The Village

by Lil Guy

16 Jul 2023 962 readers Score 9.8 (72 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Zach’s Perspective

The last week had been a freaking whirlwind for me and Seth both as our work lives took over our world. In the meantime, our family kept things rolling on the house and performed miracles. They had done an unbelievable job transforming the Witch’s house into a fucking showplace. Seriously, they had worked their asses off for us and the place looked amazing; it only took them one freaking week! It would have taken the two of us forever to make that kind of progress. I was impressed as hell with my mom, she helped us visualize our home and then got shit done. She worked her fingers to the bone, supervised the contractors, and kept everyone on track. She even had my little sister doing hard labor (that was a first for the little princess). And Seth’s brother Eli… he did several thousand dollars’ worth of electrical work for us! He put in new fixtures, updated the outlets and switches, added GFI’s in the kitchen and bathrooms, and put outdoor outlets around the place so we could plug in Christmas lights. He even added a 220v to the breaker box and put an outlet on the patio so we could eventually add a hot tub (his own idea). All that was left for us to do was put the final coats of polyurethane on the main story floors, paint the exterior and move our shit in. The place was magnificent and it was all because of them. Seth and I splurged and took Mom, Riley, and Eli out to a nice dinner on their last night in town as a small thank you.

Gina had recommended this great place on the water; it was nice just to sit down and enjoy being together. I looked around the table and saw Eli and Seth laughing and joking with each other. Seth was so happy to have his brother around and to be honest, I was excited about my baby sister moving in with us too. Things were coming together in such an amazing, unexpected way. After the waiter brought our cocktails, Mom lifted a glass and said, “To your beautiful new home and Riley’s new job.” We all toasted.

I made the second toast, “To our amazing family. We’d still be moving the furniture into the garage if it wasn’t for your help.”

“Hear friggin’ hear” Seth said with an appreciative smile. “Damn, you guys! I can’t get over how amazing our place looks. There’s no way in hell we could’ve done that on our own.”

“This has been one of the greatest weeks I’ve had in a long time” Kelly said as she sipped her Cape Cod. My mom was a stay at home mom while we were growing up, then when Riley and I were in high school she dabbled in real estate part time… but her main role had always been supporting Dad’s career and raising us. I know she’d been a little bored since we both moved out. She threw herself into planning our wedding a couple of years ago, and was doing the same for Riley and Eli; I think renovating our house gave her a purpose, something to look forward to. God knows it helped us out. Mom had worked hard all week and hadn’t eaten yet so that first drink was loosening her up, “I love your community, and your farmhouse, and I am just so proud of all four of you” She said starting to slur a little. She rambled on about how wonderful our friends were, and gushed about everything in our lives. She ended her rant with “And now all my grandbabies will be in one place.” Ugh! Seth and I were just trying to get through the house renovation and launch our careers, and Riley and Eli were about to make a huge move; the only one thinking about having babies was Mom. But in all fairness, I was surprised she hadn’t brought it up sooner. We humored her until the food came… the four of us were glad for a subject change.

“Bubba told me he could throw enough work my way to keep me busy. I ‘ve been researching what I need to do to get certified in North Carolina, it looks like I meet all the qualifications, I started the process rolling online today.” Eli said.

“That’s awesome” I excitedly replied.

Then Seth asked me, “So, when do you start working on the big case?”

“What big case?” My mom asked with wide eyes.

My firm was partnering with this huge DC/New York firm that had an amazing rep for winning civil rights and human rights cases. Our firm got connected with the other because of a pair of brothers Seth helped earlier in the week. It was a discrimination case against the state, our client claimed he was fired because he was gay… no other reason, and the proof was pretty damning. Surprisingly, the state and local EEO policies were fairly inclusive, however, our claim was that the policies were all but ignored by a couple of different state departments and that there was a systemic problem. The lead firm on the case had uncovered several other former employees who had similar experiences to our client but hadn’t come forward. The case could grow into a class action lawsuit as people started to come out of the woodwork (part of my job was to help bring them out). The case could very well change state laws and policies and was a huge deal for our small firm. “Well, the uncle of the two brothers Seth helped this week is a big civil and human rights lawyer and his firm brought mine into a big case against the state” I said, sharing about all I could at the moment. Mom was so proud and had a million questions I couldn’t answer either due to lack of information in the early stages, or for confidentiality reasons.

I switched to subject over to Riley and her new job. That was a smart move on my part because Riley could talk the ears off an African Elephant. She talked all the way through dinner, mom, me, and Seth all kind of tuned out but Eli hung on every word with his eyes locked to hers. He was a lovesick little puppy, I was happy they found each other… they hooked up at our wedding and have been together ever since, none of us saw that coming but they make total sense together. After blathering on for god only knows how long, Riley said, “Hey, it’s our last night in town let’s hit a club!”

