The Village

by Lil Guy

25 Mar 2024 624 readers Score 9.8 (74 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Seth’s Perspective

It was Halloween day and I was getting ready to go to Freddy’s school for the Halloween Spooktacular before a fun evening of trick or treating… the kids were all so damn excited that the adults couldn’t help but be excited with them. They’d been in and out of their costumes a dozen times wanting Halloween to be here already!!! They all wore their costumes to school that day. Freddy’s school made a big deal about Halloween and invited the parents to join in, I had left work a little early to attend before picking up Izzy. I jumped in the Atlas and was on my way to the school when I got a call from a strange 303 number. That wasn’t unusual, I got a lot of calls from people looking for help, or other agencies looking for resources for their clients.

“Hello, this is Seth” I answered.

“Hey, um Seth?” the voice on the other end of the line said tentatively. “We’ve never met, but um, I met a couple of your brothers a long time ago and… um… I think our dads are kind of dating.”

“Benny?!” I said with a little bit of a chuckle at the way he introduced himself.

“Um yeah,” he said chuckling back, “nice to finally meet you.”

“I hope you’re calling to RSVP for Thanksgiving” I replied. My dad had asked if they could invite him and his husband but I hadn’t heard if they accepted.

“So, the invitation is real?” He asked, “I’m sorry, but I’ve pretty much had zero contact with my father over the last decade and wasn’t sure if he was telling the truth or not… we have um… trust issues” I TOTALLY knew where he was coming from and it made me laugh.

“I get it!” I said. “Listen, my dad has only been back in our lives for about of year. I tried to reconnect a couple of times before but it was a shit show every time. Then he reached out last year when my mom was dying and…” then I told him the whole sordid tale about the relationship with my family and my father.

Benny must’ve said “wow” under his breath a dozen times. “So, how the hell did you forgive and forget what he did?” He asked.

“Well, I’m still working on forgiving and will probably never forget. But I’m doing my damnedest to empathize. I hadn’t talked to my mother for a decade, then she died last year… I missed out on having a mother and I decided I wanted some kind of relationship with father. Then last year my brothers and sisters all got together at Thanksgiving and we invited him. He came out to us and, well, frankly, I think his relationship with your dad has changed him for the better. The two guys are doing their best to right some un-rightable wrongs” I told him about them working against the church, etc. He listened to what I had to say.

“What about the rest of your family, have they forgiven them?” Benny asked. I told him we were all doing our best, then he asked about Brad. Benny was abducted by the church along with Brad, but the two were drugged up and passed out so they never met.

By that point I was in the school parking lot and only had a few minutes before the Halloween show started. “Listen,” I said. “I really want to talk more, but I’m on my way to watch one of my kids in the Halloween Parade at school, can I call you back later… and maybe connect you and Brad? You guys should talk.”

“I’d like that” he said. Then asked, “You have kids?”

“Yeah, me and my husband recently adopted a two year old girl and six year old boy… brother and sister” I responded.

“That’s awesome. Chris and I are thinking about adoption” he answered. I told him Brad and Scotty have two adopted kids as well. Unfortunately, I had to hang up with him and get to the school auditorium. “You can reach me at this number” he said before hanging up the phone. “Listen Seth, I appreciate the invite but I’m not sure I’m ready to commit to Thanksgiving with my father… and his um… boyfriend I guess you’d call him. Seriously, I don’t want to ruin your holiday with our drama.”

I laughed and replied, “Shit, daddy drama is a Westin Thanksgiving tradition. Please promise me you’ll think about it, I’d really like to meet you.” He promised he would, and I promised to call him back and to put him in touch with Brad. I hung up and ran into the auditorium. Zach, Max, and Suzanne were all already seated and had saved me a spot. “I just got a call from Benny Bestford” I said to Zach as I sat in the metal folding chair next to him.

“Seriously? Are they coming for Thanksgiving?” He asked.

“They’re thinking about it. He seems like a nice guy… I’ll tell you everything later. Where are Brody and Ronda?” I asked.

“Well Brody’s backstage helping the kids finish their costumes, he’s been here all afternoon helping them paint pumpkins” Max said. Out of us parents, Brody was the most hands-on at the school. He volunteered to teach art and had gotten to know the faculty and staff (they all loved Mr. Brody of course).

“And Ronda’s helping Mr. Pringle wrangle them onto the stage” Suzanne added just as Principal Ferris took the stage.

