A Different Kind of Life

by Swallow Your Lightsaber

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Chapter 6

(Settling In)

Monday was going to be a fury of activity for Clifford and Thomas. They had begun the day at 7:00 A.M. and had little time to stop most of the day.  The slave worked some more on stretching his throat out on his Master’s big cock. He had been on the phone arranging one of those smaller U-Haul trucks. There was a place just down the road that you could pick one up, five miles away.

Then Clifford had called a friend of his who owned the local franchise of, ‘Two Dudes and a Truck.’ His friend Larry had assured him he had a good team that could meet them in the city after lunch. Right before finishing this call, the Master had released a copious amount of ejaculate into his slave’s mouth. Thomas got the blast of salty goodness and had greedily swallowed it all down and did not stop working the big cock till he was told he could do so.

They had so much to do, Clifford told him they would stop by and get a biscuit or something as they drove to the city. He owned a Mercedes car that was very nice and a full-sized Chevrolet truck. The plan was, to take his slave and sign and pay for the U-Haul, and he would take his truck. His slave would drive the U-Haul into the city, and moving his stuff should be easy enough. They had showered and headed out as they had lots to do.

They picked up the U-Haul, went into a Hardees and picked up breakfast to go they would eat on the road. While driving into the city, the slave had called his friend, Irwin, who was keeping his cat. His friend assured him all was well, and Winton Churchill was ready for pickup anytime. They would grab him on the way back from the city.

Next, Thomas called work, apologized for not being able to work a notice. It was one of those situations that came out of nowhere and he was having to move. He had been a steady and reliable employee that everyone liked. His boss had told him, he understood, and his job would always be waiting for him, should he return. They ran by his apartment and left the U-Haul parked in space reserved for his place. Then, taking Clifford’s truck they had driven to the apartment complexes’ office. The manager, who Thomas just referred to as Mr. Worthington, accepted the lease payoff from the big man, minus the damage deposit. He had told Thomas he would miss him, he had been a good tenant, and they had all day to get things moved out.

This next one seemed weird to Thomas, but it also made him try and get hard. Clifford had made him wear the cage under his knee length blue jean shorts. He banked at two different places, the 7th National Bank, and the Metro Credit Union. They had gone to each, and the slave had signed all his accounts over to his Master. Clifford had gotten a list from each of any recurring billing taken out. He let Thomas drive the truck so his hands would be free.

He had called and had the stuff that needed to be paid, put on automatic bill pay from his bank by phone. It was easy, as his family owned that bank. Services that were no longer needed, such as streaming, internet, that sort of stuff he had systematically called and cancelled. If there was money due, Clifford had paid it with his own money via credit card. As he worked at this, he periodically reached over and smacked his slaves cage from the outside of the shorts and underwear.

Thomas had liked driving the big pickup, it was Clifford’s alright, it was in great shape and relatively new. Then they had driven back to the apartment and met up with the guys from, ‘Two Dudes and a Truck.’ There was quite a bit to move, but with that many people it was all loaded and properly secured, ready to go in a short time. His Master had given the movers directions to his house and told them to head that way as they would be along shortly. He let one of them drive the U-Haul, so they would just be in his truck.

Clifford was now driving, and they had gone by Irwin’s and retrieved Winston Churchill, who was in a medium sized cat carrier. As they had driven back out to the countryside, the Master had unzipped his shorts and fished his big cock out.

“Slide over here and blow me bitch, I love getting my dick sucked when I am driving.”

His slave had worked at it steadily and was now able to take it all with a little help from a hand on the back of his head pushing. Clifford was pleased about that; his training was coming along quite nicely.

“That tight throat of yours feels so good around my cock. Suck harder and go just a tiny bit faster and use that tongue liberally.”

His slave sucked and sucked away, making it feel as good as he possibly could. In a short bit of time, about twenty-minutes he was rewarded.

“Oh, fuck yes bitch, swallow that cum.” He shot blast after blast into the slave’s mouth, who was learning so it was getting easier for him to do that. To him it tasted wonderful and was a salty treat. It lit Clifford’s nerve endings up with pleasure.

After being told he could stop, Thomas gingerly tucked his Master’s cock back away under the underwear. Pulled his shorts up, buttoned and zipped them up. His precious tool was right where it needed to be, and he put his nose against the shorts and got a large smell of that big package. He got back over into the passenger seat and put his seatbelt on.

Clifford asked, “Captain D’s up ahead, do you like?’

“That’s fine Master.”

They went through the drive thru, and parked and ate out in the truck.

“Well, my little slave bitch, every time you suck my cock, you just get better and better at it. You are like one of those A. I. chips they put in the guided missiles. You keep making me come more and more explosively. You are going to get your PhD in the precise ways that I like to get off.

The big man reached over and smacked the denim covered cage Thomas was wearing several times.

