Soccer Practice Makes Perfect - Brotherly Bonding

by DJ

18 Nov 2023 1761 readers Score 9.4 (38 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


It was about 4:30pm and I was waking up from a sound nap as I felt Billy on top of me sliding his hard uncut cock into my hole while nibbling on my neck. My legs automatically spread in order to accommodate Billy's size as he was entering me. My ass lifted a little off of the bed to meet his thrusts as he was now going balls deep into my waiting ass.

"Oh that's it faggot take my cock, you love me pounding deep inside of you don't you?" Billy said as he grabbed my hair.

I immediately had flashbacks to being on the table in the interrogation room being fucked by the preppy rich kid. I couldn't do this, especially not right now with Billy. I felt dirty, I felt unfaithful to my brother for what I have done.

"Stop Billy, please. Stop," I begged.

Billy immediately pulled his hard cock out of my ass and flipped me over. He leaned down to me and held gently onto my face as he saw the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Did I hurt you babe? Is something wrong? I'm so sorry if I hurt you. DJ please tell me, what did I do?" Billy said with so much concern in his voice.

"Nothing Billy, you didn't do anything," I said.

"Then why are you crying babe?"

"I...I just can't do this right now, I'm sorry," I said as we both sat up on the edge of the bed.

"DJ, please talk to me. You haven't been yourself since we got back from jail, and that was four days ago. What is bothering you?"

"I can't talk about it right now Billy, I'm afraid," I said as I sobbed.

"Afraid of what DJ?"

"Afraid....afraid that I will hurt you. Afraid that you won't love me anymore."

"Where the fuck is this coming from? I know in my heart that you would never hurt me babe, and you should know I will always love you."

Billy just held onto me and hugged me as I cried on his shoulder.

"Whatever it is babe, we will work through it together, I promise. I won't push you but please let me know what it is when you are ready. I love you so much DJ, please confide in me."

After a few moments of sitting in silence as Billy held onto me and stroked the hair on my head, I turned to him to speak.

"I think I'm going to take a shower, that might make me feel a little better, is that okay Billy?"

"Of course, I'll give you some space and I'll make us some dinner while you're in there."

"Thanks bro, I love you."

"I love you too DJ, I always will no matter what," Billy said as he reluctantly left me in the bedroom by myself.


I was in the shower by myself and started to relive the experience from the interrogation room. I started to tremble as I slowly leaned back against the shower wall and slid down until I was on the floor in the corner of the shower. I wished I could drown here. I wished that I could just end it all. The guilt I felt for betraying Billy and having sex with that rich preppy kid without his knowledge was eating away at me day after day. How could Billy ever forgive me? Billy loves me so much and I just stabbed him in the back. I didn't want to hurt Billy but I didn't know what else to do to get him out of jail. Oh god I am so fucked, I fucked up our relationship. How can Billy love me after this? I kept wondering all of this to myself as I sobbed under the stream of the hot shower.


I walked out freshly showered and clothed and into the kitchen where Billy had dinner made. The table was set and the food was done and on the table. Billy made one of my favorite meals which probably meant he wanted to try and coax whatever was bothering me out into the light. We sat in silence for a few minutes until Billy spoke up.

"DJ, I don't want to push you, but does this have to do with something that I did? Did I do something wrong?" Billy asked.

"No, not at all Billy. This is all on me. I have to sort through some things that's all."

"Do you still love me DJ?" Billy asked as tears started to run down his cheeks.

"Of course I still love you, I have never loved you so much in my life," I said as I got up and went to hug Billy. It's that I don't deserve you Billy, you deserve someone better than me."

"That's fucking bullshit and you know it DJ."

"I don't know what to think right now, my mind is in shreds and I feel lost."

"Then please let me help you DJ, please tell me what this is all about."

"I can't talk about this right now Billy, I just can't," I said as I got up and walked towards the front door.

"Where are you going DJ?"

"I just need to take a walk and think."

