Just Friends

by Jack

30 Aug 2023 1267 readers Score 9.5 (26 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

We had gone back to university for the spring term.  Sharing our dorm room had become very comfortable.  We had sex every evening.  We were too busy with our studies to explore new positions and other ideas.  But we felt satisfied.  I think we were assuming that our relationship would go on for a long time if not for ever.  After our study years were done, we would have lots of years for . . .

Our studies certainly benefited from the concentration.  I got straight A’s.  I’m sure Dave was doing well too.  I got the letter from the medical school to tell me that I was to be admitted to medical school directly after my first year in sciences.  Yes, I had worked hard.  Also there had been the letters of recommendation from Dave’s parents, both doctors.  And I had earned a favor from one of the profs at the medical school by displaying my naked body for his lecture on puberty.  I am not sure which thing clinched my entry, but I was happy.

Our sex had become very patterned.  He usually licked me until I ejaculated.  Then I would ride him until he filled me with his happy juice.  It was maybe unimaginative and patterned but we were both happy. 

We had learned to set a reminder on our cell phones.  Sharp at nine, we stripped off naked and I would lay on my back with my knees folded up by my ears.  Dave would fondle my penis and testicles.  Then he lick around my anus.  Sometimes he would suck my balls.  I loved it all, especially when he would start to stick his tongue into my manhole.  That was always great.  Maybe it was creeping up on me, but I did not feel any less tight.  Perhaps that was the result of our early morning runs and the afternoon weight work out.  Perhaps I was becoming more flexible and spreading my knees further apart.  I was thinking that my anus was more open to Dave.  I am not sure if he noticed but he seemed to be really enjoying himself while he licked.  He could make me cum every evening, and I often made an easy donation to his mother’s DNA bank. 

There was no need for me to fondle his equipment.  Je was already hard with his penis tight against his abs.  When he had licked me into a climax, he had also excited himself.   But I often licked and sucked his manhood because I loved to see his smile when I did it.  But I knew what he really wanted, and I would ride him until he lubricated my insides with his juice.  It was hard to believe just how happy we were together.

The end of the term had arrived.  We were invited to the Lake House to celebrate.  As we drove up to meet Dave’s parents, we often had time to discuss more than during all the weeks of study at the university.

Dave was driving.  It was hot and we had taken off our shirts.  Dave was driving with one hand and had his other hand in the front of my pants.  I unfastened and unzipped.  He could do whatever he wanted with me.  I had total trust in him.  I liked it when he fondled me.

He said, “You know I have come to realize that I love you so very much. Not just for this.”  He made a little squeeze on my hardening dick.  It seemed to emphasize his words.

I said, “I think I have come to realize that.”  I rubbed his wrist and arm.  “I think I love you the same way and depth.  I hope that our friendship never ends.”

“I was thinking the same,” he said, with another squeeze to my dick.

I offered, “I think we have become more that friends, even more that friends with benefits.”

“I feel the same,” he responded.  “What are we going to call this?”

“I know that I love you very much,” I said.  “You have said the same many times.  I think that makes us lovers.”

He said, “I like that.  It seems accurate for our relationship.  Maybe that is as far as we are going, but there is probably baggage along with that.  And you know, I don’t care anymore how others might interpret that.”

“Agreed,” I said.  “It only matters what it means to us.”  I paused.  “But maybe it also matters to those close to us, like your parents and maybe my parents.”

With that, he let go of my dick and said, “I suppose you’re right.  Does this mean that we are gay?  I just feel really happy.” We giggled at the old idea of gay crossing over with happy. 

“I am happy too,” I said.  “I think this does mean that we are probably gay, but I don’t feel effeminate or anything.”

“I feel the same,” he said. “We just happen to be in love with a guy.”

“Right,” I said.  “And we like fucking each other.” We laughed.

“So, whose business it that?”, I offered.  I thought the answer was obvious. No one.

“It does mean that we can’t really have our own kids,” he said.  “I know that my Mom would really like to have grandchildren, probably Dad too.”

Neither of us knew where this discussion would go from here.  And we were approaching the turn off to the Lake House.  I pulled up the front of my underwear, trying to tuck in my now large penis. and re-fastened my shorts. 

His Mom and Dad greeted us with open arms (literally).  They had planned a great weekend for us.  It was to celebrate my getting into medical school.  The first evening, she had a great meal planned for us.  It culminated with a great chocolate cake.  Then they produced a pair of tickets for the tropical cruise which they had mentioned when I first had said that I wanted to get into medical school.  They had remembered and made good their promise. 

