From Campus to Camera

by ThatAussieGuy

9 Jun 2023 1630 readers Score 9.5 (48 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

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Moving all this way to the city was never meant to be easy but at the same time it was never meant to be this difficult and emotionally draining it has become either.

Sitting in class, it’s hard to comprehend everything that is going on and realise that just about everything that I owned which had pretty much come across from North Dakota with me is probably destroyed in the fire which is hard to fathom. Although it hurts a lot, I realise that this is probably the opportunity that I needed to make more of the changes that I’ve wanted to for a while since moving here.

Concentrating on the school work is hard right now with the lack of sleep that I had over the past few days but I forget through the class because this is one of the main two classes that I really need to excel at to be any chance of being approved to go onto the next level of studying to become a doctor with the high standards needed. I check my phone a few times hoping for any sort of news but there isn’t any which isn’t a surprise given how much needs to be done before we can go back or even know what is happening and even though it’s not a surprise, the not knowing is really getting me anxious.

As the class finishes, I get up and my lecturer calls me over as I’m worried that I’ve done something wrong in class or that maybe even before it has started my porn career has been discovered and it’s going to become a major issue.

“Hey Scott, I finally got around to reading your draft that you sent me of the major report and that is almost professional quality and perfection, there isn’t a lot more that you can add other than maybe a few bits of what we have in the coming weeks but really you could submit it now without even anyone thinking it was done this early,” she says as I nod my head and take a massive sigh of relief thinking that it was going to be bad news.

My lecturer looks at me “You looked absolutely petrified Scott when I called you over” she says as I can’t help but laugh when she says that because inside I was absolutely petrified.

“Just had so much bad news lately that I thought that this is just going to add to it and my default setting is bad news” My lecturer laughs and tells me that everything will work out because I’m one of the best and brightest that she’s had in 30 years of doing this and she has the confidence in me to work it out.

I smile and thank her as I go and grab some lunch in between classes and think that if she has the confidence that I can do it then there isn’t any reason that I shouldn’t be able to. My afternoon class is one of my favourites and the more lighter of the side of things and doesn’t directly correspond to my course but is an elective that needs to be ticked off.

After class, I catch the bus back to Tyson’s which is so much quicker and easier than what it would have been to the apartment taking just 15 minutes rather than having to get the bus, train and then another bus home which can be annoying as hell. Once I get home, I grab something to eat out of the cupboard and then realise that I probably need to tell her everything that happened with the fire.

I text her 

4:16 pm “Hey Mum, when you’re not busy can we video chat?”

It’s only about 10-15 minutes later when I can she rings “Scott? What’s Wrong? Everything ok?” That’s not your place? Where are you?” she asks bombarding me with questions.

The view out of my room here is completely different and a giveaway that I’m not at home right now as Mum keeps trying to ask me questions that I would answer but I can’t get a word in to explain.

“MUM!” Let me explain what is going on” I say very sternly which sort of gets her back up a bit but she does stop talking so I can explain what happened. “I just want you to listen” I say as I don’t really know how much I want to share with her and that if I tell her one thing then the whole web of lies basically comes undone.

“The thing is Mum, I’ve had to move quite suddenly and unexpectedly” I say as Mum’s face is as worried as it could be and honestly I can understand that. “So you know how there were the problems with the apartment downstairs and the police were coming around… about the drug house?” I say as she nods her head.

“Well, the thing is, there was a fire last night and it’s pretty much-destroyed everything” Mum turns completely pale and then starts rightly worrying about me. “Are you ok? Is your college stuff ok?” she asks as I nod and reassure her that I’m fine and that what I’ve lost is only possessions which as much as they are special and hold a lot of significance, the most important thing is me being physically ok.

Mum takes a deep breath “Well we can put everything on hold for a little while, your room on the farm is still here or I can send one of your brothers across to help you move, I’m sure the college is aware if you tell them’ she says running through the options in her head before I start to tell her about next part.

I nod my head to her “The thing is that I’ve already got somewhere, my friend Tyson has let me move into his place with him” I say as I’m thinking that everything that I’m going to say is going to be ok but much to my surprise it won’t be.

Mum’s reaction to my news is a bit surprising “Oh well that’s very fast…” she says as I thought that she’d be happy that I have friends here in the city willing to be this helpful which is like what would happen in town. “Plus this is the first time that I’ve heard you talk about a friend named Tyson”.