"Please don't be out too long babe, and please come back home to me...promise me."

"I promise bro, I'll be back." I said as I walked out the front door.

Even though my mind was clouded with self hate, doubt, fear and panic I knew exactly where I was headed. I needed to talk with someone since Jake was not around, so I knew who I could trust and who would listen in his absence. Hopefully Rafael was working at the pub because I had no way to get to his apartment from where I was. I eventually reached the pub and walked in the front door and looked around, it was kind of slow with a few patrons scattered here and there. I looked over to the bar and saw Jorge sitting there talking with Rafael. Rafael looked over to me in the doorway and shouted to me.

"Hey handsome how are you? What can I get for you?"

"Just a Coke for now," I said with sadness in my voice as I walked over to the both of them.

"Where's my favorite cock jockey," Rafael said with a laugh, referring to Billy

"He's at home."

"What's wrong man you sound a little down, did you guys have a fight?" Jorge asked.

"No, but I do need to talk with you guys privately though."

"Sure thing DJ, my shift is over in about 10 minutes. Why don't you and Jorge go grab one of the booths in the back and I'll meet you guys there in a few."

Jorge and I grabbed the booth that was the farthest in the back and we sat down and made some small talk until Rafael arrived and sat down next to me.

"What's going on DJ? You seem a little rattled," Rafael asked as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"I need to get something off my chest. I'm afraid I fucked up everything between Billy and I."

"What do you mean DJ? You and Billy are rock solid, I know you are," Rafael stated.

"I did something the night Billy was in Jail and if I tell him he's going to hate me. Promise me that you will not tell Billy what I did, both of you."

"Whoa, DJ where the hell is that coming from? Billy loves you more than life itself. He risked going to jail to protect you, so there is no way he'll ever hate you," Rafael replied.

"Promise me you won't tell him what I did, please!"

"I promise," said Rafael.

"I promise too," Jorge repeated after Rafael

"I think what I did was unforgivable. What if Billy gets so mad at me that he ends our relationship?"

"He'd never do that DJ, listen to us, Billy loves you too much," Jorge said.

"Maybe Billy deserves someone that he can really trust, maybe I should just end it before he does."

"Ok, enough with the cryptic shit! what the hell happened DJ?" Rafael prodded.

"I...I feel so dirty, I...I let that preppy rich kid fuck me," I said as I lowered my head in shame and started to cry again.

"I don't believe that DJ, you never do anything with anyone unless Billy says it is okay. Did he force or rape you? There has to be a reason DJ," Rafael asked.

I started to wipe away my tears as Rafael hugged me a little tighter.

"That asshole at the police station offered me a deal. He told me that if I let him fuck me, he would drop all the charges against Billy."

"Why didn't you refuse?" Jorge chimed in.

"Because he said that he'd make sure that our incest secret would become public knowledge and he'd also make sure that Billy would end up in jail."

"How did you know he'd honor the deal? It was just your word against his." Rafael asked.

"I recorded him on my phone stating what the agreement was all about."

"Really? Show me DJ. I may be able offer you some good advice or if there is any way for you to use this against him. My law classes at college covered verbal and recorded agreements this last semester."

"ok....umm, oh, holy fuck! I forgot my phone at home."

"That's okay man, you can show me later. I think the best course of action here is for you to be up front and tell Billy what happened."

"I can't Rafael. I feel like I betrayed him. I can't believe I did that to Billy, I feel so ashamed."

"DJ, from my perspective you did what you had to do to protect Billy. You two always talk about how you'd do anything for each other. You just proved that you were willing to risk anything and everything to save your brother, your lover. I think Billy will be able to recognize that. He loves you so much DJ you have to know that by now. I wish Jorge and I had that level of love that you two have."

"Why do I feel so dirty, like I betrayed him?"

