From Campus to Camera

by ThatAussieGuy

20 May 2023 2950 readers Score 9.7 (77 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Bromance, Exes, and Doubts

Heading out with Tyson, I’m not sure what to expect from tonight because this guy looks like your typical jock but have already learnt that he is anything but with his first comments to me about wanting to ask me out on a date even though we are already going out to have drinks tonight.

The Uber takes us into a part of the city that I haven’t gone to as we head to a bar on one of the main streets that is completely different to anything I’ve been into in my life. “So what do you want?” he asks as I just say that I’ll have a beer which he rolls his eyes at but then comes back with a margarita for himself and then a beer for me.

Tyson finds a spot for us to sit “I thought we’d come here because it’s a pretty chilled bar, it does not have a lot of music or anything like that just pretty chilled” he says as I nod and know that at Tavern Blue we had plenty of music on a Friday night because they wanted a party vibe.

“So, Scott your name or your porn name?” he asks as I look across at him confused. “What do you mean your porn name?” I ask thinking that I would probably just use my name for porn not realising that most guys actually have a different name.

Tyson laughs “You don’t really know much about gay porn at all do you,” he says in a way that is probably condescending given that when it comes to this I am just a dumb broke straight guy needing money.

“Not really, I only found out about the porn aspect with all this when I was meeting with Cam for the first time,” I say as Tyson nods and is impressed with how quickly I taking things on, especially with the nude shot of my butt. “You’re pretty quick in all this, some guys turn up for a meeting and then we don’t see them again for weeks for a modelling shot then ages for porn” he says as I nod my head.

I take a drink of beer and look around at how I’m the only person drinking it “Well yeah I can get that, I was taken back by the way Cam had put it when we met this morning but I thought that I’m in a no-win situation financially and well honestly I thought Cam would see me and send me home” I say as Tyson puts his drink down.

“What the hell do you mean that he would send you home? You are so fucking hot” Tyson says as I look embarrassed and surprised that he says that considering some of the guys that are in the studio and who he would have had sex with in the past both in porn and outside of it.

I just shrug my shoulders as he says that “I don’t know, I guess I’ve never really thought of myself as being hot you know” I say as Tyson reaches over and hits me. “Dude, I had to come out and see what was happening because I saw you with Cam and wanted to know who you were and what your story is because the moment I saw you I thought phwoar” he says as I laugh and blush quite hard.

“Next lot of drinks get me one of those,” I say to him pointing to his margarita which he nods and we sit there talking a bit more. “So do you think that you’ll get into the hardcore stuff?” he says as I nod pretty quickly all things considered.

“Yeah I think I might at least give it a go once you know, my bank account needs it,” I say with a smile on my face as Tyson rolls his eyes for a moment then just looks at me with a smirk. “And alright I’m kinda keen to give it a try you know, the photo shoot and especially the last part was actually pretty fun and I didn’t say anything to Cam but I was pretty keen to give it a go”.

Tyson pats me on the back as he gets up “Think it’s time for a celebration round” he says getting up as I’m nowhere near finishing my beer but he grabs it out of my hand and brings back the margaritas for us to drink”.

“So, what is the Scott story? I know that you’re broke, straight and hot” he says to me as I just laugh at his comment and the continual compliments about being hot even though I’ve never and still don’t really think that I am hot. “Well I’m from North Dakota originally, grew up in a small town that has more gun shops and shooting ranges than it does pretty much anything else” Tyson rolls his eyes at me and then looks at me with concern. “Before you go anywhere I’m not a gun-toting redneck in fact, I fucking hate them,” I say as he laughs and has a sigh of relief.

“I’m not even from a city so the town is about as MAGA mental as you could fucking get and some of my family are so dumb that I literally only talk to them at family events and even then it’s when I have to,” I say laughing as Tyson just laughs as well. “So now I’m over here because I finished top of the school marks wise so I won a small amount of money that goes into College and let me tell you it was small” I say as Tyson sits there and nods as I tell him about moving across.