I sit there still not sure how to react because I thought that with the fire and everything else that would be the issue rather than the fact that I’ve got a friend helping me out in the most desperate situation that I’m in.

“I guess that it’s ok that you’ve got a friend that is helping you out but you can afford the rent and everything?” I’m glad that she changed the topic because the truth of where Tyson and I met would be a tough explanation and then I’ll have to open up about a lot more in my life that I don’t want to.

“It’s practically in the city itself and only a 15-minute bus ride to College as opposed to the over an hour it would take me to the old place on the bus and the cost is cheaper because I only need to pay half the bills because it’s owned through his family”. The explanation to Mum is complicated because I can’t really let her know the full story but she slowly gets it and I emphasise that this place is a thousand times better and there isn’t going to be the drama and it’s a lot more secure as well.

Mum starts to look more understanding and somewhat pleased by the situation but then when she starts to ask about Tyson right now it frustrates me “Well that’s good, so is Tyson a school friend?” I was hoping that I didn’t need to answer the questions about Tyson which really didn’t need to be asked about.

“We met through working at the bar, he was a friend of one of the other guys that was working there and we had things in common so hit things off” I say as I realise that this is indirectly true because if it wasn’t for Billy giving me the studio card and opening up that opportunity for me then I would have never met Tyson”.

Mum seems impressed for the moment “What does Tyson do for work?” she asks as I don’t know what relevance that has to anything but I take a moment and thank god that he does have a proper job outside of doing porn. “He’s a hairdresser in a salon in the city” I say as Mum raises her eyebrows and lets out a hmm almost with a sense of contempt about Tyson like she thinks that because he is a hairdresser that he must be gay or something.

“Look, to give you some peace of mind when he gets home at some point, I’ll get him to meet you so don’t need to worry so much,” I tell Mum who still seems perturbed about me moving in with Tyson for some reason although I would have thought that she’d be more upset about what happened to the apartment and getting away from trouble.

Disconnecting from the chat, I thought being upfront or as much as I could be would make Mum a lot more relieved about the situation but really she seemed less convinced than what I thought and I had to say that I’ve got to go and do some other things so that I can just get away from everything to do with my family.

I head downstairs to the fully loaded gym that is on the second floor of the apartment complex and get a really good workout in that I needed just to let out my rage and frustrations about what happened in my video chat with Mum.

I don’t know why but I just thought that everything would be so much better but the fact that Mum seems annoyed by the situation tells me that maybe what I thought about my family being unintentionally dumb was actually a conscious decision of conservativeness. I finish up down in the gym and head upstairs starting to cook dinner for both of us as I look at the time and wonder where Tyson could be because he was supposed to be home by now because it was a quiet day at the salon.

It's about 7 pm when Tyson gets home and I’ve got the food still sitting on the plate ‘Sorry I’m late, was out getting fucked for money” he says as I laugh and I know that for anyone else that would be a weird statement to hear but I just laugh.

“I thought you were at the salon all day,” I say to Tyson who nods and rolls his eyes about the day that he has had. ‘Well yeah I was but when Cam rings you and asks if you’re free to get fucked and get paid for it, I’m never going to say no” Tyson says to me as I just laugh and clean up the rest of the food as he sits down at the table and starts eating what I cooked. 

I sit there worried about how bad the food is going to be but as I see Tyson chowing down into it and I can see how much he is enjoying it which makes me happy. “So how was your day? Did you hear from the fire people?” Tyson asks as I shake my head having somehow forgotten to check my phone to see if they got in contact while I was talking to Mum.

Looking through my phone, I only see a generic update that tells me that we will get another update tomorrow which should have more individualised levels of information which is what I need. 

“Did you tell your family about what happened with the fire and then about the move here?” he asks as I nod my head and he can see that I look disappointed about everything. “Yeah, but she didn’t seem too impressed with things for some reason, like not necessarily about the fire which I thought would get her upset but you know” I say as Tyson nods his head as I keep going. “I just thought that once I told her that I would be in a much safer environment she’d be happy but she didn’t seem that way,” I say as he keeps nodding.

Finishing his dinner Tyson gets up “I suppose it’s just the sudden shock of everything that’s happening and that it’s your first real major crisis that she knows about and how independent you are, she probably is just worried and even the thought of not being able to help you out you know” I nod never really thinking about how difficult it must be for Mum given that she is so far away and now has such a hands-off role in my life.

