The Cove

by Hunknown

8 Mar 2022 285 readers Score 9.7 (22 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the previous chapters…

Gerry's heterosexual inclinations and his inhibitions make it hard for him having sex with Rowan, despite the sheer love he feels for him. However, a part of him longs for men's love, and at the Cove he cautiously explores his sexuality.
Kale goes to Hawaii to pay a visit to his dying father and brings back with him his young cousin Laniakea, who struggles to fully explore his sexual inclinations and find his place within the Cove.
Beau understands that he's not the wonderful and generous man he's always believed, and tries his best to overcome his limits.
The sudden appearance of Gerry's female lover causes a fuss in the Cove and leads to a weird three-way between Kale, Gladys and Gerry. Rowan feels inadequate for Gerry, and looks for reassurance into Barry's arms, but this causes a fight between Gerry and Barry, who later on find a common ground (rough sex!) to settle their quarrel.
Barry is arrested and put in jail, where he ties a strong bond with Wade, a barely legal straight boy. At his trial, Barry makes the hot Judge Ricardo Garcia fall for him.
With Kale's help, Laniakea learns how liberating is voicing (or even screaming) his pleasure and reveals to have been raped by two homophobic guys, back home. Gerry takes another step in his journey, sucking a man's cock for the first time.
Jorell reveals to Kale that his father walked out on him when he was seventeen and never heard from him since. Immediately, the Cove starts searching for Jorell's father, and the traces lead to the infamous San Quentin Prison. There, Jorell finds out how unexpectedly caring and understanding was his father, who unfortunately died in prison.
LaShawn meets Joshua, the supposedly straight jet pilot, and gently brings the uptight and repressed guy into the frightening and delightful world of man-love.


Brennan's obsession for bikers (and Gerry in particular) gets satisfied, and Gerry takes an important step in his journey into man-love; but then Brennan must face Beau. At Standing Rock, Joshua's last resistance crumbles under to LaShawn's tender ministrations. The group then heads back home, but fate has something terrible in store for them.

Additional downloads (PDF)

Cast of Characters: the “Who’s Who” of the Cove!
Floor Plan of the Cove
Book 01: Chapters 01-10 (PDF with bookmarks)
Book 02: Chapters 11-20 (PDF with bookmarks)
Book 03: Chapters 21-22 (PDF with bookmarks)


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~ Obsession ~

Brennan feasted his eyes on Gerry wearing his biker leather jacket over his bare hairy chest. He was sexy as ever, and Brennan couldn’t believe that he was in his sixties: looking at his lean muscular body, the dark brown body hair, and his manly face without even a single wrinkle, he seemed to be no more than 25 years old.

And the powerful thrusts of Gerry’s massive cock in his ass definitely weren’t those of an old man, but those of a young male in his prime: his hips slammed with such a potency over Brennan’s buttocks that the entire bed squeaked under the blows.

“Hey, Caleb! Troy, Kit!” – Gerry yelled at some point, turning to the door – “Come here, you all! You must taste the kid’s ass, here! Fuck, he can literally milk my cock with his tight hole!”

Brennan gasped with lust when the three bikers came in, unzipping their leather pants and walking to him wanking their cocks: “We’re going to stuff all your holes with loads of man meat, kid!” – they said with a lustful tone – “Yes, four thick cocks and two holes: you do the math, boy!”

The mere idea of being double-penetrated both in the ass and in the mouth at the same time, satisfying the animal instincts of the four rough bikers, sent Brennan through the roof. He stiffened, held his breath, and his untouched cock shot so hard that it almost hurt. A torrent of boyish juice spread on his groin, slowly dripping to the sides down to the bedsheets, and the ejaculation seemed endless.

When the unbelievable orgasm ended, Brennan opened his eyes wearing a satisfied smile on his face; but suddenly his smile faded, when he looked around and found himself in his room, warmly lit by the morning light flowing through the windows.

«It was a dream! Just a dream…» – he thought, a bit sorry – «But it was so… real!!»

He moved under the bedsheets and realized that the dream had been more real than he thought, because his underwear was actually drenched with sperm, and it was so copious that it even wetted the sheets.

He groggily got off the bed, feeling like he didn’t sleep at all. Sure enough, judging by the amount of sperm drenching the boxers and the bedsheets, his dream must’ve been very long, and probably Gerry and his fellow bikers had fucked him many times, making him cum over and over.

«Too bad I don’t remember the other fucks!» – Brennan thought, while throwing himself under the shower; when done, he wore clean clothes and went downstairs to have breakfast. He realized it was a bit late, and most of the men had already gone to work. “You’re the last one” – Rick confirmed with a smile, and Laniakea, who was now a permanent member of the ‘kitchen brigade’ (as Beau said), added: “Even Rowan, who usually stays at home, had to go out for some errands”.

Brennan ate his breakfast and moved to the desert living room. That dream had put a fire in him, he felt restless and excited, and couldn’t think of anything but Gerry in his sexy leather jacket. Since the day, not long before, when he and the other boys went downstairs and Gerry showed off his biker attire [1], Brennan had dreamt of Gerry many times; in his dreams, sometimes Gerry was alone, sometimes with his fellow bikers, but every dream ended with Brennan fucked by Gerry like there was no tomorrow.

