Rowan's Journey to Manhood

by Hunknown

13 Feb 2020 541 readers Score 9.7 (27 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the previous chapters…

Rowan, a pale guy with many sexual inhibitions due to the abuse he suffered in the past, embarks in a long journey to a mature sexuality, helped by the men and boys living in a big house named “The Cove”. Charlie, a 19 y.o. playful boy, teaches him the joyful side of sex. Barry, an oversexed worker who looks alike Rowan’s abusive stepfather, scares him. During a dramatic night, Rowan reveals his past to Kale, an Hawaiian school counselor, who shows him the tender, healing power of love. Beau, the blond leader of the Cove, experiments Rowan’s ‘power’ to block a man’s ejaculation until he begs to cum. Hendrick, the house young cook, lets Rowan discover how sweet and pleasurable can be anal sex when, after many years, the guy yields his ass to the redheaded boy. The wise Native American Wahkan teaches to Rowan how to trust another man. The man and the boys of the Cove talk about Rowan and think he seems to come from another century. Rowan discovers the pleasure of submission during a hot bondage session with Kale. Rick explains that the Cove is a sort of shelter for all the men and the boys, including Beau, who holds painful secrets in his heart, and Stewart, whose recent past hides a hot secret.

Synopsys (*** Spoiler Alert! ***)

Rowan talks about his childhood, his lack of friends and education and about old Paul and his ramshackle cinema, his only school. After another failed attempt at having sex with Rowan, a furious Barry goes back home and takes revenge over Kale; but once more he’s surprised and moved by the counselor’s total and complete submission to his sexual power. Rowan has another intense encounter with the Native American Wahkan.

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~ “Where have you learned talking?” ~

Hendrick and Rowan were sitting at the small kitchen table. The dramatic story Rick had told, about Stewart’s arrival at the Cove with his boy, was still resonating in the silent kitchen.

“Blimey! What a story!” – Rowan exclaimed in a low voice.

Blimey?” – Rick laughed out – “Where have you read this word, in a children book?   OK, man, I’m sure there’s an interesting story behind it. So, where have you learned to talk that way?” 

Rowan smiled, stood silent for a moment and then answered with a question: “Where have you learned to talk, Hendrick?”

“Oh! I… ehm…” – Rick replied, uncertain, caught off guard by the strange question, the same he had asked to his friend. “I’ve learned talking from my parents, of course, and then at school. And from TV, and talking with my friends…”.

“Like everyone” – Rowan replied – “Parents, school, TV, friends. Everyone learns to talk this way. That is, everyone who’s lucky enough to have caring parents who send their kid to school, has a TV to watch and has friends to chat with. I’m afraid I didn’t have any of these things…”

What Rowan was revealing about his early years was grave indeed, but there was a serene acceptance in his voice. Maybe, years before, the lack of a caring family or friends had been painful for him, but by now he had come to terms with it.

“My father died when I was a little child; I don’t even remember his voice; and my mother was an alcoholic, she spent all his time in his room with her liquors. She rarely talked to me. And my stepfather… well, he didn’t like to speak. They never enrolled me in a school: my mother barely knew I was alive, and my stepfather rather liked me in his bed than in a school. TV? We had one, at home, and I could maybe watch it, if I could stay at home like any normal kid, but I ran out as often as I could, and came back home only to sleep or… you know.”

“Never had a friend until I ran away from home, when I was 17, and never had friends while I lived on the streets. There are no friends on the streets, you have to keep a low profile and hope that no one comes to you.”


~ The magic of the big screen ~

 “Only exception was Paul, old good Paul. He’s the owner of that old cinema at the mall. I want you to meet him: on Sunday we may go to his matinée and I’ll introduce you to him. You up with it?”  Rick nodded enthusiastically: “You bet!”

“Anyway, one day, I was about 6 or 7, he saw me staring rapt at Clark Gable holding Vivien Leigh in his arms, on the playbill of ‘Gone with the Wind’. He came closer and looked at the playbill with me and said simply: ‘Great movie, kid. One of the best ever! Would you like to watch it?’”

