The Village

by Lil Guy

11 Feb 2024 865 readers Score 9.7 (81 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Brody’s Perspective

It was a long drive to Orlando but an awesome one! Theo officially became Theodore Harrington-James in June, and Izzy and Freddy officially became Westin-Hall’s the day before we hit the road. I wasn’t in court with ‘em, but from what the guys told us, it was lookin’ pretty grim for a while, the judge was one of those damn conservative rednecks I grew up around my whole life… those kinda guys were the reason I left The South in the first place, but I aint run into ‘em all that much since I moved back. I mean, hail… considering our work with all the guys from The Village, and the fact that we pretty much turned our quiet, old country road into a queer haven y’all would think we’d be battling rednecks every damn day, but like Daddy says, “The South is achangin’, son.” But anyway, shit turned out fine and the adoptions went through (thanks to Ms. Elkin… she became our new hero). We wanted to do somethin’ special to celebrate our three new family members and were throwin’ out ideas. The only happy memory I could think of from when I was a kid was our road trip to Disney… so I threw that idea out there. I remember when me and Dylan were kids, we road tripped with Daddy and my momma (back before she went completely off the gotdang rails). It was the best trip of my life and the best memory from of my childhood. So that’s what we did.

Work was crazy busy, but I had just hired Asher, one of the guys from The Village to handle all the production work for the two new accounts I was workin’ on. I got all the design elements finished and gave him a spreadsheet of specs to work on while I was gone. One of the Art Directors from Phoenix and another production artist promised to check-in on him. He was an independent worker, he had this. BA and Rodney were watchin’ The Village, and Ricky had things covered at the candle barn. So, we hit the road for a week with the kids. We snuck the them outta their beds and into the minivan in the middle of the night while they were sleepin’ and didn’t tell ‘em where we were going until they woke up. By that time, we were halfway there, they were so damn excited. The look on Theo’s face was worth every damn penny we were spendin’. On our first night there, Gina decided to take her two new nephews out for an “Aunt Gina Night.” She spoilt the hail outta them two… she took them to some dinosaur place where they dug for fossils and built a stuffed dinosaur. If that weren’t already enough, she took ‘em on one of them Amphicar tours where the car drives into the lake… Damn, I was jealous! I always wanted to do that. Anyway, Gina did a damn good job welcoming ‘em all to the family… they freaking loved her! She even made reservations for the girls to get a princess makeover on our first day at The Magic Kingdom. Frankly, I couldn’t wait to see Izzy and Maggie all dolled up like princesses… those two are a freaking riot together.

Well, after Gina was done winin’ and dino-in’ the boys (see what I did there?), Theo went to Zach and Seth’s room for a sleepover with Freddy… those two were thicker n’ thieves, they were more like brothers than friends. Me n’ Maxwell unexpectedly had the room to ourselves our first night there. As soon as we walked into the room, Maxwell walked over and locked the door that led to Gina and Dylan’s room, then that little fucker got nekkid right there, left every damn stitch right in front of the adjoining door. All I could do was smile… well that n’ get a boner.

“You’re gonna make the happiest place on earth a fuck of a lot happier” Maxwell said as his nekkid frame moved towards me. He started talkin’ dirty, tellin’ me all the nasty stuff he was gonna do to me while he was unbuttoning my red and white checkered short-sleeve button up. “I’m gonna lick that tight little body from toe to head, and spend a little extra time in the middle” he said with confidence. Gotdamn, he was gettin’ my engine running. He finished unbuttonin’ my shirt and pushed it off my shoulders and onto the floor. His bigger, muscular body was pushin’ me backwards as he fumbled with my shorts. He unbuttoned and unzipped ‘em and dropped ’em to the floor with my shirt. I stepped outta me shoes, and kicked ‘em off while he was pullin’ my skivvies down. By the time they fell to my ankles, Maxwell had pushed me all the way to our bed and pushed me onto it. I was layin’ on the mattress with my knees hanging over the edge as he pulled the last stitch a’ clothin’ off me. I was nekkid on the bed and Maxwell kept his promise. He started lickin’ my body from toe to head. He lifted my foot and licked my toes, then moved up the inside of my leg, skipped past my junk, and went down my other leg ‘til he got to back the toes on my other foot and licked ‘em all. Then as promised, he moved to the middle and left little kisses on my balls and up and down my shaft makin’ me harder n’ the candy in the crystal dish Grammaw used to keep on her coffee table. Maxwell lifted my shaft in his hand and licked it up and down. I got up on my haunches but he pushed me back onto the bed as he straddled me restin’ his nekkid ass on my groin. He licked my upper body as he held my wrists together over my head and against the pillow. That sexy lil’ fuck bit my nips hard, then kissed every incha’ my neck shovin’ his tongue down my throat. We made out… hard! He grinded his cock into mine, It was so damn hot. We were still tongue wrastlin’ when he grabbed the little bottle of hotel lotion from the nightstand and rubbed it on our hard dicks and shoved a lotioned finger up his own ass, then that horny lil’ fuck sat on my gotdamn rocket. “I’m, gonna ride the hardest, hottest ride in Disney” he said as he lowered his white hot muscle ass onto me.

