Soccer Practice Makes Perfect - Brotherly Bonding

by DJ

12 Oct 2023 3747 readers Score 9.7 (70 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The Wedding

“Shit. Goddammit,” I yelled.

“What’s wrong DJ?” Billy asked as he was walking out of the bathroom in just his boxers.

“This fucking tie, I can’t do it,” I replied frustrated.

“Calm down, its okay. Breathe.” Billy said. “Sit down on the bed and breathe. You ok bud?.….it’s not the tie is it?” Billy asked.

“No.” I answered. “He’s going to be there, isn’t he?” I asked after a long pause.

“Yes, unfortunately Colton will be there, he’s Kevin & Kelly’s Best Man,” Billy stated matter-of-factly.

“I’m scared, I’m 18 fucking years old and I am scared,” I admitted to Billy.

“Hey, listen to me, It doesn’t matter how old you are, anyone would be scared. I hate saying this, but he almost killed you. You have every right to be scared but remember, I’m going to be by your side all day, ok?”

“Yes, I know,” I replied.

Billy pulled me into an embrace and kissed me gently on the lips as I laid my head on my brother's shoulder. I feel safe with Billy, I always have but more so now that we are are in love with each other.

“Ok come on bud, we need to finish getting dressed,” Billy instructed as we both went back into the bedroom to finish dressing.

A few moments later there was a knock at the front door.

“Who the hell could that be?” Billy said as he walked out of the bedroom to answer the door.

“Hey man, what are you doing here?” Billy shouted happily.

“Just wanted to stop by and check on you guys before you leave for the wedding,” Rafael replied.

“Good to see you,” Billy said as he gave Rafael a hug.

“Dam bro, your ass looks mighty fine in those tuxedo pants.”

“My ass always looks good,” Billy shot back.

“Yeah, but it looks best when taking my dick,” Rafael said jokingly.

“Well, don’t forget man, your cleats have seen the ceiling just as much as mine have,” Billy said as he laughed.

“Touche’ Bro, Touche’,” Rafael conceded. “Anyway, I brought something for you he said while pulling a makeup compact from out of his pocket that he borrowed from his sister.

“Dude, I don’t wear makeup,” Billy laughed.

“I know that you ass, it’s to cover up DJ’s bruises,” Rafael said with seriousness. “How is he Billy?”

“He’s pretty scared about being around that asshole all day,” Billy admitted, “and I can’t say that I blame him. I just get so fucking furious when I think about what he did to DJ.”

“I know man, I do too, but you need to keep a lid on your anger bro. First of all this is Kelly’s special day, and secondly, you don’t want your mom and dad finding out, because if they do your dad will yank DJ back home.” Rafael said reminding Billy.

“Yeah, I know,” Billy said sounding worried.

“Hey dude,” Rafael said to me as I walked out of bedroom just about fully dressed. “Damn, you look sharp,” he continued saying.

“Thank you,” I said smiling back at him.

“DJ, Rafael brought some makeup so that we can cover up the bruises on your neck.”

“I don’t know about that Billy, my shirt collar will hide them,” I said cautiously.

“DJ, you’re going to get hot after the ceremony and when you start dancing at the reception, almost every guy loosens his tie after a couple hours in a hot tux,” Rafael explained.

“That’s true bud, I think you should use the makeup just in case,” Billy prodded.

“Ok, if you think that is best,” I said sadly as Billy and Rafael looked to each other.

“Rafael, do you mind helping DJ with that while I load stuff into my truck?” Billy asked.

“No, not all. Come on DJ, it won’t be that bad,” Rafael replied with a smile as he took my hand and led me into the bedroom.

Rafael and I stood in front of the full length mirror in Billy’s bedroom as he was getting ready to apply the makeup to me.

“Now face me and take off your shirt, I don’t want to get makeup on it,” Rafael said in a soft tone.

I did as he said and faced him, and then Rafael began to look closely at the black and blue marks on my neck. Tears started to form in his eyes and without saying a word, Rafael started to caress my neck and upper chest, and then began to speak after a minute or so.

“I’m so sorry that this happened to you buddy, I wish I would have gotten here earlier that night before all this happened,” Rafael lamented.

“You saved my life Rafael, there is no reason to say you’re sorry for anything,” I said.

I don’t know if it was his sensual touch, or the gratitude that I felt for his actions, but I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

“Thank you,” I said as I leaned back up straight.

Rafael then started applying the makeup to the front of my neck and upper chest and then turned me around and kissed me on the back of my neck before applying the makeup to the to the area he just kissed. After he was done, he grabbed my shirt and helped me put it back on. Then he reached from behind me and started to button my shirt.

