The Cove

by Hunknown

7 Dec 2021 421 readers Score 9.8 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the previous chapters…

Gerry's heterosexual inclinations and his inhibitions make it hard for him having sex with Rowan, despite the sheer love he feels for him.
Kale, in Hawaii, reconciles to his father; his young cousin Laniakea comes out to him, and Kale decides to offer him a second chance, bringin him to the Cove.
At the Cove, Beau is depressed because he badly misses Kale, and Gerry makes him understand that he's more selfish than he suspected. Kale comes back to the Cove with Laniakea, who is warmly welcomed, but he feels uneasy with the huge house and his own sexuality.
The sudden appearance of Gerry's femal lover causes a fuss in the Cove. Rowan feels inadequate for Gerry, and looks for reassurance into Barry's arms, but this causes a fight between Gerry and Barry, and Rowan runs away from the Cove.


Rowan is nowhere to be found, and everyone at the Cove is terribly worried, especially Gerry. Kale tries to comfort Gerry, but things go farther then planned. Barry and Gerry settle their problems in a surprising way. [: 27’]

Additional downloads (PDF)

Cast of Characters: the “Who’s Who” of the Cove!
Floor Plan of the Cove
Book 01: Chapters 1-9 (PDF with bookmarks)


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~ A troubled Daddy ~

Kale knocked on Gerry’s door, and this time he patiently waited until he heard a clear ‘Come in!’ from the door. He went in, and saw Gerry, still clothed despite the late hour, lying on the bed. He looked depressed and angry, and didn’t even move to stand up.

An entire day had gone by, and Rowan was still missing; now the night had fallen again over the Cove, and the tension could be cut with a knife. No one had received a call or a message from Rowan, and he was keeping his phone off. 

“You’re clothed…” – Kale said. “So do you” – was the dry reply – “I couldn’t sleep anyway, knowing that Rowan is out there, alone… And we’re not doing anything to find him!”

“What can we possibly do?” – Kale sighed – “This town is not a metropolis, but there are infinite places where to hide. Rowan is not a kid, and he’s lived on the streets for years. He can take care of himself.”

Gerry didn’t say anything, and kept staring at the ceiling. The Hawaiian moved to the bed and, much to Gerry’s surprise, climbed on it and lay down. “What are you doing??” – the man said, with a bothered tone. “Nothing. I’m just lying here. Don’t worry, I’ll keep a safe distance, I won’t jump you, your virtue is safe.”

“I’m sorry, Kale…” – Gerry said, contrite – “I’m just pouring my tension on you. Forgive me. I… I’m glad you’re here, I was going crazy.”

There was a long silence, and then Gerry murmured: “I don’t know what I was thinking when I took Rowan as my boy… ‘My boy’! He’s a man, not a boy… and I was a fool, thinking I could give him what he needs…”

“…said the man who, in this very moment, would give his right arm to have his boy back!” – Kale replies, keeping staring at the ceiling; as a counselor he knew well that not looking at each other made the talking much easier. “You don’t even realize how much you are giving to Rowan, do you, Gerry? You are the holder of the memories he couldn’t have with his father, the rock to cling to when in trouble, the living proof that love doesn’t exist only in romantic movies. You’re his past and his future. That’s what you’re giving to him, Gerry!”

“But I can’t love him the way he needs to be loved…” – the older man replied, with a defeated tone – “I’m not… that kind of man, it’s stronger than me!”

“Do you find that disgusting when you make love to Rowan?”

“Fuck no!!” – Gerry said aloud – “I love it, it’s… so tender, so intimate! It’s something that goes beyond sex!”

“Say, why were you alarmed, minutes ago, when I climbed on the bed? Why were you bothered that day I watched you getting dressed after a shower? I’m not a dangerous person, and still you felt in danger…”

After a long pause, Gerry said, hesitantly: “I think I was scared. I was scared you could touch me… and make me feel again what I felt with Caleb long ago. I was much younger, back then. I thought I owned the world, nothing could touch me and I could do anything, even… that, even loving a man. But now…”

“Now it’s not different, Gerry. The only difference is that back then your passion was abruptly crushed by the tragedy of Caleb’s death. You can feel again that passion, Gerry, without suffering that pain, if you want. You don’t have to make a choice, or changing yourself: your feelings for your wife and your girls, and the feelings for Caleb and Rowan have always been part of you. Like Beau told me long ago, there’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ here.”

“I don’t know, man… I wish things could be like you say, but frankly…”

“Hold my hand, Gerry. Don’t worry, it’s just a test, I don’t want you to do anything but hold my hand for a minute, and tell me what you feel”

Gerry, uncertain, moved his arm a bit and closed his hand over Kale’s. For the first time since they lay on the bed they looked at each other, silently; and then Gerry flashed a shy smile and murmured: “It feels good, man… It feels damn good…”

He turned back staring the ceiling, but he didn’t let go of Kale’s hand. “I have a confession… When I was getting dressed, that day, and I realized you were finding me sexy, I… liked it. You saw me bothered, and I was, but not by you: I was bothered because I didn’t want to feel what I was feeling. Fuck, I’m a total mess…”

“And do you want to hear my confession, Gerry? When I caught you with that lady, I wasn’t embarrassed for the situation, I was caught off-guard by the effect that those enormous boobs were having on me… I’m a man, too, and I’ve been after women for most of my life, and those boobs… well it’s not something you see any day!”

