Just Friends

by Jack

8 Jul 2023 2937 readers Score 9.7 (44 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I awaken with the sun in my face. But that is not what wakened me. At first I thought that I needed badly to pee. But there was this strange but wonderful feeling in my ass. That is when I realized that Dave had wakened first and had empaled my ass with his dick. I did not have to pee as much as I was on the edge of cumming.

“Good Morning, sleepy head” he said.

Instead of responding to Good Morning, I had to blurt out, “I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum.” He realized my urgency along with his own, he pulled out and rolled over me to bring his mouth to bear on my cock. At the same time, he presented his cock to my mouth. I hesitated over where it had just been but as he sucked me, I sucked him. Again it seemed like our bodies were synchronized as we both came at the same time. We were soon spent. I have always wonder how we could be so synchronized. I have never really known why, but it seemed like the closeness of our friendship. When we were both finished, he flipped around again so we were head to head in a way that we could talk. We agreed that we both tasted the same which made us giddy.

I said, “I notice that we laugh a lot. It is more than I have laughed in recent times and I like that.” He seemed to agree. I went on to say, “I have a question which has been on my mind for the last few days.” He gestured for me to come out with it. “I am wondering, are we gay?”

He seemed to be pondering, then finally said, “I have been wondering too, but I really don't know. I guess I would say that our friendship has really blossomed into a very intimate relationship. And we enjoy masturbating together and helping each other to climax. Have you heard of the term, 'mutual masturbation'? That seems to describe us to a T. So, are we gay? Or are we friends with benefits? I don't know. And really how important is it that we assign a label to what we do? I think we both like it. We aren't affecting anyone else. Why should anyone else care?”

I thought about what he said. After a moment, I said, “You know, maybe what we are doing is good for us. We are young and would naturally have sexual tension and build up semen. We are releasing that tension and the semen, without being in pursuit of others. Perhaps we can put more time to our studies and both benefit from this friendship.” We agreed, and decided to pack up and head back to the house. Again we left the bottle of Vaseline under the tree. It was in part a signal that we would return. It also seemed to be our statement that this was our special place under this tree, on this island, in this lake.

It was a cool morning and we were naked. We had brought no clothes. After wading and swimming to the beach around the lake, we ran, each with our bag to get back to the house. No quick swim. There was no need to hide the size of our penises with a cold swim. No one was around to see. We were a little gleeful having resolved our understanding of what had been happening in our lives and our relationship over these few short days.

We got into some domestic chores. We made breakfast. We searched out the washing machine where we had put all the clothes which we had with us. We had the choice to use the drier or hang stuff on the clothes line and chose the later. We passed the morning doing a weight routine in the exercise room. He had encouraged me in improving my body. I endorsed the idea and was working hard at it. He told me that there would be room in our shared room at university for the weight set. We loaded it in the back of his truck. With his truck already loaded and our clothes on the line, we were preparing for tomorrow when we would travel back to the university and get our room.

That afternoon we had another session of mutual masturbation. We had both climaxed and were exhausted. He said, “You know we will not be able to do this several times a day once our classes get started.” I realized that he was right. “We will probably be able to find time and energy about once a day.” We agreed. He went on to say, “I think that we have something very special which I don't really want to display to our fellow students in the residence. I want it to be our thing. So I have a suggestion. We both have wrestling experience from High School. If we both join the university wrestling team, any sounds escaping from our room can be easily explained as practice for the wrestling team. They would not need to know that we were naked.” We agreed.

On the Tuesday, we got up and got dressed, had breakfast, and loaded our few things into the truck. We headed off for a new adventure at university. As the miles went by, I realized there was a topic which I had not mentioned and said, “By the way, congratulations on getting into medical school from first year sciences. You must have had good marks. Straight A's.”