“I hope you don’t think I’m being to forward, he said.

“No, not at all,” I replied as I closed my eyes and tilted my head back slightly to absorb this sensual moment that was happening.

He finished buttoning my shirt and tucked it into my pants, he pulled up my zipper, and then buckled my belt.

“Now for the tie,” Rafael said softly, “do you know how to tie it?”

“No, I don’t,” I replied.

“Here, just put your hands on top of my hands, follow my motions and watch,” he said. “Grab the two tails, swing this one over the top and pull it under and over the top again. Bring it up from the back and down from the top, through the hole and adjust. See, it’s not that hard,” Rafael said as I looked into his eyes and gave him a big smile.

“Damn, that was fucking sexy as hell,” Billy said while leaning against the bedroom door frame.

“How long have you been standing there?” Rafael asked him.

“Long enough to see you dress my baby brother,” he replied. “You two are very sexy together, it got me kind of excited and I'd definitely love to see a lot more sometime,” Billy said honestly.

“Stop thinking with your dick,” Rafael joked as he grabbed Billy’s cock while he walked passed him on his way out to the living room.

“I gotta go,” Rafael announced. “You two studs have a good time, ok?”

“We will, Billy replied.

“Thanks again!” I shouted as Rafael left.

Billy came into the bedroom, and held my jacket for me to put on. He straightened it out and stood back and looked me up and down.

“Ok, now I need to put your boutonniere on,” he said.

Billy grabbed the white rose and proceeded to pin it onto my lapel.

“Ouch!” he shouted as he pricked himself with the pin.

I quickly grabbed his finger and put it into my mouth to soothe it. Billy closed his eyes and slowly pushed his finger in and out of my mouth as I sucked on it as softly and as erotically as I could.

“Oh fuck me,” Billy moaned.

“You’re giving me a damn hardon. DJ, you never cease to surprise me,” he said with a smile. ”you are one sexy motherfucker,” Billy continued as he pulled his finger out of my mouth and leaned in to kiss me.

I'm not the only one who is a sexy motherfucker I thought to myself as I put my hand on the back of his head and returned the passionate kiss that he was offering me. After a few minutes of tongue play, Billy had to break the kiss unwillingly.

“I don’t know how we’ll get through this day without fucking,” Billy said, “but we have to go pick up mom and dad now or we’ll be late for the wedding.”

It was now almost time and we were standing beside the alter of the church waiting for the wedding to begin. I felt lightheaded and on edge since Colton was standing right in front of me but with his back towards me. I felt like I was ready to pass out. Billy must have noticed my nervousness and grabbed my shoulders, leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

“I love you babe.”

He stood back up and saw a smile growing on my face from ear to ear. I turned towards him and gave him a wink and quickly faced forward again. At that moment, the organ started to play the 'Wedding March' and before I knew it, the ceremony was over.

We were finally getting seated at the head table for the wedding party. Bridesmaids on the Bride's side and ushers on the Groom's. I was seated next to an usher named Derek who was separating me from Colton and Billy was on my right side at the end of the table. I began feeling nervous again.

“He's going to speak isn't he?” I asked Billy.

“Yeah, he gives the toast before the meal,” Billy replied.

“I don't want to hear his voice again, I don't,” I said shakily.

“Hey bud, don't look at him, just focus on all of the guests, ok. Just try and tune him out,” Billy Suggested.

I looked at Billy with worry on my face and I could tell that Billy's anger at Colton was building. As Colton began to speak, I did my best to ignore it, and my right leg was bouncing nervously. Billy reached under the table and put his hand on my leg to calm me down. After the toast was over, Colton walked behind us in order to leave the table. I jumped as Colton was behind me, and Billy noticed the fear that I had was worse than he originally thought. We both watched Colton closely as he disappeared into the men's room at the back of the reception hall. Billy then mumbled to himself.

“That does it, that is enough.”

He got up from his seat and I asked him where he was going.

“I have to pee, I'll be right back,” Billy replied.

Billy entered the men's room and saw Colton standing at a urinal. He walked up and pushed Colton with both hands into the wall in front of him.

“What the fuck?” Colton yelled, “get the hell off me!”

“Get off you? Billy yelled. “Like you did to my brother asshole? You almost fucking killed my brother you fucking son of a bitch. I should end your life right here and now. You almost took my brother away from me forever, I fucking hate you motherfucker! You need to leave this wedding now, you did your job,” Billy continued yelling angrily.

“I'm not going anywhere man,” Colton replied.


