The Village

by Lil Guy

21 Apr 2024 594 readers Score 9.8 (82 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Seth’s Perspective

I hung up the phone and walked back to the Atlas where Zach was tending to the battered young man. “Hey, Trevor, I found a safe place for you to stay tonight with my coworker Rodney. Okay?” I asked the young man. He just nodded cautiously. We were having a fun night out at the club when a fight broke out on the dancefloor. This poor, young kid was getting pulverized by some older, much bigger guy. Scotty and Zach swooped in to break it up while Brad and I escorted the kid out to the SUV to try and help him. It took a little convincing to get the kid to trust us and talk, but after I showed him my business card and ID, and told him what I did for a living, he decided to trust us enough to tell us what happened. He was from South Carolina and had turned eighteen a couple of months earlier. He was told by his parents that he was an adult and it would be best for all if he moved out. His parents knew he was gay and didn’t approve of the example he was setting for his siblings. He stayed at a friend’s house for a while until he wore out his welcome, then met a guy (Pete) online who lived near Wilmington and invited him to visit, he even sent him a bus ticket. Well, after a few days of visiting he decided to stay in hopes of starting over, he even quit his job at Old Navy back home. He admitted that he was just sleeping with the guy so he’d let him stay. They had gone out to the club on Saturday night (Trevor got in with a fake ID), Trevor started dancing with another guy, Pete got jealous, and things got physical. The bottom line is we got Trevor away from him and were trying to help. We got him in the Atlas and drove towards Rodney’s house.

“Listen, you’ll be safe with Rodney for tonight” I said. “I’ll come by in the morning and you, me, and Rodney will find a more permanent place for you and figure out a plan. You’re not alone here. Okay?”

Trevor nodded. “Are all of you gonna fuck me?” He asked with a shiver in his voice catching us all off guard. I could hear Chris snicker from the third row of the Atlas, he and Benny weren’t used to these kinds of sensitive situations.

“No” I replied calmly. “No one is going to fuck you. We’re going to get you to a safe place tonight. Then tomorrow we’ll help you figure out a plan” I said.

“You’re safe now” Zach said from the drivers seat. I’m not sure Trevor completely believed it but he let out a sigh of relief.

Sadly, his story had become somewhat familiar to me since I had been working with The Village. So many of the guys we dealt with started out like this… frankly, it’s why we existed in the first place. We got Trevor to Rodney’s where I knew he’d be safe for the night, then we headed home. My dad and Best were babysitting the kids and we had been texting back and forth, all four kids had fallen asleep, so we decided to let Brad’s kids stay the night. We dropped my Brother and the rest of them off at Harris and Terrance’s place across the street.

“Hey” Brad said as he was sliding out of the backseat. “It was good to see you in action with Trevor tonight. I’m proud of you, Seth.” Then he looked over at Zach and added, “both of you. See you guys in the morning, give the kids a kiss goodnight for us.” We made plans to go to brunch in the morning before everyone left town, then Brad got out of the Atlas and they all went into the house.

Zach and I drove across the street to our place. It was after 2AM when we finally got home and walked in on my dad and Best asleep on the couch. Zach and I just stopped and looked at them for a moment, wow, to see my father sitting on the couch asleep with his head on the shoulder of another man was so weird. I mean yeah, I knew they were together… but it was just so different seeing them like that. These two men who brought fear into all our lives years ago were now this sweet, loving pair of grandfathers who found peace in each other. I felt the need to snap a pic before we woke them up. “Hey guys, sorry we’re so late” I said as I put my hand on my father’s shoulder and shook him awake.

“How were the kids?” Zach asked.

Best chuckled through his yawn as he stretched, “a lot of fun. Izzy played princess all night while the rest of us played board games.” Yeah, that sounded right.

“I hope they didn’t give you too much trouble” I said.

“Not at all” my dad said, “I loved every second of it” it was clear he meant that, he had missed a lot of years and was enjoying being part of the family he thought he had lost more than a decade ago. “So, I got Brad’s text that you ran into some trouble at the club. What happened?” He asked. So, Zach and I told them the story about Trevor, the two men listened intently. I’m not sure what they were thinking, but they seemed to truly empathize with Trevor’s situation.

“It’s late” Zach said. “Why don’t you guys just stay here tonight. You can take our bed; we’ll sleep on the couch.” The two men looked at each other, shrugged, then agreed to stay. Zach and I went up to our room and got ready for bed, then checked in on the four sleeping angels on our way back to the living room to crash for the night.

