The Village

by Lil Guy

17 Sep 2023 928 readers Score 9.7 (78 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Seth’s Perspective

It was Sunday night; Zach was already in Raleigh with a couple of the partners and David prepping for their day in court. Brody had caught a flight to Phoenix earlier in the day and was staying the entire week to work with his team on a new campaign; that left both me and Max work widows so we decided to hang out. Our Christmas lights had garnered a shitload of attention! Pictures and videos had been posted on local events calendars, attractions pages, and media websites. We were even featured on a TV station out of Raleigh the night before as part of a “must see Christmas lights” series. There was a lot of traffic down our typically quiet country road and Max and I decided to bring our lawn chairs to the end of the Driveway of BroMax Farm with the dogs, Wrap ourselves in a couple of Grammaw’s old quilts, drink hot chocolate with peppermint Schnapps, and wave to the visitors. It had been a while since just the two of us had hung out… no husbands, no villagers, no board members, just two old friends. Hell, we talked about everything just like we used to in college. After a full thermos of hot chocolate and Schnapps, we were both a little buzzed and Max looked at me and said, “We fucking did it, Seth.”

“Did what?” I asked in my buzzed state, having no clue what he was talking about.

“The fucking Village” He said with a buzzed smile as he slurred his words a bit. “We created the fucking village! When my Grandpa left me that charitable trust to manage, I didn’t know what the hell to do with it, but you helped me with my vision, then help me make it real.” He held his mug up to mine and we clinked in celebration of our success. “Craig, Taylor, Colton, Mason, Alejandro… he listed off the dozens of kids we had helped throughout the country since The Village was officially founded about a year before. I was impressed, I don’t think he missed a single name, he really cared about them all… we both did… hell, we ALL did. “All those guys have a fair shot at life now.” He was right. “And you helped Joel’s brother and Colton’s sister… you’re making a difference.”

“Me?! No. We!” I answered and we clinked mugs again. Maybe it was a little arrogant to praise ourselves, but we were both damn proud of what we were doing. We talked about all the guys and the great things they were doing and would do, while we were talking a voice came out of the darkness.

“Hey boys” Harris said as he approached our chairs, he had walked over from their place.

“I heard you guys laughing earlier so I decided to come by and see what was up.” Terrance was working at the ER so Harris was a work widow too. “Can you believe all this freaking traffic?!” He asked.

“I know, it’s insane. I wish Brody was here to see it” Max said before excusing himself and heading back to the house to get another thermos full of drinks, another mug, and another lawn chair. He was back in a few minutes and the three of us got comfortable again. We were out there a couple of hours getting buzzed and having a great time shooting the shit and waving at all the cars… so many looky-Loos (as Harris called them).  

We got Zach and Brody on facetime, they both instantly said “you guys are drunk” then laughed. They had both worked so hard on the lights and we wanted to show them the fruits of their labor. We wished they were there with us.

“Don’t worry, it’ll get crazier as we get closer to Christmas… there’ll be more hanging out watching the traffic” Max said trying to make the guys feel like they weren’t missing anything… but they were. Damn, people were driving slowly up and down the road, beeping their horns, yelling compliments and Merry Christmas’s out of their windows. There was a great sense of community and we were in the center of it all. Eventually Eli and Riley made their way up the road to BroMax Farm to join us. It was a fun night with the five of us just hanging out and talking to the people who drove by to see the light show in the middle of fucking nowhere. I slept like a baby that night and surprisingly woke up on Monday morning ready to attack the world… no hangover or anything.

I Got into The Green Dragon and realized I was probably taking one of my last rides in her as I headed to the office. I parked, checked the windshields for church pamphlets (still nothing), and walked down to Marilee’s which had become my routine. “Good morning, Seth” Marilee chirped, “Just you or your two partners in crime today?” I either bought myself a coffee, or for myself, BA, and Rodney… depending on who was in the office that day.

“Full house this morning, I’ll take all three” I replied and Marilee went to work on the three drinks, she knew all our orders by heart.

