America's Next Top Kinkster

8 Men compete in a BDSM based reality TV competition w/ kinky punishments.

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  • 3977 Words
  • 17 Min Read

Episode 1: Ticklers vs Ticklees

The Kink Factory has been a large gathering place for kinky men for over a decade. Men from all over have come to visit and enjoy the many attractions. From magic potions that can shrink or grow your body parts, futuristic bondage tech, and many rare toys that can enhance peoples erotic play, It has been a hot spot for gay or bi men to have their fetish dreams play out. Today however, 8 men from all over the United States have traveled to take part in a brand new fetish driven competition. A reality competition in the same vein of Survivor or Big Brother. One by one men will get eliminated as they compete for a grand prize. Most of the men each have their own personal kinks and set of skills they plan to use to help further themselves in the game.

Charlie, The owner of the factory & host of the show stepped out to greet the 8 competitors with camera men surrounding all of them.

"Hello Men! I’m very excited to have you all here. Today you will all begin an adventure to win $500,00! The runner up will receive $50,000. "

The 8 men cheered and clapped.

“Let me explain the rules. Everyday will be a brand new competition related to a specific fetish. The person who wins the competition will be the “Master” of the house. The master of the house will get to select 2 men to throw into a “Fetish battle”. The loser of the battle will not only be eliminated from the competition BUT they will also receive a cruel kinky punishment. Trust me, You don’t want to lose!”

Among the competitors:

Tyrell, 25 years old from Brooklyn NY. He is a student studying hypnotherapy. He has also attended some hypnosis based demos and classes at the Kink Factory hosted by Charlie & co-owner Mr.Grey himself. Ambitious and kind.

Hayden, 30 years old from Miami FL. Beach bum. Goofy and fun. Not a kink that he will not explore which makes him confident he can win.

Tai, 50 years old from Seattle WA. Rope Master. Well known in the BDSM community. He is just as wise as he looks.

Nate, 21 years old from Cleveland OH. Twink. Young and innocent. Still learning about himself and exploring his kinky side.

Victor, 23 years old from Washington DC. Preppy & Rich. At a young age has always had the money and connections to get what he wants. Has been to the factory before and has a grudge from his last experience…

Ryan, 35 year old from New Jersey. Bodybuilder. Cocky, Competitive, And Dominant.Findom master.

Harry, 25 years old from Los Angeles CA. Kind & Booksmart hipster by day. Pup/slave by night.

Cowboy, 28 years old for Dallas Texas. Goes by his nickname. Country boy. Describes himself as mostly straight but is open to pushing it a bit. Big time tickler.

“You guys can all go inside, find a bed, and get to know each other. This afternoon we will have our first competition. The battle for America’s Next Top Kinkster starts NOW!” Charlie said.

All of the guys rushed past Charlie and entered the factory.

Tyrell found a room with 3 beds and put his bag on one. Nate and Tai came and took the other beds.

Harry walked in. He was one of the best looking guys Tyrell had ever seen. His fiery ginger hair, green eyes, and stylish outfit made him really stand out.

“Turns out their are only 6 beds total between the 2 rooms available. The other room is already taken. Anyone care to share a bed?” Harry asked.

Tyrell didn’t hesitate to offer his bed to share. “Of course man, Would be my pleasure” He said with a wink.

“So what do you do for a living?” Harry asked.

“I’m a hypnotherapist. on the DL also get into erotic hypnosis…still working on that skill though. I think this competition could be a chance to put my hard work over the years to test.” Tyrell answered

“Nice! I have always been super interested in that! Think maybe you can show me a little of what you can do sometime while we’re here?” Harry asked.

“Would be a pleasure man” Tyrell replied.

“And what about you?” Harry asked the older gentleman sitting quietly in his side of the room.

“I am an old friend of Mr.Grey, The man who used to own and run this factory. I have my reasons for returning….I have a history at this factory.” Tai answered.

“And you man?” Harry asked Nate.