By 8AM Sunday morning the house was buzzing with activity. Dad and Best were in the living room playing with the Izzy while Zach and the boys were out in the yard playing fetch with Petunia. I was in the kitchen with Brooklyn making breakfast before I went into the office to meet with Rodney and Trevor. We were all supposed to meet at 11 for brunch, but there was no way in hell our kids would last that long without eating.

“Do you have any dill?” Brooklyn asked as she whisked the scrambled eggs in the bowl. I handed her the little bottle with ground up dill from our garden. Then she asked for salt, pepper, etc. I couldn’t help but smile; she was really cooking. Yeah, I was used to Izzy “helping” me cook by sitting at the counter and playing with food so she could claim ‘I maked dat.’ But Brooklyn knew what she was doing. When I lived with Scotty and Brad, we all helped in the kitchen, I’m sure it was the same with their own kids. It was nice spending some one-on-one with her. I had spent a lot of time with Matty and baby Scotty before I went away to college, but I had already left Arizona by the time Maddox and Brooklyn were adopted, then before I knew it, I had kids of my own. Brooklyn and I talked as we cooked; she was such a great kid… smart, vibrant, funny. Izzy had been nipping at her heels all weekend… she loved hanging out with a ‘big guro’ and Brook had been a great sport about it but I’m sure she appreciated the break from being admired by the toddler. Breakfast was almost ready and I was about to leave when Brook asked, “are you going to help another boy like Alejandro?” She had obviously overheard the adults talking earlier. Alejandro was a villager that Scotty and Brad took in last year. Those of us with kids didn’t usually sponsor villagers in our homes because we didn’t know too much about them when they first came to us and didn’t want to put our kids in harm’s way… but Scotty and Brad had made an exception for Alejandro.

“Yup” I answered. “He needs our help.”

“So, we help him” she said with a smile. Scotty and Brad had obviously raised her with values and a sense of empathy. “Can I come with?” She asked in a sweet, innocent voice.

“Not today, Brooks” I said. “Maybe another time.” It was sweet how she wanted to help, I hoped my kids would have that kind of empathy and spirit of generosity when they got older. “Take him some cinnamon rolls, they make everyone happy” she said as went over to the pan of rolls we just pulled out of the oven then asked for a container to put them in. That tiny gesture hit my heart; the generation of kids we were raising gave a shit about others… the future felt so damn hopeful at that moment.

Zach came into the kitchen to take over the feeding of our animals, I kissed him goodbye and said, “I’ll meet y’all at brunch after Rodney and I get Trevor set up.” Then I jumped into the GTI and headed to The Village. I got to the office first, made coffee, set the cinnamon rolls down on the kitchen counter, then went to my office and started to do some research on Trevor. We had gotten his basic information and consent the night before. I didn’t know for sure what he needed but if he was going to stay at Harrington House, we had to make sure he wasn’t a threat to the others. We had made several contacts with the PD since we opened and I sent out a couple of emails to see what I could learn (as I always did), meanwhile I checked social media, etc. He seemed like a normal kid with homophobic parents (this wasn’t a new story for The Village). As I was piling through Trevor’s world trying to get to know him, he and Rodney walked in, we all greeted each other then went into the kitchen to get coffee. I offered the cinnamon rolls Brooklyn had sent to the guys; Rodney grabbed one but Trevor was still a little shaky and not hungry. We retreated to the therapy room where the three of us talked. I went first and gave my spiel on The Village, who we were, what we did, how we helped our clients, and made sure he understood he was safe with us and we wanted nothing in return (a lot of these kids assumed the worse). After that, Rodney went to his office to continue the paperwork and background check I had started, and I stayed with Trevor and just tried to get to know him.

“So, Trevor. It sounds like you’ve had a hell of a first couple of months on your own” I said. He scoffed out a chuckle in response. “Seriously, talk to me about how you want things to be.”

He was quiet at first, then looked up and said, “I just wanna be normal… I want a place of my own, a job, I don’t want to live off anyone and I don’t wanna be afraid.”

“Afraid of what?” I asked. In return I got a long response that included everything from being alone, to Pete hurting him, to starving to death on the street. It sounds like the one thing he wasn’t afraid of was his sexuality… he was out and comfortable with himself. “Do you want to stay here in Wilmington, go home, or something else?”

“I don’t really have a home… there’s nothing back in my hometown for me. My family doesn’t want me and I quit my job” he said in a quiet hopeless voice.

“What about Pete? Do you want to go back with him?” I asked trying to get a better read on the situation.

He shook his head, “No. he was just a way out” he said. “I guess we were both just using each other… but I know I don’t want to go back.”

