Strange Encounter: Permanent Effects

by PCLatex

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Chapter 6 — This is our life

The ‘house’ was not what I had imagined at all. It looked like a cross between a block of flats and an office block and it was situated on the edge of what looked like a small industrial area.

“Welcome to Markwell.” Rory chuckled. “It was set up as an ‘enterprise zone’ and never really got going. Uncle Brian bought several of the units when it started to fold, and managed to get it rezoned and part redeveloped. Now it’s got a mix of residential and small business.”

He eased the bike into the now opened vehicle door and down the ramp into a large basement parking area. I noted several more bikes, a couple of vans and smart coupe. Parking the bike next to this, Rory dismounted and offered his hand to help me dismount.

“We live in the penthouse, and the publishing business has the ground and first floors. The Design Development Bureau is on the second floor, and there are four flats on the third and fourth — below us.” He undid my helmet and lifted it off, then planted a kiss on my mouth. “Feel up to meeting the people you’ll be working with?”

“Like this?” I teased. “Or in my naked rubber? For that I’ll need polishing — wearing the leathers will have dulled my finish I think.”

“Which would you like?” He watched my expression.

“If I’m going to be working with these folk and in daily contact, I think it better be the naked rubber.” I grinned. “The thought of facing strangers like this is still a little scary, so let’s get it over.” Hesitating, I asked, “Like I said, I’ll need polishing though. Did they give you some?”

“They did.” He produced the flask and the applicator cloth from a pannier. “Let’s get started then.” Laughing, he added, “I’ve got my rubber on as well, so you can polish me when I’ve done you.”

We took the stairs to the Ground floor and emerged in the reception area.

“This is Kurt, he’s our receptionist.” Rory grinned. “He always complains that his job means he is just about the only one of us who has to wear ordinary clothes for work. Kurt, this is Lukas. He’s joining us and is my life partner.”

“Hot damn!” Kurt’s grin spread. “Holy moly! Damn, Boss, you’ve really got yourself a stunner!” He moved from behind his counter. “Hi, Lukas.” He extended a hand. “Bloody hell, that looks soooo fabulous!”

His response was infectious, and I accepted his hand, grinning. “Yeah, well I didn’t have a choice, but I’m getting used to it and to like it, and if Rory likes me like this …” I turned to Rory and smiled. “Jackpot!”

“The gang upstairs won’t get any work done after they see you, Lukas.” He grinned. “You’re looking bloody hot too, Boss:”

“Thanks,” Rory laughed. “Come on, Lukas. I better introduce you to the rest before Kurt here gets too excited.” He winked at Kurt. “Don’t tell them we’re coming.”

At the head of the stairs, Rory stepped aside grinning. “You lead the way, Lukas. Let them get a good eyeful.” He kissed me briefly. “I’ll be right behind you.”

“Are all your people Gay?” I asked.

“Yes. And all of them big on fetish.” He laughed. “And we have a fairly relaxed dress code for work — unless we have to meet an outsider.”

I stepped into the open plan workspace, and the sound of conversation and work stopped. The closing of the door sounded loud in the sudden silence as I found myself the focus of nine pairs of eyes. Rory’s words about relaxed dress in the office now made sense. Everybody seemed to be either in latex, lycra and leather, some obviously ‘subs’ and others ‘masters’.

“This is Lukas, people. Yes, he’s been totally rubberised. The RubberMan people got him and abducted him, but I managed to acquire him. Just to be clear, he’s mine!” Rory’s hand found my butt cheek and gently pushed me forward. His hand on my rubber covered butt was reassuring. “Lukas was a damn good artist at school, and now does cgi art on his computer. He’s going to need to get qualified, and we’re going to see to it. I plan to put him in our graphic novel section.” With his arm now round my waist, he moved to the first desk. “Vince is our copy editor.”

“Welcome to the madhouse, Lukas,” Vince stood, the nicely filled crotch of his latex jeans showing his ‘interest’. Grinning he added. “I can see you’ll fit right in!” He glanced at Rory. “The RubberMan organisation got you?”

“Yes.” I grinned. “Snatched me on my way home from the RubberZone Club.” I smiled at Rory and shrugged. “So now I’m permanently rubbered, and in the care of the guy I dreamed of having as my lover all through my teens.” 

“Dream came true, eh.” Vince laughed. He hesitated. “So the RubberMan organisation is now in Barracuda?” He glanced at Rory again. “When did they arrive?”

“Some time ago, and they’ve been quietly setting up their operation.” Rory said. “Uncle Ted’s construction company converted their operation centre, but he only figured out it was them when he’d almost completed the contract.” He squeezed my waist. “He helped me get possession of Lukas. It wasn’t easy. You’ve heard the stories, and they’re true. They abduct guys, rubberise them and re-orient or train them to accept a Master they assign. Lukas was being prepped for someone else, but Ted and I convinced them to let me have him as we’re cousins …”

“Some of the stories about them are weird.” Vince grinned. “No one seems to know exactly who they are, but it’s said they read your memories and you end up living your deepest desires.”

“Well they did the number on me,” I replied. “Pulled memories of daydreams from my teens. And here I am.”

The other people had gathered round us and Vince introduced me. They were all close to me and Rory in age and I soon found myself feeling comfortable in their company. Inevitably the question came up about wearing any ordinary clothing.

“I can,” I told them. “But it gets uncomfortable unless it’s rubber, and even that needs to be minimal. I’m afraid I’m going to be working pretty much as you see me now.”

This lead to what my role would be and Rory explained the role he hoped I’d fit into.

