A Different Kind of Life

by Swallow Your Lightsaber

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Chapter 13

(Friends, A Strange Turn)

It was Saturday morning, Clifford and Thomas were having breakfast which the slave had prepared. The other day, Master had really seemed to enjoy the homemade blueberry pancakes, so his slave had made some more. There was bacon, scrambled eggs and some other freshly cut up fruits in a bowl. He seemed to really like those as well. The Master was at his usual spot, and so was his slave sitting on the floor at this feet.

They both said at almost the same time, there is something we need to talk about. Thomas had deferred, as the Master took precedence here.

“I have a new rule for you, call it an order and as you are my property you will abide by it.” There as a sound of finality to that, as in there would be no room for discussion.

Thomas said, “Of course Master, you know that I obey you without question, and sworn to do so.”

The big guy looked down at him and was serious, “From now on, if you are to get off, unless I make a special exception, it will only be by me stimulating your prostate when I fuck you. I keep you caged most of the time as it is, but there will be times you may, not be and out of my presence. I want your word if that happens you will not jerk off.”

His slave looked for a second at him and said, “You have my word, except to pee and for bathing, hands off my dick.” This was something one did not hear every day, but he could not help but be a little turned on by it. He knew Master Clifford was serious and he was sworn to obey him in all things. This was exercising power, to the max over someone.

“From here on, you will get your pleasure from me, as I deem to give it. There would only be two exceptions to this; one would be if on a special occasion I might let you or jerk off or do it to you myself. It is extremely rare, I would for you, but only on the most exceptional of occasions I might give you a blowjob. Under no circumstance will you ever be allowed to fuck me I do that to you. The other would be, there are times, such as when I must go out of town, you will be placed under the custody of one of the Masters from our group. In that case you are under their rules till I get back, some are not into this aspect of sex as deeply as me or Mistry are. So, we have an understanding on this?”

“Of course, Master, the only way I get to get off now, except on special occasions, or under the custody of another Master; Would be your discretion and rare so I will only be allowed to cum by you stimulating my prostate. I will obey you and adhere strictly to that, I would never purposefully disobey you.”

Master Clifford now had that smug look in his eyes. He said, “You will learn to get your pleasure from servicing me and pleasing me. You bust a load every time I give you a good fucking, so you will not be completely denied. You give me quite a few blowjobs or I fuck your mouth and throat, those times only I will get off.”

“Yes Master.”

“You are never to ask for it, if you do, I will make you go on a month-long dry run plus give your ass a good beating. Now, what were you going to say?”

His slave looked down, as if he was embarrassed. “Well, my friends will be here this evening and I thought you should know this. You know I told you I had only sucked one dick before I began to serve you Master?”

“Yes, I recall, you were very honest.”

“Well, Master what I did not tell you is that it was my gay friend Henry Rutherford that is coming I blew. It was a one, time thing and we had both been drinking. Henry is a switch, when I came out to him, he was excited about it. He asked me if I would like to give him a blowjob, we had both been drinking and I had been under the radar for so long. We are only friends Master, but you had a right to know.”

Clifford’s expression softened towards him. “That is okay slave and perfectly understandable, I bet he was the only gay person you were around?”

“Yes, he was Master, as far as I know. I thought you had a right to know, I belong to you and that happened two years ago. It just happened, but never again Master.”

Clifford got down on one knew in front of him, and leaned in and gave him a long and deep kiss. Then he got back into his chair and grinned at him.

He told his slave, “You don’t have to apologize for being a human being, Thomas. With us younger folks there is always a great deal of dicksucking and fucking going on. Think nothing else about it, you are so honest and truthful, never had anyone like you serve me before. Was I ever missing out, now get the house in good order and let’s show your friends a good time.”

“Yes Master.”

“You do however have to go to the bedroom first, get my bottle of, ‘Gun Oil Lube,’ and a set of handcuffs out of the drawer of the nightstand. Get them, then back in here, do it now bitch!”

Thomas went and got it and was back quickly.

The master said, “Lose the underwear and put your chest and face over here against the wall for me, do it now.”