Feeling a tingle in his pants, Brennan silently headed downstairs and peeked into Gerry and Rowan’s room; there was no one around and he cautiously stepped in, closing the door behind him. He immediately went to the closet, opened it and took Gerry’s leather jackets. It was heavy, and felt oddly soft and rough at the same time, under his fingers.

The boy quickly tore away his t-shirt and wore the jackets on his bare torso, like Gerry always did in his dreams. The jacket emanated a musky scent, a mix of sweat, leather and cheap cologne, and the rough inner side brushed sensually on his nipples.

He turned around, and looked at the bed, still unmade; he lay on it, face down, and inhaled Gerry’s scent, still lingering on the bedsheets, feeling again like he felt in his dream, on that very bed, at the total mercy of the horny biker.

Brennan raised his head and looked around, spotting Gerry’s dirty briefs lying on the floor next to the bed, and grabbed it. When he brought it to his nose, Brennan’s nostrils were assaulted by the pungent scent of Gerry’s manliness and he felt his head spinning for the excitement. His cock was rock hard into his pants, and he pulled them off, along with his boxers, to put on Gerry’s briefs; he felt overly excited by the idea of having his own cock pressing on the same fabric that held Gerry’s manhood.

He reclined again on the bed, wearing Gerry’s jacket and underwear, and closed his eyes, while his hand roughly massaged his own bulge, that in his fantasy was Gerry’s. His other hand slipped under the jacket, and in his vivid imagination he was caressing Gerry’s muscular chest, pinching his nipples to make him even more excited and lustful, so that he would give him an even harder fuck.

Brennan’s hips started moving on their own, while his small hand pressed and brushed hard on his stiff bulge. In his excited fantasy, Gerry had kidnapped him, to keep him in his lair, a young gille-tòine to be used by the entire gang to get sexual relief after a day spent riding their bikes.

And then Gerry shoved his thick veiny cock into his ass, all the way to the hilt, and Brennan was swept away by a powerful climax that make him tremble and shake, tossing his head from side to side, while Gerry’s briefs got drenched with Brennan’s youthful seed.

Exhausted and spent, Brennan stood still on the bed for a couple minutes, while his breath slowed down. But after those couple minutes he didn’t open his eyes, as he’d fallen deep asleep.


~ Age difference ~

Brennan woke up only when heard a familiar voice saying softly: “Hey, kid… That should be my bed…”

With a loud gasp, the boy sat up on the mattress: “Oh! Sir! Sorry sir! I… I…” – he tried to say, blushing crimson red – “It’s not like it seems, sir…! I was just… just…”

“Hey, hey, kid…” – Gerry said with a warm smile, sitting on the bed side – “I’m not angry, don’t worry. Calm down. And you don’t have to explain me anything. Besides, the situation is quite… self-explanatory!” – he laughed – “I mean, that is my jacket, those are my briefs, but this fresh juice is definitely not mine…”

Saying the last words, Gerry playfully traced with his index finger Brennan’s dick through the wet fabric, and the boy briefly gasped, while his unruly member, once again, came to life.

“You seem to have an endless supply of cream, inside those young balls of yours” – Gerry giggled – “However, while some claim that sperm is wonderful to keep leather shining, I’m not inclined to test this theory: better put this jacket away, don’t you think so, kid?”

“Y… Yes, sir, of course…” – Brennan replied, quickly taking off the heavy jacket and handing it to Gerry.

“And these briefs are completely soaked: let’s take them away, too” – the man added, gently pulling the underwear down. Brennan found himself completely naked and at first he was very embarrassed, but then noticed that Gerry’s gaze was leisurely scanning his body, from head to toe.

“Say…” – Gerry said pensively – “Do you really find me that attractive? I mean, it’s more than clear who is the man you’ve made love with, in your dream, and I’m… sincerely surprised. You’re so young, I must be an old geezer in your eyes… My hair, my beard and even my chest are streaked with silver…”

“This is what excites me most, sir…” – Brennan replied, in a little voice – “Would you… would you please take off your shirt, sir? I really love your silver-streaked chest…”

“I’m baffled…” – Gerry said, unbuttoning his shirt with a mix of disbelief and smugness; he completely removed his shirt and showed off his chest to the boy: “Now you tell me what’s sexy in this grey body hair and this seasoned chest…”

Brennan extended a hand and gently dove his small fingers into the thick felt of salt-and-pepper body hair: “It’s not the colour, sir… You may think that those silver streaks just talk about your age, but they actually talk about your experience, the adventures you’ve lived, the men you met, and… the many times you had sex…”

Brennan gulped down, unsure whether to be more explicit or not, and decided to put everything out: “You’re so experienced, sir… I have fucked only very few times, but you… you must have made love millions of times!”

“Ha ha ha!” – Gerry laughed heartily – “Not even Methuselah could’ve fucked millions of times, even counting two or three fucks a day! Ha ha ha! But… well… I’ve definitely fucked more than you, this we can’t deny. But you’re so young…” – he added, lightly brushing his hand over Brennan’s almost hairless leg – “You have plenty of time to fuck, and build up your life experience…”

“May… May I see your cock, sir?” – Brennan asked, haltingly – “I’m curious to see a cock that has given so much pleasure so many times…”

“Kid… I don’t think it would be… uhm… appropriate.”

