Rowan's Journey to Manhood

by Hunknown

20 Jul 2020 2008 readers Score 9.8 (27 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the previous chapters…

Rowan, a pale guy with many sexual inhibitions due to the abuse he suffered in the past, embarks in a long journey to a mature sexuality, helped by the men and boys living in a big house named “The Cove”. Charlie, a 19 y.o. playful boy, teaches him the joyful side of sex. Barry, an oversexed worker who looks alike Rowan’s abusive stepfather, scares him. Kale, a Hawaiian school counselor, shows him the tender, healing power of love. Beau, the blond leader of the Cove, experiments Rowan’s ‘power’ to block a man’s ejaculation until he begs to cum. Hendrick, the house young cook, lets Rowan discover how sweet and pleasurable can be anal sex when, after many years, the guy yields his ass to the redheaded boy. The wise Native American Wahkan teaches to Rowan how to trust another man and senses that the guy holds a great power in him. Rowan seems to come from another century, and reveals to his friends that his only school had been the old movies showed at Paul’s cinema. He then discovers the pleasure of submission during a hot bondage session with Kale. Rick explains that the Cove is a sort of shelter for all the men and the boys, including Beau. The day after, Beau reveals to Rowan the tragedy he hides in his heart and talks about the young stableman Jordan, his first love, who took his life after being raped by Joe, the black gardener, as per Beau’s father order. One night, Beau, masterfully mixing love and dominance, helps Rowan overcome his greatest fears: surrendering to an older man and staying indoors after sunset. Kale’s jealousy explodes. In a restless night, the Hawaiian remembers the French Riviera and Paris, where Beau made him embrace his true nature. In a last, risky attempt to save their love, Beau flies with Kale to Scotland, to Applecross House; there, they rekindle their love, helped by Brennan, a young valet that inspires such a deep affection to Beau that he takes him as his boy. Rowan is offered the unexpected chance to take revenge on his hatred stepfather by giving a furious fuck to Barry. Through a mind connection, Chayton “meets” Rowan’s Daddy and understands how deeply Rowan craved for his love... and maybe for something else. Making love to Brennan, Rowan fights and wins the fear of having inherited his daddy’s cruelty. Later, in a pitch-dark room, Rowan has a special “now-or-never moment” with Barry, who talk about his past life as a married man and receives an excruciating act of devotion from the guy. Alex and Barry rescue Jorell, a black homeless, and his boy LaShawn from a gang of homophobic thugs and bring them to the Cove. Jorell is actually Joe, the former gardener who raped Jordan (Beau’s first love), causing his death. Beau and Joe, with a dramatic clarification, come to terms with their past. After getting in trouble with an evil cop, Rowan learns from Alex how to submit to authority, and then makes use of all he’s learned to undergo a harsh punishment from the cop. Back at home, Kale helps the guy to focus on his natural sexual inclinations. A disease threatens the Cove, forcing Doctor Jade to declare a general quarantine. Alone in his room, Rowan, who already learned to love himself, now learns another lesson: how to make love to himself. When the quarantine is over, Kale helps Rowan re-evaluate his past experiences, and then the guy lives an intense, dramatic and highly sexual moment with Jorell. A week later, Rowan unexpectedly gets news about his real father, Caleb, from Gerry, a muscular mature man who used to know him. While the Cove attends a lavish ball at Maison de la Motte, Gerry unexpectedly comes to the mansion to meet Rowan and to give him the old leather jacket that Caleb was wearing when he died in an accident. Rowan asks to the mature man to spend the night with him. Gerry reveals that, though being straight, he had one male lover, Caleb; and when then Rowan tries a sexual approach with him, he runs away. After a sleepless night, Rowan finds Gerry and the man asks him to be his boy, but it’s unclear what he means with that.


Rowan disappears from the Cove for an entire day and night; he spends all this time with Gerry, listening to his story and relating him his own. At dawn, Rowan knows he must face his Nemesis and goes back to the Cove. The sexual battle he must endure is violent and exquisite at the same time, and in the end he defeats his demons... losing his sexual fight. 

Additional downloads (PDF)

Cast of Characters with SFW images
The Cove – Floor Plan
Book 01 (Chapters 1-10) with bookmarks and PictureBook01 with NSFW images
Book 02 (Chapter 11-20) with bookmarks and PictureBook02 with NSFW images
Book 03 (Chapter 21-30) with bookmarks and PictureBook03 with NSFW images
Book 04 (Chapter 31-40) with bookmarks and PictureBook04 with NSFW images
Book 05 (Chapter 41-50) with bookmarks and PictureBook05 with NSFW images
Book 06 (Chapter 51-55) with bookmarks and PictureBook06 with NSFW images



~ Where’s Rowan? ~

Beau woke up late the morning after the ball. He was lying in the large double bed of the master bedroom at Maison de la Motte. He felt groggy, after the too many cups of champagne drunk the night before. He remembered he went to bed with Kale, but the Hawaiian was not there anymore.

And he remembered the night of passionate love and wild sex they had, in that very bed. He felt his long cock stir to life, rethinking at the exciting, imaginative positions Kale had tried with him.

He lazily caressed his cock under the silk bedsheets and felt it rise to a roaring erection; he didn’t want to jack off, he wished there was Kale there, to love him like only he could, but he was alone, and his hand didn’t stop.

He heard a soft knock on the door and Beau smiled: Kale was back, and wanted more… just like him!

“Come in, stud…!” – he growled, flashing a lascivious grin. But it wasn’t Kale.

Merde!” – he gasped, trying unsuccessfully to hide his throbbing erection making a tent under the sheets. “Marco!”

