The Village

by Lil Guy

16 Apr 2024 757 readers Score 9.6 (76 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Benny’s Perspective

It had taken over a decade for me to get up the courage to face him, but I finally did it. My father had abducted me during my freshman year of college with plans of putting me through conversion therapy at his church. Thank god he and his church buddies failed, but I was messed up for a long time after that. I left school in Arizona before the end of my first semester and moved to Colorado with my mother (one of the most supportive people in the world). After a semester off and some… okay a LOT of therapy I went back to school, this time in Colorado where I met my husband Chris at the library my senior year. To be honest, our relationship was very slow going at first. I had just started to come out when my father abducted me, after the incident I pretty much went back into the closet. Chris approached me while I was studying and asked if the chair next to mine was open… I was like the only person in the whole place that night so it was obviously a lame excuse to talk to me… fine by me, he was cute. I had always considered myself masculine and Chris was more… well, flamboyant. At thirty years old he still looked like a twink, and when he walked into a room you knew he was there (I’d turn beat red whenever he yelled “Hey Gurls I’m heeeeere!”). Chris can start a conversation with anyone and is a serial flirt. His flirting is harmless, although I admit his flirting landed us our share of guys to take home to play with.

Anyway, over a decade had passed since I last saw my father and a lot of shit had happened, but there we were. My father had come out of the closet and was now partnered with Mr. Westin one of the other men who abducted me (well, I think they were partnered… they never officially said it, but it seemed kind of obvious). My husband and I were invited to celebrate Thanksgiving in North Carolina with them at the home of one of Mr. Westin’s gay sons, Seth. Mr. Westin had six kids, two of them were gay. I know. Right?! You can’t make this shit up! My mother and the Westin brothers ultimately talked me into accepting the invitation.

It had been a weekend of emotional outpouring, and draining as hell. Mr. Westin’s (AKA West) oldest son Brad had also been abducted with me, we were both knocked out at the time… when we finally met for the first time at Thanksgiving all those years later, we just hugged. I mean for like minutes. Two betrayed souls empathizing with each other, both wishing it had never happened. We were brothers in pain and betrayal. My father and West actually apologized to me (to us), I believed they had both changed and were truly remorseful. Like I said, it was all so emotionally draining, seeing father again, meeting his boyfriend, meeting my fellow abductee… so many emotions. But as always, my husband Chris was at my side and he knew how to lighten the mood. He talked West’s kids into a night out hitting the local gay bars and clubs. God knows I needed the escape.

It was Saturday and we had spent the day in Wilmington’s Waterfront distract at the Grand Opening of a candle factory that belonged to a friend and neighbor of Seth’s. He had just expanded his business and moved it into an old church affiliate of my father’s old “cult.” To be there with my father and Mr. Westin, the two men who abducted me in the name of that “church”… and Brad, my fellow victim to witness the transformation brought me some satisfaction. It was closure. Hell, the whole trip was about closure.

I was enjoying a little down time, just relaxing after the event. “It’s going good, mom” I said responding to my mother on the phone as I sat on the deck of the pristinely rehabbed farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, North Carolina. “I had an instant bond with Brad, that helped kill some of the awkwardness.”

“So, how did it go down with your dad?” She asked.

“Well, he and Mr. Westin came over on Thanksgiving morning to talk to me and Brad privately before we all got together” I said. Then the gravity of what I was about to say hit me and I choked on my words a little, “they apologized” I repeated it as if I was trying to make it sink in, “They apologized… and… and it felt so vindicating, mom.”

My mom let out a sigh of relief, she had encouraged me to reunite with my father. “I am so happy for you, baby” she said with true empathy. “After all this time that must have felt so good.” My mom knew how hard this had all been on me. I grew up in Texas, my parents divorced shortly after I came out to them the summer after high school graduation. I found out years later that the way my father reacted to my coming out had been the final straw for my mom. My father’s church hate homosexuality, and when I came out, he just lost it. I’m sure there were a million conversations and arguments between him and Mom that I knew nothing about but the end result was her leaving him and moving to Colorado to be near my grandparents right after I left for college. But no matter what had transpired over the years, my mother never spoke a single bad word against my father. She truly believed he was a good man who was struggling inside and just sought out help and comfort from the wrong people… she saw him as a victim. Ultimately the church reformed his thinking (yeah, I’d call it brainwashing). But mom always believed the good man she married was in there somewhere. Eventually she remarried a nice man name Daniel, they lived about a mile from Chris and I; we were all close. Anyway, when my father reached out to me and invited me for Thanksgiving, I outright dismissed it. It was Mom who made me rethink it, she had always wanted me to know the man that she married… not the monster who abducted me. We talked for a while longer; mom seemed genuinely happy that my trip was going well. She sent her love to Chris and I sent mine to Daniel before we hung up the phone.