Eli chimed in, “there’s that place we went for Max and Brody’s bachelor party.”

“We’re leaving at 7AM. Period” Kelly said with a no-nonsense tone. “You two better be up, packed, and ready to hit the road. No excuses.”

Riley just rolled her eyes “We’ll be ready mother.”

“I’m game, but we gotta get up early too, we got work to do” I said.

Seth agreed, “we can go out for a little while, but I’m not closing the bars down or anything.” Mom said goodnight and drove herself back to the hotel after Seth and I thanked her for EVERYTHING (damn she did so much for us) and promised to come to the hotel before 7AM to say a proper goodbye. After she left, the four of us got in the GTI and hit the local dance club, Seth agreed to be our DD. The crowd was mixed, but mostly gay and the four of us went nuts on the dance floor. God, we’d been working so hard and it had been so long since Seth and I just let go like that… it was an unbelievable stress reliver! We were grinding our neglected gonads into each other to the point of embarrassment, but we didn’t fucking care. After about an hour and a half we had enough and took Eli and Riley back to the hotel; we stopped off at the hotel bar for a nightcap. The four of us discussed living together and their plans for building a life in Wilmington.

“I want to live in a loft or a townhouse” Riley said. “I love your place, but I just do want to deal with all that work right now” Riley said.

“Yeah, I’ve been looking at places online and I found some affordable townhouses closer to Wilmington. We might be able to afford to buy our own place here, it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than Phoenix” Eli said before taking a gulp from his frosty beer bottle. They asked if we were okay with them staying until the end of the year. They hoped to be out sooner… but just in case.

“Absolutely! Stay as long as you need” Seth said to his brother. I know that when they were younger and living with their father, Eli helped keep Seth safe, and Seth was eternally grateful for his brother. He was happy that we were in a position to help him.  Plus, Eli and I bonded the instant we met, he treated me like a “bro.” I wasn’t just his gay brother’s boyfriend, I was one of the guys, his buddy… he called me Zach attack and made me feel like I belonged. Eli made me feel like part of the family and I considered him a friend. As for my little sister… she was a royal pain in the ass but I loved her. It was nice just hanging with them, the four of us rarely got a chance to hang out like that.

“We gotta get an early start tomorrow, and y’all got a long trip back” Seth said pushing out his barstool and putting some cash on the bar to pay our tab.

“Y’all” Eli scoffed with a grin. “You’ve barely been here two months, how are you such a redneck already?” he laughed.

“Just wait. It’s contagious” Seth said to his brother before we all hugged our goodbyes.

Seth made me stop at a convenience store on the way back home to get ice, soda, and snacks to bring to the family in the morning for their trip. When we got back to BroMax Farm, the house was asleep so we put the ice bags in the freezer and the sodas in the fridge then snuck up to our room. Petunia was probably in with Brodes, Max, and Zoey. I was a little buzzed and we were both sweaty from dancing.

Seth stripped and got into bed. I jumped in kneeling between his legs before he even had a chance to get under the covers and get comfortable. I put my face to his balls and started to lick the salty sweat from them. I took them in my hand and could feel their heft. I had been kind of wicked lately… ever since we moved out to BroMax we’ve both been in a state of perpetual libidinous… you know, horny as fuck. Seriously, hard as a rock twenty four seven. So, the devil in me decided to mess with Seth and not allow him to cum until we moved into the new house. I was having a lot of fucking fun teasing and edging him; I loved the look on his face just before he was about to shoot. Then when I pulled my hand away, he’d get that pathetic, desperate ‘please let me cum’ look on his cute face. It was all fun and games until he turned the tables and stopped letting me cum. It basically became a blue balls competition. Every night we’d tease and edge each other, then toss and turn until the alarm went off in the morning. We had about a week left and we were both hellbent on torturing each other… it was my fault. I started it. But I could hold out.

I continued to lick and titillate his balls with my warm tongue as he winced and moaned; his face distorted in agony. He took it for a bit then pushed me on my back and gave me the same treatment, except he added the torture of his tongue in my musky hole. The little shit pushed my legs back to my chest and dove in, the soft tissue of his tongue pampering my manhole. Goddamn him! He wasn’t playing fair! I needed to stop him before it went too far, so I grudgingly pushed him off me. Argh! This started out with me tormenting him, now I was torturing myself. We kissed goodnight and I spooned him, he reached back and held my hardness in his hand until we both fell asleep.

