Strange Encounter: Permanent Effects

by PCLatex

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Chapter 12 — The Test

Hours later I was feeling stiff and frustrated. I’d been forced to use a hospital ‘bottle’ to relieve my bladder, and I had to be fed, helped to take a drink, had my genitals played with, but not permitted to reach a climax and been face fucked several times. Now I was gagged, plugged and still wearing the heavy globes on my hands as I heard Gary answered the door. My pulse raced as I heard Rory’s voice, and then another I didn’t recognise.

I watched them enter, and behind the lenses covering my eyes, I felt my eyes widen. Rory carried a heavy bundle of rubber and he was accompanied by another Rubberman carrying what looked like several sets of restraints. Placing his bundle on the bed next to me, Rory studied me for a moment.

“Gary says you want to experience the sort of situation Felix would be in for the sort of clients he was modified to entertain.” He glanced at the Rubberman. “I think I understand why, so we will use this suit and some special restraints to restrict the use of your arms and legs to simulate Felix’ condition. We will then subject you to the sort of use he got. You can’t stay restrained like this for too long as it can cause injury, and you can ask us to stop at any time.” He touched my shoulder. “Are you absolutely sure you want this?”

Turning my head so my cheek pressed his hand, I nodded. 

“Okay, Lukas. But you must understand that you will not be allowed to get any sexual relief yourself. This suit will keep your legs and arms confined as the sort of stumps Felix now has, and it will give you the facial appearance of an animal. Triss here will give you an injection which will leave you unable to ejaculate for several hours. Once you are suited up, we will make you suck us and we will fuck you. We’ll also stimulate your cock …” He watched me for a moment. “If it becomes too much for you, you must howl. You won’t be able to speak. And if we think you’ve had enough, we will stop and release you. Now, is that understood? This is NOT something we like to do, but, I have to say, we will be getting sexual pleasure from it.”

I nodded.

“Right. Triss, give him the shot.” 

They were right about the discomfort. Having for arms strapped in a folded position that holds your hands at your shoulder is very uncomfortable. So is having you ankles secured to the top of your thighs. And then there was the suit that hid the restraints, but left my butt and my cock and scrotum available. The ‘arms’ extended my elbows and ended in broad pads, with more pads at my knees. The attached hood did have a moulded ‘face’ — a demonic one including horns — but it also held a tube gag. ‘Standing’ me on my ‘feet’ pads, Rory prepared to fit the hood to me. Removing the gag, he knelt in front of me. 

“Want to continue?”

Experimentally I ‘walked’ closer. “Yes, Master Rory. I’ve come this far …”

His kiss was firm and tender. “Remember, you can stop at any time.”

“Yes, Master.” I smiled. “Thank you.” 

He raised the hood, inserted the tube and drew the heavy moulded hood over my head and one of the Rubbermen pulled the zips closed. 

“Now, demon, you have been rendered powerless and must to try and avoid getting fucked. Remember, you are supposed to be reluctant …” 

Something touched my anus. It didn’t feel like a cock, it felt bigger, and harder. I gasped, and did my best to avoid it, stumbling to turn, only to find myself confronted by a rubber covered cock  trying to enter my mouth. They played like this for several minutes, then someone gripped my hips   and rammed himself into me. I was still gasping at this brutal entry when my head was seized and a cock filled my mouth. After this escape became impossible. There seemed to be more than just the three of them, though I later learned they were the only ones there. 

My own cock got attention as well, and variety of positions in which they fucked me, excited my cock to a dry orgasm seemed to have no limits. Eventually they took a break, but made me ‘walk’ to the living room, drink from a flask with a penis shaped spout, and submit to having my mouth fucked, sucking their cocks or having them fuck me.

After another break for a lunch they enjoyed, and another session of ‘catch the demon’ I was exhausted. My arms and legs had gone past just being uncomfortable with cramps, they were now numb. Rory knelt in front of me. 

“I think you’ve had enough, Lukas.” He kissed the demon face. “More than enough to get the idea of what Felix endured. The injection will last at least a few hours more, but it’s time to get you out of that outfit and put you to bed.” He stood, and I felt hands lifting me. “I will take care of you while you recover.”