“Yes but that is not all it takes,” he said. “There is also an interview with the dean of the medical school and you have to have letters of reference. Each of my parents sent a letter. Both could say that I know what the life of a doctor is like. In other words, I knew what I was getting into and so, probably will not drop out. Medical school is expensive for the student and for the government. A drop out is expensive with nothing to show for the expenditure in the end. You said that you want to get into medical school too. If you can get the marks, and you are visiting with Mom and Dad with me most weekends, they could write the same sort of letters for you.”

“Wow, great plan,” I responded. “ Is it really your birthday next weekend?

He said, “My birthday is really on Thursday but we will celebrate on the weekend. At least that is what my Mom wants. You probably noticed that Mom decides this stuff.”

“I think my parents would do the next thing to adopting you,” he said. “They seemed to really like you almost as much as I do. You are the second son that they never had. Or maybe the younger brother that I never had. I am an only child, you know.”

“I didn't know.”

“So if I just call you 'bro' around the residence, the guys would never guess that you are a close friend,” he said, “with benefits. What do you say?” He smiled. I did too.

“Sure, why not,” I responded. It was hard for me to believe my good fortune in meeting this guy. It was only 5 days ago, but it seemed like much longer. So much had happened in the mean time. I added, “Bro.” and we both smiled again.

We arrived, got our room, and moved in our stuff. We went to the dinning hall. He knew some returnees from last year and introduced me around as Alex. When someone asked, “Is this your brother?” He put an arm-lock around my head and rubbed my hair with a knuckle. We all laughed.

We got our classes arranged. Fortunately, we were able to get timetables with no classes on Monday mornings or Friday afternoons. I am sure we were being mindful of travelling on the weekends to Dave's family retreat.

We fell into a regular routine of classes, course work in the evenings, with an early end of work time so that we could also get some intimate time before sleep. I could see that we could easily get into a routine of helping each other masturbate every evening. We both loved it.

But I was trying to think of something new that we could do. I thought that I should try to find something special for Dave's birthday on Thursday. I couldn't think of anything for the man that has everything other than giving him me. And I was doing that every evening after our course work was done. So I got the idea of going to a sex shop.

I was a little embarrassed but steeled my self up to walk in the door. Perhaps I thought that I would be less noticed by ducking into the book aisle. Some of the books on the shelves were going to make me blush. I grabbed one book “A Modern Kama Sutra for Men.” I randomly flipped it open. The open page confronted me with a picture. One guy was laid out flat on his back and another appeared to be sitting on the pubic region of first guy. The first line said the picture portrayed the Cowboy position also know as simply Riding. The explanation said that the person laying has his penis inside the person sitting. I had never seen this before nor had Dave suggested it. Maybe this is my mission accomplished. I had found something new for us to try.

I put the book back on the self and looked around a little more. In another aisle, a sign said “better than Vaseline.” Hmmm. Some of the bottles under the sign said numbing especially for beginners and the first time. I thought that we were probably past that. Another said fruit flavoured, tastes great. I thought that strawberry might be fun. I took it to the counter and paid without saying a word. The clerk put it in a plain brown paper bag which I was happy to see. Then he said we are giving away some bows this week, you know, for gift wrapping. He winked at me and said help yourself. I was embarrassed again and about to blush. But I stuffed a nice red bow into my bag and left.

After dinner on Thursday, I suggested that we don't have any assignments due tomorrow and we could have the whole evening off to celebrate his birthday. He was a little surprised. I guess he thought that the only celebration would be on the weekend at the family resort. I locked the door, left him wondering and slipped into the bathroom closing the door. I took off all my clothes as fast as I could. At that point my anticipation was probably greater than his. I had attached an elastic band to the bow and stretched the band so that it went around my dick and under my balls. I flicked on the fan, hoping that the strawberry aroma would be a surprise for him later. I took the top off the strawberry lube. It was thicker than I had thought. I grabbed a wad. It took about three tries until I stuffed it up my butt hole. I opened the bathroom door and sang a few lines of Happy Birthday. He saw the red bow. He started to blush. “I don't know what to do, or say.” he said.

