Soccer Practice Makes Perfect - Brotherly Bonding

by DJ

8 Nov 2023 1470 readers Score 9.2 (36 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Secrets Revealed

We were about 15 minutes away from the hospital when I woke up from a short nap while leaning my head on Jake's shoulder. Jake looked to me as did Billy to make sure I was alright.

"You okay baby?" Jake asked me.

"Ok as I can be."

"Jake, I can drop you off at home on our way to the hospital if you like?" Billy suggested.

"No. If it ok with you, I'd like to come along to support the both of you."

"Thanks Jake, I really appreciate that," Billy responded while reaching over to grab Jake's hand.

"You ok if I stay with you baby?"

"Yes, of course. I'm glad you're staying with us," I said as I leaned on Jake's shoulder again.

Billy pulled into the hospital parking lot and picked a spot. We sat there for a few minutes not wanting to go any further but we knew we had to face the reality soon of what was going on. Billy called dad on his cellphone and told him we were there. We were instructed to go wait in the 3rd floor waiting room since my dad and mom were in a consultation with the doctor. Billy, Jake an I proceeded to the waiting room as directed. As we were sitting on the large sofa in the waiting room I turned to Billy.

"Billy, I want to tell mom," I began saying.

"What? About being gay?" Billy responded.

"Yeah, but also about us."

"DJ, you can't do that! That will not go over well at all."

"But, I feel like I am lying to her and it's tearing me up inside."

"Telling her the truth isn't going to help her, it would do so much more harm than good."

"Don't you feel we owe her the truth?" I said as I began to tear up again.

"No, I don't! Come on DJ, you're not thinking straight right now, you should know better. Goddamnit! I can't deal with this shit right now. Jake, please talk some sense into DJ."

Billy became very agitated as he got up and walked out of the waiting room and down the hall. I became even more upset because this is the first time that Billy has been mad at me like this. Jake put his arm around me and held me quietly until my sobbing started to subside. He kissed me on the cheek and started to speak to me softly.

"DJ, you can come out to your mom but I don't think it is wise to mention anything about you and your brother. Coming out is socially acceptable but your relationship with Billy is not, and won't be for a very long, long time, if at all."

"How do I live with this Jake? How do I live without sharing my happiest moments with my mom and also keeping secrets from her? Billy is everything to me, and I want her to know that."

"Baby, think of it as protecting your mother. If you told her every detail, it would hurt her and harm your relationship with her. I hope you understand that. You also need to protect yourself and Billy. If word gets out your soccer careers would be over, your school careers would be over and possibly your future with Billy would be in jeopardy. Please think about all of that. Tell your mom how much closer to Billy you are now than ever before, tell her how much you love him as a brother, just don't give her any sexual details."

"I don't know Jake, I am so confused and scared right now."

"I know you are baby, this is not easy for you or Billy and that's why I'm here for you."

Jake hugged me and then we both sat back on the sofa as he still had his one arm around my shoulder. I soon leaned forward all stressed about Billy and turned and then laid back as I rested my head on Jake's lap. Jake started stroking my hair and my face while he was looking down at me with a little smile. I thought back to being happy at the beach and enjoying our time away where nothing like this situation even entered my mind.

"Thanks for teaching me how to surf," I said to Jake.

"You're welcome baby, did you enjoy it?"

"Yes I did very much, but I enjoyed being with you more than anything else.

"Same here. Being alone with you and Billy was perfect. You both mean so much to me and that's why I am here. You both are part of my family now and the ring you and Billy gave me confirms that."

Billy came walking back in to the waiting room with my dad as I sat up.

"Hello DJ," my dad said.

"Hi dad," I said as I got up and hugged him.

"Hello Jake, thank you for being here with my boys."

"Of course, sir. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now."

"Sit DJ, I need to talk with you and Bill.

Billy and I sat on the sofa with Jake as my dad was pacing and trying to figure out his words carefully. He stopped and pulled over one of the side chairs and sat directly in front of Billy and I.

"Ok, there is no easy way around this. The doctors said that this cancer has spread too far and too fast and is no longer treatable and that they will try to make your mother as comfortable as possible for her remaining time with us."

"Wait, what? She's going to die?" I asked through my tears.

"I'm sorry DJ there is nothing they can do, it has progressed too far," my dad explained to us.

"I started to cry again and Billy pulled me in and hugged me as he also started to sob. Jake was sitting next to me and he rubbed my back and leaned on me. My dad came forward and hugged Billy and I as he spoke.