“I nodded, and he let me sneak through the staff door. The screen was huge! Never seen anything bigger. He made me sit in the back row and went back to the ticket office. He never asked me why a 6-year-old boy was wandering alone in the town, nor where my parents were. He probably knew, this is a small town after all. Later on I understood that allowing me to stay in his cinema as long as I wanted was his way to protect me.”

“I loved that cinema, and I loved Paul. He often gave me sweets, sandwiches, snacks. Paul loves ‘Old Hollywood’ movies from the 40’s and the 50’s, though sometimes he shows newer stuff, but only period movies, you know, King, Queens and high society. I went to his cinema every day, and for years I’ve lived my life immersed in grandiose mansions and castles, beautiful costumes, romantic plots and… old fashioned dialogs.”

So, you brazen wench, you defy me! You dare hold your queen up to ridicule? You forward hussy!” – Rowan recited, faking a British accent and flashing his eyes as Bette Davis did playing the role of Queen Elizabeth in an old movie.

Hendrick, despite being saddened by the story Rowan had told, couldn’t hold his laughter, soon followed by his friend. “I perfectly understand your point, Rowan! Luckily I never heard you talk that weird!”

When their laughs trailed off, Rowan said: “You had your parents, school, TV and your friends to teach you how to talk, how to behave, how to live. And, most of all, how to love. I only had Paul and his old cinema, and a whole lot of time to think about what I learned from those movies. And then I had… you.”

Rick couldn’t stay put and threw himself into Rowan’s arms, his eyes brimming with tears: “I don’t know how you could go through all this and be the wonderful, kind, sensible guy you are! You’ll see, Rowan, the Cove will do its magic for you, too!”

“It is already doing its magic for me. But as you said, the Cove is the men who live here. The Cove is you. Do again your magic for me, Hendrick…!” – Rowan said, looking straight at Rick with an expression that was plaintive and seductive at the same time.

They kissed passionately, and then moved to the privée and closed the door behind them. They went on kissing hungrily, rolling on the sofa, until Rowan backed up saying: “But what about the lunch?”  Hendrick thought about it for a moment and then, giggling, he quoted: “Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!


~ He’s coming! Or… is he? ~

One way or another, Rick managed to put a decent lunch on the table. Not his usual gourmet meal, but no one complained: on weekdays, the lunch was always a hasty affair, with Alex and Barry in a hurry to rush back to work and Beau always careful not to eat too much.

For dinner, the chef wanted to redeem himself and started cooking early in the afternoon a more elaborate menu. He was still cooking when the flaming light of the sunset inundated his kitchen, as well as Rowan’s room in the basement.

The guy was sleeping in his small camping bed, restless as usual, but for once, he was not having his recurring nightmare. For once, the kid living in his mind was spared from the sordid violence he was subjected to every day. Nevertheless, when the sun started sinking in the ocean, Rowan’s eyes sprang open and his breath became rugged.

He stood up and looked anxiously the stairs door… but he somehow knew that no one would have come, that evening, to force himself over him. His abusive stepfather, that day, wouldn’t come.

He turned to the wooden crate near his bed and looked with a faint smile at the childish snack bag that Rick, once again, had filled with food and left there for him. A sudden warmth spread in his heart, picturing his friend working hard in the kitchen, cooking a special meal for him.

But his anxiety chilled again his heart as he heard steps coming down the stairs and saw the door slowly open: «Is he coming? He shouldn’t! Not today!» – the guy though, unable to think straight under the pressure of his inner nightmares. His eyes widened and his muscles tensed, while the door opened some more… and there was Beau, beautiful as ever, with a kind smile that put at ease, almost completely, his fears.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to alarm you” – he said – “I’ve come down to ask you if you… ehm… would like to come with me to Rice-Duncan Mansion, tomorrow in the afternoon. After our chat, this morning, I thought I should have done that long ago, but… don’t know… I’ve never felt ready… until now.”