The Italian chef entered the room bringing a large tray with a delicious continental breakfast. “Buongiorno, signore” – the man said, glancing with thinly disguised interest at such a display of manhood – “I’ve personally prepared a special breakfast for you”.

“You… you shouldn’t have brough it yourself…” – Beau replied, still trying to gather the silk sheets around his cock in a poor attempt at concealing his obvious arousal. “Would you have preferred LaCour? Or maybe young Rodgers, the waiter?” – Marco replied with a conspiratorial grin, placing the tray on a small table and getting closer to the bed – “But I’m not chopped liver, don’t you think so, sir?”

“Oh, no, not at all! You’re gorgeous! No, wait, I meant… Oh, merde!” – Beau hastened to say, hyperventilating for the surprise, the embarrassment and the undeniable attraction he was feeling for the studly chef. His immaculate blouse, with the diagonal buttoning, so elegant and professional, contrasted so much with the olive skin, the bulging biceps and the tuft of black body hair clearly visible through the upper part of the jacket, obviously left open on purpose.

“I hope you’ll like my breakfast, sir. It’s… hot and juicy…” – Marco said, moving even closer to the bed and undoing another button of his blouse – “You see, I’m quite good with… cupcakes, but my expertise is… meat!”

Beau put a great effort in getting a grip on himself. Marco’s unquestionably sexual innuendo about male and (probably) female parts made his heart race, but having sex with the staff was out of question.

“I… I will surely find your breakfast delicious” – the blond man said, trying hard to give to his voice a detached tone – “And thank you for your… other offer, but it would be totally inappropriate”.

“Oh, Mr. Kale didn’t think so, when he and Mr. Barry gave to young Rodgers the ride of his life, yesterday…” [1] – Marco revealed to an astonished Beau – “And Mr. Rowan seemed to appreciate very much LaCour’s help in easing his tension, before the ball [2]. I myself must confess that I yielded to the amiable insistences of young sir Charlie and let him do an astonishing number on my manliness, from under the kitchen table…”

Mon Dieu!” – Beau gasped, shocked to discover to what extent his desire to hear the ancient walls of Maison de la Motte resound with sighs of love had been taken literally – “Charlie? Kale and Barry? And even Rowan?”

Right, Rowan! He had disappeared from the ball, last night, when a mysterious visitor had asked for him, and Beau didn’t see him anymore. He jumped off the bed, uncaring of showing off his roaring erection (that by now was no more a secret for anyone), got quickly dressed, stuffing with some difficulty his hard member into the underwear, and headed to the door. “Thank you, Marco, I’ll… uhm… test your expertise another time. I have an urgent matter to take care of”.

He quickly went down the corridor and opened the door of the small bedroom that Rowan had chosen as his own. The elegant dress he had worn at the ball lied on the sofa, along with an empty bag and Rowan’s mobile phone. Apparently, he’d gone away in a hurry. He asked about him to LaCour, and the butler told him he saw the visitor rush away in the middle of the night, soon followed by Rowan. He had no idea where they were going. He then called the Cove, and Rick told him that Rowan was not there and no one had seen him since last night.

«Where on earth is Rowan??» – Beau though, puzzled and a bit worried – «Why did he leave in the middle of the night? And who the hell was that man?»


~ Thirty years to make up for ~

‘That man’, Gerry, in that moment was lying in his bed, with Rowan’s head gently pressing on his chest. With his big, rough-skinned hand, he was caressing with surprising sweetness Rowan’s long raven hair.

They both were stripped to their underwear, as the air was too hot to stay full clothed, and Rowan, once again, was enjoying the warm caress of Gerry’s body hair against his cheek, while listening to the steady, comforting thumping of the man’s heart in his ears.

“I know it’s painful for you…” – Rowan said with a sorry tone – “but can you tell me something about my father? He was a tough guy, wasn’t he?”

“We all were” – Gerry replied, looking at the ceiling – “We were a bunch of rowdy, tough sons of a bitch. But he was the toughest of us all! He could intimidate anyone just looking straight in his eyes. His eyes were deadlier blades than the knives we always brought with us. But then, suddenly, those very eyes could soften and be filled with such struggling tenderness…! You have the same eyes as your father, kid, you know?”

Rowan raised his head and turned to look straight at Gerry: “Is it really so? I have my father’s eyes?”

The man felt lost into Rowan’s almost black eyes and murmured: “In this moment I’m not sure whether I’m looking at you or Caleb…”. He then smiled, placed a hand on Rowan’s firm pecs and added: “I suspect you have inherited much more from your father than his eyes. You said you ran away from home at seventeen. How did you survive alone, without money, without protection?”

“It wasn’t easy” – Rowan replied – “But I had no choice. And I was lucky, because I met some people that helped me staying away from drugs, crime and bad companies”.

Rowan talked and talked, for hours, recounting his life on the streets, his occasional nightly jobs, his inability to sleep at night… And he told to Gerry about Paul, the owner of the ramshackle movie theatre near the mall [3], now permanently closed after Paul’s death [4]. The guy revealed his passion for old movies, his only school of life, his nightmares, his breathless runs along the shore [5], his fortunate intrusion into the utility basement of the Cove, where he met Charlie [6], and then Alex [7], and then… his new life.

He described with enthusiasm the wonderful men and boys of the Cove, the elegant Beau, the sensible Kale, the honest Alex, the wise Wahkan, the practical Stewart and all the other guys who had been so important in his recent life.

And then it was Gerry’s turn. He related about the long rides they took on their powerful bikes, the fights, the camaraderie, and even the women he had, and sometimes shared with Caleb; and then he told to Rowan about his encounter with the girl who soon became his wife, and when Caleb met and then married Rowan’s mother. For hours Gerry relived the important moments of his life: the beautiful ones, when his only son Jason was born, the same day as Rowan, when he and Caleb became lovers, when he was attacked by a rival gang and Caleb intervened and saved his life; and he recalled the terrible moments of his life, when Caleb had the accident, when Jason died, when his wife left him.