"Your mother has been very strong through all of this, she didn't even want me to call you guys while you were on vacation. Get this out of your system now, I don't want you upsetting her anymore than she already has been. She loves you both and doesn't want to see you both upset like this. She is in room 301-B when you are ready. I have to fill out some paperwork and will meet you guys in there in about an hour."

“Ok dad,” Billy answered as my father left the waiting room for the doctor's office.

I got up and started to walk out of the waiting room and down the hall.

“DJ, where are you going?” Billy called after me.

“I need to be alone for a few, just leave me alone,” I said as I proceeded aimlessly down the hall.

“Should I go get him Billy?” Jake asked.

“No Jake, give him some space, he needs to deal with this before we go see mom,” Billy explained.

I was wandering around the hospital and got to the vending machines and stopped and stared inside of them. I realized I was going to feel so alone and so vulnerable when my mom leaves me. She has been there every step of my life. Especially when Billy and I were separated when he went to college for his freshman year. I saw my tears in the reflection of the machine and realized how weak they made me look and I got angry and upset and started punching the machine as the elevators behind me dinged and opened.

“DJ What are you doing? Stop” I heard Dean yell as he rushed over to me.

I turned around with a bloody hand and tears streaming down my face as I grabbed Dean and sobbed on his shoulder as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

“She dying Dean, my mom is dying,” I said through my sobs as he cradled me.

Dean held me and kissed my neck and continued to hold me and tell me that I'm his friend and that he loves me as I continued to sob. After a few minutes it dawned on me that Dean was really there holding me.

“Wait, what are you doing here Dean?” I thought you guys went home.

“I couldn't leave you and Billy the way we did at the beach house. The way you guys opened your lives to us as friends. We owe you both more than that. We need to be here for you guys,” Dean explained as he told Stu and Aaron to go find a doctor to take care of my bloody hand.

Dean walked me over to some chairs that were in the hall as we sat down. He held my hand carefully as he looked to me as I was still crying.

“I don't know what I'm going to do Dean. She has always been there, I thought my mom would be here forever. I can't live without her.”

“DJ. It's tough, it really is but if I can do it, you can too.”

“What do you mean, if you could do it?” I asked.

“My mom died when when I was 15 years old DJ. She was my world, my everything. She taught me everything I knew up to that point. I was so lost without her for a long while until I realized one thing.”

“What was that?” I asked.

“That she didn't leave me by choice, and that she is still here beside me watching over me. I feel her there whenever I need her, when I'm playing lacrosse and when I need guidance. No one ever really leaves us DJ, especially our mothers.”

“Did you cry Dean?”

“Yes DJ, I cried a lot, and I still do. You will never stop missing her. Make the most of this time you have left with her DJ. At least you get these last moments with her. So many people don't get that opportunity.”

“I love you Dean, thank you for coming back,” I said as he embraced me again.

“I am so glad that I met you, Billy and Jake. You three mean a lot to me. I love you too DJ,” Dean said as he kissed me on the lips as Aaron and Stu brought a doctor to care for my hand.

When the doctor was done bandaging my hand Dean, Aaron and Stu walked me back to the waiting room where Jake and Billy were waiting for me. I beamed a smile as Billy and Jake were in shock that the three guys were behind me.

“What the hell are you guys doing here? Billy said happily.

“As I told DJ, we felt bad the way we left you guys at the beach house. You opened your lives and your beach house to us and it didn't feel right just walking away when you needed friends the most,” Dean explained.

“Thank you so fucking much bro,” Billy said as he hugged Dean tightly as he cried softly. “That means a lot to me but I know it means much more to DJ.”

“Baby! What happened to your hand?” Jake said in a panic.

“DJ what happened?” Billy asked as he looked at my hand.

I took my frustration out on the vending machine down the hall, sorry.”

“If you think that looks bad, you should see the vending machine,” Aaron said with a laugh as we all had a quick chuckle.

“You ok, babe? I think it is time we go visit mom, you ready?”

“As ready as I'll ever be,” I responded.

Billy and I started to walk to my mom's hospital room. I looked back while Jake was still standing there with Dean, Aaron and Stu.

"Jake, are you coming?" I asked.

"I think it should just be you and Billy right now, I'll wait here for you with the guys."

I walked back to Jake as he stood there, and I gave him a big hug and a kiss on the lips.

"Thank you," I said.