“That smarts a bit, doesn’t it?”

“It does hurt Master, but I like it when you do it.”

Clifford got a drink from his coke, and they were back on the road. By pure chance the XM radio station they were listening to begin to play, “Back on the Road Again,” by REO Speed Wagon. He looked over at Thomas and smiled brightly.

Thomas smiled back and down the road they went. It took a bit but as they were pulling back into Clifford’s place, it was busy. There was a Fed-Ex delivery van and simultaneously a UPS delivery van there along with the two loaded trucks with the two dudes. Clifford pulled over to the side and they got out. His slave waited for him to sign for several packages that had arrived.  He put all of that in the garage for now.

Having seen the stuff, they moved out; his big Master had a good notion of just where to put everything. So, the four men got busy moving stuff in, with this much labor it did not take long. The two dudes departed, and Clifford told Thomas to start getting his clothes put away, he had something to do in the basement. He took the mysterious packages with him, and the slave started putting his clothes away. Since he had straightened it up, plenty of room in the walk-in closet for his things. He had it mostly put away when Clifford came back upstairs.

They moved another chest of drawers into the bedroom and put it beside the one that held Clifford’s stuff.

“Let’s take the U-Haul back then you can sort the rest of your stuff when we return.”

“Yes, Master.”

It wasn’t long before they were back home with Clifford pulling into the garage with the truck. Thomas had not noticed before but there was a big set of fencing behind the house, like you see around swimming pools.

“You have a swimming pool Master?”

“Yeah, so plan on having some fun out there in that. Put the rest of your stuff away and get some dinner started. Just going to go and check on my new gear that came today. You are going to love it, maybe not but I am using it on you anyway. People say life is nothing but a series of choices, now yours will be all about the choices I make for you.”

With that the big man disappeared into the basement again, to deal with whatever had been in those mystery packages. Thomas put on some BBQ chicken to bake, peeled some potatoes for mashing, diced up some carrots to cook, and mixed up some cornbread. He would check on it from time to time, now he started packing his underwear, socks, and tee shirts in the chest of drawers they had moved in here.

A couple of hours later after dinner the two sat in the living room, lazing around having a beer.

Clifford said, “Moving is always such a bitch, but I am pleased I must say.”

Thomas looked at him quizzically and inquired, “About what Master?”

“What you have done, by signing your money over to me, giving up your life to move here and serve me. Not everyone would do that, it shows you already have a great amount of trust in me. You are obedient, indescribably cute, never argue, and whenever I am ready to throw down, you do not just do it. You have a real taste for it and love the things I do to you. Plus, that meal was fantastic, I am full. Oh, and here, put this in your wallet bitch.”

He handed Thomas a Visa Gold Card with Thomas’ name on it.

“Thank you Master,” he put the card in his wallet and put that back in his pocket.

“That card has a $25,000 limit on it, buy what you like or use it for what you need to. I have plenty of money, and am not a tightwad, I just want to be in control. If it is something major, ask my permission first.”   

“I understand Master, again thank you.”

Clifford had that funny look in his eyes he got when he was about to exercise some power. It was obvious he really enjoyed doing it, had a real taste for it. It turned Thomas on, he liked surrendering control to the big man. Clifford handed him a MacBook Pro, and one of those newer iPads.

“Those are for you to use bitch; you will also find out that I control your electronic life as well. I have Configured the firewall and wireless router what sites you may access and blocked some from you as well. I know you have your own computers, but I will not let you use them, till I have logged onto them and see what all they have on them.”

“Yes, Master.”

Clifford grinned wickedly, “Now go to the bedroom and strip, socks only and meet me in the fun room downstairs. I got you some gifts and feel like giving you a good fucking. So, do freshen up accordingly and don’t dawdle, this stuff has me excited.”

“Yes, Master.” Thomas rose and headed to the bedroom to strip and freshen himself up good for the Master.

A few minutes later he came down the stairs and the Master had several items lying on the top of a workbench. He also had an iPad and was doing something with that. He looked up when Thomas came down the stairs and over to him.

“Come closer.” Thomas obeyed and the Master unlocked his chastity cage and laid it up on the table. He had a different one that looked much more imposing. He got down on one knee with it and the iPad and began adjusting it for the slave.

“That looks menacing, I am sure this is going to be interesting.” Thomas said.

Clifford began putting it on him, adjusting it till he got he how he wanted it. Finally, he had it locked into place, it was heavier than the other one. Looked much sturdier and the Master had fit it quite snugly on him.

“This is the Qiui Cag Incorporated, Pro Industrial Chastity Cage, though hard to think of a cage being industrial. It is controlled by an app, and it has several interesting features. For instance...

He took the iPad and pressed a button on it and a jolt of electricity went through, his slave’s dick. It was kind of surprising and painful, which caused him to already start trying to get hard.