“You could start fresh here. It’s a great place and I promise you’d have a lot of support” I offered with a smile. “Once you’re on your feet you can decide what you want for the long-term.” We talked for a while about what that might look like. I told him we’d find him an interim job so he could have an income, a temporary home so he’d be safe, etc. he listened and asked questions.

I could tell by his body language that he was starting to trust me and was considering my offer. “All my clothes and my laptop and other stuff at Pete’s place” he said with a sigh.

“Do you think he’d let you come get them?” I asked.

He was unsure about that, “after last night I’m kind of afraid of him. It wasn’t the first time he got physical with me” he confessed.

“Well, we can go with you or even for you if you want, or we can get a police officer to escort you” I offered. We had made many friends in the police department who would be more than happy to provide an escort. He decided to wait a while before he called Pete and then decide. Rodney rejoined us and we talked a little more. Rodney nodded to me, giving me the signal that his background check came back clean, and we all agreed that it was best if he stayed in the vacant studio on the second floor for now. Rodney and I took him up to meet the other guys and show him the apartment. I knocked on Asher’s door, he answered and I introduced the two young men. Asher’s apartment was uncharacteristically messy, he was typically a very neat person. “What’s going on in here?” I asked Asher.

“I leave on my first business trip Tuesday and I don’t know what to pack” he said desperately. I chuckled a little at his dilemma, then helped him choose what to bring on his trip. We had it figured out before we left his place, but there was little doubt in my mind that he would change his mind another couple hundred times before his trip.

Next, we took him up to the fourth floor to meet Ricky and Timmy, of course they welcomed him. Ricky told him they needed extra help at BroMax and he could start in the morning. Last stop on our little tour of The Village was the storage room of the basement where we found him some clothes he could use for now, bed linens, etc. Then we went back to his apartment to get him settled in.

“Um, I appreciate all this you guys” he said quietly. “But, like what’s the catch here?”

“No catch” I said with a snicker. We got that a lot. These guys have been kicked to the curb, abused, and generally forgotten, then suddenly we surround them with support, help, and acceptance and they’re suspicious. I told him about Craig, Max’s grandfather, my own past, etc. “We just believe everyone deserves a decent shot in life. when you’re rich and successful, you’ll play it forward to the next guy… right?” He laughed at that; it was a cute laugh, a real laugh.

Rodney explained how the apartment, the job, etc. were all just temporary fixes to get him safely off the streets, and how the three of us would work together to figure out a more permanent plan and help him set and reach his goals. He got it, I could see him relax as he helped Rodney make the bed. “Hey, do you have a cell phone?” I asked. He nodded, then we exchanged numbers.

“Do you have money for food?” Rodney asked.

“Yeah, I have some money put away, not much but enough to feed myself until I get a paycheck” Trevor answered. Frankly, that put him ahead of a lot of the other guys we helped. It took us a good hour to get him set up and comfortable. When he felt safe, Rodney and I got ready to leave. Just as we were going, he got a text from Pete. He let out a big sigh, “It’s from Pete” he said, then read it aloud, “Your shit is on the grass whore” then he took a deep breath. “Well, I needed to leave there anyway, I just didn’t know how” he said with resolve.

“We’ll go get your stuff for you” Rodney said. Trevor argued at first but finally gave in and gave us the address. Rodney assured me he and Victor could handle it, so I went to meet my family for brunch.

“You call if you need anything, okay?” I said as I exited.

“The guys here can help too” Rodney said as he followed me out of the tiny apartment, Trevor thanked us with a hug as we left.

When we got to the lobby I said, “Are you sure you guys got this? I can get a few others to help.”

Rodney smiled, “Victor’s not just hot, he’s a freaking giant. We’ll be fine” he answered with a smile. He promised to text me when he was done, then we parted ways.

When I got to the breakfast place everyone had already ordered, “I get you eggs n’ bacon, n food” Izzy said when she saw me enter.

“You ordered me food?” I asked and got a nod in response, “Good. I like food!” She smiled and I leaned in for a kiss before I took the open chair next to her. Grandma Kelly was on the other side of her making sure she ate. Grandpa Nathan was in deep conversation with Best and Grandpa West. Riley and Brook were having girl talk and giggling at something, and the rest of the group was enjoying their last moments together before the long weekend ended.

Everyone was concerned about Trevor so once I got settled I told the story, it launched us into other stories about other villagers and Benny, Chris, Dad, and Best listened with intent. This was our normal, but it was all new to them and they took it all in, especially Benny. After breakfast we said goodbye to Dad and Best, they left right for the airport. Best and Benny took a private moment in the parking lot, it seemed that their first attempt to rebuild their relationship had been successful.