Again, that dark glimpse in his deep blue eyes. Beau’s hesitation moved Rowan, who restrained himself not to run and hug him. “Now I’m ready… I think I am… but I need you, I need to look at that old house through your eyes, to feel its atmosphere through your soul. Do you think you can do that… for me?”

«I’d come with you to visit Hell itself, if you asked me» – Rowan thought, but simply replied, relapsing to his usual old-fashioned style: “I’ll be glad to oblige”.

“Thank you, Rowan. I knew I could count on you. Maybe you should sleep tomorrow morning, as soon as you come back from work, so you’ll be rested by the time we move. Shall we meet in the living room at 4 pm?”.  Rowan nodded: “I’ll be there”.

Beau left, and Rowan looked around, at the darkness of the evening slowly filling the corners of the room. This time he didn’t rush out half naked, as he usually did; instead, he got dressed, took his backpack and walked – he walked – to the quarry.


~ Fear and anger ~

Rowan opened the gate to the quarry and looked around: the site was seemingly desert. It was a very hot night, and he removed his T-shirt, so not to damp it with sweat. First thing, he went to the trailer used as an office to leave the snack bag. He opened the door, climbed inside… and there was Barry, taking the keys of his truck, ready to leave.

The rugged worker, in his usual dirty tank top and dusty jeans, turned around and looked at Rowan, at his long raven hair running down to his shoulders, at his chiseled torso shaped into a long V terminating into his exceptionally narrow waist, cinched by his faded black jeans.

The man’s initial friendly gaze was lit by a turbid glare of lust that made his pale blue eyes sparkle. His mind compelled him to restrain himself, but after a brief struggle, another part of his body prevailed, and a horny smirk appeared on his stubbled face: “Hey, kid… You look stunning, tonight…» – Barry said, with a voice that sounded like a growl. He took a step toward the guy, who took a step back, looking at him wide-eyed. “Maybe we could… don’t know… have a little fun…”. He took another step forward and the guy recoiled again, touching the wall with his back. He was trapped!

“Come on… I know you play with the other men, at the Cove…”. As he started to move again, Rowan pleaded: “Daddy, no…! Please…

“Fuck you!” – Barry shouted, backing up and pointing a finger at him – “Sooner or later you’ll come to me, begging me to shove my cock in your ass! And I’ll make you regret to have turned me down so many times!”.  He turned around, furious, went out and slammed the door so hard that the entire trailer shook up.

Rowan stood still for a moment, catching his breath and forcing himself to think straight: «It was Barry… It was Barry…». Yes, it was Barry, not his stepfather, Rowan thought, but he had once again threw at him his fears and his nightmares, treating him like a sordid sex offender, guilty of unmentionable crimes.

“Damn!” – he exclaimed, stomping a foot on the floor, angry with himself. «OK, Barry is clearly oversexed» – Rowan thought, feeling guilty – «but he’s a man of the Cove! And he had already been punished once for trying to force himself on me!»

The guy slumped on a chair and took his face in his hands, but soon he took a deep breath and raised his head: he had a work to do. He stood up resolutely: «I can't think about that now. I’ll think about it tomorrow» – he thought. And Scarlett O’Hara added, in his mind: «After all, tomorrow is another day…»


~ Hot fury ~

The wheels screeched on the road as Barry parked his truck in front of the Cove. He whirled out of the driver’s seat and slammed the door. «He will pay for this! He’ll pay hard!» – he thought, enraged, striding through the living room and storming into the dining room.

The men and the boys were already taking their place around the table, ready for dinner. Kale looked at Barry sideways, while taking an appetizer and exclaimed happily: “Hey there, handsome worker! Rick has prepared a special dinner, take a seat!”