Gerry laughed loud, and there was a sort of liberating relief in that sincere, lighthearted laughter. “You’re incredible, buddy!” – he said, turning to look at Kale, when he could catch his breath – “You’re a very special guy, you know that? I’m so glad you came down to have this chat with me…”

And all the while, his hand never let go of Kale’s. He actually held his hand tighter, while a shy, pleading expression spread on his face: “Kale… I’m so in pain for Rowan, I feel guilty… I know it’s absurd asking you, but… please, don’t leave me alone tonight, this bed is so empty without my boy, and I… I need a friend beside me. Wait! I mean… just for sleep, no… other things! No, forget it, I shouldn’t even ask you, knowing that you… well, you said you find me attractive, but I was not thinking… Fuck, I’m a mess, I told you…!”

Kale’s amused giggle put Gerry’s mind a little at ease. “I’m not a hormone-driven teen, I know how to keep myself in check! A friend, that’s what you need and that’s what I am for you. I’m staying here tonight… just for sleep! But… you’re not asking me to sleep clothed, aren’t you?”

“No, man, it’s ok, we can sleep in our underwear. You’re such a nice guy, I never feel… judged when I talk to you, not even when I act like a total asshole!”

They stripped to their underwear, slipped under the bedsheets and the light was switched off. Kale turned to his side, facing away from Gerry, being sure to leave him ample space on the bed. He was slowly drifting to sleep when he heard Gerry’s voice murmuring in the dark: “He’ll be back, won’t he?”

“He’ll be back” – Kale replied – “I’m more than sure he will. And you know why I’m so sure? Because you’re here, waiting for him. He loves you too much to give up on you.”

“Thanks, man, I really needed to hear it…” – he said under his breath, and then he too turned on his side and fell asleep.


~ Morning surprise ~

The next morning, Kale opened his eyes after a long, restful sleep… and froze. He was still on his side of the bed, but he was now wrapped in Gerry’s strong arms, that were holding him in a spoon position. And he felt the unmistakable pressure of a raging hard-on pressing on his buttocks. Gerry’s regular, deep breath told him he was still asleep.

He stood still for a moment, unsure about what to do, and then he thought that the best option was to quietly sneak out of the tender trap he got caught in, without waking Gerry up. But as soon as he moved a few inches, the man’s arms tightened even more around him, and one of his big hands slowly brushed his torso and moved down to his groin. Kale stifled a gasp when he felt the meaty fingers slip inside his boxers and take a handful of his manhood.

The Hawaiian couldn’t see Gerry’s hand, as the bedsheets covered almost completely their bodies, but he definitely felt it taking possession of his cock and balls, while the other arm rested on his pecs, preventing any movement. Gerry grunted and took a deep breath, grinding harder his growing bulge on Kale’s buttocks. Soon the man’s breath became heavier, clear sign that he was now awake, and the hand inside Kale’s underwear became restless, rushing to pull down the waistband and forcefully expose his ass.

“Gerry… Gerry are you sure…” – he began, to suddenly gasp when he felt a hard cock trying to find its way to his secluded portal. Kale’s mind told him that he should’ve stopped Gerry, but his heart was pounding too fast.

“Gerry, please…” – he said with coarse voice, and he himself didn’t know whether he was pleading Gerry to stop or to go on. He heard the man breathing an anxious whisper into his ear: “Tell me to stop, Kale… Tell me this is wrong…!”

“I won’t say anything like that…” – the Hawaiian replied, caught into his own lust, tilting his hips to give an easier access to the stiff cock pressing hard on his hungry hole.

Kale was not a rookie, he’d been fucked countless times in all possible ways, but he couldn’t hold a chocked moan when Gerry entered him, as he was so manly confident, so tenderly authoritarian, holding him still into his arms in a spoon position, while his thick member inexorably stretched and filled the moist canal.

The Hawaiian writhed into the seasoned man’s grip, whose powerful and caring penetration exuded an experience surely coming from thousands of fucks; cunts, asses, mouths, women, men: that experienced cock knew them all and pleasured them all, and now all those thousand fucks were melting into jolts of pure pleasure that numbed Kale’s mind.

He felt Gerry’s muscular torso pressed against his back, his thick body hair tickling his sensitive skin, his meaty nipples brushing his shoulder blades, adding to the already overwhelming pleasure. The man intensified the pounding, making Kale roll a bit more, almost face down, while his powerful thighs gently forced Kale’s legs open wider.

With his eyes half closed for the pleasure, Kale glanced at the tall mirror beside the bed and enjoyed the erotic sight of Gerry’s muscled body, partially covered by the bedsheets, moving smoothly over him, the bulging ass tilting back and forth, driving the massive cock deep into him. Kale, pinned down by the man’s heavy frame, couldn’t do anything but take that mighty, delightful pounding; he longed to give that caring, sexy man the greatest pleasure ever, but all he could do was tightening his ass muscles, rhythmically, in sync with the stiff rod’s thrusts.

