The Holy Fountain

by Hunknown

28 Apr 2023 951 readers Score 9.5 (25 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

≈ Ch. 31: RANDEL’S FALL ≈

Who's Who in this chapter

Shay (a naïve but brave young monk) can’t stop thinking to the mysterious Cassian (an apparently dangerous outlaw he met at the Benison); Ewan (his roommate and lover) is hunted by his overactive libido; and the evil Great-Uncle Randel (the powerful supervisor of all the Asylums) gets what he deserves.

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~ Friend or foe? ~

Shay opened his eyes, puzzled, unsure if he had actually heard a noise or it was just a dream. He waited for a moment, looked at Ewan, fast asleep in his bed, and then… clack!, a faint sharp sound coming from the window. He silently got up and opened a crack in the window.

He couldn’t see anyone, at first, but soon a tall dark-cloaked figure came out from behind a tree. “Shay…” – a deep voice called, a voice that made Shay’s heart race: “Cassian!”

“I… I really shouldn’t ask you…” – Cassian said, hesitantly – “I need shelter, Shay. I don’t know where to go, I don’t know where to hide…”

Shay knew that giving shelter to an outlaw could’ve got him in trouble with both the Asylum and the guards, but it took him only few moments to make up his mind: “Go to the Blessing Stalls, I’ll open a door for you”.

When Cassian entered the small room, Shay quickly closed the door and lit up an oil lamp; in the flickering light, Cassian’s disfigured face was a horrible sight, but Shay didn’t flinch, as he was sure that behind those scars there was a good-hearted man. Or at least, he dearly hoped so.

“You can stay here, for now” –Shay said under his breath – “There’s a bed, a lamp and a latrine, behind that curtain, with running water. You look like you could use some cleaning… with the due respect” – he commented, shooting a disconsolate glance at the man’s ruffled and dirty beard and at his clothes, drenched with mud and dirt. “And these clothes go straight to the laundry” – he added, helping Cassian out of his blouse and pants.

Cassian stood naked in front of Shay, who seemed lost into sweet memories, looking again at the man’s toned body, his vast hairy chest and his sizeable dick, slightly curved to the right. When Shay saw again the mark of the Blackthorne Dungeons fire-branded on Cassian’s arm, he shivered, thinking back at what Ewan told him about Cassian being a child rapist and murderer…

“Cassian…” – Shay said, hesitantly, looking intensely into his only green eye – “Tell me again that you never hurt anyone. Please.”

Cassian held Shay’s gaze and said seriously: “I never hurt anyone and never will, may the Holy Fountain be my witness”. There was more than sheer sincerity in Cassian’s gaze: there was the unbearable pain of being falsely accused of crimes that Cassian himself found horrific and terrible. Shay felt like shit for having doubted Cassian so blatantly, and threw his arms around the man’s waist, pressing his face on his broad chest: “Forgive me…” – he whined, and Cassian gave a tender kiss on his head: “My sweet Nephew, it is I who should ask for forgiveness…”

Shay recoiled and bent over to pick up Cassian’s dirty clothes; the small loincloth he was wearing revealed Shay’s buttocks, and Cassian gasped: “Why are you wearing a butt plug??”

Shay blushed, embarrassed, but it was too late to hide his shameful condition and explained: “I was ordered to. And I… I must wear a cock cage, too, like the other monks. It’s mandatory. Great-Uncle Randel says…”

“Randel is here??” – Cassian exclaimed, opening wide his only eye, and Shay replied, surprised: “Why, yes, how do you know him?”

“He’s… Well… He’s a notable person, everyone knows him, right?” – Cassian mumbled, and Shay wondered once more what secrets Cassian might have been hiding.

