The Cove

by Hunknown

26 Apr 2022 257 readers Score 9.2 (19 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the previous chapters…

Gerry's heterosexual inclinations and his inhibitions make it hard for him having sex with Rowan, despite the sheer love he feels for him. However, a part of him longs for men's love, and at the Cove he cautiously explores his sexuality, sucking Alex' cock and then making sweet love to Brennan.
Kale goes to Hawaii to pay a visit to his dying father and brings back with him his young cousin Laniakea, who struggles to fully explore his sexual inclinations and find his place within the Cove. With Kale's help, Laniakea learns how liberating is voicing (or even screaming) his pleasure and reveals to have been raped by two homophobic guys, back home.
Beau understands that he's not the wonderful and generous man he's always believed, and tries his best to overcome his limits.
The sudden appearance of Gerry's female lover causes a fuss in the Cove and leads to a weird three-way between Kale, Gladys and Gerry. Rowan feels inadequate for Gerry, and looks for reassurance into Barry's arms, but this causes a fight between Gerry and Barry, who later on find a common ground (rough sex!) to settle their quarrel.
Barry is arrested and put in jail, where he ties a strong bond with Wade, a barely legal straight boy. At his trial, Barry makes the hot Judge Ricardo Garcia fall for him.
Jorell reveals to Kale that his father walked out on him when he was seventeen and never heard from him since. Immediately, the Cove starts searching for Jorell's father, and the traces lead to the infamous San Quentin Prison. There, Jorell finds out how unexpectedly caring and understanding was his father, who unfortunately died in prison.
LaShawn meets Joshua, the supposedly straight jet pilot, and gently brings the uptight and repressed guy into the frightening and delightful world of man-love; and though the brave pilot then dies in a plane crash, LaShawn knows for sure that he died in peace with himself. After pondering it a lot, Beau proposes to Kale: the news about the surprising marriage makes happy everyone... but Barry.
Laniakea is adamant in being a strictly 'top' guy, but when he talks about that with Barry, the sexy worker widens... Laniakea's perspectives.


Kale and Beau agree not to have sex, so to make their wedding night special, but they will find very hard to stick to their plan. Barry sets up a memorable bachelor party, but deep inside he feel uneasy; Alex and Stewart try and soothe his struggles... speaking Barry's language!

Additional downloads (PDF)

Cast of Characters: the “Who’s Who” of the Cove!
Floor Plan of the Cove
Book 01: Chapters 01-10 (PDF with bookmarks)
Book 02: Chapters 11-20 (PDF with bookmarks)
Book 03: Chapters 21-29 (PDF with bookmarks)


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~ Like a virgin ~

Beau caressed Kale’s hair, holding his head against his chest. They were lying on Kale’s bed, and Beau felt on cloud nine, seeing again a tender smile on Kale’s face. Beau damned himself for having been so stupid and uncaring when, moments before, Kale had related the terrible experience he had at the Mighty Stud and he didn’t understand what really happened and how deeply hurt Kale was. But now everything was fine again, Kale seemed to have dropped a heavy burden from his heart and was smiling again, nested into Beau’s arms.

“I wonder how can you love me so much…” – Beau murmured, ashamed – “I’m so… self-centered, I care for myself so much that often I don’t even realize what you really feel. Do… Do you really want to marry me, Kale? It’s not too late, the marriage should take place the day after tomorrow, after all: I can still cancel it. I’m serious, I want you to tell me, if you’ve changed your mind.”

“You’re damn right. You’re so egocentric that most of the times you just can’t see what’s in my heart and in my mind…” – Kale replied seriously, looking at Beau with cold eyes, but then he couldn’t restrain anymore the tender smile that spread wide on his face – “…but I love that. I love your strengths and your flaws as well. Besides, if you could easily read inside me, you wouldn’t wear, now, that irresistible surprised expression…”

Kale leaned over Beau and gave him a tender kiss, making their lips brush over each other and inhaling each other’s breath. The lips slowly parted, the tongues started battling, and the passion enflamed their kiss.

Beau’s hands were everywhere on Kale’s body, probing, caressing, brushing and pinching sensually the warm skin. When his fingers started pulling and unbuttoning Kale’s shirt, the Hawaiian gently recoiled with an uncertain, almost shy expression on his face.

“Listen, Beau…” – he said with hesitant voice – “I know it may sound old-fashioned, almost stupid, but… may we abstain from having sex until we’re married? I don’t know… I want our first night to be special…”

Kale was almost expecting Beau to laugh out loud, listening at his request, but he flashed a warm smile: “Old-fashioned, you say? No, love is timeless, and this is the most romantic thing you could ask me. I will wait, and our first night will be a dream!”

“You see? You’re my man, no doubts about it” – Kale replied tenderly, and then added with a mischievous grin – “Oh, just to be crystal clear, this means no sex with anyone, inside and outside the Cove, in case you were wondering!”

“Tyrant!” – Beau laughed, playfully pinching Kale’s nipple and rejoicing his lustful gasp – “Here, taste your own medicine!”

