Appearances Can Be Deceiving

by Swallow Your Lightsaber

25 May 2023 2039 readers Score 9.6 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

At lunch on the second day Mike Nakamoto sat at his kitchen table devouring a plate of tacos that Collin Smith had made. Mike thought to himself, wow he can cook as well, it made him think. If given a choice between the stomach being the way to his heart, and a nice and very long blowjob, especially when they can swallow every inch you got. Mike’s answer was, ‘Put the apron down and get down on you knees bitch.’ But cooking was no small thing.

He told Collin, “These are delicious, thanks CumDrip.”

Collin sat down on the floor at Mikes feet and placed his plate of Tacos on the floor. He said, “Thank you Master, I am glad you are enjoying them.”

Mike and Collin both finished their lunch and Collin cleaned up the few dishes and drink cups.

Mike said, “Why don’t you grab us a couple of beers and bring them over here and sit them on the table.

Collin grabbed a couple of silver cans from the refrigerator and took them over and set them on top of the table in front of Mike.

Mike said, “Slide that next chair over here and we shall talk.”

Mike got up and put the chairs where his was still beside the table but swiveled around so it was facing outward. He put them so they would se sitting caddy cornered a very short distance apart. He patted the outside seat and Collin sat down.

Mike said, “Scoot all the way back and put your arms up on the rest. Collin and the shorter Mike got busy.

Collin marveled at how quickly Mike was at this, perhaps he had done it a few times?

Mike had gotten several zip ties out of a drawer and had secured Collin’s, wrists, forearms just below the top of the arm through the back of the chair. Same on the other side. Then one on the ankle and one around the middle of the leg. He then reached down and carefully rolled a tight and especially thickened elastic band around Collin’s balls. When he got it in place at the base of his balls it pushed them out and he put the gently down on the chair. Then he bent down and gently kissed Collin’s balls and then got in his seat but was turned sideways from the way Collin was facing. He was putting on and lacing up a pair of tennis shoes. When he got them on, he lifted them over and sit facing Collin with his right foot propped up right over Collin’s exposed dick and balls. Mike looked into Collin’s eyes and winked. He took about a quarter of the front part of the bottom of shoe and pushed it down into Collin’s Balls.

Collin said, “Hello. Ah Master”

Mike was making video of this using his smartphone and held it for several minutes and finally relaxed up,

Collin’s face had turned bright red, and the pain had made he eyes watery.

Mike looked and Collin’s dick was rock hard and that had to hurt. This caused him to begin to wind up himself.

He said to Collin, “I thought we would go ahead and discuss this. As far as I am concerned, if you will agree to the terms, sign a slave contract, swear an oath, and give me a DNA sample (He did not need a DNA sample), I have a place for you. I do this by the year so if you agree and do all the other stuff, I will add you as a member of my stable for one year. Here are the immutable terms of said agreement. If I call, text, or email you. It is very simple, short of being unconscious in surgery, a cataclysmic event, you answer, and you come here when I tell you to. Now I will train you, that will last for six weeks, during that time you will be staying here. Keep in mind I am into extremes, if I can do something that pushes you to the edge, I want you to enjoy having it done as much as I enjoy doing it. No joke, the stuff I do to you, or make you do will begin to feel super to you. Even if it never feels good most of it will and you will enjoy it, I take care of my slaves. That is what you will be though Collin if you agree, because this is a 24/7 shop here. It is in the order of things, one must me the master and the other must be a slave. Thoughts?”

Collin held his breath for a moment and Mike was pushing his foot down onto his balls again, then had to catch his breath a minute after he let up.

When he had eased up, “Master I think I would like to try it, I know it seems crazy, but there is much about it I already like. Of course, I will have to return to school, but I have the six weeks left of before that starts.”

“Just make certain Collin, please make certain as I am really intense on this stuff.”

For demonstration purposes he put the pressure on again and this time left it on for about twice as long.

He eased up and went on, “I will give you an example, during the whole six weeks the only time you will ever cum is if it is hands free from me fucking you. I will keep you caged the whole time, or you will be tied like now when I need access to your cock and balls which are now mine if you say yes. I am honest and many people that like this kind of stuff I do, are not. When it comes down to it, and it works out this way, we will both enjoy this experience. In a world where it did not, if you submit to me, then I don’t care how it feels to you, I only care that it feels good, or gives a thrill to me. That is what you are agreeing to, if you have certain limits, now is the time. I am into about everything except people that shit on other people. Even as bent as I am, that one has always mystified me. Why the fuck, would anyone with a functional damn brain want to either; shit on someone, or conversely have someone shit on them? I mean, those people must be like, when work is over. Damn I am hard, can't wait to get home and take a giant shit on somebody. It is comforting in that since I don’t do either, that means there are people more abnormal than me.

Collin burst out laughing at that one, the wicked little oriental sadist certainly had a wit about him. Collin had not expected just how direct and open he was he was easy to explain, To Collin everyone had wants, needs that kind of thing. Where most of society goes through each of the steps to get from the point they are to where they want to be. So, the sequence is like step a, step b, step c…etc.…. etc. Mike did not do that his pattern was simply step a to step z, he acted on all his urges. He was also a sadist, so with him you had to contend with both. Collin did not know but he felt a thrill run through him just at notion of serving Mike.

Mike said, “One more consideration, it is sort of like the same thing emotional health workers run into, transference, they call it. Collin we can become great friends, and there are many things I can teach you, learn from you and the two of us can learn together. In the end though, I consider you my property, and you must always remember that. Had a slave that was getting serious, as in like he said love you serious. I already care for you, but you are going to be cleaning my floor with your tongue, not being my boyfriend. I just want to make that clear, and it will always be that way if we are to be associated with one another.”