“Say… Are the Dungeons as horrible as they say?” – Shay asked, cautiously, and Cassian frowned, trying to chase off painful memories from his mind: “Much worse. Look at me, look what they did to me. I’ve lost count of how many times they tried to kill me. Not just the guards: the prisoners, too. Because, you see… I’ve been found guilty of child rape and infanticide. Even the prisoners wanted see me dead. But… you don’t seem particularly surprised, Shay…”

“I knew what you had been charged with. If it was true, I’d been dead by now. But you didn’t hurt me, you treated me with such a tenderness and gave me such a sublime pleasure that… that you made me think back to when my Uncle showed me for the first time what man-love really was.”

“Your words touch me deeper than you may think, my sweet boy. Thank you for saying so. But it’s very late, you should go back to your cell, now”. “Yes, well…” – Shay murmured, suddenly hit by a doubt – “You won’t go around the Asylum, will you?”

Cassian flashed an understanding smile: “Lock the inner door, if you want, I don’t mind. Now go. If Randel… I mean, if the Great-Uncle finds out you’re not in your cell you’re in big trouble.”

Shay nodded, anxiously, and scampered away… and he didn’t lock the door behind him.


~ Relief and pain ~

After leaving the dirty clothes in the laundry, Shay rushed to his room. It was almost dawn, and he’d slept no more than a couple hours. But when he opened the door, he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep any more.

Ewan was pacing the room, tense and angry, and when he turned to look at the door, Shay saw in his eyes the ember glare that they both knew well and feared: the beast had woken up in Ewan’s loins and demanded satisfaction.

“Ewan…” – Shay murmured, suddenly tense and even a bit surprised, because in the last two days Shay himself, and then the Benison, let Ewan soothe his inner fire. “So soon…?”

“It’s this damn chastity cage!” – Ewan replied with a voice cracking for the tension – “It keeps me focused on my manhood all the time! Day and night! It doesn’t give me a moment of… oblivion! Shay… You can’t know how cruel a torture this is…”

Ewan was on the verge of crying, and flung his arms around Shay, holding him tight, and Shay could clearly feel Ewan’s member, tightly packed into the leather cock cage, pressing against his thigh. “Maybe… Maybe I can help you like last time?” – Shay suggested – “I can suck you off, even more than once, if you need, and maybe…”

“No!” – Ewan said aloud, pushing Shay away, barely controlling himself – “I don’t need a weak orgasm, I need to feel a tight ass around my cock! I need to feel a man’s velvety linings grip around my demanding member! I… I need to fuck ass, for the Fountain’s sake!”

Shay shot at Shay a determined glance and then, without a word, he reclined on his bed and painfully pulled the big butt plug out of his hurting ass. “If it’s an ass you need, here I am, Ewan. As for being it tight…” – he added with a desolate expression – “…I’m afraid I can’t grant it. Not now nor ever again. I’m sure I’m ruined forever…”

Looking at Shay’s gaping man hole was for Ewan like waving a red rug in front of a bull and he pounced on Shay. “I don’t give a damn if your hole is wreaked…!” – he growled, out of control, picking Shay bodily and hurriedly turning him around, face down on the mattress. “Legs closed!” – he barked – “Hips down and arch up your torso!”

Shay instantly complied, hating that demeaning position, that made him feel nothing more than a hole to fuck, but he was determined to give to Ewan what he badly needed. When Ewan slammed his man tool all at once into his ass, Shay suddenly realized why Ewan wanted him in that unusual position: despite his loosened hole, in fact, Shay could flex his glutes and his pelvic muscles, creating a pressure around Ewan’s cock that his ass, by now, couldn’t provide anymore.

The fuck was furious, brutal. Ewan thrust his rod into Shay with such a beastly ardor that the bed frame squeaked under the blows. For the first and only time Shay was happy to have worn the butt plug for so long, because it left his ass loosened and well lubed; otherwise, Ewan’s fuck would’ve been a torture.

Ewan’s stiff cock crashed against Shay’s prostate at each thrust, and the boy’s manhood, trapped into the leather cage, desperately and painfully sought for escape, to no avail. Shay whined softly, trying to cope with the pressure in his groin and the mighty fuck, but Ewan’s mind was completely prey of his irrepressible rush of lust.