Laughing, they lay down again on the bed looking lovingly at each other’s eyes.

“Say…” – Kale said after a pause – “Have I to wear a black tuxedo at the marriage? I hate wearing black suits, they don’t fit me. All my formal clothes are white…”

“You can wear your white tight, if you don’t think it will be too… groom and bride. Talking about old-fashioned things, I have to wear a specific dress, the ceremonial suit of the Viscount of Saint-Julien, and it’s black, I can’t change it.”

“I thought it was no more than a nominal title” – Kale said, surprised – “Do really the Viscount have some obligations, some rules to comply to?”

“Not in everyday life” – Beau explained, with an oddly ashamed expression – “But at my marriage I’m bound to wear the County’s crest and do… ehm… something during the marriage ceremony.”

“Something like… what?” – Kale asked, suspicious, and Beau dismissed the question with a vague gesture of his hand: “Nothing special, I have to recite an old formula in French…”

“Mmmhh… My spider senses tingle, but we’ll talk about it later. I have to ask you something much more important. But please don’t think bad of me, I’m just asking, and I’ll accept your decision, whatever it is…”

“Hey, you suddenly look so serious…” – Beau said, holding Kale’s hands – “You can ask and tell me whatever you want, you know that.”

“Well… I was thinking… When married are we going… you know… to move to the same room? To share the bed every single night? Oh, don’t take me wrong, I’d love it! But this is the Cove, we both have special friends and a boy to take care of, and… well… I’m afraid that living like a traditional married couple and sharing an inviolable nuptial bed would make anyone feel held off.”

Beau stood silent for a moment, because he’d absentmindedly took for granted that his life as a married man would’ve been exactly like Kale had described: same room and same bed night after night. But what Kale just said made sense, and Beau realized he didn’t take in account the Cove, while drawing his romantic picture of his marital life.

“It would break my heart if they could think we’re excluding them from our life” – Beau said after a pause – “That’s not what I want. I want us to be… ourselves, I want our lives to go on as usual. I don’t want our marriage to break the delicate, wonderful balance of the Cove! I agree, we should keep our rooms. This way we won’t ever take each other for granted, we’ll have to look for each other day after day.”

“I hate to repeat myself” – Kale said with an adoring smile – “but you’re my man, no doubts about it!”


~ A lonesome worker ~

Barry rushed out of his room with a forlorn frown on his face. Making love to Laniakea had been a special moment for him: he knew that he’d helped the guy taking a huge step in his sexual growth, accepting for the first time to willingly offer his ass to another man; and yet, it seemed to Barry that his life was slipping through his fingers, that he didn’t have a special place in anyone’s heart: Laniakea had Kale, and Kale… had Beau.

Walking in front of Kale’s door, he heard him cooing with Beau; his frown got deeper, and he hurriedly climbed down to the first floor.

“Fuck!” – he grumbled to himself through his teeth while striding across the living room, heading to the main door under the puzzled eyes of Alex and Stewart, who were chatting before going to work. So far, Barry had never missed to warmly say hi to his buddies, whenever they met, but this time he totally ignored them and disappeared in the entrance hall.

“What’s wrong with him?” – Alex asked to his buddy when Barry slammed close the main door. “I’m as clueless as you are, man” – the airman replied – “He didn’t seem angry, but rather… don’t know… If it wasn’t Barry, I’d say he looked scared, but…”

“Can you come back from work a bit earlier, today?” – Alex asked with a conspiratorial wink – “Barry talks just one language: we’ll have to fuck the truth out of him. One way or another, he will tell us.”

“One way or another…” – Stewart repeated, nodding with a knowing grin.

Few hours later, when Barry came back home for lunch, he was still in a gloomy mood. He entered the house and headed straight to his room, instead of going to the dining room for lunch. He didn’t feel hungry.

When he opened the door to his own room, Alex and Stewart were there, waiting for him. “What the fuck are you doing here, you two?” – Barry growled, and the two men exchanged a patient glance. “Fuck, you did say?” – Alex replied with a randy smile, grabbing Barry from behind – “It sounds like a plan…”

“I’m not in the mood, you’re wasting your time. Go away!”

“OK, OK, we’re going…” – Stewart mused, looking straight at Barry and lowering his hand to his crotch – “Just tell me that what I’m feeling inside your pants is a hammer you brought home from work and we leave you alone…”

“Mmmhh… Fuck…” – Barry murmured, instinctively tilting his hips to meet Stewart’s hand; his overactive sexuality was quickly wiping away his grim mood and his cock was straining for release. “You… Damn, why are you two such a tease? Mmmhh… Man, you don’t know what you’re going to get, if you keep fondling me that way…”

“I have a faint idea…” – Stewart said in a lustful tone, starting to unbuckling Barry’s jeans, while Alex pulled up his sweaty t-shirt from behind. It took only few moments until the three of them were lying naked on the bed. Stewart liked to fuck ass, no doubt about it, but he was quite versatile, and he knew that riding Barry’s cock was always a memorable experience, so he seductively rolled on his belly, giving to Barry an enticing view of his narrow hips and his toned ass.