“Warning. Ella’s in the back and she’s been waiting for you to show up all morning, so be prepared to be attacked when she sees you” Marilee laughed as she worked on my order. “She’s so excited about that car.”

Ella soon emerged from the kitchen and when she saw me… sure as hell, the attack was on. “SETH! I got insurance from Marv, and Colton said he would take me to the DMV tomorrow to register Falkor if you can bring the title in the morning, and I can give you a ride home in her after work…. Oh, and here’s the money.” I don’t think she took a single breath as she excitedly blurted out her plan and handed me a hundred bucks worth of fives, tens, and ones… obviously her tips.

I opened my eyes wide, took a stop back and said, “whoooooaaaaahhh! Excited much?!” Marilee broke out laughing, Then Ella realized what she sounded like and turned bright red.

She was cute as hell as it was, but add the excitement and she was flipping adorable. I can’t describe how much I loved the fact that she was so excited over that ugly old car. Just like I was six years ago. It made me feel good about letting go (is it weird that I was so emotionally attached to that car?). “I’m sorry,” she laughed. “Can you tell I’m really excited?” She said rolling her eyes.

“I get it. I’m glad you’re excited… just like I was when I got her.” I said, then we finalized our plan, I paid for my coffee and headed back to the office. When I got there, BA was just walking in the backdoor, ready to start her day.

“Mornin’, Darlin” She said as I handed her a cup coffee. ‘It feels weird not having to pick up those damn pamphlets from everywhere.” Just then Rodney walked up, he lived just a few blocks away and typically walked to work.

 “But nice. Hopefully they’ll leave us the hell alone.” I responded with a laugh as the three of us walked in.

“So, you ever gonna tell us what happened with them?” She asked.

“Yeah, they bugged the hell out of us every day, then poof… they’re gone. What gives?” Rodney added. I hadn’t told BA and Rodney about my father coming out or our visit to the church. I don’t know why; I think it’s that I didn’t want to make a big deal of my dad coming out… I had always felt that someone else’s coming out story wasn’t mine to tell, why should father’s be any different. On the other hand, my policy had always been don’t lie about it… my dad was out so I decided it was okay to tell the story. The three of us ended up sitting in the therapy room drinking our coffee as I told them what happened. The two of them were sitting on the edge of their seats riveted to my story. When I was done, they both asked how me and my siblings were doing (all my friends seemed to respond that way).

Then BA said, “Darlin’, I love ya, and I’m glad you had a good holiday with your family.” Then her voice got a little louder, “But ya’ll are gonna hafta excuse the hell outta me if I don’t jump onboard the Big Daddy Westin forgiveness train.” Then she took a big slurping sip of her hot, black coffee, “that sonofabitch did some awful things to y’all and I aint givin’ him a get outta jail free card just onaccounta he came out. He sure as hell better not hurt you kids again.” Ba was never afraid to say what she was thinking. Rodney grinned and looked at me waiting for a response. I got outta my chair and walked over to her and gave her a huge hug. “What the hell is this for?” she asked.

“For being the momma bear you are and loving the hell out of all of us unconditionally” I said still embracing her with my head on her shoulder.

She kissed my head and said, “You boys are all my family, and NOBODY hurts my family. Not some gotdamn church, and not even their own blood.” BA was outspoken, passionate, unfiltered, tough as nails, and loved the fuck out of all of us. And we loved her for it. “I’m happy for you, Seth. Just promise me y’all will be careful. I see heartache written all over this shit.” I understood her skepticism, but I truly believed my father had changed and was willing to risk it. We talked a little longer before we all went to work.

I had a couple of online sessions before Colton came in at noon. He sat down on the couch in the therapy room. “So, how are things going?” I asked as I always did to get the ball rolling.

“You created a relentless monster” he said shaking his head “Colt, don’t forget you promised to take me to the DMV on Tuesday. Colt, don’t forget you have to sign the insurance contract for Marv. Colt, don’t forget to call Brody and Max and make sure it’s okay to park Falkor behind the building.” He rambled in an annoyed, whiney, mock-Ella impression that made me smile. “She’s obsessed!”

