Rowan's Journey to Manhood

by Hunknown

17 Dec 2019 1063 readers Score 9.6 (36 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the previous chapters…

Rowan, a guy with many sexual inhibitions due to the abuse he suffered in the past, lives in the basement of a big house named “The Cove”, where he meets Alex, a bulky security guard living upstairs, and his 19 y.o. boy Charlie, who unknowingly lets Rowan make the first step in his long journey to a mature sexuality, showing him the joyful side of sex. In the evening, Barry, an oversexed worker, tries to fuck Rowan, but his hysterical reaction scares him. Kale, an Hawaiian school counselor, intervenes. During a dramatic night, Rowan reveals to Kale his past and then they make love. At dawn Kale, furious with Barry, gives him a punishment he won’t forget, and then climbs up to the attic to meet Beauregard, the refined and wealthy owner of the house. The counselor confesses to have made love with Rowan and Beau is jealous, but Kale reassures him of his deep love in the sweetest way.

Synopsys (*** Spoiler Alert! ***)

Rowan is allowed to live in the basement and for the first time climbs upstairs, where he meets Rick (short for Hendrick). Rowan shows and incredibile knowledge about high-society houses and formal dresses. In the attic, he meets Beau, astonishing beautiful in a formal tuxedo. Rowan masturbates the blond god and someway blocks his ejaculation until he begs to cum.

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~ Thrown out ~

While the house – or the Cove, as all the men called it – was slowly rising to the lazy Sunday activities, Rowan was walking around the town. Despite having spent a sleepless night, he was too happy to stay home, and even to sleep. 

Basking in the morning light (which was quite unusual for him!), he remembered his long night with Kale, and the sweetest way they sealed their friendship; and Charlie, with his gifted mouth, good both for telling hot stories and... doing other things. And he knew, now, that even Alex was a good guy, despite their troubled start.

He had only a blurred memory of another man, muscular and aggressive, but he wasn’t sure whether it was a real memory or a nightmare related to his stepfather. However, he didn’t want to think about it now: for the first time he felt good, and he didn’t want to spoil the serene vibe with bad memories.

He realized that, in his hurry to go out, he had left his backpack at home. Not that there was anything he needed: it only contained a clothing change and an old photo of his real father, died when he was a little child. He surely didn’t have many possessions, but that old picture was by far the most precious of all, for him.

He began to feel a little tired, so headed back home; he walked down the main street, then turned to the beach and walked on the sand until he saw the familiar basement, with his metal door.

He went to the door, pulled the handle and... the door didn’t open. He tried harder, again and again, until he saw that the lock was brand new. He stared at the lock for a while, until the truth hit him like a ton of bricks: they had threw him out.

He knew it would happen, sooner or later, and even Alex had said he had to ”talk with the other men” about Rowan. Apparently, the “other men” had decided against him. 

He sighed: time to look for another place where to stay. And another job. And... The backpack! He had left the backpack at home! By now they would probably had cleaned up the room, throwing everything in the garbage... including the only picture of his father he had!

That was the only thing he cared of, the most precious possession he had, and it was gone.... His knees went weak, and he slowly fell to the ground, sobbing, while his hands slipped on the closed metal door. 

“Hey, what’s up, kid?” – said a concerned voice on his back. “I’m not a kid” – Rowan said firmly, standing up and turning around – “My name is...”

“Rowan, I know” – said Alex, looking at him a bit worried. “Why are you crying?”. The guy quickly wiped his tears and said, in the same firm tone: “I’m not crying sir. I only hoped that the men living here, after putting me out of the door, could at least give me back my baggage. I forgot it inside”.

“What are you talking about? Who said they threw you out? We only changed the lock, because if you are going to live here, you can’t have your... main door broken open”.


~ Welcome home! ~

“I’m... going to live here?”  The relief that Alex saw in Rowan’s eyes was so intense that his heart went out to the guy. “Of course! We decided that you can stay here as long as you want. Here, take the key” – Alex said, handing to Rowan the key for the new lock.