The sun rose high in the sky, shone proudly at the zenith and fell into the ocean, and they were still talking, lying on the bed into each other’s arms. They laughed, cried, gasped and smiled, listening to each other’s tales. They had thirty years to make up for.


~ Past or future? ~

It was dark, outside, when they finally stood silent. Rowan placed again his head on Gerry’s hairy, muscular chest and closed his eyes.



“Will you please… do… what you were doing when we were at the mansion?”

Rowan’s eyes snapped open and his heart suddenly raced. His fingers moved tentatively on the man’s bulging pecs, played a little with the body hair and circled a nipple, to then gently roll the pointy titty. He saw Gerry’s abs tighten and spotted a twitch into his underwear. “You mean this?”

“Yesss…” – was the chocked reply. Rowan was not that sure it was the right thing to do. They had shared their memories for the entire day and evening, and Gerry was obviously reliving the feelings he once felt. Rowan didn’t want to be a substitute of his father, he wanted Gerry to love him… as Rowan! The past was gone, and Rowan didn’t want to be part of Gerry’s past, but of his future…

Despite his doubts, his hand didn’t stop. The man’s body, so hairy and beefy, felt too good under his fingers, and the hefty piece of meat coming to life into his white briefs was mesmerizing. How many times Rowan had dreamed of caressing Gerry’s body like he was doing in that moment! He knew he shouldn’t be doing that, but he couldn’t help it.

The guy brushed his palm over the man’s bulge trapped under the thin fabric and the warmth of his manhood made his head spin. His fingers intruded under the elastic waistband, like he had done last night, at Maison de la Motte [8]; but this time Gerry didn’t shove him away, this time he uttered a loud groan and closed his eyes.

Rowan explored with his hand the man’s manhood, felt his thick cock under his palm, sneaked his fingers down to the balls, without removing the briefs. He played for a while with Gerry’s virile attributes, feeling a growing stiffness under his hands.

Suddenly, Rowan was assaulted again by his doubts: it was too early, who knew what Gerry was thinking… or living in that moment! He turned to look at the man’s face and their eyes locked. Gerry recognized the same almost black eyes that Caleb once flashed at him, and the same cautious uncertainty that won his heart on that distant night in a seedy motel.

The man sighed, and there was such a struggling passion in that sigh! His hands moved down to his briefs and abruptly tore them away: “Come on, stud! Wanna fuck ass?” – he said, and Rowan recognized the same words that Gerry, long ago, said to Caleb the first time they made love. Rowan thought it was all wrong, he wasn’t Caleb, he didn’t want to be! He loved Gerry, and… just wanted to be loved back!

Like he did on that night, Gerry raised his legs and offered his ass to his man. Rowan stood still for a moment. He didn’t know what to do, but for sure he wouldn’t have fucked Gerry, it was the last thing he wanted to do.

He scrambled on the bed and positioned himself between the man’s raised legs; he looked straight at Gerry and repeated the words that Caleb told him long before: “I don’t want to fuck you”, but soon added: “And I don’t want to make love to you, either. I’m not Caleb, Gerry. I’m Rowan! I’m… your boy!”

And with that, he lowered his head to the spread anus in front of him, stuck out his tongue and penetrated the quivering hole as deep as he could. “FUCK! Ooohh... fuck!!” – Gerry screamed, taken aback from Rowan sudden move and from the exquisite feeling his tongue was giving him. Rowan doubled his efforts, rejoicing the moans of pleasure that Gerry couldn’t hold.

The guy’s wet weapon darted all around the puckered skin, played with the thick bush of hair hiding the man’s hole and then plunged again into his intimacy, over and over, trying to force open the portal that had remained sealed since Caleb died.

“Jeezzz… what are you doing to me, kid…! Ah! This is… oww FUCK!” – Gerry shouted, while his hips bucked wildly, as animated by their own will. The gasps of surprise and unexpected pleasure told to Rowan that Gerry never had his secluded portal rimmed that way, and for some odd reason he was happy and proud to know that his father never did to his lover what he was doing to him: that was his own special way to make love with Gerry. Rowan’s wet, strong tongue was somewhat defining their newly born relationship, forging it into something unique.

The guy slid his lips up and pressed them on the perineum, hidden under the big, low-hanging balls. He opened his mouth and gently bit the small hard mound, and felt Gerry’s legs instinctively close a bit, as to protect the man’s vulnerable intimacy from the tender assault of the guy’s hard teeth, but it lasted only a moment, and Gerry soon held his own legs wider, in an act of total trust in Rowan.

The lips moved forward and were coupled by the tongue in titillating, licking and kissing the ample ball sac. Rowan sucked the plump gonads into his mouth and rolled them with his tongue, feeling the hairy skin tighten and shrivel. Rowan played with them for a while, overwhelmed by the rough manliness exuding from them.

He let the balls slip out of his mouth and aimed his tongue to the base of the thick shaft. Gerry didn't have a particularly long cock, but had quite an impressive girth; it was straight as an arrow and, despite the man's age, it was as stiff as marble.

Rowan circled the shaft slowly moving up to the large glans; when there, he darted his pointy tongue against the sensitive corona, until Gerry couldn't hold himself any more: “Owww.... kid, you make me feel so hot... aaahh... Why don't you fuck me... Why are you doing this to me...”

“Because I'm your boy...” – Rowan replied with a loving smile – “This is what a good boy does to his man!”


