Appearances Can Be Deceiving

by Swallow Your Lightsaber

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Appearances Can be Deceiving (13)

Promoted and New Faces

It was about thirty minutes before people were supposed to begin showing up. This was all new to Collin as he had watched the staff prepare and decorate for the party. It was just regular party stuff, and a local caterer had been hired to provide food. It had been set up in the big dining room, the aroma was strong as it was Italian food. Mike and Collin had set up stuff so that Mike could digitally cast music. It had been cleaned nicely and everything shined. Everything was ready so the two waited.

Mike said, “I would just about as soon, have someone slice my dick off slowly with a dull blade, then deal with this fucking shit.”

Collin thought he meant the effort for him, he said, “I am sorry master, I did not know it would cause…….”

The master cut him off and said, “No that, cock pit. I am glad you are being promoted, for something that is only symbolic anyway. What I don’t like having to fool with is coming down the hall now and hang on.”  He let a moment pass and then said, “Whenever Richard approaches me, I am momentarily overcome by the approaching epicenter of stupidity, the man himself.”

The slave was obedient as it was custom to be, but Collin did not care for master Richard a great deal. What others claimed his master, Mike was, a complete and utter narcissist, uhm no. That would be the approaching bag of shit, master Richard. He was a very handsome middle-aged man, that you could tell knew exactly what a gym was. It was the way he talked to you; it was if he was not talking to a person but a mannequin. Collin had threatened Mike a couple times with beginning to call his new friend the “Mannequin master.” He had done that twice and once it had gotten him a gullet full of cum after a throat fucking, he was sure if some on earth had received it would be sure it had originated from Olympus. The second time, well try getting a good run up the ass and then having to rake leaves the next day, it did sting sometimes. But he loved it. Mike loved his bitch being bratty, he was just so good natured and left that lite footprint, it was contrary to his nature usually. So, he understood and accepted and took it when it presented itself.

He said to the approaching group coming down the hall, “Well, if it isn’t my best fucking friend, Richard, and his entourage. Welcome to my home everyone, start getting some alcohol in you, and there should be some of the tempura finger foods going around.”

Richard walked over to Collin, who was wearing a nice pair of acid washed Levi’s jeans and a shirt that had something to do with, “The Avengers.” They were about the same height and Richard stayed close and just held his eye contact. Collin thought, ‘What the fuck is he going to do? Grab me and start to Samba us around the room?’ Master Richard was not an unattractive man, it was the weird shit like this he did, and a slightly crazy look in his eyes, that made one wonder. Mike was watching this too and moving closer, as of late he had begun to suffer from something else hyper-protectionism.

He moved over beside Collin and said, “Richard, I am sorry, but he is not on the refreshment’s list, but if it is alcoholic, my bartender can make it.”

They all moved into the huge dining room, and everyone began to show up, as the traffic in the area allowed them. There were several that disbursed throughout the top floor and balcony on the second floor. Who Mike had told Collin were the important ones would be in here with them.

As people were still spread out, Mike leaned over and whispered in Collin’s ear, “I am not sure what to think, one of the few times when you are not in handcuffs, sitting next to me at a table. I would have been sure you would have used your hand and been rubbing on my cock and balls through my jeans. I see you have now corrected that oversight, enjoy your party.”

There were now five masters including Mike and Richard, and their accompanying slaves. One of the unfortunate slaves, had been placed in a smaller type of baby chair, and their nose was placed in a near corner. Mike had patiently explained who they were and why he considered them important. Richard, who was someone he had to concentrate on something not to lose it laughing about this fact. His full name was Richard Dawson, Collin’s brain could just not resist the twist. As in Richard Dawson the gameshow host of the Family Feud for decades. Of course, this was not the Richard Dawson, just someone else that was a person named Richard Dawson. He was kind of important, he worked for the the mayor of the largest city in this county. He served as his number one advisor and his campaign strategist during election times.

Going around the table at the rest of the room was a fit and middle-aged man that sort of had the Mr. Clean look going on. His eyes showed intelligence and he did not feel hostile. His name was Bert Jacobs, and he was an assistant Chief of Police for the city they lived in. His slave who was in the corner for some reason or another’s name was Ward.

