From Campus to Camera

by ThatAussieGuy

19 Sep 2023 1252 readers Score 9.7 (29 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Apologies for such a long break in chapters, but I've had a few personal issues going on mainly to do with my work and I've lacked a lot of confidence really especially to do with my writing and losing enthusiasm for it. I've picked it back up lately so hopefully things will be more regular again.

My attitude has changed in such a short period of time where I’ve gone from being nervous and worried about shooting gay porn to now actually being excited about it and even though I don’t think I’m gay, I think it’s just the excitement and being able to show off that gets me going.

Sitting back down on the couch, my laptop starts working and I don’t know whether it was my frustrations about things before or it was just life trying to teach me a lesson, but everything works properly so I sit there and do some work for a while but remember what Tyson says about not pushing myself too much with work and decide to head down to the gym again. 

The afternoon flies by and as I check my bank account still waiting for the promised pay that we were going to get from the bar for the weeks that we were put on shift for like they promised which is annoying but I at least am thankful for the porn money right now which is a lot more than what I would have gotten from the bar.

I get up and look in the fridge which is always amazingly tidy because I swear that Tyson goes through it every day to make sure that it is clean like the rest of the place. The thought of looking to decide what is for dinner is not the easiest and now I know why Mum complained about things because everybody would always complain about things when she cooked them.

There are two options sitting right in front of me that I can choose from and the decision daunts me a little bit so I end up messaging Tyson:

“What do you want for dinner out of the Marinated Beef or the Fish?”

I text him not sure what he is going to say and probably going to ruin the food because the master of everything seems to be a gourmet chef adding to his repertoire of being a hot muscle stud, amazing porn star, hair stylist and just about everything else possible. 

“The Marinated beef, cook it up how you want and put it with the Rice and do it however YOU want” Tyson replies having faith in my cooking tonight which is probably a mistake because even though I had my own place for so long, a half-working stove meant that I only usually re-heated food in the Microwave or reheated something when I got the oven to work.

I start to cook the marinated beef, using the internet as a guide to help me out because I don’t want to mess things up as I’m worried that I could set this modern brand-new apartment on fire. The spice and heat of the sauce that the meat is marinated in smell absolutely amazing as I cook them and add some vegetables to the pan and even take a picture of it and send it to Tyson.

“Hot damn, that looks fucking amazing, be home in 20,” he says as Dinner takes that long to cook and as he walks through the door as I dish up he is impressed.

“Fuck that smells as good as it looked” he says as I smile and look pleased with myself as I dish it up with restaurant quality as I put it on the table as Tyson says that he wants to change and then eat dinner with me at the table. I put the food down as he comes back having changed out of his tight Black and White striped shirt and jeans to now sit at the table wearing just a pair of shorts showing off his thick muscled smooth thighs as he sits down.

I’m surprisingly nervous about how the food is going to be so I let Tyson take the first bite which means that if there is something wrong then I know that I don’t have to taste it. Instead, he eats multiple bites pretty quickly as I start to eat and I realise how good it tastes and that I might just be more than a microwave magician.

“So how was the day at the Salon other than me visiting? I ask as he just shrugs as if to say basically the same as usual. “The pretty much usual, stuck-up bitches coming in all thinking they are the queen shit wanting all these hairstyles and then a vent about how their Mercedes isn’t working and how their gardeners haven’t got their grass to the right shade of green compared to other houses in their street,” he says as I look at him stunned that people make a big deal about that while they are getting their hair done.

“They really talk to you about their front grass?” I say as Tyson nods and I shake my head and roll my eyes as he says that. “Yep, I’ve got a regular client, Karen, yes that is her name and yes the name fits her personality because she comes in twice a month because as she says quite often “Getting her hair done each fortnight is cheaper than going to a therapist because she can talk everything out here.” 

I always thought a hairdresser’s job was just to look after the hair but I’ve quickly learnt that you also have to play the role of marriage counsellor, therapist and anything in between. “I know way too much about the Mayor’s wife’s Hibiscus tree being a nuisance dropping its leaves all over the neighbours' backyards and pools but then when they put it to her, she is often on a “community service trip” with her assistant Marco which from multiple sources is her Puerto Rican sex toy,” he says as I laugh and just shake my head.

Tyson keeps eating dinner and enjoying it “I know way too much about things that I don’t want to know about and really have any interest in knowing about” he says as I can’t imagine what he gets told and the sort of thing that gets put on his shoulders.

“This is really good Scotty” he says finishing his plate off before getting up and trying to get the small amount of leftovers in the pan before coming back and sitting down. “So what did you do for the rest of the afternoon, I can see that your laptop is working again?” he asks as I nod my head.

“Yeah, I just got home and used your advice… well Shania’s advice and just thought positively about it and naturally it just powered up straight away and worked without any issues so I did some more work on my major project, editing and studying,” I say as Tyson nods but then points at me. 

