From Campus to Camera

by ThatAussieGuy

4 Apr 2024 596 readers Score 9.5 (21 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Maybe I'm Not Straight?

The three of us walk by the bay which is on the way to the bar as we are barely a quarter of the way there when Tyson starts complaining. “These pants are way too hot right now” he complains as he gets no sympathy from me or Cam although I get the sense that this isn’t something new for Cam at all.

“You do this every time we go out Tyson, you put something deliberately tight or too small on and then complain about how it’s fitting,” Cam says rolling his eyes as he looks at me. Tyson goes to reply but then suddenly stops talking as Cam and I turn around and see Tyson completely gone.

The two of us look at each other trying to figure out where he has gone. “Where the fuck did he go? He was right behind us” The two of us look around trying to spot him but can’t see him anywhere.

“How does he just disappear like that? You’d think that you can spot a guy of his size, especially with what he is wearing.” I say as the two of us backtrack trying to see where we could’ve lost him looking for him like a missing child.

I look at Cam “He wasn’t kidnapped was he?” I joke getting a laugh out of Cam who shakes his head “He would have made so much noise, you know Tyson he doesn’t do anything quietly plus he has a pretty good punch on him” I nod not knowing about his punching skills but know that he doesn’t do anything quietly.

As we wander back, Tyson is looking at the menu at one of the food trucks that line the bay. “Tys…” before Cam can even get Tyson’s name out he gets told to shush straight away as we look confused.

“See the woman in the hideous blue dress with the Karen hair and then the arrogant asshole in the Black and White golf polo” Cam and I nod our heads trying to get a look at them as Tyson tells us to put his head down. At first, neither of us understand the significance of these people sitting in the outdoor area having an early dinner until it actually dawns on me who it might be.

I look at Tyson who looks panicked “That’s your Mum and Dad isn’t it” I ask as he nods his head and we walk back a bit and sit on the wall that’s across from the bay for people to sit on. “First time since I’ve left home that I’ve seen that chauvinistic, arrogant, bully pig” Tyson doesn’t mince his words when talking about his Dad but from everything he has told me it doesn’t surprise me.

Cam looks at Tyson “It’s been 10 years, he won’t recognise you” I nod my head as Tyson shakes his head. “He probably won’t but her two brain cells will probably fire together and recognise me from the salon and then talk to me and introduce her to her amazing husband and he will know who I am.

As Tyson says that Cam gives him a strange look as not sure if I should “Tyson’s mum is a regular at the salon and often books in for him specifically.” Cam looks at Tyson who nods and rubs his face “Yeah, I mean she’s never said anything to me and when she talks about the family never makes mention of me and always says she only has two kids and I honestly don’t think she knows it is me at all because she’s too fucking dumb to even think that I could’ve changed how I look plus if she does see me she won’t keep her mouth shut and once he sees me even after the surgery, he will know it’s me.”

Tyson’s stress is higher than I’ve ever seen from him and Cam I don’t think has ever seen Tyson this way and he is probably his best friend with how long the two of them have known each other. We stand there waiting as Cam suggests that we just walk past and that nothing will happen.

“How about you just walk this side of us then we’re blocking you from getting seen OR you could just ignore her if she decides to call out” My plan feels simple and viable because it doesn't need anybody to do anything special but even still Tyson is still worried and I suppose that given the enormity of the situation and potentially volatile I can understand it.

We stand there still trying to figure out a plan until Tyson just sighs “I’m gonna head home, it’s only a 10-minute walk back and I can change my pants and just get an Uber to the bar and meet you two guys there” he says as I shake my head.

“Nah, you two go I mean I’ll be about half an hour at most behind you guys and Scott can control the tunes tonight right?” he says with a wink at me as I know what or more who he is referring to when he talks about the music. “You sure, I mean don’t you want some company at least?” Cam asks as Tyson shakes his head almost pushing us along to walk to the bar as we reluctantly agree.

We make sure that Tyson starts heading towards the apartment while his parents are still sitting at the bar as we edge further near them and stand for a moment near the bar “So that’s Tyson’s Mum and Dad hey.”

Cam looks at them almost seething with anger as I look at him “Come on, if we stand here for too long then we’re both gonna say something that we regret not just for our sake.” Cam nods his head and I can see the look of anger on his face still as we start walking towards the club.