“Oh, I had a job helping at my family’s restaurant. Unfortunately, my Mom became very ill and we had trouble keeping the business afloat and it shut down. I’m hoping on top of having some fun that I can bring home some money and help them.” Nate replied.

“Probably just have to lie about where you won the money on the right?” Tyrell joked, they all shared a laugh.

In the other room Victor, Ryan, and Cowboy had taken the 3 beds. Hayden was left standing clueless as to what he should do.

“So…Is it possible for me to share with one of you? haha…” He asked.

“I would just make a spot on the floor. 1 person is getting eliminated today anyways so I wouldn’t stress about a bed now.” Victor sneered.

“Well okay then aha…” Hayden said as he left his bag on the ground and exited the room.

Victor pulled Cowboy and Ryan in towards him.

“So I am thinking of 3 and 1 other guy for an alliance. We are most definitely 3 of the most athletic and strong looking guys here. We can pick off the weaklings.” “Tyrell looks to be pretty athletic, I think he could be a good pick.” Ryan said.

“Okay cool, We’ll approach him about the plan later.” Victor said.

All of the men exchanged fistbumps.

Hayden went to the indoor bar and began drinking a ton of beer. The other guys were only lightly drinking and were shocked at how much he was.

Victor and Ryan approached Trevor and Harry who were sitting at the bar flirting.

“Hey you don’t ,mind if we borrow him for a sec do you bud?” Ryan asked Harry.

“Oh no not a problem at all, I’ll give you guys a minute” Harry said as he walked away from them.

Victor shook Tyrell’s hand and introduced himself.

“Hey man, So what we were thinking is that we want to have all of the top athletic, smart, and just all around the best guys in the house team up. We can get out all of these weaklings and then just duke things out ourselves. What do you say man? I see you’re roomed with most of them, You could be like our spy! haha” Victor said.

Tyrell thought, Of course I’m not going to say no and excititly agreed to the plan.

“Great! We’re gonna fucking dominate these low lifes!” Victor said giving both of the men fist bumps.

An alert came over the speakers: “ATTENTION MEN. PLEASE MEET IN THE PLAYROOM”

All of the men met in the main room of the factory where most of the bondage & play took place. A very large open space with tons of machines and toys. Charlie greeted the men.

"Hope you guys are making yourselves feel at home. Welcome to your first challenge. The theme for the first competition is TICKLING! 4 of you are going to be the tickler role and 4 of you are going to be the ticklee role.

The tickler will get to restrain the ticklee in whatever fashion of their choosing.

The Ticklee’s will have a mouthful of dyed water (It will be easier to see). The goal for them is to make sure no water spills out of their mouth the duration of their tickling.

The clock will start the moment the tickling starts and end the moment the ticklee loses any of the water being held in their mouth.

If a ticklee lasts up to 10 minutes then time stops their and they have automatic safety from being picked to go into a ‘Fetish Battle’.

If a tickler breaks a ticklee in under 1 minute then they also will be safe from being picked in a ‘fetish battle’.

The best Tickler and Ticklee will face off for the role of “Master” of this round.

The Master will then nominate 2 people to face off in the fetish battle and one will be eliminated from the competition and face punishment. Everyone understand? Are you guys ready?!?"

The men all cheered and agreed. Especially Cowboy, This was his specialty. He is really hoping he is a tickler and not a ticklee.

Charlie passed out some folded papers. 4 inside were written TICKLER and 4 were written TICKLEE.

“Open your envelopes now men” Charlie instructed.

4 TICKLERS are: Cowboy, Tyrell, Tai, & Harry 4 TICKLEES are: Nate, Hayden, Ryan, & Victor.

Round 1: Cowboy vs Nate

Cowboy didn’t want Nate to be tied at all which the group found strange. He just wanted him to only be in shorts. The two stood face to face and the bell rang indicating the time had started.

“Run boy” Cowboy said with a cocky sinister smile.