The slave lost the underwear, moved against the wall and his big Master pinned him and in no time had his hands cuffed. He pulled his bathrobe open, and his slave could hear him greasing up his big cock. Then the big man positioned him how he wanted him for a good quickie.

“Spread your legs a little.”

“Yes Master.”

It wasn’t long before he was inside him and pumping him hard up against the wall.

“Take that big cock bitch, tell me what you think of it?”

“I love it Master.”

The big man pumped and pumped away, then went balls deep and began shooting his cum deep inside his slave.

“Take it all, and tell me why? Oh, fuck that feels good.”

“You are the Master; I am your slave you’re cum belongs in me whichever way you want to deposit it. I love it.”

Master Clifford filled him full then made him get on his knees and lick and suck his cock clean, very slowly.

The big guy said, “I pitch.”

His slave took a break in his licking long enough to say, “Naturally, I catch it Master. Thank you, I love your big cock in me for a quickie like that.”



At around 7:30 that evening his friends had begun to arrive, and Master had let him wear a pair of shorts, with the cage under it of course, a tee shirt and tennis shoes with low-cut socks. They were sitting on the couch with Thomas rubbing his Master’s balls through the outside of his short when the doorbell first went off.

Thomas had gotten up and walked out the door and opened it to the smiling face of Henry Rutherford. He had brought a bottle of wine and Thomas opened the screen door.

“Come on in here man, it is good to see you.”

Henry said, “It is good to see you as well, it is out here a little ways. Bet it is peaceful at night.”

His friend was about his same height and build, he took good care of himself and exercised regularly. He had good features to him, a close-cropped haircut. He was wearing a pair of dockers shorts, a stylish shirt, and sporty shoes. He handed the wine bottle to his friend who graciously accepted it.

“Come on in here and meet the Master...” Thomas had just let that slip out from habit.”

Henry locked his green eyes onto his and began to grin a bit he knew his friend was submissive material. He had been with a few, so he knew what to look for. Plus, that night a couple of years back, he had so easily been talked into blowing him, and had not asked for reciprocation. So, his best friend was a slave, it fit him and his quiet personality.

As they walked into the living room, Thomas said, “I didn’t mean for that to pop out like that. It has just become a habit for me, they entered the room and the mountain of a man, Clifford stood and extended his hand smiling. Henry was one of those that just usually said what was on his mind and didn’t care what others thought.

“Henry Rutherford,” he said to the big man.

His Master said, “Clifford Thornton welcome to our home, and it is nice to meet you.”

Thomas told Henry, “Just have a seat man, would you like a beer, we have Fosters, Bud Lite, and Michelob. I could alternatively mix you a drink if you like.”

His friend said, “A Michelob would hit the spot thank you.”

Thomas took the bottle of wine and sat it in the kitchen, got a Michelob and a frosted mug out of the refrigerator and freezer. He walked back into the middle of an awkward conversation.

Henry asked the big guy, “So, if I may ask, what sort of Master/Slave setup has my friend immersed himself into? 24/7, BDSM? I had always suspected the seeds for that were planted in Thomas here. You could not have chosen a better candidate they don’t come any better than this one.”

Thomas poured his beer in the mug and put it on a coaster on and end table beside the chair he had chosen. He had thanked his friend as Clifford had answered.

“Our arrangement uses elements from several; We have agreed he is my property and obeys me in all things. I employee cum control, restraints, pretty much control every aspect of his life. It is not as horrendous as it sounds, I like to control people that way, and he likes being controlled. We have formed quite a bond with one another.”

Henry looked at his friend with a playful look in his eyes. “I knew he was submissive but had no ideal he was slave material.”

Clifford replied, “He is not just slave material but the very finest of it. Someone that is a control freak like me in the bedroom may run across one like him once, maybe twice in a lifetime. It took no time, and I knew I had to have him.”

The big man reached over and put his arm over his slave’s shoulder.