~A ladies’ man ~

And with that, he opened his mouth wide and gulped down the stiff cock all at once, to the hilt. “Oooohh... FUCK!” – Gerry exclaimed, taken aback from the excruciating feeling of Rowan's tight throat forcefully massaging his trapped mushroom head – “Fuck! Not even an expert bitch would do what... Oh shit, no kid, I don't mean you are... Damn it feels soooo goooood!!”

Rowan, though having his mouth completely filled with hot throbbing meat, managed to crack a smile, amused by Gerry's confused words and paced up his intense blowjob, determined to service his man in a way that... not even an expert bitch could keep up with!

Working feverishly on the hot rod, Rowan pondered Gerry's words and realized to what extent Gerry was a ladies' man. He had to tread gingerly with him, as man-love, apart from having yielded his ass to Caleb for a brief stint, was something totally new to him.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by Gerry's howls of pleasure: “Fuck boy! I can't hold it! OOOWWW...!! Back off, or I'm gonna shoot into your mouth! Back off, I can't.... NNNNGGGHHH!!!!! Oh, SHIT! FUUUUUCCKKK!!”

Rowan felt a rush of deep affection for that man, so naively straight to think that his boy would've been disgusted to drink his manly juice. But of course Rowan avidly suckled on the thick hose, gulping down the delicious nectar without wasting a single drop of it.

Gerry was almost breathless, lost into his overwhelming orgasm and utterly surprised to see Rowan drinking his sperm like it was the most delicious food. The man suddenly felt a complete intimacy with the guy, an intimacy he'd never experienced with any woman, as what Rowan was doing to him felt like an act of total devotion. And it was.

He stared wide-eyed at the guy and their eyes locked, and Rowan with surprise could read deep into the man’s heart, his affection to him, his astonishment in seeing his boy  joyfully slurp his semen, the deep sense of connection and intimacy, and above all the sparkling, powerful pleasure he was feeling. In a flash Rowan remembered his squalid encounter with a stranger in the toilets of old Paul’s cinema [9], and felt like he finally had found who he had been searching for in the last years.

“Why did you do that?” – Gerry asked when he could breathe again, but his tone wasn't angry: he was genuinely puzzled, as in his simple straight mind a man would never want to touch, not to mention drink, another man's sperm.

Rowan smiled tenderly and lowered his eyes, almost shyly: “Because now your very essence is part of me. We are one”.

Gerry's eyes widened and breathed: “It's exactly what I felt while looking at you drinking... me”. And then his surprise turned into puzzlement, when he saw Rowan take his discarded t-shirt and clean the shrinking cock from the traces of sperm and saliva.

He didn’t need to ask anything, as his questioning eye were expressive enough, “The first obligation of a man to his manhood is to keep it clean and dry, sir…” – Rowan said.

Gerry stood silent for a moment and then burst into a roaring laughter: “You’re something else, kid! Come, my boy! Give a hug to your old man!”.

Rowan scrambled up and threw himself into the strong arms waiting for him and clung to the powerful torso drenched with sweat, nesting his head on the man's wide shoulder. And then whispered into Gerry's ear: "Old? With all the due respect, sir... the fuck you are!"

Gerry roared again with laughter, holding Rowan even tighter, and then they looked into each other's eyes for a long time, in silence, until, slowly, they fell asleep.


~ Turmoil at the Cove ~

When Beau had come back to the Cove, late in the morning, he’d asked to anyone if they’d seen Rowan, but no one knew where the guy was.

“I saw him meet that man, during the ball…” – Charlie said – “I don’t know who he was, but they hugged very friendly and then moved to the… parliament… the par…”

“The parlour” – Beau came to his help – “But they must have moved to Rowan’s room afterwards, as his evening dress was there, along with his shirt and his phone. LaCour saw the man go away in the middle of the night, soon followed by Rowan, so we can be sure that Rowan is gone away by free will. But where has he gone?”

“The kid needs to be taught a lesson…” – Barry growled, and when Kale started defending Rowan, the worker shouted: “No! He’s a grown-up man, now! He can’t just come and go as he pleases! Just a fuckin’ phone call, shit damn!”

Kale instantly held his peace, like everyone in the room: rough as it was Barry’s comment, he was right, and they knew it. What they didn’t know was that Barry’s anger hid a great worry; all the men and the boys loved Rowan, but Barry’s relationship with the guy was the most tormented and intense, and he felt worried, tense and pissed off like never before.

“Well, there’s nothing we can do, at the moment” – Stewart intervened, with his usual practical sense – “We surely can’t roam the city hoping to meet him by chance. We can do nothing but wait. Keep your phones at hand and if anyone has news, send out a general call”.

But no one got news from Rowan for the entire day, evening and night.

While the men were worrying and waiting at the Cove, Rowan was discovering for the first time how wonderful, tough, tender and loving had been his late father; and was tying a bond with Gerry, a lifelong bond that was about to change his life. Inexcusable as it was, the Cove had totally slipped out of Rowan’s mind. He was living like in a bubble, and didn’t realize how many hours he’d spent lying on the bed with Gerry, talking, laughing, crying and making love.

At the crack of the dawn, Rowan’s eyes snapped open. Gerry was soundly asleep beside him, and he didn’t want to wake him up; but it wasn’t for respect: he didn’t want him to ask why he was moving so early in the morning and what he was going to do. Everything was clear in his mind, but he didn’t know if Gerry could understand.

With great caution, he stepped out of the bed, got dressed and went out, silently closing the door behind him. The streets were deserted, and he walked at a fast pace in the rising sun. For a moment he felt like the old days, when he ran out every day at sunset, trying to escape his nightmares and the demons hunting his soul, and came back home at dawn, deadly tired, drenched with sweat and with his long hair disheveled, after running for hours until his legs couldn’t take one step more.