Gerry moaned louder, surprised and thankful for the additional pleasure, and Kale raised his gaze to look at the man’s face through the mirror; and he noticed that Gerry was keeping his eyes tightly shut, and the expression on his face was tense, concentrated, as if he was greatly enjoying the fuck, but didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that he was fucking a man.

“Gerry… Gerry, look at me…” – Kale murmured, suddenly sorry for the struggle the man was living, even in that special and exquisite moment – “Do you find making love to me so… loathsome?”

“No, fuck no…!” – Gerry exclaimed, opening his eyes and suddenly stopping his hips – “You’re wonderful, Kale, how can you think that…”

“Then wipe away that guilty expression from your beautiful face…” – the counselor replied tenderly, disengaging from Gerry’s arms and lying on the bed on his back – “Stop thinking, Gerry, and make love to me, not to your nightmares…”.

Kale raised his legs and wrapped them around the man’s hips, skillfully moving his ass to touch Gerry’s throbbing cock. “If it gives you so much pleasure, it can’t be wrong… You said you like me because I don’t judge you; but you mustn’t judge yourself, either…”

Gerry’s handsome features distended in a smile; he didn’t say anything, he just pushed again his rock-hard cock into Kale’s waiting hole, without averting his sincere and thankful gaze from the guy’s eyes.

The man pumped harder his skilled manhood into the tender ass, finally enjoying with every fiber of his being the sublime connection with that beautiful, wise guy who was donating to him all of himself, his most private recesses, without holding back. «I can’t be any less…», Gerry thought, following Kale’s example and putting all himself in the powerful strokes of his cock: “This can’t possibly be wrong…” – he said with chocked voice – “You’re wonderful, you’re so fucking hot, man… You’re making me… aww… I’m about to burst… May I cum inside? Nnngghh…”

“Don’t you dare to pull out…” – Kale replied, grabbing his own cock and wanking it in earnest, on the verge of the climax – “Breed me, man, flood me… Aaahh… AAAGGHH!!!”

Gerry’s hips slammed hard on Kale’s buttocks, and his throbbing cock started pulsing madly inside Kale’s fiery depths: “Damn, you’re so fucking… NNNNGGHH!!!”

For many long seconds, their moans filled the room and echoed on the walls, while their manly juice flowed copious from their engorged cocks. Then, slowly, the spasms of pleasure trailed off, and Gerry fell bodily on Kale, holding him in a tight, passionate hug: “Thank you man… I’m an old geezer, by I still need someone to show me the way…”

“Old geezer? The hell you are! Ask my ass!” – Kale giggled, with a bit of difficulty, crushed under Gerry’s heavy body – “But now, please move your decrepit mass of muscles away, or I won’t survive long!”

Gerry laughed heartily and rolled away; though completely satisfied, he still didn’t have enough of Kale, he still longed for his touch, so he hugged him again in a spoon position, like before, but this time there was no lust in his grip, only sincere affection.


~ An even greater surprise ~

They stood there in silence for a while, enjoying the warmth of each other’s skin, and were about to drift to a restful nap when the door crashed open and an excited Rick stormed in, holding high his phone: “Sir, sir! Look! It’s from Rowan!”

The boy got closer to the bed and pretended not to notice the crumpled, wet bedsheets and the sweaty naked bodies lying on them in a tender hug; he gave his phone to Gerry, and Kale leaned over his shoulder to read the message:

“Hendrick, I’m sorry I ran away like that, but I couldn’t stand being the cause of such a terrible quarrel between Gerry and Barry. It broke my heart looking at them fighting. But it’s not just the fight, I feel like I’ve forced the things between Gerry, the Cove, Barry and myself, and I’ve lost control of the situation.  I’m not leaving the Cove, I could never, but I had to find a better place for me, a place where to find again the peace I need; and I hope that, without me, the Cove will find again its own peace.

Tell Gerry I love him more than ever, and tell everyone that I’m fine, I’m perfectly safe and I have all I need. I’ll be back, but I can’t tell you when… because I myself don’t know. Hendrick, always remember you have a special place in my heart.

-- Rowan”

Kale was the first to speak: “This is good news, it’s a relief knowing that he’s in a safe place, though god knows how he can possibly have all he needs. But I trust him, the tone of the message is calm, he’s not saying so just to keep us from worrying. Please Rick, go upstairs and show the message to Beau.”

The boy scampered away and Kale set on the bed side, next to Gerry, and saw him pressing his face into his hands. “I’m a monster… I’m heartless! My boy is who knows where, alone, and I’m here rolling in bed with another man… I’m so fucked up! My boy deserves a much better man than me…!”

Kale instantly jumped off the bed and stood tall in front of the man: “Gerry, no. Read my lips: NO! You’re getting it all wrong, you are trying to cope with this new, complicated situation using an approach that hardly worked for you when you lived a simpler life as a straight man. What is it, a sort of marital fidelity toward Rowan? No one expects that from you, not even Rowan.”

“We all need many different things, when it comes to emotions, love and sex…” – Kale continued – “Look at me: I’m totally in love with Beau, we could definitely say he’s the man of my life, and I’m his; but sometimes I need something more… forceful, and I find what I need with Barry, or Alex… or even both at the same time! [1] Beau doesn’t mind, because he can’t give me what I need in those moments. Nor I can give him the tenderness he finds in Brennan, a boy who idolizes him.”

