The Village

by Lil Guy

2 Mar 2024 724 readers Score 9.8 (77 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Author's note: I've shared literally hundreds of hot sex scenes, but this is the one that will likely solidify my place in hell. My apologies if I've offended anyone, but hey... after all Seth has been through I couldn't resist.

Seth’s Perspective

“What are you guys talking about?” I asked the three of them as they stood in the candle barn laughing.

“We were just talking about the fact that we’re outgrowing the candle barn” Max said. “We landed another hotel contract, and Stella got us a national retailer, we’ve been talking about moving into a bigger location for a while but we may need to do it faster than expected.”

“We can probably handle the extra production here if we add a second, maybe even a third shift” Ricky interjected. “But we don’t have nearly enough storage room for supplies and inventory.”

“We’ve had Denny lookin’ for a buildin’ for us, but we aint seen anythin’ we like yet” Brody said. Denny was the realtor who helped Zach and I, and he had kind of become the official realtor of The Village.

“I wonder what the square footage of the church is?” Max said, “We could put the factory in the main church, I’m guessing there’s room for storage in the basement and offices somewhere else. Plus, It’s right downtown, we could have a retail store up front” he added getting more and more excited at the prospect.

“The old church might actually be a great option” Brody added. “Hail. It’s right across from The Village so the guys wouldn’t have to commute out to Bumbafuck.”

“We could even offer tours” Ricky chimed in, “turn it into a tourist thing.” The three of them were going back and forth about what they needed, etc… oh my god, they were serious. They wanted to move the candle factory into the old church!

“You guys are serious?” I asked with a grin as the irony of it all started to click.

“Totally” Max said. “A business that employs LGBTQIA youth and gives ten percent of its profits to help young LGBTQIA adults get on their feet…. The ultimate fuck you to the church of hate.” He added with a grin.

“I’m gonna give Denny call and see if he knows anything about it” Brody offered. That was the extent of the discussion for the night before I herded the kids and headed home.

The next day was Friday; Pizza night was at BroMax Farm and more chaotic than usual. First of all, we had a bigger crowd than we typically had; Sammy and his moms, BA and Daddy, Mr. and Mrs. J, and Terrance and Harris, all joined us (with Terrance’s crazy ER schedule and Harris’s hiving tendencies they rarely joined us… it was great to see them). In addition to the bigger crowd, we had a lot to talk about while the kids played. Freddy, Teddy, and Sammy were out in the yard with three of the dogs kicking a soccer ball around. And Izzy, and Maggie were playing with their baby dolls while Petunia kept silent watch on the two little mommies.

A lot had happened at the school since our first classroom meeting on Wednesday night. Apparently, Suzanne and Ronda weren’t the only parents to file a formal complaint with The Principal against Carrie Anne Sloop. We learned that we had a LOT of straight allies among the other parents. As a compromise, Mr. Pringle suggested co-classroom parents and they paired Carrie Anne with Ronda. Ronda’s first official act was to make sure the six of us made our presence known at that school. She signed us up to chaperone field trips throughout the semester and made sure we were all on the schedule to help on art days. Meanwhile, Brody volunteered to teach art twice a month (he had done that for Max’s class back when he was teaching and the kids loved him), so that put him in the classroom on a regular basis. The bottom line was that the six of us were going to be involved in our kids education… I’m sure Carrie Anne was pissed (good).

The next big topic was Mr. and Mrs. J moving into a condo on the ocean. They wanted to spend more time traveling and the big house had become too much of a hassle. It was bitter-sweet for them, they loved that farm and had raised their kids and several foster children there over the years, but on the other hand they were so excited to be free to roam. Over their decades in the old house they had collected so much stuff… including several beehives. By the end of the night, they had “bequeathed” several items to us and the BroMax boys that included bunkbeds from their fostering days, and beehives. We had been talking about getting both anyway so the gifts were more than welcome. Putting bunkbeds in the kids rooms meant we could foster again (they had three sets of them, one for each of the kids rooms) and the Freddy/Teddy sleepovers would be easier. As for beehives, Max had been pushing us on that topic since we bought the place and after my first summer of gardening I decided I was ready to try my hand at beekeeping. Mrs. J and Max were more than willing to impart their beekeeping wisdom on us.

