Appearances Can Be Deceiving

by Swallow Your Lightsaber

10 Jun 2023 1159 readers Score 9.0 (15 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Appearances Can Be Deceiving

Goodbye to Jimmy

   It was a few hours past breakfast, the day following Collin’s first tension session, so Mike had given me sort of a day to recover. Minus the fact he was going out to do some shopping, before he had departed, he had handcuffed his slave and made him give him a nice a slow blowjob. The restrained slave had worked slowly and steadily, it seemed every time he did this he was just getting better and better and doing it. Applying just the perfect amount of suction, in combination with the help of his tongue gently licking and massaging master’s dick. He had worked steadily and without stop, and his master had lasted about a half hour, before shooting his mouth full of what he liked to call, his lust juice. The slave had carefully swallowed it all down and did not stop working till he was told it was okay to stop. His master had given him a few pats on the head, as if he had been a good dog.

As Mike was putting his ridiculously big cock away and getting it sorted, he said, “I am going to face death itself, in the forms of Walmart and Costco, is it not obvious how fucking brave I am? That is almost like pouring a bunch of chums, in shark infested waters, and jumping in. Any special requests food or product wise? You can request, doesn’t mean you will get, but I am not into starvation. You are shaping up to be an excellent slave, and you obey me well, when you do that, you will find things can be good.”

Collin still had the strong taste of that huge load his master had just shot his mouth full of. “Everything is fine master, perhaps a bit more sodas, you tend to sip around on beer a bit. I don’t usually drink much alcohol master.”

Mike looked back at him and grinned as he was leaving, “I think for someone that can do the things with their tongue that you do, a few cokes is not too much to ask. I shall return.”

The master lad left him in one of the big bedrooms of the house that never seemed to end. Collin was taking courses at the local community college with plans to transfer to the state university when he was done. He was on a bed, reading about the biological mysteries of the universe. According to the biology book he was reading, it is estimated there are over 20-quadrillion ants, mostly unseen as they spend most of their time underground. That is a fuck-ton of ants he thought to himself….

As scintillating as reading the textbook was it was as far as he got before drifting off to sleep. What his master termed a, tension session, yesterday had left him a bit sore. It was not unpleasant, the closest thing he could compare it to would be the soreness one experience after a super intense workout. His little master, he could already see was really going to push him to those extremes he talked about. Collin grinned as he slept, dreaming about it, and rolled over onto his stomach.

He woke up to someone straddling his back and securing his hands with the pair of handcuffs that had been lying on the nightstand beside the bed. He supposed the master must have returned during his sleep and had changed his mind about the easy day. He just laid there and let it happen.

A voice said very close to his right ear, “Since I have been here, I have thought quite a bit about tapping you again.”

Collin thought, ‘Fucking Jimmy. How in the name of what holds all of space and time together did he get out?’

As if he had been reading his mind, Jimmy said, “I figured, since Dr. Fu Manchu had stepped out, I would give myself a little pardon and come up here and see you.”

Collin asked, “How the fuck did you get out of all that stuff he had you in? The last time I saw you, you looked like Hannibal Lecter that had been captured by aliens with some sort of antigravity technology?”

Jimmy said, “There is something else that comes along with being a hardcore submissive or slave that is just part of the territory. One of the things that you too will learn is escape techniques. Panda Express is good, but he has never dealt with someone like me before. To be honest, I get a great deal of enjoyment when I slip out of something. It drives my master crazy and seeing Bernard fuming is what I live for.”

Collin felt it had to be said, “Jimmy, first, isn’t Panda Express like Chinese? My master’s heritage is Japanese, talking about him and master Bernard like that is probably unwise.”

Jimmy said, “Bernard likes it that I am bratty. Speaking of what people like.”

He leaned down and slowly licked Collin behind his left ear and then kissed the back of his neck. Collin was sore from yesterday, but his body still responded anyway. He started to grow in his manly region.

Jimmy with his approach, was kind of like Mike-Lite. “You are quite a smoking little number and thanks to master beginning to hang around with yours, he has really gotten into the cum control/denial thing. So, imagine getting from that to the fact I am a guy and like to cum. You could help me out a great deal with that and seem to be currently available. What do you think?”

Collin rolled his eyes, “I think that if I say no, you are just going to fuck me anyway as I can hardly stop you. You are headed for trouble but if you are going to do it, I will cooperate if you don’t make it, ‘Destroy Panda Expresses slave day.’”

Jimmy licked him behind the ear again and reached his hand around in under his captive and went and cupped his hardness firmly. He rolled Collin onto his back; he was only wearing a pair of jogging pants with underwear and socks. He reached down and none too gently pulled the jogging pants off him. Then he grabbed the underwear and did not waste his time getting those off either. His own clothing, which consisted of an adult Depends diaper, was torn off and part of history as well. He went to the bottom of the bed and grabbed Collin by his ankles and pulled him down about a quarter of the length of it.

