Rowan's Journey to Manhood

by Hunknown

21 Feb 2020 522 readers Score 9.5 (29 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the previous chapters…

Rowan, a pale guy with many sexual inhibitions due to the abuse he suffered in the past, embarks in a long journey to a mature sexuality, helped by the men and boys living in a big house named “The Cove”. Charlie, a 19 y.o. playful boy, teaches him the joyful side of sex. Barry, an oversexed worker who looks alike Rowan’s abusive stepfather, scares him. Kale, an Hawaiian school counselor, shows him the tender, healing power of love. Beau, the blond leader of the Cove, experiments Rowan’s ‘power’ to block a man’s ejaculation until he begs to cum. Hendrick, the house young cook, lets Rowan discover how sweet and pleasurable can be anal sex when, after many years, the guy yields his ass to the redheaded boy. The wise Native American Wahkan teaches to Rowan how to trust another man. Rowan seems to come from another century, and explains that his only school had been the old movies showed at Paul’s cinema. He then  discovers the pleasure of submission during a hot bondage session with Kale. Rick explains that the Cove is a sort of shelter for all the men and the boys, including Beau. The day after, Beau reveals to Rowan the tragedy he hides in his heart and talks about the young stableman Jordan, his first love, who took his life after being raped by Joe, the black gardener.

Synopsys (*** Spoiler Alert! ***)

Chayton is restless, because he misses his previous life on the streets and his former bad friends; he sneaks out of the Cove with Charlie to have a thrilling adventure, that ends very badly. The men rescue them and they have to face a “interrogation” from Alex and Wahkan. But while Alex is understanding and calm, Wahkan reacts very badly, to the point of hurting his boy.

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~ Charlie and Chayton talk ~

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon at the Cove. Beau and Kale had finally woken up and were showering together, after the savage revenge fuck the blond boss had given to his buddy early in the morning; Barry, Alex and Stewart were training in the gym on the first floor; Wahkan was meditating in his room; and Rick was already busy preparing the dinner.

Charlie and Chayton were sitting in the living room, doing nothing, and were getting bored. “I wonder what Wahkan does alone in the room all the time…” – Charlie asked tentatively. “He meditates” – Chayton replied with a shrug – “or studies ancient documents… He’s proud of his heritage and tries hard to understand and master all the ancient secrets of his culture”.

Charlie noticed that Chayton didn’t say ‘our heritage’ or ‘our culture’. “You’re a Sioux, too, aren’t you? So, why aren’t you with your master?”. Chayton shrugged again, annoyed by his pal’s insistence, and replied hastily: “Can’t we talk about anything else than the damn Sioux heritage? I’ve had it! Wahkan teaches me the history of the glorious Sioux, shows me the ancient arts of our people, and when we go out, we go only to the gatherings of the members of our tribe!”

“Once I had a life!” – Chayton continued, with resentment – “Once I had friends! Once I was Chayton! But now, who am I? For Wahkan, I’m a young Sioux, the ‘Falcon’, a boy to teach his heritage to, nothing more!”

He stood up and looked at his friend: “I have to go out, I need fresh air! I’m going to meet my old friends, do you want to come with me?”. Charlie was excited, but uncertain: “I’d like to! I’m so bored… But we should ask Alex and Wahkan, before”. “We’re their boys, not their slaves!” – Chayton exclaimed – “I’m going. Come on, don’t chicken out! We’ll be back for dinner, they won’t even know we’ve been out!”

Charlie stood up and sneaked with his pal out of the house. Chayton walked to the mall area and turned into a squalid alley, then into another. Charlie, following his friend,  quickly lost orientation. “Where are we going…?” – he asked with a hint of fear in his voice. He’d never been in that part of the town, and he was a bit scared by the old, ruined houses, facing each other across the narrow, dark alleys. He could hear people arguing behind the small windows and drunk chants from the dirty taverns.

“Here we are” – Chayton said, stopping in front of a wooden door. He knocked in a conventional way: two knocks, then one, then three. A tall, fat man wearing a dirty tank and even dirtier pants opened the door and let them in with a grunt. Charlie followed Chayton along a dark corridor and when he opened the door at the end, he gasped.

They were in an ample room, faintly lit, and there was so much smoke in the air that it was hard to see across the hall. There were a couple dozen men and guys, sitting around old wooden tables in small or large groups. Most of them were smoking, and Charlie realized it was not just tobacco. Raucous laughter and coarse jokes echoed in the room. Apparently, everyone was having a big time, but Charlie felt uneasy. Chayton quickly scanned the room and walked to a table were three older guys were sitting, drinking tequila and smoking weed.