A confused Nate started running away from Cowboy. Cowboy pulled out a lasso and began waving it in the air.

Cowboy launched the lasso in Nates direction and it was the perfect hit. The rope went around both of Nates arms. Cowboy gave a powerful yank and Nate was jerked backwards and slammed to the ground. Cowboy ran up, quickly rolled him on his stomach and sat on his back. He bent Nates legs towards him and very quickly fastened the perfect hogtie. All of this had occured in just 30 seconds. He began to scrape his fingernails down the soles of Nates soft feet. Nate began bucking around.

“Yee haw! Haha! Hell yeah!” Cowboy bragged as he bounced up and down riding a struggling Nate.

Nate could only last so long between the weight of cowboy and the sensitivity of his soles before the colorful blue liquid shot out of his mouth and he began scream laughing for mercy.

“Alright, Off Cowboy” Charlie said, stopping the time. “Wow…55 seconds. Cowboy, you won automatic safety for this round. And not only that, You’re still in the running for Master of the house as well.”

The men clapped for Cowboy who tipped his hat. A humiliated and sad Nate lay with his face in a pool of liquid.

Round 2: Tyrell vs Hayden

Tyrell had Hayden start sitting in a chair with his wrists and legs tied to the arms and legs of the chair… He stands behind him and the bell sounds off indicating the time starts now.

Tyrell leaned down and whispered in Haydens ear.

“I want you to completely relax… Focus on just my voice and only my voice. When I snap my fingers your skin will feel so sensitive that even just a poke will send you into a fit of hysterics. You will be 10x more ticklish than you already are.”

Tyrell snapped his fingers and Haydens face. Hayden and everyone else looked very confused at what just happened, Except for Charlie who knew exactly what was going on. He smiled, very impressed at what he was seeing.

Tyrell leaned back over and dug his fingers into Haydens ribs. Hayden started ripping at his restraints and jerking around violently. Hayden sounded like he was desperately trying to speak or warn about something but with the liquid in his mouth and the ticklish distraction it went unnoticed until… a wet spot began to grow around his private area. A stunned Tyrell stopped the tickling and Hayden spit the blue liquid out of his mouth.

“Get me out! Get me out! I gotta go!”

Tyrell let him out and Hayden ran to the bathroom to finish his business and change…

“Well…I guess someone had a bit too much to drink before this,” Charlie joked.

“Your time was 1:15 Tyrell”.

Tyrell wanted to break him but he didn;t want to humiliate him like that. He felt bad for finding it funny.

Round 3: Tai vs Ryan

Tai had Ryan tied in a basic spread eagle on a slab. One interesting thing he did was tie a thin rope loop around both big toes and then brought the other ends of both loops towards Ryans crotch and tied them both around Ryans balls. Any sudden movements from Ryan’s feet would painfully pull at his ballsack. The time started and Tai kneeled right down at Ryans large size 14 smelly soles.

He spent all of his time on the feet. Ryan had to focus and concentrate 10 times harder on trying to be still and ignoring the sensations or else he would feel both tickling and pain, Which of course made it harder.

Ryan kept laughing with his mouth pinched closed. Tai had introduced feathers and was working with light feathering for a while before he switched very suddenly too intense hard tickling with his fingers. It worked and caught Ryan off guard once he switched back to the fingers. Ryan’s soles jerked away from Tai’s fingers. Ryan spit out the blue liquid and let out a yelp of pain after his balls got a good hard jerk.

“Time was 2:10,” Charlie said.

“Yeah nice attempt old man!” Ryan agrily snarled. Not very happy about his sore balls.

Round 4: Harry vs Victor

Harry had Victor bound spread eagle similar to Ryan. The only difference is no ballplay and Victor is wearing shorts.

The time started. Harry hopped up on Victor and began tickling in the pits and sides. He got some reaction and struggle but ultimately Victor stood his ground. Harry moved to the feet. Again, just light muffled laughter from Victor. Harry was not used to being the “dom” role and had never explored tickling. He didn’t know if he was just sucky at it or Victor just simply wasn’t ticklish.