“I thought that I told you not to study and do something that actually calms you down” I nod as he says that but for me that is my form of relaxation. “I know that but I get bored and that is what calms me down because I might not fully look like it but am I probably a true nerd” I say as Tyson laughs and nods his head.

The two of us keep eating and talking “Well you might be a little but you also love sports and I don’t think that there is a nerd out there that would be willing to make porn the way you do” he says smirking as he winks at me and I blush. “Speaking of porn by the way, I’ve got another shoot on Friday, Cam text me this afternoon and wanted to know if I was up for another shoot but I wasn’t so sure” I say trying to gauge Tyson’s reaction to me being negative about it.

The look on his face has concern written all over it “WHAT? WHY?” he says with a raised voice as I keep playing on the fact that I said that I don’t know when I am excited about doing it again and having sex with a guy that I don’t really know. Tyson gets up and takes his plate over to the sink as I get up and walk behind him and put my hands on his shoulder behind him and teasingly kiss him on the neck.

“You really think that I said no?” I say as he turns around still annoyed at me as I just smile at him as he gives me a look that is still annoyed at me. “What? I thought you would be happy about that” as his facial expression looks at me still with that annoyance as I’m getting confused because he’s gone from being annoyed that I led on that I said no to right now being still annoyed that I’ve told him that I said yes.

I look confused at him “What? You actually really thought I said no?” I say trying to defuse the situation as he looks at me still annoyed not letting any other opinion display on his face. “YES, we get guys who come to the studio all the time that want to film and say how good it was and how much they want to keep going again but then just disappear or say no” I look surprised and my face drops and I realise how annoyed this makes Tyson.

“Oh… I didn’t know” I say as Tyson drops the act and laughs at me as he realise that he really got me then “Fuck you Tyson” I punch him as I say that and he smiles. “Well yes please,” he says laughing as I shake my head and he hugs me.

I look at him as he lets go of me “Did you actually think that I was ever going to say no?” I say to Tyson who shakes his head at me. “Of course not, I knew that you said yes because Cam told me this afternoon because he had a couple of scene partner ideas and wanted my advice” he says as I nod and try to prompt information out of him but he doesn’t give me.

“So you gonna tell me or what is happening on Friday?” I say as he laughs and shakes his head at me “Nope.” I teasingly pout hoping he will give me more information but he refuses “I’ll look after the plates and the rest of the stuff seeing as you cooked,” he says to me as I know that only means putting things in the dishwasher which really isn’t cleaning up but he thinks that it is a big deal.

I sit down on the couch and get my laptop back up “You better not be studying?” he says to me as I shake my head and close my Word document with my report on because I know that he is going to check what I’m doing and just get The Sims 4 up to show that I’m playing. “The Sims 4 hey? Thought that was for teenage girls and college students with no lives” he says with a smirk on his face as I look across at him with a glare.

“If I get up off this couch and go to the Washing, would I not find your very own T-Shirt with a plumbob on it?” I say as Tyson shrugs and looks at me with his typical hot cheeky grin on his face. “I wasn’t judging at all,” he says as I give him a quizzical look because I know that he was judging in his own way. “Ok fine, maybe just a little” he says to me as I laugh and look across at him.

“I know that you are playing the Sims so don’t think that you are better than me for it ok Tyson?” I say as he puts his hands up as I know that as much as he likes to tease me, he loves playing the game too.

We sit there talking about the Sims and our different characters before he gets up to get some dessert and Coffee. “Did you hear any more from your Mum yet?” he asks calling out from the kitchen as I haven’t heard anything and check my phone to see if there is any news but there isn’t yet even though she said we’d talk tonight.

“Nah not yet, she’s probably still at the hospital looking after him and seeing how everything is going on with him although I don’t know how much news could be good news” I say being brutally honest about everything at the moment because I know that things have never been good since Dad had his stroke as much as everybody likes to think so and despite being the one becoming a doctor, apparently they all know best.

It gets to about 9 pm and we’re both sitting there on our laptops just playing The Sims like we’re teenagers and watching The Simpsons on Disney Plus as my phone buzzes on the arm of the lounge. I pick up my phone and see that my mother has texted me  “Video chat in 10 minutes?” she texts me as I send back a positive response and take a deep breath as Tyson looks at me.

“That your Mum?” he asks as I nod and take another deep breath as he puts his laptop down and sits next to me and puts his arm around me “You know that everything will be okay and you’ve got a good network around you” he says as I nod my head.

Tyson gets up and goes to have a shower “Hey, do you want to meet my Mum tonight? Just so that she can know you and at least get one sense of relief tonight because I know that she probably doesn’t trust you right now but I guess at the very least it might help?” I say as he smiles and looks at me nodding.