They, or more particularly his Mom, had some other good news for us.  She described how her DNA bank had progressed.  She said that many of her patients were now pregnant.  She seemed so delighted.  I thought to ask if she had many other DNA donors?  She said, “Just the two of you.” In my mind I gulped.  So, all these ladies were pregnant with children to either Dave or I?  Wow.  She went on to say that one of her patients, a very young doctor, was one of her first to be inseminated.  She had twins just last week, two beautiful little boys, both very healthy.  She continued, “It was a sample bottle with a date but no name on it.  Perhaps you remember which of you is the happy father?”

Dave chipped in immediately, “We thought that we would keep that as our little secret. Considering the results, I would like to continue the secret.  Does it really matter?”

I was surprised. She seemed OK with Dave’s answer.  Dave and I knew quite well that it was the sample bottle where we had mixed our sperm together.  It was sort of a symbol of what was then our friendship which was now our love for each other.  We could not quite bring ourselves to tell his parents about the change in our view of our relationship. 

After the weekend, his parents took off the time to drive us to San Diego to catch our cruise.  I thought that the drive might be awkward, but it wasn’t.  They went through the check list with us.  Passports. Check. Tickets. Check. Clothes. Check. Swimsuits. Check.  At least she didn’t say, condoms.  It would have given away her knowledge and she was too smart for that.  We didn’t use them anyway.  We liked the feel of our taut skin on our penises touching the receptive flesh of our partner’s insides, not to mention the happy juices which flowed between us. 

Then his Mom apologized for us only having one room on the cruise ship.  “I tried to get another room,” she said, “but they were all sold out.”  I wondered, ‘Was she kidding or just trying to get us to volunteer our relationship to her.’  She continued, “I figured that you would not mind, having shared a room all through your college year.”

*    *    *    *    *    *

We boarded and found our cabin.  We were just setting down our cases when the cabin boy showed up.  He was trying to be very helpful. He said, “Do you want the room set up as one or two beds?”  I thought, ‘I don’t want to make suggestive answers to this guy.’ 

I noticed that the cabin was set up as one large bed. I said, “It’s set up as one bed. That’s fine. We don’t want to make extra work for you.” I thought that was a good way to settle the question.

Then he said, “If you guys need anything at all, or help with anything, just let me know. I am here to help.”  He seemed really serious.  I think, he was a little younger than us.  He was in great shape, slim but muscled.  He had a nice smooth face.  He wore white shorts which accentuated his tanned legs.  The shorts were a little wide at the bottom which made me wonder how far up the tan goes.  Did it go all the way up and onto his narrow ass?  The white navy shirt showed just the top of his hairless chest.  And his hard nipples poked out beneath his shirt by the pockets.  He was hot. (I don’t mean sweaty.)  He continued, “I am here to serve you.  I clean the suite, I bring breakfast in bed if you want, I make you happy.  If you are tired, I do massage.  If you are stiff, I can do a really good massage.”

I was beginning to wonder what he meant by “stiff’ and ‘massage.’  I jolted back to reality, realizing that I had my lover with me, and I did not need anyone else.  The cabin boy left.

When the door closed, Dave encircled me with his arms saying, “Would you like me to massage you and get you stiff or more accurately hard?” he touched my crotch, “hard, here?”  He got down on one knee.  I wondered what he was doing.  He surprised me with, “Alex, I love you.  I want to make a lifelong commitment to you.  I would like to propose.  Will you accept my proposal?”

“Umm,” I was surprised and perplexed. “Does this mean what I think you are saying?”

“If you think I am asking to be yours for all time and asking if you will be open only to me for all time, then you are getting the message,” he said.

“I don’t really know how this is supposed to go, but Yes,” I said.  I got down on one knee too.  I kissed him and started to suck his upper lip.  He sucked back. 

He stopped only to say, “I am so happy, and I promise to make you happy too.”  We kissed, sucked lips, and tongue wrestled. 

We slowly stood up with our lips still in touch.  We unbuttoned each other’s shirts and mashed our chests together.  I caressed his naked back.  He started kissing his way down my neck.  I pulled his blonde head to my chest.  I kissed his forehead.  He found his way to my nipple.  He knows that drives me wild.  He licked, sucked, and gave the slightest nip.  I was going wild, and he had his hand down the back of my pants.  His finger was in my crack and finding my anus.  I pushed him back just a little and stripped off my pants and underwear in one quick action.  It did not matter that he was half dressed. I just wanted him to lick me, and he knew exactly where.  I lay back onto the bed expecting him to fold me up as usual.  But he had a new idea.  He grabbed my ankles and spread my legs, pushing them forward at the same time.  This rolled my butt up to meet his mouth. He had opened my anus for him to lick.  In this pose, I felt like he was in total control, and I loved it.  I grabbed my own calves near his hands and opened myself more to him.  I felt and looked like the wish bone of a turkey.  We both realized the appearance, and he said, “Make a wish.” 