“This applies to you and Rowan, too” – the counselor then said, with a passionate tone – “as you both need something that you can’t find into each other’s arms. Rowan can’t possibly give you the feelings you feel with a woman; and you can’t give him the over-the-top sex he finds with an oversexed gay man like Barry. Do you really think that your women or Barry can shatter the special bond you have with Rowan? Do you think that I can stop loving Beau just because I got double-fucked by two sexy studs?”

“No, Gerry, no. You and Rowan have too many unbreakable bonds that tie you: you are father and son, master and boy, friends, lovers, you share an equally painful past and an equally bright future!”

Gerry was drinking Kale’s words from his lips, with a heartbreaking hope in his eyes, the hope that Rowan still loved him and would come back. But his insecurities were hard to kill.

“But then, why he’s gone away?”

“It’s hard to say, but from the message I understand that the uneasiness you feel living at the Cove has its root in the… tension that there is between you and Barry. Rowan sensed that, and feels somewhat guilty about that. I heard you, earlier: you shouted to Barry: ‘You won’t steal my boy from me!’. And I know what happened in your apartment before you came live here, I know what Barry did to you.”

“You know what Barry did to me… physically, but not even I know what he did to me… inside… He scares me, I see him as a danger, and at first I thought it was because he could steal Rowan from me, but now I know it’s not that, and still when I see him I feel… something deep inside me, I feel my guts kinking…”

“Mmmhh…” – Kale mumbled, pensively – “Barry has a very assertive attitude, he’s such a dominant man, and has an overactive sexuality that it’s infectious. He’s someone most men instinctively surrender themselves to. I can think to another man in your life who made you feel like that…”

“Caleb??” – Gerry gasped – “No… No one can be like Caleb, I… I loved him!”

“This has nothing to do with love. I’m talking about gut-kinking sexual urges that go so deep that even you can’t clearly see them…” – Kale concluded with a doubtful expression – “But these are only speculations, I’m not a trained psychiatrist, I’m just a school counselor. I can only say that you should find a way to settle the matter with Barry, talk to him, fight him, fuck him, do whatever it takes, but this is the first step to let Rowan come back”.

“And one last thing…” – Kale added with an impish smile – “Starting from this morning, if you’re hungry you come upstairs, unless you want to starve to death into your… underground lair! I hate that empty chair next to me: every time I look at it, I hope that soon it will be taken by a sexy daddy with massive muscles and dazzling green eyes, so spread the word, and maybe I can finally find one…”

“Fuck you, man!” – Gerry roared with laughter, standing up and holding Kale into a breathtaking bear hug – “But I warn you, if I get a hard-on while sitting next to you, don’t blame me!”


~ Muscles and glances ~

At breakfast, all the Cove could finally enjoy having Gerry with them; the poor man could barely eat, though, because everyone, men and boys alike, wanted to talk to him, tell him how happy they were and ask him questions; unfortunately for them (and fortunately for Gerry), they had to avoid the most… interesting subjects because of the firm rule stated by Beau: no sex talk at the dining table.

Everyone was happy to finally see Gerry’s seat taken, but their eyes frequently glanced at the other empty seat, Rowan’s. Barry was restless: “There must be something we can do, patrol the town, visit the places he may go to… What is he eating? Where is he sleeping? Fuck, I just can’t stay here sitting on my hands!”

 “We’re only 14, counting the boys, how can we possibly patrol the entire town?” – Alex intervened – “But I still have many friends at the Police Precinct: I’ve given them a picture and they are on the lookout, while on duty. If they spot him, I’ll be the first to know.”

“I thought of my old apartment” – Gerry said – “but yesterday I went there, and there was no sign of Rowan.”

Stewart was nervous, being a man of action himself: “So what? Are we going to stay sitting on our hands, like Barry said?”

“Gentlemen, there is nothing we can possibly do” – Kale stated – “I’m worried, too, but I’m convinced he’s safe and he’s taking care of himself. He has the money he earned working at the quarry, so he can buy what he needs, and even rent a room in a hotel.”

“However” – he continued – “I understand that doing nothing but waiting is unnerving, so I’m going to focus my energies on manual work. I need to move away my playroom, and since Beau said we can’t enlarge the basement, I decided to move it upstairs in the room opposite to Stewart’s. It’s a hell of a work, unbolting and dismounting everything, moving the stuff upstairs and mounting again everything in place. So, if anyone is willing to lend a hand… I’ll find a nice way to reward him!”

There was an explosion of “Me! Me!” amongst the boys, soon followed by all the men, who were all too eager to do something… and maybe earn a reward in the process: the fanciful, sexy, submissive Hawaiian was quite popular at the Cove!

In few minutes, the playroom was a hive of activities, and many working guys soon threw away their t-shirts drenched with sweat. Laniakea was one of the most active, as he had easily guessed that Kale wanted to move the playroom to let him stay there, next to his room… like any boy with his man.

At some point, Barry was on top of a ladder to unbolt a railing from the ceiling, and many eyes focused on him, admiring with lustful eyes his skin glistening with sweat, his muscles pumped for the exertion and even his caveman grunts, that sounded so virile to many younger ears. But a pair of eyes were totally, intensely focused on the manly stud: Gerry’s.