“Chay! Didn’t see much of you lately! Sit down!” – the guys exclaimed, happy to see again their young friend. “This is Charlie” – he said, sitting on a rickety chair – “Charlie, these are my friends Hal, Jim and Red!”

Charlie nodded to them, uneasy. They all looked drunk or high… or both. Chayton drank some tequila, and offered some to Charlie, who drank it not to look like a loser. Another drink, and then another made him relax; the company was not that bad after all, and the stories they were telling were so fun!


~ Good start, bad ending ~

The first bottle, now empty, was replaced by a second one, and then a third, while the group of guys laughed out loud, told stories and jokingly bantered with each other. Charlie was not used to drink alcohol, and soon crashed on the table, completely drunk. Chayton didn’t care, as he was having a long-awaited big time with his friends. In other times, he knew well when to stop drinking, but lately he had no chances to abuse alcohol, and soon he, too, fell unconscious on the table.

“Chay is not anymore the tough guy he used to be!” – Jim commented. Red stood up and enthused: “Let’s move, there’s a new strip club in East Downtown you must see!”.  They went away, leaving the two drunk boys soundly sleeping with their faces on the table.

After a long while, Chayton stirred and felt a pang of pain in his back. He slowly stood sitting and realized he had been sleeping sprawled on some sharp stone steps. He was no more in the tavern, he was outdoors, and it was night. His head was spinning. He slowly looked around and saw Charlie, lying on his back on the concrete sidewalk.

«Fuck!» – he thought - «It must be late…». He looked at his watch, but there was no watch around his wrist. “Hey Charlie… Charlie…!”. The younger boy opened his eyes and looked around, confused: “Where are we? Why are we lying in the street?”

“What time is it? I must have lost my watch…”. Charlie realized his watch was missing too, along with the thin golden bracelet Alex had given him. He patted his back: the wallet was missing, and the phone, too. “Chayton, they robbed us… They robbed us!” – the boy whined, with wet eyes – “We’re god knows where, in the middle of the night, without a phone nor money!”

“Fuck!” – Chayton repeated, checking his pockets and realizing that his phone and wallet were gone, too. “Don’t worry, buddy, I’ll take you home”. They started walking, on unsteady feet, with Chayton leading the way. But he frankly had no more than a faint idea of what part of the town they were…


~ Rescue ~

The Cove was a hive of anxious activity: Charlie and Chayton were nowhere to be found, and neither of them answered to the phone calls. Alex was the first to wonder where Charlie could be, and when he realized that Chayton, too, was missing, he knocked to Wahkan’s door to ask him, but he hadn’t seen his boy since lunch. When they didn’t appear at dinner, the men thought that something must have happened.

Wahkan and Alex called their boys at the phone, but they were directed to the voicemail. Rick stepped in: “I saw them chatting in the living room, in the afternoon; Chayton seemed nervous. I was working in the kitchen, but once I went out to the dining room and heard Chayton say that once he had a life and friends, and he seemed angry, restless”.

This alarmed the men, who gathered in the living room to decide what to do. Alex, always the security guard, took the lead as usual: “Wherever they went, they should’ve been back home by now. We must go look for them. Let’s divide in pairs. Kale, you should go to the beach, where you probably will find Rowan, and you two will explore the shore, both north and south. Barry and Stewart, you take your car and check the town east of Main Street, especially East Downtown; while Wahkan and I will canvass the west side. Beau will stay here with Rick, in case the boys come back.”

They split in pairs as suggested. Climbing on Alex’ SUV, Wahkan said: “I don’t know where they are, but I know where we should start searching. Go to the mall area, I know a place where Chayton used to spend a lot of time with his friends, before becoming my boy.

They parked the car near the mall and Wahkan led the way through the maze of dark alleys, until they found the rotten door. Wahkan knocked in the conventional way, like his boy once explained him, but no one opened the door; he knocked harder, and the tall fat man finally opened: “We’re closed, it’s late!”.

Wahkan looked straight at his eyes: “Where are the two boys?”. The man grunted: “Don’t know no fuckin’ boy”. His mouth was lying, but his eyes showed to the Sioux the boys reclined unconscious on the table, and two identically ugly men taking them by their arms and dragging them out.

