America's Next Top Kinkster

7 remaining contestants compete in the next round of the competition. The theme for this round is CBT. The contestant to endure the most pain will be the victor. Meanwhile, New alliances are formed, Deals are made, and one contestant playing both sides is exposed

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Episode 2: No Pain, No Gain

Following his victory, Nate took a moment to collect himself before going back to join the other guys in the house. He felt bad for his opponent Hayden, Who he viewed in his statue form. He couldn’t imagine dealing with the non-stop tickling sensations Hayden was feeling in his state. Nate told himself he was not gonna end up as a statue on one of the platforms. He knew he was viewed as the weakest link but he is hoping that this win will change the other men’s opinion of him as a legit competitor. 

He walked back to a quiet house. Victor, Ryan, and Cowboy were all asleep in their room. In his room Tai wook up as he walked in.

“Congrats,” Tai smiled. 

Tyrell and Harry were fooling around under the covers. Harry was moaning and whispering asking to cum while Tyrell fondled him. The two tried to keep their giggles quiet as Tyrell denied permission to shoot. Tyrell knew how badly Harry wanted to cum since he drank the chastity potion. It was such a turn on to see Harry struggle with Tyrell with a 30 day load built up in him in less than a day. 

In the morning the guys began getting ready for their next day of competition. Tai and Nate were alone in their room while the rest of the guys went for breakfast in the kitchen. 

“I’m very impressed by you. Seeing how ticklish you were at the challenge, How did you manage to stay composed during the Fetish Battle?” Tai asked.

“Well…I’ll admit it wasn’t actually all skill. Keep this between me and you. Tyrell practices Hypnosis. He made a trigger for me to not feel any sensations. The funny thing is, I think he was so distracted with Harry and the competition that he forgot to remove the trigger…I still can’t feel. I think I might keep it if he doesn’t notice…Never know if it might come in handy for the challenge, ya know?”

“Interesting. It is just as much a strategy show as it is about competition. Do whatever you have to do to win. I think we should work together. You have the team of 3 as a tight unit in the other room. You also have the two lovers Tyrell and Harry in our room as a solid duo. It would be smart to have someone in your corner and we could work to keep the 2 groups focused at each other.” Tai proposed. 

“I’m game! Lets do it.” Nate replied.

After breakfast Ryan, Victor, and Cowboy gathered around the solidified Hayden in the main room. 

“Look at my work gentlemen, I worked very hard on this sculpture.” Cowboy said, waving his arm proudly in Haydens direction.

The men all laughed. 

“You think he can hear us?” Victor asked. 

“I believe so” Ryan Said, “I have a funny idea”. 

Ryan peeled his socks off and draped them over the top of Haydn’s head so they dangled in Haydens face. 

The men all snickered with each other. 

“I fucking hate feet and bad smells. I would be losing my shit if I were him…You know…If I could move that is” Victor bragged.

“This is the price you pay for not working hard enough my man” Ryan taunted. “Some men pay me good money for this. You should feel honored.” Tyrell who was enjoying breakfast with Harry was waved over by the group of guys. He left Harry to go see what they wanted. As he approached he felt uncomfortable about how cruel the guys were being. 

“So seems the four of us are a group, I was thinking we would settle on our next target for this round.” Victor said, “You have a good hold on Harry from what I see so I was thinking he could be our last target. You could persuade him to do what we wanted if he wins Master of the house.”

“How about Nate again? The young man lucked out this time. He is probably already pretty exhausted from the last round. Good reason to just hit him again.” Cowboy said. 

“Sounds good to me, Nate and Tai are who we will pick if we win Master of the house” Ryan said. 

All men agreed. Tyrell lowkey did not want to do this, nor really work with this group. The conversation also reminded him he forgot to remove the trigger from Nate. 

Once Tyrell was left alone with the statue Hayden the empathetic side of him decided he wanted to help him. While he enjoys using his hypno to tease and have fun with guys, He is first and foremost a hypnotherapist and enjoys providing comfort to guys and using his hypno for help. Even though they all agreed to the potential punishments, Tyrell decided he would cut Hayden a break.

Tyrell raised his fingers to Haydens ear. 

“When I snap my fingers, all of the tickling sensations you feel on your body will be replaced with a sensation of tingles. You will feel very comfortable and good.”