Time ran out. Victor was victorious.

"Victor, Because time ran out you have won safety for the entire round. As you top ticklee, you will also be facing Cowboy for “Master of the house”. Charlie said.

“I would actually like to forfeit the final round to my friend Cowboy here. I already have safety from the elimination battle so I know I have nothing to worry about.” Victor said proudly, giving Cowboy a congratulatory high five and hug.

“Way to out yourselves as a duo geniuses” Harry said under his breath.

“Alright, Congrats Cowboy! You’re this rounds MASTER OF THE HOUSE!” Charlie yelled.

“You must now select 2 players you will be nominating for the Fetish Battle.”

“I’m going to go with Hayden & Nate” Cowboy said. “I think you two boys need to prove yourselves after that performance”.

Nate and Hayden both bowed their heads in shame.

Back at the house Victor, Cowboy, & Ryan celebrated in the bar with drinks. They dragged in Tyrell to join them (who would have preferred not to have rubbed it in the losers faces, But he didn’t want to make enemies this early). Hayden watched them and sulked in the corner.

“What did you whisper in Haydens ear during the competition? That was really weird man” Victor asked.

“Oh I was just playfully trash talking haha…” Trevor said. He didn’t want to give up all of his secrets just yet.

“Haha nice. Really rub it in bro” Ryan said.

“So interesting, I actually came to this factory a while ago when it first re-opened. Best believe i’m not a fan of that dorky host or any of the scumbags that work here. I’m shocked he actually cast me for his show. Best believe after I dominate and win the money he is going down. This factory will be my castle.” Victor said smugly, Raising his glass to toast with Ryan.

Tyrell excused himself to go find Harry. He walked into their room and oly saw Tai alone in there sleeping. He saw a note on his and Harry’s bed.

“Come to the fetish bar,” it read.

The fetish bar was an area in the factory where they made different types of drinks and treats that could enhance your fetish play. Beverages that make you more horny. Edibles that can grow or shrink you. Tons of pure magic there.

Tyrell snuck inside and was immediately embraced by Harry who snuck him a kiss on the cheek.

“So,you said you would show me a bit more about your hypnosis?” He said with a smile. “I wanted to spend more time with you away from the cameras and other contestants.”

“Of course man. Why don’t you sit down over there” Tyrell said.

Harry sat and Tyrell handed him a milky potion that was labeled “30 days”

“It is a chastity potion. You drink this and it will alter your body to match having gone 30 days without cumming.” Tyrell smiled.

Harry drank it and stripped down.

Tyrell told Harry to relax and focus just on him. He touched Harry’s forehead and Harry felt strong tingles run down his body.

“Now…SLEEP!” Tyrell yelled as he snapped and lowered Harry’s head into his shoulder.

“When you wake up, you will feel on the brink of cumming anytime I touch you but you can’t ever cum without my command. You will not touch your own dick and can’t get yourself off. No matter how much stimulation you face and how close you get, you can only cum on my command.”

Tyrell snapped his fingers and woke him up. He began to edge his cock up.

“Feel good?” Tyrell said with a sly smile, Watching Harry squirm around on his stool.

Suddenly a noise in the room made them both jump. It came from behind the bar. Harry got dressed and they both walked around to look. It was Nate. He was sitting with his head in his hands and appeared to be crying.

“I’m sorry guys…This is super awkward. I didn’t know you guys were gonna start doing….that….So I was trying to think of a way to leave without being awkward.” Nate said between sniffling and tears.

The other two guys laughed which made Nate laugh as well killing the awkwardness a little.

“It’s all good man, What’s wrong?” Tyrell asked.

“Well…I think it’s obvious. It sucks that I am potentially leaving first. The challenge will be tickling related and I’m just way too sensitive to touch. I stand no chance…It sucks.” Nate said.

“Hmmm I think I have an idea, But you owe me.” Tyrell said.