“It is safe and doesn’t carry enough amps to cause any real damage. It has six settings, the higher you go the bigger of a zap you will get. That was setting 2, and it can be set in several different ways. I can have it set to hit you at random intervals, or manually make it do it. I also can adjust the size of it with the app, it is sturdy, without the key you are not getting that off. I can even retract the ball ring and really cause you some pain.”

Thomas noticed his Master had a small grin showing on his face.

“It also comes with an optional lining that is ribbed, not pointy enough to break the skin. If I put it in there and really shrink that thing down, you are going to know it. I can also trigger it remotely when I am away with a cellphone or an iPad.  A charge is good for 16 hours use, so at night I will let it charge and put you in the one you just took off. Every morning Robo Cage there will go back on. Do you like it?”

The slave answered, “If you enjoy me wearing it and using it on me, I love it. Thank you Master.”

Now, the big man, got what looked like a white collar that was also quite sturdy looking. He put it around his slave’s neck and adjusted it so he would always feel it if he was wearing it. He snapped it into place and took a key and locked it on.

“This is an interesting device made by the same company. It is the Qiui Little Devil Shock Collar-Deluxe Edition. As the name implies, it will shock the shit out of you. It was designed for use on humans, so I am not like Billy Bob, using one designed for animals, which can be dangerous to you. It will cause no real harm, but it will make you think it is.”

His Master grinned at him and did something with the iPad and Thomas got a powerful shock, that started at his throat and ran down his body.

“Mm, that smarts.”

“This thing is nothing short of amazing if you are a Master/Dom. It is also controlled by an app, and it is programmable and has several modes it can operate in. I can put it in crawling mode, it will adjust to you being low to the ground, if you try to stand, well Zap! There is a grounding mode, which I have already set. I know the distances around here well, so if you leave the perimeter of the yard or go any farther away than the pool, it will keep shocking you till you return to the perimeter. Lovely feature would you agree?”

“If it pleases you Master, I think it is wonderful.”

“Of course I can trigger it anytime manually, like the cage it will have enough power to operate all day and will have to be charged at night when you are in the bed and tethered. I can also set it to give you random shocks for punishment, or just because I enjoy doing so. Like that?”

“The marvels of technology Master, I love it.”

Clifford looked elated, “Then finally there is this.”

He picked up a menacing appearing paddle that looked quite complex.

“Follow me slave.”

Tomas followed him to thing that looked like a tiny A-Frame but had a flattened top. There were straps at the bottoms of both sides of it.

“Stand right here, he pointed with the paddle.”

When Thomas did, his Master leaned down and tightened a couple of straps around each ankle.

“Now Bend over it and reach straight down.”

Thomas did as he was told, and Clifford went around and strapped his wrists tightly on the other side. This left his bare ass elevated and exposed.

“What I am about to demonstrate to you, and they must be busy over there in their pervert factory, is the Qiui-Smart Bank Beat Paddle. When spanked with this, the harder I spank you the more it is going to shock you up to a certain point. It will hurt like hell, but not enough amps to really cause any damage. Allow me to demonstrate.”

Clifford delivered a slight blow to Thomas’ left ass cheek. There was a sting from the blow, but a light shock had also been delivered. Now, he smacked his slave’s ass to the right cheek, and he put some umph behind this one. It stung like hell, and it had produced quite an electrical shock.

“Mum-Fuck-Me! Now that really will get your attention.”

“All in good time as I am going to fuck you shortly, then shower and bed, it’s been a long day.”

Clifford spent a few minutes, alternating ass cheeks and delivering solid smacks from his new toy. When finished, Thomas’ ass was quite red. The Master took his right hand and massaged the skin, this was making him so terribly hot.

“Do you like the gift of the paddle; you cock sucking bitch?”

There was a silent moment and Thomas recovered, “Very much so Master, thank you.”

“I have one more item, butt that can wait till tomorrow. I am horny as fuck and want to feel your tight ass locked around my dick as I fuck you.”

He released the restraints and told Thomas to go and stand by the table he had been using to break his gag reflex. Then he grabbed come alligator clamps, the anal spreader, and a big bottle of lube. He set it all on the table and bent down close to his slave’s mouth.


The slave obediently opened his mouth wide and stuck his tongue out. Clifford took his time and spit his mouth full and just made eye contact with him. Thomas closed his mouth and worked to swallow all the spit down.

“Hit your knees and suck my dick for a few then suck on my balls. “

Thomas got down on his knees and began sucking the big man’s cock. He did this till he got a good blast of saltiness, then licked his way down to the ball sack. Clifford helped to get it all stuffed into his mouth.

“Don’t be shy with that tongue, run it all over them.”