Tyrell snapped his fingers before walking away. 

Tyrell found Nate in the house. He intended to remove the numbing trigger. 

“I actually wanted you to leave it for one more round. I was thinking it could come in handy. Obviously if I win Master of the house I will keep you and Harry safe.” Nate stated. 

“Hmm, Ok sounds like a deal to me!” Tyrell said.

A voice came over a loudspeaker in the house. 


All men lined up in the main hall. They noticed 7 sets of cuffs dangling from the ceiling. 

“Welcome gentlemen, You guys have successfully tackled tickling. Today’s challenge theme is CBT. Cock and Ball torture! We are going to be testing your pain thresholds.” Charlie said. 

All of the men had their arms raised and cuffed above their heads. Their legs all had a stiff spread bar attached to both ankles with cuffs to keep the legs from closing. 

“Here are the rules for today’s challenge. One at a time you are each going to pick your target and the method of torment you would like to inflict on them. It can be: Ball slapping, Ball squeezing, Ball flicking, Adding a few clothespins, Removing clothespins, dripped candle wax, or any other method you request. We also have any potions or toys you would like to request used.The torment will be inflicted on the target of your choosing when it is your turn. You can only make 1 “move” per turn. This is an endurance challenge so when you can’t take anymore, just yell Red. This will eliminate you. The last man standing will be our winner. Now I also have a helper who specialises in CBT torment. Meet Master Rick.”

A middle aged bearded man walked into the room. He had a rough biker kinda look to him. He wore leather chaps and a leather jacket. Very mean looking. He came in with a sadistic smile on his face rubbing his large hands together. 

“Alright, The order will go: Nate, Harry, Tyrell, Victor, Ryan, Cowboy, & Tai. Nate, You’re up first. Who is your target and what method of torment?” 

“My target is Cowboy and I choose 1 ball squeeze” Nate Answered. 

Master Rick walked over to Cowboy, Cupped his balls, And gave them a firm squeeze.

“Yeeeoooow!” Cowboy shrieked. He didn’t call red though. 

“My target is Ryan and I choose candle wax.” Harry said. 

Master Rick walked over towards Ryan. With one hand he pulled his Dick out facing towards him and then gently poured a stream of candle wax down the whole shaft. Ryan winced but he was a large and tough guy and kept it together. 

Tyrell felt he was in a tough spot. He didn’t want to pick Harry and he also didn’t want to go after Cowboy, Victor, and Ryan. This would show he is not truly loyal to them. 

“My target is Nate and I choose a ball flick” Tyrell said. He picked Nate because they both knew he was under the numbing trigger. Nate would understand that it would hide any type of deal between them. 

Master Rick approached Nate. He leaned down and gave one ball each a hard flick. Nate didn’t react at all which put a perplexed look on a handful of the unaware guys faces. 

“My target is Tai and I choose ball slap.” Victor said. 

Master Rick approached Tai. Rick pulled his own arm back and then released it right into Tai’s balls. 

“Ahhh oooo” Tai cried. He was a smaller, older man. Didn’t have a high pain threshold. He was more on the dom side of things as well so this just wasn’t his thing. “My target is Tai and I choose a ball slap” Ryan said. 

Master Rick once again approached Tai and gave another slap to his balls. 

“Ahhhh Red Red, Sorry I can’t handle much of that” Tai said. 

Tai was let out of his cuffs and sat to relax and watch the remaining 6 guys. 

“My target is Nate, I want a ball crusher applied to Nate” Cowboy said. 

Because you can only make 1 move the crushed will be applied but it can only be tightened as a separate move. Master Rick applied the ball crushed to Nate’s genitals. 

“My target is Ryan and I choose candle wax right to the cockhead specifically” Nate said. 

Master Rick approached Ryan. Held his cock so it was pointing up and poured a long slow stream of hot candle wax to Ryans cockhead. 

Ryan held back making too much noise but definitely winced. 

“My target is Ryan and I choose the elector wand right on Ryans cockhead” Harry said. 

Master Rick approached Ryan with the wand and gave the very tip of his cockhead a good zap. It was already very raw and sensitive from the hot wax. This pushed Ryan to yell out Red. Ryan joined Tai to Sit. 