"DJ, That is understandable. Your love for Billy is so fucking strong bro. You have no desire for anyone else sexually, other than Jake. When you and Billy play with other guys, you do it because of Billy's desire to watch you get fucked by someone, not your desire to be fucked by someone other than Billy. So when you had sex with this guy you felt like you were choosing him over Billy.....and that is so not true. You chose to have sex with him BECAUSE of your desire to save Billy, because of your love for Billy. Do you understand what I am saying?" Jorge said calmly.

"Yes. That makes sense. How did you become so insightful about my relationship with Billy?"

"I wrote a term paper based on your relationship with Billy, about the bonding process between brothers. The love between you and Billy has always amazed me, and makes me proud to be your friend. People may look at your sexual relationship in a negative way, but I think it is so beautiful and honest."

"That's very cool,” I responded with a half smile."

"Yeah, it is DJ, and he got a 99 on it too!," Rafael said with a proud smile. "So you see DJ, this is not on you, this is on that asshole from the police station. You saved your brother with the purest of intentions even though the actual deed was a heavy price to pay. Your love for Billy has not changed it probably even grew a little stronger. I think after Billy lets it sink in and understands what you did for him, he will love you even more, if that is even possible," Rafael said with a smile as he leaned in and kissed me on the forehead.

“I love you Rafael," I said as I looked up to him and kissed him back, but on the lips this time.

Rafael then got up and let me out of the booth as Jorge emerged from the other side of the table. Jorge walked up closer to me and spoke to me.

"We love you DJ, and we love Billy too. You guys mean everything to us," Jorge said as he grabbed the back of my head and kissed me on the lips. "Now go home, make up and make love to your brother, that's an order."

"Okay, thank you both," I said as I gave one last hug to each of my friends before I headed home from the bar.


Rafael walked back up to the bar to gather his things to go home with Jorge when his phone started to vibrate on the bar. He picked it up and answered.

"Hey man, what's up?"

[Billy on phone]: "Rafael, DJ walked out on me earlier and he hasn't come home yet, have you seen him? I'm worried man, he hasn't been himself since we got back from the jail."

"Yeah, he was here for awhile talking with Jorge and I, he's on his way back home now."

[Billy on phone] "Oh for fuck's sake, I've been going crazy worrying about him. Is he okay?"

"He's okay now he was a mess when he first arrived."

[Billy on phone] "What did he talk to you guys about? What is bothering him? He won't tell me."

"I can't tell you man, he made me promise but he'll tell you soon."

[Billy on phone] "Fuck that Rafael tell me, please. I need to know, what if he chickens out again and shuts me out all over again?"

"Dude, I can't betray our promise, you know how you are with 'your' promises."

[Billy on phone] "Oh fuck Rafael my relationship with him is on the line, please!!! I'm begging you, please tell me."

"Ok, I will give you a hint but I can't give you details. DJ left his phone at home, if you find it before he gets there check his phone."

[Billy on phone] “What the fuck are you talking about? His phone? What? Is he cheating on me? Texts or phone numbers? Oh god no."

"Stop thinking like that Billy, he loves you and wouldn't do that to you. Just do as I said and check his phone out. It will explain everything."

[Billy on phone] "Okay man, thanks, I owe you one."

"Yeah, you do, and you can't be on your back with your legs up soon enough for me," Rafael said with a laugh.

[Billy on phone] "Yeah its been awhile, I'm looking forward to your dick in me again, but I need to resolve this issue first. Bye Rafael, love you bro."

"Love you too bro."


I was just about back at the cottage as I was finally getting my nerve up to explain to Billy what happened at the police station. I was rehearsing what words to use in my explanation. I repeated them over and over again as I got even closer to the cottage. I walked up the cement path to the front door when I was suddenly startled out of my thoughts when I heard crashing, smashing and shattering coming from inside. I burst open the front door thinking that Billy was fighting with someone. As the door flew open I was stunned at what I saw, Billy trashing the cottage in a furious rage.

"Billy! What the fuck is going on?" I shouted to interrupt him.

"Oh god, oh fucking god I can't believe it!" Billy wailed as he was crying and throwing things.