“I’m... I’m very grateful, sir. I promise I will not disturb you in any way, you will not even see me” – Rowan said with trembling voice. “Why, we rather hope we can see you more and more, actually!” – Alex exclaimed with enthusiasm – “You’ve already become friend with Charlie, and Kale. And I hope we can be friend, too. And though you still don’t know him, even Beau, the owner of the house, really cares for you. I talked to them this morning, and they all wanted you to stay. Welcome home, kid... I mean, Rowan!” – he laughed.

Alex held his arms open: “Now, do you want us to be friend?” – he said with a tender smile. Rowan threw himself in his arms, holding tight on his massive torso squeezed into the tight security guard uniform: “I do, sir! Thank you, sir! And you can address me as ‘kid’ as long as you want!”

Alex held Rowan in a tight hug and then they unlocked the basement door. “I’m almost afraid to ask” – Alex said when they were inside – “but... have you eaten anything after the lunch Charlie brought you yesterday?”  “Well, no, sir, but...”  “I’m so sorry, Rowan, too many things happened yesterday. Rush upstairs and go to the kitchen; you will find our chef Rick there. Tell him I sent you, and he will give you something to eat”.

Rowan looked nervously at the door leading to the stairs. “Don’t worry, the house is almost empty. There are only Kale and Beau, but they will stay in their rooms until lunch. I have to go now, see you later... kid!” – Alex concluded with a smile.

Left alone, Rowan opened the door and started climbing the concrete stairs. On top of them, there was a wooden door that led to a short entrance hall. On the right, he could see the old, elegant front door of the house; through the glass, Main Street was clearly visible.

He turned left and entered an ample living room, with two large windows overlooking the ocean and several armchairs and sofas placed in groups. On the right, he saw a large staircase leading upstairs, while on the left, there was a dining room, clearly visible through a large arch. Rowan went through the arch, uncertain where to look for the kitchen, but he guessed it was behind a double swinging door at the end of the room.


~ Hunger ~

He guessed right. The kitchen was spacious, with a lot of appliances and a large refrigerator. The chef – Alex called him Rick – was not there. Rowan didn’t dare to call out for him, unwilling to make any noise in the silent big house. So, he waited for a while, but no one came. Alex had told him they would give him some food, and he was very hungry by now, so he opened a couple of cabinets, until he found some bread. He broke a large piece, sat on a stool and started eating it hungrily. 

He almost chocked when he heard the firm voice: “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

Rowan stood up, turned around and found himself facing a tall young man, in his early twenties. Despite his obvious young age, he had a commanding, almost aggressive attitude that scared Rowan a bit. His most catching features were his dark red, straight hair, cut very short on the left, but with a long asymmetric bang partly covering the right side of his face. He was wearing jeans and a faded green polo and held in his hand what looked like an apron.

“I... I... I beg your pardon, sir, I didn’t mean to disturb anyone living in this mansion” – Rowan said with his deep voice, standing tall, dropping the bread and moving toward the swinging door. “Alex spurred me to come upstairs, but I now understand it was not a good idea... I should better go back to my quarters. Please excuse me, sir.”

Rick, at first, was alarmed to see an unknown man in the kitchen, but now that he could look at him better, he saw he was a young guy, probably in his twenties like himself, and he didn’t look dangerous – not that Rick wouldn’t be able to deal with him even in that case, anyway. He had instinctively assumed a threatening stance, but when the guy had turned quickly around to face him, Rick could see his long, straight black hair flowing around his pale face, and saw his dark brown, almost black eyes open wide looking at him with worry, and he relaxed a bit.

The brief sentences of excuse he had spoken in his low-pitch, musical voice, and his odd choice of words, that sounded so old-fashion, almost formal, puzzled Rick, who didn’t expect such a honest, polite tone.