He climbed on top of the restrained slave and got his cock even with his mouth. “You can begin cooperating by opening that mouth wide and sucking on my dick as I explore that throat a bit more.” He began to lower his hips and Collin opened and in it went.

Collin’s throat was still a bit sore from a great deal of stretching it had been receiving from his master. As Jimmy pushed deeper and deeper it did not seem too bad. In this area, Jimmy was nowhere the same anatomical size of his master’s cock. Up on top, he got gotten it down in there as far as it would go and grabbed a pillow to hug for comfort. He slowly began to fuck, his temporary slave, in the mouth. Damnation, did it ever feel good, and he was cooperating. He had locked his lips around the shaft of the man on top’s cock in what was a very pleasurable like death grip. He was pulling heavy suction at just the right times and his tongue was possessed. A very short amount of time ago, had he been asked on a scale of 1 – 10 how good something was feeling. He almost went instantly from a zero state to a 10 could not begin to cover it.

As he slowly pumped Collin’s mouth, he said, “Oh yes, suck that dick, just like that cocksucker, that feels so good.”

Below him, the young man worked his kind of wizardry, of which he was a very strong practitioner. He had learned that though this lifestyle did not afford him a great deal of say, or what happened as it was now. He had however discovered that he could apparently use his tongue while sucking someone’s cock; for them it was like he could warp their reality. This was a different kind of power, which those that name such things had termed as, ‘Soft Power’. For someone that was in handcuffs, had a bigger guy lying on top of him that was currently fucking him in the mouth. In his own way, he had some control as well, it was more subtle and enjoyable to use.

Above him Jimmy was experiencing exactly what the expert application of soft power could accomplish. He was warm all over where his endocrine system had lit up and collectively said, ‘About fucking time!’ and he experienced sort of an explosion of, signals, neurotransmitters, all the other stuff the body released when one became highly sexually aroused. He had to slow his pace, because he wanted it to last longer and this one was good. He could easily have shot then if he had wanted to, but he wished to maximize his time. He wasn’t sure how much time he had before the little guy would be back, discover what he had done or was doing and, he’d worry about that when it happened.

He got up and pulled the tied Collin back up a bit and turned him over onto his stomach again. On his was up, he had come across a table with an assortment of dildos on top of it. He had picked a respectably sized one as he had set off to find Collin. He had laid it on the bed when he came in and he laid it beside the captive.  He looked around, as much as he suspected, on the bedside table was one of these little things that held the warmed lube. He stretched over and discovered it was a sealed clear plastic looking bottle. It had a top that screwed onto it, and it sat on a flat plate that was warm. He bet that little pervert that owed the place had these everywhere. Whatever that oil was, it was real quality stuff, and smelled wonderful. Master just grabbed whatever shit off the counter at Walmart probably that was on sale.

He got back on top of Collin and said, “Spread those legs good and wide for me, and so that I can sound like Bernard or your master, may I add the word bitch.”

Collin obediently spread his legs as Jimmy massaged his ass cheeks with his hands. His cheeks were still a bit red from some of the treatment he had gotten yesterday, a little more would not hurt. Jimmy took his open right hand and smacked his captive’s right ass cheek solidly with it.

The slave reflexively went, “Uhm.” He paused a second and then, “That really smarts today.”

Jimmy had slipped an oiled finger inside of Collin’s ass and was loosening him up. He did not do this long before he oiled his dick up good, and the warmed oil felt tremendous as it spread over its surface. He eased it down and with a bit of effort got it started and on its descent into this hot piece beneath him. He got it all the way in, and let his weight hold it in there for a couple of minutes.

Again, Collin moaned, “Uhm.” He was sore still from yesterday and this added a bit, but it also felt good after it had been in for a bit.

Jimmy was licking the side of Collin’s neck then said, “If this were some sort of warped nature show, this is the part, where the commentator would say something like: ‘Now we will begin to see the culmination of this sexual act, as Jimmy will now fuck the helpless Collin up the ass until he ejaculates.’” He went back to kissing and began pumping at a medium speed, as his dick slid in and out of that tight ass.

This was getting into Collin’s already slightly irritated and more sensitive prostate. So, “Uhm, that feels good.” It was a bit more painful than usual, but as most that have a healthy sex life have found out. There are some pains that feel better than others. This was the better kind, and it was heating his furnace.

Jimmy reached over and got the dildo and told his captive, “Turn your head to the right.”

Collin did and he put the dildo up to his lips and pushed it on into his mouth. For several minutes they laid there as Jimmy fucked Mike’s slave and pushed the dildo in and out of his mouth as if sucking a dick.

The guy that was getting to fuck said, “Oh, yeah, anyone that does not like how good that feels is brain damaged. I would have thought the Asian invasion, constantly harpooning you with that monstrosity of his; you would be like all stretched out. Uhm, I was all terribly wrong about that…. Uhm. Take all that dick bitch, I know you like it.” He picked up his pace a bit and began to thrust harder.