I was having my wish right now.  We had professed love for each other.  We had made it a commitment.  Now he was busy at my favorite happy zone, sending waves of excitation all through my body.  This is great.  I was loving it.  His tongue was around and around my hole.  He licked up and down.  He stuck his tongue in and moved his mouth up and down, then left and right, then round and round.  He pulled out to say, “I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t said yes.”  His tongue was back into me. 

With emphasis, I said “Yes, yes, yes.” With each of his licks.  That seemed to spur him on.  I kept saying yes and he kept licking until I fired juice all over my chest and abs.  I had let up on the yeses, but he was still licking.  I was in great joy. 

When he let go of my ankles, I collapsed exhausted onto the edge of the bed.  But he was not done yet.  He quickly stripped off the rest of his clothes.  I could see that he was really hard.  This time when he picked up my ankles again, I was wet and receptive, he drove his engorged cock right into me.    He had gone balls deep quickly and was now thrusting like an animal. I was saying ‘yes’, with each of his thrusts.  Each thrust sent waves of thrill though my body and moved me slightly up the bed.  It made me ecstatic.  I wanted him to have his way with me in every possible way.  I think that is exactly what he was doing.  I was loving it.  I was so hard that I thought I was about to cum again.  He delivered inside me first, but I was close to follow.  I was shooting onto my chest, and I was soon gone into my ecstasy world of stars, and fireworks.  He had kept right on thrusting into me and lubricating me inside. 

When I regained a sense of where I was, he was still thrusting into me.  I had cum all over my chest.  He let go of my ankles.  I was exhausted.  He pulled out of me. But he had more and shot his cum all over my chest too.  Finally, he was spent.  He lay down on top of me with only our cum between us.  It felt great.  He pressed his chest hair into my chest.  He sucked my mouth.  I sucked back. 

We started to get a little softer, then headed for the shower.  He washed down my chest.  I washed down his.  That was when the cabin boy showed up again.  He said, “No problem. I have key to room.  I come when you need help.  You want me to wash you.  I take off my clothes so they not get wet and I wash you.”  It was tempting.  But Dave got out of the shower and sent the cabin boy, half naked, out into the hallway. 

Dave said, “He is so eager to please.” 

Dave started sucking my nipples.  He stopped to say, “We could fuck him as a tip.  But I have all I want with you.” He sucked my other nipple.  I felt that wild nature rising in me again, but I was too exhausted from our exploits on the bed. 

We toweled each other off.  We extracted our formal tuxes from the luggage and dressed for dinner.  His Mom had packed these for us.  It was easy because we really were the same size.  She had packed tie able black ties.  I had no idea.  Dave knew what to do.  He tied mine too, saying, “Not to tight, I hope? I want you alert and energetic a little later. “You look fantastic,” he said.  You will turn heads in the dining room.   Just remember all through dinner who is taking you back to the room tonight.” He slapped my ass.  We were off to the formal dinner.

We requested a table for two.  We ordered champaign to celebrate.  I said, “This is new for me.” 

He said, “It can be intoxicating.  You have seen me once already when I have too much alcohol.  Remember the Frat party.  Remember, I fucked you in front of a crowd.  I apologize but it was sort of fun because it was naughty.”

“It was naughty, right enough,” I said.  “But I forgive you for being naughty. I love you naughty.” 

It was a great dinner, beautiful, steak and seafood.  Between us we emptied the bottle of champaign.  We both got a serious look, took a deep breath and stood up to walk back to our room.  Our appearance of sobriety lasted until we were out of the dining room.  Then we sort of giggled at each other.  That was until some other person happened along and it was back to the deep breath and standing straight. 

We made it back to the room.  We took off our clothes.  He took my hand and led me to the bed.  My head was abuzz.  I lay back on the bed.  He was on his hands and knees over me.  We sucked faces and necks and chests and nipples and anything else including ears.  (We may have discovered another erogenous zone. Not sure.)  I pulled up my legs and he entered me.  He was gently pushing in, then gently pulling out.  It was very loving and romantic. 

That is when the cabin boy walked in.  He said, “I hang up your clothes for you, no problem.  You want me to turn down the bed for you?” I think that is when he realized what was going on. 

“Just my luck,” Dave said, “When I get drunk, I get an audience.”

Dave had not missed a thrust in the confusion.  I said, “You are doing fine.  Just keep doing.  Let’s ignore the audience.” 