The next morning Seth was up by 5AM packing the cooler and putting all the snacks into a tote bag, I wasn’t as enthusiastic as my husband and slept in until 6:00. We both showered then loaded the cooler and snacks into the GTI (along with Petunia) then went to the hotel to see our family off. It was a tearful goodbye for Mom as she hugged Seth, let Petunia lick every inch of her face, then held me tight for as long as I would let her…. She didn’t want to go. Reluctantly she got into the driver’s seat of the Range Rover, Riley and Eli were both hungover (so was I) so Mom took the first shift at the wheel. I stood behind Seth with my chin resting on his shoulder and my arms around his waist as we watched them drive off. I let out a heavy sigh and said, “Time to get to work.”

We stood there for a moment with Petunia sitting in the parking lot next to us, “I miss ‘em already” Seth said sounding like he’d been deserted.

“Riley will be back in a couple of weeks and then Eli will come” I said squeezing my arms around him and kissing his neck. We finally got into the GTI and headed home to The Witch’s House. It was before 8AM and we went right to work. Mom had prepped the floors and did her best to eliminate the dust and picked up some lambswool applicators for us. We put the first coat of poly on the floor then locked the place up and went to work on the exterior. It was midmorning when Old Blue crunched up the drive and Zoey jumped out the door greeted her best buddy Petunia and the two of them took off like they were chasing an imaginary critter.

“Put us to work bitches” Max said as he and Brody jumped out of the truck and started pulling ladders and tools from its bed.

After they set up the ladders Brody looked at the house and inspected what had been done. Then he put his ladder up by the very peak of the house that had already been scraped, went back to Old Blue pulled out a couple of small cans of paint. Meanwhile Max went up on the porch and looked in the window, “Damn, the floors look awesome” he exclaimed.

“You should see the kitchen” Seth roared back in excitement and the two of them took off to peek into another window.

By then Brody was at the top of the ladder and painting a section of the peak and the frame around the window with primer. “What are you doing?” I asked. We were nowhere near ready to paint.

“I’m doing a test” Brody yelled down. “I’m gonna show y’all how it’ll look painted up right” His southern drawl dragged out the “I” in “right” for a while. He was dead set on having three painted ladies on the street. He had already convinced us but was making sure he closed the sale on his idea. I got back on my ladder and went back to bubbling up the old paint with a heat gun and scraping it off. Max and Seth rejoined us and the four of us were soon hard at work.

A couple hours later Dylan’s truck crunched its way up the driveway. The two dawgs jumped out and joined Petunia and Zoey in the imaginary critter hunt. Gina and Dylan yelled their hellos up to us as we continued to work. Dylan unloaded another ladder and more tools while Gina let Maggie loose from the confines of her car seat then proceeded to lug several bags of food to the patio while Maggie toddled behind her mom. About five minutes later, Gina came back to the front of the house with Maggie in her arms and Yelled “Lunch break!” She put the baby down and grabbed a cooler out of the truck. We all climbed down from the ladders, Uncle Brody picked up his favorite niece, and we all went to the patio where Gina had sandwiches, salads, chips, and cookies set out for us. It was nice to take a break, meanwhile Gina and Dylan peeked in the windows. “Damn, the kitchen looks gorgeous! I can’t believe you guys got all this done in what? Like a week and a half?” Gina asked.

“We didn’t do shit” I said.

Seth nodded in agreement and said, “It was all Kelly, Riley, Eli, and Bubba. Kelly took control while we were at work and kept everyone moving. I can’t wait until the floors are dry so you can see the whole place.”

“So, what’s left to do and when do you move in?” she asked.

“Another coat or two on the floors, once their dry we can start moving stuff in” I answered.

“I’ll be happy when it’s all done, the outside is painted, and we’re moved in” Seth added. We talked and laughed as we wolfed down our lunch, man we had some great friends. We were all back to work soon enough. Harris and Terrance walked over and joined us a little later. Gina took one of the cushions from a patio chair and put it on the front porch to make a makeshift bed for Maggie to nap on, then she worked on scraping the front porch as Maggie slept. It was like the whole community was helping us make our home there.

At one point in the day Brody came down off the ladder and yelled to us all “So whaddya’ll think?” We looked up at the peak where he had painted and… wow. Just wow.

Little, reserved Harris yelled out “Holy shit! That looks amazing!” He was right, it did. “Terrance!” he yelled, “We’re doing that to our place!” Brody had a talent for putting colors together and bringing things to life. I would never have combined those colors but they just came together giving our home new life. We were all in awe.

“I told y’all it’d be cool” Brody said. We were all finally convinced. I mean seeing BroMax completely done was one thing, but seeing our old house transformed before our very eyes by paint was another. Seth and I were more motivated than ever to finish up after seeing what could be, we all went got back at it and worked until dusk. The eight of us finished scraping three out of the four sides. We all went out to the tavern for dinner before we went back to BroMax and passed out. I was so tired that night that I couldn’t even tease Seth. The next morning, he and I were up at dawn working again. We got the second coat on the floor and went back to scraping the house. Brody and Max came by about 8:00 and jumped back in, the others joined us throughout the morning. We worked until dusk again and by the end of the day, we had the place completely scraped and Dylan had sprayed a coat of primer… the place looked better already. Again, we were too tired to tease.

