Strange Encounter: Permanent Effects

by PCLatex

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Chapter 7 — A Friendship and more

Gary and I developed a friendship very rapidly. We often shared time in the gym or the pool, and I found it very helpful to have someone who shared my state to talk to and get advice and encouragement from.

“Care for a walk in the park this evening?” I looked up from my latest assignment to find Gary stood behind me. He smiled. “Unless you have to be available for Rory, of course.”

“He’s in the city and will be late home.” I smiled. “A walk in the Park? I’d love to, but …”

He laughed. “Oh, not the main park. No, there’s another close by. Where some of our colleagues from work go to enjoy their fetish tastes away from the easily shocked.” He smiled. “And we can get out and into the fresh air there as well.”

“Great.” I indicated the work I was doing as he perched on the edge of my desk. “I’ve just got to finish this and then I can go.”

“Looks interesting.” He studied the screen. “Something for a graphic novel?”

“Yes. Big erotic element to it as well.” I grinned. “But it’s a very clever story, written by Stewart downstairs. He does most of the storylines for these and his partner, Jose, does the layouts and a lot of the initial image design.”

“But you do the actual artwork.” Gary watched what I was doing for a moment. “And I can see you’re really good at it.” 

“I always wanted to be an artist.” I concentrated on what I was doing for a moment. “Rory has given me a lot of art materials and insists I paint and draw when we’re at home.” I finished the image, flattened it and saved the files, then transferred a copy to the shared drive for Jose. “Right, that’s it for today I think. Do you want to come up to the penthouse so I can dump my things and then we can go for that walk.”

“Let’s go.” Gary stood as I turned off my monitor.

The park was not what I’d imagined. It was actually bigger than Gary’s description suggested and hidden behind several low ‘industrial’ buildings. We reached it using a covered walkway and then a tunnel beneath one of the buildings.

“Ted realised that I’d need a ‘green space’ where I could enjoy the sun and some greenery — not easy to provide when a section of the population are very ambivalent about people like us.” Ted laughed. “As you’ve realised I should think. The fetish we’re intended to fulfil isn’t shared by a large slice of humanity, and they can get quite nasty about it. So Ted had this ‘private’ park laid out for us, and a lot of the guys who like to wear latex outdoors, but face the same sort of problem if they go to the parks everybody else uses.”

I looked around at the trees, paths, flowerbeds and benches. There was even an ornamental pond. Here and there couples strolled, sat or lay on the grass or the benches, and there was on amazing feeling of peace over the place.

“Wow,” I exclaimed. “This is just beautiful. I love it.” Suddenly the change in my circumstances struck me. I laughed. “You know, Gary, it’s worth being turned into this rubber sex object just for this place! Damn, in my old place the only thing resembling a ‘park’ was the cemetery and even that was nothing like this!” 

“Pretty much the sort of situation I had before I was taken and rubberised.” Gary walked on in silence. “It took me a while to appreciate what being like this has given me.” He waved as someone called a greeting. “And now I think it’s the best thing that could have happened to me. I’ve been like this for almost fifteen years. I’m used to it and wouldn’t want to have to go back to not being rubbered like this.”

“Fifteen years?” I gasped as we found a bench and sat. “Wow.” I remembered that Ted was his second ‘master-partner’. “How long have you been here, with Ted?”

“About six years now. Ted moved here to start developing this place and Arnie and I had a nice place in Loxley, about five hundred kilometres from here. It was great, but changing, and Arnie was concerned that the development around us was starting to restrict my freedom.” He stared at the flowers around us. “Then he had a serious accident. RubberMan immediately moved me to their facility …”

He stopped speaking, and I took his hand.

“So you weren’t able to be with him …”


For a while we didn’t speak.

“Then Ted managed to persuade RubberMan to let me join him.” He smiled. “And here I am. Ted has been incredibly good to me — in many ways better than Arnie — and he created this space specially for me.” He grinned, standing up. “Come with me, I want to show you something special.”

I walked beside him to a small ‘bower’ in a corner.

“Voila!” Gary announced indicating the statue in the centre of the bower. “Arnie and me in all our passion. Ted’s memorial to his friends.”

“Comfortable, Lukas?” Rory asked, his fingers playing with my nipples as I stood strapped to the padded wheel. He grinned as I huffed through the tube gag holding my mouth open. “Ready for inversion?”