Like he said to Kale, Barry always made something stir deep inside him, it was a mix of anxiety, admiration, hate and respect. At first, he was afraid that Barry could take Rowan with him, but then he understood that Barry only wanted to give him what he craved for and couldn’t find in Gerry… which made him feel painfully inadequate, but he could understand that.

Maybe it was not Rowan the reason of his feelings… Gerry’s mind went back to that day in his own apartment, when Barry, enraged, attacked him and fucked the crap out of him… and Gerry not only didn’t stop him, but begged him to make him cum [2]!

He’d never done anything that humiliating, not even with Caleb! Begging Barry to let him cum, putting in his hands the most powerful and intimate experience he could live, was just… unacceptable! But he did it, and when Barry let him, pounding his ass like a piledriver, he came like never before, drenching his own chest with sperm…

From a short distance, Kale observed Gerry, noticed his eyes focused on Barry and read on his face the many deep emotions he was living. He smiled, as he knew that those emotions were the key to mend the fences between the two tough men.

He was suddenly roused from his thoughts by the loud crash of the metal railing falling to the floor. Barry quickly moved out of the way, but being on top of the ladder, he lost his balance and fell aside.

“No!” – Kale yelled, and sprang to get near the ladder, to catch Barry falling, but he was too far. Not Gerry, though: his legs, arms, hands and all his muscles instantly tensed, ready to catch the 200+ pounds of man falling over him. “UGH!!” – he grunted, locking his arms around Barry, a moments before crashing on the ground, on his back, with the worker on top of him. There was a sudden silence, while everyone looked worried at the two motionless men on the ground, and a general sigh of relief welcomed the sight of Barry lifting his torso using his hands.

Then, for a long, weird moment, Barry and Gerry stood still, one on top of the other, looking into each other’s eyes, their chest heaving for the exertion, their faces drenched with sweat. Many mouths sagged open when they witnessed Barry lower again his torso, pinning down Gerry, and grind his mouth over his, in a churning, passionate, animalistic kiss. Gerry’s arms, that were lying on the floor, quickly moved to hold Barry tight, in a breathtaking hug, and their kiss seemed endless.

When, at long last, they parted, Barry murmured, almost to himself: “Fuck, this man is hot as hell…” and Gerry, still dizzy, replied: “You took the words out of my mouth…”. Anyone could easily notice, when they finally stood up, that there were two rock-hard cocks restrained into their shorts.


~ Two of the same kind ~

Kale, always the counselor, shot a conspiratorial glance all around the room and said: “Barry, please bring Gerry to your room and check if he’s well, he must’ve taken a serious hit when you fell on him”. Gerry dismissively replied: “No, man, I’m…”, but then he looked straight at Barry and added: “Yes, maybe I should lie on the bed for a moment. And so should you…”

They rushed out, and if ever they heard the muffled chuckling coming from the playroom, they were too engrossed into each other to even notice.

As soon as the door to Barry’s room closed behind them, they both stripped naked, feverishly, scattering the few clothes all around. Barry pushed Gerry on the bed, making him fall on his back, and quickly climbed over him, pinning him down with his weight.

“Tell me what you want, man…” – Barry growled, shooting a horny glance at Gerry – “I want to hear you tell me, in detail.”

“I.. I want you to fuck me, man… Shove your huge cock inside my tight ass, split me open, like you did last time!” – the older man hissed, raising his hands to hold the headboard, as if he was tied up – “You humiliated me, back then, you made me beg, but not this time! I’ll take all you can give me, and then some, and I’ll milk your cream out of your cock without giving you the satisfaction to make me beg. I’m my own man, and I’ll prove it…!”

With a sinister smirk, Barry forcefully raised one of Gerry’s legs and wetted his cock with some spit: “Curtains up!”.  With a powerful thrust, he shoved his thick meat halfway up Gerry’s ass, and the man’s face contorted in a grimace of pain, but not a single sound came out from his mouth; without letting his prey catch his breath, he gave another powerful push, completely burying his cock into the overstretched ass.

“That’s… That’s all you got, boy?” – Gerry panted, fighting the pain coming from his tortured ass. “Fuck you, man!” – Barry replied, dismayed by the man’s fierce resistance – “When I’m done with you, you’ll beg me to make you stop cumming!”.

His hips set in motion, and his cock seemed like a mechanical fucking machine, relentless, merciless, unstoppable. The bed squeaked and creaked, under the blows of Barry’s groin smashing with chronometrical precision on Gerry’s ass, two strokes per second.

“I want to hear you yell, motherfucker!” – he then said, leaning over to squeeze Gerry’s meaty nipples into his strong fingers, twisting them viciously and pulling them like he wanted to tear them away.

Gerry bravely resisted the onslaught, keeping his hands on the headboard, but his resistance was weakening. The sexual vibes radiating from Barry overwhelmed him, the wide mushroom head brushed and scraped unmercifully his prostate, and he was straining to hold an impending orgasm.

He remembered what Kale did to him, that morning, and clenched rhythmically his ass muscles; it hurt like hell, as the recent impalement had almost split him open, but he went on clenching and relaxing, clenching and relaxing, while looking straight at Barry’s eye with a defiant glance.