“Who are the twins?” – Wahkan asked. The man didn’t reply. Alex, though puzzled by Wahkan inexplicable (for him) question, stepped forward menacingly, took the man by his dirty tank and hissed: “My buddy’s asking you a question!”. “The Rudd brothers? They live above their garage” – the man replied with a lustful smirk – “on the road to the port. By now I guess they’ve finished with the boys…”

Alex shoved him on the wall: “What you mean, motherfucker?!”.  But Wahkan intervened: “No time for this, buddy, let’s go find the boys”. They went back to the car and Alex drove to the road to the port. It was a straight, long, faintly lit road that, at that time of the night, was completely desert. After a while, he screech halted the car in front of an old building with a faded sign reading “Rudd Bros Repairs”.

They were about to jump down the car and go up to the Rudds’ apartment, when Wahkan saw, far along the road, two people entering the light cone of a distant streetlamp. “Look, Alex! Maybe it’s them!”. They quickly got closer to the walking couple, and Alex halted the car behind them. When they turned their frightened eyes to the car’s lights, Alex almost cried for the relief: they were Charlie and Chayton.

“Call Beau, Wahkan! Tell him we’ve found them!” – he hastened to say, and jumped out of the car. The boys ran to hug the bulky guard, who threw his muscular arms around them. They felt finally safe, and their tension melted in irrepressible sobs. “It’s over, boys, we’re here. Let’s go home.” – Alex said with loving voice.


~ Interrogation ~

When they arrived at the Cove, all the men were relieved to see them, dirty and scared, but apparently unharmed. Rick hugged them tight and soon the boys were bombarded with questions: “Where have you been?”  “Why didn’t you say anything?”  “Are you drunk?!”

Kale, with the sensibility he perfected as a counselor, hastened to step in: “Please, please, gentlemen! These boys need to rest. Their masters should bring them to their rooms; tomorrow it’s Sunday and we’ll have plenty of time to talk. Now it’s late, I suggest we call it a night”. Everyone agreed and headed to his room, with a lot of “See ya tomorrow!”, “G’nite!” and “Thanks buddy!”.

When Alex was alone with Charlie, he asked: “Do you want to go to bed?”. Charlie was keeping his eyes to the floor and shook his head without looking up. “Are… Are you angry with me, sir?” – he asked, plaintively. “I’m not angry, kid” – Alex replied – “But you made me worry so much... You’re not chained to this house, you know, you can go wherever you want, but I’m displeased that you didn’t tell me. And I guess I’ll be even more displeased when you tell me what you have done. Because you will tell me, won’t you?”

Of course Charlie told to Alex everything, what Chayton said about not being slaves, the old tavern they went to, the many tequilas he had drunk, their waking up lying on the street, the robbery they had suffered. “I’ve been such a stupid, sir!” – Charlie said, trying hard to hold his tears – “I know you will punish me. I deserve it…”

Alex kept the boy at arm’s length: “Charlie, you’ve always been a good boy, and you still are. We make mistakes, all of us. And we learn from our mistakes. I won’t punish you: let’s call it a get-out-of-jail-free card…” – Alex said with a wink and an affectionate grin.

The last words made Charlie smile wearily. But soon Alex got serious: “Kid, I have to ask you an important question: did someone… touched you? Have you been forced to do something?”

Charlie stood silent for a moment and then said: “I… I don’t think so… I guess not… I don’t know!” – he was worried, now. “Last thing I remember is me reclining on the table, I felt so sleepy! And then I woke up in that unknown road, without money and without my phone. And they also took the bracelet you gave me!”. This time the boy couldn’t stifle a sob: he treasured so much that gift from Alex!

“I’ll buy you a new one” – the man said – “But now I need to check you up, to be sure no one has hurt you while you were unconscious. Please, take your clothes off and lie on the bed. Charlie immediately complied. Alex stripped to his underwear and got on the bed, kneeling astride the boy’s torso. “Let’s check for bumps or wounds” – he said, running his fingers through the boy’s short brown hair and checking his scalp, the back of the ears and the nape.


~ A thorough physical check-up ~

Charlie felt comfortably safe, while Alex’ caring hands caressed his hair. Well, he was not actually caressing him, but it was such a sweet feeling nevertheless! Alex, though caring and affectionate, was certainly not the kind of man indulging in kind caresses, and Charlie felt his muscles relax under the tender ministration.