"For what?"

"For being you, I love you."

"I love you too baby," Jake said as he gave me another hug and kiss.

Billy and I walked together holding hands to room 301-B. Billy pushed the door open as I let go of his hand. We walked in and there was my mother with a huge smile on her face as she beamed at both of us. Billy told me to sit on the chair next to her bed as he stood on the far side of the bed. I gave my mom a hug and a kiss and sat down while Billy did the same after me. I grabbed my mom's hand and held it in mine.

"How are you mom?" I asked.

"As good as can be expected. I am so glad to see you both."

"So are we mom, so happy to see you," Billy said with a soft voice.

"Did you have a good time at the beach?" She asked.

"Yes, we had a great time surfing and swimming and walking on the boardwalk. We also made new friends and met some old ones." Billy continued.

"I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry that this is happening to you," I said

"I've had a full life honey, I'm just sad that I won't see yours or Bill's bloom into their full potential."

"Mom, there's something I need to tell you," I said shakily as Billy lifted up his head and looked at me.

"What is it honey?"

"I'm sorry if this disappoints you about me but...."

"I will never be disappointed in you DJ, I am proud of you and the young man you have become. What's the matter honey?"

"I'm....I'm gay mom. I'm sorry," I said.

"DJ, look at me honey. I have always loved you and always will. Being gay is nothing to apologize for. I had an idea but was never one hundred percent sure. It's okay honey, you are perfect just the way you are."

"I love you mom, I hate keeping secrets from you."

"Are you seeing anyone DJ? Is there anyone special in your life?"

"Yes mom, there is," I replied as Billy looked me in the eyes again with slight concern that I was about to reveal our big secret.

"Does he treat you well DJ?"

"Yes, he does mom, he treats me like a brother, its like I've known him all of my life."

"That's wonderful DJ, do I know him?"

Billy looked at me again and I could see the fear in his eyes as I started to stutter and hesitate.

"Yes, yes you do mom...he is.....he is...his name is...."

"Jake, mom. His name is Jake," Billy interjected to finish my sentence.

"The handsome young man you two brought to brunch a little while back?"

"Yes mom......that's Jake. He's wonderful to me and loves me so much. He is the most amazing person and has the biggest heart," I said as I unknowingly beamed when I spoke of Jake.

"DJ, you have this wonderful glow about you when you're speaking of him. I can easily see that you're in love with him. Where is he?"

"He's in the waiting room, mom."

"Well go get him DJ, I would like to talk to him too."

I went to get Jake as my mom and Billy started to have a conversation.

"Are you ok mom, you in any pain?" Billy asked.

"No Bill, I'm fine for now. How are you and DJ doing living together?"

"It's great mom, really. We enjoy it."

"I've seen such a big change between you two over the last 6 months or so. You two used to fight all the time and now it is like a beautiful new relationship between you two."

"Yeah, it is mom, it's really special. It has been really good for both of us as brothers. We're inseparable now."

"Promise me Bill that you will always take care of DJ for me, and that you will always protect him. You're his big brother and I can see that you're really filling those shoes well right now."

"I will mom, I love DJ more now than you can imagine. I'd do anything for him now, our relationship has grown so much since he moved in with me."

"I am thrilled to hear that Bill. DJ has always looked up to you, even when you two were fighting. When you left for college I used to hear him cry himself to sleep at night because he missed you so much. He has always loved you and wanted to be around you Bill, even if you didn't know it at that time. That is why I am so happy that you two got a fresh start together."

“He cried over me? He missed me that much, mom?

“Yes. You are his idol Bill, and when you left for college that was gone, he had no one and he was so alone. He missed you terribly.”

Billy reflected on those words that mom just spoke as Jake and I entered the room as she finished her talk with Billy. They both looked to Jake and I as we got closer to her bed. Billy looked to me with a big smile as I approached, but I had no ideas why he was grinning.

“What's going on Billy?” I asked.

“I'll tell you later, bud.”

"Hello Jake, how are you?" my mom asked.

"Doing well ma'am. How are you feeling?"

"Doing well, Jake. I am much happier now that DJ told me that you two are together, that you are boyfriends."

"I'm glad to hear that," Jake responded with a big smile.

"Do you love DJ, Jake?"

"Yes, very much ma'am. He means the world to me and makes me so happy."

"You don't know me very well, but would you promise me that you'll take care of my baby for me?"