Monday morning it was back to work. I was buried in research and back-to-back meetings. Working with David’s firm was a huge opportunity for my firm and for me and there was no way in hell I was going to blow it. I worked until at least ten every night that week. I did however find a moment to sneak away to the local adult store to get some “supplies” for mine and Seth’s private housewarming party.

Meanwhile, Seth was busy with all he had on his plate with The Village, and of course the damn church kept dropping pamphlets around letting him know they were there. He just collected the pamphlets in a box, and we kept the surveillance cameras rolling. With the injunctions I had filed they were in violation just being that close to the building and they just kept feeding us evidence in case we ended up in court. Seth came home every night and worked on the house while I was at the office. On Monday night he put the final coat of Poly on the floors, on Tuesday and Wednesday he started to put the base coat of paint on the house… he made quick work of it with the sprayer Dylan lent us. By Thursday night the floors were dry and all that was left to paint was the trim which would take us a while with the multiple colors. Barely two weeks after we closed on The Witch’s House it had been transformed into Home and was ready for us to move in thanks to our family and new community. We were putting down roots. We let the floors cure a couple more days just to be safe, then on Saturday morning we started moving in. We took all the stuff out of the garage and put it away where it belonged, then with the help of our friends we hauled pick-up load after pick-up load from BroMax Farm to the revivified old house. Room by room it came to life and by the end of the day it was home. We. Were. Fucking. Home!

Seth sent a million pictures to my mom. Her only response was “those old appliances look god awful in that beautiful kitchen.” She wasn’t wrong, but Jesus mom, the place looked amazing just let us enjoy it.

That night was our first night in our new home… you know what that meant! Seth went into the bathroom first to… you know, clean out. While he was doing that, I moved all my party supplies into the nightstand, lit a couple of leather scented BroMax candles, and put on some club music. It was gonna be a night of dirty, nasty sex. When I heard the water running in our virgin shower I stripped and went into the bathroom to join him. Seth had his head thrown back and the warm water was flowing over his astonishingly exquisite face. Seth had this natural, subtle beauty about him, all the Westin brothers did. There was this genuine quality about them all that just made them even more physically alluring. I stood there and admired him through the glass door for a minute before I stepped in behind him. He let out a husky moan when I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his neck (he loved that). “Welcome home Mr. Hall” he said as he fell back into me letting his body go limp as he surrendered to me.

“Welcome home Mr. Westin Hall” I answered back into his neck as the water wetted my hair and face. I absentmindedly soaped his torso and abs while I kissed his neck. It was so peaceful and quiet. We were finally alone except for Petunia who was snoring on the living room couch, happy to be settling into her new kingdom. My hands moved down his body as I soaped every inch of his magnificence, The water was warm, the air was cold, and his skin was as hot as mid-summer asphalt. My lips warmed up as I pressed them against his neck again, I pushed my steeled mast against his wet, soapy rump. While my right hand moved up and down his front, my left lazed on his backside and took in the feel of his perfect ass. My fingers teased around his puckering hole making it open and contract at my touch. I was playing with fire, neither of us had cum in almost two weeks and we had teased and edged the hell out of each other and we were both ready to detonate. I inserted a soapy finger into his tight, wanting chasm and another husky moan escaped his throat as he pushed beck craving more. I added a second finger and he moved his ass in a circular motion welcoming them both into his manly aperture. I explored the hole that I knew so well and had missed so much, my fingers knew exactly where to go.

“Oh Fuck” He yelled into the echoey shower wall just as I hit his prostate. A broad smile came over my face as I pleasured the love of my life, I LOVED turning Seth on. If there was anyone in the world who deserved a little pleasuring it was Seth. He spent every waking moment helping everyone else, tonight was all about him. My fingers focused on his prostate making him thrash, wriggle, and push himself hard against my fingers. “Oh fuck! I’m gonna cum”

“Not yet, we’re just getting started” I said pulling my fingers from his clean, tight, hole.

“Shit, I can cum again” he huffed as he reached back and pulled my fingers back to his hole then pushed, forcing me back in and fucking himself on me until he shot his load against the new tile. He ejected spurt after spurt of hot, thick cum from his hefty balls as his body heaved and he wailed in relief. “Oh, my fucking god!” he panted.

“You better not be spent” I said into his ear as the water cascaded over us.

He flipped around so we were lip to lip and whisper, “not even close” through his smile of satisfaction.

“Good, we’re just getting started.” I said as I leaned in for a hot passionate kiss. We soaped each other up, rinsed, dried each other off and headed to christen our bedroom. We were finally home.


To be continued…

by Lil Guy

Email: [email protected]

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