“She’s just excited” I said with a laugh. “She’s working hard for this, give her a break.”

He sighed, “I know. You know I LOVE my little sister and am SO PROUD of her, but Jesus H. Christ, Seth. She’s driving me freaking nuts!” He spent the next fifteen minutes venting about her and the challenges of living with his little sibling. It was a rant of love and frustration… I knew it well. My husband ranted the same way about living with his little sister. I just listened.

When he was done, I responded, “You’re a great brother, and an amazing guardian. Just hang in there and keep doing what you’re doing. I’m proud of you buddy.” He smiled, then thanked me and got up to head back to work.

I had a couple of grant applications to work on for The Village, so that night I decided to work late since Zach was on the road anyway. I went over to McDonald’s and grabbed something to eat (which I rarely did), then I got comfortable in the therapy room with my laptop and went to work as I mindlessly wolfed down the fast food (Damn, a Big Mac tastes amazing when you haven’t had one in a couple of years).While I was working on the grants,  Zach Skyped me “Hey, I miss you” I said as his beautiful face came into view on the screen of my laptop.

“I miss you too” He replied. I asked how it was going and he went off on an excited rant ending with, “I am so fucking nervous, but so ready for this! David thinks our arguments are solid and we’re gonna win this. I feel it too” he said bursting. “This case will impact state law and level the playing field for a lot of people if we win.” We talked for about ten minutes when he said, “I wish you were here with me” adding, “Are you alone?”

“Yeah” I replied. “I locked the front door and am hanging in the therapy room.”

“Pull it out” he said abruptly.

“Pull what out?” I asked. I was pretty sure I knew what he meant but… well, geez!

“It!” he exclaimed with a laugh. “Show me your cock big boy” Oh my god! That was so un-Zach-like that it made me laugh too. But I admit it. I did it! Right there in the therapy room of The Village. I sat my laptop on the couch, stood up and dropped my pants to my ankles, then faced the computer.

“Fuck” my hot husband growled, “Now stroked it for me.” I was embarrassed but did it anyway looking around nervously as I stroked myself. The front door was locked, but I felt like I was doing something wrong, something dirty, and was afraid of getting caught. “Yeah, that’s so hot. You’re making me hard” Zach growled into the screen.

“Show me” I said in a sultry whisper before drooling saliva down onto my hard cock to lube it up. Zach’s view was from below my low hanging man berries up to my eyes gazing down. He repositioned his laptop, his pants were already gone, and he was hard as a fucking steel girder. “Now stroke it.” The view I had was amazing! He was laying on the big hotel bed with his laptop between his legs giving me a front row seat to his fuzz-covered balls. The blonde fur was light and glistened into the camera, they were so enticing that I just wanted to jump into the screen and lick them. There I was standing in the therapy room where I spent my days helping villagers, stroking my cock, and watching my long-distance husband do the same. It felt dirty, adventurous, and hot all at the same time. An involuntary moan escaped my lips… there was something so sexy about masturbating at work that got me horny as hell. I was getting lost in the sensation of my own hand gripping my member and working its way from stem to stern when I heard Zach’s voice through the computer, “Yeah, stroke it, Seth. If I was there, I’d drop to my knees and take you down my throat.”

“Oh yeah?” I panted as I got lost in the fantasy. “I can feel your hot mouth on me now.”

“Can you feel my tongue swirling up and down that thick shaft, licking every vein? God your skin is so smooth and feels so damn good on my tongue” He said feeding my imagination.

“Fuck, your mouth is warm!” I grunted as my hand moved faster up and down my own shaft as a surrogate for his warm, moist orifice.