“Ride me, Maxwell” I hissed. “Ride my mother fuckin’ cock!” Damn, I was gone, lost in lust, and he knew it. He sat straight up and looked down at me with the devil in his eyes and an evil grin on his full, red lips. I tried to lift my upper body so I could kiss him, but he forced me back down and started to ride me… just like he said he would. I tried to buck up, but his muscle ass kept my butt pinned to the bed. He made it clear that he was in control, and I fuckin’ loved it… Maxwell always made sex so much fun. He moved his ass back and forth forcing me to my limits. He pushed his ass back taking my cock with him, bending it and givin’ me a mix of pain and pleasure. The sweat from his crack was making my crotch wet and the stench man sex filled the room.

“You like that?” Maxwell grunted as he ground forward and back over and over again rubbin’ my cock raw, but I didn’t care, I was loving every bit of it.

“Fuck yeah, I do.” I could feel the red hairs on his ass crack roughly rubbin’ on my pelvis. I could hear his quiet moans of pleasure as he got himself off on my cock… we were tryin’ to stay quiet because Gina and Dylan (and Maggie, and Izzie, and DJ) were just on the other side of the door. Maxwell was pumping his cock, sliding back and forth on me, makin’ out with me at the same time.

“I’m gonna fucking shoot” Maxwell said quietly under his breath into my mouth as he ground his ass harder and faster against me. It almost felt like he was rippin’ my pubic hair out, my crotch was soaked, I could smell the lust, and I was fuckin’ ready to burst.

“Fuck yeah, Maxwell. Come on me” I said in a shouted whisper. “Oh god, I’m gonna shoot.”

“Fuck yeah, shoot inside me, Brody.” Maxwell begged.

“Y’all want me to shoot my load up yer ass. Huh? Is that what you want?” I said, talkin dirty to him.

“Fuck yes” He hissed then leaned down and kissed me. “Fucking cum inside me you sexy little fucker.” He pressed his mouth hard against mine and moaned, “I’m gonna shoot. Cum with me, fucking cum with me, Brodes” he hissed again as he gyrated harder and faster. I tried to push, but he had me pinned, all I could do is let him ride the highs and lows until….

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuck” We yelled into each other’s mouths as we shot simultaneously. Me up Max’s ass, and Maxwell onto my sweat-soaked chest. Even though we were being quiet, It was an intense climax.

Maxwell collapsed on me, our sweat and cum gluing us together. “You’re the best fucking ride in The Magic Kingdom” he whispered in my ear before rolling off me.

“I’m glad I was tall enough to ride this ride” I joked. We fell asleep dirty and satisfied.

The next morning, we slept in a little longer than everybody else, since we were the only ones sleeping in a kid-free zone. We still got to the park early and we weren’t even there for two minutes when Izzy met Goofy. She was unimpressed. She and Maggie were pointing at somethin’ when he came up behind her scarin’ the livin’ crap outta her and she came runnin’ over to Seth (who was standing next to me) in tears lookin’ for refuge. The poor little thing was out of her ever-lovin’ mind, she was inconsolable… that is until SHE magically appeared as if from nowhere. Izzy’s eyes grew wide and her tears disappeared when she saw HER. “Welllllllllllla” Izzy muttered slowly under her breath as she took in her splendor (Izzy to English translation: Oh my gosh, it’s Cinderella, it’s really her. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! CINDERELLA!). She stood there in an almost hypnotic state as the princess gracefully floated towards us.

Cinderella herself came up to the tearful Izzy and asked, “are you okay honey?”

Izzy was star struck, mesmerized by the princess’s beauty, “Welllllllllllla” she muttered slowly under her breath, again. It was all she could bring herself to say with her jaw on the ground, her voice was guttural almost as if she were possessed. She came out of her daze and added “Dat mean guy scared me” as she pointed to Goofy. Cinderella explained that Goofy was just saying hello. Izzy nodded as she listened before saying, “So bootiful” (Izzy to English translation: Cinderella, you are too ravishingly beautiful for words). The Princess graciously thanked her for the compliment and gave her a compliment back about how pretty she looked. Meanwhile, Maggie came running up to greet her royal majesty. Max had his video camera on the two boys rough housing with Goofy, Zach had his camera on the two girls filming their audience with the princess, and Dylan was filming DJ sittin’ in his stroller with his mouse ears sucking on his pacifier just taking it all in with his big brown eyes. So much action already and we had barely stepped foot into the park. I was impressed with how much time the characters spent with our kids. Goofy was silent while he played with our two boys, but Cinderella was talking with Maggie and Izzy… they had a million questions for her. She did her gotdamnedest to understand, but Gina and Seth had to translate most of it. The gist of it all was that the girls were completely blown away by the princess.

