Rowan's Journey to Manhood

by Hunknown

16 Jan 2020 711 readers Score 9.6 (29 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the previous chapters…

Rowan, a pale guy with many sexual inhibitions due to the abuse he suffered in the past, embarks in a long journey to a mature sexuality, helped by the men and boys living in a big house named “The Cove”. Charlie, a 19 y.o. playful boy, teaches him the joyful side of sex. Barry, an oversexed worker who looks alike Rowan’s abusive stepfather, scares him, causing his hysterical reaction. Kale, an Hawaiian school counselor, intervenes. During a dramatic night, Rowan reveals to Kale his past and then they make love. Beau, the blond leader of the Cove, experiments Rowan’s ‘power’ to block a man’s ejaculation until he begs to cum. Hendrick, the house young cook, lets Rowan discover how sweet and pleasurable can be anal sex when, after many years, the guy yields his ass to the redheaded boy. Then, in an sexually intense night on a deserted beach, the Native American Wahkan discovers how deep are Rowan’s fears and inhibitions. Hendrick has a furious argument with his master Stewart and decides to leave the Cove; but Kale convinces him to stay. As a punishment, Kale locks Stewart’s cock in an electric chastity device that relentlessly brings him to orgasm without ever giving him the much needed relief. Rick is in pain for his master and proves him his trust in a very risky way.

Synopsys (*** Spoiler Alert! ***)

In this chapter, Rowan is revealed in many ways. He shows his tender affection to old Paul, gives proof of his valiancy and athletic skills and then shows off his body, letting the boys give him an exquisite sexual ‘assault'. The men and the boys then share with each other what they’ve learned about Rowan, his past experiences that make him look like a man from another century, and his recent life at the Cove, where he’s making his difficult journey to an adult sexuality.

[NOTE: This is a chapter full of references to events described in the previous chapters; if  you have missed some of them, just click on the notes and the corresponding paragraph will be shown in a separate window]

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~ Quiet night, rough morning ~

The first work shift at the quarry had been easy for Rowan. He was used to stay up the entire night, and he never felt tired or sleepy, while walking around the site, checking the heavy machinery and the gates.

So far, nights had been tough for Rowan, who had to live on the streets, constantly anxious and scared by the image of his abusive stepfather coming out from behind any corner. How many times he had run breathlessly on the beach, trying to escape his nightmares! How many times he had yielded to the irrepressible urge to dive into the ocean to wash himself from the disgust he still felt, after so many years!

But at the quarry, for some reason, he felt safe. His fears, his nightmares didn’t assaulted his mind, in that silent, quiet place. At least, he felt safe after Barry had left. Rowan thought once more, like he’d done several times during the night, at Barry venting his anger slamming a heavy mallet over a large rock. It was a frightful sight, and yet the enraged man made his cock tingle…

The guy knew that Barry was about to arrive: as a foreman, his duty was to close the site for the night and reopen it in the morning. Rowan hoped he wouldn’t be angry, nor… horny. Unfortunately, his hopes were not fulfilled. The guy heard a clang coming from the gate and turned to see what was happening, and he saw Barry, with a grim air, angrily unlocking the heavy gates.

Rowan got closer, and Barry, looking at him, tried his best to conceal his anger and forced his mouth into a half smile. The man was not angry with the guy, after all; he just had a little accident while parking his truck outside, and didn’t want to scare Rowan, knowing how distressful was for him to stay alone with that rugged worker who looked so much like his hideous stepfather.

“Hey, kid! Anything to report? Been a quiet night?” – he asked, trying to sound as friendly as he could. “Nothing to report. And I’m not a kid!” – Rowan replied, a bit too harshly. He couldn’t help it. He hated when his stepfather called him ‘kid’!

Barry couldn’t restrain himself, and replied angrily: “What the fuck is wrong with you, kid? I’m tryin’ to do my best, here! You better watch your mouth, kid!”

“I’m not a kid!” – Rowan stated once more, with trembling voice, looking at Barry’s face blurring into his stepfather’s, and then back again – “My name is Rowan!”

The rugged worker lost his patience: “Stop it! ‘My name is Rowan’ ” – Barry yelled, mocking the guy, who wilted under the man’s burst of anger – “I know your name, kid! Why are you so fuckin’ obsessed with your name??”

“Because… it’s the only thing my father left me…” – Rowan whined, with teary eyes. Soon he realized that Barry’s calling him ‘kid’ was just his way to be friendly, and he felt guilty. After all, it was not his fault if he looked so much like his stepfather…  “I’m sorry, sir, I shouldn’t have… I mean.. I’m so very sorry, sir!” – Rowan stubbled, trying to hold his sobs.

