up to tell me everything is ok and I run my tongue on his hole which is totally smooth and getting ready for my cock to slide in.

The two of us moaning as I’m eating his ass out and he’s sucking on my cock lubing it up before he grabs some proper lube to put on his hole and my cock is fully wet with his saliva all over it as I’m laying there and Henry leans in and kisses me again as finally, he slides down onto my hard cock.

Watching him slide down onto my cock is so hot as this stud just wants my cock inside him as he slides down “FUCK YOUR TIGHT” I say as Henry smiles and slides down. The feeling of my cock going into his tight hole feels amazing and there’s like this pop feeling as he slides down onto my cock.

“Ohhh fuck you feel so damn good inside me” Henry moans as my cock feels perfect inside his hole and even though he does a lot of porn, I can tell that he is more of a top as he starts riding my cock as I grab hold of his pecs as the moans.

The work that Henry does on my cock is amazing as he rides it hard like I’m a human dildo as his hands press onto my chest as he rides me and it’s like Henry has taken the dominant role even though he’s getting fucked.

The two of us go hard at each other as it sounds like the sun lounger is cracking under the weight of Henry riding me as Cam gives us the signal to get up and we get up as there is a massive crack in the plastic as we laugh. 

Henry whispers in my ear “Wanna go fuck looking over the city?” he says as I nod and quickly we move to the edge of the balcony with the whole city below us as Henry stands on the edge and I get behind him and onto my knees again to make sure that his ass is ready again.

“DAMN S… BABY… WORK THAT TONGUE ON MY HOLE” Henry pleads as I keep eating out his hole and running my tongue over it as it feels so good knowing my cock was just in the hole. I get up and Henry is bent over as I line my cock up with his ass and slide it straight in.

I’ve never fucked anyone outside let alone with the view that we have this afternoon and it’s kind of ironic that I’m standing here pushing my hard cock into Henry’s smooth muscled ass right as the College campus sits so obviously in the horizon where I probably should be instead of making a couple of grand fucking one of the hottest guys in the city.

Henry’s moans are taking most of the sound at the moment as my balls start slapping him using the power that I do have to keep pounding him as his hard cock slaps on his abs as I’m fucking him hard and filling his ass with my pre cum.

“FUCK MY ASS… OWN IT BABY” Henry is begging me to continue to fuck him even though I’m going as hard as I can and he is enjoying it as I have my hands over his shoulder pounding into him. “You love my fucking cock pounding your prostate don’t you” he nods throwing his head back as I’ve got Henry submitting to me.

It doesn’t take me long to feel like I’m about to blow my load but my cock feels absolutely perfect inside Henry’s tight muscled ass as I keep fucking him harder and harder as my balls slap and eventually, without realising I’m starting to blow a huge load inside his hole.

“FUCK… I’M BLOWING” I say thinking Henry wants me to pull out as I have a moment of anxiousness but he turns to me “Don’t pull out of me… fuck it deep inside me.” I nod my head in agreement because I don’t want to pull out of him at all.

Pushing my cum deeper into Henry is a better feeling than I could have ever imagined and the tension that built up between us in the five days since we first met into actually getting it on makes it even hotter and better. I don’t pull out of Henry for another few minutes until he tells me that he’s ready to blow a load and I turn around getting on my knees so that I can taste all that cum.

Henry has had days worth of cum building up plus the repeated pounding of his prostate has got him ready to blow a big load and it doesn’t take much jerking for him to send a week's worth of cum everywhere over my face, my tongue and down my throat as he just keeps letting loose. The amount of cum streaming out of his still rock-hard 9-inch cock is amazing as I struggle to take it all and then find myself sucking on his cock again to make sure all the cum has come out of his balls which still feel so full.

Pulling me up, Henry starts kissing me again tasting the cum as it swirls between our mouths and Cam calls cut but the two of us keep making out as I just don’t want to pull apart from Henry and being with him is so amazing. The kiss finally breaks and Cam is sitting on one of the chairs as we have cum spread everywhere as Tyson is there smiling with Cam next to him arm around him for the moment.

“How was it, Scotty?” Tyson says as I’m panting so hard and my cock is still rock hard that I wish the shoot didn’t have to end. “Fucking amazing,” I say as Henry stands there with his big figure hugging around me as he nods his head.

Cam throws us a towel “Do you guys wanna do your post-scene interview now or after?” I look at Henry and both of us agree to do it now while we’re still horny as we wrap the towel around us because the behind-the-scenes stuff sometimes goes up on YouTube or social media.

Wrapping the towel around ourselves, we find a spot to sit by the pool to sit and almost cuddle up to each other as Cam gives us the nod.

“So we’ve got not-so-newbie Jordie with us again today and one of our super studs in Ryley and really Jordie gotta say to have Tyson and Ryley in your first three fucks is pretty good,” Cam says as I nod my head and feel my cock jump.

“I mean yeah absolutely, pretty lucky to be with some pretty amazing guys you know who show me the ropes” I say as Ryley smiles and I can see Tyson laugh behind Cam as well.

Henry’s hand is behind me and slides down behind my towel so I can feel his hand on my ass which is tickling me at the same time.

“You two met for the first time on Friday night when we had drinks and feels like you become pretty inseparable since then, is that right Ryley?”

Henry nods his head “Yeah, I’d heard you and Tyson talk up Jordie a fair bit and was wondering if he could meet expectations and he was alright I guess.” I mock offence knowing he’s joking “Wow… just alright I mean you want me to fill you up with cum and I’m just ok?” everybody laughs as my flirting game is pretty strong and stronger than I thought it would ever be. 

“Alright, Jordie is pretty amazing because he is the full package you know, he’s just such a down-to-earth kinda guy and one of those guys that has so much charisma that you feel like you’ve known each other forever and then fuck he’s a monster when it gets to fucking.”

The post-scene interview wraps up pretty quickly and Cam says that he will put some behind-the-scenes stuff of us up onto the website to go with it as Tyson and Cam give us some space as they head inside as I look at Henry. 

“Where do you think that you’re going?” he looks at me as I smile and want to spend more time with him as my hand goes quickly into his towel so when he gets up his towel falls down. 

I see him smiling and giving me a dirty look as he smirks “I know the cameras are gone and we did it already but I wanna spend some time with you naked just the two of us because it felt so good in bed the other night but I wanna cuddle to you naked in the sun”.

Henry might think it’s a bad idea given that most of everything he does is in front of the camera or at least so I thought but he agrees and we just sit in the sun for a while together naked. “That was hotter than I could have ever imagined you know, this whole thing has made me really think about my life and everything,” I say as Henry smirks and kisses me deeply.

“I know what you’re thinking Scott” as Henry winks at me and smiles as we just kiss again letting time drift away in the sun as we get some special time together overlooking the city and even though we’re not alone, it all just feels right.