Collin looked him steadily in the eyes, “Yeah, why the hell not?"

The next little bit was kind of weird, Mike had Collin sign a bunch of contracts and he had to take some time because he had to read them. There were like 10,000 contract rules and then it got weirder. Mike had Collin get on his knees as if to suck his dick but tilt his head over. Mike held his hard head of his cock at crown of his slave’s head. This was supposed to be the ultimate sign of submission in much popular porn and in clubs amongst gays. Collin, guessed it was kind of hot? Maybe?

He finally had to recite words after Mike read them out loud, and there was a bit too it. He then had to  swear the oath, and he was given a congratulations card. He opened it up and it had been decorated but right in the center. Sometime, recently when Mike was Jerking off, he had dripped a big spot of cum into the circle and let it dry. That was something, there was a red circle going around it and writhing that said, ‘Congratulations for joining my stable and becoming my slave. Lay the card flat on the table and lick till the spot is gone.’ 

The next bit of time was spent un packaging the measured a fitted hard plastic chastity cup with a sturdy looking attached belt, that has a few extra straps that can be attached. They cost quite a bit more, but if you were locked in properly, you were just locked in. Till Mike decided to let you out. Mike worked quickly and Collin was not completely locked up, it was tight, but not overly so. It was secure, he would not bet getting hard for a while.

Mike stood up and said come over here and sit down in front of that poll looking thing. It was about three feet high and was made from metal and connected to the floor by being concreted in. Collin sat down in front of it.  

You see two poles from side to side, they have padded spots on top of them, so lean forward and rest an elbow on each one. When Collin was in place, Mike took strong looking straps and secured him to the chair in the position he had taken with his elbows firmly locked into place. Mike reached over and got a medium sized bag and opened it up. He slid a pair of those strange highly padded gloves again. He put one of each of Collin’s hands and zipped them down tight and secured the laces at the bottom. They were solidly on there and not going anywhere. Next, he took zip ties and secured Collins ankles to the legs of the chair.

He checked his work and left the room and come back in a few minutes with a small plastic cap that some people would wear over their hair during a shower. He took the cover and had work to get it to seal over his slave’s face. It was very tight and not going anywhere. He did not really feel like running another feed now. He did have an iPad and recorded it for himself. It also had a stopwatch app running on it. He was pushing Collin towards two minutes over time. This was nothing, once he got the boy to swimming and in even better shape, three minutes was doable. He sits there listening to Collin moan, watched as he leaned forward and uselessly attempted to take the cover off. The big fluffy gloves would not allow him to grab it in any way. Mike moaned a little himself as his dick began to feel good as he sat there watching Collin’s predicament and stroked himself.

When the time was up, Mike set it back to start plus five seconds and reached up and pulled the cover off his face with a snapping noise.

Collin began to suck air in and found Mike was on his feet with a precum dripping head of his dick probing his lips. Collin did not wait for instruction, he opened wide, and Mike stuck a little of that big head in and a bit of the shaft. Collin mechanically sucked hard and used his tongue to clean off the precum. This made Mike see colors dance around on the backs of his eyelids as the pleasure of that tongue very deftly working that head over. It felt nothing short of fucking fantastic to Mike.

He pulled his dick free, and Collin’s mouth was watering so much some of the saliva ran down and hit him in several places on his chest then streamed on down his chest. Mike grabbed the plastic shower cap and stretched it back over Collin’s face. He reached over the triggered his iPad, see how easy it was to overlook, stuff. One had to be careful doing this stuff, he was. He had never had one affect him as strongly as this one was currently doing before. It was about 1;45 into the two-minutes-six-seconds and Collin was trying in vain to pull the thing off his face. Mike stroked himself slowly as he watched and thought, he can’t really help it. It’s only reflex. After they play this game enough times he uses the hand pads, eventually, Collin would most likely stop to try.

Mikes dick throbbed when he thought about this, pause. He reached up and pulled the cap off Collin’s face and reset the iPad. Mike knew that one day, if Collin lasted, that he would eventually begin even against instinct, slowly stop to try. When they get that way, they are pliable and the thought of the whole of it, was incredibly exciting to Mike. He walked up and pushed his dick head against Collin’s lips. This time he got his head good and inside and then put all his leverage behind it and tried to go as deep as he could and as hard as he could.

Collin was caught completely by surprise, “Hmphhhhphhhhphhh!.”

Mike was feeling like a champ, shoving that in so fast had almost given both his heads a rush. He had also managed to get him to be able to take one more inch. They were getting there; Collin might be his best fuck toy yet. There was nothing about him not to like. He did whatever you wanted him to do, tight throat that was very close to being fuck-able. That tight little ass of his, it was like it was just made for me is what Mike thought.

Collin did end up getting throat fucked, all the way this time with Mike busting his nut down Collin’s throat. As his big dick pushed blob after blob of the fluid. Mike thought each time, ‘Eat that bitch.’ He drained himself completely dry and finally pulled out and put it away in some sweatpants.

Mike was still feeling the last effects from blastoff. He said, “Slave, I will say one thing, and it is unusual.”

Collin queried, “What is that Master, if it is okay, I will thank you. For allowing me to be here so you could just do what you did.”

Mark started to run his hand though Collin’s hair.

Then he replied, “Such good manners and as to the spot of bother I see with you. It has become impossible to tell which is the tighter, your ass or your throat? You have pleased me today. This weekend turned out better than I had thought it might. Let’s take a nap and then I think I am going to tie you just the way I like you and fuck you. Next breath play tool for me to use would be my personal favorite. The one and only, high quality, Nike XT, tennis shoestring. It is my belief, that if you take all those people fucking someone and just some instinctual chocking takes place. The Nike XT shoestring is a very underrated item which to use for that activity. They walked off to take a nap.

Collin was laughing.