All the three men were renown at the Cove for the wild, even forceful sex that they usually indulge into when together, often involving bondage or trials of strength, and for this reason both Alex and Stewart were pushing Barry to do his worse, to give free rein to his unrestrainable sexuality.

But Barry hesitated for a moment, and then surprised his buddies when he talked in a warm, caring tone. “Holy shit…” – Barry said to Stewart, staring at his ass with dreaming eyes – “I’ve fucked you tied up, I’ve pounded you harshly, you always liked it hard, but that ass is begging me to make sweet love to him…”

“I can’t ask for anything better…” – Stu replied, quickly recovering for the surprise and raising his ass, parting his cheeks with his hands. Barry spat on his cock twice (which was his idea of ‘plenty of lube’) and slowly eased his thick hard meat into the tight canal so shamelessly splayed in front of him.

Stewart held his breath until he felt completely stuffed by Barry’s cock and then exhaled loudly: “Fuck, I always forget how wonderful it is… Stretch me, stud, fill me to the brim!”

When Barry started rocking his hips with masterful, confident thrusts, Stewart pressed his face into the mattress and almost squealed for the pleasure. Usually he didn’t do anything like that, he was a military man even in bed, and took in stride anything, but this time Barry was doing to him something that he didn’t think him capable of: he was making exquisite, tender love to him.

“You… You never did this to me, Barry…” – Stewart moaned after a while, holding his breath every time the massive cock brushed sensually against his prostate – “Nnngghh… I can feel every inch of you wondrous cock, and it’s… it’s… aww, fuck, don’t do that, or I’m going to cum on the spot!”

“I’m going to do to you whatever I want” – Barry replied, but the authoritarian sentence was spoken with the sweetest tone ever. He gently grabbed Stewart by his shoulder and made him rise on his knees: he knew that in such a position the airman would’ve felt filled by his cock even more. As always in matter of sex, Barry was right, and Stewart couldn’t restrain loud moans of pleasure.

“Let me feel your sexy body…” – Barry murmured into Stewart’s ear, while taking possession of his torso with his muscular arms and roaming his calloused hands over the man’s chest and abdomen. When he lowered his hand to grab Stewart’s cock, the airman gasped and pleaded with an urgent voice: “No, man… Please… I don’t want to cum, I want you to go on fucking me for, like, forever…”

“Oh, don’t worry, man, I will go on fucking you until you beg me to be merciful and finish you off! Your ass is… What the fuck?!”– Barry exclaimed, when he felt Alex’s cock slowly sneaking between his ass cheeks.

Alex, who until then had been sitting aside, watching the two men making sensual love, had risen on his knees and was gently pressing his massive body on Barry’s back. “Something’s got to give…” – he murmured into Barry’s ear, and ever so slowly he pushed his long cock between Barry’s buttocks, until the engorged glans rested on the man’s puckered hole.

Barry’s protests quickly trailed off, when he realized that Alex, unlike he always did with him, had used a huge amount of lube (actual lube) on his cock. “Watching what you’re doing to Stewart has inspired me…” – Alex confirmed – “I don’t want to just fuck you, I want to give you as much as you’re giving to my buddy, I want to see you writhe and moan for the pleasure, until you will beg me to be merciful and finish you off…”

With that, Alex gently penetrated Barry, very slowly, because he knew that Barry rarely yielded his ass to anyone. He was rewarded by a long, low-pitched guttural moan that sounded like a big cat’s purr. “I see you like it…” – Alex mused, and then moaned himself, basking in the sweet sensations that Barry’s tight hole was giving to his enflamed cock.


~ Barry’s place ~

It didn’t take to the three men more than a minute to find the right rhythm, and the sexual train set in motion; but instead of whistles and steam puffs, the room resonated with moans and gasps of pleasure.

All the three of them were surprised by the unexpected bend their sexual encounter had taken. They started it as a rowdy banter and were in for some wild sex, but had quickly found themselves making sweet love one another, unafraid to show their intimate emotions to their buddies.

On their knees, in the middle of the ample bed, they went on thrusting their hips in sync for what seemed an endless time; every time one of them begged to cum, the other two urged him to hold back, as to not put an end to that exquisite moment of love.

“Can you feel me, Stu?” – Alex asked with coarse voice, shoving a little harder his cock into Barry’s ass – “Can you feel my cock inside you?”

“Yeah… Fuck, yeah…!” – Stewart moaned, fighting his urge to explode – “It’s like you and Barry are fucking me at the same time…”

“Now, this is something to keep in mind for the next time… nnngghh…” – Barry growled, suddenly finding himself on the verge of his climax, due to the enticing vision he had of Alex and him double-fucking Stewart.

“Your ass is out of this world, buddy…” – Alex said at some point to Barry with strained voice – “I can’t hold back any more… I can’t… NNNNGGHH… FUUCK!!”