You had Master Dominic Rios, who was also was a short blond headed guy that looked, late twenties. Rios was a Real Estate developer and Mike’s family did a great deal of business with him.

The next one was another funny one to Collin, this guy was an actual practicing clinical psychologist, what was so funny was his name was Sigmund Pierpont. He now had the youngest and newest member of the group. Initiate Aubrey Warren who was a few months younger than Collin and even went to the community college he went to. He had seen him several times, but never spoke, he would sometime. His name was simply Aubrey Warren. As Mike put it, whoever was in this room when the door was closed, was all that really counted.

It did not go unnoticed that every master at the table had a slave seated next to them and he bet there was a great deal of massaging going on under the table. The one exception was Master Bert, and he was seated across from Collin. He reached over and whispered into his master’s ear and was told something. Underneath the table, He pulled his house slippers off and was down to a sock. He gently maneuvered it between the master’s legs, eased it up and lightly brushed it against his balls and cock. No reason, not to be a nice host, so Collin would be. The off duty assistant Chief of Police, once noticed, and where it was originating from. He grinned and reached down and pulled the foot more snugly against himself, so slave Collin began to gently rub his nice area for him.

Collin was born with something that was termed as ambidextrous, meaning that most people have either the left or the right hand solely become predominant for them. Collin’s type, for whatever reason had equal dexterity in both and it had been handy skill many times. It was now allowing him to lightly massage his master’s balls and cock, through his clothes, use his right hand to eat, his right leg and foot to massage the nice police chief’s cock and balls, and then his mind to hold conversation.

They had moved through dinner, had a gourmet ice cream cake, for Collin, and were now having conversation and after dinner drinks.

Collin had inferred from what his master had said of these people, they were very much more alike than different. There was a great deal that could be said for pooling resources, especially the kind in the room, that offered many advantages. These masters were all very dominant alpha males, so at times a tiny conflict might come up. There was more than one score to settle in this room, but the advantages far outweighed the annoyance.

Richard took off in a direction, “I have really been slaying it with securities lately, who doesn’t like that sweet money?”

Mike said, “Excellent, make as much as you possibly can, then I will get a van full of heavy guys and we’ll come get it. Judging from the pleasant look on Chief Jacob’s face right now, from what my slave is doing for him. I could probably get them to even arrest you for it.”

Everyone around the room laughed for a moment and they waited for it to die. It is noteworthy here that while the Chief's drives ran to the exotic, he was a man of extreme integrity. He was about as straight as shooter as they came, but he wasn't straight. 

Master Sigmund, who sounded like kind of a sexy-nerdy type of guy said, “Well congratulations again to you slave, or in the case of an achievement Collin. I say we open the floor an anyone can talk regardless period, you got gripes complaints, now is your time. Careful though, we could have a gaming session afterwards, so keep it civil.”

Now would be when Collin would get to see the cracks, if any in these people and how bad they might be.

A very meek voice spoke up, “Hi everyone, I am the newest member to the group. I thought I would say hi, if it is allowed my name, is Aubrey Warren. I am master Sigmund’s slave.”

Everyone took a moment to welcome him and congratulate him on becoming one of them.

They listened to an hour of what you will get every single time you open any organized body of people together, have a meeting, and announce there will now be an hour allotted that will be for griping. People began griping about petty bickering type grudges that had built up over a long time. Mike found his slave’s eyes, which were looking into his and, the master rolled his as he listened. The slave replied by rolling his own in a moment, they had nothing go gripe about. Finally, the hour was up, everyone was fed, some feeling the effects of the alcohol. This is when those that did so, started breaking the drugs out.

It was Mike’s definite belief that is you took most adult parties, especially like this one; then you drew a graph making the X-axis = the consumption of various recreational drugs and the Y-axis = The chances of getting some wild sexual activities going. The graph would start low at 0 as no drugs were involved, but this one would most likely fit the average for a bunch of freaks. Before it was over, this one would look like a diagonal line with the low end on it is starting at the beginning of the graph.

Mike told Collin to go and see that the aspiring wannabes did not have his kitchen on fire, but the food had been good. They were all doing a good job. He went over and hovered around the person who was supposed to have unlocked all the secrets of the mind, their clinical psychologist, Sigmund. Who had anticipated this.