Later that night, we all walked across the street to Seth’s house. Seth and Brad both had kids and my father and West had volunteered to watch them while we went out. It was clear that Brad and his husband were a little uneasy with the idea, but Seth and his husband seemed fine with it. Okay… I’m going to take a pause here to tell you that Brad, Seth, and the other two Westin boys were all hot as hell (Brian was straight and a couple of years behind me in school; I had a total crush on him back in the day). Not to mention that they had surrounded themselves with hot guys. Brad’s husband Scotty was a few of years older than me; he had this stocky, muscular, wrestlers bod and was gorgeous. Seth’s husband… fuck me! Seth’s husband was like this chiseled, all American, blond, perfect jock. Their best friends were this Muscle ginger (the guy who owned the candle company I told you about) and his little southern, rednecky husband… both cute as hell. Chris had been flirting his hot little ass off all weekend and there was no doubt in my mind that the flirting would continue after he started drinking and dancing (and yeah, I wouldn’t complain if he wanted to take any one, or all of them home with us). They all were just genuinely good guys which added to the hotness. Seth ran a nonprofit that worked with young gay guys to help give them a better start in life (his friends, and family all seemed to be involved somehow). We had met most of the guys from The Village (the organization Seth ran) at the grand opening event, they were all cute too --- a bunch of 18-20 year old’s who ranged from adorable to hot as hell. Seriously, Seth lived in the middle of fucking nowhere, in a red state, but had somehow surrounded himself with gay hotness. If that sounds like I was a little jealous, it’s because I was. The Westin brothers had managed to create an amazing world for themselves, you couldn’t help but want to be part of it.

We got the four kids settled in with my father and Mr. Westin (Best and West everyone called them), I had to admit that the kids were cute as hell. Chris and I had been talking about adoption and this trip was a little bit of a wakeup call. I watched all the guys with their kids and realized that they never shut it off. I noticed that they always had an eye on them… no matter what else was going on, they were watching. I wasn’t sure I was ready for that yet… but I WAS definite that Chris wasn’t. Chris was still a bit of a party boy; he always had an eye out for hot guys and I don’t think he was ready to turn that eye from hot boys to babies. Maybe someday, but not yet.

I also had to admit that my dad and West looked like a sweet, grandfatherly couple, and the kids seemed to flock to them. Brad had said that “the two closeted, reprehensible mother fuckers who abducted us are dead and gone. They’ve been replaced by a gay couple filled with regret and doing their best to leave their self-loathing, cruel past in the past.” I was beginning to believe it. Maybe this was the guy my mother knew was still alive inside of the homophobic zealot that wanted to change me.

Once all the gay parents were convinced the kids would be alright with our dads for a few hours, we piled into Zach and Seth’s SUV and Zach drove us to this nice place on the water where we started our night out with dinner and cocktails. Considering we had just met these guys a couple of days ago, I felt extremely comfortable around them. They were all successful, smart, fun, and just genuinely good guys. Chris and I both had good careers, I was a commercial property manager, and he was a successful interior designer but we weren’t like these guys… they were like a unit. One big, gay, hot, supportive unit. They took care of each other and those around them… and seemingly anyone in need. Me and Chris led a fairly selfish existence, I mean yeah, we donated to causes and stuff… but our own happiness and survival was our top priority. After just a couple of days with these guys, it was clear that their generosity was boundless. They all helped and supported each other… like for example, at the grand opening of the candle company these guys all just jumped in and helped their friend… he didn’t even need to ask. Then there’s the kids. It’s almost like they are all raising their kids together… you know that old saying “It takes a village?” Well, they had a village. That’s the other thing! They all really loved their kids!  I’ve known couples who have a kid and treat them like an accessory… you know, they’re always posting pics on social media of the kid dressed up and posing, it all seemed so staged, they likely handed the kid back to a nanny after the photoshoot. None of it seemed real, but these guys, they were real. They accepted, supported, and loved each other…I was in awe of them.

After dinner we hit a retro club downtown with a mixed crowd, it was a lot of fun. As predicted, Chris was flirting with everyone to the point of embarrassment (I loved him but when he got drunk and flirty it could be embarrassing as hell). The thing about Chris was that when we were around gay guys… he always flirted. ALWAYS! It was his go-to move. He loved the attention being the flirty twink got him… being the devoted husband I’d learned to ignore it. There was a point in our relationship where I used to get upset by it, we broke up over his flirting more than once over the years, but I had learned to deal with it. I knew that he just craved the attention, and if anything, ever came of it I had the ultimate say. But sometimes I just wish he’d shut it off and have a good time without adding that flirtatious dimension (he made it difficult for us to make gay friends).