“Please, sir. This… situation, weird as it is, will never happen again, and… I often dream of you, sir. I imagined your cock many times… Thick, veiny, with a slightly loosened foreskin… Is it so?”

Gerry stood silent for a little while, and then sighed and stood up, unbuttoning his pants; he took them away, along with his briefs, setting free his manly endowment, and knelt astride Brennan’s torso, to let him give a close look: “Judge by yourself, kid…”

The man’s cock was pretty much as Brennan had imagined: fat, uncut, with a loose foreskin that didn’t cover completely the plump helmet; even the balls, low-hanging and very hairy, were like in Brennan’s dreams.

“It’s exactly how I imagined, sir…” – Brennan said under his breath, gently grabbing the heavy member – “and sure enough, when hard it gets even thicker, and much longer… It’s a wonderful cock, sir… Truly wonderful… I wonder how many pussies this cock has explored… and how many asses… You’re so incredibly sexy, sir! Watching you fucking someone must be a sight…”


~ The real thing ~

While talking, Brennan kept on massaging Gerry’s limp cock, feeling it twitch, and then growing thicker and longer, while it got stiffer. A part of Gerry’s mind told him that he should’ve stopped that gentle, expert hand, and that he should’ve stepped away from Brennan. But he was so pleased to hear the young boy talk so enthusiastically of him and his sexual prowess, and his mind went on a loop, trying to reconcile his strong heterosexual education and the unexpected yearnings that Brennan’s young and almost hairless body was awaking inside him.

Gerry found himself staring down at Brennan, at his pale silky skin, his clean cheeks, his flat abdomen, and he was so different from the men he’d seen naked in his life! No doubt Brennan was a man: the toned pecs with a tuft of black hairs between them, the thick treasure trail running down to his crotch, and his hard, throbbing cock still wet with sperm were those of a man. And still, his delicate features, his silky skin, his childish wide eyes had something… feminine in them.

Brennan, breathing hard, slowly scrambled up, sneaking away from Gerry’s thighs straddling him, and raised his legs, offering to the muscled seasoned man his most tender and sensitive parts; and in that moment Gerry realized that for his cock it didn’t make any difference if that rosy hole, so enticingly spread in front of him, was that of a boy, a girl, a woman or a man.

Looking straight at Brennan, Gerry spat on his hand and wetted is rock-hard cock, and pointed it to puckered hole. But he suddenly faltered, and said: “You’re Beau’s boy… I can’t do this… I can’t make love to you without Beau’s permission!”

“I asked for his permission, don’t worry, sir…” – Brennan lied, too excited to think straight; his dream, his obsession was finally becoming reality, and nothing could’ve stopped him!

Brennan’s hole, by now, had seen many a cock, including Barry’s beer-can thick one, but when Gerry thrust his hips, his girth stretched him wide, making him gasp for the sudden sense of fullness. “Ooohh… sir….” – he moaned softly, squirming with delight – “It’s wonderful… You’re so sexy, sir!”

Seeing the sheer pleasure painted on the boy’s face fueled Gerry’s lust, and he started fucking Brennan in earnest: “Is this what you wanted, boy?” – he growled, delving into the fantasy of the tough biker fucking his young prey – “And there’s more…”. Gerry’s cock became a piledriver, a steel piston that relentlessly crashed into the boy’s tender hole, deeper and deeper. He constantly checked Brennan, as he didn’t want to be too rough, but the boy was clearly in a sexual heaven, and even begged for more: “Harder, sir… please… Give me it all!”

Brennan, judging from the frantic pace and the potency of Gerry’s thrusts thought that the man was about to burst, but he underestimated one of the few perks of age: Gerry could keep that pace much longer, without even going too close to his orgasm.

That’s why Brennan whined in total delight, when he felt Gerry’s groin slam on his buttocks even harder and faster than before: it was like he was getting his ass ravaged by a jack hammer at full throttle! Just like in his dreams, the bed was squeaking under the massive blows, and Brennan kept his hands away from his own cock, as it was already too difficult to hold back even without any manual stimulation.

Only one thing was missing for his dream to really came true… Gerry noticed the boy looking sideways and followed his gaze to the leather jacket lying on the bed next to them. “You want the full monty, uh?” – Gerry said, extending a hand to pick it up. His hips slowed down, but much to Brennan’s surprise they didn’t stop, and went on bouncing on the boy’s buns while Gerry put the jacket on.

Gerry leaned down, placing his hands at the sides of Brennan’s head and growled: “Now, my cute boy, no matter how hard you resist, I’m gonna fuck the cum out of your young cock…”

With those words, the frantic pounding started again and Brennan’s eyes rolled back for the unbearable stimulation his sensitive joy nut was getting. “Sir… nnngghh… sir…” – Brennan slurred – “Oh god… oh god… ooooOOOOOHHH!!”

The boy bucked wildly, shaken to his fundaments by an explosive climax, and his hands gripped tight on the leather sleeves of the jacket. His dick shot a barrage of creamy gushes that pooled in the creases of his abs and turned the tuft of body hair between his pecs into a sticky mess.