Though being still “tied” to the bed and fucked mercilessly, he saw Barry waver: the balance between captor and captured was shifting. “I know you’re fit to burst, man…” – Gerry growled, putting in his voice all the lust, the desire and the sexual allure he could – “Your swollen balls are straining to spurt your pent-up man juice… Aahh.. yes… flood my insides, make me drawn into your manly cream! Cum, Barry! Breed me! Cum!”

“Awww… Motherfucker!” – the muscled worker hissed, put off-balance by Gerry’s dirty talk and his lustful, lascivious glance – “No… Fuck! NNNGGHH… AAAARRGGHH!!”

Barry stiffened, blushing for the exertion, and his cock exploded in a mind-blowing climax. Shot after shot after shot, Gerry welcomed Barry’s warm essence into him, flashing a proud, victorious grin. His own cock was rigid and throbbing, and drooling with pre-cum, but he had won.

Barry slowed down, coming down from his sexual high, but Gerry didn’t give him any time: in a flash, he let go of the headboard, grabbed Barry and pulled him down, forcing him to lie on his back; then gripped his ankles and pushed his legs up and apart, placing his own throbbing cock on Barry’s clenched anus.

“Take it easy, man” – Barry said under his breath – “I’ve just cum like a volcano, I’m sensitive…”

“All the better!” – Gerry exclaimed triumphally, shoving his entire cock to the hilt into the tender flesh. “Fuuuuck! You bastard son of a bitch!” – Berry yelled between his clenched teeth, while Gerry’s hips started pounding with slower, but not less powerful thrusts then the ones he had to endure minutes before.

Barry had a much bigger cock, but Gerry had two tricks up his sleeve: his age, that required a longer stimulation to bring him to the orgasm, and the experience that came with the age. He masterfully fucked Barry’s hole, pressing all his inner buttons, and was rewarded by the sight of Barry’s spent cock coming to life again. He wrapped his big hand around the wondrous cock and started a deliberately slow massage, rejoicing Barry’s moans of unrestrained pleasure.

It took a while, and Barry fought hard, but soon he was again fit to burst. Gerry’s expert cock was sending him in heaven, and he now dearly wanted to go to that heaven, almost at hand, but always out of reach.

“Come on, man, speed up that hand…” – he growled, but Gerry silently shook his head, with an urchin grin, and Barry exclaimed, with desperate passion: “Geez, man, I know you want to cum as bad as me, come on!”

“You want to feel my jizz inside you?” – the older man mocked him – “Tell me what I want to hear…”

“Aaahh… fuck, man…! Come on! Let me cum! Nnngghh… Please! Aww… shit! OK, man, I’m begging you! Please, let me cum!!”

Gerry’s hand sped up, along with his hips, and in a matter of seconds both studs suddenly convulsed in a long-awaited climax: “Here it comes, Barry! You begged for it! OOOOHH!!! FFFF….CK!!!”. Two manly bodies writhed and shook for the pleasure and two mighty cocks spurted gallons of cum, in a liberating, powerful orgasm.

When, at last, they crashed on the mattress, exhausted, they looked at each other, flashing roguish smiles. “You’re a stud like no other, Barry… You’re truly one of your kind…”

“I’d say we’re two of the same kind, buddy” – the worker replied – “because you too are a first-class fuckin’ stud! Thank you for catching me, earlier. If it was one of them instead of you, I could’ve killed him under my weight!”

Barry placed a hand on Gerry’s chest, a chest streaked of grey but still so damn powerful and sexy, and felt the comforting, steady heartbeat under his palm. “And let me tell you one more thing: Rowan is your boy and always will. What you said after our fight was total bullshit, I could never, ever take your place in Rowan’s heart. But let him come to me, when he needs it. I’m on your side, man, as we both want Rowan to be happy. Let him know that there’s always room for him in my bed.”

“And what about me? There’s room for me, too, in your bed?”

“You can bet your hairy ass there is, dude!” – Barry replied, and they burst in joyful laughter, rolling in bed, and then they kissed again passionately.


~ A new room for Laniakea ~

It took two days of hard work to move the playroom up to the third floor and Laniakea’s furniture down to Kale’s suit, clean up everything and paint the walls. Laniakea wanted them painted in the very same shade of ‘tropical orange’ as Kale’s room, and also asked to keep a couple floor-to-ceiling mirrors, so as to check himself when training in the Hula dance.

When done, Kale and Laniakea could finally take a deep breath and relax, in the guy’s newly furnished room, looking out of the new room’s window overlooking the ample beach and the distant ocean, flaming in a fiery sunset. They were standing next to each other, in front of the window, and Laniakea gently wrapped an arm around Kale’s waist, holding him tenderly.

“I don’t know how to thank you, Kale…” – he said in a low voice – “Staying here, sharing your suite is more important than you think. Now, I feel I have my place in this huge house, like… like all the other boys.”

“And this makes you feel good?” – Kale replied with a tender smile.

“Yes… Well… I confess I have contrasting feelings, as I’ve always struggled to be my own man, not to rely on anyone, asserting my own personality over the others, constantly trying to be… on top of the events, so as not be crushed under them. But since I met you I felt like I had found someone to rely on, someone to be guided by, a man in whose hands I could put myself.”