After the retro club we hit the only gay dance club in the area. The guys were out on the dancefloor together having a great time when drunky-flirty-obnoxious Chris started grinding against them all and trying to get something started. The guys were nice about it, but it was clear they weren’t biting. The two couples were clearly not looking for a third and/or fourth.

When Chris finally gave up on them, he started dancing alone until he caught the attention of some hot 40-something leather daddy. Chris was a total bottom and there was nothing he loved more than getting fucked by a hung leather daddy while I fucked his hot mouth… there was little doubt in my mind that my buzzed, flirty husband had a plan.

While he was grinding, flirting, and not-so-subtly working his magic on the leather daddy, I took a break from the dancefloor. Scotty joined me and we stood by the bar sipping fresh cocktails. “So, I take it you guys play together” Scotty asked. Scotty was the blunt one of the group (followed by Eli and Zach), he seemed to just say what he was thinking; I liked it.

“Yeah, I guess” I answered. “We play together sometimes. Especially when we’re on vacation… and he is definitely on the prowl tonight” I said with a small chuckle then asked, “How about you?”

Scotty laughed a little, “We’ve done our share… but that was B-O-L-D” he answered.

“B-O-L-D?” I asked.

Scotty chuckled and gave me this beautiful grin, “Before Our Little Darlings” he said. “We’ve been focused on them since they came along. We figure they’ll be moving out in another decade or so, we can play our little hearts out then, besides Daddy’s get all the attention anyway. Right?” Scotty was funny and easy to talk to, we kept the conversation going a while, eventually Brad and the others joined us… everyone except Chris.

Eventually Chris came up behind me, “hey I need your help with something in the bathroom” he whispered. I gave him a confused look; he just raised his eyebrows at me and smirked. I knew that smirk, it was his ‘I found a hot guy for us to play with’ look. As he dragged me through the club to a private room in the back he said, “wait until you see what I found us” then added, “being around all these hot guys for the last three days has me so fucking horned-up.” We got to a door maked private and Chris knocked three times. Someone on the other side knocked back once, then Chris returned the one knock and the door unlocked and opened. We stepped into the dark office, a small lamp clicked on and dimly lit the small room.

“What took y’all so long?” Asked a deep, libidinous voice with a southern twang. I looked up and saw the leather daddy Chris was dancing with earlier. He was in his early forties with a bushy beard wearing a smile, a leather harness, a black jockstrap, and nothing else. “Fuck, y’all didn’t exaggerate, a bearded otter… day-um he IS a hot little fucker” the man said as he looked me over. He opened my red flannel shirt one button at a time with his eyes locked to mine. “So, the pretty little twink says yer gonna help me fuck ‘em.”

I looked over at Chris, “Oh, he did, did he?” I asked with a smile. Yeah, the guy was hot as fuck and totally Chris’s type. Well, after all, Chris did come with me and supported my through the whole father son reunion trauma, so I figured I could through him a bone as so to speak (every pun intended). The daddy finished unbuttoning my shirt and then went to work on my nipples with his teeth while he fumbled with my well-worn jeans. Chris was a very gentle lover (and a total bottom), but when we played, he liked a rough, dominant top to take control; this guy fit the bill.

He bit hard on my nipple, then took it out of his mouth and turned to Chris, “You. Twink. Get nekkid” he growled; Chris complied and was naked in seconds. His lean, almost hairless body glowed under the light of the little desk lamp. By now my shirt was wide open and hanging off my shoulders and my jeans were at my ankles. The daddy hooked his thumbs inside the waistband of my jockey shorts and slowly slipped them down, grunting in approval as my hardening seven inches sprung to life. He firmly planted his meaty paw on my chest and pushed me back until I was sitting on the big, metal office desk. He gave my cock a quick lick before commanding Chris to eat his hairy hole. The daddy bent over and swallowed my cock whole while I looked over his back to watch my husband devour that beefy ass of his. Chris pulled his cheeks as far apart as he could and buried his babyface into the big, hairy trench. His head moved rigorously as he slurped the hole like a thirsty man who just discovered a river in a vast, hot desert.  After the daddy had bobbed on my cock for a while and Chris had gotten his fill of ass, the daddy stood and commanded Chris to suck my cock. Chris bent over and licked me from taint to tip several times, all the while making eye contact with this devilish smirk on his face. He was an amazing cocksucker; he had mastered his gag reflex and always took me down to my nuts. He squeezed and pulled on my balls massaging them and inflicting a little pain at the same time (he knew what I liked).

“Y’all ready for a nice, rough fuck, boy?” the Daddy asked Chris while looking at me.