The guy was slim, but muscular, in a way, and emanated an understated masculinity, resulting from his almost feminine hair framing his decidedly manly features, his strong hands with neatly manicured nails, and his sinewy arms. Rick felt a throb in his heart… and his pants. The guy was gorgeous, thought Rick. No, not gorgeous: he was beautiful… dramatically, painfully beautiful. And this beautiful guy was about to run away, scared by him!

“Wait, you said Alex sent you? Why?” – the redhead asked. Rowan didn’t answer, but looked avidly at the bread lying on the table. “You are the guy living downstairs, aren’t you? Rowan, is it?” – Rick said, with a friendly smile. “Charlie told me about you, when he came yesterday to take some food for you. Hi, my name is Rick” – he said, shaking hands with Rowan. “I was eager to meet you, after all the positive things Charlie told me, and you must be...” – Rick stopped, noticing the avid glances that Rowan was throwing at the bread on the table – “...definitely hungry! I’m so sorry! Here, finish your bread while I warm up something more substantial”.

“I am the one who should be sorry, sir. I’ve arrived here not announced, and acted like a burglar, ransacking your larder...”

“Hey, you really talk weird, you know?” – Rick said with a smile – “Charlie had told me, but I didn’t believe it. I like it, it’s so... old fashioned! But please, don’t call me ‘sir’, you embarrass me, I’m only the cook, here. Call me Rick”.


~ The mystery of the privée ~

“What is your full name, Rick, if I may ask? Richard, I guess?” – Rowan asked, still munching the slice of bread, but taking a great care never to speak with his mouth full. “Hendrick. I know, it’s an unusual name, but I like it. It sounds... grand! I like it very much.” – Rick said smiling with pride – “But only Beau and Kale call me like that, all the other men call me Rick or Ricky.”

“Hendrick, I’m extremely grateful for your kind offer to prepare a meal for me...” – Rowan said with a hint of embarrassment, after swallowing the last munch of his bread – “...but you really don’t have to. I don’t want to create any inconvenience to you, and aggravate your current duties....”

“Here!” – Rick said, turning around with a smile and handing to Rowan a plate of beef stew he had just warmed up – “As you can see, rustling some food for you was quicker than listening to your elaborate, and totally unneeded, attempt to not… aggravate my duties!”

They both laughed, and Rick said: “But don’t eat it here in the kitchen, let’s move to the privée. He walked to the swinging door leading to the dining room, followed by Rowan, and entered a small door right next the kitchen. Inside, there was a cozy small living room, with a large sofa, a small round dining table with two seats, a little office desk and a bookcase. On the other end of the room, behind a door left ajar, Rowan could see a small restroom.

“We call this room the privée” – Rick said, closing the bathroom door and preparing with expert moves the dining table for Rowan – “but I wonder what was its original use, when this old house was built”. “It was the butler’s study” – Rowan replied without hesitation – “Apart from his night quarters, usually located in the basement or in the attic, the butler needed a room near the dining room to keep the most precious cutlery and, of course, store the guests’ jewels in the safe. The house accounts were kept here, too” – Rowan concluded, looking around the room, as if he was actually seeing the butler sitting on the desk, writing on the account books. 

“To tell the truth...” – Rick said, a bit startled, thinking that Rowan really seemed to come from another age – “there is actually an old in-wall safe, behind the bookcase. You must be right. Thanks for solving what was a true mystery for me! I think I will refer to this room as the butler’s room, from now on, it sounds so... grand!”


~ Climbing up to the Olympus ~

They chatted amiably, while Rowan wolfed the juicy stew. When he was done, Ricky quickly cleaned up the table and they both went back to the kitchen. “Hey, Rowan, will you please do me a favour? I’m behind schedule for the Sunday lunch and at mid-morning I usually bring a snack to Beau. Will you please bring it up there for me?”

Rowan, by now, had been awake (and in a physical and emotional turmoil) for more than 18 hours, and felt very tired, but he couldn’t refuse a favour to Rick, who had been so kind to him. “My pleasure, Hendrick!” – he said, taking a big tray from the chef’s hand. “Just go upstairs to the third floor and then take the spiral stairs to the attic.”