Laniakea flashed a shy, insecure glance at Kale and asked under his breath: “Am I your boy, Kale?”

“You are, Nani kōkī” – Kale replied with such a loving tone that Laniakea felt his heart throb – “You are, since you danced the Hula for me…”. Kale leaned over and gave a tender kiss to his younger cousin, nothing more than a sweet brush of lips, but for Laniakea the world ceased to exist for few moments.

They turned back to look out of the window with shining eyes, and Laniakea pointed at two guys lying on the sand, hugging each other and exchanging tender caresses: “Aren’t they lovely? It’s so wonderful, here… I mean, two guys can love each other on the beach that way… They are so beautiful and yet they make me feel unease, and I hate feeling like this! Growing up at Hana has taken a toll on me… I wish I could look at those guys and feel happy for them, but instead I feel the urge to run to them and tell them ‘Are you crazy? Go hide somewhere, or they will come after you!’ It’s unfair… We should be able to express ourselves any way we like, with no fear of being rejected by our families, or bullied and attacked, or… forced to go away from our homeland.”

Kale hugged Laniakea more tightly, and his voice was affectionate, but tinged with sorrow: “You’re right, Nani kōkī, it shouldn’t be this way. But luckily, we’re in a place where people like us can express themselves more freely, in ways that you probably have barely read about on the net. I want to show you this world, my boy, show you the diverse, even contrasting sides of the gay galaxy. And this journey will help me, too, because I had more time than you to come to terms with my innermost feelings, but deep inside I’m a Hana boy, just like you.”

Laniakea turned to look at his new king-size bed and shot a resolute, assertive glance at Kale, suddenly flipping once more the man/boy balance between them: “Let me… express myself with you in the sweetest way I know of…”

Later on, when the men didn’t see them coming down for dinner, everybody knew that something special was happening upstairs, between Kale and his virile, innocent, dominant, devoted boy.


~ Emotional charge ~

When Kale went downstairs, the dining room was empty, as the dinner had long finished. He went to the kitchen to grab something to eat, and found Rick finishing to tidy up the kitchen. Kale expected the boy to throw at him one of his witty comments, but he was unusually silent and sullen.

Kale grabbed a cookie from a jar on the counter and sat at the kitchen table, glancing over Rick, who seemed nervous, angry; he placed heavily the pots back in the cabinets and threw noisily the cutlery in the drawers, to then slam them close.

“Hendrick… what’s the matter? Tell me, please…” – Kale said softly – “Stop working and talk to me, come on… You know you can tell me anything.”

Rick, at first, ignored Kale, but then he threw away the napkin he was holding and faced Kale, leaning on the kitchen table and planting his hands on the hard surface. “Sir, would you say I’m a big mouth? Someone you can’t rely on?”

“Why, not at all, Rick, you’re probably the most reserved, discreet and helpful person here at the Cove!”

“Exactly!” – Rick said aloud, hitting the table with his hand – “I know how to keep a secret when needed! But he didn’t trust me! He didn’t want to tell me where he was going!”

“You mean Rowan… But Rick, you, among us, are the one who can better understand Rowan, the one who should more than anyone be at his side no matter what… Come on, Rick, I know it’s difficult, but… don’t be angry with Rowan.”

Rick sat down and relaxed a bit, but he was still clearly upset. Kale looked at him seriously: “You know I love Beau, don’t you? I love him more than myself, you know it’s true. And still, when I went back to Hawaii, I cut any communication with the Cove, including him. I had to, I needed to rely on my own strength, to temporarily turn page in my life. I did it, but I didn’t like it, not at all. And I knew that I was hurting Beau, but I just couldn’t talk to him. Rowan needs to be alone, in this moment, he wants rely on his own strength, and you should silently support him, like Beau did to me.”

The boy raised his gaze, uncertain, and Kale took his hand into his: “Hey, who was the one Rowan sent his only message to? You, Rick. And he said you have a special place in his heart. He knew he was hurting you and wanted you to know he loves you…”

Rick, with wet eyes, flashed a tender, thankful smile. He stood up and hugged tight Kale: “Thank you, sir! Thank you so much! You always know the right things to say… I was throwing a tantrum like a child, when here everyone’s worried for Rowan. I feel much better, now, sir. May… May I prepare a late dinner for you?”

“No, Hendrick, you’re very kind, but I can’t eat right now. Better call it a night. See you tomorrow morning!”

Kale went out and crossed the living room, usually desert at that late hour, but there was someone sitting in a living chair: “Beau! What are you doing here, so late, staring at your phone?”

“I was reading again Rowan’s message…” – he replied, raising his gaze. Kale sat into the chair next to him: “By now you know it by heart, why are you reading it again?”

“You said that his message seemed sincere” – Beau replied with a great tension in his voice – “and that he is really safe and has all he needs. But how can you tell? I’m worried Kale… I… I know I shouldn’t have done that, but today I checked Rowan’s bank account, and he didn’t touch a single penny! How on earth he can eat and find shelter without money? Maybe he’s living on the streets! Maybe he’s relying on charity like he used to do before coming here!”

