Just Friends

by Jack

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We had come to realize that we were respected by Jamie.  Dave and I were also coming to trust him.  We had invited him for our weekends at the Lake House which we loved so much.  All three of us enjoyed our time together.  Dave and I had become comfortable having sex in our bedroom. with Jamie in the house.  We were pleased that Jamie was making his own decisions and his own way in life.  Sometimes he was like a puppy who would watch us for ques as to what to do.  This was particularly the case when we were at the Lake House without all the distractions of university life.

We were having an early fall hot spell.  Dave and I decided to have a night on our island in the lake.  It was coming up a full moon.  We had such fond memories of a full moon night on the island just over a year ago.  We found our sleeping bags in the storeroom and packed them up in large garbage bags for the crossing and swim to the island.  We had decided that this would leave Jamie free to masturbate as vigorously as he wanted to.  Also, he would not have to listen to us enjoying ourselves down the hall.  It seemed a win, win.

It was already getting dark by the time we walked around the lake to the section of beach nearest the island.  We left our shorts on a large rock and naked we waded into the water holding our sleeping bags out of the water.  We had tied the bags tightly, so they floated well when we got to the part where we had a short swim.  We headed for one of the few trees on the island and laid out one sleeping bag fully open and then laid the other on top, zipping them together to make one large one.

I was still bent over zipping up the sleeping bag when Dave hugged me around the hips and started wrestling.  That was fun but we were aiming to do a whole lot more.  As we wrestled, we were trying to decide who would have first choice of position.  “My first choice would be to bottom,” I said. 

“Me too,” responded Dave.  I was not sure if he was teasing or really wanted me to take the top position.  OK, I started sucking his upper lip aggressively.  I got my tongue in before he started with his.  Dave was on his back with me straddling him.  My penis was getting hard fast.  I was working my way up his torso with dragging my scrotum on his body.  I discovered the stubble that was on his abdomen and soon discovered the stubble between his pecs. 

“If I’m going to top, you could help me get harder,” I said.  In stead of taking my penis in his mouth as I expected, he sucked in one of my testicles.  The surprise was great.  After sucking on the other, he then turned his attention to my not quite fully engorged penis.  The skin was taut enough for me to make a little squeal of joy.  With that I reached for the sky with my hands and squealed again.  It was a squeal at the moon and seemed very primal. 

He had me super hard now.  I surprised him by laying my penis next to his which was also very hard and pressing the sandwich together.  Then I thrust at his abdomen as if it was in his anus. 

Dave is always the tease and said, “What? is it too dark for you to find my butt hole?”  We laughed.  I grasped his ankles and spread him wide and up.  His butt rose up to me, open and ready to lick.  I licked with vigor.  He moaned in response.  I licked more, round and round, up and down, and jabbed my tongue into his anus.  I was having fun. We both wanted more.

I pressed on his anus with the head of my penis.  There was my saliva around his anus, but I didn’t wet my penis.  I knew this would make extra sensations, so I moved very slowly.  I stopped pushing to give an extra lick and went back to pushing my penis into my lover.  He was clearly loving this new and slow approach.  I was too.  It was almost as good as when he used to clinch and tease me by resisting my entry.  The head popped in and I felt my shaft as it was being caressed by his ring of muscle.  I thrust a few times and laid myself down on his chest.  I could now kiss him as I continued thrusting.  He interrupted kissing when I hit his prostrate.  He made a little moan of joy.  I thrust more and deeper. 

“I love your stubble against my perineum,” Dave whispered.  It was romantic but it was not too long before I was shooting my cum inside him.  I lifted my chest just a bit so that I could see his face better.  I saw his smile and his eyes close in the moonlight. 

When I finished, he whispered, “I want to roll us over.  I am going to leak out your load a bit.  I know you love that on your scrotum.”  We rolled together before he raised himself and let me withdraw.  He did leak.  He followed that by licking clean my penis and my scrotum.  I loved it

He laid my still hard penis next to his and laid on top of me.  He kissed me and I could taste my own cum.  He thrust his penis several times next to my penis in the sandwich between our bodies. 