When he felt his sperm rushing through his long cock, Alex started pounding Barry in earnest, howling for the pleasure. The dam had broken down, and the other two men instantly added their own moans of pleasure and their own rivers of warm seed to the one spurting from Alex’s cock.

Instinctively, they held each other tight, enjoying the spasms and the gasps of pleasure of their buddies, while shooting all the manly juice their swollen balls could provide.

When their climaxes trailed off, they fell on the bed, still holding each other, with Barry squeezed between Alex’s bulky chest and Stewart’s sinewy back.

Stewart was the first to break the silence: “Now, stud, tell us what is pissing you off so much…”

Barry grunted and murmured: “It’s nothing, don’t worry. It won’t last long…”

“Hey, man” – Alex said – “It’s Stewart and me who you’re talking to. We’re buddies, we can share anything. Come on, spill the beans…!”

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“Well…” – Barry said, uncertain, rolling on his back – “I think that this marriage thing has thrown me a bit off-balance. Both Kale and Beau stated clear that nothing’s gonna change between us, but I don’t know… I mean, they’re gonna fuckin’ marry each other! And not in a year or a month: in a couple days!”

“I admit I’m a bit unsettled myself” – Stewart replied – “as it’s all happening very quickly. But I’m sure that soon enough things will go back to normal, don’t you think so?”

“Hmmm…” – Barry grunted, doubtful – “Earlier this morning Laniakea told me that Kale had… don’t know… a bad encounter with someone and was quite upset, but when I moved to go to him, Laniakea stopped me, as Kale was already finding all the help he needed from Beau. Beau, of course! Who else? I feel… like I don’t have any more a place in the Cove!”

Probably Barry didn’t realize how disrespectful and painful those words sounded to Stewart and Alex, as apparently Kale was the only guy in the Cove he cared for; and now that Kale was somewhat ‘taken’, Barry felt he had no more a role within the Cove. But Alex knew well his buddy, and the fleeting frown that appeared on his face only lasted few moments: “I say your current… place is not that bad, uh?” – he said tenderly to Barry, pressing his body against his friend’s; Stewart took his cue and held Barry tighter from the other side, making him feel the warmth of his body, as well as the warmth of his friendship.

“I… fuck, I didn’t mean…” – Barry stuttered, feeling out of his depths. He was a man of action, and all that talking (especially that talking about himself) was making him feel nervous.

“I know.” – Alex breathed on Barry’s mouth, a moment before locking their lips into a churning, passionate and loving kiss: it was a sort of ‘extension’ of the unusually tender love they’d just made, and Barry was surprised, but reciprocated the kiss with equal passion.

Alex recoiled and Stewart took his place, and put in his kiss a tenderness that he rarely used, and only with his boy Rick. Barry felt his head spinning, feeling loved and lucky to have such caring and understanding buddies. Loving, understanding and gorgeous, too! Barry felt his own body react to his friends’ caresses and his cock rose again to full mast.

Still kissing passionately Stewart, Barry inhaled sharply when, with utmost surprise, he felt Alex’s lips closing around his stiff cock: another first, in the lustful trio.

«Yeah, this is my place…» – Barry thought, and soon the bed became again a mess of hands, mouths, cock and asses trying to find every possible permutation.


~ Soothed struggles ~

The next twenty-four hours went by in a flash, with Beau and Kale rushing around the town getting their wedding suit, making phone calls and making the last arrangements for the upcoming celebration, that would’ve been held the next day.

Beau insisted to get married in the afternoon, at Maison de le Motte, so that everyone could’ve stayed there after the wedding reception.

At long last, when they were almost running out of hope, everything was ready for the big day, and Kale fell exhausted on the sofa of the living room. He couldn’t believe that in few hours he would’ve been a married man! And married to the most gorgeous, loving and tender man ever!

But there was one last thing Kale had to do, and that was why he was sitting in the living room, waiting for dinner, instead than resting on his bed.

After a short while, Barry came back home, hungry as a wolf. He entered the living room and smiled wide at Kale, feasting his eyes on his lean, chiseled physique. Kale was wearing just a very revealing pair of shorts and an open shirt, and suddenly Barry felt hungry for something different than food.

“Hey man, I was waiting for you!” – Kale said jovially – “May I come to your room while you change for dinner?”

“You may!” – Barry growled with a lustful grin, grabbing Kale by his wrist and forcefully pulling him toward the stairs; and he kept pulling him until the door closed behind them. The brawny worker quickly started undressing: “You like having me waiting, uh?” – he growled with a randy grin – “How long it’s been since I last fucked you? Too long! You’ll pay hard for this… I’ll shove my cock inside your sweet ass so hard that…”

“Wait… Wait Barry, I didn’t come here for that…” – Kale said, apparently willing to stop Barry’s enticing strip-tease, but his voice exuded a restrained passion that didn’t go unnoticed to Barry.