Jake, Billy and I smiled when my mom used the word 'baby' and we all looked at one another.

"Yes, of course. I am very protective of DJ all the time. I will take extra special care of him now especially for you."

"Thank you. Would you come here Jake, would you mind giving me a hug?"


Jake walked up to the side of my mom's bed and held her hand as he leaned in to give her a hug. She embraced Jake fully and whispered into his ear.

"DJ is a precious gift Jake, I hope that you get to marry him one day."

"I do too," Jake replied with a whisper and a big smile as they finished their hug.

"What was all that whispering all about?" I asked.

"Just a request I asked of Jake, DJ," mom replied.

"What about dad, mom? How will he handle the news about DJ and Jake," Billy asked.

"I'll talk to him Bill. If I know your father like I think I do he will will be okay with it once it sinks in."

"Thanks mom," I replied to her.

Billy, Jake and I sat in with my mom for a couple of hours or so. My dad eventually joined us in my mom's room. We laughed, cried and shared stories and memories that we will always treasure. A fretful day turned into something better than expected but not ideal. It was still difficult but we were all together none the less which is what mattered the most.

* * *

“Thanks for staying with us tonight Jake, it means a lot to me and to DJ,” Billy said as he and Jake sat in the living room of the cottage playing Xbox.

“Sure thing Billy, my parents aren't expecting me until Sunday anyway. Do you think DJ's ok? He's been in the bedroom resting since we got home almost 2 hours ago.”

“He's really taking this hard. I'm sure he's ok, but maybe I'll go check up on him. You want to come with me?”

“Nah, I think you two need to talk this through as brothers, just please let him know I'm still here and that I love him very much.”

“Jake, I will but I think you should show him that you love him a little later after I talk with him.”

“Yeah dude, I will.”

I was laying on the bed with my eyes closed but unable to sleep. My mind was going a million miles an hour thinking about my mom and about how Billy was angry at me. I felt like my happy life was slipping away. Billy opened up the door and came into the room. He got onto the bed and laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. Billy squeezed me tight and kissed the back of my neck.

“You ok bud?” Billy asked.

“No. I don't want mom to die,” I said.

“Me either babe. It's not fair, but we have no control over it.”

“I'm sorry Billy, I'm so sorry that I made you mad at me.”

“Oh babe, I'm not mad at you. We are all just stressed about mom, I understand what you wanted to do.”

“It hurt so much Billy, feeling that you were angry at me.”

“DJ, we may not always see eye to eye on every single thing, but I will never stop loving you because of that. You being my lover is the best thing that has ever happened to me and nothing will ever change that.

“I love you so much Billy, I never want to upset you again.”

“Babe, can I ask you something?”

“Sure bro, what is it?”

“Mom told me that when I left for my freshman year at college that you missed me so much that you cried yourself to sleep at night. Is that true?”

“Yeah, it is.”

“I'm sorry DJ, I didn't know.”

I rolled over and was now face to face with Billy. I reached up and touched his face as I began to speak.

“It's not your fault, Billy. I loved you so much even back then and when you left for college I felt like you left me behind and didn't love me, and that I lost the only thing that made my life worthwhile. You were my big brother, I looked up to you, I idolized you and even lusted after you. I think that is why I sometimes fear losing you again, because I felt so hurt and alone when you left me.”

Billy looked into my eyes as tears started to form in his own as he spoke.

“Oh babe, you will never lose me. It means so much to me to know now how you felt about me back then. I felt the same way about you but I was so afraid to say anything. I wanted to love you openly, I wanted to fuck you and make love to you but I couldn't. I thought about you, missed you and lusted for you every day my first year in college. I think that is why I never fell in love with Roger before the incident, because I was already in love with you.”

I could see the intense love in Billy's eyes as I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss. My lips touched his as our mouths opened in unison and we took each others tongues in our waiting mouths. The passion was running high and the intensity of the kiss was beyond any kiss that we have shared before. Billy wrapped his arms around me as my hands were running through his hair. Our breathing became very heavy and rapid. I pulled away briefly from the kiss to speak.

“Fuck me bro, please, I really need you now more than ever.”

“Oh god bud, I want to fuck you so hard and deep now!” he said with lust and passion in his voice.