Tyrell chose to flick Nate’s cockhead. Victor chose to tighten Nate’s ball clamp a notch. Cowboy chose to have Harry drink a sensitivity potion. This would make Harry more sensitive to touch, pain specifically. 

Nate made Victor take a sensitivity potion. Tyrell once again did a flick of the cockhead with Nate. Victor did a ball slap at Harry. Harry was more sensitive now due to the last potion that this broke him. He called out red and joined Tai and Ryan.

Annoyed at how defiant Nate seemed, Cowboy requested Nate drink a sensitivity potion. Nate chose candle wax for Victor (Who like Harry, Was also more sensitive from his potion). 

Master Rick approached Victor and poured a long stream of hot wax down his shaft. 

“Owww fuck! Stop stop RED!” Victor yelled. “Dammit!” He yelled as he was let down to join Tai, Ryan, and Harry.

Trevor did a tightening of Nates ball squeezer. Cowboy followed up on that with tightening further. 

Nate had Master Rick apply a rope tied around Cowboys balls and had that rope tied to a small weight to dangle down from his balls. Even when it was not his turn to face torment, he would be feeling pain no matter what. 

Tyrell just stuck to his plan of picking Nate. He and Cowboy both went after Nate. 

Nate Had Master Rick apply another weight to Cowboy. 

Tyrell was getting ready to state his next choice but before he could even finish speaking Cowboy yelled out red. The weights became too much to handle for him.

Tyrell did not need to win this. He could throw it to Nate. They had a deal with each other. 

“I choose a ball slap,” Nate said. 

Master Rick approached Tyrell and gave his balls a good slap. Tyrell knew he could probably take more but played it off like it was too much for him.

“Ahhh RED! Sorry I don;t have a pain tolerance in the slightest” Tyrell stated as he was let down. 

“Congrats Nate! You are the new Master of the house!” Charlie proclaimed. “Now Nate, As Master of the house, You must nominate two men for a fetish battle. Who are you selecting?”

“I am going to nominate Cowboy and Ryan. Cowboy, You chose me last round so I think this is only fair. Ryan, You’re probably the strongest guy here. It is nothing personal and I wish you guys both luck” Nate said. 

Back at the house, the bitter trio of Cowboy, Victor, and Ryan gathered in their room. 

“Fucking bullshit. There’s no way the tiny weak nerd was able to take all of those hits. No way. This shit has to be scripted or fake. I refuse to accept that.” Ryan ranted. 

“Did you guys notice Tyrell caving after one round? Like he basically threw it…” Cowboy said. 

“I was thinking about yesterday’s challenge. He did something with Hayden that caused some intense reaction when he whispered in his ear…Do you think he did the same with Nate?” Victor asked.

“I bet he did. The two of them definitely had a deal this round. If I stay, Tyrell is gonna regret helping Nate. I’ll tell you that.” Cowboy stated.

“Damn right bro. I’m gonna take him out.” Ryan said. Angrily pacing in the room. 

In the main hall, Tyrell and Nate were alone. Tyrell removed Nate’s trigger. 

“Congrats. Glad we could work together this round man.” Tyrell said.

“Yeah no problem. Thanks for the help”. Nate said. 

The two were interrupted by Ryan, Cowboy, and Victor who stormed into the room to confront Tyrell. 

“We got you figured out bro! I promise whichever one of us survives the fetish battle, we are coming for you! You think you were being slick but we know you’re not with us.” Ryan yelled. 

“It’s just a game man…” Tyrell stated.

“I don’t care. I don’t like being lied to. We’ll see how much you enjoy this game when you are on one of those platforms” Ryan said, Pointing to the 5 remaining platforms next to Hayden. 

“Next round, One of those platforms are gonna be your home for the duration of this game and I hope the punishment is gonna suck.” Victor said. 

The men left the room. Tyrell shook his head in disbelief. 

“Talk about poor sports…” He joked. 

Cowboy and Ryan arrived in the main hall/ bondage room for their Fetish Battle.

“Evening boys. You will both be facing each other in tonight’s Fetish Battle. Both of you will be confined to a vacbed. First though, I want you each to eat one of these.” Charlie said, Holding up 2 capsules. Likely some sort of kinky treat from the fetish bar.

Both men chewed and swallowed the capsule. Whatever it was had not taken effect yet.