"What? what happened?" I said worried.

"I saw the video on your phone! Oh fuck!"

I was shocked and afraid. I couldn't move.

"Billy, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I said as I now started to cry.

"I didn't want him to touch you, you belong to me! You're mine but he got you anyway!" Billy yelled as he kicked the end table over.

"I'm so sorry Billy, please forgive me,” I begged as I sobbed.

"He took it from you, why? why would he do that?"

"Took what Billy?"

"He took it away from you, the thing that I have always been so careful to give you all this time," Billy shouted as he smashed a mirror on the wall.

"What? What did he take Billy?"

"He took your right to say no away. Every time you and I play I ask you if you're okay with it before, during and after. I give you an out and he didn't do that. He took that away from you, he coerced you to accept that deal and defiled you," Billy said as he fell to the floor and sobbed.

I walked up to Billy and fell to the floor next to him and hugged him tight.

"I am so sorry Billy, I didn't want to hurt you."

"Me? I'm not worried about me! You have nothing to be sorry for DJ. Did he hurt you? I am so sorry that I couldn't protect you babe. That is my job as your older brother and I failed you. I love you so much DJ," Billy cried as he hugged me back.

"You didn't fail me Billy, I made a choice. It was an impossible choice but I had to make it to get you out of jail, I'm so sorry."

"I'm gonna fucking kill that prick, I hate him, I fucking hate him!" Billy shouted.

"Billy, just let it go please. Its over, its done."

"How can you say that babe? We haven't had full on sex in four days because of it, because of your guilt. That's his fault and he's going to pay!" Billy said as his body shook with rage.

Billy broke from our embrace as he stood up and looked for his truck keys.

"What are you doing Billy? Please calm down."

"No, I am going to kill that son of a bitch!" he shouted as he found his keys and headed towards the door.

"You don't even know where he lives Billy. Stop!"

"Yes I do DJ! I saw his address on a form on Officer Kent's desk the other day and took it. That asshole is going to pay tonight!" Billy raged as he left the house.

I heard Billy's truck screech down the street as I was now starting to fully panic. What if Billy really does kill him? He will surely go to jail then. This is insane, what the fuck am I going to do now? I can't believe Billy took that information from Officer Kent's desk. Officer Kent? That's it, I have Officer Kent's business card, I'll call him I thought to myself. I quickly found my phone and the business card that Officer Kent gave to me while at the police station.

[Officer Kent on phone] Police Department, this is Officer Kent.

"Officer Kent this is DJ, do you remember me?"

[Officer Kent on phone] "Of course I remember you. How are you handsome?

"I need your help, please."

[Officer Kent on phone] "Are you in trouble DJ?"

"No, but Billy might be. I need your help, please. Oh god please?"

[Officer Kent on phone] "What's happening DJ, tell me."

"Billy's rage is at an all time high and he headed out to go after the guy that assaulted me. Please Officer Kent, stop him before he does something drastic, I can't lose my brother please. Oh god, please.

[Officer Kent on phone] “DJ, try to calm down for me please. Did he have any weapons? A gun, a baseball bat, anything?”

"No, he didn't take any weapons with him."

[Officer Kent on phone] “What type of vehicle is Billy driving?”

"A black GMC truck."

[Officer Kent on phone] "What set him off DJ?"

"I can't...I can't tell you right now I have to tell you in person. Please help Billy, please protect him."

[Officer Kent on phone] “I'm just off duty now DJ, so that gives me an advantage. I can try to do this without the department knowing and intercept Billy before anything happens. I will try to head him off before he gets to the subject's house. I'll be in touch with you, keep your line free DJ."

"I will Officer Kent, thank you."


I was nervously pacing the floor wondering what was happening. I haven't heard from Billy or from Officer Kent in over 2 hours. I had so many questions running through my mind. Did he stop Billy? Did Billy kill the rich preppy kid? Did Billy go to jail again? Was Billy hurt? I was going out of my mind. I sat down for a few minutes then got up and paced again. I texted Billy over 20 times but no return text. I tried to sit and watch TV, but I couldn't focus on anything. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. My heart stopped thinking that it might be bad news, perhaps Billy was arrested or even worse, killed. I ran to the door and opened it and there stood Officer Kent in plain clothes.

