How I Got My Revenge

by Derek D

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Chapter 14

The Reunion

I arrived at the reunion and was immediately met by classmates from the football team. There was plenty of talk about past games and I was somewhat embarrassed by the praise of excellence I showed on the field. I had worked hard to help the team, not for praise. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. Other than the embarrassing fawning, I was having a great time, but I was also keeping an eye out for Elijah and Josh.

Josh and Elijah arrived together in Josh’s car and were met in the parking lot by John, one of the football team’s big linemen. Elijah greeted him hesitantly, “Hey, John. What’s up?” John gave Elijah a hug and then hugged Josh as well, and then opened his jacket and offered them a swig of whiskey. They both declined and said they may take him up on his offer later before heading inside. Josh whispered to Elijah, “Whew! At first I thought John was about to attack you. I thought we were in big trouble when John grabbed you.” Elijah replied, “you’re telling me. I almost pissed myself. I’m already regretting coming.” As they entered, they ran into another group of their ex team mates who greeted them with excitement and smiles. Josh and Elijah both looked at the smiles and tried to gauge which were sincere and which were mocking them. Rick, their star quarterback, then brought up the post- graduation camping trip and the great success it had been and asked if they agreed. They both nervously agreed it had been a great weekend while both wondered if he was hinting about ‘other’ things. They made the excuse that they needed to get something to drink, in order to separate themselves from the group. After getting a drink, Elijah and Josh tried to be as invisible as possible, but that wasn’t in the cards for them. Alonzo, one of their linebackers approached them, “Yo, dudes, what’s up? I hear you two are still making headlines.” Elijah and Josh lost all color in their faces. Then Alonzo said, “Guys, I was just kidding. You two just turned a whiter shade I’ve never seen before. You ok?” Elijah stammered out, “Uh. Um, yeah. I just thought you knew something we didn’t, that’s all.” Then Elijah gave a fake chuckle and said, “You always were the jokester, Alonzo.” As Alonzo said, “See you guys later.” and walked away, Elijah and Josh looked to each other with concern. Was it their imagination, or was everyone they seemed to talk to making insinuations? Josh then spotted Jeremy and after getting a nod from Elijah, walked over to him, “Hey Jeremy, how are  things at college?” I smiled and replied, Hey Josh, Elijah, what’s up?”  Josh replied, “Not much. I’m just glad to get a break for a while from classes.” I replied, “I know what you mean. High school was bad enough. College can be brutal. What about you, Elijah?” Elijah replied nervously, “What? Oh! I think we’re all in agreement, there.” I had obviously caught Elijah off guard. His mind was obviously elsewhere. We continued to chat for a while until I indicated that I wanted to find Rick as I hadn’t seen him yet. As I began to walk away, Elijah grabbed my arm and said, “Jeremy, Josh and I would like to talk to you in private before you leave if you don’t mind.” I paused for a bit before replying with a smile, “Sounds serious.” I gave it a few seconds before adding, “Sure, we can do that. I’ll look for you before I leave, or you can find me if you decide to leave before I do.” They both nodded and then Josh said, “Ok, Jeremy. Talk to you later.” As I walked away, Elijah looked around to make sure they were out of hearing range from others, then he whispered to Josh, “If Rick is one of the guys that did that stuff to us, I hope he doesn’t tell Jeremy before we get to talk to him. He may not be in the mood to talk if that happens.” Josh nodded and replied, “It’s not like we can prevent it. If it happens, we might be fucked. Either way, we have to at least try, and not just because of being exposed. I really feel bad about what we did.” Elijah nodded, “You’re right. I feel bad about it too. It’s all my fault.” Josh said, “Look, Elijah, I could have refused to help you, so I’m just as guilty.”

I talked to Rick for a while as well as a few of the other members of our team who gravitated to us as we talked. Most were surprised that I hadn’t continued to play football when I went to college as I had a few offers from several colleges. I told them that if I would have had a chance going professional when I was finished with college I may have, but I thought my height would have kept that from happening and that the academic scholarships covered everything whereas the football ones did not. Rick said, “I don’t know about that, Jeremy. A lot of the passes you caught from me were awesome and against guys that were taller than you. You also covered receivers that were taller than you and you smothered them.” I smiled and shrugged at the complement as several of the other players agreed with him. I ended up hanging out with them for most of the rest of the night. A lot of the cheerleaders also made their way into our crowd. As the night was getting late, I gave everyone a hug and or handshake and went to find some of my other, non-sports classmates to say hello. The night was going very well. In the back of my mind, though, I wondered what Elijah and Josh might be thinking. They still had no idea who had seen them and punished them. I felt a little bad that it may be ruining their reunion. Then I recalled Carl saying, “Let them be worried sick that it could be anyone there that saw them and knows what they did. Consider it part of their punishment.”