Apparently, those days were over, as now he could safely sleep at home, at night, and he didn’t feel the need to run away from his demons any more. And most of his demons had been actually dispelled, one by one, thanks to the loving men and boys of the Cove.

But one demon, the most powerful, was still dormant inside him, and he was feeling him coming back to life, ready for battle. Rowan knew that demon by name, as it bore the same name as his stepfather, a name he didn’t want even to remember, but it was carved deep into his soul.


~ Nemesis ~

Rowan’s steps stopped in front of the back door of the Cove, the metal door through which he once sneaked, finding a new life… and a new threat. He quietly entered his room, closed the door, and took off the leather jacket that once was his father’s. And then removed his shoes, his pants and his underwear, until he was stark naked.

Then he headed upstairs, crossed the silent living room and climbed to the second floor. He stopped for a moment in front of the first door on the landing and then carefully opened it without knocking.

“Are you sleeping, Daddy?” – Rowan whispered, looking at the man apparently sleeping on his side, giving his back to the door.

“Fuck no!” – Barry roared turning around to face the guy and jumping out the bed. He always slept naked, and this time was no exception. Rowan gulped hard, fleetingly glancing at the man’s monster cock, that was impressive even when flaccid.

Barry, of course, didn’t pay any attention to his own cock, used as he was to carry it around since his puberty. Menacing as his cock might seem, Barry’s eyes were much more menacing, flashing with anger like two deadly lasers: “What the fuck you thing you doin’, kid?? Going away like a thief, without saying anything, and staying away a whole day and a night, without even making a fuckin’ phone call!! No, kid, I was not sleeping! I was too pissed off to sleep! You may fool the other guys, but you can’t fool me, kid!

Barry was out of control, and put a special emphasis on the word ‘kid’, so to make clear… whatever he wanted to make clear. He moved closer to the guy pointing at him his finger: “What the fuck have you done all this time? Who the fuck was that man who came to the mansion yesterday? And… why the fuck are you naked??”

“It… It was done for you, sir” – Rowan murmured, withering under Barry’s rush of anger and relapsing for the tension to his flourish, old-fashion language – “W… Would … uhm… Would you please… lay with me, sir?”

“Uh!” – Barry roared – “Now you want to fuck? You had different ideas, the day we first met! How many times you turned me down when I only wanted to say ‘hi’? How many times you humiliated me, rejecting the most innocent touch, while you were fucking like there was no tomorrow with all the men and the boys of this house?? Everyone had a piece of your sweet ass, everyone! You know it’s true!”

“I… I do not deny it, sir” – the guy blubbered, keeping his eyes to the floor. But then he took a deep breath, rose his gaze and looked bravely at Barry: “I know I misbehaved with you sir. I had to. I did it for you, sir. You're not 'everyone', you deserve much more than just an… unwilling hole for your manhood to forcefully split and fill with the juice of your loins. Until now, I could offer you nothing more than that. But now I can offer you... all of myself, completely, without holding back anything. Please... own me, sir”.

For the first time in his life Barry was at loss for words and stared at Rowan, whose total submission contrasted so vividly with the defiant, almost hating attitude he had toward him since they first met.

They both lowered their gaze to Barry’s cock, that answered to Rowan more eloquently than Barry could’ve ever done with words: swelling hard and proud from the thick bush of his pubes.

Without a word, Rowan climbed on the bed and knelt on the mattress, giving his back to Barry and facing the wide wall mirror placed at one side of the big king-size bed. He looked for a moment at himself, naked, as if he was evaluating his own strength; and then started spreading his knees, allowing his rosebud to come to full view. While spreading his knees, he straightened his legs, wider and wider, until he was in a full split position. And then he lowered his torso, bracing himself on the mattress, ready for the upcoming onslaught.

Never in his life Rowan had offered himself so openly, so blatantly; he looked at himself in the mirror, and what he saw was pornographic, vulgar, but he wanted it to be that way, he wanted to feel sordid and lascivious, like his inner demon commanded him to be.

Barry had never been good at keeping in check his overactive sexuality, nor his flaming anger, and though a little part of his mind tried to stop him, that pale ass so openly offered to him, that puckered hole completely spread under his eyes were like a red rug waved in front of a bull’s nose.

He uttered a low growl that quickly escalated to a beastly roar, jumped on the bed, held the guy by his thighs and shoved his entire dry cock, as thick as Rowan’s forearm, into the unprotected ass, all the way, deep into the tender flesh, until his pubes slammed hard on the guy’s spread buttocks.


~ Daddy is back ~

For a moment Rowan’s entire universe was the fiery flash of unbearable pain radiating from his tortured ass… the very same flash of pain that his stepfather forced him to become used to, savagely fucking him night after night.

With his mouth open in a silent scream, Rowan looked at the mirror and the mask of lust that he saw on the face behind him was his stepfather’s. For years he’d run as fast as he could to escape his Daddy, but in the end he had found him and brought him back to his lair.

Barry’s hips were like a piledriver shoving an incredibly thick rod into the tender flesh with quick, powerful thrusts that reached deep inside Rowan, mercilessly breaking open his inner portals and crashing unceremoniously into his deepest intimacy.

The worker’s muscular loins moved frantically back and forth, without ever pausing, without giving to the guy a single moment to catch his breath. Anger and repressed lust filled Barry’s body and mind, making him give to Rowan the most ferocious fuck he’d ever given in his whole life.

But Rowan bravely endured the brutal onslaught: though he didn’t know exactly what to expect, he’d trained hard himself to be prepared for that moment. Jorell had filled him with his long black snake, reaching places into him never touched before [10]; and Stewart and Alex double-fucked him, stretching his hole beyond any limit [11]. Kale had taught him the art of submission and that pain can even be pleasurable [12], and Wahkan taught him about self-control [13]. And Beau showed him, during a dramatic night, how heart-breaking and yet liberating was to be totally owned by a powerful man [14].