Barry’s heart went out to the guy. «It’s the only thing my father left me». Rowan’s words hit Barry deep inside. «Damn!» – the man thought. If he was Kale or Beau he could maybe find the right words to express his sympathy to the guy, but he was a rough worker, more used to hard labour than soothing a kid’s anguish. “No prob, kid. I mean, Rowan” – the worker grunted. Calling him by name was the only way he could find to express the turmoil stirring in his soul. “Now go home, your shift is over”.


~ A good man ~

Rowan sneaked through the gate and ran away, but after a few steps he stopped and turned around to look at Barry, who was looking back at him. The guy nodded at him, as a sign of respect, and the man briefly raised his hand to wave goodbye.

Before going home, Rowan headed to the old cinema, to see the owner, his old friend Paul. He entered the pub across the street, knowing that Paul, at that time in the morning, was there, having breakfast. “Hey, Rowan, my boy!” – the old man exclaimed with a wide smile when the guy sat next to him at the small table – “You’re too late for the movie… or too early, maybe… Tonight we’ll have ‘Great Expectations’! I’ll keep a seat reserved for you!” – he joked, knowing that the old cinema was always almost empty.

“I’m very grateful, Paul” – Rowan said, placing his hand over the old man’s wrinkled one. “You’ve always been so gracious to me. You have given me so much, since I was a child, I wish there could be a way to repay you…”

“I don’t need anything, my dear boy” – the old man replied – “but I know what you mean, and there’s an easy way to repay me: doing something for someone else, someone who needs your help. You’re a good boy and I’m sure you’ve already done that many times, and you will in the future”.

“Paul, I’m afraid I won’t attend your movie shows in the next future” – Rowan said, explaining the reason he’d come to see his friend – “I have a new job, I’m the night watchman at the quarry. I work from sunset to dawn, but I promise I will come to your matinée on Sundays… And I have a new home, too! I live in that big old house on the beach, at the end of Main Street”.

“I’m glad to see life is finally getting better for you, Rowan” – the old man said – “I know the owner of that house, Beau. Poor guy… Know what, Rowan? You should maybe ask to Beau about that old abandoned mansion north of the town, you know, ‘the Castle of the Death’, as we used to call it. Ask him!”

“I will, thank you” – Rowan said, with a smile. And then, looking at the man’s wrinkled face and his watery eyes, he thought again that Paul had grown so old over the years, and he felt the urge to tell him how much he loved him: “Paul, you’ve been more than a father to me. Words fail me to express my gratitude and my affection to you”.

Rowan rose from his chair and kissed the old man on his cheek; then, he quickly turned around and went out, leaving the old man sitting at the small table.

That was the last time Rowan saw him.


~ The hero of the day ~

Walking down the street, Rowan looked at the town clock tower: «7.30, time to go home» – he thought. He was walking near the town market, that was a hive of activity, at that time in the morning. Alex had just finished shopping with Charlie, before going to work, and they were heading home; when they saw Rowan walking down the street, they decided to walk back home together. But before they could call him, a fuss broke up.

A tall, muscular guy with an evil smirk attacked an old lady shopping in the market and tore the purse from her hands, making her fall to the ground. She cried for help, and many passers-by, including Rowan, turned to see what happened. Rowan saw the woman on the ground and the tall thug running toward him with the purse in his hand, and without any hesitation blocked his path.

“Move away, asshole!” – the thug yelled menacingly. “Make me!” – Rowan replied bravely. “You’re dead, blockhead” – the muscular guy growled, towering over Rowan. He slid the purse into his jacket and looked at Rowan, assuming a boxing position. He was a frightful sight, so much taller than Rowan, and twice as big as him.

Alex and Charlie were helping the old lady and raised their eyes the very moment the thug tried to punch Rowan in the face, and then everything happened so quickly that they couldn’t do anything but stare in disbelief.

At a blazing speed, Rowan dodged the fist flying toward his face, and before the muscular guy could realize he had missed his target, Rowan raised his leg high in the air and slammed his foot on the guy’s face, with such a force that the thug stood stunned for a moment. Rowan turned around, raising the other leg and hit the guy hard into his guts. When he bent down, holding his aching belly, Rowan’s upward kick smashed on his face, sending him sprawled on the ground, unconscious.