“Later!” – Barry barked, grabbing Kale by his arm and dragging him out of his chair. “I need to talk to you upstairs!”.  Kale looked at him, surprised, and spotted in his eyes an unmistakable fire: pure animal lust! He turned his head to the other men with a wide grin: “Will you please excuse us? There’s a matter that we…”.  He couldn’t finish his sentence, as Barry was forcefully dragging him out of the dining room.

When the door to Barry’s suite closed behind them, the worker pointed a finger against Kale: “That damn kid of yours, with his wide eyes and his precious ass, is really stepping out of line!” – he yelled, furious. “Daddy, no please…” – he mimicked Rowan with a fake childish voice. “Turnin’ me fuckin’ down? Twice?

“Barry, you didn’t…” – Kale said, alarmed. “I didn’t!” – was the harsh reply. “And now I’m stoked like a raging bull, and it’s all your fault! Strip and lie on the bed!”

Kale faked a worried expression, knowing that it would have turned Barry on even more, but smiled inwardly: he was dying to surrender to that raging bull! He quickly undressed, without doing anything to hide his rock-hard erection, threw himself on the bed, on his back, and raised his legs without a word.

Barry got naked in a flash, making his beer-can thick cock bounce so hard that it slapped his abdomen, and started tying Kale’s wrists to the ropes always hanging from the headboard: “It’s payback time, buddy! I didn’t forget what you did to me last time!”


~ The art of submission ~

He placed Kale’s legs over his shoulders and leaned forward, until his cock was pointing at his puckered hole. With an evil smirk he lowered his hand to the man’s anus and started tickling it with a fingertip: a trick that Kale himself had painfully taught him [1]!

But he didn’t know that submission is an art, and Kale was a master at that. The Hawaiian did feel the maddening tickling on his sensitive hole, but he didn’t clench it: instead, he relaxed and opened it even more, forcing himself, with an extreme, and highly erotic effort, to defenselessly offer his ass to his merciless captor.

“Damn you!” – Barry yelled, realizing that his trick didn’t work – “Let’s see if you can resist to this!”.  “AAAAGGH!!” – Kale screamed, when the thick dry cock, abruptly, was showed into his ass to the base. He had resisted the tickling, but it made his hole very sensitive, and the pain of being impaled with such brutality by such a big cock for a moment overwhelmed him.

He realized that tears were rolling down his eyes, but he defiantly hissed: “That’s all you got, big man?”.  Barry went wild, and his cock became a piledriver into Kale’s tender hole, digging deeper at each powerful thrust. “I’ll fuck the cum out of you!” – Barry replied, with rugged breath – “I’ll make you whine and beg for mercy!”

While his cock pistoned wildly back and forth into the man’s ass, Barry’s hands ravaged his chest, twisting hard his nipples and scraping with his nails the deep ridges of his abs. No man could resist such a brutal fuck, and hardly could Kale, despite his experience. He realized that the pressure that was building up into his groin was quickly raising to the point of explosion.

“Motherfucker… Ahh! You won’t make me cum… Nnngghh!” – the counselor moaned, looking defiantly into his captor’s blazing eyes – “I can resist! Ughh! I can resist!”

“But you can’t resist to this…” – Barry said in a low, seductive voice, while leaning forward and locking his mouth to Kale’s in a fierce, tongue-searching and breath-sharing kiss. He was right. Barry was always right, in matters of sex.

“Mmmh.. Mmph, mmph! MMMMPPHH!!!” – Kale screamed into the worker’s mouth, while his untouched cock spurted endless jets of white hot cream. As his juice flooded his own chest and dripped down to the sheets, Kale felt totally, helplessly, delightfully submitted to his powerful captor. He was securely tied, he couldn’t stop the huge cock pounding hard his ass, he couldn’t control his own orgasm. He wasn’t even allowed to scream!

Waves after waves of pleasure submerged him, pinned down by the worker’s heavy weight, while he forcefully shot all of his juice to the last drop.