Henry was still smiling at his friend; this was different, and he liked different. The doorbell chimed again, and Thomas got up to answer it. Henry was looking at the bulge in the crotch of his shorts and knew what that was. How surprising that Thomas could have submerged himself into this life. He thought it was great, one only lived once and if this made these two happy. He was glad for his friend he had found and embraced such a thing. That big bulge of muscles on the couch was sexy as hell, why the hell not.

Thomas opened the door to reveal Irwin and Joe Anne Castle the remainder of the scope of his friends.

“Come on in guys, glad to see you.”

Irwin was carrying one of those Pyrex baking dishes, that would be some kind of dessert. Joe Anne grabbed Thomas and hugged him. They were both dressed casually, in shorts and summertime shirts.

Joe Anne said, “We were running just a bit behind, Irwin took the wrong turn, lol. This man is a certifiable disaster on the road waiting to happen.”

She was short and petite with good blond looks and had been working on her tan. Irwin was tall and thin with a mop of curly black hair. He closed the door and walked them to the living room. He noticed Henry had a grin on his face and him and Clifford were talking away.

Thomas said, “Guys, please grab a seat, can I get you a beer or mix you a drink?”

Joe Anne said, “Well if there are to be drinks, how about a couple of screwdrivers?”

Thomas said, “Coming right up and went to the bar area.” He began mixing the drinks and noticed Henry and Clifford talking away.

The big guy introduced himself to the couple that had just come in and welcomed them to his home.

Henry was always a bit of a troublemaker, after the couple were comfortable seated and served their drinks. Oh, why not, it was all in good fun?

He said around a grin, “Irwin and Joe Anne, did you know our quiet, drink mixing friend, has entered a 24/7 relationship as a slave? With elements of BDSM, and strict CNC guidelines. What a wild bunch we turned out to be.”

Irwin said, “CNC? What’s that?”

Joe Anne said, “Well I think if it makes Thomas and Clifford here happy and spices up their lives it is wonderful. It means consent to not consent sweetheart.”

Thomas had taken his seat back next to his Master, who put that big muscular arm around him again.

Irwin looked confused, “I don’t understand consent to not consent that seems contradictory?”

Henry and big Clifford laughed, two swingers questioning aspects of an alternative lifestyle in the bedroom.

Joe Anne said, “Sweetie, you have a dominant master and a submissive slave. The submissive gives the dominant their consent, that the dominant does not require consent to do whatever they like. It is like completely surrendering to someone, and there are many people that do it. If that’s what they like, it’s what they like, I would imagine that would take a great deal of trust in one’s partner.”

Henry asked Thomas, “So, does the big guy have you swinging from the rafters like Batman?” He could not help but laugh playfully.

Thomas was blushing so Clifford saved the day, “I am Batman.”

Joe Anne said to Henry, after the laughter died down. “Stop giving him a hard time about it, like you’re an angel.”

Henry was incorrigible, “From the size of Clifford there, I am probably not the one giving him a hard time.”

Even Thomas laughed at this, Henry could be awful, but he was funny.

He got up to get them a fresh round of drinks.

Clifford said, “Well guys I may not really be Batman, but tonight you are in for a singular treat as I will be the grill man. We have prime cut Ribeye, Sirloin and even Filet Mignon, I can cook it just how you like it. In between being suspended by chains and such this evening, Thomas has made several things and it smelled good. He is quite a damned good cook you know.”

They all answered, “We know.”

As Thomas handed out freshly mixed drinks and poured Henry a fresh one in a new mug. They all told Clifford what they wanted, and how they preferred it cooked. He was a firm believer in charcoal for meat, it gave the best flavor. He had the meat marinating overnight and set out to work. The grill was out the back door on the patio.

The friends all sat and talked for a minute and the odor of the cooking steaks permeated the room.

Thomas said, “Excuse me, I have some setup to do in the kitchen, then got up and walked that way.

Henry got with a mischievous look on his face and went out on the patio to talk to the big guy. He was curious, and it would be fun, if he was game.

Thomas finally came back in the room and mixed Joe Anne and Irwin another drink.  He sat down and looked around for a moment.

“What happened to Henry?” He asked.

Joe Anne said, “He’s out back with that big hunk of a man of yours.”