Shay felt Ewan’s breath become ragged and heavy, and knew that his inner beast was about to explode. With a few last wreaking thrusts, Ewan shoved his cock all the way into Shay and grunted loud, unloading his balls and flooding the boy’s insides.

Shay was trembling for the tension. His ass hurt and his cock strained for release, but he was painfully aware that he was not going to get any satisfaction. He felt Ewan fall bodily on his back, exhausted and panting, and the relief for having, at least, eased his lover’s pain filled his heart. “It’s over, Ewan…” – he murmured into the pillow – “It’s all over…”. And then couldn’t restrain a chocked sob.

Ewan’s body and mind, after the sexual hurricane, were about to give up, and he felt like falling into a warm, welcoming blackness. But a feeble voice into his heart wouldn’t let him go. His beloved Shay was hurting. With a great effort, he gathered his strength and rose to his knees, pulling Shay up with him. Holding him from behind, Ewan reached around and quickly removed Shay’s cock cage.

Shay’s cock rose to a throbbing erection in seconds, and Ewan’s loving hand curled around it, stroking the steel-hard shaft and the engorged glans with sensuality and tenderness. “Ooohh…” – Shay moaned softly – “You… You don’t have to…”

“Can I ever leave my sweet lover in such a pain? Never…” – Ewan replied tenderly, pacing up his hand. Shay was tense like a violin string, he felt his juices boil into his groin, climbing the last step to the climax of his pleasure. “Yes…! YES!” – Shay moaned loud, on the verge of losing control – “Holy Spring, I’m about to… OOOHHH… AAAGGHH!!!”

Shay reclined his head on Ewan’s shoulder, all his muscles twitching for the force of the orgasm, and his cock shot a powerful jet of white cream that splatted on the wall behind the headboard.


~ Caught in the act ~

In that very moment, the door loudly crashed open and Great-Uncle Randel barged in, with a furious glare that seemed to shoot lightnings all around. “What on Earth is going on here?!” – he yelled wrathfully – “You filthy perverted boy! Stop it! I said STOP IT!!”

Shay, lost in the throes of pleasure, looked at Randel with turbid eyes, while his cock went on mindlessly spurting shot after shameful shot of man seed: “I… I can’t…!” – he whined, dying inside for the shame, and his eyes filled with tears – “I can’t… I’m so sorry… I can’t…”

When, at long last, his massive ejaculation subsided, Shay knew he was in big trouble. More than big: huge! Not only Randel had caught him without cock cage and butt plug – a blatant violation of his vow of Submission by itself – but he even witnessed Shay giving a shameful display of himself, ejaculating with abandon right in front of his eyes.

There was a restrained satisfaction in Randel’s voice when he shouted: “I’ve always known you were a bad boy! But this time you’ve crossed a line! Come with me!!”

He grabbed Shay by his arm and roughly dragged him out of the bed; Ewan stood up and said aloud: “Why Shay alone? We were both doing it!”, but Randel grumbled: “You are just a victim of Shay’s bad influence. Now he’s done disobeying my orders and corrupting innocent monks! He’s going to pay hard for his sins!”

Randel shoved Shay, naked and drenched with sperm as he was, out to the hallway. Gaynor, startled by the loud noise at such an early hour of the morning, came out of his room, alarmed, and asked: “What’s happening? Shay! Why…”

“Shut up!” – Randel yelled at Gaynor – “Ring the dinner bell! I want the entire Cousinhood in the Chapter Hall NOW!”

It took no more than few minutes for the entire Asylum to get off the beds and gather in the Chapter Hall. Shay was standing alone on the raised stage, with a painfully ashamed expression on his face, trying to modestly cover his nudity. Uncle Roderick, Uncle Devin and all the Cousins gasped at seeing the boy in such a miserable state, but glanced at Randel and thought better than say a single word.