His orgasm slowly ended, but not Barry’s powerful fucking. His rod relentlessly went on ravaging his tender depths, making Kale feel more and more uncomfortable by the minute. He moaned, and then whined, but didn’t do anything to stop the brutal assault.

“Submit! Beg me to have mercy!” – Barry yelled, pacing up even more his tremendous thrusts. Kale felt like he was being swept away in an ocean of sex, pain and lust. He gazed at the rough worker with half-open eyes and said in a rugged voice: “Can’t you see I’m totally yours? You can do anything to me, anything! Even hurt me... Aaahh… I can’t possibly submit to you more than this… I can do nothing to make you stop torturing me, not even beg… AAHH!”

Barry stared at Kale: he was clearly suffering by now, and he still didn’t beg for mercy; but there was no more defiance in his eyes, only a total, helpless submission to him, to his cock! His hearth throbbed with love for this fierce, broken down man, and it sent him through the roof: “Here it comes! You deserve it, buddy! Let me show how much I love you! Yeah… Fuck YEAH!”

Barry’s cock reached the innermost depths of Kale’s body and stood there, throbbing wildly, pumping gallons of hot juice and bathing the ravaged hole with the balm of man-to-man love.


~ Barry’s power ~

When the orgasm finally trailed off, Barry crashed on the bed, beside Kale, and quickly untied him. The Hawaiian silently stared at his buddy for a moment, catching his breath, and then said: “Sometimes I think you are… too much. Even for me. You have such a great sexual power, such an irresistible allure… And if someone ever gathers his strength to resist you, believe me, he must have serious reasons to do it.”

“You will be careful, won’t you, Barry?” – Kale continued, seriously – “You can’t know this, of course, but trust my word: submitting to someone as powerful as you can break a man, make him lose his dignity and his self-esteem. You have the power to destroy a man, Barry”.

The hairy worker was not very inclined to listen to what he inwardly referred to as ‘psychological mumbo-jumbo’. He felt a surge of pride when Kale had mentioned his great power, but his smile faded at Kale’s last sentence. Of course he knew that his fists could destroy a man, but… his cock?!

“You don’t believe me, do you?” – the counselor said, looking at his buddy’s wavering expression – “Imagine you’re fighting with a man as big as you, Alex for example. You would use all your strength to overpower him, and he, though defeated, would quickly be back on his feet. But imagine to use the same strength with someone much weaker, Charlie. You would cause him permanent damage, or even kill him.”

“Your sexual power is not different. And mind you, I’m not talking about the physical damage a big cock such as yours can do to an unprepared ass: you already know this very well. I’m talking about your powerful sexuality, you irresistible body, your eyes that can melt a man’s heart, your deep voice that can touch a man deep inside. These are weapons that can break a weak man. I’m not joking, buddy”.

This time Barry listened with more attention. He had a total control over his fists, he could easily calibrate his attack to overcome his opponent’s strength without causing unnecessary damage; and he knew how to restrain himself so not to harm his partner when fucking; but he always used his weapons of seduction instinctively, without thinking twice. And, thinking about it, he always used them to get the maximum result…

He understood he could make a man fall hard for him, way beyond a simple lust; and he was certainly not a man who goes around breaking hearts and then walks away.

“I… I never realized…” – Barry muttered, understanding, at least in part, what Kale was trying to say. “In other words, like Spiderman said, a great power brings great responsibilities…”

Kale giggled: “Freud couldn’t have explained it better! You nailed it, man!”. He traced with his fingers the stubbled lantern jaws: “Am I allowed to be proud of you?”.  He kissed him lightly and then got off the bed. He turned to look at his friend, still concentrating on the new concept that had found his way into his mind.

He was also confused by the easy way Kale could completely overturn, with a one-finger caress on his face, a light kiss and his expression of pride for him, their balance of power: wasn’t Kale the one who, minutes earlier, had totally submitted to him? Didn’t he, Barry, just imposed his authority over the bound, broken Hawaiian? So why, all at once, he felt like a boy glad to receive his master’s appreciation?