“OK, no damage here” – Alex said, backing up a little and placing his hands over the boy’s torso. “Now let’s check the chest; tell me if it hurts somewhere”. Charlie nodded, while Alex’ big hands explored every inch of his chest, his abs and pecs, casually tickling his nipples. Alex stifled a smile when he saw that Charlie’s cock was half hard and intensified his massage over the boy’s chest, prodding with his fingers the sensitive skin.

“Fine, it’s all good” – The man stated, scrambling to the boy’s side. He leaned toward the nightstand and dipped his fingers in a jar of lubricant. “Now, Charlie, I have to check your insides. If you feel the faintest pain, you tell me immediately, ok?”.

Charlie nodded and raised his legs, hooking his hands behind his knees. Alex started massaging with extreme care the boy’s anus, looking at his face to spot possible signs of pain. Then he slowly inserted one finger, pushing it inside the boy’s hole and checking the inner walls. Charlie squirmed a little, but didn’t say anything, though his cock spoke on his behalf, growing stiffer.

Alex added a second finger, and his massage became more insistent; he pushed his fingers deeper, gently bending them and rolling his hand to touch and check the entire tender canal. Charlie let out a moan, and Alex immediately stopped, but when he saw the boy’s ecstatic expression and his cock, now rock hard and dripping pre-cum, smiled inwardly and pretended to be worried: “Does it hurt? You moaned! I think I should stop, not to make things worse…”


~ Deep search ~

Charlie raised his head, a bit embarrassed, and said: “It wasn’t a moan of… pain, sir. Please, check better, maybe… ehm… there’s something wrong, deeper inside…”. Alex, now relieved to see that his boy hadn’t suffered for a sexual harassment, pretended to follow his advice, and seriously replied: “You’re right, I should check deeper.”

He added a third finger, rousing some more moans from his boy, and started finger-fucking the sensitive hole, digging deeper his fingers and bending them to tap on the boy’s prostate. Charlie wiggled and trembled, trying to stifle his gasps every time his joy button sent jolts of pleasure through his body.

Alex used his free hand to caress again the boy’s abdomen, his pecs and his nipples, sending Charlie in heaven: he couldn’t repress any more his moans of pleasure, feeling his entire body literally in the hands of his handsome, heroic master.

The man went on caressing, pinching, titillating and stimulating the young body for a while, looking with a smile at Charlie’s face tossing from side to side, lost in an exquisite pleasure.  When the boy’s breath became ragged and his cock, stiff and swollen, started shuddering, Alex suddenly stopped his hands, stifling a smile.

“Well, I’m glad to see that there’s nothing wrong in your body. You can get off the bed, now”. Charlie’s eyes snapped open and fixated on the man’s face with a plaintive expression: “No, sir! Please! Don’t stop! Please sir!”

Alex flashed at him a loving smile, and his hands went back at work, making the boy squirming and moaning loud. Charlie felt like his heart was going to explode: he loved that strong, caring, sexy stud so much! But a sense of shame and guilt suddenly assailed him, thinking to the stupid things he’d done that night…


~ A whole lot of forgiveness ~

“Oh, sir, forgive me!” – the boy pleaded with teary eyes– “I’ve been such a jerk! I’ve abused alcohol and sneaked out without asking you!”.  Alex looked at him with great affection: “I told you, there’s nothing to forgive…”.  But Charlie insisted: “Please sir… I need you to tell me you really forgive me…”

“I won’t tell you: I’ll show you…” – the bulky guard replied softly, lowering his head and locking his lips to Charlie’s in a fierce, open-mouth kiss; at the same time, he flicked madly his three fingers inside the boy’s ass, wildly stimulating his prostate, and used his thumb to press hard on his perineum, making Charlie’s cock swell even more.

Charlie was lost: his entire body was so heavily solicited that he couldn’t bear the sexual tension any more. “MMMMMPHH!! MMMMPH!!” – he tried to scream, when a shattering climax spread through his entire body, but his voice was muffled by his master’s mouth sealed to his. His body bucked wildly, locked under the pressure of the man’s mouth and his hand deeply planted in his ass. His untouched cock exploded furiously, and Alex’ thumb, pressing hard on his perineum, forced the boy’s sperm to be shot so forcefully that it splat hard on the man’s cheek, to then slowly drip on Charlie’s chin.