As we finish another drink and he buys some more as we get some food as well “So tell me about you and how you got into porn” he says as he just laughs really.

“Well Tyson is my porn name but we have an agreement around the house that we all just address each other by our porn names and all that, some guys I have no idea what their real names are and I have met them and known them for so long,” he says as I assumed that as much and don’t expect him to really give me his real name or too many details.

Before he can get started saying anything, some guy walks over to the table “So this is your new little bitch hey” The guy who looks like he’s already had a good night before getting into the bar is standing there looking at Tyson.

“He’s just a friend who’s straight” Tyson says as the guy rolls his eyes “Oh bullshit he is, kid I’d run as far away as possible from this fucker” I just ignore the guy as he starts to go at me. “What do you actually think you are the rich kid that can throw his money about?” he says as Tyson stands up and gets aggressive.

Standing there Tyson looks angered but then just takes a deep breath “Just go Justin, there is nothing that we can say to each other anymore, it’s over” he says as he picks up his phone off the table and walks out as I follow him out and chase him down but it’s hard in the shoes I’m wearing.

“Hey wait up,” I say as Tyson stops and waits for me to catch up as I can see how annoyed he is about the situation and me getting dragged into it. “Sorry about that Scott, he’s just my ex and anytime we see each other it gets nasty because he needs help” We walk over to the park nearby and sit down.

“I didn’t mean to get you dragged into anything and probably killed whatever hope that you had of getting into porn with dramas like that,” he says as I just laugh and shake my head. “Hey, it doesn’t change anything, I could see that everything wasn’t ok with him when he came through the door and it doesn’t bother me,” I say to him as he smiles and I put my arm around him.

Even though we’d only met a few hours ago, there is something about Tyson that I like as a friend and connected to because even though I’ve made some good friends here, my closest friends are all back in North Dakota and even then it’s mostly my older brother Thomas and my cousin Tim.

“So is there anywhere else you want to go or?” I ask as he just shrugs his shoulders “Might just head back to the house tonight” he says as he looks defeated. “It’s barely 10 pm and we could head to my place though it’s not really that close” I say to him not really sure what is going to happen once we get there considering that I don’t really have much for us to do other than watch TV or listen to some music and chat.

“I’ll be honest I don’t have much other than beer and maybe a can of Jack Daniels and maybe a bottle of vodka” I say laughing as Tyson shrugs. “It is still early in the night and we can buy some stuff on the way home” I just nod liking his style of thinking as we head to a liquor store and buy what he wants before getting a cab back to my place.

We get out as he looks at the building “People live in this?” he says as he looks at the brick exterior and although it’s not in perfect condition and would probably just be best suited by a demolition, it still houses all 13 people that are here comfortably. “It’s cheap and was the best thing I could get” I say as he laughs and we head up to my apartment as I’m back feeling embarrassed now forgetting that my Brother and Cousin both drove nearly 2,000 miles to bring most of my furniture in from North Dakota.

“Welcome to how the poor live,” I say laughing as I grab out some glasses for Tyson to fill up the drinks before he comes and sits down on the couch which is about the only thing I got new and even then it was heavily discounted at a store down the road that had flood damage and this just needed some new cushions.

Sitting on the couch, I put my Spotify on and my attempts to look good are right down the hill as my country music love comes right out into the open. “Sorry about all this, I know this wasn’t the plan you wanted when we were going out for drinks,” I say to him as he just looks at me.

“Hell, I’m the one who needs to apologise” he says as I look at him confused “We were having a good time down at the bar and it was my ex-boyfriend that ruined things” he says as we both just accept each other’s apologies.

“I’m just flattered that I’m considered good-looking enough to even be thought of as your boyfriend,” I say as Tyson doesn’t say much but just rolls his eyes. “If it’s not out of place, what happened between you two?” I ask as Tyson looks at me.