Sigmund was coy, waved for another drink and said, “My, that did not take long, I figured you would approach but I just did not know when. What can I do for the infamous Mike Nakamoto? The psychologist was another one of those just average looking guys, that was 33 years old. He was very pleasant in demeanor, dress, speech. He seemed like one of those people that could be eternally neutral about everything.

Mike sat down and swirled his drink and said, “There is something I really want from you, and I need your services. I do not want one to wreck the other one for the other by crossing a line.”

Sigmund looked intrigued and said, “Well the easiest way solve that is throw out there what you want and if I can, you seem like a good person to know.”

Mike was, as was tradition here just very direct, “I want to borrow your young trainee, just for a bit this evening. He is so innocent looking just as my slave still is. I know there will be several things happen, but I want to take your trainee and my slave upstairs and let them both work to satisfy me. That would be one. The second thing is, do you accept new patients because I have heard you are the best. The psychologist I am seeing is trash, so how do we do all that if we can and stay in bounds?

Now Sigmund was really intrigued, a glimpse into that mind, wow. It puffed his ego to be held in such regard, so I suppose he decided to be a bit unethical for now till such time as circumstance would make that impossible. Plus, he would get them back, yes, he thought so.

He looked at Mike and said, “We can do all of that, you can borrow Aubrey for a while, just be aware it is still all new on him. I can take you on as a patient, but the moment that you sign the legally binding documents of my practice, I can no longer share sexual partners with you. We can both be members here, but I do have to maintain some distance, I can’t do my job otherwise. Then there is something I want which I believe that you and your associates are more than suited for. There are strict rules with that one, they must be followed precisely.”

Mike said, “Name it.”

Sigmund said, “Well before I committed to this life I was more of a total top sort. This is stupid as shit, but my last boyfriend came in, got my stereo record album collection of the entire Bee Gees set. That might sound stupid as shit, but I want them back, but I don’t want him injured, or his place smashed up or the like. He’s submissive in the bedroom, but a bigger guy than me, and I am not putting him in jail over some albums.”

Mike yawned, “Write his name, telephone number and address on a piece of paper there on the table. Does he pack?”

Sigmund said, “Sorry? Oh, do you mean would he have a gun? Goodness no, he doesn’t even own one, I am not sure he knows how to shoot one. He might try and fight, and I absolutely, positively, will not stand for him being hurt.”

Mike smiled, “I can assure you good doctor that when he gets one look at that crowd of goons my family will send. He will not want to fight, he will not want to shoot, he will peacefully surrender the albums back. You may say I am sort of an expert in this business, it is most unlikely he would want to share that with the solid blue wall either, seeing’s how the records, are not his to begin with. Plus, again, those guys tend to have an effect.”

They had worked it out and, in a bit, Mike had found himself in the ropes room with his slave and slave Aubrey were both present. He was still out of his element. He was nervous it seemed, but it was a good way, but master Mike had noticed it. He had decided to let Aubrey go weapons free on the restraints, no need now, Mike walked Aubrey through, and let him do it, cuff, and chain Collin up to show how to properly secure a slave and get his mind going.

Collin was now in the center of the bed, handcuffed behind the back, with a chain running from that to a tight-fitting choker collar.

Mike decided to play with the young man some. He looked at Aubrey, “Get on the bed their bitch with my slave. Mike watched him, he was a bit smaller than Collin, all the way around. Yet he was nice and tanned, and in nice shape. He hopped up onto the bed and got beside the handcuffed and chained hunk that belonged to the master.

Master told Aubrey, either spit in his mouth, or kiss him nice a deep and make it last a bit. Aubrey said quietly, “Open your mouth and tilt the head back.”

“As he said slave,” Mike was working with some stuff as he said this. He was angled so that he could not see what was going on behind them. Aubrey had grabbed Collin’s ball sack, which Mike had had him place inside the little chainmail ball constrictor thing. He started spitting into the helpless Collin’s mouth and was squeezing the devil out of his balls. Collin supposed he was an up and budding sadist/master, that was his goal. He was in dangerous waters now though; the master would probably not like him going off script like that.