Then he grasped my ankles, rolling up my ass towards his mouth and spreading me wide.  He made me wait.  He licked my perineum before proceeding to my anus, my favorite spot.  He licked around and around.  He loves to tease me in this position.  Then he stopped and said, “What do you think Jamie is doing tonight?”  He licked some more driving me crazy.  At that moment, I was incapable of answering.  He stopped again and said, “Maybe masturbating, or watching a movie?”  I just wanted him to lick.  I tried to say, ’I don’t care right now.’ But the words would not come out.  He saw my frustration.  He had teased me enough, so he pressed his penis into my hole. 

He moved a little forward and I could see his face in the moonlight.  He had a big smile from having teased me.  Then he got more serious as he pressed harder and got his mushroom head into me.  There was a little sigh of relief, soon followed by a slow thrust.  He made a few more slow and romantic thrusts before he started to speed up getting rougher and deeper.  He was deep in me well past my prostrate when I felt him release his seed in me.  He shot again and again and again.  I thought that I might enter that world of stars and fireworks and I did.  I don’t know how many times Dave shot cum in me.  I remember coming around collapsed with him beside me.  He had pulled out.  I was disappointed that I had missed that. 

We kissed and we hugged and thanked each other for an awesome, incredible night under the full moon.

Then I said, “I think I know what Jamie is doing tonight.”

“How would you know that?” asked Dave.

“He’s standing right over there.” I said.

“What?!” was Daves response.  “How long have you been there?”

Jamie moved a little closer.  He was naked and his penis was huge but not dripping.  He said, “I got here just soon after you did.  I think I saw the whole thing.  You guys are really incredible.  I don’t mean the sex.  I mean, you talk to each other, you have fun and laugh, you tease each other, and you have incredible sex.  I apologize for watching.  I guess that is a little kinky, but I wanted to take notes in my head for when I finally find the right guy.”

We rolled eyes at each other.  What could we do?  Dave said, “Where are your clothes?”

“O, I put them next to yours on the rock.” Jamie responded. “I didn’t want to get them wet while swimming.”

Dave said, “You know there is an old myth that if you show your naked ass to the full moon, it might make you gay.”

Jamie responded, “It’s a little late for that.” We all laughed.

Next Dave asked, “Did you bring a sleeping bag?”

“No,” responded Jamie. “I wondered what you guys had in the bags and I wondered where you were going.  I sometimes get board and I thought that you guys might have something interesting to do. Interesting, is the understatement of the century for me.”

Dave then said, “I think that you should go back to the house.  We are not going to share our sleeping bags.  That would be going too far.”  Jamie was sad for only a moment, or maybe he was putting on a face for us.  He turned away and the next we heard was the sound of swimming.

Dave said, “He’s a strong swimmer and it’s a short swim.  He’ll be fine.” And he was.

The next morning when we swam back to shore, we found out that Jamie was also picking up on our teasing of each other.  Our clothes were gone from the rock.  When we walked back to the house.  Jamie was sitting on the porch reading a biology text.  He asked, sarcastically, “So do you guys go about naked here all the time? Am I allowed to do that too?”

Dave quickly chased him down and said, “when somebody steals our clothes.” He had an arm lock around Jamie’s head and rubbed a knuckle in his red hair.  Jamie tried to protest but was giggling too much.  We all laughed. 

Jamie said, “You know, I had forgotten laughing.  I was sad about not having parents around.  You guys have helped me out of that too.” We all smiled.  We walked in the door.  We were still naked.  Jamie had our clothes and through them at us producing another round of laughter.

*              *              *              *              *              *              *

Occasionally, Dave’s parents made time to join us for the weekend.  Dave’s mother was giving an account of how the DNA bank was doing.  She said that the option of DNA from a red head and high IQ person was very popular with her female clients.  Jamie was all smiles when he realized there were only 3 DNA donors, and he was the only red head. 

Mom also reported that the lady who had twins, had been very happy with twin blonde boys.  Mom still wanted to know which of us had contributed to that unlabeled bottle.  But we were still playing coy.  Then she told us that the same lady had been so pleased that she was pregnant again. 