The sound of the door clicking shut, did not deter Jimmy as he was getting so close. Not only Mike but Bernard had entered the room and they stood there watching for a second. Bernard produced his cell phone and started recording it.

He told Mike, “I told you where that slippery piece of shit would be. You have had him almost three days, I am surprised this is the only time he got loose.”

Mike said, “Motherfucker! Houdini himself could have gotten out of all of that!”

Jimmy decided since he was so close to going now, he might as well push his luck and get Bernard really irritated.

He continued to bang Collin and asked, “Do you like watching me fuck master Mike’s slave, master?”

Bernard looked rather annoyed, “I am recording this for posterities sake dick skin. Enjoy this as it may well be the last time you ever get to cum for the rest of your natural life.”

Mike could care less about Jimmy; he was watching as he mouthfucked his slave with a dildo he looked into Collin’s eyes and on his face. He recognized that look, he was about to launch, and this started Mikes weapon’s system. He wasn’t exactly happy about this, but it was still making him hard.

He told Bernard, “My slave, incoming.”

The slave at the bottom said, “That is about fucking here, and boy is it, uhm.”

Mike walked over to the side of the bed, reached over, and put two fingers around Collin’s choker collar. He pulled on it a bit, it was for both of their benefits. Mike liked to show the power and exercise it, the choker would for a very short time restrict his blood and airflow to the brain. In many people, like his slave this seemed to kick in the nitrous when he busted loose. That was coming to a theater near you very soon in this instance.

Collin’s nerve cells on his prostate as they took the continual contact of Jimmy’s cock rubbing them as he stroked up and down. It was finally enough stimulation to tell his various mechanisms to begin having an orgasm and ejaculating quite a bit. He was on his stomach, and Jimmy did not point his hardened dick downward facing his feet when he was in the position as his master always did. So, he felt the squirts force themselves out between his skin and bed spread, it was very warm. Hell, his whole body was on fire as his dick spurted several times and they all felt good and shook him.

He went, “Oh, hell that feels wickedly good.”

His statement had been low because of what Mike was doing, but as soon as he said this, he grinned and released the tension.

Jimmy, who had never slowed down continued and then got fast and he pushed hard all the way in. His face took on the look a s super speedster really booking it, but he was stationary. Deep inside of Collin his dick began to erupt and each one was a goodly amount of cum. He was just temporarily lost in a world of his own, in which only those pleasure ridden surges, kind of picked him up and pushed him along.

He was a bit more direct as it happened, “Fuck yes! Take my cum up that ass bitch, we worked hard together to make it…. Fuck…. fucking happen.”

They stood and watched as Jimmy finished, and he still slowly pumped but finally rolled off to the side. Bernard reached down and got hold of his shoulder and yanked him up. Jimmy was a little bigger than Collin, but master Bernard was hawse. He got Jimmy up and got him handcuffed.      

He asked Mike, “Care if we borrow a bathroom and shower man? I will get the escape artist cleaned up and in some street clothes and we will get out of your hair man. Thanks for watching him for the time, I am looking forward to returning the favor.” He was staring directly as Collin as he said this which made him a bit uncomfortable.

Mike said, “Use the big bathroom at the end of the hall, no worries, man. Just let yourselves out when you leave the doors will automatically lock. There is a car outside to take you guys back home, happy trails.”

Bernard left with Jimmy in tow and the door snapped shut behind them.

His master now turned his attention to Collin. “Well, it would seem unfortunate, but apparently Jimmy has done it again. This may seem like bad form, considering, but crawl over here to the edge of the bed and get on your hands and knees in front of me.”

Collin complied and his master unzipped and let his assault on common sense fly out and it was at attention; The whole thing, it was still every time seeing such a small statured guy, wielding that.

Mike told him, “This is a simple one for you, it just got me hot watching that zone of area, Jimmy, that scientist has still not explained quite how yet; but he seems to lower everyone’s IQ in the area. Suck my dick, and weapons free this time. Even if you want to strike up a quickie I will not get upset. Get to work.”

“Yes, master.” Mike’s slave and began to suck his dick at the pace the master mostly preferred him to be going. So, he was willing to work a little bit and make this feel good.

It did take some time, each had enjoyed it in each their own way, only Mike got to cum, but it was just going to be that way sometimes. Besides, his slave just had. It took some time, but eventually the master cut loose with moaning and held onto the back of his slave’s head as he blasted his mouth full of cum for the second time today.

He was done a few minutes later and said, “Go get yourself good and sorted in the bathroom in this room. It is a full bath and use the products that are in there.”

Collin scooted off to the bathroom and Mike began to strip the bed. He did know how, when, or where, but he was going to get that fucking Jimmy. It was not once, twice, but now three times. He had touched what belonged to Mike without permission. Somewhere down the line, we would see about this, he thought.

Out loud he said, “If that is to be the case Jimmy, you sorry fuck.”

They continued with their day.