“If you think that it will help, though I wonder if it is helping you or her” he says as he goes to have his shower I get up for a moment and follow him as I watch him stripping off his shorts with the tight Briefs showing a big bulge. “Hey, just remember I need you in your straight boy persona tonight, not the real Tyson” I say as he laughs and shakes his head.

He knows the situation that I need because we’ve already talked about it but still, he wants to joke about it to lighten the mood “So you want me back in the closet?” he says as I laugh and shake my head. “That might be difficult because I don’t think I’ve ever been in the closet and well might be hard to go back to somewhere I’ve never been” he says as I laugh and shake my head.

“I’ve never said that you had to go back into the closet just be straight or straight acting for the time my mum talks to you,” I say as he pulls the face of pain at that idea but then at the same time, he can be pretty good at playing the straight guy because he adapts the situation perfectly well. I head back to the living room as Tyson has his shower and my Mum video chats me on the laptop.

Mum: “Hi Scotty, sorry about this morning?”

Me: “Hey Mum, it’s OK we’re both at high levels of stress this morning with Dad and My place”

Mum: “Yeah that is fair because both of us were dealing with the big things”

Me: “So how is Dad doing?”

Mum: “He is doing really well given the circumstances, they are going to move him to a major hospital in the city so that they can operate and do a full assessment on his hip but he should be home in a few weeks”

I listen to my mother talk and really doubt what she has to say and I don’t know whether it’s her trying to put a positive spin on things and protect me from the bad news or just that she is trying to deny to herself the reality of the situation. 

Me: “Well that’s good I guess, do you have the information so that maybe I could get some news because I am the one going to be a doctor and then I can make a judgement on everything and be in the loop.”

My words to Mum probably didn’t go down as well as I wanted them to because I was trying to be a help and that maybe the more technical and accurate information could come from me and I could pass it along. As Mum gives me the information, I have no doubts that she is passing on the best that she can as well as putting a positive spin on it but I know for a person who didn’t finish High School, she probably isn’t fully up with everything and how it’s being explained.

Mum: “Why do you think that I’m not capable of looking after your father or dealing with the situation Scott?” her tone is instantly offended and I didn’t mean for that to happen as I try to calm the situation down.

Me: “No, that’s not what I’m saying at all but Dad has had a massive stroke and then now trying to move around the house he had a fall. I know that you’re doing an amazing job looking after him and I appreciate that but I thought that if I had the Doctor’s info I could know what he is doing when you’re not”

Mum: “I know that you mean best but it’s all good right now because I’m at the hospital pretty much all day every day you know”

Me: “Yeah that’s true, so what else is happening?”

Mum: “Nothing much, I’ve been busy all day with your Dad” 

Mum’s tone of voice changes down the chat and I can see it in her eyes that thinking about it is making her feel upset. 

Me: “You ok Mum, you look like you are about to burst out crying?”

Mum nods her head as she wipes her eyes probably forgetting that we are chatting on video right now and that I can see everything on the screen.

Mum: “I’m okay, it’s just this situation with your Dad is really scaring me you know and having you so far away with your dramas and not being able to help you”

Me: “I know, it scares me too but I’m able to see this situation through because, in my situation over here, I’ve found the silver lining because it’s got me out of a place that I hate, I’m not living alone and have company every day that I get home and you don’t need to worry about me”

Mum nods her head and smiles about that situation as even though I know that she isn’t entirely comfortable with everything still she is feeling better.

Mum: “That’s good, how is work at the moment? You haven’t really talked a lot about it lately and well you couldn’t stop when you first started”

Me: “Yeah I took a few days off with everything going on but I think things are mostly fine you know, different shift each day and it’s the usual bar nonsense”

Mum: “OK good, what about the apartment is it good and is your friend not going to add to your problems?”

Me: “Yeah, I can give you a guided tour and you could meet Tyson if you want?”

Mum: “I don’t need the guided tour because I can tell that it already looks fancy but if your friend wants to talk then I’ll be ok”

Me: “Sure I’ll get him”

I get up and get Tyson who is out of the shower and wearing one of his basketball jerseys and jeans as I realise that he is just wearing his normal everyday clothes and it’s the fact that I know that he is gay which is probably why I was so worried.

Me: “Hey Mum, this is my friend Tyson”

Mum: “Oh… hello Tyson” 

Mum’s tone is one of complete surprise because I realise that Tyson is probably completely different to what she was expecting with the Nerdy boy from North Dakota to be friends with someone like Tyson.

Tyson: “It’s good to meet you, ma’am”

The nervousness in the conversation is really weird because I thought that it was going to be me and Mum who had all the nervousness and suspicion but right now it’s Tyson who is showing all the fear right now between the two.

Mum: “So Scott tells me that you’re a hairdresser or something?”