With great care, Rowan climbed the many steps up to the attic holding the large tray, knocked politely and waited until he heard a musical “Entrez!”. He opened the door... and stood in the doorway, in total astonishment, looking wide-eyed at the most beautiful man he’d ever seen. Beau’s perfectly combed long blond hair framed his masculine, though refined face, perfectly shaved. He was standing in front of a tall mirror, near the window, fully dressed in an extremely elegant formal tuxedo. 

Rowan felt like he had climbed up to the Olympus and he was facing Apollo himself. Beau was expecting Rick, and when he turned around and saw Rowan, with the large tray in his hands, stood still, looking at him, with a pleasantly surprised smile.

“Rowan, I suppose. I’m very glad to meet you, at last”. He moved toward the guy and noticed that the closer he got, the more Rowan’s hands trembled, until the empty glasses started clinging into each other. “Here, let me take this...” – he said, rushing to catch the heavy tray. He gracefully placed the tray on the table and turned again to Rowan.

“I’m Beauregard, or Beau if you like, nice to meet you, enchenté” – he said with a friendly grin, shaking hands with the guy. “How do you do, sir?” – Rowan replied with uncertain voice. “Ah! You can’t believe how much I hate to dress up for formal dinners...” – Beau said, turning again to the full-length mirror. “Unfortunately, in few days I must attend a charity event and I cannot avoid wearing... this! I really don’t feel comfortable in such a formal attire. What’d you say, will it do fine?” – he asked, talking more to himself than to Rowan.


~ Men’s (un)dressing rules ~

“The bosom is a bit off-center, sir” – Rowan said with a matter-of-fact tone.

“The... bosom?” – Beau asked, surprised, looking at Rowan through the mirror. “Yes, sir, the bosom” – Rowan replied – “the detachable frontal cover of the shirt going from the tie to the cummerbund. It’s a bit off-center, sir.”

“I know what a bosom is, thank you Rowan. I was just surprised you knew what it is. And also that you noticed it’s off-center: I didn’t notice myself...”

“I have been taught how a man should properly dress, sir”. But then Rowan glanced at himself in the mirror and frowned. “I’m afraid I’m not dressed in a suitable way. I’m mortified, I was not informed of the dress code...”

Beau laughed loud: “Not at all, Rowan! Rest assured we don’t dress like this here at the Cove! I was just trying on this suit, but I can’t wait to take it away” – he concluded with a smile. “Let me do it for you, sir...” – Rowan said, with a gentle, respectful tone, slowly removing Beau’s jacket.

Beau stood still, feeling pampered by Rowan’s gentle hands expertly removing one by one the pieces of the elaborate dress. The bow tie, the cummerbund, the bosom were quickly removed and neatly hung in the dresser. Then the shoes, the socks and the trousers, immediately followed by the white shirt and the tank.

Rowan stopped, mesmerized by Beau’s toned body, now almost naked. He looked straight into Beau’s eyes for a long time, and Beau looked at him, neither of them speaking a single word.

“May... May I... touch you, sir?” – Rowan said, raising a trembling hand. Beau replied under his breath: “Please”. With an audible sigh, Rowan placed both hands on the wide, bulging pecs covered with a thin layer of blond hair. He caressed the deep cleft between the pecs and gently rubbed the small nipples. Beau gasped and sighed, feeling the guy’s hands moving down to the abs and seductively tickle the ridges of the defined eight-pack.


~ Caring hands ~

Rowan’s fingers played with the waistband of Beau’s boxers, now straining under the pressure of the man’s massive hard-on. “You didn’t finish your job” – Beau said in a hoarse voice – “Go ahead”. Rowan knelt to the floor, gripped the sides of the boxers and slowly pulled them down, watching in awe the big uncut cock bouncing at an inch from his eyes.