Billy pulled off my t-shirt and then I removed his. He then knelt on the bed and pulled my shorts and boxers off but left my socks and sneakers on just as I like. Billy then laid down again as I got up and removed his shorts and boxer, leaving his socks and sneakers on as well. We rolled around on the bed naked in each others arms as he kissed and hugged and held each other. Billy then got up on his knees again and pulled me up as he kissed me deep again, we knelt there wrapped in each others arms and passionately kissed long, hard and deep. I then laid down on my back and begged Billy to mount me.

“Please bro, fuck me like you never fucked me before, I need you to, I love you so much Billy.”

Billy grabbed the lube from the nightstand drawer and slicked his hard 8 inch uncut cock up in a hurry. He grabbed my legs and put them on his shoulders. He lined his cockhead up with my pucker and bent down to the point where his mouth was just about on mine and looked me in the eyes.

“I love getting you into this position. Feeling your sexy legs on my shoulders and my cock at your ass. Seeing it in your eyes that you know that my cock is going to enter you at any moment. The anticipation, the lust, the love that I feel from you is always so intense DJ. I feed off of that energy, you make me feel so good before I even enter you. Oh god babe, I'm going to fuck you so good! I love you DJ.”

Billy slammed his full 8 inch cock into my ass as he planted his mouth onto mine as I grunted in pain into his mouth. He kept his mouth on mine and fucked my mouth with his tongue as he fucked my ass with his hard cock. I tilted my head back in ecstasy and broke the kiss as he was now pumping my ass with a good steady rhythm. Billy's mouth was next to my ear and he was dirty talking me in that gritty voice, just how I like it from him.

“You like my cock fucking your hole fag? You really need my dick up your ass, don't you fag?”

“Fuck yes, I need you to rape my ass. I need you deep inside of me.”

“Why is that, fag?”

“Because you're my big brother, and as your little brother I am born to take your dick and cum up my ass.”

“That's right DJ, you're my cock whore little brother and as your big brother it is my duty to cum up your ass every chance I get. If I could cum inside you all day every day, I would do it until there's so much cum up your ass that not another drop would fit in!”

“Please Billy, fuck me hard and breed me deep. Make it hurt so good, please.”

“That's right fag, take my cock deep, here, feel it deep fag. My cock belongs in you balls deep.”

“Owwww, fucking hell that hurts! Oh fuck Billy, harder, please, oh fucking hell.”

“That's it, beg for your big brother's dick up your ass. I love when my balls hit your pucker, then I know you took every inch of your big brother's dick up your ass. What else do you want, fag?”

“I want my brother's cum up my ass, please. There's nothing like feeling your cock pumping your cum into me. I'm the happiest when your cumming up my ass. Breed me deep bro, fucking knock me up!”

Billy wrapped his hand behind my neck and pulled me closer to him as his thrusts got harder and deeper. He was slamming so hard into me that his balls were making loud slapping noises against my ass. I looked into his eyes with such lust as he planted his mouth on mine and started to deep kiss me again. I held onto Billy to keep his lips against mine as his fucking became rougher and erratic. Billy started to slam fuck my ass just as I liked it from him. I wanted it harder and deeper and Billy knew it, so he went as hard as he could as his cock pushed in harder and deeper than it has ever gone. My eyes were watering at the intensity of Billy's fuck, but yet I still wanted it harder from my brother who was the love of my life and only seconds away from nailing me balls deep with another load of his cum. Billy finally pulled away and yelled out.

“Oh fuuuuuck, here it comes DJ, I'm gonna knock you up bro, take my fucking load Ohhhhhhhh shiiiiiit.!”

“Fuck yes Billy, seed me deep. I love taking your load, fuck yeah bro keep giving it to me.”

He shoved his cock into my ass with 3 big final thrusts as he tried to fuck his load into me as deep as he could. He panted and moaned as his cock throbbed in me spewing his seed into my depths just as I begged for. His heart was beating against my chest at the same rhythm as his throbbing cock. Billy loved me, he seeded me and fucked me like never before. Billy's cock was now fully spent inside of me as he put my legs down while he collapsed on top of me and kissed me again passionately as we cuddled and loved each other like the world no longer mattered. I looked over to the doorway and saw Jake standing there with a huge grin on his face and a hardon in his shorts.

“Why didn't you join in Jake?” I asked him.

“This time was just for brothers like it was supposed to be, It was just beautiful you two! We'll have plenty of other opportunities baby.”

“Well at least come join us and lay with us Jake,” Billy prompted with his open arm for Jake.