When the massive ejaculation finally ended, Alex raised his head and looked at his boy, covered with sweat and sperm, sprawled on the crumpled bed, totally exhausted. “You see at which extent I’ve forgiven you? Are you convinced now? Or maybe…” – he halted, moved his greased hand to the boy’s cock, still throbbing for the shaking orgasm, and curled his big fist around it; when he started to wank it at a slow, excruciating pace, Charlie gasped hard for the jolts of pleasurable pain coming from his cock, now so sensitive for the intense orgasm. “…Or maybe you want me to… forgive you some more?”.

“Ah! No, sir!” – Charlie said with ragged voice, taken by surprise – “I know it! Ah! I know you’ve forgiven me! Please… stop forgiving me!!”.  Charlie’s last words, spoken without thinking straight, made both the master and his boy burst into laughter. “OK, then” – Alex said when he could talk again – “Now let’s wipe all this jizz and let’s go to bed, it’s late. Luckily tomorrow’s Sunday”.

Charlie rushed to the bathroom and came back with two towels; while they were cleaning themselves, Charlie gasped and said: “But sir, you didn’t cum!”. Alex smiled at him and joked: “I have nothing to be forgiven for! No, seriously, I’m not in the mood, with everything that happened tonight”. He stripped naked and got in bed, and Charlie noticed that his cock was actually limp; once again he felt a rush of love for that man who gave him such a great pleasure without even feeling in the mood for sex.

The boy followed the man and lay next to him, and Alex wrapped him in his strong arms. Soon, the exhausted boy was fast asleep, deeply nested against his hero’s wide chest.


~ A hero’s reward ~

In the middle of the night, Charlie woke up for a moment and looked at the muscular guard next to him, fast asleep, sprawled on the bed on his back. He had a raging erection. «Apparently, he’s in the mood, now…» – the boy thought with an urchin grin. That man had done so much for him, he was his hero! He definitely deserved a reward!

Unwilling to wake him up, he leaned over the man’s big cock, opened wide his mouth and lowered his head until the wide glans touched the back of his throat. He kept his mouth and lips wide open, without touching the shaft, and pressed his head down a bit, until the cock head plopped inside his throat.

He tightened his muscles and massaged the glans trapped in his throat, and then pulled up, easing the pressure on the engorged cock head, still without touching the shaft with his lips. Again and again, he lowered his mouth, massaged the throbbing cock and released it.

Alex moaned faintly in his deep sleep. His mind couldn’t identify the sensations coming from his cock, as the technique used by the expert Charlie was different than anything Alex had ever experienced; but still, his cock enjoyed the treatment very much, and it throbbed and swelled more and more, until the man stiffened and let out a louder moan, while his man juice spurted in powerful shots down Charlie’s throat.

The boy sealed his lips around the glans and sucked hard, so that not a single drop of sperm dribbled down the throbbing cock shaft. When he had swallowed the last drop, he gently let the clean shrinking cock rest on the man’s abdomen, without leaving any trace of the furtive blowjob.

Charlie went back to sleep with a contented smile that paired the one appeared on Alex’ face. And when, the next morning, they stirred lazily in bed, and Alex said: “I feel great, so relaxed, like after a good night of sex”, Charlie simply smiled and replied: “I’m glad you slept well”, and kissed him on his stubbled cheek.

The boy got out of bed, put on his underwear and a t-shirt and went down to the first floor, willing to bring some hot coffee to his master. But he didn’t, because when he stepped into the living room he was surprised to see Chayton on the sofa, sleeping with his head on Beau’s chest.


~ A totally different interrogation ~

Several hours earlier, when Charlie was in his room facing his master’s ‘interrogation’, Chayton, too, was with his master, and was about to face a totally different interrogation.

Wahkan was displeased. Very displeased! “I thought we were a team, a couple, a family!” – he said with a grave tone, turning his back to a contrite Chayton – “I thought our relationship, our understanding of each other was at a much higher level than this. Sneaking out like a thief!”

“I’m sorry, sir” – the boy replied meekly, not daring to use his master’s name as usual. “I wanted… I felt…” – he stuttered, unable to put in words his tangled feelings. Wahkan turned around and raised his hand: “You see? How many times have I told you that words are useless, that they fail us and hide the truth? And here you are, stuttering, trying hard to turn your thoughts into words!”

“Please, sir, let me explain! This once, let me explain!”. But Wahkan got closer, took Chayton’s face in his hands and pierced the boy with his blazing eyes. “You too” – Wahkan said, but the boy didn’t move and pleaded again: “Sir, please… I will tell you everything, everything! I won’t omit any detail! Just let me tell you…”

“You too!” – the man repeated, with a tone that didn’t allow for rejection. Trembling, Chayton raised his hands and placed them at the sides of his master’s face, and in that very moment he felt the mind of the powerful Sioux forcefully break into him.