“Look at him, you all!” – Randel said aloud when everybody had come in – “This perverted and disrespectful brat disobeyed my direct orders and broke his vow of Submission! Not only he illicitly removed his chastity device and his butt plug, but he maliciously persuaded another Cousin to help him satisfy his lust! And I know for sure that it was not the first time!”

Uncle Roderick stepped out of the small crowd and tried to soothe Randel’s wrath: “Great-Uncle, he’s only a Young Cousin… We all make mistakes now and then…”

“And you’re not going to make the mistake to defend this rotten apple that is ruining this Asylum, Roderick! If you’re half as smart as I think you are, you won’t make this mistake! I know how painful is for you seeing your pupil sink so low” – he added with a barely restrained smirk of satisfaction – “but he’s going to pay a hard price for his sins!”

Roderick instantly understood that Randel was doing it only to hurt him: he didn’t really care for Shay’s shortcomings, all he wanted was to see Roderick in pain! For the first time in his life, Roderick felt an unrestrainable rage rise inside him and moved a couple menacing steps toward Randel: “You bastard! You’re not…” – he began, but a massive hand stopped him. Gaynor put himself between Roderick and Randel and then, with a challenging glance, removed his own cock cage.

Flann stepped forward, in full view, and did the same; and then Keenan, Blain, Quinn and all the others, one by one, stepped in front of Randel and disdainfully removed their contraption devices. Orren and Torrance, who had accepted to be demoted to Novices, removed their butt plugs. Shay looked with wet eyes the proof of love and friendship the entire Cousinhood was giving him and shot thankful glances all around, getting warm comforting smiles in return.

Randel didn’t expect such a bold reaction, almost a mutiny, from the Cousins, but he was not intimidated: “I’ll deal with you all later on!” – he screamed, almost hysterically – “but in the meantime I’m going to punish Shay by declaring him a Lost Cousin!”

“You won’t do anything like that…” – Roderick said aloud, climbing on the stage to be seen by anyone – “…because I, Uncle Roderick, hereby make a motion for your impeachment, Great-Uncle Randel, as your acts betray the very roots of the Holy Fountain!”

Devin opened his eyes wide, surprised by Roderick’s daring move, but he hurried to the stage and said sternly: “And I, Uncle Devin, second the motion!”

“Ha ha ha!!” – Randel laughed evilly – “You can’t do anything like that, you fool! The Holy Book clearly states that it takes three Uncles to make such a motion, and you are just two! Ha ha ha!!”

Roderick patiently waited for the coarse laughter to trail off and then, looking straight at Randel, said with glacial calm: “Orren, your novitiate is over. I give you back your rank and your right to wear the white habit”. There were excited murmurs in the Hall; Orren quickly climbed on the stage and said aloud, with a satisfied grin: “I, Uncle Orren, second the motion. Great-Uncle Randel, we three Uncles declare you under impeachment!”


~ The ancient rules ~

Randel huffed: “Do you think you can harm me this easily? An impeachment. Ha! Yes, I will have to undergo a judgment, this is the Holy law, but it’s just a minor annoyance, and you all know it. You’ve won this round, I’ll give you that, because this means that I have to leave and go back to the Eastern Asylum, where the Court will rule on your motion; but I grant you that you’ll pay hard for this insult. Me, Great-Uncle Randel, impeached! You’re delusional! Now, let me go pack my bags, as I want to leave as soon as possible.”

“Leave?” – Roderick mused – “Oh, right, this is the modern practice, waiting for judgement in your comfortable cell, but you love so much the ancient rules, don’t you? Devin, please, take the Holy Book and read the rules regarding the impeachment…”

Devin took the heavy book, opened one of the last pages and read aloud: “Shouldst thou be impeached by three Uncles, Thou shalt remain in stocks until the final judgement, unapparalled, bottom agape, manhood in prisonment and defurred. On bowed head shalt thou await to know thy fate.”