“Boys and girls, spooks and spookettes, parents, grandparents, and everybody else…” He said in a deep voice that got louder when he said, “welcome to the Halloween Spooktacular!” Then Thriller blared through the speakers and the kindergarten teacher took the mic as the Principal exited the stage. She announced her class as a whole and the little ones gleefully paraded from one side of the stage to the next while everyone encouraged them with cheers and “awwwwwwwww’s” They were cute as they toddled along in their costumes. Then Freddy’s teacher Mr. Pringle took the stage and announced his class. We’re Off To See The Wizardplayed overhead as several students dressed as different characters from the movie came out on stage and skipped down the invisible Yellow Brick Road. Other costumed kids came out and he announced each of them as they walked or danced across the stage. The music would change now and then to fit the costumes. It was clear Mr. Pringle had worked hard to make this day special for every kid in his classroom (no wonder they all adored the man). We were watching the kids come and go when suddenly the stage went black and the dramatic Justice League Theme started to play. “Ladies and gentlemen, introducing members of The Justice League!” he announced and then the lights came up and there was Teddy posing in his Flash costume with the most serious look his face could muster, “featuring Flash… he moves so fast you probably didn’t even see him enter the stage” he announced getting a laugh from the audience. Then Sammy (hilariously) summersaulted in as Batman, and Freddy stepped out from behind the curtain and crossed his arms. He just stood there under a spotlight with his cape being blown by a fan. Oh my god it was hokey as hell and hilarious as the three little superheroes stood there looking so serious as they posed for the audience. Then the music changed, the boys cleared the stage and made room for the next group of costumed kids. After the first graders cleared the stage, the second graders had their time in the spotlight, then the third graders, etc. The higher the grade, the more coordinated and bold the show got. Finally, the sixth graders ended the show with a choregraphed dance.

After the show, the parents and kids moved to the playground for The Halloween Spooktacular! It was a carnival like atmosphere with games, cider, and everything else that screams autumn. The room parents were selling taffy apples to raise money for class trips, and Carrie Ann Sloop was running the booth. Ronda stepped up and ordered three taffy apples for her family and Carrie Ann asked her, “with or without nuts?”

“Without… we’re not into nuts” Ronda said with a straight face.

“Nope, not in our house” Suzanne added.

“I love nuts, I’ll take hers” Max responded. The innuendos went right over Carrie Ann’s head as she tried to smile and tolerate all the queer parents, pretending she was good with us being around. She hadn’t caused any more trouble since our first initial run-ins with her… the other parents shut her down fast. Tolerance was the probably best we could expect from her, we’d never get her acceptance or respect. But hey, if we had to take her shit we might as well have a little fun with her. Right?

Anyway, the Spooktacular ended and we all loaded our little ghosts, ghouls, and superheroes into our family vehicles and went our separate ways. Freddy rode home with Zach, I went to pick-up Izzy from Mrs. Mavis’s, and we all agreed to meet up after dinner for trick or treating. On the way home from daycare, I was trying to teach Izzy how to trick or treat. “So, you walk up to the door and what do you say?” I asked as I watched her in the rearview mirror.”

“Twick o tweat” she said confidently.

“Yup. Then what do you do?”

She responded with a laugh, “Hode da punkin” (Izzy to English translation: “I hold the pumpkin out and wait for a treat”). We found Izzy a trick or treat bucket that looked like Cinderella’s pumpkin coach, and we were teaching her to say ‘trick or treat’ then hold out her bucket, and then…

“Then what do you say when they put something in your pumpkin?” I asked.

“Fank you” (Izzy to English translation: “than you”) she said proudly.

“PERFECT!” I yelled and took my hands off the wheel for a second to clap. She clapped with me. We repeated the routine a few times and by the time we got home, she had perfected it and couldn’t wait to show Daddy Sach. I unbuckled her and she ran inside to show Zach and Freddy her new trick or treating skills, the two of them cheered her on. Zach had already made dinner… mac n’ cheese with hotdogs. The kids were too damn excited to eat they each took maybe two bites before we gave up forcing them. FINALLY, it was time to go trick or treating! The BroMax minivan rolled up the driveway tooting the horn and getting the kids riled up… they ran outside and jumped in, we all buckled up and were off to our first stop, Daddy, and BA’s. We pulled up right behind Gina and Dylan, all the kids got out and ran to the door, the girls stood in front, the boys in back, and DJ was in his stroller. Teddy reached out and rang the doorbell, BA answered, and they all yelled “trick or treat” kinda sorta in unison. Izzy and Maggie were about two seconds behind and three decibels louder than everyone else. As soon as the words were said Izzy pushed her pumpkin forward ready to collect her reward (just as we had practiced). BA dropped a handful of candy into each kids bucket and got a bunch of sincere thank yous in response. The two boys took off and ran to the next house while the two girls just marveled at the candy dropped in their buckets. They could’ve called it a night right then and been happy as hell, while the boys on the other hand discovered the winning trick or treating strategy; Run faster, hit more houses, and collect more candy. We spent about a half hour in their neighborhood, then it was off to Eli and Riley’s to repeat the same routine. After that we met up with Sammy’s family and hit their neighborhood for a while. Lastly, we took all the kids to Harrington house. The guys knew we were coming and had candy for the kids, Ricky even bought them all PEZ dispensers. They walked the hallways and knocked on the doors yelling “trick or treat” over and over. I think The Villagers got a big kick from the kidlets. Freddy and Teddy ended up hanging out with Asher for a while hearing every little bit of trivia about Superman and Flash (nerds). All in all, it was a great night of family fun… all the kids had an awesome time and passed out in the Pacifica before we even got home. Meanwhile, I told the adults about my call from Benny ad they listened with interest.