As he continued and the master stood there watching them, was like riding a surfboard on pleasure. He could see the aggressiveness that Aubrey was showing. Like knows like, and he had not been fooled for one second. Mike liked rope, and to use them for control, and to inflict controlled pain with. He was also fond of another one, he would feed someone enough of it to allow them to have enough to hang themselves with. He grinned.

Back in behind slave Collin, the yet once again, “Wannabe”, had abandoned Collin’s balls and was running a finger slowly into his ass. No one at all noticed this activity, as there were also a lot of other cameras, that were not apparent.

Mike was looking at one of them now as it showed the full act of slave Aubrey, fingering his slave. On his fucking party day, that and every other infraction was filed away in the, ‘To do list.’

The master came back closer to the bed and said, “Go ahead and give him a good feeling up, I think he is our best.”

The master turned and walked to the other side of the room. Aubrey began to run is hands everywhere on Collin’s body. As soon as the master turned away and started to walk away from the bed. The innocent little slave who did not have his hands bound, snaked around, and pushed Collin’s handcuff’s further away from his body.  The domino effect was instant, this tightened the chain, pulled tension on the choker collar. Hence Collin was finding it difficult to get a good breath in. He thought, ‘Good luck you cherub looking freak, he already knew he had worked so hard, he could easily go just a little over five minutes before having to surface.

This had greatly increased his skill, and ability to deliver a mouth and throat for fucking that was formidable. This time however, what this little Valentine’s card that was evil and just got on the rack by accident. What he was doing had some differing parameters, then just holding his breath did not remedy the fact it greatly reduced the flow of blood being supplied by the brain. So, you say half the oxygen, while also halving the blood to even carry what was available. To Mike who was watching this out of the corner of his eye, is precisely why inexperienced idiots like the sadistic Aubrey here, was supposed to being sly about it. Was more like attempting to create a scene, one might see in a slasher movie. In which the slasher violently strangled the victim to death.

He turned quickly and had some stuff and got back to the bed quickly and of course as soon as he had turned around, Aubrey had gone to just slowly rubbing his hands all over Collin’s body.

Of course, would never be smart enough to notice Collin’s redder then usual face, or the marks the choker had made on his slave’s neck.                                                                                                                                                      

A few moments later, Mike had made a reversal of roles, as it was simply that Aubrey was the one cuffed, and Collin was free. He was in the same getup that Mike normally had him in.

The master had finished and now got off the bed. “I have a few more things to take care of”, and he started working in various parts of the room. Collin reached over and put one of Mike’s nicer oils on his hands and started giving Aubrey a lovely back massage. He was gentle but firm enough for it to feel good.

Mike watched this in one of the cameras, and thought, ‘He just doesn’t have it in him at all. He must be thinking that he can get revenge easily, but there is no draw for him to do so. He wants only to make the little turd feel good, and it is what I told him to do, nothing more. He would see to the little sadist that he really knew what that word meant sometime soon. He turned and looked and started to walk over. Heavens to Betsy, all that swimming was really making his slave look good.’, he thought as he approached.

He clapped his hands and said, “Easy job slaves, I have not had a tag team of ball worship and blowjob in forever, so that is what I want till I am dry. Collin, you will be pulling ball duty. I am still so very interested in that very lite biting you do that feels good. That would mean the trainee, Susie Q. herself, I mean Aubrey. That means that you will be pulling gag-a-duty on my big cock till you get a nice mouthful of what you worked so hard for. He crawled and put himself in the center of the bed facing upward and it seemed he had a perpetual hardon.

He said, “There is a bit of a game here as well, it come from the little perv’s master here. You must learn to work together to make this happen, and feel free to talk if you have your mouths free. So, this was called creating a dynamic tension, within a dynamic tension. So, slaves I am telling you to make this happen, and it had better feel fucking fantastic.!”

The two began to talk almost at the same time and it was clear the ideals were not similar. Sigmund had told him to expect this, as now there was a small power struggle taking place. Who oversaw this, which they really were not in charge of. Well, the new shrink seemed to know his stuff, thus far. Now, it was time to see which one had been correct in their choices who would end up in charge.

They talked over for a moment and finally the quiet Collin snapped, “It is as simple as this, he is my master, so I am sure I know the best path to obeying him. So, shut up and work with me here, and let me take lead.”