“Good boy, nice shot!” – Gerry said with chocked voice – “My turn now! NNNNGGHHH!!”

Panting for the exertion, Gerry emptied his balls into the boy’s fiery chute and then, exhausted, crashed next to him. “Have you learned the lesson, kid?” – he asked, faking an angry tone – “You don’t mess with a biker, or this is what you get!”

Brennan was too shaken to take the joke and hugged Gerry very tight, placing his head on his wide chest: “Thank you sir… It’s been incredible… Better than in my dreams…”

“It’s me who thanks you, kid…” – Gerry replied with affection – “You see, I’ve fucked Rowan several times, and Kale, once, but they are grown men, and it always makes me feel… uncomfortable. But with you… I don’t know… I felt myself, everything came natural. And truth to be told it’s been many years since I gave someone such a no-hold-barred fuck!”

“Now this is something you don’t see any day!” – came a jovial voice from the door.

“Rowan!” – Gerry exclaimed – “I’m glad you’re back! The kid, here, will surely need some help to stand on his legs, after what he got…!”

“Don’t listen to him, Rowan!” – Brennan laughed, jumping out on the bed and going to his friend – “But I need to… freshen up before going upstairs. May I use your bathroom?”

“Be my guest…” – Rowan replied, smiling. Brennan scampered to the bathroom and Rowan sat on the bed side, next to Gerry. “Looking at this bed, it must’ve been wild…” – he said, and Gerry flashed a cautious glance: “You’re not… annoyed that I made love to Brennan, aren’t you?”

“I can’t be happier, Daddy” – the guy replied, leaning down to give a tender kiss to Gerry – “I’m just a bit surprised. I mean, you don’t find very… easy to make love with a guy, but from what I see you didn’t hold back, this time. Leather jacket and all!”

“Brennan is very special…” – Gerry said with affection – “I’m glad that Beau gave him permission to make love with me. Next time I see him, I’ll thank him!”

“Uhm… I wouldn’t do anything like that, Daddy” – Rowan replied, suddenly serious – “Beau is a wonderful and generous man, but he’s not… this generous. I hope to be wrong, but there may be some clouds approaching the Cove…”

“Oh, fuck…! Fuck! First, the affair with Gladys, and now this… I’m causing a mess after another… Do you think Beau will be furious with me?”

“I hope not. It all depends on Brennan…” – Rowan said, dubious – “After all, he may really have asked permission to Beau.”

In that moment, Brennan came out of the bathroom and hurriedly got dressed. “I… I have to go…” – he murmured, and ran away like someone was chasing him.

“No, he didn’t.” – Rowan concluded with a tense sigh.


~ Chat in the attic ~

At lunch, Kale, being a counselor and the most sensible guy in the Cove, noticed that there was something weird going on. Brennan, usually very talkative, watched at his dish, pensively; Gerry shot occasional glances to Beau, with cautious anxiety, while Rowan covertly tried to reassure him, touching his leg under the table.

Beau, on the other side, was totally unaware of the subtle tension around him, and was laughing at Stewart’s jokes. Truth to be told, Beau had never been a champion in the sensibility department, but Kale smiled tenderly, knowing how pure, almost innocent was his heart, and how generous he was. Beau raised his gaze, feeling observed, and reciprocated Kale’s smile, glancing at him with great affection.

The lunch came to its end, but none of the men and boys went away, waiting for Beau to be the first to stand up. That sort of ritual had begun in the early days of the Cove, when there were only Beau, Kale and Barry living there. Back then, Barry was Beau’s employee, in charge of the renovation of the Cove, and he felt natural to pay that small homage to Beau’s superior status; and when the other men and boys joined them, everyone quickly got accustomed to that little rite. Beau apparently loved that gesture of respect, despite complaining all the time that the other men always treated him with white gloves.

As soon as Beau stood up, several men did the same, and went to their room; Beau, too, headed to the stairs and Brennan, after a couple minutes, followed him. Kale looked at the boy going away with a tense expression, and noticed that Rowan had a similar tension in his gaze.

“Do you know what’s going on?” – the counselor asked to Rowan, who shook his head: “Nothing that I’m allowed to tell you about, I’m sorry. But I believe that soon enough Beau will tell you everything. Please, Kale, keep an eye on Beau. It’s probably just an excessive anxiety by my side, but… you know…”

Rowan’s voice trailed off, and Kale reassured him: “I’ll be there, if Beau or Brennan… or anyone else needs me.”

Upstairs, Brennan opened the door to the attic and saw Beau sitting on a small two-seat sofa in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window. He was looking peacefully at the sunny beach extending from the basement of the Cove to the distant glimmering Ocean.

“Oh, mon garçon, come here!” – Beau exclaimed jovially, patting with his hand on the seat next to him – “Look at that, isn’t it a beautiful sight?”

Brennan sat beside Beau and looked for a moment at the stunning view, choosing carefully the words he wanted to use to broach the subject: “Gerry is such a nice guy, isn’t he? And he’s… smoking hot, don’t you think so?”