Zach took the kids trick or treat candy away from them before we put them to bed and told them they could have a couple of pieces every night after dinner, they weren’t thrilled about it, but they accepted it (after some pouting and whining). Of course, as soon as they fell asleep Zach raided their trick or treat buckets. I was lying in bed in nothing but my boxers when Zach came into the bedroom with a bunch of confiscated Halloween candy and dropped it on the nightstand. He grabbed a bag of Skittles and made a little treasure trail with them on my naked torso. The sweet rainbow started between my nipples, went over my abs, and down to my Pixie Stick. He nibbled his way towards my Twizzler leaving a little rainbow trail of sugar residue as he satisfied his sweet tooth. “Are you sexing me up with Skittles?” I asked with an amused scoff.

“Why not? It’s the gayest of all the candies isn’t it” he said with a sexy smirk as he continued to lick and nibble me into sweet ecstasy. Then he whispered “taste the rainbow” before he took my rock hard candy stick down his throat devouring it like he was Augustus Gloop. Oh. My. Fuck! He was working me, making me giggle and moan at the same time as he gagged himself in a glut of sweetness. He licked the head of my cock like it was a Tootsie Pop and he was on a mission to find out how many licks it took to get its Tootsie Roll center. He worked his way back up my sweet, sticky body and kissed me while his hands fumbled with a candy wrapper on the nightstand. He fed me a couple of plain M & M’s from the fun-sized package, then whispered “I like mine with nuts” in a sultry voice as he popped a few in his mouth before moving between my legs and taking my testicles in his mouth. He slurped my nuts for several minutes before moving his way to my hole and sucked it like it was a Lifesaver. Zach was lapping up my sweetness like it was an expensive, coveted Wispa Gold chocolate bar. I just laid back with my hands holding my knees as he licked and lapped me into ecstasy… in the middle of the damn week for god’s sake!

Zach sat on his knees between my legs with his Charleston Chew (the big one) pointed at my Lifesaver then he pushed himself in. He ended up on top of me with his lips pressed against mine, they tasted so sweet! A combination of Skittles, M&M’s and all the other candy he had stolen from the kids.  We kissed as he fucked me… it was hot, sticky, and so innocently erotic.  Passion took us over and Zach fucked me harder and faster, jacking me off as he did. His balls slapping against my ass sounded like clapping… like thunderous applause for the amazing fuck he was giving me. It went on and on for several minutes, eventually my legs and arms wrapped comfortably around him holding him close as his ass drove his sweet treat in and out of me with power and force. All too soon he announced that he was cumming, he shot his cream into me like I was a Cadbury Egg. He held his cock deep in me and continued to stroke mine until I shot the my own sweet creamy filling from my nuts in an orgasm that was more satisfying than a Snicker’s Bar.

After our sweet lovemaking session, we fell asleep in each other’s arms and stayed that way until our alarms blared in the morning. As usual, I went down to the kitchen to pack lunches and make breakfast, and Zach jumped in the shower and got ready first so he could help the kids get dressed after breakfast. I decided to make oatmeal to counteract the increased sugar intake that our household would inevitably experience until the Halloween candy was gone. I was standing at the stove in my boxers stirring the oatmeal. I added some fresh honey and dried fruit so the kids wouldn’t totally gross out and refuse to eat it. The two kids came down to eat, Freddy took his seat and I lifted Izzy into her highchair. “Hey, why does your belly look like a rainbow?” Freddy asked. I looked down and saw that the colorful dye from the Skittles had rubbed off on me and ratted out our candy-coated sexcapades.

Totally embarrassed I walked over to the sink and washed it off with a wet paper towel, “Hmmm I must’ve rubbed up against something” I answered in response to Freddy’s question hoping he wouldn’t ask more. He didn’t.

“Can I put some M&M’s in this?” Freddy asked as he stirred his boring breakfast with his spoon. Just then Zach entered the room dressed in his suit all ready for a day of lawyering.