I huffed again. Rory was an incredible Master, and a wonderful lover. He never demanded I do or accept something, especially if he suspected I might not like doing it. He always asked, and was always alert to my comfort — a sometimes conflicting situation considering that I was essentially ‘his’ physically to do with as he liked. And my programming was to always seek to please my master and partner. The wheel wasn’t one of my favourites, mainly because the inversion sometimes made me feel faint once I was returned to the right way up, but it had its attraction as well, such as now …

“Then here you go.” He turned the wheel slowly and my weight shifted against the straps securing me with my arms out to my sides and my legs splayed wide until I was upside down and my mouth in the perfect position to receive his erect cock, and mine at just the right height for him to enjoy it. He didn’t waste any time, first inserting his cock into the tube gag and then taking my cock into his mouth as I set to work on his.

In the couple of months since my installation in Rory’s home and organisation, we’d experimented with almost all the bondage equipment, but my favourite was still the unit we called the gynaechair. The wheel had the attraction of allowing us both to give fellatio while I enjoyed being helpless, and now he fucked my mouth through the tube in a very enjoyable manner while doing the most amazing job of enjoying my latex coated penis.

His cum filled my mouth in a rush, and I sucked it down — difficult when you are upside down and swallowing essentially is attempting to defy gravity. Always careful of my pleasure, Rory worked on my cock and brought me off a few minutes later. Returning the wheel to the upright position, he removed the gag and promptly applied his mouth to mine in a really passionate kiss.

“Have I told you today how beautiful you are in your rubber coating?” He asked, his hands framing my face.

“Not since this morning, Master.” I grinned. It had been an interesting day. I’d spent most of it working on some artwork for a graphic novel as an exercise in mastering a new ‘painting’ program under the tuition of Ernst. Late in the afternoon I’d been asked to let Pawel create a 3D model of my body on his graphic system which had been fun, especially as he’d requested the removal of my chastity belt. Rory had obliged and teased me and the others about my ‘assets’ being his property.

His hand found my semi-erection and played with it, a naughty grin on his face. One again he kissed me, his tongue lingering. “You enjoyed posing for Pawel’s scan didn’t you?”

“Yes, Master:” There was no point denying it. Ace, Ernst and Pawel had taken the opportunity to examine my ‘assets’ and the handling had given me an erection. To be honest, Pawel was very attractive as well, and his desire had communicated itself in the way he’d touched me and where.

“Would you like to let Pawel play with you?”

“If my Master wished me to do so, Master.” I hesitated. “Pawel would like to, but his partner might object.”

“Would you enjoy having Pawel?” Rory grinned. “He doesn’t have a partner, and RubberMan is interested in him …”

“If I wasn’t yours, Master, I would have liked to spend a night with him …”

“Then it’s settled. Rubberman want him tested, and request your services.” He kissed me. “Tomorrow you’ll go to work without the chastity belt, and no pouch either.” He grinned. “I’ll arrange it with Ernst to leave you alone with Pawel. I’m betting he’ll be begging you to feed him your cum within a half hour.” He kissed me again and began to free me from the wheel. “And you have permission to do whatever he asks.”

“Whatever he wants, Master?” I grinned, think of how Pawel’s modest penis had often showed his excitement through his tight latex jeans in my company. “We might not get a lot of work done though …”

“No matter.” He kissed me, then held me in his arms as he continued, “Pawel came to us through one of the clubs. He’d had a very bad affair and his partner was into beating the hell out of him. So the kid is skittish as hell, but, around you, we’ve noticed he’s much more relaxed. I think it will help him come out of himself.” He grinned, steering me toward the gynaechair. “Now, Lukas, my love, you’re going to secure me in this and give me the treatment — sucking you, being sucked by you, being fucked by you and …”

“By your command, Master.” I paused. “But how will RubberMan know I’ve been with him?”

“If he responds as they believe he will, he’ll encounter their ‘alien abductors’ in a day or two, and if the tests they do on him then are positive, he’ll be collected from RubberZone.” Settling into the gynaechair, he continued as I began to apply the restraints, “If it all works out you and Gary will have a new RubberMan for the company, and, hopefully, Pawel will have the partner and companion he really needs.”