The final heavy topic of the evening was the BroMax Candle Co. takeover of the Church of Doom. The building hadn’t been listed for sale yet but Denny tracked down the bank that held the title and they were more than willing to speak to any interested party, the last thing they wanted is to be stuck with a building they couldn’t sell. Max, Brody, and Ricky were going to look at the building the next morning. They still didn’t have much information on it as far as specs, etc. but they knew how much the bank was owed and how much the back taxes came to. Elliot handled all the finances for BroMax (and The Village even though he wasn’t technically a board member anymore), he was confident they could get a loan for more than triple that amount. Max had also contacted the city regarding zoning and was confident that they could get approval to put the candle factory and a retail store in the building. “Frankly, it’s the most realistic option we’ve seen since we started talking about this a couple of months ago” Max said as he scarfed down a slice of pepperoni and sausage.

“What would you do with the barn here?” Harris asked.

“I’d still have my office in the loft” Brody said, “And we designed it to be a guest house, so we could easily convert it once all the equipment and them loud employees are outta there.” He joked. I think Brody was secretly dreaming about having peace and quiet in the barn. He liked having the guys around, but deep down he was still a loner and things would be much quieter with just him and Asher working in the loft, and Maverick tending the herb gardens and greenhouse.

“My parents were talking about coming to visit more often now that my dad’s retired, so they could stay out there” Max added.

“Hey, can I come with you guys to look at the place tomorrow?” I asked sheepishly butting in. The church building looked a lot like the church I grew up attending (ugh that awful church) and I had a morbid curiosity about it.

“I kinda of want to see it too” Zach admitted.

“Well, we were hoping you guys would take Theodore while we were touring the place” Max responded.

“We can take the boys” Ronda offered without hesitation. “Hell, hanging out on a Saturday? The three of them will love it. Sammy has been begging us to take him to play minigolf.”

“Yeah, and you can drop Izz’ off at our house, her and Mags will love an extra playday” Gina added.

“That would be great” Max said. “Honestly, we could use your input, this would be a massive undertaking.” We were all excited by the possibilities and talked through logistics. Before I knew it, we had a plan… I was a little excited and a little terrified to see the inside of that church. The rest of the night was loud and fun as the kids played and the adults talk. We stayed until about 9:00, Freddy was still alive and kicking, but Izzy was dead to the world, her and Maggie passed out on Max and Brody’s bed. Finally, we all said goodnight and loaded our kids into our respective family vehicles and headed home (and before you even ask… YES Ronda and Suzanne had a Subaru). The kids all waited patiently while we all synchronized our plans for the next day then we headed home and put the kidlets in their beds for the night.

The next morning about 9:30, the BroMax family truckster drove up our long gravel drive and we all piled in. The last time the seven of us loaded into the minivan was for our vacation… so logically, Izzy decided that meant we were going back to Disney World. “YAY! Go see Wella!!!” she yelled making Freddy and Teddy laugh, the two boys did their best to correct her as we headed to Sammy’s house to drop off the boys, but Izzy had it in her head. Ronda and Suzanne had a nice little, nondescript house in a little suburban house farm. The house and yard were meticulously kept, but it was all very… I don’t know, plain maybe? The three boys were excited as hell to be spending the day together. Izzy just sat in her car seat sipping on a juice pouch as the boys jumped out of the van and ran to see Sammy. Ronda poked her head in to say hello and Izzy responded “Hey wady. I see Wella today” with a giant smile. All men were “guy” and all women were “wady” to Izzy until she got to know them. We said our goodbyes then it was off to drop Izzy off at Gina and Dylan’s. Izzy was a little disappointed when she finally realized that we weren’t on our way to see Wella, BUT… she loved going over to Maggie’s to play (Maggie had a playhouse out back, a playroom full of toys, and every dolly ever invented thanks to Granny BA spoiling the shot outta her). Izzy had gotten very comfortable there when I was recovering from my accident, Gina took care of her a LOT. I was constantly reminded of how many great people our kids had in their lives. With the kids all settled, it was off to meet Denny and tour the church.

We agreed to meet at Merilee’s and then walk across the street to the church. I was in line getting my coffee to go when I caught a glimpse of a familiar face sitting off to the side. It was Asher and he was having coffee with a cute, scruffy otter. I looked his way, as much as he wanted to avoid me, he couldn’t, so I made my way over to him after I got my coffee. “Good morning, Ash” I said. He just mumbled a greeting, so I introduced myself to his friend, “Hi I’m Seth, a friend of Asher’s” I said with a warm smile and an extended hand.

The cute young man shook my hand and said “Hi, I’m Jason” his voice was quiet and timid. ‘The guy from the print shop… good for Asher’ I thought to myself. I had figured out who he was as soon as I saw him, Asher had described him perfectly in our session.