“That's the idea,” I said. ' You're the birthday boy. You don't have to do anything. I will do it all for you.” He seemed a little confused. “First, you did not come into the world like that. So let's get those clothes off you.” I unbuttoned his shirt. I was going to kiss his chest and lick a nipple. He pulled my chin up and sucked my upper lip. I continued to push his shirt off his shoulders. He put his arms down for a second and let the shirt fall to the floor. I pulled off from him sucking my lips so I could kiss my way down his neck on route to a nipple. When I got there, I licked and sucked as it stood up in my face. I licked around it. I licked it and got a little Ooo out of him. I did the same to the other one to get another Ooo. Then I returned to the first one to find that it was even more solid. I licked, sucked, and even gave a very light nip. That got an Augh.

I proceeded down his glory line which was just beginning to grow back as 4 days stubble. I loved the sandpaper effect on my tongue and lips. I got to his belt and undid it with my teeth. I looked to his face. He knew exactly where I was headed. Our eyes stayed in contact as I pulled down his pants and licked the front of his briefs. I could tell that he was already starting to stiffen. I laid him on the bed and removed his shoes and socks and slid his pants off. Next I totally removed his briefs. “I like you best like this. Just the way that you came into the world 19 years ago, naked.” we laughed. Yes laughing is good but I forced my self to remember that it was his birthday so I wanted him to have as much pleasure as possible. I sucked up the head of his dick. With my hand I rubbed the area of his lower tummy where his pubes were another patch of 4 day stubble. I had not realized how much that stubble would stimulate him.

I licked and sucked around his pee slit as his penis grew larger. I fondled his balls, then sucked on each separately. His manhood was growing to a major size. I stroked his shaft. I pushed up his knees and tickled his anus. Then I licked it, round and round. I knew it was getting to him. But I also knew that he had this incredible ability to hold back his cum. I gently entered his anus with one finger, then two. I pushed my cock head against his anus. I knew he could hold off cumming But I was unsure that I could if I entered him, But I entered him anyway, reasoning in my mind that I could pullout if I was getting too close. It was his birthday, so I wanted him to cum first. I did, very soon, pull out. I could tell that his penis was as big as I had ever seen it and the skin was pulled really taut. I knew when mine was like that every touch was an incredible sensation and I was hoping that it was like that for him now. I licked fro scrotum to pee slit. I licked up the middle of his abs heading for his mouth. I straddled his abs and kissed his neck. He obliged by sucking on my lip and starting a battle of our tongues.

I figured that he was sufficiently distracted by our mouths that I reached back. His super hard cock with it's curved up shape was tight against his abs. I lifted it slightly to aim it at my manhole and slid down just a little until I felt him entering me. Then I slid down more so that his head was past my ring of muscle. I think he encountered the wad of strawberry lube. Because from there he was entering me fully, balls deep. I sat up a little. With that the curve of his penis was encountering my G spot, and my contracted balls were being abraded by his pubic stubble. I tried bouncing up and down, up and down with his shaft in me. At the same time, I was subjecting my scrotum to his pubic stubble and I was slapping his abs with my engorged cock. After only a few bounces, I felt him cum inside me. And again, and again. I looked at his face to see his head push back into the mattress, his mouth open as if to suck in a lot of air, and his eyes roll back in his head. He was in another land where there were stars and fireworks. I had not seen him do this before even though I had experienced it myself. He kept on shooting inside me. I was also ejaculating onto his chest and abs. We eventually stopped pumping out juice but he was not really getting soft. I pulled off him. This was when the beautiful aroma of the strawberries flooded the room. I took his cock in my mouth enjoying the aroma and the flavor. I was hoping that he greatly enjoyed the experience.

As he left the world of stars and fireworks behind, and rejoined with the world around him, he said, “That was really amazing. I have never experienced that level of ecstasy before. Thank you. Thank you.”

I simply said. “Happy Birthday.”

We laid in our cum and strawberry heaven and slept that way. I think we were trying to hold the experience as long as we could.

In the morning, we showered, had breakfast, and went to our classes. We would head off that afternoon to his family's house on the lake and celebrate his Birthday again.