"Officer Kent, did you stop Billy? Where is he? Is he okay?"

"DJ, slow down. Let's sit down and talk okay?"

I led Officer Kent into our cottage and sat down on the sofa. He sat next to me as I nervously shook my legs and fiddled my fingers. He reached over to me and grabbed my hand to hold it in a soft gentle manner. I looked over to him as he looked into my eyes.

"Try to calm down DJ, I know you love your brother but worrying won't help. No news is good news as they say."

"What do you mean Officer Kent?"

"Please, call me Mario. Billy never showed up at the subject's house, this leads me to believe that he came to his senses and cooled down before he reached the house. I watched for him for about 2 hours and he was a no show?"

"Where is he? Maybe he's hurt? Maybe he did something to himself?"

"There's no need to go off the rails about what ifs, let's just talk for now, okay DJ?” Mario said as he continued to hold my hand and massage it lovingly. "Now tell me DJ, what caused Billy to go into this rage?"

"Well, ummm, when I was at the police station with you a few days back, you remember when that guy who assaulted me wanted to talk?"


"He didn't just want to talk, he offered me a deal that would drop all charges against Billy, and Billy found out about it today."

"What kind of deal DJ?"

"Well, it was, it was a deal that if I let him fuck me, he'd free Billy of all charges against him," I said as I felt ashamed to tell Mario.

"He what? He forced you to let him fuck you? In my police station? If I get a hold of that S.O.B. he'll be in prison so fast. Did he hurt you DJ?" Mario asked as he used his free hand to lift up my head so I would look at him.

"No, he didn't. Just my pride."

"He didn't deserve you DJ, he didn't deserve to feel the pleasure of your body, you are too good for him."

"I only did it to free Billy and to help keep our incest secret safe. I didn't want to do it and I didn't enjoy it."

"Hopefully Billy understands that you did this out of love for him and not lust for the man who assaulted you."

"Yeah, me too Mario, I love Billy so much I can't lose him."

Suddenly the cottage door opened and in walked Billy. I popped up and ran over to Billy as he opened his arms to catch me in an embrace. Billy grabbed the back of my head and placed his lips on mine as he kissed me passionately while he cried. He started to slip his tongue deep into my mouth as he furiously kissed me and pushed me up against the wall as we both frantically felt up each other. We made out for a few minutes blocking out everything except loving one another. When Billy broke off our kiss he only then realized that Officer Kent was there in the cottage watching us.

"Oh, I'm sorry Officer Kent, I didn't know you were there," Billy said with embarrassment since he didn't know that Officer Kent knew of our sexual relationship.

"No need to apologize Billy, I think what you and your brother have is a beautiful thing," Officer Kent said with a smile on his face.

"Come sit Billy, I'm sure Mario is going to need to ask you some questions," I said as I led him over to the sofa hand in hand.

"So, you know that DJ and I fuck each other?" Billy asked confused.

"Yes. DJ and I discussed that back at the station when you were still in the cell."

"Oh, ok." Billy then looked at me and then choked up. "I am so sorry DJ, I am sorry that I ran out on you like that."

"It's okay bro. I'm sure it wasn't easy for you to see that video. I'm so sorry that I broke your trust."

"You didn't do any such thing babe. You gave up a very personal thing, your body, in order to save me," Billy said as he teared up again and kissed me.

"Billy, where did you go after you left here? Did you confront the assaulter?" Mario asked.