“Hey kid, you OK?” – Alex said, running to him. “I’m fine, thank you Alex” – Rowan replied, smiling at the bulky guard, standing tall and straightening his T-shirt with his hands. Looking at him, Alex thought at what he himself said to Kale, few days earlier, talking about Rowan: «He’s... don’t know... somewhat elegant». And elegant he looked indeed, Alex thought, despite the cheap clothing he was wearing. Standing there, with his long raven hair flowing in the wind, in a proud stance but with a distant look in his eyes, as if he hadn’t done anything special, Rowan looked like a brave knight on his white horse… except he was a poorly dressed guy and there was no horse whatsoever.

Alex roused himself from his thoughts and quickly handcuffed the thug, immediately calling the police to arrest him. Rowan picked up the purse that had fallen to the ground and went to the old lady. Charlie was there, helping the woman on his feet, looking at Rowan in awe. He couldn’t believe that this humble, lean guy could knock down that muscular man with few powerful and quick leg hits.

“Your purse, madam. I ardently hope you are not injured…” – Rowan kindly asked to the woman, in his melodic, deep voice, looking straight at her eyes. The old lady took the purse from his hand and looked back at the guy, speechless; feelings that she had forgotten many years before made her blush. She was about to thank him but she couldn’t, because a loud applause roared around them.

Suddenly, all the people gathered around Rowan, congratulating to him and thanking him for his bravery and his nerves. But the guy, used to live in the background and going unnoticed, felt uneasy at being praised by such a crowd as the hero of the day, and quickly sneaked away, disappearing in the alleys around the mall.


~ Hot gymnastics ~

Rowan went back home, knowing that he had a few spare hours before going to bed. He had planned to relax in the basement, maybe doing some laundry and tidying up his room, but he had to change his plans. As soon as he opened the basement door, he was literally assaulted by the boys, Charlie, Rick and Chayton. Charlie, of course, had told to the other boys about Rowan heroic fight against the guy he had described as “a walking armoire”.

The boys asked him questions all at once: “Weren’t you afraid?” “Have you killed him?” “Can you really raise your legs that high?”

Rowan laughed, listening to the flurry of questions: “A bit, no, and yes” – he replied, smiling. “I was a bit intimidated by the guy, he was so tall and muscular! But if there’s something I had to learn living on the streets, it’s to defend myself. And yes, I can raise my legs that high, and even more!”

He stepped away from the boys and showed them off a couple high-kicks, arousing a chorus of “Oooh!” “Wow!” and “Incredible!”

“Can you teach us?” – Chayton asked. “Yes, but it requires flexibility” – Rowan replied – “You need to train regularly, stretching your legs. Come to the gym, I’ll show you!”

They all moved to the gym, where Rowan stripped to his old briefs: “You need to be comfortable, to properly stretch your muscles”. All the boys followed his example, dropping their pants and taking off their T-shirts.

Rowan sat down on the floor and slowly spread his legs, wider and wider. He didn’t notice that the rubber bands of his worn-out briefs were too loose to keep in place his manhood; but all the boys did notice it, and their prying eyes focused on the older guy’s balls peeking out of the loose undies.

Next, Rowan leaned forward, planted his palms between his open legs and raised his bottom; he was now standing on his spread legs, bent forward, touching the floor with his hands. “Ooohhh!” – all the boys exclaimed: not for Rowan’s athletic skills, but for his bubble butt bulging under the thin fabric and for his big package peeking out of the worn-out briefs.

The guy, by now, had realized that the boy’s interest had focused on something else, but he didn’t feel embarrassed: the atmosphere was playful and slightly erotic, and he felt completely at ease with those joyful boys, so he decided to play with them. Still bent down, he slowly spread his legs even more, wider and wider, in a perfect side split, until his bulge was fully resting on the floor. “Aaahhh…”, the boys moaned in chorus, admiring Rowan’s manhood now almost completely out of the old briefs.


~ Lustful curiosity ~

Charlie couldn’t resist: “Rowan… ehm… may I touch you? Please? You’re so hot…”  “Go on” – Rowan replied with a playful wink – “Curiosity must always be satisfied! You too, Chayton and Rick, if you like” – he invited, noticing the boys’ greedy eyes.

He raised his hips a few inches, to let the boys an easier access to his private parts. He felt their fingers running over his back, caressing his inner thighs, massaging his buns and tickling his cock and balls through the openings at the legs. Six hands feasted on his almost naked body, titillating his nipples, pinching the mounds of his ass and groping his manhood.