The slave gave his Master’s balls a good working over, then told that was enough. He was careful as he let the big sack of balls exit his mouth. He noticed Clifford was breathing heavily, his motor was running.

When he stood up, the big man started attaching alligator clamps to all sorts of sensitive spots. Ear lobes, nipples, all over the slave’s ball sack.

Clifford then reached over and got a pair of ankle cuffs, bent down on one knee, and put them snugly on. He stood and turned his slave around who automatically placed his hands behind his back. One pair of handcuffs were applied tightly to his wrists. The big man hoisted his smaller slave onto the table on his sore ass cheeks.

“Roll over on your stomach and get into doggie style and make sure your ass is sticking out well my way.”

“Yes, Master.” Thomas complied and got in the right position as best he could with his hands cuffed behind him.

Clifford took his hands and spread his ass cheeks apart and then started to tentatively lick that hole. Then he shoved his tongue into it as far as it would go.


The big man spent a few minutes rimming the hell out of him. He lubed his right index finger up, and got it inserted up inside him. This he worked in that magical way that he did. When he was satisfied, he grabbed his anal spreader, and lubed the tip of it. He inserted that and was faster and rougher this time about it.


Clifford got the spreader in at just the right depth and began to move it in and out of his ass. He spent several minutes doing this, with his left hand. He kicked his tennis shoes off and his right hand unsnapped and zipped his shorts down and he removed them. He left the spreader inserted just the right depth and took his shirt and tee shirt off.

He then climbed up on the table and manhandled his slave around, still in doggie style. He got down on his knees and began to lube his big member all up.

“Take your head and lean it down, so your chin or forehead is touching the table. Hold that position unless I tell you otherwise.”

“Yes, Master.” Thomas obeyed knowing what was coming,

Clifford put the head of his cock up the hole and began to exert more pressure than he ever had. It parted and slowly began to slide in. He was not stopping till he could go no further. Once he was fully in immediately began to long dick his slave. He didn’t let it stretch this time, it would as he was being fucked.

Thomas said, “Yes, Master, give it to me the way you want to."

The big man needed no encouragement for that, as he was planning on doing just that anyway. He got a good rhythm and worked that ass good.  Once again, in as far as it would go, then out till the head almost, but not quite popped free. Over and over, in and out, and he was giving it some umph this time.

His slave went, “Aw-That- Feels-So-Good! I am going to come soon; your big cock is rubbing my prostate like mad.”

“Take that big dick bitch, your ass is like a parking garage for it.”

“Oh-Don’t-Stop-Please, I will be good and do whatever you say, I am, am…Oh Fuck Yes!”

Clifford looked around him, “His slave had busted  hands free on the new hi-tech zapping, cage. His cum was dripping down from it and pooling on the workbench. This just made the big man even hotter and go faster and harder. He was so close, oh he wanted it, needed it so badly. When he felt it was about to begin, he went balls deep and shot a huge load up inside Thomas.

“Fuck-Fuck-Fuck-Yes, it is good to be the Master!”

Thomas felt that huge cock of his as it spasmed, each time delivering its payload.  Clifford continued to fuck him slowly for a couple of more minutes. Then he pulled out and walked around and got down on his knees at his slave’s head.

“Lean up here and lick on my cock up nice and clean.  Then lick every drop of the cum you shot on the table nice and clean too. You dirty, dirty bitch, shooting cum all over the place.”

Clifford got such a thrill out of making a slave or a sub do stuff like this. He was in charge here and every tongue full of cum, lapped up reminded his slave of that.

It took some time for slave Thomas to lick up that much and clean that cock to Clifford’s satisfaction. Once done he got down and unlocked the hand and ankle cuffs holding his slave. That had felt too damn good, and he would be getting this all the time now. He unlocked the new high tech chastity zapper.

“Lick all the cum you can get off of that too before you use the cleaning station to make it spotless.” He leaned back and let his slave get things back in order down here. He had something fun planned for tomorrow, he was sure Thomas would like it.

Winston Churchill had joined them, and Clifford rubbed behind his ears. Pretty cat, hot slave, and a fucking super-orgasm. The three of them headed upstairs once the slave had his work done. Now it was time for a shower and bed. Before long, with Thomas secured tightly in the bed. Clifford turned out the lamp on the bedside table plunging the room into darkness.

He said, “Glad you decided to put your trust in me slave, your mouth, ass, just you in general are mine. Goodnight.”

“It was the right decision Master, and I am damned glad I did as well. Goodnight Master.”

Clifford rolled over, put his big arm across his slave’s warm chest and hugged him close. It just felt right to both, the natural order for them. A Master with his slave, they went together like Oreo cookies and milk. Winston Churchill joined them and laid down at the foot of the bed. He had taken well to his new surroundings.”

There was going to be some fun tomorrow, he was excited. The day had been taxing, so they both found sleep quickly, it would be here soon enough.