“So what? Aren’t you starving like usual, buddy?” – Kale said, smiling with affection at his powerful, invincible, guileless buddy – Come on, let’s go downstairs!”


~ An unexpected visit ~

It was late in the night at the quarry, and Rowan was sitting on the small rise from where he could keep an eye over the entire site. He liked that particular spot: he had an unobstructed view over the clearly illuminated quarry, but he was out of the light cone. The silent darkness around him made him feel calm and serene.

He stood up, like every hour, and made a complete round of the site, double-checking the heavy machinery, as required by Barry. When he got near the gate, to check the locks, he boggled, spotting a man standing motionless outside in darkness.

It was Wahkan.

“Oh! Good night, sir! What happened? Why are you here… if I may ask?”.  The ageless Sioux spoke slowly, in his usual calm, controlled voice: “I couldn’t sleep, I had to see you. Would it be against the rules if I come inside?”

Rowan shook his head, opened the heavy gate and closed it after the man stepped in. “Please, Wahkan, come this way” – Rowan said, leading the way to his favourite spot out of the bright light.

“Last time your demons defeated me…” – Wahkan said – “I ordered you to have an orgasm but their countermand was stronger, and I had to… bend myself to give you the pleasure you needed” [2].

Rowan lowered his eyes, ashamed to have been the cause of that proud man’s humiliation: “I’m sorry, Wahkan, it wasn’t my intention…”. But the Sioux raised his hand: “No, Wi-Sapa, it was entirely my fault. But I need to confront your demons again, beat them at their own game, so to say. Will you let me? I must warn you that in some moments it may be… unpleasant”.

Rowan stood resolutely and spoke the ancient words Chayton taught him: “I’m devoted to you, Sacred One”.  He quickly undressed, and so did the Sioux; they stood facing each other, but a bit off-center, so that their right hands were in line with the other man’s cock.

Wahkan started massaging Rowan’s manhood, making him hard; and then started jacking him off, looking straight into his dark eyes. “Last time your demons forbade you to have an unattended orgasm; this time I forbid you to have an orgasm, despite the sexual stimulation. You will feel aroused, more aroused than ever and ready to shoot your semen, but you won’t reach a climax until I let you. You don’t need to hold back: I will do it for you!”


~ Aroused beyond any limit ~

The guy nodded, while the man’s hand went on wanking his rigid cock. Soon Rowan couldn’t hold his moans anymore, and felt a growing pressure in his groin. “I’m very aroused, Wahkan”. The Sioux nodded, keeping his eyes still locked to Rowan’s, and tightened his fist around the guy’s cock.

The exquisite sensations coming from his enflamed sex made Rowan groan with pleasure. The tension in his groin had grown to levels never experienced before and he felt his balls tighten up: “I think I’m ready to shoot, Sacred One”. There was a steely glimpse in Wahkan’s eyes: “Do it, if you can. Don’t hold back, sink into your pleasure”.

Rowan gave in, welcoming the impending climax… that didn’t come. The fist on his cock paced up, and the sexual tension rose to unexplored peaks. The guy started trembling, trying hard to cum, but he couldn’t reach the highest peak, he couldn’t throw himself in the abyss.

“I… can’t! Sacred One, I can’t reach the climax!” – the guy said with a chocked voice, always lost into Wahkan’s deep gaze. His sexual excitement had already reached unbearable levels but still he couldn’t climb the last, final step. “Aah! I need to cum! I must cum!” – Rowan screamed, desperate, while the steely flash in the Sioux’ eyes forcefully held him just one inch below his badly needed climax – “Oh wise master, my body screams for release! Have mercy on me!”