Gina was looking at some app on her phone, “This is hilarious, those two are in awe. According to my app, Cinderella wasn’t even supposed to be here, she’s supposed to be at Princess Fairytale Hall, we were going to head over there after the makeover.”

Seth was still laughing, “I have never seen her like that before… she was start struck.” he said.

Zach came up behind us, “I recorded it all… she was out of her mind! Today is gonna be so much fun” he said excitedly. We all agreed… I mean hail, the six of us adults were raisin’ these five kids together and this trip was like the official kick-off.

Once Cinderella was able to break free of the clutches of her two tiny admirers, she ran over to talk to someone with a clipboard, and we ventured further into the park. We only got a few steps in when the clipboard lady came over to talk to Gina and ask her a few questions. I heard her say, “our family is here celebrating three additions” and then she started pointing. I couldn’t hear the entire conversation. When the woman walked away, Gina came over to us with a huge smile on her face and said, “we were asked to return to meet up later to be a part of the afternoon parade. We’re going to be Grand Marshals. Don’t tell the kids!” I had no idea that that was even a thing, but apparently Cinderella was taken with the girls and the clipboard lay saw the boys with Goofy so they picked our family out of the crowd. Gina called the adults over to give them the news… none of us knew what the hell she was talking about so we all started googling. It looked pretty damn cool and there weren’t no doubt that the kids would go bonkers!

Well, we finally started moving forward very slowly because Izzy and Maggie refused to jump in the double stroller Seth rented and insisted on walking. We slowly made our way down Main Street with Izzy and Maggie pointing at EVERYTHING saying’, “wookit dat.” We had vowed to stay together… well, yeah, that lasted about ten minutes. The boys were rarin’ to go they pulled me, Dylan, Max, and Seth towards Adventure Land to ride rides and scope out pirates. Zach, Gina, and the girls slowly meandered their way towards Fantasy Land to hang with the princesses. We all agreed to meet at Liberty Square for lunch.

Jesus H Christ, the next three hours we filled with pirates. Pirate freakin’ everything’. Those two little guys dragged us to the Pirates of the Caribbean first. While we were waitin’ in line, we saw kids made up as pirates. Max looked it up and found The Pirates League… basically the pirate version of Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique“You guys wanna be pirates?!” Maxwell asked.

“YEAH!!!!!” Freddy and Theodore both yelled excitedly, hell they were both literally jumpin’ up n’ down. Dylan had to stay back with DJ, so he said he’d lookin into the pirate makeovers while we rode the ride. The rest of us waited in line then got on board a weathered barge for a treacherous voyage to the 17th century. The two little guys were wide-eyed and the adults all had humongous smiles on our faces. We were all singin’ “Yo Ho, Yo Ho (A Pirate’s Life for Me)” as we made our voyage (first of several that day). When we got off the ride, Uncle Dylan was standing there with DJ fast asleep in his stroller waiting for us.

“Didja’ have fun?” Dylan asked the boys. They both excitedly rambled off the details of their (first of several) voyage and jumpin’ round Dylan talkin’ over each other to give him all the details. “Well, Y’all ready to be pirates?” He asked them and got another emphatic “YEAH!!!” From the two swashbucklers.

“You got them appointments?” Maxwell, asked.

“Nope” Dylan respond, then added with a shit eatin’ grin, “I got US appointments.” The guys all grumbled and bitched about it as we made our way to the shop, but deep down we were all lovin’ it.

When we got there Freddy and Theo excitedly picked out what they wanted. I saw Seth checkin’ the pricelist and textin’ Zach. Ya know, me N’ Max were doin’ great financially. I had a great payin’ job, BroMax Candle was kickin’ ass, we didn’t have a mortgage payment, and we had put away a lot since we had been together. Seth and Zach were doin’ good too, but Seth worked for a not-for-profit, Zach had only been workin’ for about a year, they had student loans, took out a mortgage, and now two kids.

“Hey, man. We got this” I said to Seth. The look on his face was one of appreciation, and I dunno, embarrassment maybe.