We were all impressed that she had a repeat customer.  Mom explained that the lady was a doctor.  She was planning to have the next child in the spring, and then go on a third world medical excursion for a month.  Mom had volunteered to look after the three babies.  The youngest would have a couple of months with its mom before she goes away.  Mom was clearly looking forward to this and planned to take time off work to care for three small children.  I am thinking she viewed them as her grandchildren. 

The year of school went uneventful.  Jamie was concentrating more on his studies and less on finding Mr. Right.  We were please to see his new goals in life and the control he had achieved over his sexual urges.

Dave and I were planning on taking up the free cruise which we had been awarded.  It was given as a result of us being abandoned on a tiny island in the Hawaiian chain for 10 days.  It had been fun having the island to ourselves.  Our plan was to celebrate the first anniversary of our wedding either on the cruise to Hawaii or during our stay in our condo in Waikiki. 

A question was, ‘what should we do with Jamie while we were away?’  We tried to suggest that he could stay with Dave’s parents while we were on vacation.  Jamie responded, “hey. I really like your Mom but I am wondering if she is just a bit kinky.  Sort of over sexed.  No offence.”

We affirmed that we were wondering the same thing.  Dave suggested, “You could get a medical exam on a daily basis.”  We laughed.  Dave continued, “If you were to ask politely, I am sure she would demonstrate how to shave your testicles.”  We all laughed again.

Jamie suggested, “Dad sends me a lot of money. I could pay for my own cabin.  And don’t most people have their children tag along on an anniversary cruise?”  He had a point, I guess.

We actually were enjoying the friendship with Jamie.  He was smart and good to discuss things.  We decided that we would miss him if he did not join us on the cruise.  Also, it was probably not a good idea to have him stay with Dave’s parents.  Jamie had been raped and Dave’s kinky Mom could be too much.  Jamie could have stayed at the Lake House and started the resort job as a lifeguard.  But we didn’t want him to feel alone or abandoned.  His parents had abandoned him, and he was just getting over that.

Dave said, “Ok.  You can come on the cruise with us.  You get your own cabin to yourself.  No room mate. And Alex and I get time to ourselves.  Ah, to celebrate.”  Jamie picked up on the hint and smiled.

Dave continued, “There are special things you need for going on a cruise.  They have formal dinners, so you need formal attire.  You know, a tux.”

“I have never had one,” Jamie responded, “and I don’t know how to get one.  I have seen some people rent them.  Can I rent one for a week or ten days?”

I said, “I don’t know either.  I have a black one and a white one.  They were gifts from Dave’s parents.  That was easy because we are the same size.”

Dave put in, “No problem.  I know where to get a tux.  I think your birthday is coming up. So, how about that as a birthday gift?”

Jamie smiled, “That would be very nice.  How did you know when my birthday is?”

“It was on the university registration form which I signed for you.” Dave said.  “You’re not the only observant guy here.”

*      *              *              *              *              *              *


Dave made an appointment with a tailor shop, and we took Jamie for a fitting.  When we arrived, it was clear that Dave had known the tailor for some years.  Dave was originally sent here by his parents when he was much younger.  The tailor was an older man with glasses and slightly greying hair, a salt and pepper effect.  Dave introduced Jamie.  The tailor, in turn, introduced his new apprentice.  The apprentice was a much younger man with longish curly dark hair and a bit chubby.  The tailor instructed his apprentice to take Jamie into the back room and measure him up for a tuxedo.

The apprentice led Jamie through a doorway with a curtain and into the back of the shop.  Dave was engaged in a friendly conversation with the tailor.  I had never been in a tailor shop before so, I was looking at some of the accessories and adverts. 

Suddenly Jamie came out of the back room. He had flipped the curtain aside and buttoned his shirt.  He was tucking the tales of his shirt into his pants.  He seemed upset but in control and said, “I want to leave.  This is not going to work.” Dave could easily tell that Jamie was upset by something.

Both the tailor and Dave were asking, “What happened?”

Jamie responded, “That guy was doing some inappropriate touching, to say the least.”