In a while, that big hunk and Henry came in carrying platters of cooked meat and they all went into the kitchen. Thomas had baked potatoes, with every topping one could want. Made a fresh pasta salad, and even baked some tiny bowls of is Gram’s world-famous Spinach Parmesan. He also made a regular iceberg lettuce green salad and set out several kinds of salad dressing. For dessert the German Chocolate cake, Joan’s cheesecake, and for those on the liter side he had made a chocolate mousse.

They ate, and joked, drank, then went to the living room and talked more. Joe Anne and Irwin departed at Midnight. Henry had stayed and did not look to be preparing to go anyplace.

His Master explained, “Outside, Henry and I made a deal, he is going to stay the night and you are both going to serve me. You slave will be serving him as well for my enjoyment. I am sure it will be for his as well, do you understand?”

The reply was automatic, “Yes Master.”

Thomas was not surprised; Henry was very forward and had tried for some time to get more blowjobs from him after the night they got drunk. He equally enjoyed fulfilling both the top and the bottom roles in the bedroom.

Henry had consumed a bit of alcohol and said, “I think it will be hot as hell. I have always wanted those lips of yours locked around my cock again Thomas. The big man and I bartered and if we both bottom for him, he wants to watch you blow me. I am already busting a boner, thinking about it.”

Master Clifford told Thomas, “Stand up and all your clothes off but the socks. You will participate with as much enthusiasm as you always do, who knows we may do this from time to time, if Henry agrees.”

“Yes Master,” Thomas stood up and neatly removed all his clothing and the big metal chastity cage popped into view.

Henry was transfixed momentarily, “Wow, look at that thing, I could see how using one of those on someone could be fun. Can I touch it and rub his skin, I have always found Thomas smoking,”

Master Clifford reached into a drawer below the coffee table and removed a pair of handcuffs. He stood up and got behind his slave.

“Hands, bitch.”

His slave placed his hands behind his back, and the big man put the handcuffs on him firmly. The big man sat back down.

“Be my guest, he will not resist you, isn’t that right slave?’

“Yes Master.”

Henty got up, and even though he shorts was clearly quite hard, he was well built between the legs as well. Just not nearly as big as his Master was. His friend came over to him and rubbed all over the exterior of the chastity cage. Then he took his hands and rubbed his chest and his back and slid a hand down to his balls.

He asked, “Can I kiss him, I have always wanted to but never got the chance.”

Clifford said, “Be my guest, you are really in for a treat, I have trained him well.”

Henry, still rubbing is balls, leaned in and Clifford’s slave opened his mouth for him invitingly. Henry locked lips with him and ran his tongue into Thomas’s mouth. The slave locked on and sucked on his tongue and rubbed his tongue up against it. Henry kept this up for several minutes and finally leaned back.

He looked at big Clifford, “Fuck! You surely weren’t kidding, that felt electric.”

He leaned in for another one and they locked mouths again and Thomas was so good at this. Henry found his hand on his balls tightening a bit, Clifford said he was a masochist. The more he squeezed the harder Thomas sucked on his tongue and pushed back with his.

He leaned back and asked Thomas, “You like me squeezing your balls, don’t you?”

Thomas locked eyes with him, “If Master says it’s okay, I love it.”

‘Damn!’ Henry thought, what he had been running around with for years, if he had only known how to tap into it. He continued to increase the pressure on his balls and saw nothing but pleasure in those nice blue eyes.

Clifford said, “Slave why don’t you join my slave and take off all your clothing. Socks can stay on, everything else off. I know, watch this first. Slave, get on your knees and use your teeth to untie our guest shoes with. Give them a few good licks while you are at it.”

Henry watched his sexy, handcuffed friend obey and get on his knees. Damn this was blowing his mind in a good way.

Thomas said, “Yes Master,” as he dropped to his knees to obey.

Clifford went on, “Feel free as he licks your shoes to turn them up so he can lick the soles of them good as well. A big part of Mastering like I do is wielding absolute power over your slave. That included humiliation it will make you feel good.”