“So, you don’t want me to do… this?” – Barry mused, abruptly pulling down his briefs and making his semi-hard thick cock bounce up and down.

“Aww… fuck…” – Kale whined – “Barry, please, be merciful… I hadn’t sex since last week… Do you want me to cream my pants? Whatever you have in mind, it’s not going to happen, please stop…”

Barry froze and a deep frown appeared on his face, feeling his recent fears resurfacing: “What the fuck is wrong with you, man? Now you’re going to get married and suddenly your ass is your husband’s private hunting ground? Or maybe you like more… refined men, now! A sweaty manual worker is not hot enough for you, uh?”

Kale’s eyes widened: “What? No! No, how can you think such a horrible thing! Fuck, look at my hands!” – the counselor exclaimed, showing up his trembling hands – “You’re so fucking hot I can barely hold myself! But you see… I know it will sound stupid… Beau and I promised to each other not to have sex with anyone until we get married. You know, to make our first night special… I know what you’re thinking, Barry, I told you it’s stupid, but please…”

“It’s not stupid at all…” – Barry murmured, his frown fading into a warm smile – “It’s so fuckin’ romantic… So, no sex? Not even a quick blow-job?”

Kale laughed loud: “I guess this is your idea of romance! Ha ha! No, buddy, not now. When I’m back from the honeymoon, promised.”

“Hmm…” – Barry replied, feigning a disappointed expression – “Not even a handjob? What are friends for, if they don’t even lend a helping hand?”

“You’re something else!” – Kale exclaimed, still laughing – “You’re a force of Nature, Barry… And this is why I wanted to talk to you. You don’t give a fuck to what you call the ‘psychological mumbo-jumbo’, you don’t pussyfoot around things, and I know how much you… care for me.”

Barry stifled an almost shy grin, while trying hard to put back his stiff cock into the briefs. “You bet I do” – he then murmured, under his breath.

“This is why I want you to be my best man, Barry”

“Me?” – Barry gasped, surprised – “I thought that Laniakea… I mean, he’s family…”

“I need you, Barry. Being the best man is not just a matter of having a special place at the celebration. It’s about watching over the married couple, and help them when the hard times come. It’s about speaking the truth even if it hurts, and putting me in my place if I do something wrong. I can’t think to a better man to stay at my side. Will you be my best man, Barry?”

“Well… I don’t know… I’m a busy man, you know…” – Barry teased, but he was too moved to really joke about it – “Yes, Kale, I will be your best man. Thank you for asking me. You’ll see! I’ll be your… best man ever!”

Kale smiled wide and threw his arms around Barry, who suddenly recoiled with a resolute expression: “Stop there, man! You said no sex and no sex it is! When you’re back from your honeymoon you’ll come to me begging to get a taste of this prime beef, and I’m not that sure I’ll give you!”

“Oh, you will, Barry!” – Kale laughed, turning around and heading to the door – “You will, granted!”

The door closed behind Kale and Barry, now alone, flashed a mischievous expression: «No sex, uh?» – he thought, smiling – «We’ll see…»


~ YMCA ~

Dinner was a boisterous affair, with all the boys and men talking at the same time, excited for what was in store for them the next day. Lewd comments and jokes were not unusual at their table, but Kale noticed that there were heavy sexual vibes in the air… or maybe it was his own repressed lust to make him think so.

But it wasn’t just imagination, as Barry and the other men frequently whispered between them under their breath and exchanged knowing glances.

When the dinner was over, Barry asked with a casual tone: “Beau, Kale, this is your last night as single men: are you going to a bachelor party or something?”

Beau shook his head: “Not really… We’ve been too busy arranging everything for the marriage, there was no time to organize a bachelor party…”

“What a pity…” – Barry replied stifling a smile, and shot a meaningful glance at Rick, who took his cue: “Sir, I’m going to serve your espresso in the living room, so if you and Kale would be so kind to get comfortable there, I’m coming with the coffee and the liquor cart.”

Beau and Kale exchanged a puzzled glance and shrugged their shoulder, guessing that it was not just coffee and drinks what they were going to get. They moved to the living room, while all the other members of the Cove rushed away, leaving them alone. They sat on the sofa and in few minutes Rick came with the espresso for Beau and a fancy cocktail for Kale. While serving them, he covertly nodded to Charlie, spying at them from the entrance all, and suddenly the lights went off.

A loud music came from a hidden speaker, and Kale instantly recognized the beginning of “YMCA”, by Village People. Then the lights went back on and they saw Barry coming down the stairs, moving in sync with the music. Kale’s mouth sagged open when he saw that Barry was wearing an extremely tight tank-top over the… shortest jeans shorts he’d ever seen on him; they were so skimpy that Kale wondered how on earth they could hold Barry’s massive junk… and when they would eventually give up. Over the shorts, Barry was wearing a belt holding his work tools, and his work helmet was on his head.