"No. I was headed towards his house in a rage and I was so fucking angry. I was crying and my vision became blurred so I pulled off to the side of the road so that I could get a tissue from my sun visor. When I pulled it down this photo strip from the first time DJ and I went to Moon Pebble Beach fell onto my lap. It brought back such great memories and made me realize that if I went through with hurting that rich asshole that I would be giving up my relationship with DJ, possibly forever, and what DJ did to get the charges dropped would have been for nothing. I couldn't let that asshole do that to us, so I eventually went to the local park and walked the trails to clear my head before coming back home."

"May I see the photo strip?" Mario asked.

Billy handed it to Mario as he looked intently at each photo and ended up with a huge grin on his face.

"You two had sex in a photo booth?" Mario asked.

"Yes." Billy and I said in unison.

"Very hot, especially the last photo with Billy getting a facial," Mario said as he adjusted his hardon in his pants.

"Yes, it was amazing and it was all DJ's idea. He never ceases to surprise me," Billy said with a laugh as he grabbed my cock through my shorts.

"Well, I guess I should get going, I think you two need to celebrate and have some make up sex...that's always the best," Mario said with a smile and a wink as he got up to leave.

"Mario, would you like to stay and watch us? Isn't that what we discussed back at the station a few days ago?" I asked.

"I'd love to sometime DJ but I think you two need to be alone tonight."

"Please Mario. I want you to watch us, you helped me so much today it would mean a lot to me," I pleaded.

"Well ok, only if Billy is on board with it."

"Are you kidding? Fucking DJ in front of people, especially a hot guy like yourself would really get me yes, please stay," Billy said encouragingly.

"Okay then, where do you want me?" Mario asked.

"Strip down and then you can sit on my chair over there. DJ and I will sit over here naked to give you a full view. As things progress if you want to see us do anything special just tell us what to do," Billy said with a mischievous grin.

Billy and I stripped each other naked except for our socks and sneakers. As each piece of clothing was removed we kissed each others naked body parts. When we were fully naked we kissed as we sat on the sofa. Billy reached over to me and grabbed the back of my head and pushed his soft lips up against mine and invaded my mouth with his searing hot tongue. I let out a gasp as I felt the electricity between us begin, the feeling that I have been missing for the last 4 days. My breathing became heavier and my lust for my very own brother was reaching a peak. I love Billy so much and we have always been passionate but this felt different, it felt like an awakening of something new, something hotter with my brother than I have ever felt before. Perhaps it was the forgiveness or the release of my guilt. Whatever it was I felt our relationship was stronger than ever. Billy pulled away from the kiss and looked me in the eyes. I stared back and what I saw in his eyes could only be described as pure love and pure passion. Billy moved his hands to hold my face as he spoke to me softly.

“DJ, I have said this many times, and I meant it every time I have said it, but right now this very moment I need to tell you that you are my everything. You are the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason I love life. You have made me a better man each and every day. I never thought that I would experience 100% honest and pure love with anyone but you are the one who has unlocked my heart. I am not perfect, and I don't deserve you as a brother let alone as a lover, but you have accepted me and have loved me unconditionally. For that I will forever strive to love you beyond your wildest dreams.”

Billy then pushed my naked body back onto the sofa as he moved his naked body towards me while he lifted up my legs and put them on his shoulders. Billy grabbed his cock tight and aimed his cockhead at my pucker. He pushed in gently until his cockhead popped into my hole. He looked down to me and moaned as I let out a gasp while he steadily slid his full length deep into my hole and buried it deep. He leaned down and kissed me passionately as we tasted each others essence until I broke off the kiss. I looked up to my brother's face as tears were streaming down his cheeks. I reached up to softly wipe the tears from his eyes as he lovingly smiled at me. As Billy's cock was still buried deep inside me, I wanted to profess my love to him. What a more perfect moment to speak of my love for him while physically feeling the love from Billy with his cock deeply embedded inside of me.

“Billy, You have always protected me and loved me with all of your heart. I feel safe with you and stronger with you by my side. I felt so lost in life until the first time you and I fucked and the first moment you slid your cock into my ass in the locker room I fell deeply in love with you and there was no turning back. Our relationship has only grown stronger and I finally realized this past week that I am willing to give up anything and everything for you and the sake of our relationship. I love you Billy and I will always belong to you as you will always belong to me and nothing will ever change that.”