Zach spoke softly as he stroked his own cock, I could see it on the screen, his hand moving like lightening over his glistening serpent with the help of the little bottle of hotel lotion, “I want to fuck you! Bend over” he commanded, his hand still stroking and his eyes wide open. I complied, turning my back to him, and bending forward. My ass and tight pink pucker were in full view for his pleasure. “Oh, my fucking god, finger yourself” he panted. I reached back and ran my middle finger up and down my dry crack. I pulled my finger away and put it in my mouth licking it, lubing it with my own spit, then bringing it back to my crevice. I ran the slick digit up and down making my crack shine in anticipation. I teased my hole before inserting just the tip of my middle finger, then moaned at my own invasion. “Fuck, yes, Seth! Can you feel my dick in you?”

“Fuck, Yes!” I said in an ecstatic groan, “Fuck me, Zach!” I was into the fantasy, I could feel him fucking me, I could feel his sweaty chest against my back and his hot breath on my neck. “FUCK ME” I yelled as the sounds of my pleasure echoed through the empty offices. My other hand was pumping my meat and bring myself close to orgasm.

“Fuck, I’m gonna shoot. Fuck!” Zach yelled. I pulled my finger from my hole and flipped around just in time to see the first wad shoot from his engorged cockhead and land on his abs as his body convulsed in pleasure. That did it, I shot my own load, it didn’t fly like Zach’s, it oozed onto my pistoning fist turning my hand white with my pearly juice.

Just as I hit the pinnacle of my ecstasy I heard noises, keys jingling, locks clicking, and a voice yelling “Is somebody here?!”

“Fuck” I yell whispered to Zach over Skype. “Rodney’s here!” I slammed the laptop shut, licked the cum off my hand and fumbled to pull up my pants. I quickly sat on the couch and put my computer on my lap trying to cover the baseball bat in my pants. I barely made myself decent before Rodney and Vincent entered the room. “Oh hey” I said casually, my face flushed, my breath short, my underwear soaked with the remnants of my recent orgasm, and my mind guilty as fuck. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

“We went out for dinner and were walking back to my place and saw the lights on” Rodney said. The three of us greeted each other, while I hoped like hell they had no clue what just happened. “What are you doing here?”

“Zach’s in Raleigh on business, so I decided to stay late and crank out those grant applications for The Village” I said still trying to recover.

“Oh. You need some help?” Rodney asked moving closer.

“No” I almost yelled trying to stop him. There is no way he wouldn’t smell my cum if he got too close. “I was just finishing up.” Then I changed the subject “So, how was dinner?” The two guys took the bait and retreated to the two leather chairs on the other side of the coffee table a safe distance away and started to tell me about their date.

After I heard all about the surf and turf for two, Vincent said “So, I hear from Ella that you’re giving her your car.”

“Selling it to her” I corrected.

“Yeah, for a hundred freaking bucks, who do you think you’re fooling? You’re giving it to her” he laughed.

I pulled the wad of crumpled bills that Ella had given me for the car out of my pocket and dropped it on the coffee table. “There’s the hundred bucks… that’s hard-earned money and is like thousands to her” I said.

“Fair enough. She earned it” Vincent said with a smile.

“Wait, wait… you’re selling The Green Dragon?!” Rodney asked. I hadn’t told anyone but the members of my household.

“Yup. It seemed like the right time to part with her. You should see how excited Ella is.”

“Yeah” Vincent added, “she’s over the freaking moon excited” then he went on about how well she’s been doing, how impressed he was with Colton, and how nuts their parents have been to deal with. It was nice to know that we weren’t the only ones looking out for them, Vincent cared. He was a good man, just like Rodney. As I sat there and looked at the two of them, I couldn’t help but notice the physical contrasts. Rodney was fair-skinned and twinkish, and Vincent was big, manly, dark skinned and beautiful. He looked like he belonged on the cover of the manliest sports magazine. They looked very exotic together… I’m sorry, but yes… I was picturing them in bed together and DAMN, what a picture it was. After about twenty minutes, they left and I finished up and packed my bag.

As soon as I got in the car, I called Zach (who had texted me about a hundred times while I was talking to the guys). “You okay? Everything good?” He asked when he picked up.