That was when Dave also got upset.  He addressed the tailor, and said, “Look Jamie is my ward, and he is underage.  This is totally out of line.  This is even illegal to be perpetrated on a minor.”

The tailor responded, “I’ll sort this out.” And he called the apprentice out of the back room.  The apprentice looked embarrassed. “What did you do?  This family is long time customers so, this is particularly aggreges.”

Jamie cut in, “He tried to take off my clothes and touch my genitals, not just tried. He did.”

The tailor went through the roof.  He raised his voice at the apprentice.  “You better apologize immediately and make it very sincere.  These people could prefer charges.”  The apprentice, in a weak voice, made an apology.  While the tailor was yelling at the apprentice, Jamie and Dave had a moment to calm down a little.

The tailor then fired the apprentice on the spot.  He turned to Dave and Jamie to ask, “If you wish to prefer charges, please go ahead. But please, I don’t want this character to ruin my reputation and my business.” 

Dave looked at Jamie and said, “This is your call.  I will support you whatever you want to do.”

Jamie was still upset but calming down some.  He paused, then said, “Um, I don’t want to prefer charges, but I don’t want to have anything like this happen again.” I thought Jamie would want to leave the shop.

The tailor responded, “This won’t happen again in this shop.  That character is fired.  I will attend to your tailoring myself from here on.” He picked up the form where the apprentice had written down the various measurements.  “It looks like the measurements are complete.  Please let me make this up to you by making my very best tuxedo for you.”  Jamie acquiesced.

Dave said, “If you are really OK with it, you can select the color.  Traditionally, tuxes are either black or white.”  I chipped in that the white ones are nice.  Jamie agreed.

We left the shop and climbed into Dave’s truck.  Dave said to Jamie, “I was really impressed how you handled yourself in there.” 

Jamie had come around and seemed pleased with Dave’s comment.   Jamie responded, ”Thanks.  I am curious about something.”  He continued.  “I gathered that both of you have tuxes from that shop.” We nodded.  “But I got the impression that you, Alex, had never been there before.  How is that?”

I smiled and said, “You are not just observant.  Now you are becoming perceptive too.  I didn’t say that, but you are right.  There is a bit of a story to that.” Jamie obviously wanted me to continue. “It’s Dave’s Mom,” I said. “We have matching White tuxes.  Mom knows that I am exactly the same size as Dave.  Mom ordered the second one and gifted it to me immediately before our wedding in Hawaii.”

*              *              *              *              *              *

It was the next day in the evening when Jamie knocked on the door to our room and wanted to talk.  He started, “There are some things about that incident yesterday which have me wondering and I would like your help to understand better.”

“Sure,” Dave responded.  “How about we do like after that other incident, just tell it in chronological order.”

Jamie thought that was a good idea. He said, “That apprentice took me into the back room.  I did not know what to expect. I have never had a tailor-made suit before. He wanted to start by measuring my neck size.  He asked me to take off my shirt.  OK. He measured my neck, followed by my shoulders, then my chest under my arms.  That actually tickled just a bit.  He measured from under my arm down to my wrist for the sleeve length. That tickled too.  Then he measured my waist.  He explained that he wanted to measure the widest part of my hips and suggested that I take off my pants.  I did.  He measured around my butt.  Explaining that he needed to measure my inseam for my pants he got down on his knees.  He asked me to spread my legs just a bit for him to measure.  The stiff end of the tapeline touched my underwear where my balls were inside.  He ran it down my leg which sort of tickled the inside of my thigh.  He wrote that measurement onto the form.  I think he notice the profile of my penis inside my underwear.  You have noticed before that even limp it is a fair size.”

We nodded.  Jamie said, “He suddenly grabbed both sides of my underwear and pulled them down.  Before I could do anything, he had grabbed my penis and stuck it in his mouth.  I pulled out fast.  I pulled up my underwear and pulled on my pants and shirt.  I quickly made for the doorway and out into the shop.”

Dave said, “You did well.  I am proud of you.  I think I might have recoiled sooner but how could you know what a normal measuring session entails?”