Colton has never been at the receiving end of such rage and he knew that he shouldn't push his luck any further. Billy backed away as Colton exited the bathroom. Billy then walked up to the sinks and mirror and tried to catch his breath, he was so upset that he almost threw up. He splashed water on his face, straightened his tuxedo jacket, ran his hands through his hair, turned and walked out of the restroom.

The food has been served and Billy came back to the table, sat down and began to eat without even looking at me. I looked over to Billy.

“What happened?”

Billy just continued eating his food and shook his head no, as to say, don't ask. All of a sudden I saw a little commotion to my left. Colton was standing and saying goodbye to Kelly and Kevin. Colton walked behind us one last time and as he proceeded down the center aisle of the reception hall. Billy just watched him intently while still eating his meal, until Colton finally left through the exit.

The night became more bearable and enjoyable as Billy and I and a group of people danced for hours to great 80's and 90's pop music. It was getting later and some of the guests were starting to leave. Suddenly a slow song came on and Billy and I started to leave the dance floor because we knew we couldn't dance together like that even though we longed to. Patty, one of my sister's high school friends who was a bridesmaid, grabbed Billy's arm.

“You're not going anywhere until I get a dance,” she said.

Billy tried to protest but it wasn't working. Billy and Patty danced to the slow tune, her arms on his shoulders and his arms around her waist. Patty was doing exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to be able to dance with my brother that way, after all, he was MY lover. As the song wound down, I was hoping for Billy's return until another ballad started and Patty kept Billy locked in her arms for a 2nd dance. I couldn't take watching that any longer so I got up and stormed out of the half empty reception hall. Billy suddenly noticed that I was gone and he panicked.

“Patty, I have to find DJ, I'm sorry.”

He ducked under her locked arms and started searching for me all over the hall. Finally Billy came outside to where I was sitting alone on the steps of the reception hall.

“There you are, why the fuck did you leave? you scared me you little shit,” Billy said.

“Sorry,” was all I could say.

“What's going on DJ?” Billy asked as he leaned in to bump shoulders with me.

“I've been longing for you all day. I've been wanting to touch you, and kiss you. I've been aching to have you fuck me or make love to me,” I continued. “I just wanted to be with you physically, and I can't, and watching you with Patty just pushed my buttons.”

“I've been thinking about you all day too bud,” Billy confessed. “I've been fighting a hard on all day while thinking of you and I've been trying to think of a place where we could be alone for just a little while, but nothing came to mind. I'm sorry,” Billy said.

We both sat there in silence for a few minutes looking up into the clear night sky. Billy looked over to the apple orchard on the one side of the church and just sighed heavily.

“Look at the moon Billy, It's almost full,” I said, pointing at it above the cemetery to the left of the hall.

Billy focused on the cemetery and saw a large marble mausoleum in the back corner reflecting the moonlight.

“Come on DJ, I have an idea.”

Billy grabbed my hand and dragged me through the cemetery.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Shhhh, keep quiet,” Billy said in a whisper.

We weaved in and out of the rows of headstones until we finally reached the far side of the mausoleum. Billy grabbed me and forced his tongue into my mouth as I quickly accepted it willingly. We kissed passionately while undressing each other in a lustful frenzy. My tie then my shirt came off, then Billy's. Billy pushed my naked back up against the cold marble wall of the mausoleum and I left out a yelp because of the cold sensation. Billy started to lick and bite at my nips and soon after proceeded to lick down my chest to my stomach. He got on his knees and started to unbutton my tuxedo pants. He pulled down my pants and boxers to my feet. He looked up at me and spoke.

“Brace yourself on my back while I take your shoes off.”

Billy took off one of my shoes and then the other.

“Ok, step out of your pants,” he instructed.

I did as he asked. I stood there completely naked except for my black socks and leaned against the marble wall once again. Billy looked up at me again and just stared.

“What?” I said to Billy.

He looked at me and said, “you are so fucking handsome with the moonlight shining all over your beautiful body, I am so lucky to have you as mine.”

“I smiled and stroked his handsome face for a few moments until he grabbed my waist and spun me around. Billy stood up and pushed me against the wall chest and face first. He grabbed me from behind and played with my chest and nips while licking my neck, shoulders and my back as he undid his pants and let them drop as the belt buckle clanked onto the hard marble. Billy grabbed his full 8 inch cock and teased my hole with his cockhead while he spit into his one hand to lube up his cock for the imminent fuck he was about to give me.

“Please, fuck me Billy, please. I need it bad, I want to feel every inch of you inside me, Pleeeeease,” I begged.

Billy lifted his left hand and covered my mouth with it and then plunged his whole cock into my ass in one swift thrust. I let out a painful moan into Billy's open palm.

“Shhhhhh,” Billy said, as he whispered into my ear, “the pleasure will soon take over.”