“Fuck, he’s hot!” – Beau whispered, and Kale replied with a dreaming tone: “I’m going to hire him…”

Barry took his place in the middle of the floor, while the music went on, and soon Alex and Wahkan came down from the stairs: Alex was wearing his old detective uniform, but obviously going commando under the tight pants, judging from the almost obscene bulge he sported; and Wahkan was wearing… almost nothing: just a short leather loincloth that barely covered his long cock, a leather armband and his customary feather earring and pendant around his neck.

While Beau and Kale feasted their eyes on the gorgeous men, a loud “YEEEE HAWWW! came from the stairs, and Stewart came rumbling down, stomping the heels of his boots on the wooden steps. “What the…?” – Kale exclaimed, looking with wide eyes at Stewart wearing a classic “Marlboro man” cowboy attire, flannel shirt, faded ripped jeans, cowboy hat, mirrored glasses and tall boots.

The music got even louder, and while the famous “Y-M-C-A” refrain filled the room, the door to the entrance hall crashed open and Gerry appeared in the doorframe, in full leather clothes, the most iconic and enticing biker ever. His leather jacket hung widely open over his massive hairy chest, his tight black pants highlighted his huge package, the black Ray-Bahn gave him a bad-guy allure, but what was really mouth-sagging was his rigid tall hat, made of black leather with a golden metal badge shining over the brim.

The five man started dancing to the rhythm of the music, waving their hips, grabbing their bulges and showing off their muscular arms and chests, under Kale’s and Beau’s rapt eyes.

Maybe the choreography wasn’t the best ever, but no one noticed.

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Beau and Kale, now surrounded by all the boys, darted their eyes around, eager to look at each of those gorgeous men who looked like true gay icons coming straight from the Village People’s video. Actually, they were even hotter!

Barry came a little closer and rocked his hips right in front of Kale, mocking him: “No sex, uh? Worse for you! But you can touch, if you want…”

Kale’s hand, almost on his own, clamped on Barry’s bulge. “Aww… fuck!” – he murmured, feeling the massive meat filling the shorts to the brim. But suddenly Kale withdrew his hand and said with a smile: “Not tonight, stud… But fuck, it’s hard!”

“You’re talking about yourself, I can see…” – Barry laughed, pointing at Kale’s crotch, as tense as a tent, and then he turned around and started caressing lasciviously Gerry’s chest under the open jacket. Taking their cue, all the men, still dancing (more or less) started groping each other’s bulges, asses, pecs and arms, some clothes fell to the floor, and the show became steaming hot.

“Oh, no, you’re not going to…” – Beau gasped, trying in vain to adjust his rock-hard cock inside his pants – “This is unfair, you can’t… Mon Dieu!”

Alex winked at Charlie, sitting next to Beau, and he leapt on his feet and ran to his man, touching him in every place and looking at him with adoring eyes. The other boys followed suits, each one hugging and caressing his man: Rick with Stewart, Chayton with Wahkan.

“OK, LaShawn, you can go, too!” – came Jorell’s voice from behind them, and Kale turned around just in time to see LaShawn quickly join the other men, while Jorell watched him with a fatherly smile. “Here you are!” – Kale said to Jorell – “I was wondering why you didn’t join that crazy crowd!”

“Naah… What costume should I have worn?”

“None at all…” – Kale said in one breath, and suddenly realized that his comment might’ve sounded too daring – “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you… After all we’ve never… you know… we’ve never done…”

“You never had sex with Jorell?” – Beau asked, surprised, and Kale laughed and hit him on the forearm: “Why, do you think I go fucking left, right and center all time? I’m not that kind of man!”

“Well, my door is always open for you…” – Jorell said, winking to Kale.

“Damn! You too! Fuck, I’m going to die tonight! And when they’ll take me to the Morgue they’ll find out what the ‘rigor mortis’ really is!”

Merde! Look at that…!” – Beau exclaimed looking at the dancing group, that was slowly turning in a sort of homoerotic orgy of leather, flapping loincloths, alpha-men kissing and almost naked boys.


~ Free for all ~

A sad, lustful sigh came from Beau’s side and he realized that Brennan was sitting next to him, looking with wide eyes the hot action developing on the dance floor… and he was not allowed to join them, as apparently Beau and Kale had no intention to give in and break their mutual promise not to have sex.

Beau smiled tenderly, appreciating the loyalty of his boy, who didn’t even ask him to go and have fun with the other boys, out of respect. “I’m going upstairs, the air is becoming too hot here…” – Beau said to Brennan – “But you can stay here and… do whatever you want. I won’t stay awake waiting for you!”

“Oh, thank you, sir!!” – Brennan exclaimed, hugging Beau tight, and soon scampered to meet the other guys dancing and blatantly flirting. “I know the first man he’ll go to…” – Beau murmured to Kale, and then smiled when Brennan went straight to Gerry and started sneaking his hands inside the man’s open jackets, seductively diving his fingers into his thick felt of body hair.