Shaken by the powerful thrusts of Barry’s long, thick cock, Rowan felt he was ready, he knew he could resist: his stepfather would not break him! But who was that man who stared at him through the mirror, piercing him with his blue laser eyes? Was he his Daddy? Or was he Barry?

At each thrust, the large mushroom head viciously crushed Rowan’s prostate, forcing his cock to grow painfully hard and throb uncontrollably, while the relentless pressure on his inner gland forced large globs of precum to leak out of his piss slit.

Barry’s mind barely noted that the only sounds filling the room were his own grunts and pants. Rowan didn’t utter a single moan. He just kept staring at Barry in the mirror, keeping his jaws tightly clenched, feeling hot tears flowing down his cheeks, silently sobbing under the vicious pounding, while fighting the hardest battle of his life, convincing himself that this was not his stepfather, the man who abused him for years, even offering his young body to his filthy co-workers: this was Barry, the man who lovingly healed his wounded hands, who opened his heart to him during a unique “now-or-never” nightly moment, who worked like a slave to rebuild in one night his devastated room. Kale loved Barry, Beau loved Barry: they couldn’t be wrong! There had to be a big heart thumping into the man’s massive chest!

«He waited for me to be ready…» – Rowan suddenly though, and the beastly face of his stepfather, in the mirror, slowly morphed into Barry’s manly features. That hirsute stubble, that squared jaw, those piercing pale blue eyes that flashed with lust and anger where not his Daddy’s anymore. That hard cock as thick as a beer can that was devastating his insides was not his Daddy’s. That brawny man panting and grunting behind him was not his Daddy.

«He’s Barry… He’s Barry…!» – Rowan repeated to himself like a mantra, and for the first time in his life he realized he could believe to his own words. Through his teary eyes Rowan looked at Barry and saw… Barry.

With the legs spread like that the guy had no control whatsoever on his own sexuality; he was totally and completely into Barry’s hands. The man’s cock, pistoning hard into his ass and rhythmically crushing his prostate had brought him to the verge of an explosive climax, and judging by Barry’s loud moans, the man, too, was about to burst.

He felt his ass on fire, but he gave himself to Barry without holding back, without reserves, completely: that man deserved it all, and much more! And when he felt Barry groan loud, and his cock thickening even more into his ass, Rowan felt a rush of love for that man that was about to fill him with his manly essence.

With one last, tremendous push, Barry reached Rowan’s innermost cavities and flooded them with gallons of hot, thick juice. The guy felt its warmth inside him and it was like a balm for his enflamed ass. The disgust that filled Rowan whenever his stepfather came into him was completely forgotten: that was Barry’s essence, and Rowan gratefully welcomed it into him like the most precious fluid.

And in that very moment, when Barry was spurting his last shots of semen into the tender canal, Rowan gasped in astonishment, looked straight at Barry through the mirror, and for the first time in his life he was swept out by a powerful, shattering and liberating spontaneous orgasm.

His inner demons could do nothing against Barry’s invincible, unrestrainable sexual power and once and for all were defeated. In the extasy of the pleasure, Rowan opened his soul to Barry once again, looking straight at him through the mirror; but this time the simple-minded worker wasn’t scared, because Rowan’s soul was finally filled only with peace, affection, love and respect… love and respect for him! There was no more fear in Rowan’s eyes, no hate, no resentment. The blackness that scared him so much after Rowan’s revenge fuck had dissolved completely, and the guy’s soul was white as the cream that his cock kept spurting like a hose.

When the last spasm of his mind-blowing climax trailed off, Rowan stood still, panting, and he did not fall into his usual post-orgasmic torpor. He kept staring at Barry through the mirror, feeling his own ass completely filled by the man’s cock, still unbelievably stiff despite the recent explosive orgasm.

Suddenly, a sob broke the eerie silence, and then another, and another. Like a river that broke its banks, Rowan’s tears flowed uncontrollably, streaking his cheeks.

Rowan had won his battle, the ghost of his stepfather had been sent back to the hell he belonged to. But to do this he had to throw all his fears, his hate, his torments at Barry, that handsome blue-eyed rugged man with a heart bigger than a house, the man who held his hand an entire night when he was at the hospital, the man who couldn’t even sleep because he was worried for him, the man… who loved him.

"I'm sorry sir...” – Rowan whined after a while, trying to hold his sobs – “I'm so very sorry... Can you ever forgive me, sir?"

Barry looked back at Rowan bewildered: he submitted the guy to such a harsh, and mostly undeserved, punishment and still he begged for forgiveness? Suddenly he felt his anger and his resentment slip away from his heart, and give way to a tender, protective love for that guy who had suffered so much in his life and fought hard to rebuild his life and heal his intimate wounds.

Rowan, by now, was a man, but in that moment, in Barry's eyes, he was a small boy asking for help, support and forgiveness. A boy asking to be loved.


~ A whole lot of love ~

Rowan felt two strong arms tightening around his torso, one across his pecs and the other one around his belly. Two loving, comforting arms that he felt he could melt into. His sobs quickly trailed off, as he felt Barry slowly pulling out of his ass. He was still totally spread in a full split position, held upright by the worker’s strong arms. He relaxed a bit, feeling the thick meat recede, and the large mushroom head slide back to his outer anal ring.

But suddenly he uttered a chocked a scream, when he felt that the man’s cock, that had not lost a fraction of its stiffness, instead of falling out of his hurting ass, started moving in again.