The rest of us headed back out to the country where everyone packed up and got ready to head out. Brad, Scotty, Chris, Benny, and the kids came to our place after they cleaned up and vacated T & H’s place across the street. As we were saying our goodbyes, Benny handed me a check made out to The Village for two hundred dollars, “It’s not much, but I hope it can help” he said.

“It’s a huge help, Benny. Thank you” I responded sincerely.

“If you ever have someone who needs a place to stay in Colorado, don’t hesitate to call us. I’m really impressed by the world you built” he said as we shook hands.

We all waved goodbye as the two rental vehicles drove down the long driveway and took our final guests to the airport. It was so nice having everyone there and I was sad to see them leave. The kids were sad too, Freddy had a great time with Maddox, and Izzy wanted to go home with her big cousin Brooklyn so badly. The rest of the day was a quiet one at home trying to rebuild normalcy before Monday morning hit.

That night Zach and I lay in bed talking about our crazy holiday weekend, from the father-son reunion to the rescuing of Trevor and all the family magic in between. I had gotten a text from Rodney earlier letting me know that he and Victor had gotten all of Trevor’s stuff without too much resistance.

After several minutes of quiet conversation, Zach kissed me. It was a sweet tender kiss. His lips felt soft against mine and their touch just emptied my head of all the stress from the weekend. Over our years together, Zach had become my escape to reality… he was my reality. The rest of what happened around us was just details and distractions, the two of us (now four of us) were what was real. That thought kept me grounded.

I rolled on top of Zach’s firm, naked body and threw the covers off. We kissed passionately and tenderly as I ground my pelvis into his. His blonde pubic bush tickled me and his taut torso felt firm and strong beneath mine as our bodies pushed into each other. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, it was like a security blanket holding me tight… It felt right. He felt right. Any stress I had, seemed to move to my groin as the blood flowed through me and my manhood became engorged. I felt Zach’s cock growing and throbbing against mine, it was clear that Zach was in the same place as I was.

No words passed between us as our bodies instinctively worked in harmony grinding into each other in search of mutual pleasure. His arms around me, the feel of skin on skin, the sensual touch of our lips, our tongues intertwined, it was all so intimate and perfect. A quiet moment with the only man for me, the cherry on the top of our holiday. I just reveled in our private time for a bit, enjoying the simplicity of our sensual kiss and the anticipation of what was to come. Still atop him, I straddled his pelvis and sat so that his hardness was nestled in my ass crack. The heat illuminating from his hard cock felt so frigging good. I slid my crack up and down him, it felt so good, but too dry. I reached in the nightstand and grabbed the bottle of lube, reaching back I dribbled some onto his cock then slid some more. I reached back again and fingered my own tight, hairless, pink hole moaning as I did. I looked down on Zach who was watching my face and smiling at the look of ecstasy that flooded it. I got lost in my own lust and didn’t even realize I was fingering myself to an assgasm, Zach just looked on snickering at me so lost in my own pleasure. I looked down on him and shot him a devilish grin as I grabbed his hard cock, held it tight, and positioned my hole above it.

I slowly lowered myself onto Zach’s magnificence, his girth stretched my tight, lubed hole perfectly. Just enough to give me total pleasure but not too much to inflict pain. I steadily lowered myself taking him inch by inch until I was sitting on his pelvis. I sat there perched on my lover and wiggled my ass beck and forth, then side to side, and finally in a circular motion. My moans got louder and more consistent as I savored every inch of him. Zach pushed up then tried to pull out repeatedly, making love to me. Our eyes locked as we made love, it was so slow and intimate. I put my hands on his chest to brace myself, I wanted so badly to keep my eyes locked to his, but they rolled into the back of my head. The lovemaking was amazing, but I needed to be fucked. I rode my husband hard and fast as I jacked myself off. All he could do was lie beneath me and enjoy the ride. After several minutes I was on the edge, Faster and harder I rode and stroked until I went past the point of no return. My load shot out of me and lofted into the air eventually landing on his chest. My sphincter grabbed him tightly as I continued to bounce and writhe until he shot his load deep in my bowels, breeding me. I collapsed onto his cum-covered chest.

We kissed tenderly as we lay there for a while before getting up and sharing a cleansing shower. Then we went to bed and I ended my holiday weekend falling asleep in the arms of my big spoon.

 To be continued…


by Lil Guy

Email: [email protected]

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