He lets out a sigh “Nah, it’s not out of place especially that you got dragged into it, Justin and I met not long after I started doing porn, he said he was cool with it and I genuinely think that he was”. Tyson takes more of his drink “Well, we dated for 2 years but over time he started taking drugs and got more and more addicted” he says as he thinks about what he wants to say.

“One night, I got home from shooting a week of movies in Mexico and found my placed trashed and him completely off his head, he had been scrounging around for money or anything he could find and we got into an argument and he left me with a fractured eye-socket and a broken nose,” he says as I’m there in shock. “I know I’m a big guy but I’m not physical like that and in a drug-addled rage he was unstoppable”.

“The shit part was that after all the shit I went through, he got given probation, rehab and an anger management course which clearly didn’t do anything,” he says as I put my arm around him and pat him on the back, appreciative of him telling me, especially having only just met me.

We sit there for a few minutes just in silence listening to the music “So how and why did you get into porn?” I ask as that brings a smile back to his face. “Because I’m gay, muscled and love sex… why just get it off grindr when I can have it all the time and get paid,” he says as I just laugh and nod understanding the point.

The night actually goes pretty smoothly considering the dramas and that we ended up back at my flat that is not exactly the advertisement for modern living with the run-down exterior and some very shoddy fixtures as well.

It gets close to midnight and Tyson decides to head back to the house as much as I can tell that he wants to stay the night and go further but he has to go to his real-life stylist job in the morning and then with my situation. Even though, I’m not into him that way… yet, there is just something between us that I really liked and I don’t know whether this was a ploy of Cam to get me in but even if it wasn’t it has worked because I feel really comfortable, especially with Tyson.

I take my shirt off as he waits for the Uber and I can see how attracted he is as he smiles at me and winks as he heads off and tonight my confidence levels are through the roof. I take my laptop to bed and have another look at the pictures still in shock that it’s me there and then compare it to the last selfie that I took and just shake my head.

Going to sleep at about 1 am, there is yet another kerfuffle going on downstairs as I’ve learnt not to have a look at anything or see anything that is happening because then you get dragged into different sides or a witness to anything.

The next few days I just chill at home, doing some more school work which I’ve sort of pushed to the side at the moment trying to job hunt to get some money and then just thinking about the porn stuff even though I know that there is a policy of the studio waiting a while between guys doing their first shoots and the initial contact.

Over the next few days, I find myself just chatting with Tyson so much about life in general and him opening up about his life and everything. The friendship has grown on to a full-on bromance between us because I’m talking to him more than anything that I’ve ever talked to anyone and he makes me laugh more than anyone else has before.

The weekend absolutely flies by spending most of it chatting with Tyson which eases a lot of my worry about the job search and money situation which really doesn’t change anything but takes my mind off things. Even though he’s eased a lot of my stress this week, I realise on Sunday night that I’ve barely done any of the schoolwork that I wanted to get finished before Monday but it’s not the end of the world considering how far ahead I am on things.

Heading to college on Monday, I slip back into my old persona of the small country town kid with my Walmart jeans and hoodie on and covering up my hair which is still in model mode from Friday. During class, I see my phone ring a few times and see that it’s Cam’s name on the display but in class I’m not in a spot to answer it before I see him texting me.

“Hey Scott, I know it’s only been a few days but keen to get an idea on your thoughts about coming in this week for another photoshoot because what we have put up has been really popular” 

I smile as I read the text and then reply while I’m sitting in class

“Hey Cam, I’m defs up for up, I’ve got class pretty much every day but Friday so we can schedule at some point around that 👍

I was always the kid that hated getting his picture taken and was always jealous of everyone else who I thought looked really good when I didn’t and to be fair probably growing up I was never the cool kid either because the kids at school were more into their dirt bikes, outdoors stuff and I wasn’t that kid even though I liked the farm.

So now, me being excited about having photos taken of me especially showing off my body and now considering that this one is going to have everything exposed to the world which doesn’t frighten me at all. We work out that Wednesday night would be a good time because he thinks that a nighttime theme to the shoot would look good after the afternoon shoot the other day.