“Yeah, I suppose but it seemed like she had more of an issue with me moving here and then about you because she was going on about how I had never told her about you and then she wanted to know everything about you and how we’d know each other and everything” Tyson leans back against the wall and smirks.

“Well that would be an interesting conversation,” he says as I throw the towel that I was using to dry some of the plates at him. “I just told her that we had met through work which isn’t exactly a lie because we did meet through working together and that I told her it was through someone else at work”.

Tyson laughs and nods “Not exactly the full truth either was it Scott considering” it’s my turn to shrug now “Well I told her that you are a friend of a friend from work” I tell Tyson as he is really interested in what happened in the conversation.

“So what did you tell her I did for work?” he asks as curiously as this is more like a boyfriend interrogating his new lover about how his family reacted to knowing that their son is in his first same-sex relationship. “Please for the love of god tell me you didn’t say I was an actor? One of my other exes did that and it caused all sorts of issues when it came to their family because they kept wanting to ask what I’ve been in and then when there’s no record of anything they get annoyed’ he says as he’s been in a precarious situation about work.

I laugh as he says that “I told Mum the truth, I told her that you’re a hairdresser and that got a surprisingly negative response because I thought that it would’ve been a stable job” I say as Tyson just laughs as I tell him that.

“Probably that damn stereotype about male hair stylists, not hairdressers being gay” he says still laughing and putting a big emphasis on saying hair stylist not hairdresser like being referred to as a hairdresser is beneath him’ he says still laughing. 

Tyson laughs as I just look across at him “Well in your case you don’t necessarily negate anything of that stereotype of being a hairstylist and that your gay” as Tyson shrugs and has that cheeky smirk on his face as I say that.

“It’s true but I’m not as obviously outwardly gay as what most of them are…” I shake my head at him. “Excuse me but I’ve seen you in all forms and even you in your own words put yourself as being a 20/10 on the scale of being gay” as Tyson takes off his shirt getting ready to go for a shower as I can’t help but gawk at his body still shiny with the oil and sweat on him from the shoot today.

Tyson shrugs as he takes his clothes off “Well does it really matter? I don’t care what anyone thinks of me other than what I think of myself.” I nod and smile “Well as I said Mum would like to meet you through video chat but could you be your really masc self,” I say as he laughs and the light is shining off his body.

“So you want me straight?” I look across at him feeling a bit bad but then just smirk “Have you ever? Can you ever actually pull off being straight?”

As he heads towards the bathroom “Honestly? When I’m out in public normally most people think that I’m your typical straight jock” he says as I realise that was how I thought of him when we first met at the studios that I thought that he must be a straight guy doing porn until he asked me out.

“So enough about my day and everything, how was yours and what happened to get you filming today?” I ask as he is now stripped down to the purple briefs that he got at the studios and I see how much they fit his tight ass.

“Come in and I’ll explain,” he says as I ponder what he means “I don’t mean you have to get in with me as much as I’d want that soft smooth body with me, I just mean you can come into the bathroom with me,” he says as I nod my head.

To me, it does feel strange having a normal conversation whilst someone is in the shower because I have no idea what it would be like because growing up, the shower was always private time and that nobody would interrupt anyone else because Mum wanted to make sure that nobody going to the toilet, would be in the same room as the shower.

“I might just wait until you're done” I say as Tyson turns around and looks at me now completely naked as his cock is flopping between his legs and he faces me “Or you could just hop in you know, it is such a big double shower,” he says as I realise that he wants me to get in with him as I think about it and realise that it does kill two birds with one stone.

Tyson smiles at me and winks as I decide to strip off and get into the shower next to him as with the water running down his smooth soft body. “So what happened today?” I say to him as I adjust the water and we both stand there naked with the water running down our bodies.

“Well things started really early because it was just after 3 am when some pest rang me three times because his apartment was on fire so I had to be Prince Charming and come rescue my prince in distress” he says as I glare but he just winks and smiles at me with his cheeky smirk. “It was all fine you know and I managed to get a hot roommate that is ok with me being so gay and having sex with other men too,” he says as I hit him and he chuckles.

Laughing, Tyson bends over and I can see his firm muscular butt staring up at me as I can’t believe how smooth it is every time I see it and how it feels normal for him especially after getting fucked because I thought that it would be weird especially given how much pain it looked like to get fucked.

“Nah, that was fine because it was a quiet day at the salon because Mondays are bookings only and need to be well in advanced for long-time customers so it was usually pretty relaxed’ he says getting back up and he starts to massage my shoulders and I feel good right now as he does that.