As the night grew late, and people were filtering out, I approached Elijah and Josh, saying, “Looks like the party is coming to a close. I was getting ready to head out myself. You guys wanted to talk to me about something?” Elijah began, “Uh, yeah.” Josh broke in, “If you’re not in a hurry, why don’t you follow me over to my house? It’s only a couple blocks away from here. We’d like to talk to you in private.” I considered their proposal for a few seconds, wondering if it was a good idea, then agreed, “Sure, why not?” The three of us then headed out to the parking lot where we encountered a very inebriated John (the lineman) who offered us a swig from his close to empty whiskey bottle. This time he didn’t seem to be taking no for an answer as he swayed from side to side. Before accepting, I enquired as to whether he was planning on driving tonight. After assuring us that he was getting a ride from Dave, on of our other linemen, we each took a sip from the bottle. All three of us made awful faces afterward. I then followed Josh and Elijah to Josh’s parent’s house. After parking in the driveway behind Josh, I got out to follow them into the house. It was then that Josh informed me that his parents were out of town and it would just be the three of us. That put me a little on edge.

We ended up in the living room. Josh brought us each a beer and then sat down on the sofa next to Elijah. I sat in one of the single armchairs. Our initial conversation was about the reunion and how nice it was to see all our old classmates, friends, and teammates. We also laughed about how drunk John was. I could tell by their expressions that Elijah and Josh didn’t have as good a time as they professed to have.

After a while, I sensed that they were avoiding the subject which brought me here. Josh had just brought us each another beer and had sat back down. I decided to ask, “Anyway, you needed to talk to me about something?” Elijah and Josh looked to each other before Josh said, “Yeah, we..” Elijah broke in, “I need to do this, Josh! Jeremy, you’re not going to like me after I tell you this. If you want to hit me after I tell you, it’s fine, I deserve it. I talked Josh into it, so it’s not really his fault.” Josh interrupted, “I helped, so I’m just as guilty!” I sat back and said, “This must be serious. Ok, I’m listening.” Elijah looked to Josh as if for support before continuing,” Remember the team camping trip after graduation?” I commented, “How could I forget.” Elijah continued, afraid he’d chicken out if he didn’t, “It was us, Jeremy! We were the ones who did that to you! I’m so sorry. It was wrong.” Tears were running down Elijah’s cheeks and he was shaking. I asked, “What do you mean?” Josh put his arm around Elijah’s shoulder for support. After wiping some of the tears from his eyes, Elijah continued, “That night we were getting you beers. I also put a pill in one. I wanted to make sure you didn’t wake up too soon. I convinced Josh that you were too cocky and aloof, always off working out on your own. I convinced him to help me teach you a lesson. At first we weren’t going to do much, just tie you up naked for a while. After we were drinking, we got out of hand. I lost control and thought it would be funny to slap you across the face with my cock. I got hard and kept going until I forced my cock into your mouth. Josh just went along with it.” Josh added, “Yeah, I was pretty drunk too.” Elijah continued, “I started to sober up toward the end and then got scared. I thought you might go to the cops. Then I thought if we made you cum too, and with your own cum present, it might look as if you had consented and agreed to it, but later regretted it. It was wrong! I’m so sorry. I’ll do anything to try to make it up to you. I won’t ask for forgiveness because I don’t deserve it.” Josh added, “I’m really sorry too and would like to try and make up for what we did to you, Jeremy”.

I was surprised by what Elijah said. It both angered me and saddened me. With some of that anger in my voice, I said, “First off, I never thought I was acting aloof! I was always a team player and treated every teammate, whether they were starters or bench warmers with respect!” I noticed they seemed to look a bit afraid at my anger. I realized I was raising my voice and decided to tone it down, “I didn’t know you felt that way about me. I worked out alone a lot because I could concentrate better that way. That’s all. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. I thought we played well together, Elijah and Josh.” Now there were tears running down both of their cheeks and Josh said, “We’re both really sorry, Jeremy. We can’t take it back, but we’d like to at least try to make it up to you in some way. I’m just glad you haven’t started pounding the shit out of us already. We should have been friends and instead, we did something awful to you.”

I sat back and looked at them for several minutes as I thought about what had been said between us. Elijah and Josh just sat there waiting for me to say something. I took a deep breath and then let it out slowly before saying, “I suspected you two were up to something when you kept bringing me beers. I never suspected you had slipped something in it though. That’s part of why I knew you two had some part in what happened that night. I never knew what to do about it though. I just wanted to forget about it and thought I had after settling down with college and my girlfriend, Kayla. The invitation to the reunion brought it all back, the embarrassment and humiliation. You just confessed what you did, so I’m willing to let you make it up to me.

Elijah and Josh stared at each other, relieved at what I had just said. Finally, Elijah broke the silence, turned to me and asked, “What can we do to make it up to you, Jeremy?”


End of Chapter 14

by Derek D

Email: [email protected]

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