“Beau… Beau, calm down! I’m more than sure that Rowan is fine. He’s been through worse in his life, and despite the harsh conditions of his life, he took care of himself and never stopped to be the wonderful guy he is. Trust me, he’s fine. Now go upstairs to your room, where your anxious boy is surely waiting for you…”

The blond boss flashed a timid smile: “I’m sorry, I was overcome by my anxiety… You always have a soothing effect on me. I totally trust you, and if you say Rowan is fine, then he is. Thank you, Kale. Now I’d better go and check on Brennan. Goodnight!”

They stood up, and Beau disappeared upstairs. Kale felt his heart heavy, because he lied, he was not sure at all that Rowan was safe and sound, but Beau needed to be reassured, and he did what he had to, just like he’d done minutes before with Rick. That was his task, in that moment: offering comfort and serenity to the men and boys of the Cove, taking on himself their pain, their anxiety, their fears.

“But it’s so hard…” – he murmured, climbing down to the basement; Kale knew how hard was for Gerry staying alone in that big bed without Rowan, and wanted to wish him goodnight and letting him know that he was not alone.


~ Break-down ~

He knocked softly on the door, in case Gerry was sleeping, but a faint, monotone voice came from inside: “Come in…”

Kale opened the door and the light was off; he entered the room and realized that the bed was empty, looked around and spotted Gerry, clothed, sitting on the sofa: “Gerry! What are you doing sitting here in the dark? You should sleep, you’re tired, we all are…”

“How can I sleep, knowing that I made him run away?” – Gerry whined, and Kale was alarmed to hear his voice cracking – “I tried to do my best with Rowan, but I failed miserably… He ran away and I can easily understand why he doesn’t want to see me anymore…”

The counselor quickly sat next to the hurting man and took his face in his hands, looking intensely at him: “No, Gerry, you didn’t fail with Rowan! Don’t even think it! Rowan couldn’t stand the tension between you and Barry, but I understand that you… settled the matter with him. Though, I have to admit, in a very surprising way… But the point is that you did a great thing, you did what Rowan hoped for, and I know it wasn’t easy for you!”

“Yeah, Barry and I have… made things straight between us, but Rowan doesn’t know, and he won’t know, because he doesn’t want to talk to me! I consumed my phone sending him messages and calling him, but he always keeps his phone off! He has… shut me out of his life, Kale…”

Kale felt so sorry for Gerry that hugged him tight, trying to comfort him: “Man, believe me, you must believe me: Rowan still loves you! I have no doubt whatsoever about that! I hate seeing you in this state, Gerry, I feel so bad for you, but take my word, Rowan loves you and soon you’ll have him back. Trust me!”

Gerry flashed a faint smile and replied: “You’re an angel sent from above, Kale… I don’t know how you do that, but you always make me feel better… You’re right, I should sleep, there’s no point in torturing me this way. ‘Night, man! See you tomorrow at breakfast!”

Kale went out and closed the door behind him; climbing the stairs, he felt tired, awfully tired. Since Rowan ran away, everyone needed his support, his comfort, and he never backed off, but now he felt totally drained. «I too miss Rowan, damn! I too worry for him! But… I can’t tell them…» – he thought, feeling all the negative vibes he has absorbed from Rick, Beau and Gerry oppressing his soul. He felt alone, he felt he was about to break down and rushed the last steps to the second floor, ran to his door and threw himself on the bed. And there, all his bottled-up emotions found their way out. He pressed his face on the pillow and sobbed uncontrollably, while unstoppable tears flowed from his eyes.

It wasn’t desperation what he was feeling: those irrepressible tears were his way to let out the intense emotions, purging his heart and his soul, to then face another day with renewed strength.

He didn’t stop sobbing and didn’t turn around when he felt a caring hand on his shoulder, and then a warm body lying next to him on the bed and hugging him with confident tenderness. “Nani kōkī…” – Kale slurred, between the sobs, and Laniakea held him tighter: “Shh… I’m here, let it all out…”. And he held Kale into his comforting embrace for the whole night.


The next morning, Kale woke up like a new man, all the grief and the tension of last night had faded into Laniakea’s arms. He heard his cousin moving around in the adjacent room, so he went downstairs without disturbing him. Most of the men and boys were already sitting around the dining table, with a sorry look on their faces.

Kale took his seat and said: “This can’t go on, we’re acting as if Rowan’s dead, but he’s not! He’s alive and he’s rebuilding his inner balance in a safe place. He’ll soon be back! We all love him and deep inside we know he loves us with all his heart.”

“You’re right, Kale” – Beau replied with passion – “But it would be much easier if we could stop worrying about him! If only we could be sure he’s safe, if only we could know where he is!!”

“I… I think I know where Rowan is…” – a voice said from the door, and instantly all the eyes turned around: “Laniakea! You know??”

The guy flashed his dazzling smile, the bright smile that could win anyone’s heart, and nodded excited: “Yes, I know where he is!”

* * * * * * * *


[1] One day, Kale enjoyed a double penetration by Alex and Barry: see Rowan’s Journey, Ch. 17, ‘Three-way
[2] See Rowan’s Journey, Ch. 56, ‘A furious worker

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024