Rowan’s hands danced on Beau’s manhood, pulling down the long foreskin and then back up, cupping the heavy hanging balls and gently squeezing them, sneaking under the ball sac to tickle and press the perineum, and even daring to caress the man’s nether portal, deeply nested between the solid mounds of his ass.

Beau didn’t move, he couldn’t. He felt, he knew that moving a single muscle would break the magic. He looked down to the kneeling guy and their eyes met. Gazing into Rowan’s black twin lakes, Beau remembered Kale’s words: “He looked at me and I saw his soul.” Indeed he was looking at Rowan’s soul, darkened by unspeakable horror, but brightly lighted by naïve love and marveled adoration. Love and adoration for him!

Rowan’s fist squeezed harder and harder the thin foreskin, making it rub with erotic intensity over Beau’s swollen glans, lubricated by his copious pre-cum. The man felt like his balls were dancing into the guy’s other hand, and writhed with pleasure when his fingers played with the curly hair of his pubes.

He couldn’t hold a deep, long moan. The tension in his groin and his sexual pleasure were climbing to peaks he had never explored before. Still helplessly locked into Rowan’s eyes, Beau sank into the guy’s inner tenderness and his honest affection, deeper and deeper, reaching the most private places of his intimacy.

Rowan’s hand paced up, along with Beau’s breath. Once again he felt his fingers sneaking behind his balls and into the deep ass crack, searching for his puckered hole. Rowan’s long finger rested for a moment on the tight sphincter and then, all of the sudden, it started flicking madly between the curly hair protecting his anus.


~ Rowan’s magic ~

The maddening sensation forcefully threw Beau over the edge. Still locking eyes with Rowan, Beau let out a chocked moan, while his entire body tensed up and his fists tightened.

He remained there, on highest peak of his climax, for what seemed an eternity, while his body was straining to finally spurt the pent-up juice. But Rowan’s eyes kept him forcefully there, on the unstable peak, until Beau, lost in time, heard himself shout: “Let me cum! Please, let me cum!! AAAAAGHH!!!!”

Never in his life Beau had cum so forcefully. His cock exploded, shooting out gallons of sperm, in thick white ropes that splatted on Rowan’s face and flew into his mouth. His fists opened and closed rhythmically and his toes curled frantically, still keeping his eyes into Rowan’s and filling him with his pleasure, his affection, his exhaustion.

Slowly, the massive orgasm ended and he closed his eyes. He felt the room rotate around him and he placed his hands on Rowan’s shoulders to keep his balance. Rowan took a napkin from the tray, cleaned and dried Beau’s dick with loving care, rolled the foreskin over the sensitive glans and then let the big meat flop between the man’s legs. Before dropping the napkin, he also cleaned his own face from Beau’s copious sperm still dripping down his cheeks and chin.

Beau helped the guy standing, drove him to the bed and they both fell on the soft mattress, lying on their back side by side. The man stared at the ceiling, processing what happened moments before. Rowan had jacked him off, like he himself had done many times. Just a jack-off. But it was as powerful as the best fuck. Kale was right, this guy was something else, and he had this ability to... – what were Kale’s words? – “communicate at a deep level” “in unusual ways”.


~ Delayed lunch ~

Suddenly, he realized that Rowan had not cum! He turned to him, noticing he was still fully dressed in his old jeans and his faded T-shirt. And, exhausted as he was, he was sleeping soundly. Beau looked at him, at his serene face partly covered by his long raven hair, at his constant, calm breathing and felt the urge to hold him tight, but he didn’t want to wake him up.

He looked at the clock and realized he was late for lunch; at the Cove, the men never started the Sunday lunch without him: they were surely waiting for him! Damn, he hated to be late! He carefully got out of bed, put on some casual clothing and rushed downstairs.