I fell asleep in Rory’s arms, sore, exhausted, numb, my butt full of their cum, my balls drained, the taste of cum in my mouth and very glad the self inflicted ordeal was at an end. My sleep was troubled by nightmares, and I was grateful to eventually wake up, after a few hours, to the reassurance of Rory’s embrace.

“Easy, love. You’ve been having nightmares I think.” He kissed me gently, settled me more comfortably, and soothed me back to sleep, this time dreamless and restful. 

It took a full day to recover from what Gary called being ‘gimped’ and I was still stiff in my arms and thighs for a while longer. I shuddered every time I thought of being in Felix’ position, but at least I now understood what he had suffered — and any others subjected to this cruelty. Rory had warned me that the injection which prevented my ejaculating might mean a sudden spontaneous release when it did wear off, and he wasn’t wrong. We’d just sat down to breakfast when it happened. My cock stiffened as I sat.

“Oh,” I said, then my cock jerked and cum erupted in a jet hitting me in the face as I looked down. Several more eruptions followed as I sat feeling a bit stunned, but seriously enjoying the pleasure denied me the day before.

“Looks like you’re back to full function,” Gary teased and Rory and Triss laughed. He looked at Rory. “We can’t let it go to waste, Master!”

“You’re right, Gary.” He stood and walked behind me, drawing out my chair with me in it. “Help yourself to the rest, I’m going to enjoy licking him clean while Triss gives me a good dose in my manhole.”

“We’ll have to put him on the floor for this, sir.” Triss chipped in.

“True.” Before I could move, the three had me lifted, and flat on my back, then Rory was kneeling and licking and sucking the cum from my face. His mouth met mine in a demanding kiss as Triss knelt behind him, his rubber coated body arching over Rory’s back. Rory grunted as he was penetrated, and whispered, “You’re going to be dumping cum for a while, enjoy it.”

“Thank you, Master,” I gasped as my cock erupted again, this time in Gary’s expert mouth. “Please, Master, when I stop, may I suck all of you?”

“If you wish,” he murmured, then his mouth was busy licking and sucking cum off my chest and shoulders while his body moved in the rhythm set by Triss fucking his manhole.

It took about twenty minutes before my balls were empty and I had nothing more to ejaculate. Then I got my wish, and gave Rory, then Gary and finally Triss — his cock longer and thicker than any of ours — head. I was still swallowing Triss' cum when Rory wrapped me in his arms, pulled me into a hug, and kissed me. 

"Happy, my Rubbermaid lover?" Rory asked. "Any regrets?"

Holding him tight, I shook my head. "No, my love. I wish I'd been rubber coated like this much sooner, and I couldn't wish for a better master or lover." Our mouths met in a lingering kiss. "Thank you for gimping me, beloved. Now I know what Felix will need to help him recover, and I know how much you and Gary mean to me." I grinned, feeling his cock hardening between us. "I think my master needs to fuck my pussy." I kissed him again. "Face to face, Master?"

"Face to face, Lukas, if that's how you want it." 

Laying me on the bed, he waited until I raised my legs and then fucked me like the submissive I am. It was a fantastic feeling, and a loving one. Breakfast, after that, was enjoyable, jokey, and taken at leisure. 

The experience of being so utterly helpless stayed with me as our RubberMan controllers prepared us for caring for Felix. Pawel, Rory told us, had been partnered successfully, and ‘gone home’ to our complex.

“He’s a changed man,” Rory joked. “In every way — and I don’t mean just his rubber coating. His partner is Jamie, the guy on the floor show, who joins our writing team. He’s just what Pawel needed.” He smiled. “You will be working with them to generate the illustrations once we have you back home and Felix settled.”

He stood, and we rose too, as we were joined by the RubberMan we now recognised as the senior controller. 

“You’ve come to brief Lukas and Gary on the progress with Felix?” Rory asked.