As he relaxes me, I can sense a but coming “I sense there’s a but coming somewhere along the way” I say as Tyson nods. “Yeah it’s a big one because I had a look at the appointment book and well the first appointment was with Katrina R” he says as in my head I realise that he said his Mum comes into the salon regularly.

“Wait you mean?” Tyson nods and I realise how awkward that it must have been especially given how much he opened old wounds. “Did she recognise you or say anything?” I say to Tyson who shakes his head. “Nah, she still hasn’t which is a good thing and she looks closely at me but I mean that she probably could but maybe my words in that letter got to her,” he says as I nod.

We let the water run down our bodies as he doesn’t say anything “So what happened with her today?” I ask as he shakes his head. “All the usual bull that she goes on with how good her life is and that she was getting her hair done today rather than next week because her daughter just had a baby so there’s a big christening next week and all that stuff for her family.

Tyson keeps his shower going as I look across at him now silent “You alright, wishing you were a part of all that?” I say as he turns and looks at me. “Fuck no, just glad that I’m not in that situation,” he says as I nod.

“So what did she say about the family?” I look at him as he looks at me and thinks about what he wants to say. “Nothing, she just goes on about how rich they are and always tells how good everything is going, my sister had a boy that low and behold they named Frankie in honour of her father because he is such a kind and wonderful person and their admiration for him,” he says as I make a gagging joke which he laughs at.

“Yeah exactly my thought, I just wanted to do something to her hair that would make it so ugly like her soul but you know I couldn’t sadly” he says as we both just laugh. “What else did she have to say about things?” I ask as he just shrugs.

“Honestly, not a lot really just we have the bare basics in conversations you know because I usually only do the basics with her but today was a full in-depth and I did try to probe as much information about the family,” I say interested as this feels a bit more like being on a talk show but I don’t want to push him again.

Turning off the water, Tyson just shrugs “Nothing really important you know, it was just all that sort of stuff about the baby and the fact that they are just people living above their means and think that they are so much better than everyone else and I don’t even miss anything about them you know” he says as I nod my head and I don’t really want to push out the information.

“Any time that she doesn’t recognise me or wants to talk about me is a good day for me because it means that they won’t ever try to fight their way back into my life,” he says with a sense of relief as I change topics.

“Most importantly, what happened with the porn for Cam to ring you to get fucked?” I ask as he gets excited about all this now. “Yeah that was a great phone call, the day was pretty much done and he rang me and said that they needed somebody else because they had a model over from the West Coast that was supposed to be filming with Lucas but he broke his arm last week so in the end they needed someone close because this was meant to be a big thing for the studio” I nod intrigued by it all.

“What was the guy like?” I ask as this gets Tyson annoyed a bit thinking about the day. “Fucking straight diva,” he says as I look across at him. “Oh Malik is one of Bennet’s special West Coast guys that he has living and working for him, he thinks Malik is the hottest guy in the studios but he’s straight so he does more straight scenes than he does gay ones but it’s no cock sucking, little kissing but hey let us just have him fuck, typical straight divas in gay porn,” Tyson says as his disdain for Malik is clear to see for everyone.

I shake my head and then feel kind of bad because really I’m a straight guy in porn and I get the sense Tyson can see that “Hey, don’t think I was talking about you because you already dispelled the whole being a straight thing when you fucked me here the other night” he says teasing me as I get out of the shower and wrap the towel around myself.

“Nah, like he’s muscular, tanned and hung and yeah he is hot but fucking hell you don’t need an ego in the business but because Bennett fucking loves him and he gets what he wants over in California, he just thinks everyone is there to serve him,” he says as I shake my head and wonder why the hell someone would get into gay porn and not want to do everything.

Tyson dries my back off as he again massages my shoulders and my firm butt as we’re naked talking and I sit down on his bed to keep talking as he just puts some black PJ shorts on. “So how was the sex at the very least?” I ask curious about it all and find my fascination growing big time.

“The actual physical sex was amazing you know, I couldn’t complain about how I got fucked you know,” he says laughing intrigued about more. “I mean, he was absolutely as hot as they got but the attitude was sort of a turn off you know” I nod but then don’t really know what that would be like because the only gay interest that I’ve ever had has been in flirty and free Tyson.

Sitting there, Tyson tells me about how sex between him and Malik went down.