Billy then laid on top of me as he started to lick my neck and work his way down to my chest. He then lifted up my arms and started to lick my armpit which sent shivers throughout my body while he was still buried deep inside my ass. I was moaning and breathing heavily as I felt his wet tongue lap at the hairs in my armpits. Billy then dragged his tongue from my armpit to my nipple where he bit on it with wild abandon. I grunted with pleasure as the sensation of his teeth on my sensitive nip sent me into orbit. As my eyes started to glaze over with lust I looked over to Mario as he was stroking a perfect cut cock that looked close to 9 inches and pretty thick. Mario had muscular thighs that were spread wide while sitting on Billy's favorite chair, so wide that I could see the hairs in between his balls and his thighs. Mario was licking his lips as he pinched one of his nips while at the same time stroking his cock with his other hand. I was so turned on that he was watching us and getting off while having a sexy lustful gaze in his eyes.

“Oh fuck bro, fuck me, fuck me harder and make it hurt good, please,” I begged Billy as my eyes locked with Mario and saw that my words of pure lust made him stroke his cock harder and his eyes widen.

Now leaning up and thrusting deep and hard into my hole Billy grunted with every movement, and with every deep thrust I could hear his balls slap up against my hole. Billy leaned down again and licked my chest with every thrust he gave to me. Mario was quiet during most of our sexual performance but his silence was now shattered as he moaned out loud to Billy and I.

“Fuck. Oh god Billy fuck DJ deeper, slam your cock into your brother,” Mario pleaded.

“Hell yeah Mario, you like watching my cock slide into my brother's ass? You want me to breed DJ? You want to see my load leak from his ass?” Billy teased.

“Oh shit yeah. I'd love to see one brother cum inside the other, so fucking hot,” he moaned again while continuing to stroke his cock.

“Fucking hell Billy, ram my ass deep I need your load in me, please. Breed me like never before,” I begged.

“I love raping your hole DJ, you're such a good bottom begging for your brother's cumload. I'm going to fucking flood your guts full of my sperm.”

Billy kept pounding deep into me, grunting with every thrust. He was looking down into my eyes as his sweat was dripping onto my face and lips.

“Damn Billy, your sweat tastes so good,” I said as he then instinctively leaned his head down so I could lick the sweat off of his forehead.

Billy's pace then picked up as he arched his back while my legs were still over his shoulders. He grunted and then thrust his cock balls deep into me and held every inch of his 8 inch uncut cock buried deep into me as his cock started to spasm and unload a week's worth of cum into my hungry hole.

“Fucking shit DJ, take my fucking cumload bro. Oh fuck I love breeding your ass so much babe, take that load fucker!” Billy shouted as he closed his eyes and thrust into me harder and deeper as his cock continued to unload his sperm into my ass.

Billy then looked over to Mario and spoke, “Come here Mario, I want you to see my cum leak out of my brother's asshole when I pull out.”

Mario got up and walked over to us with a smile on his face and his hard cock in his hand. Billy slowly pulled his still erect cock from my ass and as the head was about to exit my ass ring, his cum started to leak out profusely.

“That is fucking hot man,” Mario said with amazement. “How does that feel DJ, having your brother's cum pumped deep inside of you?”

“Fucking fantastic,” I replied.

Billy removed his cock completely from my hole and his cum poured out since my hole was now gaping open after that brutal fucking. Billy scooped up some of his load with his fingers and licked them clean while looking at Mario. Mario licked his own lips as he stroked his cock harder and harder. Billy then scooped up more of the cum that leaked from my hole and put his cum soaked fingers up to Mario's mouth. Mario eagerly parted his lips and sucked on Billy's fingers like a child sucking his thumb until they were cleaned off.

“Oh fuck, I'm getting close,” Mario moaned.