Kale and Beau sneaked silently out, unnoticed, while behind them the moans of pleasure and lust were almost overcoming the music. Brennan looked sideways and saw that Barry was pulling out his hefty cock, while taking handfuls of LaShawn’s naked ass. Apparently, Brennan wasn’t the only boy given free rein, as Chayton, stripped to his underwear, was grabbing Stewart from behind, pressing his bulge on the cowboy’s buttocks and sliding his hands down to his crotch. Next to them, Charlie was in his element, and was expertly sucking Wahkan.

“Is there some more room in that gifted mouth of yours?” – Jorell asked to Charlie, appearing from nowhere behind Wahkan. “But you will need a lot of room for this…”– he added, lowering his shorts and showing off his semi-hard black snake to the ecstatic boy. In his young life, Charlie had sucked many a cock, while working at the Mighty Stud, but he never had to deal with thirteen inches of solid meat. He didn’t lose his confidence, though: “I bet I can take it all in one gulp, sir!” – he said, and started massaging the big black cock with both hands, until it was fully hard.

«If I can take this, I can take everything…» – Charlie thought, opening his mouth wide and pointing the stiff rod to his face. He slowly engulfed the hot meat, effortlessly making it slide down his throat, and inch after inch he went on pushing his face toward Jorell’s pubes. At one point his gag reflex kicked in, but he concentrated on his task and didn’t stop until his nose was buried into the man’s curly hair.

“The champ!” – Jorell exclaimed, and loud cheers came from the crowd. “You’re something else, kid! Now make me feel good…”

Stewart turned his head to Chayton, hornily humping against his butt, and started unbuckling his pants: “You’re so stiff that you’re going to pierce my jeans…” – he said to Chayton, teasing him seductively – “But can a boy like you satisfy a man like me?”

“You can bet your tight ass I can, cowboy” – the young Sioux replied, with a confident and manly tone that sent shivers down Stewart’s spine – “I’m going to make you feel like a chicken on a skewer, and then we’ll see who’s the boy and who’s the man…”

Stewart flashed a lewd smile and quickly stepped out of his jeans and underwear. He pulled Chayton on a sofa and raised one leg, giving to Chayton an unobstructed access to his nether portal: “Come on, stud, do your worst…” – he growled, and soon gasped, when Chayton pierced his ass with all the ardor of his twenty-one years. He maybe didn’t have an oversize cock like Barry or Jorell, but he made up for the lack of inches with a youthful force that made Stewart writhe for the pleasure. And Chayton’s unrestrained dirty talking added to the hotness of the guy: “You like it, cowboy, uh?” – Chayton growled while smashing his hips against Stewart’s firm ass – “You never had such a rough ride, did you? You won’t ever be able to sit on a saddle when I’m done with you!”

On the other side of the room, LaShawn, on all fours, was rhythmically shaken by Barry’s forceful pounding on his ass. At every thrust of Barry’s hips, he was forcefully pushed forward, forcing him to gulp Alex’s thick cock down his throat. LaShawn felt on cloud nine, spit-roasted by the two roughest men of the Cove, and was doing his best to hold his orgasm, as he didn’t want it to end too soon.

Next to them, Rick was standing, naked and trembling, in front of Wahkan; they were standing still, keeping their hands on each other’s chests and looking deep into each other’s eyes. They were not fucking, they were not even moving, and still Rick couldn’t restrain a whine for the overwhelming sexual tension he was feeling building up into his groin.

Rick had never experienced the special, intimate connection Wahkan could create with another man: that was something he only did with his boy Chayton; but that night anything could happen, and sure enough Rick would’ve never expected to live such an intense experience. “Sir… Please…” – Rick murmured after a while with pleading voice, straining to release his pent-up pleasure, but Wahkan replied in an almost hypnotizing tone: “Not yet… Don’t fight it… Let the pleasure fill every inch of your body and mind… Your manhood is not just between your legs: every fiber of your being is part of it!”

And that was how Rick was feeling: his entire body was as stiff as his dick, and every inch of his skin felt as sensitive as his glans. The tension was quickly becoming unbearable when, with a simple “Now”, Wahkan opened the floodgates and both of them howled loud for the pleasure, while a torrent of manly cream mixed with a torrent of boyish juice, showering their torsos and groins.


~ Hesitant love ~

A bit afar from them, in a darker corner of the room, Gerry was lying on a soft carpet, on his back, still wearing his biker jackets and pants. His thick cock was jutting out of the open fly, throbbing in anticipation, and he looked up at Brennan, completely naked, kneeling astride his hips. At first, Gerry had resisted to Brennan’s advances, uneasy as always whenever it came to man-sex. But Brennan was so tender, loving… and persistent that in the end he surrendered himself to the boy’s eager hands.

“Are you sure you want it?” – Gerry asked, and Brennan smiled tenderly, looking down at him, as it seemed that Gerry was asking that question to himself.