Chayton couldn’t put up any resistance against the merciless eyes ransacking his mind and soul from all his deepest secrets, his memories and his thoughts. He felt humiliated, violated, raped! “Sir… Sir…” – he tried to say while his eyes brimmed with tears, but the man ignored him and went on searching, hunting and digging into the most intimate recesses of his soul.

Wahkan saw it all: the boys talking in the dining room, Chayton stating defiantly that they were not slaves, the old tavern, the raucous banter with his friends, the liquors flowing freely, Chayton luring Charlie into drinking more and more, and then the blackness of the alcohol-induced exhaustion. He saw the boy waking up on the dirty steps of an unknown house, saw Charlie’s tears of fear and Chayton pretending to know where they were going, without realizing they were going the wrong direction.

The powerful Sioux saw it all, but it took him a while to gather all the information from the trembling guy, and when he finally averted his gaze, Chayton was visibly shaking for the tension, and tears were streaming from his eyes. But still Wahkan didn’t release the boy’s face.


~ Brutal pressure ~

“Did anyone touch you? I must know.” – Wahkan asked gravely, since he couldn’t see anything into the blackness of his boy’s drunk sleep. “I… I was unconscious… I can’t know what happened while I was sleeping…”

“But I can!” – Wahkan said, with a steely glare in his eyes, and again he pierced the boy with his blazing gaze. But this time it was harder, as he wanted to break the wall of darkness and see what Chayton himself couldn’t record into his conscious mind. This time he had to reach the boy’s unconscious.

Chayton withered under the brutal pressure of his master’s mind and whined: “No…No… Please sir…”. He felt Wahkan’s mind pounding hard, cruelly trying to break into his innermost intimacy, and then suddenly he felt the man’s powerful gaze break with fiery force into his deepest soul. He couldn’t breathe, and he felt torn apart, while an overwhelming, non-physical pain crushed his entire being into its unmerciful fingers. “Sir…! No! AAH!! Sir, I beg you… Stop! AAAAHHH!!!”

Chayton’s desperate scream echoed in the corridor, where Beau was silently walking, heading to the kitchen to quench his untimely nightly thirst. His foot halted mid-air and he immediately turned around and reached Wahkan’s door. He heard the boy pleading his master and screaming as if he was being tortured. Without thinking twice, Beau broke open the door.

He expected to see the boy tied somewhere, whipped or physically tortured in any other way, and was puzzled to see the man and the boy facing each other and looking into each other’s eyes like two lovers. But then Chayton whined and Beau saw him grimacing for the pain, and the despair in his eyes made Beau snap: “Stop it! Wahkan, stop it!!”. The Sioux didn’t move and the blond boss forcefully separated him from his boy.

Wahkan stepped back, heaving, dazzled. He looked at Beau and then at Chayton, apparently not knowing what was going on. It took him a moment to regain his control, and then he exclaimed, surprised: “Beau! Why are you here so late in the night? Chayton and I…”

The ageless Sioux turned to his boy and gasped in horror, seeing him standing unsteadily on his feet, his hair disheveled, his face streaked with tears, and an unspeakable pain in his eyes. Suddenly everything returned to his mind: his forceful, merciless invasion of his boy’s intimacy and his desperate pleads to stop. “May the Spirits have mercy on me…!” – Wahkan whispered, aghast.

He made a step toward Chayton, but Beau took the boy in his arms and said with a steely tone: “Don’t you dare touch him. He’s coming with me. We’ll talk tomorrow morning.”

Beau led the boy downstairs and sat with him on the sofa. “Sir… Wahkan wasn’t doing anything wrong… You don’t understand…” – Chayton tried to say, but Beau interrupted him: “No, Chayton, you don’t understand. A master must never cause such a pain to his boy, no matter what the circumstances are”.

He hugged lovingly the boy and reclined on the sofa, keeping Chayton’s head on his chest: “Come, kid, take a rest now. Tomorrow everything will look different”.

And there they stayed until morning, and the blond god was still protecting the boy in his strong arms when a surprised Charlie came downstairs and spotted them. The hot Sunday sun was rising over the Cove and soon it would have witnessed the many dramatic events that were about to happen.

Footnotes and references:

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(End of chapter 23 – Please proceed to Chapter 24)

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024