“How do parents manage to hate their children so much? Like yeah, Tyson’s gay so fucking what? He’s probably the most genuine, kindest, loving guy that I’ve ever met and he’s like a brother… ok maybe not brother with what we’ve done but you get what I mean” I nod my head and realise that whilst Cam knows a lot of the story, Tyson obviously hasn’t told him everything like he has me.

“I mean guess that’s gonna be my battle when my porn career gets out to everyone back home, I mean there’s probably not a person in town that would be open-minded enough to accept it, I mean I hope there is but doubt it given the collective thought patterns” I laugh and Cam puts his arm around me and hugs me tight.

“Look, whatever happens you know you’ve got a safe space because you’ve got Tyson that would move the world for you, you got some College friends, right? The guys at the studio would have your back and you got me, the boss” he says as he pulls me in tighter and I can feel his beefy body holding me before he lets go.

I look at him “How did your parents take to you being a gay porn star?” he smiles as he thinks about everything. “Was kinda strange really because I was just straight up with them about what I was doing because I just straight up told my Mum that I’d been taking on some cash-in-hand work” Cam just chuckles.

“So like Mum got worried and I said look it’s nothing to worry about because one of the guys from the gym actually runs a porn studio and wanted me to give it a try so I just thought we live once why not so I’m actually doing some gay porn… but I’m straight right, all just cash” Cam tells me the story as I realise how upfront about it was.

“I thought Mum even though she was open-minded would not be happy but it was the opposite, she just took a sigh of relief and just asked did I enjoy it which I did the first time and she was cool” he laughs as it gives me a very far distant bit of hope that if Mum ever finds out about me then I might be alright but then really doubt that it will.

The way Cam is open about everything is quite a fresh relief for me because I’m so closed off trying to hide everything going on here because I know that my family won’t just take the general life dramas as they are because to them it’ll be proof I should never have moved all this way let alone the stuff afterwards with porn and struggling for money.

I look across at Cam “I appreciate you telling me everything, I mean you probably don’t share a lot of that I’m guessing especially outside of Tyson” I say to him as he shrugs a bit. “Not really but I am a pretty open book really, what you get is what you see” he says as I wonder if that’s necessarily true but I don’t want to keep pushing him further than I really need to.

The two of us get to the bar “You head upstairs to the room, I’ll wait down here for Tyson so he can help carry the drinks upstairs” he says winking which I don’t know whether it’s the smartest idea letting Cam buy the drinks right now or letting me control the music.

I head up to the room and the first one in there and it’s totally different to what I thought it would be thinking it’d just be this other room of the bar that gets a door closed off like we had at the Tavern rather than this whole exclusive almost floor of the bar.

Wandering in and looking around there are mirrors all over the wall and couches around the edge of the room and just the whole room feels so expensive as I sit down and lay on the couch trying to find the perfect position as there’s a giant mirror on the roof as well. I have a look for the music system and get excited when I can control all the tunes and I know that I can make Tyson happy.

Scrolling through I pick out a playlist of songs and smile and push play as soon as I can hear two voices coming up the stairs with glasses clinking. “Thank god Scott is controlling the music because maybe just once someone other than you can actually pick the songs and it doesn’t become a Shania Twain festival” he says as I laugh from inside the room.

“We live in a greedy little world,

 That teaches every little boy and girl

 To earn as much as they can possibly,

 Then turn around and spend it foolishly”

Sitting there waiting for them to come in, I’m singing along as I always tend to do with the music as I hear the door slide open and notice Tyson didn’t just change his pants but changed his outfit as well going for the loose white buttoned up shirt and white shorts which probably looks better than what he had on before. The two of them come in and Tyson has a smile on his face and winks at me as Cam seems to be appreciative of the music.

“See it was a good thing that Scott got to the music right?” Tyson says to Cam as he nods his head not knowing what the song is but seems to be enjoying it as he walks over and looks at the screen and then gives Tyson a disapproving look.

I smirk grabbing a drink off the tray not even knowing what it is so that I can be free from blame as I take a drink and it hits me more than I expected because even though I worked at a bar, most of the drinks are still a mystery to me.

“Ka-Ching… Shania Twain” Cam says with a disapproving look at Tyson as I just hide behind him for a moment. “You put him up to this, didn’t you? I mean you probably gave him all the songs to play didn’t you” he says as I just smirk and Tyson points at me to blame me.