It gets to Wednesday afternoon and Sharon lets me use her car to head to the house which I don’t tell her what I’m doing just that I’ve got a potential job opportunity. The drive out there is pretty cool and I thought that I would be more nervous about it as the day went on but actually, I’ve got more excited about this.

As I pull up at the gate my phone rings and it’s Mum on the other end which surprises me because we normally talk on the weekend.

“Hey Mum, everything ok?”

Mum: “Yeah perfectly fine, you didn’t ring me on the weekend so I got worried because you didn’t tell me about the car situation”

Me: “It’s not that big of a deal, I can still get to wear I need to go and my neighbour Sharon has let me use her car because she only uses it once a week when she has to go to the Hospital and she gets her shopping”

Mum: “Ok, so everything is fine otherwise? You’re not telling me about any issues?”

Me: “No, it’s fine”

Mum: “I hope you’re not just saying that because if there are any problems we can help out”

Me: “It’s fine, I’m an adult and I know that I can handle anything”

Mum: “Ok Well make sure that you’re smart about things and don’t force yourself to desperate measures”

I hang up the phone laughing as Mum says to me about not getting into desperate measures when I’m about to get naked for money. I park the car and walk in and see Cam waiting for me “Hey Scott, how are you feeling about this tonight?”.

“Actually I'm quite excited you know, the first time I was nervous and thought I would be again but as the day has gone on, I’m actually more excited,” I say as we both laugh and he tells me to head into the make-up room to get ready before anything.

The theme for tonight is all about going to bed with a guy like me where I’m gonna be in the bedroom, almost teasing and begging for someone to join me in bed. I’m sitting there in the chair because they want me to have what they call “bed hair”.

As I’m waiting a familiar face walks in smirking “So you’re back” the voice says as I know instantly that it’s Tyson who goes to work on my hair again. “I’m also one of the main hairstylists here so I get double duties,” he says as we laugh and he does my hair as there is also some light trimming of my ass which is pretty smooth as it is.

The first thing that I need to do is just do a few poses both wearing some long PJ pants at first and then I change into some white Calvin Klein briefs and lay on the bed pretty much just chilling out looking at my phone as they take the pictures.

As the shoot goes on, the first time that I’ve got to get naked in front of other people starts to hit me and now I can feel the nerves starting to kick in as before when they took the shots, I didn’t need to be full frontal to anyone as I am now. Thankfully, everything is so calm and I take a few moments to compose myself as we start with a few other shots.

I lay down on the bed face down but have my ass sticking up in the air as if I’m just laying there waiting for my boy to walk in the bedroom, no covers on which is actually kind of fun right now that I’m laying there and comfortable as the photographer is taking plenty of close up photos of me and my ass in particular.

We take a few minutes as they want to change around the setting of the room and it’s just Tyson now who’s there watching as for the first time I flip over and just lay there naked with my cock on show and something in me doesn’t feel weird about it being Tyson as he looks at my cock which isn’t the most hung in the world but still impressive.

“Damn, you are packing too,” he says as I just laugh pulling the sheet over me for the first few minutes before he pulls it away. “So how does it feel being naked in front of everyone?” he says as I shrug.

‘It’s sort of weird, I’m not a guy that really gets naked in front of other people, even at the gym I’m pretty much just doing everything in private because my family are so conservative that really nudity is a private thing” I say as he nods and understands.

Sitting there the people come in and I’m not really fussed as they look “Honestly, I’m so often without clothes that it becomes second nature to me” he says as I just laugh not surprised by that at all given how long he’s done porn and to be honest everything that he has told me it shouldn’t be a surprise.

“Why am I not surprised,” I say as he just laughs. “Anybody told you might be absolutely perfect he says as we sit there together pretty close” as we just keep chatting as Cam stands to outside with the photographer taking some photos.

I cover up as he walks over to us and I look at Tyson who again uncovers me “I was thinking, I know this was a solo shoot and I’m not expecting anything but would you two maybe wanna pair up now, you seem to have a strong connection and we could do a shoot now?” Cam says as he is coming up with an idea as I can see that Tyson is keen on it.