Tyson: “Yeah, I work in a Men’s salon in the city, been there for a few years”

Mum: “Oh ok cool, just sometimes when you hear hairdressers and men that they’re usually a bit… queer”

Standing to the side of the conversation, I run my hands over my face as I know that Mum’s words are very offensive but I know rather than coming from a place of hate they are just pure ignorance on the world beyond the borders of North Dakota and everything that she grew up from. I get worried about Tyson and how he reacts but I guess porn acting is still acting as he chuckles at her comment.

Tyson: “Yeah they can be sometimes, can’t they”

Mum: “So Scott told me you met through his work at the bar?”

Tyson: “Uh yeah, we had a mutual friend and they introduced us and turned out Scott and I just hit it off being into Basketball and things like that”

Mum: “Well that’s good and he seems to be happy around you”

I jump back into the conversation to avoid any more awkwardness because I don’t know how much more that Tyson can take without it going into further lies and situations.

Me: “Tyson has to get the dishes out of the Dishwasher and ring his grandparents back don’t you”

Tyson: “Yeah, I talk to my grandmother every night and she had Bingo tonight so our conversation is a little later so I better go”

Me: “I hope you liked Tyson, he is a good guy and I wanted for you to make sure that you know that because I know you were worried about him and me but he looks out for me more than anyone”

Mum looks at me down the chat and nods her head 

Mum: “Yep but I can see that you don’t have too many issues with a guy like Tyson around and I can see that he looks after you too”

I get suspicious of Mum’s choice of words but then realise that she wouldn’t be thinking anything more than a close friendship because she wouldn’t be so warm to Tyson or me about things.

Me: “Yeah he’s a really good friend and has been helping me out so much with both the fire and then today with the news about Dad.”

Mum: “Well that’s good and you seem happier than you did this morning, anyways I have to head off and there are still plenty of things I need to do here with the farm so will give you an update tomorrow.”

I log off from the chat with Mum feeling weird about the situation that just went with Mum because I know that there is probably a lot more that she is not telling me but she was at least open to me about things when she wasn’t this morning and doesn’t normally. I sit there trying to contemplate what happened especially with things with Dad as I kind of feel better as well knowing a bit more information.

Wandering towards the bedroom so that I can take my shower, I walk in on Tyson who is there naked trying to find a pair of PJ shorts as I get the full view of his firm smooth butt. “Well, that is a good greeting,” I say as he laughs and slaps it as he is still bent over.

“Do you really have a problem with this view?” he says as I just laugh and shake my head as he grabs out a pair of hot pink sleep shorts. “I know that you don’t have a problem seeing my ass considering that you’ve been inside it twice and love the feeling of having your hard cock in here,” he says as I shrug and think about both the porn scene and then the night where we did it in the bedroom.

I lay down on his bed to talk to him as he lays down next to me naked “You ok after that?” he asks as I nod my head. “Yeah I guess so, it probably went better than I thought though I know that she doesn’t tell me the truth about Dad because I mean that any reasonable person with a son becoming a doctor would give the information to him so he could know,” I say as Tyson nods his head and then puts his arm around me and pats my arm.

“Maybe there is a reason for her doing that you know, she is your mother and they are supposed to protect you from things like that and she knows that you’ve been through a lot in the past few weeks so she doesn’t want to add that stress on,” he says as I nod and notice the underhanded dig at his mother in that comment.

I nod my head and just take a moment to relax as my head slides onto his shoulder and his whole naked body underneath me which once would probably freak me out and even though I don’t really feel a level of romantic affection for him at the moment, it doesn’t feel unnatural for us to be laying like this either.

“Yeah, I guess that’s probably it and I’m sorry for what she said about hairdressers” My guilt comes to the fore as Tyson just smiles and laughs. “Well what she said doesn’t apply to me because I’m a Stylist to start with but if that’s the worst thing that I get called then it’s not a big deal, I’ve copped a lot worse and that’s at stuff you could never imagine,” he says as I could only imagine it and even though he is a big muscled up stud, those words I can tell have a big impact because he has a very soft core on the outside of his hard exterior.

“Do you want to watch a movie or something?” he asks me as I smile and nod my head “Yeah that’d be good but nothing too serious or stupid tonight.”

Tyson smiles and gets up putting on his pink sleep shorts and smiles “Already got something in mind” he says as I get up to have my shower. In the shower, I take a few minutes just to reflect on things and realise that I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place because even though I don’t feel that romantic affection for Tyson, I can’t even admit to myself that it’s a never going to happen which feels weird at the same time that it doesn’t.

I have my shower and get into PJs which are all usually off-casts that Tyson had and head out to the living room where he has made himself a non-alcoholic cocktail and Popcorn. “It’s a special occasion and you can’t watch a movie without it,” he says as I sit down next to him on the couch as the Movie starts.