I put my hand up “It was all my choosing and Tyson didn’t have any say on the music” Cam doesn’t believe me as Tyson nods his head. “Honestly, it wasn’t my choice and Scott is as big of a Shania Twain fan as I am” he says before changing his words “Ok maybe not as much as me but still he knows songs nobody knows”.

The conversation gets stopped as Tristan comes in “HEY BOYS” he says taking a drink off the tray and coming into the room as he comes in and gives me a long hug before he sits down next to Tyson and hugs him. “Things seemed to go well between you two today,” Tyson says to Tristan as he nods his head and reaches over and pats my thigh.

“Yeah they did, Jordie… or am I using Scott now?” he asks with a smirk and shrug as Cam hears and looks across at things. “Oh yeah… might be best to go with Jordie tonight so that the guys who don’t wanna know real names and all that don’t feel they have to because you know the thing” I nod my head and it’s going to be hard to adjust to it but I think that I can.

“So how were things today between you two?” Tyson wants more details about what happened between the two of us in the shoot. Tristan looks at me and sees that I’m ok with him telling Tyson everything.

Tristan teases me and Tyson with a pained look on his face at first “Well if you want me to be honest they weren’t good” I look there as Tyson punches Tristan who has a smile on his face. “They were absolutely amazing you know, Jordie is an absolute fucking beast in the bedroom like he looks all quiet and shy but damn he’s not plus fuck he knows how to kiss” Tyson laughs and looks at me.

“He can kiss amazingly for sure especially when you get to be the first” he says with a smirk as I blush feeling embarrassed about Tyson and Tristan comparing what sex with me is like and the way they talk me up boosts my ego a fair bit as some more guys come in that I don’t really recognise.

I stay sitting down because even though I probably should get to know some of the other guys they are pretty overwhelming because these are all hot muscled jocks that seem to know each other and even though there’s probably only 10 of us in the room I still don’t know if I can talk to any of them.

Cam comes and sits down next to me “You doing alright man? Just seem a bit overwhelmed” he says as I nod my head because I thought that I’d be good at this but just feel out of place. “Yeah a little bit actually, like you and all these guys are amazing and I mean I’m nothing like you guys you know” Cam puts his arm around.

“You’re totally like us man, You are confident, strong and hot so you’re totally like us and I mean I know that some of the guys are pretty overwhelming but let me tell you that you live with probably the most intense of the guys in the studio and you handle him well plus I think of the guys most of them are straight or bi” Cam’s words encourage me a bit as he calls over a guy who is probably hotter than Tyson which is hard enough to believe as I look at him.

The guys looks at me with a smile “Well you’re the famous Scott… or Jordie that I’ve heard so much about” he says as he just looks like total perfection with a tanned body and the most perfect blonde hair as his muscles bulge in his grey long sleeves shirt and ripped jeans as I don’t know who this guy could be.

“Funny I haven’t heard you but I certainly recognise you from the Instagram and the website promos” he smiles and nods his head as he looks at me. “Scott meet Henry, Henry meet Scott” Cam says as I realise now who the face is sitting in front of me and I know why Cam and Tyson talk so much about Henry because this guy is almost perfection.

I smile at him “Good to meet you, bro… Have heard about you and your… gym skills so to speak” Henry laughs and nods his head. “Yeah, I’m pretty talented in the gym when it comes to doing the heavy lifting and the workouts are pretty good too,” he says as I smirk.

“I think Cam and Tyson were trying to set up a scene for us this afternoon” I laugh as he laughs and nods his head. “That doesn’t surprise me and I guess my little hints worked,” he says as I look at Henry because I know his face from somewhere else other than being in the porn movies and almost the face of the website these days other than Tyson as well.

I just realise what Henry said “Your hints?” he nods his head and laughs. “Yeah, I saw your pictures with Bennett on the opening day and then Can gave me some of the sneak peeks of your Tyson video,” he says as I look across at him wondering how he managed to get that sort of sneak peek of my stuff.

“Wait you and Bennett?” I ask thinking that there must be something because I know the fact that Bennett has a boyfriend and have seen the two of them at the gym so that must be where I think I’ve seen Henry. I look at him surprised because there is no way that Henry is more than 23-24 and Bennett is 43 which I know is pretty judgmental and shouldn’t but seems odd.