“So, what are you guys up to?” I asked hoping to gain a little insight from Asher, but he wasn’t talking.

“Just having coffee” Jason said sweetly,

“I’m going to go to the garage to paint my car today” Asher added.

“But first we were going to take walk down by the farmers market” Jason chimed in. He really was a cute guy and he and Asher looked good together.

“That sounds like a fun morning, maybe we’ll all join you” I said completely joking and trying to get a rise out of Asher. His eyes grew wide and he shook his head ‘no’ when Jason wasn’t looking. I laughed inside… I was just teasing him but he looked so terrified. It occurred to me that he could very well have been on his very first date ever. If you knew this sweet, painfully timid guy you’d understand how big of a step this was for him. I had no idea how it had all transpired, but it was undoubtedly a monumental event for Asher and I was so proud of him. I saw Denny come through the front door of the tiny coffee shop so I decided to let Asher off the hook, “We’re gonna have to pass on the farmer’s market guys, we have other plans” I said. I could hear Asher’s sigh of relief and see it in his face… but I’d totally be lying if I said it wasn’t fun to tease him a little. I finally showed him some mercy leaving him alone with his “friend.”

I walked over to join the others while Denny was updating them on what he had learned about the property. He had pulled some specs and the original plans for the building from the city records. We talked for a bit before walking across the street to the old church. We stood outside for a bit looking at the architecture, it really was a beautiful building. We walked around and Denny talked about exits, fire codes, etc. The parking lot was a pretty good side, and there was an old brick six-car garage out back. Ricky walked in and started measuring and making notes in a notebook, he was looking to use the structure for storage and shipping, “We’ll need to add heat and AC if we’re going to store inventory in here” he told Max who made a note in his book before we walked up to the big, main doors of the church. I just looked up at them, they were daunting. This was not the building that Eli and I were held in against are will to repent for our sins a decade ago (that building was 1200 miles away thank god), however, the memories came flowing back… it was like religious PTSD. We walked in and the smell hit me immediately, it smelled exactly like the evil church back home. The best I can describe it is like… well, like the first day of school with a hint of incense and cedar wood mixed in, the horrible memories flooded my brain.

We were in the huge entryway of the building and Max said, “This is where we could put the retail store” Brody started to sketch on his iPad and the two went back and forth about displays, a checkout station, etc. Then we walked into the main body of the church. It was stunning! Cathedral ceilings, lots of light, some stained glass. Denny told us that the Church of Hate and Doom was the third church to occupy the building in its 100+ year history. Max looked at Ricky and said, “How many wax melters do you think we could fit on that altar?” Ricky hopped to it and started measuring and Brody added something to his iPad. “I’m seeing pouring stations all through here” he said pointing to the area that used to hold the pews, Brody added more to the layout he was creating on the iPad. Max pointed up to the choir area in the loft and yelled to Ricky “We could put French doors up there like at the BroMax barn and both have offices.”

“Perfect” Ricky yelled from the altar. “I’m thinking rows of shelves in the very back for cooling the candles.” Max agreed and Brody sketched on his iPad.

“There’s a sacristy behind the Altar” Denny said and led us to the room.

“Breakroom” Max and Ricky both said almost in sync. Then we went to the basement where there were a couple of meeting rooms. “We could offer sip and pour candle making classes in here” Max said.

“I could do paint and pour classes in here too” Brody suggested. “We could turn it into kind of an arts center, the tourists and locals love that shit” he added. Max was getting excited as his candle business was expanding before his very eyes into a tourist attraction. The possibilities were endless. I wandered off on my own and came to the last part of the basement, two dismal, little rooms, I’m assuming that this is where they did conversion therapy… I walked in and could picture Joel (one of the brothers we helped escape conversion therapy last year) sitting in that dark little room in just his underwear, tied to a chair, terrified of what would happen next. My vision then turned to me and Eli being forced to kneel on the hard, cement floor and pray for forgiveness of our sins, whatever they may have been at the time… it wasn’t the same room, but the rooms were the same… designed for torturing young sinners into total compliance. I was leaning against the cinderblock wall reliving that hell when the group caught up with me. They looked around, made suggestions, took notes, then went back upstairs to spend more time in the main church looking around and scheming some more. Zach stayed behind with me.