“I mean I’d be up for anything with this fucking sexy beast but it’s up to him and we are throwing him in the deep end” he says as Cam nods. “This isn’t going to be anything sexual, more just the two of you together cuddling and stuff like that,” he says as I nod my head and say that it’s ok.

Tyson agrees and he heads into the wardrobe to grab a pair of black briefs as I put on the white CKs I had on before. The poses start off with me laying in the bed and him standing in the ensuite doorway before heading to bed where now I’m back naked under the covers waiting for Tyson.

This is all a lot of fun whereas now I’m pretending to be asleep as he walks in and starts taking his briefs off to get into bed with me. I turn around after Cam gives us some more instructions and see Tyson’s smooth muscled body with his thick hard cock staring at me at eye level as I realise that I’m seeing a guy's cock so close to me that I feel a bit weird right now.

Tyson’s body is the ultimate jock body, absolutely ripped with pecs double the size of mine and a six-pack that is magnificent and barely a hair below his eyebrows at the moment except for a light bit of trimmed pubes above his magnificent cock.

Getting into the bed, Tyson smiles at me as he acts as the big spoon for the photos which is natural given his size compared to my frame that wouldn’t be called a jock frame but at the same time, I’m bigger than a twink.

Feeling his muscled arms around me is weird because I’ve only ever been in bed with girls and then it’s never been anything more than straight-up fucking. Laying there, I’m nervous as they continue to take the pictures and then we move into a more sexual position despite not actually having sex together.

I climb on top of Tyson and with the size of our cocks there is some inevitable touching and strangely it feels good despite me still thinking I’m straight and not really feeling any sort of attraction to Tyson at the moment as we cuddle together.

The more the night goes on, my mind is starting to get confused because I’ve never felt any sort of attraction to a man and even now I don’t know if I have an attraction to Tyson but everything feels right about this right now which surprises me because I really don’t know what to think.

As we lay there, Cam wants one final shot between us together and this time I feel Tyson kiss me right as the photographer takes the picture of us which feels weird at first having this muscled stud on top of me kissing me as I just lay there and finally, we finish up and just lay there next to each other.

“Wow, that was something else,” I say as he just smiles and looks at me. “Sorry about the kiss but I just thought it sealed the deal you know,” he says as I shrug. Looking down at my cock, I quickly realise that I’m hard and have been for ages during the shoot

I stand up and Tyson looks at my hard cock “Damn, you said that you weren’t hot and not hung… you have not met yourself have you” he says as I just laugh and shake my head as he says that. “If you saw the real me you’d really know,” I say grabbing my phone and showing him a selfie from work.

“Fuck” he says as I start smirking thinking that he is going to agree with me “That’s probably not the best shot you know and honestly, I think it’s just down to the fact that you didn’t know you were hot or anything like that and are a country boy,” he says as I nod my head.

The two of us get up and right now I feel really good and confident about everything because of how good it made me feel with all the compliments and a newfound sense of confidence especially when I know that Tyson is a pretty picky guy when it comes to who he works with and is with all around.

Cam gives me the latest paycheck and says that he’ll give me another because this was two shoots, the solo nudes will be out in the not-too-distant future but then they will release the ones with Tyson in a few month's time.

I put my crappy clothes back on and realise that it’s well after midnight as I drive home and get straight into bed, not bothering to take off the White CK briefs that I wore for the shoot which we can keep for these sorts of shoots which is fun.

Laying in bed, my thoughts on hanging out with Tyson are weird because I don’t think that I’m attracted to him but he has an effect on me that I’ve never felt before. He brings something out in me that makes me want to be around him and the fact that he always tells me that I’m hot is fun.

I lay there and my cock is still hard from what we did tonight, I keep my hands off it as much because I know that when I do my solo I want to share my big load once I start filming which is going to be a lot sooner than what anybody thinks.