“No, no, no… thanks, but we got it” he replied. “We’re not broke by far. It’s just that we set our vacation budget and blew it about five seconds after we entered the park” he scoffed. “But I texted Zach about it and he told me… and I quote, ‘fuck the budget look at her face.’” Then he showed us a pic of Izzy in the chair at the salon surrounded by princesses with this look of… I dunno, I guess the word is “bliss” maybe? Like a blissful euphoria. Like everythin’ was right with her world. Ya’ know. When all them kids came to live with us they were sad, I’d call it pathetic… I mean getting’ a smile outta them was hell, they were afraid of everythin’, and stunk to high heaven… all three of ‘em. But now lookit ‘em. Happy as hell, laughin’, smilin’ gigglin’. Zach’s next text said, “go for it, invest in every fucking smile you can get. I want him to remember this forever!” He was right, we weren’t spendin’ we were investin’ in smiles and memories. Yup… we were Walt Disney’s latest suckers. Seth gave in and told Freddy to get whatever he wanted. The two boys got made up, the four adults got made up, and DJ got a pirates hat, an eyepatch, and a little skull and crossbones flag for his stroller. It was money well invested… the smiles were priceless. 

After we all got made up like pirates, we had time for one more voyage with the Pirates of the Caribbean before lunch. This time I stayed back with DJ so Uncle Dylan could ride. When we got off the ride for the second time and headed to meet the others for lunch, the boys were singin’ and swashbucklin’ their way to Liberty Square. We made it to the designated meetin’ spot and saw Gina standing there behind the empty double stroller all princessed out watchin’ somethin’ goin’ on. The boys ran up to here yelling “Aunt Gina, Aunt Gina, we’re pirates.”

She laughed at the two so hard, “Oh my god, I LOVE it you guys. Are you having fun?” she asked and got a screaming yes in response. Me, Seth, Zach, and Dylan walked up to where she and the boys were. Gina cooed when she saw DJ’s costume and laughed out loud when she saw ours. Through her laughter she said, “Look over there” and pointed toward the small crowd.

There was Goofy again, this time he was pacin’ back and forth with his hands behind his back and being shadowed by two tiny princesses, one of whom was lecturing him. It was Izzy of course. “What’s going on?” Seth asked.

“As versed as I am in Izzy and Maggie-ese, I’m only catching half of the lecture” Gina giggled. “Izzy saw Goofy and yelled, ‘HEY GUY!’ then ran up to him and started to lecture him about scaring her earlier… that was like five minutes ago and she’s still going, Zach’s been recording it all.” I saw Zach just a few feet away with his phone out.

“Jesus, that girl can hold a grudge” Seth said with a laugh.

“The gist of it is… you shouldn’t have scared me, it was mean, I’m a princess, you should be nice” Gina said in all seriousness as we all looked on with gigantic smiles trying not to laugh too hard. “And Maggie has offered several ‘yeah’s” to the conversation in support.”

It was hilarious… those two little princesses were givin’ Goofy hail and he just paced back and forth with them and took it. Finally, the lecture from Professor Izzy ended and Goofy got down on one knee and gave the girls a double hug. All was forgiven. Maggie ran into her daddy’s arms, and Izzy did the same as she beelined for Daddy Zeff the pirate.

Seth lifted her into his arms and said, “Oh my gosh, you are such a beautiful princess!”

Izzy giggled and said “You a pirate” then lightly touched his eyepatch.

“Are you having fun?” He asked and got an emphatic head nod and a ramblin’ answer that confirmed she was havin’ the time of her life.

Zach walked up to us and we all burst out in laughter. The salon had a little fun with Daddy Sach, his makeup was perfect and the tierra made his eyes sparkle. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Zach said. “I don’t care what you all think, my princess thinks I’m beautiful.” So, the eleven of us took a break to eat lunch.

After that, we rode It’s a Small World and uncountable number of times with Izzy and Maggie, and Pirates of The Caribbean about the same number of times with the boys until it was time for the parade.

When we got to the parade area, they told us we got to pick one character to ride with us. That was the moment I knew we were already raisin’ some pretty awesome kids. Freddy said somethin’ to Theo, then Theo looked at Izzy and Maggie and asked, “you guys want Cinderella to ride with us?” Maggie screamed yes, and Izzy just stood there paralyzed by excitement. Then the two boys announced that they wanted Cinderella… so the princess joined us in the car of honor. She sat in the very back with a tiny admirer on each side of her. Izzy and Maggie weren’t just dressed up and pretendin’ to be princesses, in their minds they really were princesses... they had been transformed. The looks on their faces were pure happiness. All the kids waved wildly as the car rolled down Main Street.

Life had started out as pure hell for three of those kids, but at that moment all their dream were coming true… life was perfection. Not just for them, but for all of us. I just hoped it was their first great memory of many, not the only good one of their childhoods.


 To be continued…

Author's Note: A special thanks to those of you who e-mailed suggestions to make this adventure even more magical.

by Lil Guy

Email: [email protected]

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