Roderick smiled wide, while Randel suddenly lost all his arrogance. “I… I don’t think I understand exactly…” – Randel murmured, and Roderick interrupted him: “I’ve always known that you are not worthy of the robe you’re wearing. But fear not, I will explain it word by word. Gaynor, take him!”

With a swift move, the gigantic Gaynor grabbed Randel’s arms and painfully locked them behind his back, immobilizing him. Roderick said: “Orren, may we please use your room? You won’t need it anymore, anyway, as you’re moving out of the West Wing, now…”

“Be my guest” – Orren replied with exaggerate courtesy, and led the way to the West Wing, followed by Roderick, Devin, Gaynor holding Randel and the rest of the Cousinhood. Shay was the last one to arrive to Orren’s room, as he stopped at his room to wear something. He still couldn’t believe how the situation had changed so dramatically in the turn of few minutes.

When Shay arrived, he heard Roderick explain: “The Book states that you, Randel, have to wait for the judgment ‘unapparelled’, without vestments, as the impeached monk obviously is not worthy of wearing them. Keenan, will you please take away Randel’s…”

“You won’t dare!!” – Randel yelled, but held tight as he was, he couldn’t stop Keenan from taking away his purple robe, leaving him stark naked. “Nice body you’ve been hiding under there!” – Devin laughed, much to Randel’s mortification, shooting a turbid glance at his chiseled torso, his narrow hips and his sizeable manhood.

Roderick took again the Book and went on reading: “It also states that ‘Thou shalt remain in stocks’, which is the reason why we’re in Orren’s room, where you can see, over there, a not-so-comfortable wooden St. Andrew’s cross of remarkable workmanship. Drake, please, this is your expertise, isn’t it?”

With a wide grin, Drake expertly tied Randel on the large X-shaped cross bolted to the wall of the cell. Randel never felt so exposed and vulnerable, and also overly embarrassed because everyone in the room was staring at him, shamefully naked and immobilized in such a humiliating position.

“Good. What’s next?” – Roderick mused – “Oh, right: ‘Bottom agape’, I read. I’m afraid the man hole you’re so jealous of must be opened wide, Randel… The Book states it clearly.”

Shay stepped forward and looked seriously at Roderick: “May I, Uncle?”. He was holding in his hand the very same butt plug that Randel had forced him to wear. “Are you sure?” – Roderick asked dubious, but Shay was adamant: “I am.”

Roderick nodded his consent and Shay moved closer to Randel, who looked at him with wide scared eyes; Shay knelt between his legs and pointed the well-greased butt plug to Randel’s tight hole. “Don’t you dare, little brat!” – Randel yelled angrily, squirming hard to evade the large intruder – “I… I’m practically a virgin! It will tear me apart! I’ll make you pay hard, you hear me??”

Shay faltered, and all the eyes turned to him. The Cousins knew how sensible and good-hearted Shay was, and doubted that he could hurt Randel in such a cruel way, no matter how hatred the Great-Uncle was. Shay thought back at when Randel shoved that same plug into his ass, laughing and mocking him, without a hint of humanity; his face became a mask of stone and he hissed the same words that Randel said to him back then: “If a butt plug doesn’t open wide the hole, there’s no point in wearing it, don’t you agree?”

With a mighty push upward, Shay tried to shove the putt plug into Randel’s tight hole, but it resisted fiercely, so Shay added a second hand to the first and pushed even harder, until the anal ring gave way to the intruder, and the plug firmly lodged itself into Randel’s rectum.

“AAAAARRGGHH!!!” – Randel screamed out of his lungs, feeling torn apart, and everyone looked at Shay under a new light, as they’d never seen him so glacially wrathful and determined.