“Now” – Wahkan said, in a calm, and yet commanding voice. “AAAAGGHH!!!! AAAAHH!” – the guy cried out, finally climbing up to the crest and throwing himself beyond it. His pent-up orgasm exploded furiously, his body shook violently and his mind went numb, but he kept his eyes locked to Wahkan. The Sioux could delve once more into the guy’s deepest intimacy, and his explosion of pleasure was a flash so bright that he had to avert his blazing gaze for a moment. Rowan’s soul was inundated by a pure white light that forced the blackness to retire in the farthermost recesses.

Rowan felt his cock ache for the exertion of spurting like a full throttle hydrant. His prostate pumped so frantically that the jets of sperm almost became a single, thick stream of white cream. He tried to hold to the man’s shoulder, but his legs gave in and Wahkan had to support him, letting him kneel on the soft grass.

Slowly, the massive orgasm ended, along with the spasms of his muscles, and Rowan fell in a deep blackness. He was so totally drained, physically and emotionally, that he remained unconscious for more than the usual couple minutes. When he finally came back to his senses, he was still kneeling on the grass, held in a tight embrace by the muscular Sioux.

“Sacred One… I…It’s been…” – Rowan tried to say, but the words didn’t come out. “I’m proud of you, Wi-Sapa” – Wahkan said – “You’ve been strong. Your demons are not defeated, yet, but they had to bow and crawl under the blazing power of the Black Sun”.


~ Wahkan’s caught off-guard ~

They stood up and Rowan noticed that Wahkan’s manhood was standing at full mast. “Your sexual excitement flowed out of your eyes into mine…” – the Sioux explained. Rowan reached to the hard cock with his hand and started massaging it: “Let me, Sacred One”.

He nodded with a friendly smile and let the guy give him pleasure. He felt good, he had won this battle against Rowan’s demons, though the war was still long. His sexual practices were usually deeply cerebral, but for once the wise man wanted to enjoy a simple friendly hand giving him pleasure.

His entire body started relaxing after the tension of the battle, and Wahkan enjoyed the intimate massage over his man meat. He felt so aroused that it didn’t take him long to reach the highest level of pleasure, and he felt the need to give in. He gazed deep into Rowan’s eyes and moaned: “I’m close, Wi-Sapa… Ohh, I’m so close… Aaah! Yes!”

Wahkan reached the climax, and for a moment his entire body tensed, preparing for the upcoming delicious explosion. His eyes sank deeply into Rowan’s, and the guy did the same. The Sioux was on the very verge of the orgasm, about to fall into the abyss… but he felt like he was held mid-air. His eyes widened with surprise. Rowan! Rowan’s gaze was keeping him there, on the thin, unstable highest peak of his pleasure, way beyond the point of no return, but unable to fall down, unable to ejaculate. He tried hard to evade the force that was keeping him stuck, but failed.

“Aah! Let me fall! AAGGH! I beg you, Black Sun!” – Wahkan pleaded, and Rowan, without a word, let him go. “Owwww! Aaaaggh!!” – the Sioux howled, when his massive ejaculation finally exploded.

When the last drop of his sperm fell to the ground, the man looked at Rowan with surprise and reverence: “The Spirits favoured you with a great power, Wi-Sapa. How did you do that?” – he asked. Rowan felt uneasy: “I don’t know… I do it instinctively… If a man lets me gaze into his eyes in the very moment of his climax, I just…wish him to feel that fleeting, excruciating pleasure a little longer. But it only works with the men I… feel something for. I’m sorry for not having asked your permission, Sacred One”.

“Never ask for permission or feel sorry for an act of love, Black Sun” – the Sioux replied, glad to be one of the men Rowan ‘felt something for’. “Again, I came here to help you, and you taught me something I didn’t know. Are you sure no Sioux blood flows in your veins?” – Wahkan laughed, throwing his arms around Rowan. “Who knows?” – the guy replied, joining the man’s laughter.

Footnotes and references:
[1] See Chapter 5, ~ The wrathful god takes his toll ~
[2] See Chapter 10, ~ Sexual tension ~


* * * * * * * *

(End of chapter 21 – Please proceed to Chapter 22)

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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