“He definitely is” – Beau confirmed, smiling – “He’s very popular here at the Cove, from what I hear… Too bad he’s into women! But I truly admire him for the courage he shows in exploring… the other sides of his sexuality. I believe he makes love to Rowan, every now and then, and for sure he fucked Kale, once, but he’s always very… tense about man-love. What a pity, I wish he could be more relaxed. After all he’s a lucky guy: he could taste and appreciate both… hemispheres of the sexual universe, but he usually sticks to one only.”

“You’re so right, sir!” – Brennan exclaimed, and then became more cautious – “And maybe he could feel more relaxed if he makes love to someone who isn’t a woman, but isn’t a grown man, either… Someone like a young boy, for instance… Don’t you think so, sir?”

Beau giggled: “I bet you have in mind a particular boy to gently help him taking this important step, don’t you?”

“Would you feel bad if I made love to Gerry, sir?” – Brennan asked, almost holding his breath.

“Well…” – Beau replied, uncertain – “This is the Cove, we all love each other, and I wouldn’t stop you, if you really wanted Gerry to make love to you… provided that Gerry wants that, too. But it would be hard for me. I know that it wouldn’t jeopardize our special bond, but still, knowing you into the arms of another man, would make me feel uncomfortable…”

“But would you be angry with me, if I’d make love with Gerry, sir?”

“No, not angry. You have given a totally different meaning to that hatred word, gille-tòine. You showed me that devoting oneself to other men, while keeping a high self-esteem, is something beautiful. And I know how bad you want to be a perfect gille-tòine. No, kid, I wouldn’t stop you and I wouldn’t be angry with you, if you’d make love with Gerry.”


~ Talking things out ~

Brennan nervously shifted on the seat, coming to the most difficult part of the talk: “And would you be angry with me if I tell you that… we already did it?”

Beau took a moment to catch his breath. “Wh… When did it happen?”

“This morning, before lunch.”

“Fuck!” – Beau yelled, making Brennan leap on the seat – “He knows the rules! You don’t go around fucking other men’s boys, here at the Cove!”

“Sir… sir! Please, don’t take it on him!” – Brennan whined – “He didn’t want to do it, he said he knew the rules and that we needed your permission! But I wanted so bad to be fucked by him, sir, so I… I lied to him, I made him believe I got your permission to do… that. It’s not Gerry’s fault, sir, he’s been… perfect. Just… perfect.”

“C’est incroyable!” – Beau yelled, leaping on his feet – “You think you can go around the Cove fucking left, right and center at will? Without even asking me beforehand? Merde! You know how this… hurts me! I thought you learned this lesson during the quarantine, when you revealed to me that you’d let Rowan fuck you! [2]

Brennan’s expression became harder, almost angry. “Well, sir, do you think I’m that happy when you have fun with the other men and boys?” – he replied, with a fierce tone, standing tall in front of Beau – “And I’m not talking of Kale. Do you think I’m blind and deaf? Alex, Barry, Stewart… And Rowan, of course! I know you well, sir: in bed you don’t just ‘fuck’, you make love, you always feel something for the guys who share your bed, you… love them! And this hurts me!

Beau was aghast, as he’d never seen Brennan so forceful, so confident… and so angry. But the boy didn’t give him time to reply: “I understood as soon as I lay foot at the Cove that here everyone loves everybody, and sex just goes with the territory, and to tell the truth I felt perfectly fine with that since the beginning. But still, it’s not easy, sometimes. You said it yourself: there is no way to jeopardize our special bond, and sure enough having sex with Gerry didn’t lessen in any way what I feel for you!”

Brennan took a deep breath and sat back down on the sofa; his fierce expression quickly faded into a childish contrite smirk: “That said, sir… I did you wrong. I know it and I won’t deny it. I should’ve asked your permission, even if it would’ve meant losing my only chance to have sex with Gerry… and the only chance for him to have sex with me, of course.”

Beau slowly sat beside Brennan and placed a hand on his leg, without a word. A million thoughts crowded his mind, as Brennan’s passionate speech had hit him deep. After all, he was right about one thing: planning a fuck in advance, even asking permission to do that, would just disrupt the magic. Moreover, while it was true that the boy had acted impulsively, pursuing his own desires, in the process he’d helped Gerry taking an important step.

After a long silence, Beau said in a low voice: “Do… Do you really find Gerry that sexy? Isn’t he a bit… old for you?”

“Lately I… I’ve had a bit of an obsession for him, sir…” – Brennan confessed in a shy tone – “I often dream of him, including last night, and it was a very hot dream… I think I’ve cum while sleeping two or three times… He’s a tough biker, he’s rough but tender, too, and despite his age he’s got a gorgeous body. I… I think I find older men hot, sir. Is it bad?”

“Bad? Well, no, I guess… I mean, lucky me! I’m twenty years older than you, and sometimes I’m afraid that you may find guys your age more attractive than me, and this makes me feel a bit unsecure. But, selfish as it may sound, I’m glad you’re into older guys… Guys like me, for instance…”

“Oh, sir, you’re the sexiest and loveliest man on Earth!” – Brennan said with passion, throwing his arms around Beau’s neck – “No one can ever pair with you, sir! It’s just that sometimes I… I lust for something different, like a rough biker like Gerry or… well… an oversize cock like Barry’s… But what you give me, sir, no one else can! Because you make love to me not only with your cock, but with your heart and… every other part of you!”