“Guys… you’re arousing me…” – he moaned, under the exquisite assault. The boys felt Rowan’s cock grow stiff inside the loose briefs and their hands intensified the massage on his bulge, until Rowan though he was about to lose his load: “Enough!” – he said, closing his legs and standing up.

The boys looked at him, afraid to have gone too far, but Rowan smiled seductively and slowly pushed his briefs down, making his stiff cock bounce up and down. Charlie’s mind went to overdrive and imagined a way to improve his peculiar expertise: oral sex. “Rowan, ehm…” – he said, tentatively – “Would it be possible for you to do the splits like before… but over my face?”

“Lie down” – Rowan replied with a knowing grin. Under the astonished eyes of the other boys, Charlie lay on his back and Rowan straddled him, standing with his feet to the sides of the boy’s head; then he bent over and touched the floor with his hands, keeping his legs straight, and slowly parted them more and more. His cock was rock hard and pointed straight to Charlie’s open mouth. His legs spread wider and his hips moved down, until his cock head was at an inch from the boy’s lips.

Charlie poked his tongue out and darted it all around the sensitive corona. The moment Charlie was waiting for had come: Rowan parted his legs even more, in a full split, and his cock sank into the boy’s mouth and through his throat, until his balls rested on his chin. Then Rowan started bouncing slowly, gently fucking Charlie’s throat.


~ Erotic assault ~

“Can you really cum with your legs spread that wide?” – Chayton asked, amazed by the erotic performance. “I can” – Rowan replied, with a flirty smile – “but I need some help, some more… stimulation”. Chayton knew what to do; he quickly moved to the spa, opened the drawer of the massage table and came back, holding a tube of lubricant. He squeezed some slimy fluid on his fingers and started massaging Rowan’s spread anus.

“Aaahhh…” – the guy moaned, relaxing his sphincter, to invite Chayton’s fingers inside. The boy got the silent message and inserted one finger, and then a second one, into the warm hole. He moved his fingers in and out for a while, feeling Rowan’s anus relax. “Deeper…” – Rick suggested to Chayton from behind – “Go deeper. Reach his joy nut, and you’ll make him squirm for the pleasure…”

Chayton pushed his fingers deeper, as instructed, until he felt Rowan’s prostate under his fingertips. He started massaging it, arching his fingers to press over the sensitive spot. “Aaaahh!! Owww… yes….Yes!” – Rowan howled, while his hips instinctively bucked up and down, shoving his hard cock deeper and deeper into Charlie’s throat.

With his legs so widely spread, almost in a perfect lateral split, Rowan felt his body totally at the mercy of Charlie and Chayton: he couldn’t escape in any way the wiggling fingers assaulting his prostate, nor the hot mouth engulfing his cock… and he loved it!

The Sioux boy watched wide-eyed at Rowan’s reaction to his massage: he didn’t know a man could be stimulated that way! He intensified his assault to the guy’s tender hole, shoving his fingers deeper and flicking them madly. Rowan couldn’t control himself anymore, and Charlie had to use up all his experience to resist under the involuntary onslaught of Rowan’s pistoning cock.

Rowan was clearly about to explode in a wild orgasm, and Rick quickly whispered to Chayton: “Sit in front of him and tickle his nipples. And look straight into his eyes!”
Both Rick and Charlie had experienced Rowan’s very special way of “communicating” during his orgasms, but for the young Sioux this was his first sexual contact with Rowan, and at first he didn’t understand why Rick’s had suggested to look at the guy’s eyes.

Chayton, puzzled, did as instructed, while Rick took his place, stimulating wildly Rowan’s ass and prostate. When the wet fingers of the young Sioux circled his sensitive nipples, Rowan howled: “Aahh! Guys, you’re driving me mad! I can’t resist! I’m… aahhh… I’m about… AAAAGGHHH!!”

Rowan’s entire body trembled and bucked hard, while gallons of pent-up sperm were forcefully shot deep into Charlie’s expert throat. Rick felt his fingers crushed by the guy’s powerful anal contractions, but he kept hitting relentlessly his prostate, increasing his pleasure to mind-blowing levels.

Chayton expected Rowan to shut his eyes, overwhelmed by the shattering climax, but incredibly he didn’t: he locked eyes with the Sioux boy, sharing with him his orgasm, the most intimate moment in a man’s life, and revealed himself to the boy shamelessly, letting him gaze deep inside his soul.

Chayton stood there, with his mouth open for the surprise, sinking into Rowan’s black twin lakes. The boy saw the colourful sparkles of Rowan’s excruciating pleasure, and the bright light of his affection, friendship and love to them all; and he saw the black veils of his traumatic past fidget and fight, trying to obscure the bright light of his joy.