Finally the pleasure did overtake the pain and I begged for no mercy.

“Fuck me Billy, rape my fucking hole,” I pleaded.

“Yeah fucker, you want it hard? You want my balls beating against your hole?” Billy said in a deep voice.

“Yes, give it to me as hard as you can. Come on Billy slam me good!” I begged him.

Billy began to pound my ass like never before and the slapping sounds of his balls on my ass were echoing off the mausoleum walls.

“Oh my god, fucker, your gonna get a huge goddamn load,” he said in a gritty voice.

“Oh fuck yeah bro, breed me, make me your cumdump.”

“Oh damn, your wish is going to cum true, fag.....Ahhhhh, holy shit I'm cumming! Take my fucking seed, FUUUUUUCK, FUCKING HELL, You're mine, you're mine faggot,” Billy screamed, as his cock pumped stream after stream into my ass.

Feeling his cock pulsate within me while his balls unloaded his hot cum inside of me made me feel like we were one, like we were always meant to be together sexually. Billy slowly pulled his beast out of my hole as I heard some of his cum drip from my soaked cumhole and splatter on the cold marble beneath. Billy got down on his knees, spread my ass cheeks and started to rim my cumfilled asshole. He licked and licked the outside to lap up the cum. He was making me so weak in the knees I thought I was going to collapse. All of a sudden, he shoved his tongue deep into my asshole and tried to lick out as much of his own cum as he could. I started to whimper uncontrollably at the immense pleasure Billy was giving me. He then stood up, and turned me around and looked at me and spit the cum onto my face. He then grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me in a wild frenzy like never before. The electricity I felt between us in this kinky moment was the most intense I have ever felt. Billy slowed down, pulled off my mouth and started to lick the cum off of my face as he began to feed it to with his tongue.

This exact moment became the point of no return for me. I grabbed Billy and changed spots with him and pushed him up against the marble wall like he did to me. I reached under his armpits with my arms and grabbed onto his shoulders. I sucked on his ear and on his neck and humped his ass without penetrating it until his moaning got louder. I released his shoulders and pulled him away from the wall and I bent him over.

“Do it DJ, DO IT” is all Billy said.

My cock was already slick with my own precum and I slammed my 7 inch cock deep into my brother's ass. I pushed and pushed until I couldn't go in any further.

“Oh fucking hell, you feel so good inside me, fuck your cock in me DJ, fuck me hard, please,” Billy begged.

I reached over his back and grabbed his shoulder and started to pound his hole like he has repeatedly done to me.

“Take it Billy, take my fucking cock,” I moaned. “Oh fucking hell, I love you so much Billy, your ass feels so amazing around my cock. You're gonna make me cum real soon.”

“Yeah babe breed my hole,” Billy begged. “Seed me for the first time DJ, please, do it now.”

My head was swimming in lust and my heart was pounding out of my chest as I unleashed the most powerful eruption of cum I have ever shot.


I stayed balls deep within Billy until I knew every possible drop of my cum was buried inside his beautiful ass. I straightened up and fell to my knees so that I could felch Billy's cum filled ass like he did to me. He turned around and said “please no, don't.”

I looked up to him as he looked down to my face.

“Why, I want to,” I said with love for him in my eyes.

Billy knelt down in front of me and kissed me on the lips before he spoke.

“This is so special to me DJ, it is so very special to take your load inside of me for the very first time. I want to keep it inside of me all night if that is ok with you?”

“Why didn't you have me fuck you sooner?” I asked.

“Because, I wanted you to do it when you were really ready to, not when I was ready, he replied.”

We kissed for a few minutes and realized we needed to get back to the reception hall. We had some fun dressing each other in the dark and then walked through the cemetery holding hands until we got close enough to the hall where we knew we had to let go.

We walked into the hall and dad came up to us.

“Where have you guys been? We're starting to clean up,” he said.

“We took a walk, we got a bit overheated from dancing all night, sorry we're late,” Billy responded.

“Fine,” he said, “DJ, grab the wedding gifts and take them out to Kevin's car, I want to talk to Bill for a second,” he continued.

Dad and Billy sat at a table near the back of the hall.

“Bill,” dad said, “how's it going with DJ at the cottage.”

“Great, why?” Billy asked with curiosity.

“Just checking. He seems happier, a little different,” dad said.

“I think he's just spreading his wings dad. He's excited about college and just enjoying life right now.”

“I know, I'm glad to see this change in him, its a great change,” he replied. “Whatever you're doing with DJ Bill, keep it up.”

“I will dad, believe me I will,” Billy said with a big smile.

by DJ

Email: [email protected]

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