Beau recoiled and for a long moment stood still, staring at Brennan. “Wh… What are you looking at, sir?” – Brennan asked, timidly, and Beau flashed a tender smile: “I’m looking at a man. I didn’t realize you’ve grown up this much. What I see is a man, a confident man who can speak up for what he feels important for him, even if this means putting me in my place. Say… What happened to my boy, the delicate shy boy who at Applecross House asked me for help…?”

“He’s still here, sir” – Brennan said, placing his head on Beau’s lap – “And I still need your help…”

Beau sighed and caressed Brennan’s hair, taking away from his face that rebel lock of hair that at Applecross House he found so sweet.


~ Good morning, Josh ~

When LaShawn opened his eyes, in the hotel in the middle of nowhere, he heard Joshua’s regular breath and slowly turned around. The hunky pilot was peacefully sleeping, still naked from the sex they did last night, and he was sporting a stiff morning wood.

With an urchin grin, LaShawn scrambled on the bed, as delicate as a cat, and lay between the man’s legs. Last night, Joshua didn’t want to get a blowjob, and LaShawn couldn’t taste his juice, but this time the boy was determined to get what he craved for.

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Without using his hands, he engulfed the stiff member with his mouth, but only the mushroom head, and started titillating it with short strokes of his tongue. Joshua moaned faintly and LaShawn took a couple inch more of the hard rod, gently bobbing his head up and down and letting the cock head sensually shift between his tongue and the palate.

Joshua gasped, suddenly awake: “No! What are you doing, LaShawn! This…”

“Don’t say it, Josh...” – the boy said, recoiling for a moment and using his hand to sensually massage the throbbing cock – “Trust me, there is nothing bad in what I’m doing. Leave Joshua asleep, along with his irrational fears: you’re still my Josh, my brave, daring Josh, and I can’t let Josh go back home without having experienced this, at least once. Please, let me do it…”

Joshua relaxed, just a little bit, and lay down, but with a tense expression on his face. “Believe me, Josh: a thing is not automatically sinful just because it gives you a great pleasure. This once, let yourself enjoy the pleasure, as I can grant you that you will feel a great pleasure indeed…”

LaShawn started bobbing his head again on the enflamed cock, a little faster, until he felt the wide glans pressing at the back of his throat; he raised his eyes, looking straight at Joshua, and with a slow, firm push let the thick meat slide inside his tight throat muscles.

Joshua’s reaction was priceless: “Nnnngghh!! Ahh!” – he moaned loud, while his brain tried to process sensations never felt before – “Good gracious, this is… OOOOHHH!!!”

LaShawn smiled inwardly, looking at the sexy pilot tossing his head from side to side, while his hands rhythmically gripped and released the crumpled bedsheets. The boy went on giving the best blowjob ever to the man, but without rushing, because he wanted Joshua to enjoy it as long as possible. LaShawn used his hand to caress and tickle the balls, rolling the heavy gonads between his fingers, and then brushed his palm over the groin, to then tickle the lower abdomen with his nails.

Joshua seemed so lost into the overwhelming pleasure that LaShawn dared to pull up the man’s legs, revealing the pristine, never-touched-before hole, surrounded by a tuft of blond hair. Carefully, he darted his tongue all around the puckered skin and then aimed to the center.

The man uttered a sort of low growl, and LaShawn expected him to forcefully lower his legs; and he actually tried to, out of pure instinct, but it was just for a brief moment; and then, trembling, he opened his legs even wider. LaShawn felt so proud of him! He was clearly fighting a harsh battle against himself, but he was determined to explore whatever frightening unknown territory LaShawn was bringing him to.

After titillating for a while the quivering hole, LaShawn moved back up, sucking both balls into his greedy mouth, to then let go of the man’s leg and concentrated again on the neglected cock.

“What are you doing to me…” – Joshua slurred, and this time there was no urgency or reproach in his voice, but only a marveled acceptance of the blissful pleasure he was feeling.

LaShawn took again the entire member into his mouth, massaging the engorged glans with his expert throat muscles, while both his hands moved up to take possession of Joshua’s nipples. His fingers started flicking madly on the sensitive titties, and this last incredible additional stimulation sent Joshua through the roof.

“Aww… FUUUCK!!” – the man screamed out of his lung, and that was the very first swear word that LaShawn had ever heard from him. Joshua bucked so wildly that LaShawn bounced hard on his squirming body, but he never stopped bobbing his head over the throbbing cock and flicking frantically his fingers on the stiff nipples.

The first gush of semen went directly down LaShawn’s throat, soon followed by many others that flooded LaShawn’s mouth. The boy applied a strong suction and drank Joshua’s essence like it was the finest nectar, savoring his manly taste, and not a drop of it got wasted or seeped out of his tightly pursed lips.

When the incredible ejaculation ended, Joshua lay down, motionless, trying to catch his breath. LaShawn recoiled, pursing his lips tight around the stiff shaft, leaving it perfectly clean, like nothing had happened.

But something had definitely happened, and Joshua slowly raised his head, shooting an uncertain glance at LaShawn, as if he was searching for reassurance: “But… didn’t you cum? You don’t want me to… uhm… do the same, do you?”