Wi-Sapa…” – Chayton murmured, astonished. Only with his master he had felt such an intense spiritual connection!  “It’s true, you are Wi-Sapa, the Black Sun!”

Slowly, the unbridled orgasm subsided. Under his hips, Charlie was gulping down with an ecstatic expression the last drop of sperm. Rowan’s eyes were closing. He couldn’t hold himself in that position for long: he was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. “Hold me, young Falcon…” – the guy whispered with pleading voice, still looking deep into Chayton’s eyes – “I need you, don’t let me fall…”

Chayton quickly supported the outworn guy, allowing Charlie to sneak away, and then he lay back to the floor, holding Rowan tight, lulling him and murmuring in his ear: “Shine bright, Black Sun! You will rise and shine bright!”

After a couple minutes, Rowan came to his senses. He looked around and realized that all the boys were looking back at him, worried for his temporary unconscious state; but when they saw Rowan smiling at them with affection, they all rushed to him for a tight, joyful group hug.


~ A man from another century ~

“I’m exhausted” – Rowan said parting from his friends – “Mid-morning it’s bedtime for me, you know… So, my friends, good night! Or good morning… Whatever!” – he concluded, among the boy’s laughter.

“Oh, my! I almost forgot Beau’s snack!” – Rick exclaimed reading his watch, and quickly moved to the kitchen. In few minutes, a tray full of snacks, orange juice and coffee was ready, and the young chef started his long climb up to the attic. He knocked at the door and the friendly, melodic voice resounded from inside: “Entrez!

“Hendrick! You always treat me like a prince! You shouldn’t!” – Beau said with an affectionate smile. “It’s a pleasure, sir. Do you wish to have the snack on the terrace?” – Rick replied, smiling back at him. Beau winked at him: “Only if you sit down with me and relax for a moment”.

They sat at the outer table, basking in the morning sun, and Rick said: “Sir, if I may, I suggest to buy a small dining table for the basement room, so to let Rowan eat more comfortably. And maybe it would be useful to restore the old in-wall safe in the privée… or should I say the Butler’s room.”

“The Butler room?” – Beau asked, curious. “Yes, sir” – Rick replied – “Rowan explained me that when this house was built, that room was used by the butler to store the silver cutlery, to keep the house accounts and to lock the guests’ jewels in that old safe now hidden behind the bookshelf. I was surprised when Rowan mentioned the safe, as it’s hidden; but he was sure that there was one, somewhere in the room [1]”.

“I’m surprised, too. The butler’s room! It’s incredible that Rowan knew its original usage…”

“And there’s more, sir!” – Rick added, excited. “You know the spare room near the main door? Rowan said it’s a… coke… clock…”  “A cloakroom” – Beau corrected – “And Rowan knew about the cloakroom, too?”

“Yes, sir, he even operated a lever in the wall and opened a secret panel overlying the old wooden counter! [2]”.  “I’m really amazed…” – Beau murmured, pensive. “I knew it once was a cloakroom: though useless, nowadays, when I renovated the house I decided to keep the furniture and the sliding wall on purpose; but how on earth could Rowan knew it? How can he know the purpose of the butler’s room? And now that I think of it, he also knows what a bosom and a cummerbund are!”

“A… what, sir?” – Rick asked, puzzled. “They are pieces of a formal tuxedo, Hendrick, and the bosom, in particular, is quite a rare piece of clothing. I was astonished when Rowan told me he knew what it was, and even managed to unbutton it correctly [3]. And listen to this: when I asked for an explanation, he replied: ‘I’ve been taught how a man should properly dress’. Who taught him? Who told him about butler’s rooms and cloakrooms? The guy seems to come from the last century… C’est incroyable!

“I’m as puzzled as you are, sir” – Rick concluded, standing up and cleaning the table – “But maybe he will tell us, if we ask him… But now, sir, please excuse me: if I don’t rush to the kitchen there will be no lunch today!”


~ Rowan’s journey to manhood ~

At lunch, all the men and the boys of the Cove - except Rowan, who was sleeping in his room - gathered around the big table in the dining room. Rick placed the last serving dishes on the table and reported his conversation with Beau to the other boys, arousing excited comments.

Kale was pensive. “That’s very interesting, Hendrick. But at the moment I’m not that concerned about Rowan’s past, I’m rather concerned about his present”. The counselor looked around at the other men: “The night we first met, I told Rowan he had a long way to go, and that his first step in this long journey to adulthood and manhood was meeting Charlie”.