Both men were then sealed very tightly into two vacbeds on opposite sides of the room. Only their Cock, Balls and Mouths were exposed. Everything else was tightly sucked down. 

6 men walked into the room. It was the same men from the fetish battle in the first round who helped with the tickling. They seemed to be the designated punishment squad. 

When the men were tightly sealed the capsules they had eaten took effect. 

Both mens balls began to enlarge to unrealistic lengths. Eventually both mens balls were the size of 2 large watermelons. 

“A noise measurer device is being placed next to each of your heads. The more noise that is made, the more it will cause the dial to move over to one end. If the dial ever crosses 50% you will be eliminated. All you have to do is be as quiet as possible to try to win. My boys here will spilt up and be working you both over with some good ole cbt. This Fetish Battle begins now!” Charlie said.

3 of the men went to Cowboy and the other 3 to Ryan. 

The 3 who went to Cowboy all took turns walking and trampling over Cowboys balls. One of the guys even took a moment to bounce on them once as if he were on a trampoline. 

Cowboy grunted and tried to struggle but he was sucked down into the vacbed. With every trample the dial next to him would move to 20 or 30 % as he grunted and moaned in pain.

The 3 men on Ryan all carefully decorated his cock and balls completely with clothespins. Their was not a single part of his privates that was visible due to the amount of clothespins on him. Ryan felt each and every pinch but the pain wasn’t so bad, He only lightly moaned occasionally making his dial go to 5 or 10 %. However…

After letting the pins sit for a while the men began to viciously pull them off very fast. They wasted no time pulling one or multiple at a time. Ryan yelped at one point and the dial went to 40%. Once all the pins were off, One of the guys gave his balls a squeeze. Ryan yelled once again. This time nearing 45%…He wasn;t sure how much longer he could hang. The men played with and rubbed all of the marks left over from the clothespins. 

Then men working on Cowboy gave him a break from the trampling. They got an elector unit. They set it up on his cock and balls. The electro unit was connected to a handheld dial that could be cranked to produce more electric waves. 

One of the men cranked the handle mercilessly as fast as he could non stop. Cowboy was clenching his teeth and trying so hard not to make noise. 

One of the men working on Ryan grabbed some IcyHot gel. This was rubbed all over Ryans over large balls. Almost half the bottle was used. It began to get hotter and hotter. Ryans balls already felt raw and sore from the beatings and clothespins all day. He didn;t think he couldn;t handle much more of this. Just as Ryan was feeling an unbearable stinging and burning sensation he opened up his mouth to let out a yell that would surely cause him to lose. However…

Just a second before his yell a yell came from the vacbed on the other end of the room. Cowboy let out a painful shriek and his dial shot way past the 50%. 

The man stopped cranking the dial. Both men were released from the vacbeds. 

“Congrats Ryan. You get to see another day in this competition. Cowboy, Unfortunately for you, You have been eliminated from the game and now must face punishment.” Charlie stated. “Ryan, you can join the others back in the house. Your balls should shrink back to normal in an hour.”

Cowboy was walked by the helpers over to the podium next to Hayden. 

Mr.Grey, walked in with a bucket and brushes. 

Before painting Cowboy they first put clothespins all over his enlarged balls. A weight was also tied to the balls and hung down close to the ground. Nipple clamps were applied to his nipples. Mr.Grey applied just the tiniest bit of Itching powder into the slit of Cowboys penis. He then had a helper rub IcyHot all over the cockhead and the shaft of his dick. 

All of the helpers grabbed a brush and painted him completely from head to toe. 

It did not take long for the paint to solidify trapping Cowboy in this state. 

The men all stepped back to admire. 

“A tickle statue and a Cbt pain statue.” Mr.Grey said. 

“As agreed in the contract, You will remain in this state until sometime soon after this competition wraps.” Mr,Grey said “Soon, 4 others will also join you on these remaining platforms with their own customized punishment fitting the fetish of the day.”

Charlie looked into the camera to cut a promo.

"And there you have it. 2 down!

What fetish will the guys face next?

Who will be the next to go?

What will the next punishment be?

With the hour split in duos, who will be the next to go?

Find out next time on AMERICA’S NEXT TOP KINKSTER!"

Author Note: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Please let me know what you think!

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