But his scream was due to the surprise, not the pain, as Barry’s cock was sliding back into him gently, sweetly, caressing his enflamed insides. It sneaked its way to his innermost recesses, and then moved out, leaving a temporary emptiness that soon was filled again with hot throbbing meat.

The sensation of feeling trapped into the man’s muscular arms and his amazing reserve of stamina made Rowan’s cock rise again to full attention. He was so lost and dizzy that he barely noticed that Barry, by raw muscle power, was lifting him and making him turn around, until the guy found himself laying on his back, with Barry looking down at him. His pale blue eyes, that so often scared Rowan, now were shining with an unspoken love and a deep affection.

Once again Rowan felt his own eye get wet: “Love me, Barry…” – he said in a low voice – “Just love me…”

“That’s what I’m doing…” – the brawny man replied, flashing a tender smile that in Rowan’s eyes shone like a rising sun.

That same cock, that moments before had speared him like a scorching iron rod now was caressing his inside with exquisite gentleness, with long smooth thrusts. «How on earth could I see my Daddy in this kind, loving man?» – Rowan thought – «My Daddy would’ve never made love to me like this. My Daddy would’ve never loved me like this!»


“What, kid?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to say your name… Just to be sure…” – Rowan concluded, caressing with his hands the large shoulders and the massive pecs rhythmically moving back and forth, along with the massive cock that filled his ass to the brim. The relentless massage of the hefty cock head on his prostate was so delicious, so exquisite!

Rowan reclined his head and abandoned himself, in an act of total trust in Barry; and to show him to what extent he trusted him, his rose his legs high, held his ankles with the hands and pulled them apart, giving to Barry free access to his tender intimacy, still hurting from the recent assault.

The guy’s enticing position fired up again the man’s libido and his hips started moving faster. His calloused hand moved down to Rowan’s exposed cock and stroked it with increasing intensity.

“Will you cum again for me, kid?” – he asked; and though the phrase recalled so sharply the “You will cum for me!” that his Daddy so often yelled at him while abusing his young ass, Rowan didn’t think to his Daddy for a single moment.

“I will cum for you whenever you want me to…” – he said to the man, who started moving his hand in earnest. It took few strokes to bring Rowan again to the peak of his pleasure. “Ooohh, sir…! Barry…! I’m going to cum… I’m cumming for you! Yes! Aaahh… YES!! AAAGGHHH!!!”

Powerful shots of white cream exploded once more from the guy’s cock, splatting all over Barry’s hairy torso and crotch. Rowan forcefully held his own legs wide and apart, and let his orgasm sweep through him like a tornado. His perineum, so openly exposed under Barry’s eyes, swelled rhythmically, while his prostate madly pumped shot after hot shot of manly juice.

“Fuck! Oh, fuck!!” – Barry yelled, taken aback from the frantic, strong contractions of Rowan’s ass around his cock. The quivering anal ring literally milked Barry’s cock, and the man suddenly found himself lost into a body-shaking orgasm: “Oww… Yeah!!! FUCK YEAH!!” – he screamed, filling again the guy’s fundaments with his seed.

“Damn, kid! You’re so hot…! You’re so damn hot!!” – Barry said aloud, while his cock still pumped with a steady pace into the guy’s loosened hole. Rowan’s eyes widened, when he realized that the oversexed man, despite two shattering orgasms, was not going to stop.

The mere idea of being such a treat for that manly stud, who could make anyone fall for him, made Rowan’s head spin… and made his cock stay stiff. He was about to place a hand on Barry’s fist, still gripping his cock, to signal him that he was too sensitive, after such a powerful orgasm; but then he didn’t do it, and accepted the sweet torture the man was inflicting him: an exquisite torture that Kale once taught him to bear and appreciate!

And so, their intense love-making didn’t stop. And it didn’t stop later on, when Barry came again into Rowan’s greedy mouth, nor when Rowan, with three muscular fingers up his ass, viciously massaging his prostate, exploded in another spontaneous, hands-free orgasm.

Barry was insatiable, and Rowan was more than willing to give him every inch of his body and every ounce of his juice. Thanks to his flexible body, Rowan made love with Barry in positions that the man couldn’t even imagine, offering himself in the most vulnerable ways and begging Barry for more, to go deeper, to own him totally.

They both lost count of the times they’d spurted their seed into an ass, onto a face, over a torso, into a mouth… or just in the air! With a last, simultaneous howl of pleasure, they finally crashed on the bed, exhausted. Rowan felt totally drained.

And for once, Barry was, too.


~ Unneeded apologies ~

For many minutes they lay on the bed, panting, in silence, looking at each other, and many thoughts crossed their minds.

Rowan remembered all the times he’d been unjust to Barry, the times he avoided him like he was a dangerous sex offender, the times he backed off with fear when Barry only wanted to shake hands with him, the times he blatantly ignored his attempts to have an innocent chat with him.

And then he frowned, remembering when he gave a harsh, painful and humiliating revenge fuck to the man, only guilty of looking like his stepfather [15].

Barry, too, was pensive and sorry, realizing he’d got off with the wrong foot, with Rowan, since the first time they met, in the basement, and Barry tried to force himself on the scared guy [16]. And he remembered with shame when, at the quarry, he tried again to have a sexual approach with him [17]; and blamed himself for not fixing soon enough the water pump, that exploded causing serious injuries to the guy [18].

“Barry…” – Rowan said after a while with an uncertain tone – “I’m so sorry for w…”

“No, kid” – Barry interrupted him – “Don’t be sorry. We both have made plenty of mistakes, dealing with each other. I too am ashamed for what I’ve done. The past is gone, and we can’t change it. What happened this morning… whatever it was… changed everything. No need to apologize for what’s water under the bridge”.