Billy and I instinctively got off of the sofa and knelt side by side on the floor as we pushed Mario's hand off his cock while Billy and I then started to lick Mario's cock and balls. I lapped at Mario's balls and took them into my mouth as Billy started to suck and deepthroat Mario's hard cock. Billy then teased Mario's cockhead as I moved up and licked Mario's cock shaft. His moaning became louder and faster as my brother and I worked our magic as we took turns sucking on the cockhead of his 9 inch cock. Mario reached down and put his left hand on my head and his right on Billy's, pushing us both further into his crotch. I then pulled off of Mario's cock and looked to Billy.

“Fuck bro, his precum is fucking fantastic.”

“Let me have a taste,” Billy said as I squeezed Mario's cock as a drop of precum formed.

Billy used the tip of his tongue to scoop up that pearl and savored it.

“Goddamn that was tasty,” Billy moaned.

“Oh fuck, oh fucking hell I am going to bust my nut,” Mario moaned.

Billy then grabbed Mario's cock with one hand and put his free hand on top of Mario's hand that was on the back of my head and forced me to deepthroat the huge 9” cock. My lips were at the base of his cock as he started to pump his cumload into my throat. Billy kept holding me all the way down on Mario's cock as I choked on the cum flooding my throat as he looked up and saw a huge smile on Mario's face..

“Fucking hell DJ, swallow my seed swallow it all for me, ohhhhhhhh fuuuuuuck, eat it all,” Mario moaned loudly as he now used both hands on my head and held me down on his cock as he and Billy watched me swallow his load.

“Drink up bro, you earned it,” Billy said with an evil grin on his face as tears were welling up in my eyes as I continued to swallow and choke on the tasty load being forced down my throat.

I have never swallowed that much come from one person at one time in my whole life. Mario must have shot 6 or 7 huge streams of sperm deep into my throat. Billy finally let me pull off of Mario's cock when he knew there was no more seed to swallow. He grabbed me by the face and french kissed me deep and hard as our tongues explored each others mouths. Billy then pulled away and spoke.

“I at least wanted a taste,” Billy said with a laugh. “Get down here Mario and taste your seed in my brother's mouth.”

Mario got down on his knees and put his on hand on the back of my head as he leaned in to kiss me.

“Lots of tongue Mario, DJ loves lots of tongue.”

With that Mario slipped his tongue past my lips and into my mouth as he aggressively fucked my mouth with his tongue. I returned the favor as my tongue slipped past his as I went into his mouth. I could feel the vibration of his moaning as we almost choked each other with our tongues. The taste of Mario's cumload was still fresh in my mouth and I was sharing it with him eagerly. Mario was probing my mouth as deep as he could like he was trying to taste as much of his seed as he could get.

Mario then came up for air and spoke to me.

“Fuck, my load tastes awesome from your hot mouth,” he said.

“Shit Mario, your load tasted good while flooding my throat, thank you for that,” I said.

“Thank you both,” Mario said with a smile as Billy then kissed him briefly. “I guess I should get going so you two could continue alone.”

“The hell you are,” Billy said sternly. “You're not leaving our house until you breed DJ for me.”

“Seriously?” Mario asked with a wicked grin.

“Fuck yes Mario, I want to feel your 9 inch monster breed me.” I said.

“How many times can you cum in a night Mario?” Billy asked.

“Probably about 4 or 5.”

“Good, that'll be enough for you to breed both of us, you up for that?” Billy asked.

“Fuck yeah,” he replied.

“Okay, we'll sleep for a little while and when you're ready, mount DJ in his sleep and breed him deep, and when you're done with him then slide into my hole and breed me too,” Billy instructed.

“Well, who is going to get to breed my ass?” Mario asked.

“DJ and I both will in the morning,” Billy said as looked over to me and winked as he grabbed Mario's hand and led him into the bedroom.

“Fuck, getting bred by brothers, what a dream,” Mario said as he smiled and entered the bedroom.

by DJ

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024