“No, Josh” – LaShawn said with a tender smile – This was my personal gift to you, a prize, because in the last hours you’ve bravely crossed many boundaries, and I can’t tell you how much I’m proud of you. As for me…” – he added with an impish grin – “…I’ll probably wank my big black cock in the jet’s toilet and shoot a gallon of juice all over the place!”

Joshua gasped: “LaShawn! What you say is… outrageous!”

“Yeah, it’s exciting, uh?” – the boy replied with a wink, and they both burst in a loud laughter.


~ Flying back home ~

“Damn, look at the time!” – Joshua exclaimed, looking at his wristwatch – “Quick, we must pick up Mr. Wahkan and Chayton in forty minutes, and we’re still naked!”

LaShawn smiled, as this time the word ‘naked’ came much more easily to the usually uptight man: “That’s my Josh…” – he murmured, jumping off the bed and collecting his clothes.

One hour later, the jet was taking off from the small Standing Rock Airport, heading to Oxnard. The small plane had seven passenger seats; Wahkan sat in the front row, close to the cockpit, while the boys moved to the rear, to chat without being overheard. The last twenty-four hours had been very intense for both of them and there were so many things to tell… and some to keep secret.

“So, Chay, what happened at the meeting?” – LaShawn asked, eager to listen to his boyfriend’s tale, but Chayton replied with a cautious tone: “Buddy, I can’t tell you exactly what happened. The Councils of the Seven Fires are very important moments in the life of the Great Sioux Nation, and what happens there is covered by a veil of secrecy for the wašicun, the white men. And before you ask… – Chayton giggled – “…black as you are, you’re still a ‘white man’ for my people…”

“Well, I’ve been called in many ways in my life, but no one ever called me ‘white’!” – LaShawn laughed – “But come on! You surely can tell me something!”

“I can tell you the reason why we’ve been summoned there: the Council… or better, a minority of it… wanted to exclude Wahkan from any public role because of his sexuality… which includes taking me as his boy. I was scared shitless, and hurt, because in a way I was the cause of his problems with the Seven Fires. And Wahkan had to undergo a very harsh trial to prove his valiancy and his temperance. And in the end I was involved in the trial, too.”

“What had you to do?” – LaShawn asked excited – “Something… sexual? Did you cum? And Wahkan?”

“You have such a wicked curiosity, you know that? OK, I came once, and Wahkan three times… but believe me, there wasn’t anything pleasurable in that. I can’t tell you anything more, except that they used that concoction… you know, the same one that made me… hurt you. I think you can understand how harsh and painful can be its effect on a man, if misused; and they misused it in the cruelest way, with Wahkan. But he was… a true hero! Not only he stood the test and passed it with flying colors, but he even had his revenge against the petty Chief of the Council, the one who wanted Wahkan out!”

“You love him so much…” – LaShawn said with a tender smile, and it wasn’t a question, just a statement: Chayton’s eyes really shone with admiration for Wahkan.

“I really do” – Chayton replied, glancing at his powerful master – “And I have any reason to love him so. But I didn’t imagine that the Seven Fires… which are the seven Sioux tribes… held Wahkan in such a high esteem! Would you believe it? They asked him to become Chief of the Council! The highest position of the entire Great Sioux Nation!”

“Oh…” – LaShawn said, frowning – “And does it mean… well… that you and Wahkan have to move to the Standing Rock Reservation? It’s… so far from the Cove…”

Chayton leaned over and gave a tender kiss on his boyfriend’s lips: “You won’t get rid of me that easily, buddy! Wahkan refused. He prefers to keep his actual role, making conferences and being a mentor for the young Native Americans. We’ll keep on living at the Cove.”

LaShawn hugged Chayton very tight: “Gee, I thought I was about to lose you!”

“I’m not going anywhere!” – Chayton laughed, and then asked: “But what about you? Did you get bored, waiting for us?”

“Uhm… ‘bored’ is not the word, actually. Josh and I…”

“Oh, wow, you are in ‘Josh’ terms already? Calling each other with cute names? Very intimate!”

“Fuck you, man!” – LaShawn laughed – “But you’re not totally wrong. As a matter of fact, we… er… found something interesting to do while waiting!”

“No way! The straight, uptight Joshua? The wannabe Amish Joshua?” – Chayton exclaimed, with wide eyes – “You little black devil! If you put in the effort, you could have even the Hermit of the Mountain fuck you! I want to know everything! All the dirtiest details!”

“Now it’s my turn to be sorry, buddy” – LaShawn replied with an unusual serious tone – “I know for sure he doesn’t want anyone to know what happened in that room. But I owe you one, and I can tell you this: he basically hoped that keeping acting as a straight guy, in the end he could become like that, but it doesn’t work this way. Would you believe it? He almost doesn’t fuck women because he doesn’t like it; but he doesn’t fuck men, either, God forbid it! And the last resort, his right hand, is totally out of question…”

“Shit, he must’ve had the worst case of blue balls ever!” – Chayton exclaimed – “I wonder how he didn’t explode!”

“Well, he did, actually…!” – LaShawn giggled, but then became more serious: “It wasn’t easy for him face his true self, but I believe that now he feels much better…”

“OK, your same question: how many times did you cum? Come on, you have to tell me, I told you about us!”