He leaned down and did an induction similar to the one he did to Harry just a little earlier.

“Nate, When I snap my fingers and wake you up, you’re going to realise you have no reaction to touch. You can’t FEEL any sensations. Like your skin is just simply numb all over. You would not even feel a prick from a needle until I revert you back to normal”.

Tyrell snapped and brought Nate out of the trance. He lunged his hands at Nates sides and began to tickle aggressively but Nate had no reaction at all. He just looked at him weird.

“Perfect.” Tyrell said with a smile.

Hayden and Nate arrived in the main bondage floor of the factory for their challenge.

They both stood on opposite sides of the room and were instructed to stand with their arms straight out, palms facing up.

Charlie and Mr.Grey, the factory’s famous previous owner, were both there.

Mr.Grey filled 4 plastic cups about half way each with water. The 4 cups were balanced on both Nate and Hayden’s hands.

“The goal of this challenge is to keep your cups from falling and spilling. Once both of your cups have spilled…You’re eliminated.” Mr.Grey said. “The loser will receive a fitting ticklish themed punishment for the duration of the competition but believe me, It will be no laughing matter.” he said with a sinister smirk. “We’ve invited some regular party guests to help.”

In through the door came about 8 men all rubbing their hands together looking at both men like they were a delicious meal.

“These will be your ticklers.Good luck men. The Fetish Battle starts now!” Charlie said.

4 men jogged over to Nate while the other 4 ran over to Hayden.

The men were digging in Nates pits and ribs. They all shared how strange it was that he was stone faced and not reacting at all. They just kept digging harder and harder.

Hayden on the other hand was not having as much luck.

One man dug in his pits and Hayden began to crack up. His one arm began shaking badly, some water spilling out. Once his pit was hit from the other side though he tried jerking away and one cup toppled over. One more cup down and he was out for good.

The men continued on the pits where they knew it was very bad.

“Ahahahaha please guys stop please! hahaha I want this so bad!” Hayden pleaded.

The men all laughed and went harder.

One of the 4 men lifted Haydens shirt while Hayden was trying hard not to lose his cup with the armpit assault he was facing.

The man went for the kill shot. He drilled his index finger hard and deep into Haydens innie belly button.

Hayden yelped and jumped back, his last cup flew to the ground.

The men who defeated Hayden all jumped up and laughed and cheered.

The ones picking on Nate backed off, looking back at him as they walked away confused.

“Congrats Nate, You can go back and join your fellow contestants. Hayden, I’m sorry to say, You have been eliminated from the competition. And now, It is punishment time.”

The group of men grabbed Hayden and walked him over to one of 6 platforms for him to stand. He stripped completely nude. These platforms must be for the 6 losers of the competition. Meanwhile the final 2 will win cash prizes.

Mr.Grey approached with a bucket, brush’s and some other supplies.

“These are from my fetish bar.” He said.

He poured some silver paint into the bucket followed by a bottle labeled “Tickling powder”.

He mixed the two together and then gave the paint bucket and the brushes to the ticklers who had caused Hayden to lose. The men began painting the silver mixture all over Hayden until he was completely covered. Not a single spot on him was not coated in the silver paint. It didn’t take long before the paint began to harden into a completely solid structure. Hayden had been turned into a literal statue. Unfortunately for him though, He was still very well alert and could feel the intense ticklish sensations all over him. The sensations would hit in different spots and at different intensities so he could never get used to it.

“As agreed in the contract, You will remain in this state until sometime soon after this competition wraps.” Mr,Grey said “Soon, 5 others will also join you on these remaining platforms with their own customized punishment fitting the fetish of the day.”

Charlie looked into the camera to cut a promo.

"And there you have it. 1 down! 6 to go until we crown our winner.

What fetish will the guys face next?

Who will be the next to go?

What will the next punishment be?

Who do you think will prevail?

Find out next time on AMERICA’S NEXT TOP KINKSTER!"

[Author Note: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!

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