“Time to meet the rest of the team,” Rory eventually said. “I want him to meet Ace and Ernst.” He slipped an arm round my waist. “He’s pretty good already, but I want him to qualify as a graphic artist 

Ace and Ernst ran the Design Development Consultancy on the floor above. They were both older than Rory, and really good artists. Ace was a trained engineering draughtsman and Ernst an architect. Working with them were three younger guys who were all trained draughtsmen, though the youngest member of the team, named Pawel, specialised in developing patterns for bondage equipment.

“Going to be great having a model to work on,” he joked, indicating me. 

“What? So you can develop some of those really way out harnesses you designed on him?” Rory laughed. “I think we should let him settle in first.”

“Harnesses? Sounds like fun, but Rory’s right, I’m still getting used to being a Rubber Man!” Everyone laughed, and Rory took the opportunity to steer me toward the lift. 

“Time to show you our place.” He grinned. “Back to work, folks!”

The Penthouse took my breath away. The living area was open plan and a glazed wall gave onto a wide patio and a stunning view of open country beyond. The master bedroom boasted a kingsize bed and a sofa facing a coffee table. The en suite bathroom was almost as big as the bedroom in my former flat, and then there were two more bedrooms, both en suite and a small ‘study’ where Rory worked at night. The second bedroom was clearly equipped as a ‘playroom’.

“If there’s any other equipment you want, my love, just tell me.” Rory slid his arm round my waist and hugged gently. “Most of this is my sort of taste, so if there’s anything you really like using …”

I took in the equipment. It was certainly comprehensive, and included stocks of various types, a padded wheel on the wall, a padded bench, a vertical vacbed and a wide range of hoods, gags, restraints, harnesses and other ‘toys’.

“Wow!” I put my arm round his waist. “I can see I’m going to be pretty tied up, down and sideways from now on. And anything you like, Master, is perfect — I’m your Rubber Man sub remember. What you like and want is my purpose.” I paused. “Did you see the training chair they used at the RubberMan?”

“You mean that very fancy seat which kept you open and available?” He chuckled. “Would you like one here?”

“Can you get them? I thought …”

“They’re available, some with a few extra features.” He kissed my cheek. “Did you like being in it?”

“At first it was a bit scary, but then …” I grinned. “I loved being enjoyed in it.”

“Then I’ll arrange for one.” His hug was firm. “But now I better show you the swimming pool and the gym, they’re on the roof above us. And then it’ll be time to meet Uncle Ted for lunch.”

Uncle Ted lived in the adjoining building, and we walked there along a covered walkway. 

“Won’t there be a problem if I’m seen in public like this?” I asked.

“Not here. At least not in this part of Markwell. On the freeway side it can be a little trickier.” Rory laughed. “In fact most of the people here are like us, Gay, into fetish, and most of the businesses are related in some way to it. Uncle Ted owns almost everything here, and he’s been very selective about who gets to rent anything or lives here.”

“You said he’s in construction?”

“More property development and management.” Rory paused. “We do a lot of work for his companies, and I’m a director on the main holding company’s board. This place is really a little experiment of his.”

“He’s Gay and a fetish lover?” I asked as we entered the code access lobby. 

“The original!” Rory laughed. “Just as well you’re wearing that chastity belt!”

We rode the lift up to the penthouse in silence, and Rory made me walk ahead of him when it stopped.

“So this is Lukas.” It wasn’t a question. The man who greeted us looked about fifty, well built and, despite the latex jeans with an expensive looking shirt and boots, projected the impression of someone used to being very much in control. “They certainly did a thorough job on you, lad.” Shaking hands with Rory he said, “And you’ve done damned well to persuade the RubberMan organisation to let you have him.” He clapped me on the shoulder. “Happy with being partnered to this fellow?”

“Yes, sir.” I glanced at Rory. “I had a crush on him at school, and he’s everything I could have wished for, sir. I wouldn’t want anyone else as a Master.”

“Good. Now then, my Rubber Man partner is waiting to meet you.” He led the way into the living room. He laughed. “He was one of their earliest Rubbermen. Gary, this is Lukas.”

The shiny latex figure turned and smiled. Like me, he was coated from head to foot in shiny latex, his eyes, like mine, hidden behind moulded lenses. A codpiece tanga covered his evidently large genitals as he moved toward me, his hand outstretched in greeting.

“Welcome to the family, Lukas.” He smiled as we shook hands. “Love the chastity belt. Your choice?”

“Yes,” I grinned. “I wanted to make it clear that I’m Rory’s Rubberman. He has the keys.”

“Good for you.” He steered me to a seat. “But you know that we belong to the RubberMan Partners, and we’re assigned to a Master?” Take a seat next to me, he nodded to where Rory was talking to his uncle. “Master Ted is my second Master. My first was a friend of his, so when my Master died, RubberMan took me back. They sent me to the new outpost to help set up the training, and Ted persuaded them to allow us to be partnered.” He glanced at Ted and Rory, and smiled. “I guess I was lucky — Arnie, my old Master, and Ted were very close friends, and Ted was very clear about his wanting me to be his partner when Arnie died.”

“Yes, I know we’re ‘owned’ by RubberMan, and that they sometimes require us for ‘special events’ whatever they are.” I considered. “Lucky Ted was able to get you assigned to him. Hopefully I won’t lose Rory. I was in love with him at school, but he never noticed me — at least that’s what it felt like.”

“I think he’s noticed you now,” his laugh was soft. “And it couldn’t have worked out better for me. I always fancied Ted even though Arnie was a fantastic lover and master.” He grinned. “And now I’m his.” He stood. “Come with me and we’ll put lunch on the table.”