Rowan smiled and nodded in agreement. “Am I allowed, at least, to thank you, Barry?”

“For what? For having fucked you like a million times in a row? Kid, that’s something I should thank you for!” – the man replied, laughing.

Rowan wanted to thank Barry for the loving care he had for him when, at the quarry, he bandaged his bleeding hands [19]; and for that sleepless night at his bedside, at the hospital, holding his hand [20]; and even for not setting foot in the basement whenever Rowan was there, out of respect for the guy. He wanted to thank Barry for all these things, and much more, but he didn’t, because he would’ve embarrassed the man: Rowan knew how big was Barry’s heart, but also knew how hard the man always tried to hide it.

“Thank you for the ‘now or never’ moment we had few months ago” [21] – Rowan said instead – “That was important for me; that was the night when I started realizing that you have nothing in common with my stepfather”.

“I want to thank you, too” – Barry replied – “Especially after I’ve seen you at the ball, so elegant and classy. Thank for not judging me. I’m rough and rude, I can’t speak fine, I don’t understand people. I just… ‘throw my cock around’, as Kale often tells me…”

Rowan prepped himself on an elbow and placed his open hand on the man’s wide chest, over his heart, looked straight at his eyes and said with a knowing smile: “I don’t buy it…”

“You little bratty kid!” – Barry said, trying to fake an angry expression but unable to hold a chuckle – “Come, let’s take a shower and have some breakfast. I’m starving!”


~ Surprise, surprise! ~

Downstairs, the guys of the Cove had long finished having breakfast, but they stayed in the dining room, hoping to get news about Rowan.

Most of them were utterly pissed off by Barry’s absence at breakfast and by the sounds coming from his room: it was more than obvious that he was having wild sex with someone. And since they all were sitting at the table, it must’ve been someone else, someone from outside the Cove!

Beau was restless. He had listened to the loud moans coming from Barry’s room with increasing anger, and was now visibly nervous. At one point he slapped the table with his hand: “Fil de putain!” – he hissed through his teeth.

Kale looked at him alarmed: when Beau swore in French, it was a bad sign. “Beau, please, calm down, we don’t know…”

“It’s easy for you to defend him!” – The blond boss replied angrily, pointing his finger at Kale – “I know what you and Barry have done to my waiter, at Maison de la Motte! And Alex, and Charlie, and even Rowan! It was more a fuck fest than a ball! Eh, bien! OK! It was a special night, I understand that rules sometimes can be bent, under special conditions. But not here at the Cove! That man should be taught some discipline!”

 Kale withered under Beau’s angry gaze and Wahkan placed a hand on the boss’s arm: “We are all worried for Rowan, in this moment. Let’s not allow our fears to speak on our behalf”.

The controlled, almost commanding tone of the wise Sioux had a soothing effect on the furious man, who suddenly realized he was overreacting. “I’m sorry, Kale, I didn’t mean it” – he said in a contrite tone, and suddenly turned to the door to look at Barry coming in. “Oh, our resident Casanova finally graces us with his presence! Judging from the wide smile on your face, I guess you’re not worried for Rowan like us mere mortals, are you?”

“Worried? No, not at all!” – Barry mused, and Beau stood up, facing him with an angry expression, ready to argue with him.

“No, Beau! It’s not his fault!” – a voice came from the door.

“Rowan?!” – all the men exclaimed at once – “You’re here?” “It was you with Barry, upstairs?” “Where have you been?”

“I’ll try and answer your questions” – Rowan replied, getting closer to Barry and throwing an arm around his waist, in a protective stance – “but don’t be mad at Barry, he didn’t do anything wrong”.

Rowan’s sudden appearance was already surprising enough, but his tender gesture for Barry was almost unbelievable. “C’est incroyable!” – Beau whispered, falling back on his seat – “Rowan! You’ve barely talked to Barry for months and now…”

“Many things have changed, Beau. Many, many things” – Rowan said, seriously, and then he lowered his gaze to the floor and added in a low voice: “And many more are about to change”.

Kale was shocked, just like the other men, but his agile mind had quickly put together many elements: Rowan’s making peace with Barry, the guy’s calm, authoritative attitude, the long absence from the Cove without even making a phone call…

“Rowan…” – the counselor said with trembling voice – “Are you going… to leave the Cove?”

A deadly silence fell on the room, while all the eyes focused on the guy.

“Yes, Kale. I’m leaving the Cove”

Footnotes and references:
[1] See Chapter 53 ~ Bi-curiosity ~
[2] See Chapter 53, ~ Jack of all trades ~
[3] See Chapter 1, ~ A long lost beauty ~
[4] See Chapter 24, ~ The Sunday matinée ~
[5] See Chapter 1, ~ Run away! ~
[6] See Chapter 2, ~ The beginning of a friendship ~
[7] See Chapter 3, ~ Caught in the act! ~
[8] See Chapter 54, ~ Man love ~
[9] See Chapter 1, ~ Rowan gives in to passion ~
[10] See Chapter 47, ~ Training ~
[11] See Chapter 51, ~ Three’s (not) a crowd ~
[12] See Chapter 16, ~ Two helpless captives ~
[13] See Chapter 10, ~ Self-control ~
[14] See Chapter 25, ~ A dreadful punishment ~
[15] See Chapter 33, ~ Payback time ~
[16] See Chapter 4, ~ A horny worker ~
[17] See Chapter 21, ~ Fear and anger ~
[18] See Chapter 33, ~ Emergency ~
[19] See Chapter 22, ~ A caring daddy ~
[20] See Chapter 34, ~ Hospital ~
[21] See Chapter 36, ~ Restless night ~

* * * * * * * *

(End of Chapter 55 – Please proceed to Chapter 56)

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024