Mike grinned and thought, “You just wasted your ten bucks’ doctor, seems the young budding sadistic gay, added to the group, knew when he was over matched. The outcome had never been in question in Collin’s master’s mind. Now, I will get on my back and ask the master if he will kindly put hi feet on the bed with his knees sticking up. I will approach from below and should be able to all of them. You will have several angles from which to suck his cock from, and there is more than enough to suck. Let’s try that?”

Aubrey did like this as it would allow him to be directly above Collins master’s dick, with Collin beneath him sucking. He would be able to make sure copious amounts of his spit ran down, carried by gravity, via the shaft of Mike’s big dick right into Collin’s mouth and on his face. Plus, master Mike would get one hell of a workout.

Collin knew the position would let Aubrey do this, but he was concerned with delivering the best service he possibly could to his master. It turned him on, and he really wanted to make him feel so good, if he had to swallow some power mad, budding’s sadist/slave spit to accomplish it. This was not too big of a price for him to pay, his master feeling good was what he focused on.

He had been told he could speak so he did, “Master, unless you don’t want to, please place your feet on the bed and point your knees up. When I get maneuvered into the correct spot, then please stuff my mouth full of your balls. I will work them good for you master, I swear.”

Mike had never heard more beautiful music, and it was in its way. The quality and tone of his slave’s voice was quivering because he was so excited about this. There was absolutely no doubt, his slave had grown to love doing this for him and damn he was good at it. He shifted into the right position, and after his slave had pushed himself into place. Master Mike began to slowly stuff the entirety of his balls and accompanying sack into his slave’s mouth. Before long they were all the way in there and Collin was using every weapon in his arsenal to please his master.

Mike said, “Ah, damn, that feels slightly a bit better than super, keep working those balls bitch.”


Aubrey had taken up a position on his knees, next to Mike’s right shoulder, leaned forward and was swallowing as much of the master’s cock he could as he eased it deeper and deeper. He was letting liberal amounts of his spit, leak downward and they had now finally reached Collin’s mouth and face. Even with his mouth stuffed with Mike’s big cock, he could still get quite a bit out. He managed a partial grin as he looked into Collin’s eyes below.

Master Mike Nakamoto was at that moment in a wonderful place, that did not get much better. No one had ever managed to make his balls feel anywhere near as good as his slave could. He didn’t have the occasional bad day either, it was always fucking fantastic. Even the freak that was currently attempting to communicate with his slave; maybe by chemical messengers contained in his saliva. The way he was doing it, made the mater’s cock warm all over and he even felt the sensation of it running down the shaft. They went at this for some time, each in their own way enjoying what was happening.

The mater’s engine block began to heat, he said, “I am getting close, so when I shoot off, to be fair you will each get to swallow half. Slave Aubrey, when I start to shoot, make your best guess, and let some of it, pass through to some of the other slave’s mouth. What remains on my cock, my slave will take care of, no one is better at doing that than him.”

Slave Aubrey could not suck cock anywhere near the level Mike’s slave could, but the heat of the situation. All that expert stimulation to his balls by his slave. He would do and was.

Mike said, “Great motherfucker!” He began to blast his cum all inside Aubrey’s mouth and it was aplenty. Each pulse lighting him up with pleasure.

Slave Aubrey was a kind person, the kind of person that saw no reason for him to swallow any of that cum if gravity and then the slave himself, Collin would take care of the rest. He let it all run out of his mouth, down into Collin’s and all over his face. He enjoyed watching it happen just that way. For that fact, so did Mike as he was watching it from a monitor mounted to the ceiling above them. Man, this Aubrey kid really had some stuff to learn, did he ever.

Afterwards, he let them shower separately and watched all the tapes closely. Soon it was time for last call and Mike and his loyal slave saw everyone off. Mike was quite sure he would be seeing a great deal of Aubrey soon. When one is invited to play, they should do so nicely.

After the last of them were through the door Mike closed it and said, “Losers. Come on, time for bed, I am tired for a change.”

Mike followed him towards their bedroom and said, “Me too master, I am worn out, thank you for the party.”

They both had a nice sleep.