“No candy until after dinner. Remember?” He said with parental command. He was greeted with the two wee ones bitching and moaning about how it wasn’t fair to which he responded, “Well, deal with it. Now eat your breakfast” and the four of us ate. After breakfast Zach dressed the kids while I jumped in the shower, then it was off to start our day. Zach got in the GTI and whirred off to the office and I jumped into the Atlas, picked up Teddy, then dropped him and Freddy off at school. They were so hyped up from Halloween… I pitied every teach in that school. Next, I dropped Izzy of at daycare, and then it was off to work.


As usual, I stopped by Marilee’s and was surprised to run into my brother Eli getting his coffee before he going back to work on BroMax’s new home. “Hey, dipshit” Eli said with a smirk.

“Hey” I replied before ordering from Ella who was working behind the counter.

“Thanks for bringing the kids by last night… they were such a trip. Did they have fun?” he asked and I told him a few stories, he just laughed at his niece and nephew. There was no doubt about it… those two little shits brightened our entire world.

“Oh, guess who called me yesterday” I said. Eli shook his head; he had no clue. “Benny Bestford” I replied.

“Get the fuck out? Is he coming to Thanksgiving?” Eli asked excitedly. He knew that Dad and Best had invited him.

“He’s not sure yet. He called to make sure the invite was real… apparently, he doesn’t quite trust his father yet” I replied as the two of us walked to a small table opting to have our coffee there and talk for a bit. I told him about my conversation then added, “I told him I’d call him back and also put him in touch with Brad.”

“That’s a good idea” Eli said, “I can only imagine the shit those two went through… together… even though they never even met.” It was weird to think about it all, Brad, and Benny, both abducted and knocked out by their fathers who intended to put them through some kind of hellish conversion therapy to make them straight. Over a decade later the vary men who wanted to make them straight are now a gay couple who want everyone to spend Thanksgiving together. It was like some surreal fucking soap opera. Eli and I discussed it for a few minutes, “Well, I hope you can talk him into coming, hell maybe Brad and Scotty will reconsider too. Another drama filled Westin Thanksgiving” Eli laughed before taking another sip of his black coffee. “I gotta get going, we’re on a tight schedule” He said.

“Yeah, me too” I replied as I stood up and got ready to head into the office. We said goodbye and both went to work. The day was filled with the usual crap. I called Brad around noon and told him about my conversation with Benny. He suggested that I call Benny back and then conference him in, so I did. I called Benny later that afternoon and we talked a little bit more, then I conferenced in Brad.

“Benny?” Brad asked as he joined the call.

“Yeah, I’m here” he said.

“I’m glad to finally talk to you after all this time” Brad said. “I am so sorry you had to go through that hell.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that too” Benny responded, then the two talked about the experience. It was heart wrenching, heartwarming, and fascinating all at the same time and I’m embarrassed to admit that I took notes for my book. I was inspired by the two victims trying to help each other through the pain of an incident that happened more than a decade ago.  

After the call we all went back to our lives. I finished out my day at work, picked up Izzy, then Freddy, and Teddy. I dropped Teddy at BroMax then went home and made dinner for my family. After dinner, Zach let the kids pick out a couple of pieces of candy for dessert. After they went to bed I sat down and worked on my book while Zach worked on his latest case… just a quiet night at home.

On Friday Benny called and accepted our invite to Thanksgiving. To my surprise, Brad called a little later and said that he and Scotty changed their minds and wanted to join us for Thanksgiving if the invite was still on the table… OF COURSE IT FREAKING WAS!!!! I was so excited to have them all coming for Thanksgiving. I called Zach and shared the news; he was excited too. That night was Pizza night at BroMax and of course I shared the news with everyone.

Harris was there and said, “Hey, we’re going to Boston for Thanksgiving again if you want the house.”

“Really?!” I exclaimed. They had loaned us their house over Thanksgiving the year before, it was so great having everyone close by, but I just assumed that was a one time fluke.

Harris nodded, “Honestly, Terrance and I figured you’d ask again and were just kind of planning on it.” I thanked them for their generosity.

I excused myself from the party and called Brad to tell him the plan, “I’m thinking your family can stay across the street with Benny and Chris, and Dad and Best can stay at Eli’s. What do you think?”

“In theory it sounds great, but I don’t know those guys from a hole in the wall… I hope they’re cool” Brad said with a laugh.

“If not, you just spend more time across the street at our house” I laughed back. After we hung up, I went back and joined the others in Pizza Night and updated Zach, Eli, and Riley on the plan for our family Thanksgiving.

Eli was excited that Brad and Scotty were coming, “Ah yes,” he said, “Another drama filled Westin Thanksgiving.” We all laughed because we knew he was right. But I didn’t care, I was just excited to have my family (or at least some of them) coming for Thanksgiving.


To be continued…


by Lil Guy

Email: [email protected]

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