Jake joined us on the bed as the three of us laid in each others arms. I laid in the middle with Billy on one side of me and Jake on the other as our arms were intertwined with each other. For a brief time while Billy was fucking me and and also while laying there with Jake and Billy, I was able to let go of the pain and fear that I was feeling for most of the day. Now the reality of my mother in the hospital started to creep into mind again after my sexual high wore off. I started to cry again as Billy looked to me and wiped my tears away.

“I wish I could tell you that everything will be okay babe, but I can't,” Billy said as tears rolled down his face.

“I know Billy, it just hurts so much. I don't want to lose her,” I said as I sobbed.

Billy leaned in and kissed me on the lips as we both cried, as Jake wrapped his arms around both Billy and I.

“I'm so sorry to see you guys go through this. Your mother loves you both so much, hold onto that, hold onto that every day,” Jake said while continuing to hold us as we eventually slowly drifted off to sleep in each others arms.

* * *

I was waking up out of a deep sleep as I was wrapped in Jake's arms. I slept so sound and I needed that, I think the amazing fuck Billy gave me really exhausted me this time. I started to open my eyes and realized Billy was not in the bed. I looked around and didn't see him anywhere in the bedroom. Jake was beginning to awaken also and he kissed me on the back of my neck as he usually does in the morning. I was curious as to why Billy wasn't there, he almost always waits for me to wake up before he leaves the bed in the morning. I rolled over and hugged Jake and gave him a big kiss.

“I love you Jake, good morning.”

Jake gave me a big smile and spoke softly to me.

“Good morning baby, I love you too. Where's Billy?”

“Not sure, but I want to find out.”

I started to get up out of the bed as Jake did also. We walked out into the living room in just our boxers and saw Billy sitting on the chair in a daze.

“What are you doing bro?”

“Huh, what? Oh sorry,” Billy said.

“What's the matter bro?”

“Sit DJ, I need to talk to you.”

Jake and I sat on the sofa wondering what was wrong and looked to Billy as he looked distraught.

“Did I do something? Are you upset with me Billy?”

Billy came over to me and knelt on the floor in front of me. He kissed my forehead and then grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes.

“Oh no babe, you didn't do anything. You're just perfect.”

“Then what's going on Billy?”

Billy lowered his head for a moment and took a deep breath and looked back up to me.

“Mom passed away in her sleep last night. Dad called at 3:40am this morning and told me. You and Jake were sleeping so sound, and I didn't want to wake you two. There's nothing you could have done anyway, so I thought I'd let you sleep.”

I immediately began to sob as Billy pulled me in for a hug. I placed my head on his shoulders and cried so hard as Billy tightened his embrace. He tilted his head and kissed me on the neck.

“Its okay DJ let it out, I know it hurts. She loved you and I so much, never forget that bud.”

“Oh god, oh fucking god,” I said through my sobs. “She's gone, oh my god.”

“I know babe. I didn't know how else to tell you. I can't believe this either,” Billy said calmly as he held me.

“I'm so sorry baby. So sorry Billy, is there anything I can do?” Jake asked.

“Just be here for us, Jake, that is the best thing you can do right now.”

Jake joined our hug as Billy and I cried together. Once our crying subsided I sat back on the sofa and leaned onto Jake's shoulder. Billy got up off of the floor and sat next to me on the sofa.

“Dad said that he took care of all of the funeral arrangements a couple of days ago before we came home since they knew this was going to happen someday soon, so there is no need for us to do anything. He called the funeral home this morning and the funeral is now scheduled for tomorrow, he said mom wanted something small and quick. It is being held at Wildflower Fields Cemetery at 11:00 am, the same one by the reception hall where Kelly had her wedding.”

“I don't have a black suit, what am I going to do? I need one for tomorrow, I can't go without one,” I said in a panic.

“Baby, it's okay I'd like to take you out and buy you a suit, it's the least I can do,” Jake offered.

“Really, you'd do that for me?” I exclaimed.

“Of course, I always tell you that I would do anything for you, and I want to do this.”

“That is so thoughtful of you Jake, thank you,” Billy said. “Let's eat something now and we can all go together, I think we should be together today to support each other,” he continued.

As we were eating Billy made a few calls to Rafael and Jorge and a few other soccer team coaches and staff to tell them the news and to provide funeral details. Billy also called Dean, Aaron and Stu and told them about what has happened as they sent their love to us. Tomorrow is a day that I wish would not come, but at least I know Billy and I will get through it together, with a little help from Jake.

by DJ

Email: [email protected]

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