“Please, sir…” – Brennan said softly – “But I want you to enjoy it, sir. All I want is give you pleasure. Let me, sir…”

“You’re special, kid” – Gerry said with a tender smile, brushing his hands on the boy’s naked thighs. When Brennan felt the man’s strong hands pushing gently on his legs, he slowly lowered his ass on the stiff member, and didn’t stop until he was fully impaled on it.

“Ooohh…” – Gerry murmured, closing his eyes – “You’re made of velvet, boy…”

Brennan smiled with pride, and started riding the thick cock, slowly at first, cautious not to break the magic of the moment; and when he saw Gerry delving into the pleasure, accepting with more ease their act of love, Brennan started moving faster up and down, bouncing his soft buttocks on Gerry’s wide hips.

The moaning coming from the dance floor, filled with men and boys giving free rein to their lust, made both of them enjoy even more the sweet sensations they were feeling, and it didn’t take long until Gerry and Brennan were panting, on the verge of their climax. Gerry felt his balls tighten and was about to shoot, so he said with coarse voice: “Cum with me, boy… Let me give you the pleasure you’re giving me…”

His big hand wrapped around Brennan’s stiff dick and started stroking it in earnest. “Oh, sir…! Sir, you’re making me shoot…! Ooohh… OOOHH!!!”

The sight of the boy, impaled on his cock and writhing for the pleasure, while shooting all his warm seed over his chest, sent Gerry through the roof. He grunted loud and his cock exploded into the boy’s ass, flooding it with thick man cream.

When their orgasms subsided, Brennan leaned over to Gerry’s chest and whined: “I don’t want it to end, sir…”

Gerry slowly stood up, holding Brennan bodily against his chest (and still impaled on his shrinking cock) and replied tenderly: “Sleep with me tonight…” – and then moved to the stairs leading down to his room.

Upstairs, in Kale’s room, Beau was saying the very same thing to Kale: “Sleep with me tonight…”; but Kale’s reply was very different than Brennan’s: “Beau, I don’t want you to feel forced to do something against your will, and if you feel the need to have some fun, I’m quite sure they’ve kept a free place for you, downstairs. I won’t be disappointed, I only want you to be happy…”

Beau smiled tenderly: “Do you think I can’t make a little sacrifice for the man I love? I don’t want to go downstairs, it’s you the one I want to make love to. I can wait. But tomorrow, on our wedding night, you’ll be mine…”

“And you’ll be mine!” – Kale replied, nesting into Beau’s arms – “Besides, I didn’t see Laniakea, downstairs: apparently, we’re not the only ones who decided not to have sex tonight…”

“Ehm… Correction, sir…!” – came a voice from the connecting door. Beau and Kale turned around and saw Laniakea standing in the doorframe, naked, holding just a towel in front of his crotch. His skin covered with sweat and sperm couldn’t be mistaken: he definitely had sex, that night, and it was quite wild, judging by the blush on his face.

“Nani Kōkī!” – Kale exclaimed with a wide smile – “I’m so happy you were not alone tonight! Love is in the air at the Cove! But… who’s the lucky guy?”

“It would be me…” – Rowan murmured in a shy tone, appearing behind Laniakea – “Laniakea and I didn’t feel very comfortable downstairs, so we came here, and we started talking, and then… well… one thing led to another! You… You’re not angry we made love, are you, Kale?”

“Well… ‘surprised’ is a more appropriate word to describe what I feel! You’re always quite reserved, we never hear any rumors about you making love with anyone but Gerry and occasionally Barry… I’m very happy to see you and Laniakea going along so nicely!”

“I’m happy, too” – Beau said, giving a meaningful glance at Rowan. Long were gone the days when Rowan was scared to death to surrender himself to another man. Rowan clearly guessed what Beau was talking about and smiled with affection: “I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me, sir. And to me!” – he concluded, giggling [1].

Beau looked at Kale feigning a hurt expression: “So, apparently we are the only ones not to score tonight!”

“We are the only ones who are going to get married tomorrow…” – Kale replied with such an irresistible tenderness that Beau couldn’t help but hold him and kiss him on his lips. “I better go upstairs before things get too hot…” – Beau said – “Of course, ‘no sex with anyone’ includes my right hand, doesn’t it?”

“And your left one!” – Kale laughed, pushing Beau toward the door – “Have some sleep, stud, because tomorrow, in case you forgot, we have a marriage to attend!”


One hour later, Kale, alone in his bed, still couldn’t sleep for the excitement.

«I can’t believe that tomorrow I’ll be married to Beau!» – he thought with dreaming eyes – «Wait! Should I keep my name? Maybe I could take the double surname… It would sound like… ‘Kale Ali'ikai Kahananui Rice-Duncan de la Motte’…»

For a moment, just a brief moment, Kale thought about it, and then burst in laughter: “Naaaah!!”


* * * * * * * *

Footnotes and references:

[1] Beau helped Rowan overcome his trauma re-enacting with him the abuse he had to suffer by his stepfather for years and was the first grown-up man Rowan had sex with since he ran away from home, years before. See Rowan’s Journey, Ch. 25, ‘A dreadful punishment

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024