“I came just once. And Josh twice... three times, counting the day before yesterday, at the prison!”

“Uhm… let’s see…” – Chayton mumbled with a knowing smile – “One fuck, and you both came; and then what? Mouth? Hand?”

LaShawn kept his mouth shut, raised his hand and shook his head. “Sorry, pal, no more dirty details!” – he said with a playful tone, but soon he become more thoughtful and added: “I owe him. He… trusted me completely. It was very… intense.”

“Hey, should I become jealous?” – the young Sioux laughed, but it wasn’t a mocking laughter, as he perfectly got, reading into his boyfriend’s eyes, how important that moment had been for both Joshua and LaShawn.

With a loving smile, LaShawn stood up and moved to the front seats. Before sitting down, he knocked to the cockpit door and peeked in: “Hey Josh… May I stay here for a little while? I won’t touch anything…” – he said playfully, and then lowered his voice – “…including you.”

Joshua giggled: “No LaShawn, I’d gladly have a chat… just a chat… with you, but we’re approaching the Uinta Mountains, and this is a small jet, it requires a great concentration. And with you sitting beside me… no chance I could concentrate on the flight!”

“OK, OK, see you later, then…” – LaShawn replied, smiling; and then, right before closing the door, he added, with an affectionate tone: “You’re a wonderful man, Josh.”

LaShawn went back to his seat and looked out of the window, at the tall mountain range approaching. He felt happy and relaxed, so he reclined his comfortable leather seat and drifted to a restful nap.


~ A living nightmare ~

He was woken up by a violent shock, and then the plane started trembling. He looked out of the window and saw the tall, rugged mountain range below them. Scared, he looked at Wahkan, who was just as alarmed as him.

Wahkan rushed to the cockpit and opened the door, and found Josh frantically adjusting the many commands on the console while speaking loud at the radio: “May Day! May Day! Emergency call from flight DG357LR to OXR! To anyone listening… We’ve lost one engine, and the second one won’t last long! We’re over the Uinta Mountains, about two miles South-Southeast of King’s Peak. We’re trying an emergency landing! To anyone listening… This is flight DG357LR to OXR, May Day! May Day!”

Joshua turned around and said aloud, to overcome the rumble of the engine: “I can’t keep it flying for long, sir! I’ll have to try an emergency landing. You all, sit at the rearmost seats, and make sure that the boys have the seatbelts fastened very tight. Leave the door open, and when I tell you, assume the crash position. Do you know what is it?”

“Yes” – Wahkan replied, with grave voice.

“Good. Remember that the thermal blankets, the torches and the emergency supplies are in the closet near the exit! Tell the boys, too! Take them before exiting the aircraft.”

“OK, Captain. Anything else?”

“Yes… Sir, please… please tell to LaShawn that he is a wonderful guy…”

There was a brief but intense exchange of glances between Joshua and Wahkan, and the Sioux could read a great tension, but no fear, into the pilot’s eyes; both men were fully aware that the cockpit, in a plane crash, was the most exposed part of the aircraft.

Joshua kept Wahkan’s intense gaze, and then said gravely: “Good luck, sir, and may the Lord protect you…”

“Good luck, Captain, and may the Spirits watch your steps…” – Wahkan replied, and rushed back to the boys. They followed Joshua’s instructions and fastened their seatbelts very tight. They looked out of the left windows and saw the terrifying mountain range towering over them, while on the right a 12,000-feet abyss opened under them. The plane was quickly losing altitude and Josh was flying parallel to the mountain range, in search of a suitable spot for an emergency landing.

The mountains got closer and closer, and the boys held each other’s hands, searching for mutual comfort. At some point, they saw a narrow ledge on the side of the mountain and understood that Joshua was about to try the emergency landing there; but it was more than obvious that it was too narrow for the jet: the flat terrain between the tall side of the mountain on the left and the abyss on the right was just a little larger than the fuselage.

When the airplane was so close to the mountain that the left wing almost brushed on the rock, Joshua yelled: “CRASH POSITION!!!”

At the last moment, Joshua came a little left, pointing to the mountain, rather than parallel to it, and cut the engine. With a loud crash, the left wing broke down to pieces the moment it touched the hard rock wall, and a few seconds later the fuselage crashed to the ground with a loud thud.

The entire cabin squeaked and deformed, but resisted to the impact. All the windows exploded, and the glass fragments flew all over the cabin, while the oxygen mask fell down from their housing.

For long, endless seconds they slid on the hard surface, slowly loosing speed, until they saw with horror that the ledge ended into a tall impenetrable wall of solid rock.

“HERE IT COMES!!!” – Joshua yelled from the cockpit and the plane crashed hard on the rock, frontally, coming to a sudden stop.


And then everything went black…

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* * * * * * * *

Footnotes and references:

[1] See Chapter 7, ‘The hottest biker
[2] The entire Cove was once quarantined, due to a sexual disease spreading throughout the guys (see Rowan’s Journey, Ch. 44, ‘Quarantine’); during the quarantine, Brennan confessed to have made love with Rowan, and Beau felt terribly bad about it (Rowan’s Journey, Ch. 46, ‘A painful confession’)

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024