When he entered the dining room, he saw his friends sitting around the wide round table, chatting amiably. All the men of the Cove had gathered for the Sunday lunch, as usual. He saw Kale, the tanned Hawaiian school counselor, chatting with Alex, the bulky security guard, and his boy Charlie. Opposite to them, Barry, the blue-eyed rough worker, was laughing loud for the lurid tales he was sharing with Stewart, a brown-haired airman in his early 40’s who worked as chief engineer at the local Air Force base; his boy Hendrick was going back and forth to the kitchen, trying to keep the food warm. 

Next to them there where the last two members of the Cove: the ageless Native-American Wahkan, always astonishing beautiful, with his long brown ponytail, his dark skin and his deep, wise eyes; and his boy Chayton, who shared with his master the same Sioux heritage and, though being just 20, the same ancient, exotic allure.

“I’m terribly sorry, mes amis!” – Beau said remorsefully, looking around to the sitting men – “I just lost track of time! You shouldn’t have waited for me...”

Rick knew he had sent Rowan up to the attic earlier and he still didn’t come back; and remembered when, in the morning, he had seen a disheveled Kale in Beau’s bed. Looking straight at Beau, he said with an urchin grin: “No problem, sir, surely you had to discuss other... ehm... urgent matters, like this morning with Kale.”

“Watch your mouth, kid!” – Beau laughed, and then turned to the airman, pointing at him  – “And you, Stewart, should learn how to put in line that roughneck boy of yours!”

All the man laughed, and the Sunday meal could finally start. The serving dishes were handed around, and the chatting went on, in a boisterous atmosphere. The men talked to each other of their work week, shared funny stories and occasionally exchanged lustful glances. The only subject they didn’t discuss, despite being it the main event of the week, was Rowan. Out of respect for his fragility and his reserved demeanor, the men who had known him in the last couple days didn’t feel to discuss about him during a boisterous gathering like that.

The men were so caught up in their chat that no one saw Rowan until he entered the large dining room. All the voices suddenly trailed off, while all the eyes turned to look at the pale, long-haired guy, holding a large food tray. Rowan stopped briefly in the archway, scanning the room with his dark eyes. 

Despite his cheap, worn-out clothes, he looked somewhat glamorous in his own peculiar way: the dramatic contrast between his long black hair and his pale skin, the deep dark eyes, his lithe, sinewy body and his confident posture gained him many admired looks from the seated men.

Rowan looked around the entire table, but keeping his focus an inch above the man’s heads, giving the impression he was not actually seeing them. Then his eyes fixed on Rick, and he strode with confidence through the room, looking at him like he was the only persons sitting at the table.

When he was near the young chef, Rowan nodded to the tray he was holding, now containing only few remains of food and beverages, and said: “Hendrick, I’m afraid I have consumed all the delicious viands you had prepared for Beauregard. I knew the meal was not for me but I couldn’t restrain myself. I hope I can make amends someway for my lack of respect. Later on, at your convenience, I would greatly enjoy a word with you”.

Rowan went to the kitchen, left the tray on a counter and went back to the dining room, where all the men were still silent. He addressed Rick again; “With your permission, I will now retire in my quarters downstairs”. He turned around, strode with confidence through the dining room and disappeared through the archway leading to the living room.

When the men heard the door to the basement closing, everyone started talking again all at once. Alex commented his confident attitude and his odd way of ignoring everyone except Rick, and Kale explained it was a sort of self-protection, unable as he was to deal with so many people at once. Barry – oversexed as usual – appreciated his being “hot as hell”, while Wahkan and Stewart – who knew Rowan was staying there, but never met him before (nor heard him talking!) – just stared at each other, puzzled.

Beau raised from his chair, and his elegant, commanding presence had everyone suddenly fall silent. He looked seriously around the table and said: “Gentlemen, we have to decide what to do for Rowan. He is one of us, and when one of us is in need, the Cove is always ready to help him”.


And then the men started discussing about Rowan’s future at the Cove, and many important decisions were taken at that Sunday lunch…

Footnotes and references:

* * * * * * * *

 (End of chapter 7 – Please proceed to Chapter 8)


by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024