“That is exactly one of my questions,” Jamie said.

Dave responded, “I have had several measurement sessions.  As I grew up I had to have a new tux made.  Sometimes I have taken off my shirt.  That is rare.  But that is the only thing.  Especially the inseam is more easily measured with your pants on because the top end of the inseam is more obvious on the pants that you have on.”

“OK. So now I would ‘catch on’ sooner that the tailor is getting inappropriate,” Jamie said.

“Right,” responded Dave. “Maybe I should have told you how that works ahead of time.  I just never thought a thing like that could happen at a shop like that.  Sorry.”

Jamie said, “It’s OK. The whole thing makes me think I have more control over what happens to me.” We smiled and Jamie continued, “I am wondering why this sort of thing happens to me?  I mean, that guy from my biology class wanted to go too far.  The girls at the resort were always hanging around the lifeguard chair.  It seems I get hit on.”

“Well,” Dave looked slightly hesitant but said, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are a pretty hot guy.”

Jamie first looked slightly shocked and confused, then got a bit of a smile like pleased with himself, and said, “really?”

Dave responded, “Really.  Let me tell you something.  When I was your age, Dad used to say, ‘you’re going to have to beat off the girls with a stick.’ Little did he know that I would have to beat off the guys with a stick.  The same applies to you. You’re hot; nice slim bod, nicely muscled, developing pecks, narrow butt, and that red hair.  Ya, your hot.”

Jamie seemed to be getting pleased with himself. Dave added, “now don’t let it go to your head.  Just be warned that people will want to hit on you, guys and girls.  It may even make it more difficult to find Mr. Right, because appearance is not the biggest factor.” Dave looked at me and said, “It’s just a ‘nice to have’ extra.”

Jamie said, “I’m really that hot?”

It was my turn to enter the conversation.  I wondered about sharing this but we, all three of us, were more and more getting into deeper sharing.  I said, “Ya, you’re hot.  Remember that time when I freaked out on you in the showers at work.  A lot of that was because, I had trouble keeping my eyes off your bod all day.  I was so tempted.  Didn’t you notice that I had gotten hard just looking at you?”

Jamie said, “Ya, I had not noticed when your hardon started.  I just assumed it was when I touched you.  I’m still sorry about that.”

“That apology was accepted a long time ago,” I said.  “I only mention it because you really are that hot.  I guess you need to know that.”  Jamie thanked me for the frank sharing.  Clearly the three of us were coming to understand each other better.

*              *              *              *              *              *

The school year was going fast.  Jamie had his seventeenth birthday.  Dave and I surprised Jamie with a cake from a bakery with “Happy Birthday” and a big ‘17’ on top.  We presented it at the evening meal at the dorm with the guys from the floor around the table.  Jamie had gotten to know many of them.  They all sang a hearty round of Happy Birthday.  Jamie looked particularly happy with a big smile.  I think he was also holding back a tear.

Dave and I had made the point with the gang that Jamie was still a minor.  That was sort of a side objective.  Most of the guys knew anyway.

The surprise was that evening with a knock on the door.  It was Jamie.  There actually were a few tears on his face.  Dave said, “What’s up?”

Jamie blurted out, “I have not seen a birthday cake for years.  That was really special.  Thanks.”  Dave was first to give Jamie a hug.  Then I took a turn.  We had a short chat.  Jamie said how glad he was that he had met us.  He thanked us again for taking him in.  “There is so much that you have helped me with.  You made it possible for me to go to university.  And just having you around for help and support.  I love you guys.  Thanks.”

Little did he know just how much he had coming his way.  He had the high marks but getting into medical school is more than that.  Leave it to Mom.  She wrote to the dean of the medical school, recommending him for early entrance.  She must have stated that he was mature for his age.  For seventeen he had a lot of life experience.  She talked them into a special exception.  Jamie was ecstatic when he got the letter which offered him early entrance starting next fall. 

We explained that we were celebrating my letter a year ago when we went on the cruise.  Yes, it had developed into more reason to celebrate.  But we would suitably celebrate his letter onboard the cruise this year.