Henry laughs “Oh nah it’s nothing with Bennett and it’s hardly what you’re thinking at all” he says as I look across still confused. Henry puts his arm around Cam and looks at me “Wait you two? But…” I’m getting even more confused by what their connection is because I thought Cam was straight and anything he had was with Tyson, not Henry but then I have really scratched the surface.

Cam smiles at me as Henry laughs “It’s definitely not what you’re thinking because Cam is my step-brother” he says as it surprises me that the two brothers are so open about things together such as being naked around each other and the whole sex thing.

The two of them smile “Yeah we are step-brothers and it’s probably Cam which is the reason that I got into porn because I was 17 at the time and had sneakily been watching some scenes and I’d actually noticed a familiar face and well Cam was the first person who knew that I was gay and he actually encouraged me to do it.” The relationship between the two of them is amazing which is nothing like the one I have with my brother because even though we are close it’s not anything the same where we share these sorts of details together.

As we sit there, the atmosphere is pretty chilled as Henry looks across at me “What was the scene that they thought we could do?” Henry asks really curious about it and I don’t know how much information he actually knows. “Well I mean he and Tyson were talking about things and just said that it would be the perfect opportunity for me to wear a jockstrap and have a gym session and shoot with you because well you’re the Gym master” he says with a flex and laughs.

The three of us sit there having another drink as I get to know Henry “That sounds pretty fucking good to me, getting railed by the next superstar of porn” he says as I still try to get the idea of how I recognise Henry because it’s from something other than porn.

“You don’t feel like a bottom to me you know, if anything you feel straight like one of those douchebags off Coral Cove” As I say that something springs to mind as I point at him. “Wait… that’s where I recognise you from because you were on Coral Cove in 2021 right?” he just nods and laughs looking away from me embarrassed.

Cam laughs “Don’t mention Coral Cove to him, he absolutely hates it because he was in the closet so badly then” as Henry nods his head. “Was the worst thing possible, my manager thought it’d be this fantastic idea you know just to go on Coral Cove and my family thought it’d be good for me to dispel these gay rumours and get my proper career going even though everyone knew my porn past and I wasn’t gonna deny it” he says as getting to know Henry is really interesting because I don’t know why because but I never thought that there was a real person behind what we see and their personalities.

I don’t even realise that Cam gets up as Henry and I keep talking as the room fills up a bit more with some of the guys' girlfriend tacking along which tries to welcome everyone in although it feels a bit odd right now as Henry looks at me. “Do you wanna go upstairs for a while? We get access to the rooftop bar which was meant for the days where you could go up and smoke or have a vape but can’t do that anymore” he says as I nod and follow him upstairs to the area.

The view on the roof is pretty amazing and I don’t know why Henry invited me up there and the air is much cooler now that the sun has gone down as I look at him “I just wanted to get out of there because I mean the guys are cool but the girls well they are absolutely painful because they get clingy and all that nonsense” he says as I nod but still don’t know why he wants to come and sit out here with me.

“Any reason that you wanted to come and sit out here with me in particular like I know how many of the guys you know and maybe like Tyson or Cam” I say as he shakes his head. “Nah, like they are two of my favourite boys you know but they are busy and I just wanted to chill more than anything and up here is pretty cool” he says looking at me as I smile.

“That makes sense and yeah it is pretty overwhelming in there you know with all those guys with all that charisma and charm talking about things but I’m really just the lame country guy who just feels like he doesn’t necessarily fit in” Henry sits there nodding as we sit on a wooden bench that has a view of the ocean.

The two of us sit there “Exactly the same reason why I came out here, I don’t mind coming to these things but there are probably only 3 or 4 guys that I actually really talk to socially I mean that probably sounds arrogant but just how I feel about them” he says as I nod and understand where he is coming from because I’m not the most social of guys and even then I get picky about who I want to talk to which is probably awful on first judgments.

I look across at Henry “Was there something you really wanted to talk about with me I mean sharing that you and Cam are related I don’t think is common knowledge” he nods his head as I say that and this is the first time that we have spoken so I don’t know what I can bring to the situation.

“Nah nothing in particular, just like I said I needed some space and wanted to get to know you a bit better because I’ve heard plenty about you from Cam and Tyson in our group chats and well I wanted to see for myself how cute and amazing you are,” he says as I smile and blush always enjoying the comments especially these days where I’m getting more and more confident about myself.