“I have.” The controller indicated we should sit. “We have made some further modifications to his anatomy. Since he no longer has testicles, he can never ejaculate in the manner you do, so we have given him the ability to experience multiple orgasms in the manner of a female.” The controller paused. “This involved modifying his anus and penis to make them receptive in the same manner as a vagina.”

“That must be quite something,” Gary said.

“It is no great alteration, but it will be a compensation for him, since he will need regular impregnation to maintain his hormone balance. That will, initially, be, for both of you, the primary task in caring for him.” The controller smiled. “It should be quite pleasurable for you all.”

We laughed. Surprised because we’d never heard a controller make a humorous statement before this.

“We have inserted micro connections where his nerve ends in his stumps have been severed, and these will, eventually, allow us to fit him with prosthetic legs and arms he will be able to control through his nervous system.” The Controller paused. “We will not fit these until he is ready, a period of at least a month after we deliver him into your care so you and he may adjust to his and your needs. His care will be very demanding for you both while he is still helpless, but even when he is fitted with the prosthetics he will need assistance until he is used to them.” 

He explained how it would need a lot of training to be able to control the prosthetics properly and that there would be a lot of frustration for Felix while he learned to use his mechanical limbs. Finally he answered questions from us, and then said, “It is time for you to see him now. Accompany me, please, and I will take you to him.”

Felix, shiny black in his rubber coating reclined on one of the gynae couches. It had been modified to deal with his lack of lower arms and legs. As we entered, he smiled a welcome, his pert breasts forming small shapely mounds crowned by his large nipples, and his small but beautifully formed penis rising in erection as we entered. The small horns on his temples looked incongruous, but for some reason, quite attractive. He’d explained that they’d been created so that his users were able to use them as ‘handles’ when they’d face fucked him, and he now wanted to retain them, because, he said, ‘they reminded him of his stupidity.’ His stump arms and legs were secured to the arm and leg rests of the couch by heavy straps, and his displayed perineum seemed to have some new folds of skin above his opening.

“Hi, Gary! Hi Lukas! I hope you’ve come to give me a good dose of those gorgeous cocks.” He grinned. “I can think of nothing else at the moment.”

“Goof.” Gary kissed the horned forehead gently. “You might let us say hallo first!” He stood back to allow me to kiss the upturned face. “Actually, Lukas has earned the privilege of giving you your first dose. He asked to be shown what you went through and we gimped him up and I have to say, he did bloody well to last as long as he did.”

“You did?” Felix looked me in the eye. “Did you enjoy it?”

“No.” I shook my head. “And I was being enjoyed by guys I love and trust. I got the experience, but not exactly what you’ve gone through … I don’t think I could handle that.”

For a moment Felix stared at me. “Damn, Lukas, that took guts. Give me a proper kiss, and then help yourself to my body …” He grinned. “I wish I’d met you before …”

“You wouldn’t have liked me.” I bent down and kissed him gently on the mouth, my hands on his cheeks. “I was heading for the same fate as you until RubberMan did this to me.” I kissed him again, this time exchanging tongues.

He smiled. “You’ve come a long way then, Lukas,” he said softly. “Now give me a good fucking will you? My first as your gimp …” He giggled. “The first of many, as often as you like.”

Positioning myself, I smiled. “I’ll need Rory’s permission, and Gary’s, since I’m currently in Gary’s control — Rory’s orders.”

“You have my permission,” Gary retorted. “Give him what he needs.”

“Thanks, Master Gary.” I positioned my erection at Felix’ opening. “Ready, Felix?”

“Ready, waiting and eager …” He bit his lip as my glans pressed into his sphincter. “Ooooh!” He gasped as his whole body shivered in an orgasm. “Oooh yessss. Oooh, you are a big boy … Oh fuck …” He gasped. “They said they’d made my cock root into a clitoris …” Another orgasm gripped him as I thrust myself into him again. “Oh fuck … This almost makes it worth what the bastards in Rio did to me …” He grinned up at me as another orgasm took him and my cum filled him. “Mmm, thank you, darling Lukas. That feels soooo good …”

It was an amazing experience for us both and we repeated it a second time once we’d got our breath back. If anything, the second helping was far, far, better …