I laughed almost maniacally as the hilarity of the situation finally settled in, “Oh my god, I sat there and talked to them with my underwear soaked in cum and a raging hardon!” I said.

Zach laughed in comical disbelief, “Do you think they know?”

“NO!” That’s what’s so funny, I don’t think they had a clue that I just licked the cum off my hand and pulled up my pants” I said still laughing. We were both cracking up. “Oh my god, I can’t believe that just happened.” I said. We talked the whole way home and kissed goodnight over the phone. I went in the house to find Riley, Eli, and Petunia snuggled on the couch watching TV. Petunia jumped up to greet me and then followed me up to bed after I said goodnight. I jumped out of my cummy clothes and into a hot shower, then went to bed. It was lonely without Zach, but I slept back to back with my little girl Petunia.

The next morning after breakfast the three of us walked out to our vehicles to head off to work. “So, this is your last adventure in The Green Dragon, huh?” Eli said.

I nodded sadly as I ran my hand across the hood of the old car, “She was good to me.” I still couldn’t believe what a hard time I was having letting go of the thirty year old behemoth. It was just a car, right? But she was part of my history. I got in and headed to work, savoring the last ride, and remembering my first. Dylan drove her from BroMax Farm to Milwaukee for me all those years ago, and when I first saw her, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was a 25 year old, 4-door, green monster with plastic covers on the seats and she was all mine. I had never seen a more beautiful car in my life. Zach and I got in and took her for a spin. “Holy shit!” Laughed Zach, “this thing is like brand freaking new.” I turned the key and the engine purred like a kitten. I pulled the car away from the curb and onto the tree-lined street. She handled like a dream. I could not have asked for a better vehicle for my budget; I was in love. We drove through the east side of Milwaukee and down Prospect Avenue by the lakefront. “Can I drive?” Zach asked. I pulled into the empty parking lot by Bradford Beach and we switched places. “Man, this is perfect, Seth. I’m sorry I laughed at it” he said as he drove us back towards the duplex and pulled it onto the slab between his GTI and Cam’s Fiat. It was a behemoth compared to the other vehicles parked there, but I loved it. The Green Dragon had been a part of my life ever since, and ow she would be rehomed and renamed Falkor, the luck dragon for a sixteen year old girl who thinks she’s just as beautiful as I did.

On the way in I called Zach and wished him luck in court, and he told me to enjoy my last ride. I did. I parked The Green Dragon behind Harrington House (her new home), then went over to Marilee’s to grab coffee and give the title to Ella. I walked in the backdoor and made my way to the counter, Ella pounced on me when she saw me enter the place. “Did you bring it?”

“Yup” I said handing her the title and several sets of keys (it seems that at one time or another everyone I know had a set). “You still owe me a ride home tonight.”

“Yup, Colton is going to take me to the DMV after school, then I’ll come get you.” She said. Then screeched “I AM SO EXCITED!”

Merilee got my coffee for me, then I headed to work. It was a typical day at The Village, a few sessions, lots of emails and phone calls, and I finished the grant applications I was working on and submitted them both (early I might add). Before I knew it Ella came running into my office, “Ready to go, Seth?”

“Yup. Did you get her registered?” I asked.

“Yup” she chirped with a smile as I packed my bag and shut the office down for the night. I locked the door to The Village and we headed to the parking lot to get in The Green… Falkor. It was the same car with new plates and a new owner, Ella got in the driver’s seat and we hit the road to our place; she had a gigantic smile on her face for the entire ride. She dropped me off at the door and I watched my old friend drive down the long driveway on her new mission.

The next morning, I drove our big, silver pick-up into to town and parked her in the lot next to Falkor. Falkor was washed, waxed, Armor-Alled, and looking her very best… I looked inside and saw she still had her plastic seat covers. She had a sticker on her back windshield with an image of Falkor the luck dragon with text that read ‘Falkor is my spirit animal.’ Yup… The Green Dragon was off on her new mission.


To be continued…



by Lil Guy

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024