The cabin boy said, “I don’t think you need my help right now.  Maybe later you will need a massage.” He left. 

We enjoyed each other for some time.  Then we drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms with the slight rocking motion of the boat.

*      *      *      *      *

So, what do we name our present state of bliss?  We thought of it as being ‘engaged.’  What other word would seem appropriate?  We were in love, and we had made a commitment to each other.  ‘Engaged’ seems like the term.  We were celebrating (or consummating) our engagement at least 3 times a day.  We had 4 days at sea before we started to approach the Hawaiian Islands. 

There was a special announcement which was distributed by a page delivered to each room.  It read as follows:

“We have gotten permission to land on one of the uninhabited islands of the Hawaiian chain.  This is a new feature of our cruise.  It will be an optional excursion for all passengers.  The island has sand beaches, and a central lagoon with a small waterfall.  There are palm trees and lots of natural fruit, bananas, papaya, and mangoes.  There is no dangerous wildlife or plants.  We are so happy to add this excursion to our tour of the islands.  If you wish to go on this excursion, please sign up at the tour desk in the lobby near the main desk.”  We signed up.

The cruise ship had launched several of its tender boats.  We transferred to a small boat and went ashore.  The boat beached and we all piled out.  It was announced that we must return by 3 pm.  That will be the last boat to the ship.  You will have the main portion of the day to enjoy the natural beauty of the island. 

We decided to walk along the beach.  Bare feet and shorts where the obvious choice of the day.  We had fanny packs with the ever-present passports, tanning lotion and a water bottle.  We walked until we could not see any of the other passengers.  At that point, we were comfortable walking hand in hand.  We decided that we would be coming back by the same path, so we stripped off our shorts.  We had dispensed with underwear for these temperatures. Naked, we continued our walk. 

“Do you remember our first walk around the lake at home?” Dave asked, “when I pointed out the erogenous zones here,” he fingered my nipples, “and here,” he tickled me behind my testicles.

“How could I forget?” I said and started to suck his lips. 

We were trying to keep control and not get too wild.  We continued our walk and eventually turned to go back to where the boat had beached.  We found our shorts and fanny packs.  We had swapped our shorts, thinking it might be fun to see if anyone notices.  I guess we were feeling a little naughty.

We let go our hands and walked back to the spot where the boat was supposed to be.  We had remembered correctly.  We found where the keel of the boat had made marks on the beach.  There was a note left addressed directly to us.  “Sorry we had to depart early.  The ship received an emergency May Day from a ship which had lost power and was in danger of drifting onto a reef.  Since lives were at steak and you are safe here, the Captain decided to respond to the May Day.  Our rescue efforts may take several days to tow the damaged ship to harbor.  We will save your room for you and pick you up on our next pass with the next tour in 10 days.  We appreciate your cooperation and hope that this causes you no major inconvenience.”

I said, “I hope you like bananas.”  We laughed.

“I can’t think of anyone else that I would have on a tropical island for 10 days,” he responded as he stripped off his shorts and helped me out of mine.  He said, “Here we are for 10 days stuck on a tropical island without a paddle.  I guess I will just have to use my bare hand.”  He slapped my butt. 

“You naughty guy!” I exclaimed.  His finger went up my anus.  He knew how to get me hard quickly.  I thought it might be fun to run away and make him chase me.  But I had to hold my hardening penis with one hand making it hard for me to run. And easy for him to catch.  He tackled me face down onto the sand.  It was hot and I was sweaty.  I knew one side of me was going to be entirely coated with sand.  My butt was still up and relatively clean of sand.  He took the advantage and spread my legs apart.  The crack in my ass was not yet open but he has a very experienced tongue by now and he knew exactly where to lick. 

“Just say no, if you’re not up for it,” he said.

I raised my butt until I was partly on my knees with my chest still in the sand, and said, ”Yes!” My anus was now open to him and his glorious tongue.   He licked around and around.  Each time, I said “Yes,” again. 

“You know, I like it when you ride me,” he said and kept licking.

“Yes, you remember the ‘Kama Sutra for Men’ says it makes the bottom feel more in control and safer,” I said.  “I feel very loved by you.  I would be happy if you just enter me like this.”

His tongue was well into me now and driving me wild.  He pulled it out and said, “and I would probably get less sand into you like this. Right.” He started into me with just the mushroom head of his engorged penis.  I was loving it. 

He teased me with it almost going in, then pulling back.  Each time he pushed a little harder. Each time I said, “yes,” begging for more.  Each push I got more until I felt my anus relaxing around his shaft.  He was in me and doing that lovely slow in and out which I thought so loving.  He only sped up slightly, but I encouraged him to go wild on me.  He did.  Soon he was firing off inside me and I was making a wet spot in the sand.  We continued until we were both exhausted. 