“Hey, you okay?” He asked as he took a spot next to me on the wall, I’m sure the angst was displayed clearly on my face (Zach knew me better than anyone). I told him what I was thinking about. He gave me an empathetic kiss and let me share my horrible memories with him. We talked for a couple of minutes and then that goofy hornball dropped to his knees. “The best way to get rid of bad memories is to replace them with good ones” he said looking up at me while unzipping my fly.

“Zach?!” I yelled in a whisper, “What the hell are you thinking?! We’re in a church”

“FORMER church. And C’mon…” he said with that devilish grin of his, “What better way to give these haters a big ole fuck you than to have gay sex in their building… hell in the very room they used to shock they gay out of people.” He chuckled before his lips parted like the Red Sea and he took my soft cock into his warm mouth. Oh my god! He was blowing me in the basement of the church. His tongue snaked around my shaft like the serpent devouring the forbidden fruit.

I was conflicted! The pleasure was amazing but that room. Ugh, that room was exactly like the one designed to teach me that who I was and what I wanted to do with other boys were wrong and would ultimately send me to the lake of fire. It was like there was an angel on my right should whispering in my ear “this is wrong, Seth. Pull up your pants and run from temptation” while the devil on my left shoulder whispered in an evil growl, “You know you fucking love it. Fuck his face, he wants it. You deserve it… fuck his perfect fucking face!” I was weak and surrendered to the devil on his knees.

My cock grew as hard as the rock of Gibraltar as Zach’s forked tongue pulled me into his sin. My hips thrust forward, my hands gripped his blonde locks, and I fucked his face with the wrath of god himself. My balls slapped against his dimpled chin as he gagged and gurgled around my scepter. His saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth like a baptismal font as I reveled in my rebirth. I felt my orgasm building as I thrust and pumped in and out of him. It didn’t take long before the seed gushed from me like water from the hollow in the ground at Lehi that revived Samson and gave him strength. Zach eagerly drank from my phallic challis swallowing every life giving drop.

Suddenly the heavens rumbled…. Well technically it was footsteps in the hallway as the group came to the basement looking for us. I had barely gotten my pants zipped, and Zach was still licking my nectar from his lips when the door flew open, “What are you guys doing in here?” Max asked.

Thinking on his feet Zach said, “Seth was having church flashbacks, he was just trying to get his bearings” Of course, they weren’t going to give me shit about that.

“So, what do you guys think of the place?” I asked.

“It’s got real potential” Max said. “Hey Zach, Can you look into some zoning ordinances for me?” Max asked my cum slurping husband.

“Um, yeah sure, email me what you need and I’ll check the city files this weekend” he answered.

“C’mon y’all” Brody said, “Let’s go back upstairs so we can get your feedback on what we’re thinking. The group moved down the corridor and up the steps back to the main church, Zach and I walked behind them grinning guiltily at each other, trying not to break into laughter. Well, my husband was right… that new memory replaced the old, bad one.

We spent about an hour walking around as the guys all excitedly shared their ideas and we shared our feedback and ideas. Man, they had such an amazing vision for the place and it would be an awesome addition to the block. Not just a candle factory, but a retail shop, creative arts center, and tourist attraction. Plus, The Village’s main resource for jobs would be right across the street from Harrington House. We were all getting really excited about it. We said goodbye to Ricky and Denny then decided to go for lunch since we didn’t need to pick up the kids for a while. We were enjoying a rare moment of freedom.

On the way to lunch, Max brought up the lease-to-own agreement between BroMax and The Village. “Elliot says with all the sustaining corporate donations from BroMax, The Resort, The car dealers, and other local business you brought in, The grants you secured, and the income from the car program, we’re on track for The Village to buy the building in just a couple of years” Max shared.

“Wow! That’s like two years ahead of schedule” I exclaimed.

“That’s all you, brother” Max replied. “For a nonprofit that’s less than two years old, we are solid as hell” he said with pride. We were all damn proud of what we built and even prouder of our success stories. The guys who came through The Village were all on great paths, we didn’t have a single failure. “Grandpa Harrington would be so proud of us all” Max said. We talked about The Village all the way to the restaurant.

We ate lunch outside and enjoyed the late August weather as we dreamed about converting the church of doom into BroMax Candle Co. “I think we should do it” Max said.

“If we can make the right deal, I’m in” Brody replied.

Zach lifted his sweet tea and said, “Here’s to BroMax Candle Company and the boys of The Village replacing the church from hell!”

“Can I get an Amen?!” I shouted.

We all replied with a loud and hardy “AMEN!” as we clinked our glasses in celebration of the success of BroMax Candle Company and The Village.


To be continued…

by Lil Guy

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024