Henry said, “I will bottom but have got to where I mostly like to top. I have been able to talk a few subs into sucking my cock after I have fucked them with it. I like to watch them work on my dirty cock, after it has been up their own ass. It does feel good, in a different sort of way.”

As Thomas worked to untie Henry’s shoes with his tongue and teeth. The big guy continued talking and was enjoying watching his slave flawlessly obey him.

“Every time I fuck that slave,” said the big guy with that smug look on his face. “He licks me spotlessly clean afterwards, they grow to like it. You have the makings and the raw materials of being a Master, though you will be helping him service me in the bedroom when we are done in here.”

Thomas had gotten the laces untied and was now obediently licking Henry’s shoes. He turned one up and his friend/slave began to lick the sole of it like crazy. Watching his friend do this humiliating act and being so into it set ripples up his spine and through his cock. He let the shoe turned up and let Thomas continue, to work it well. Then he changed out and sit that one down and turned the other one over.

He decided to play around a little, “That’s right lick those dirty shoe soles, Thomas. So, good and it is making me feel supercharged. Your Master has promised he is going to let me make you suck me off and swallow. I am going to flood that mouth with cum and watch you gulp it all down. You didn’t swallow the last time, this time you will.”

This was making Clifford hard as he watched, and Henry was a handsome, well-built fellow in good slape. An ideal began to form in the Master’s mind, and it could be fun to pursue if Henry was game.

He slave had stopped with the shoes and Henry took them off and his slave’s friend was now removing the rest of his clothing. He was built good and solid, obviously took care of himself, he was hung well too, probably sporting close to eight thick inches between his legs.

“If you are serious about becoming a Master, our group is always looking to grow. I could use my bitch to train you but there would be a price. It would shake your life up some for a bit, but the benefits far outweigh the temporary disorder.”

Henry asked, “Can I humiliate him some more as I hear your proposal?” He meant no harm by it this was his best friend. He just knew he would enjoy it as he would.

“Sure, have fun and enjoy yourself, that is what it is all about.”

Henry went and sat down on his couch and removed one of his socks. He sat down back in the chair and looked at the expectant Thomas.

He told him, “Crawl over here and suck on my big toe just like it’s a cock. Later you will be working on the real thing.”

Thomas crawled over and did as he was told and felt good to Henry.

“Just like that slave Thomas, my best friend is freakier that I am, and I love it. Work it good bitch, just as you should want to. I know you enjoy that part of what makes it so awesome. So big man what do you have in mind?”

Clifford was blunt, “You would have to move in here for ninety days and become part of my stable. I will use the toe sucking bitch there to train you. The price will be during that time, is you learn and serve me at my pleasure during the training. You and your friend will work in tandem at that Interested?”

His reply was almost immediate, “Fuck yeah, I am a computer programmer that works distance so moving here for three months would not be problematic.”

“I will allow you to dominate your friend, but you will also be completely obedient to me. I will guide you and show you the ropes. At the end of the trial my group will meet and vote, if you are in you are in. While here you will have to follow all the house protocols and be completely subservient to me. So, what do you think? I will train you exceptionally, you will be amazed. Now are you interested or not, I only make these kinds of offers once.”

Thomas had moved to his other big toe, and it was making Henry feel so good and he was recoding it with his cellphone.

“Yeah, suck on that toe bitch, keep making me feel good.”

Clifford added, “So, we will work out the arrangements to get you moved in and get your training started. So, the next question would be, do you want your blowjob first before servicing me. Or, I could make him suck your cock, while I fuck him up the ass in the bedroom.”

A wave of sheer pleasure went across Henry’s face, “Oh I like the ideal of having him stuffed at both ends full of mime and your cocks. Let’s do that one please.”

“For the rest of the night and through your training you will address me as Sir. Put your socks back on trainee bitch and let’s go to the bedroom and get a good workout.”

“Yes Sir.”

The rest of this night would be XXX rated, and all of them looked forward to it.  The big Master easily lifted Thomas back to his feet. He temporarily uncuffed him and let him gather all the clothing up. Then the three all went back to the Master’s bedroom, for some intense sexual workout and release. It was going to be intense, to be sure.