He rolled me over.  That is when he saw just how sand covered, I had become.  We laughed.  I cleaned the sand off my lips and we kissed for a while.  He rose and took my hand to help me up.  He led me into the ocean and gently washed me clean of all the sand.  

“Do you remember your first swim lesson from me at the lake?” He said.  “How about you show me your stroke, now that you have strengthened your muscles with the weights and practice.”  He turned me onto my chest and aimed me away from him.  I started to stroke.  He had grasped my semi-hard dick.  I could not swim away.  I turned over in the water, thinking I might push him away with my legs.  Instead, he grabbed my ankles and spread my legs.  He pushed his penis towards my butt.  I wrapped my legs around his waist and hooked my ankles together.  He put a hand to each side of my chest and pulled my chest up out of the water.  He was kissing my neck.  I realized that my ass was open to him, and he was hard.  I knew because he was gently entering me again. 

We decided to find the freshwater lagoon to wash off the salt before it dried.  We followed a little stream from the ocean shore and soon found this lovely lagoon.  It was crystal clear.  The water was neither cold nor warm.  It was just right.  I stood on a rock outcrop over the lagoon.  It was truly amazing how clear the water was.  Dave did a breaststroke towards me. His butt was totally on display to me.  Then he turned up with his head out of the water.  He leaned back and I could see that he was hard, and his balls were contracted.  This sight made me hard too.  I jumped in feet first near him and he reached out to hug me.  We hugged and kissed. He grabbed my penis and put it between his legs.  He squeezed his legs together onto me. I thrust in and out.  I took a deep breath.  I pushed him up and me down.  I took his manhood in my mouth all the way to the back.  Then I pulled his butt towards me and forced his penis into my throat.  I had heard of this deep throat maneuver.  But I had never tried it before. At the same time, I pushed two fingers into his anus.  I felt his body squirm in my grasp.   I let him free and surfaced, gasping for air.

“That was incredible,” he said.  “I have never experienced that before.” 

“Ya and it’s a little tricky under water,” I said.

“Not to worry, I am a lifeguard. I would save you,” he said. “And I would enjoy giving you mouth to mouth . . . . “

“OK, that makes me feel more confident,” I said.  I took a deep breath and pushed myself down again.  I sucked in his hard dick and pulled his ass close until he was deep in my throat and his curly blonde hair was in my nose.  I worked my throat to massage his manhood.  I pushed two fingers into his manhole.  I loved the feeling of him squirming.  He spread his legs a little more and put a hand to each side of my head.  I pleasured him as long as I could before surfacing and gasping for breath. 

“Awesome, that was awesome,” he said.  We hugged and kissed and decided that we should try this on dry land.  We did.  We were on the large rock outcrop beside the lagoon.  He stood.  I knelt and pushed my mouth onto his engorged penis.  I licked and sucked.  He started to thrust and proceeded to fuck my face.  Then I took him in deep into my throat.  As I pulled off of him, I could see that he was really enjoying this.

 He wanted to learn and sucked my penis for a time.  He was able to take me deep into his throat as I had done for him.  I was loving it too.

Then we took a rest and a gentle walk by the ocean.  We held hands as we walked.  “What do you think would be next in our relationship?” I asked.  “Should we have some sort of formal ceremony?”

“Would you like that?” he asked. “I think I would,” he said.

“How about when we get to Honolulu? I said. “I understand that many people have weddings there.”

“Do we call this a wedding?” he asked. 

“I guess so,” I answered. “It seems like the right term.  And it is legal now.”

“Do we find a minister?” he asked.  “And do we invite guests like other weddings?”

“I really think we have to, at least, invite your parents,” I said.  “This means that we have to tell them.”

“I think my Mom has already guessed part of it,” he said.  “And I think that Mom and Dad would be OK with it.  They might even be happy for us.”

“You really think so?” I asked.  He smiled and I was persuaded that he was correct.

“That brings up another thing,” I said, “my parents. I doubt if they would like this or be willing to attend our wedding.  They would probably have religious objections.”

“Maybe we should wait and tell them when the time is right,” he said. 

“I have no idea when that would be.” I said.  They have 6 other offspring to deal with and they are busy with the farm.  You may have noticed that they have not been involved very much in my studies.  Ya, they are happy that I am going to be a doctor.  But I think that the whole ‘big city thing’ is a bit much for them.”

“We don’t know the best way to work with this now,” he said. “Let’s just hope it becomes clearer later.”