Chris took his mouth off me long enough to respond “fuck yes, daddy” then he swallowed me again. His mouth and hand were working in perfect harmony to get me off while he looked up at me with unbridled lust in his eyes.

“Wrapped or raw?” The daddy asked.

In sync Chris and I responded “wrapped.” That was our rule. We were both on prep, but when it came to playing with strangers, we had two rules: 1) We both had to agree. 2) We always played safe.

“Fine by me” said the daddy as he pulled a condom out of somewhere and wrapped his hog. Fuck, that thing was as wide as a beer can and about as long. He fingered my husband for a while then grunted, “Hell he’s so gotdamn tight I could probably feel him through six rubbers.” While the daddy loosened Chris up, I just leaned back on my hands and enjoyed the amazing blowjob Chris was giving me. With one hand the daddy fingered the tight hole in front of him, with the other, he forced Chris’s head onto my raging hard tool, holding it there and making him choke. “that’s it boy, eat that otter cock. Fuck yeah” the Daddy said in a whispered growl. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes and I was doing my best not to blow my load yet. “You ready, twink?” Daddy asked.

Chris pulled off my cock, tears were running down his face, he was flush from choking on my dick, “hell yes!” he said panting in desperation. “Fuck me daddy, fuck me hard and rough with that fucking beer can.”

The daddy smiled ear-to-ear as he looked up at me, “well you heard the boy” he said. Then he lined up his wrapped hog and pushed his way into my husband’s tight hole.

Chris lifted his head off me and whimpered, “fuck you’re huge.”

“Who told you to stop suckin’?” The daddy asked as he pushed Chris back onto my cock. He slid himself all the way in and held it there. “Fuck his throat” he growled at me. I pushed Chris’s head down onto me and lifted my hips. He sputtered and choked on my hardness, but I kept going. The daddy pulled out of him slowly, then pushed back in hard and rough. Chris wailed onto my cock and the vibrations shot through my body. The daddy fucked him fast and furiously, each thrust causing Chris to wail in ecstatic pain and me to moan and groan in unmeasurable pleasure. I held Chris’s head as he got his ass pummeled… this is what he wanted and he was getting it.

My grip on his head tightened and my upward thrusts quickened as I fucked his face faster and grunted, “I’m cumming.”

“Fuck yeah, feed that twink your load” the daddy encouraged as he pumped harder and faster, smacking Chris’s tender, white ass. Chris was grunting, begging, moaning, and god only knows what else… his attempts to communicate were futile with his mouth stuffed full of cock. Finally, I shot with a grunt of raw pleasure. I held his head as my balls shot spurt after spurt into his gullet. I could feel my own hot cum around my cock as the excess filled him mouth while Chris did his best to swallow it all. Another slap to the ass landed, followed by a “Fuck yeah” as the daddy fucked Chris hard. A few strokes later he pulled out, ripped off the rubber, and shot his thick, hot load all over Chris’s back. He told me to get off the desk as he scooped his cum off my husband’s back. He helped Chris stand up then pushed him onto the desk so he was laying on his back. “Hold yer knees boy” he told him, of course Chris complied. Then the daddy told me to suck Chris’s balls while he jack him off using his load as lube. Chris writhed and moaned as he soaked up the attention of me and the daddy. Soon he shot with a loud yelp, spurt after spurt lofted into the darkness and landed on his face and torso. I had NEVER seen him shoot like that before. “That’s a good boy” daddy said as he shook the cum off his hand and pulled his clothes back on. “it’s been a pleasure boys” he said as he left us alone in the dark room.

“Is that what you wanted?” I asked my husband as I pulled up my pants and buttoned my shirt.

He lay back on the desk catching his breath for a few moments, “Fuck that was hot” he murmured. I just smiled. He stood, we kissed, then he found some paper towels lying around, to clean the cum off himself with, then gathered his clothes from the dirty floor. We both made ourselves as presentable as we could before joining our group.

We ran into Scotty and Brad when we got back into the club, they were combing the place looking for us, “where have you guys been?” Brad asked. “We need to head out now.”

We followed them to the SUV where Zach was wiping the blood off the face of some guy who looked way too young to be at that club, and Seth was on the phone talking to someone.

“What the hell happened?” I asked Brad.

“Some older guy beat the crap outta this kid, Scotty and Zach jumped into to help him” Brad responded. “I guess the kid’s homeless and was staying with some guy… the guy got jealous and things got nasty. Seth is trying to find him a place to stay tonight.”

While I was in the dark backroom of a club spit roasting my husband with a stranger, these guys were saving some kid from abuse. Wow, I was in a different world.


To be continued…


by Lil Guy

Email: [email protected]

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