Roderick himself was a bit shocked, but his voice was firm when he went on reading: “It’s not over, Randel. Here, the Book says ‘manhood in prisonment’: I say we need a leather cock cage…”

“Too bad, we have only a spiked one!” – Flann said with restrained anger, remembering well how painful had been for him squeezing his oversize member into the tiny spiked cage, as per Randel’s order. “Let me, Uncle Roderick.”

With Roderick’s permission, Flann locked Randel’s thick cock into the cage, rejoicing in his whines and squirms of discomfort. “Now that you know how it feels…” – Flann said, standing tall and grabbing his own 13 inches of black meat into his hand – “…guess how painful was locking in that cage this!

Randel couldn’t hold Flann’s irate gaze and lowered his eyes to the floor. Roderick moved closer to him with a grin of victory and said: “As a last requirement, the Book states that you should be ‘defurred’, thoroughly shaved, head and body; but I’ll be merciful. It would be a crime getting rid of such a beautiful fur, wouldn’t it?”

He ran his finger through Randel’s thick chest hair, casually brushing with his fingertips the man’s small pointy nipples; Roderick smiled, seeing Randel gasp for the unexpected sensitivity of his titties, and looked at the Cousins: “Come here, you must feel this amazing body hair! Don’t be shy, you all, join me!”

“No… Please… Please leave me alone!” – Randel cried out, while many hands started sensually caressing his body, small young hands, big manly hands, some cautious, some daring. Warm palms brushed his thighs and kneaded on his toned buttocks, short nails scratched his nipples and tickled his armpits, pry fingers played with his scrotum and explored the creases of his chiseled abdomen.

“Leave me alone, you bunch of perverted!” – Randell screamed, looking in horror at the many men enjoying his body without any shame. Roderick looked at Randel and commented: “I wonder how on Earth a homophobe such as you could reach the top of our blessed hierarchy… These men are not molesting you, they are actually paying homage to your manliness, though you would not deserve it. Stop resisting, Randel, and for once surrender to the pleasure…”

“But… but it hurts so bad…” – Randel whined, looking down, and Roderick saw his stiffening cock painfully crushed by the blunt spikes of the cage. “I’m afraid this is necessary. It’s about time you exert some Submission, and maybe a bit of Temperance, too. Let’s see if I can do something for you… Hey Glen!” – Roderick called, and the boy promptly came closer – “This man is in pain, can you do anything to ease his distress?”

“Sure I can!” – Glen exclaimed with an urchin grin, and knelt in front of the bound man. He started licking Randel’s cock through the openings of the cage, darting the tip of his tongue on the sensitive glans and the throbbing shaft, mercilessly compressed into the tight space.

“No, no!! Fuck, it hurts so bad!” – Randel screamed, and Glen doubled his efforts, blowing hot breath on the trapped manhood and taking the entire cage, and the cock inside it, into his mouth. Glen gently squeezed the plump balls and played with the pubes, while greedily munching on the restrained manhood. Randel thrashed hard, shaking his head, assaulted by the many hands and by Glen’s expert mouth; at first Glen though that Randel was fighting to resist the pain, but suddenly he realized how wrong he was. “Please, no…” – he started begging – “Please don’t make me cum… Don’t make me cum this way… nnngghh… no… NO… NOOOO!! AAAARGGHH!!”

Glen felt Randel’s cock buck into the spiked confinement, and a powerful shot of manly cream came out from the tip of the cage, and then another, while Randel succumbed under the unbearable mix of pain and pleasure that every shot of seed caused to him. Glen sucked and swallowed all the manly essence he could, and recoiled when Randel started sobbing and bowed his head, exhausted and defeated.

Everyone stepped back and Roderick read with grave, stern voice the last lines of the Book: “On bowed head shalt thou await to know thy fate.” 


In the next chapter: Roderick and his Nephews have won a battle, but Randel is about to win the war and make the entire Asylum fall into disgrace. A timely and totally unexpected intervention turns the table once more, and Randel must face his ultimate punishment… that becomes an enlightening experience.

Footnotes and references:


by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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