Henry looks across at me “Did you ever think you’d be doing porn?” as I shake my head because it was definitely not in my plans when I started college. “Hell no, I mean if you asked me 2 months ago I’d be saying there wouldn’t be a chance in hell I’d be doing porn let alone gay porn but the circumstances being what they are meant I had to and I’m never saying no,” I tell Henry who nods his head and understands my point which is good.

“What about you? How did you get into porn was it through Cam or what?” I ask as he smiles and I can see how cute his smile is and why he is so charming. “I’d made my mind up of getting into porn almost as soon as I turned 18 you know because I had wanted to be an actor and I know porn is probably not where you start but I thought at least with my body and good looks because I’m fucking hot right” I nod my head at him as he says that with a smile. “After Cam discovered that I was gay and into watching the porn he suggested that I had a go and because he was close with Bennett he gave me a shot and I did a solo and it was cool but I had been trying my hand at getting some proper acting roles and got a nothing role in a Disney Channel show and then had a three-month role as the school bully on Pacific Palms.

I point at Henry “That is where I recognised you from as well Mum loves Pacific Palms and it’s probably the only thing that she watches religiously” he laughs and nods his head as that’s where most people would recognise him. “It wasn’t exactly making me happy because I mean we all can’t get super roles and it sort of typecast me as the bully or the arrogant jock type which I know I could have got plenty of roles but I was still more interested in getting into porn properly,” he says nodding my head as I mean Hollywood to porn is pretty different to what most people want in their acting career.

“So where does Coral Cove fit into the scene because you and Lara seemed pretty close and hot” he laughs and throws his head back groaning. “Oh Coral Cove that was an interesting time, it was a suggestion from my manager you know to get my name and face out there because he thought I could be the hottest property on TV and this would get me popularity so I just went along with it and you know it was probably where I really realised about my career and what I wanted.”

I nod my head and he continues to talk to me about his life and it’s actually pretty chilled between the two of us as we are just sitting there as the sun finally goes down and the moonlight covers the roof and the automatic lights that line the area come on as we sit there and he pulls me into him.

My mind is going in all sorts of directions right now because I still think of myself as being totally straight but after spending more time with the guys and around the studio I feel more comfortable with these guys than I ever had and when I thought touching a guy would be weird, it’s actually now more comfortable than when I think about the times I had sex back home with girls and when I first got into town.

Looking across at Henry, I’m just taking in by him right now and my mind is confused because we’re sitting there pretty chilled together now as on the outdoor lounge he sits up and I’m cuddled into him as his arms are around me as the two of us finish off our drinks. “This doesn’t feel weird does it given that I know you’ve got a boyfriend and well I’m close friends with your brother and then his best friend.”

Henry looks at me as his arms go around me tighter and he looks at me “Nah, unless it’s weird for you sexy and you don’t need to worry about anything because my boyfriend and I are pretty open and well the Tyson thing doesn’t matter because we’ve had sex four times together” he says as I smile and we keep sitting there.

I don’t know how long we are sitting up there as Henry looks at me and again and I turn my head to kiss him not sure if I’m getting the right sense of the situation but he doesn’t push me away but kisses me back as our hands explore right now.

“Sorry if I overstepped,” I say looking at Henry who shakes his head and kisses me again as just like kissing Tyson for the first time ever this feels really amazing and like it’s the person who I should be and not the one I’m telling myself that I need to be. The two of us remain cuddled up until we hear the door open and Cam comes outside and has a smile on his face “I was wondering where you two got to” he says as I’m worried that he is going to be annoyed but he’s anything but as he comes out.

“You two look really comfortable, too many people downstairs for you Scott?” he asks as Henry takes control of the conversation. “Actually, it was my idea to come upstairs and get some fresh air for a while and we just got talking and clicked then watching the Sunset we got comfortable together talking and well the door sort of locks from the inside so we couldn’t get out” Cam looks suspiciously at Henry as he rolls his eyes not knowing that it’s the truth.

Cam looks at us “You two don’t need to get going though might want to go downstairs but I just wanted to let you two know that Tyson and I are heading off because he wants to head home and I think he’s had enough to drink so we’re going back to the apartment so just wanted to let you know” he says as I nod my head and accept that as I look at Henry and tell Cam that I might just stay chilling with Henry for a little while longer because I don’t want to be a third wheel because I feel like something could happen between Tyson and Cam tonight again and I don’t want to spoil that.