The boy beamed with pride, but suddenly frowned, puzzled: “I… I’m not sure to know what I’ve done, sir… I just gave him a…” – he cut his phrase abruptly, looking at Beau («No sex at the dinner table!»).

“Beau will excuse us, this once, if we talk about this subject at lunch…” – Kale said, and then explained: “You see, Charlie, you did something important, though unknowingly: you have taught to Rowan how fun and joyful can be sex [4]. And I understand you too have learned from Rowan something important, right?”

“Er… yes… I guess…” – the boy replied, uncertain. “I learned that he’s very curious, though a bit scared, about restraints and post-orgasm stimulation”. The other boys muffled a laugh and Kale shook his head: “This is interesting, but I mean: what have you learned about yourself?”

“Oh! I learned that… ehm… oral sex can be a very engaging experience for both men” – Charlie replied – “It’s not a sort of ‘one way’ service, but rather a form of mutual love… provided you are with the right man, of course [5]”.

“That’s a very important lesson” – the Hawaiian commented – “I myself had a similar experience with Rowan: I showed him the loving, sweet side of sex and he taught me that a men’s orgasm is not necessarily a private experience, like most man think, but it can be shared with the partner. It takes guts to reveal oneself that way, but it’s one of the most intense sides of making love [6]. And what about you, Beau? You too had an… encounter with Rowan”.

“I’m afraid I didn’t teach anything to Rowan, he did everything by himself: I only offered my body to him, and I understood he was… using me to discover the pleasure of worshipping another man, without asking anything in return. And he did something I still don’t understand: he brought me to the verge of the orgasm and… he forcefully kept me there, on the highest peak of my climax, without letting me go. I had to beg him to make me cum! [7]

Kale had to stifle a lustful sigh: thinking of Beau, straining for the unbearable sexual tension and begging to cum, was such an erotic image that he almost creamed his pants. “And you, Hendrick? I don’t want to be indiscreet, but I think you helped Rowan taking one of the most important steps in his journey…”

“Actually, yes, and I was fully aware of it. I was almost intimidated when he asked me to make love to him, when he offered himself to me like he’d never done since… ehm… you know it. And I did it, feeling like a master that gently makes his virgin boy discover for the first time the intimate pleasure of sex [8]. It’s been an experience that changed me, made me grow up. We could say we both, that afternoon, took an important step toward out manhood”.

“You’re such a great guy, Hendrick!” – Kale exclaimed, praising the maturity of the young chef. “And at this point, Rowan met you, Wahkan. I know how deep is your soul and your knowledge, and I guess you taught some important lessons to our guy”.

“I hope so” – the Sioux replied. “I showed him how to understand if a man is trustworthy, and if he is, how important is to trust him completely, without faltering [9]. But I confided too much in my knowledge, and he showed me my limits, teaching me more an important lesson than the one I taught him. He blinded me with his darkness, he is Wi-Sapa, the Black Sun. I underestimated the power of the demons agitating  his soul”.

“And this was the last step Rowan took in his long road” – the counselor concluded. “Well… not, actually” – Chayton intervened – “I don’t know if this counts, but we had… ehm… some fun with Rowan in the gym, earlier this morning. We boys… ehm… gave him a great pleasure, we serviced him, sort of.”

With a little embarrassment, and with some help from Charlie and Rick, Chayton described in detail their “adventure” in the gym.

“Oh! Didn’t know about this recent development” – Kale exclaimed, surprised and amused – “I’d say that Rowan behaved like an assertive top-man, confident of his body and sexual allure, and flaunted his flexible body for your viewing pleasure”.

“That’s an important step for him” – the tanned counselor concluded. Then he turned to Charlie, remembering what the boy had revealed about Rowan’s curiosity, and said, with a wink – “and I have an idea of what will be his next step…!”

Footnotes and references:
[1] See Chapter 7, ~ The mystery of the privée ~
[2] See Chapter 13, ~ The ‘spare room’ ~ 
[3] See Chapter 7, ~ Men’s (un)dressing rules ~
[4] See chapter 2, ~ Rowan’s first step to manhood ~
[5] See chapter 2, ~ The many faces of love ~
[6] See chapter 4, ~ Hot passion ~
[7] See chapter 7, ~ Rowan’s magic ~
[8] See chapter 8, ~ Another step in Rowan’s journey ~
[9] See Chapter 10, ~ A trial of trust ~

* * * * * * * *

(End of chapter 14 – Please proceed to Chapter 15)

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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