The Holy Fountain

by Hunknown

16 Dec 2022 1748 readers Score 9.3 (23 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


Who's Who in this chapter

Shay (a straight, shy 17-y.o. novice) meets his rapist Uncle Orren, a lecherous monk who's recently trying to mend his ways; he'll also meet Drake, a perverted and sadistic Lost Cousin heavily into bondage, and his 'toy-boy' Torrance, who is currently hiding in Shay's room to evade Drake's punishment.

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~ Torrance's story ~

Shay was woken up by muffled moans coming from Ewan's bed and a knowing smile appeared on his face even before opening his eyes. He didn't have to see, to know that Ewan was making sweet love to Torrance again.

Two days earlier, Torrance had sought refuge in Shay and Ewan's room, because he didn't want to submit anymore to Cousin Drake's sadistic punishments; and when the two younger Cousins asked for an explanation, he revealed that Uncle Orren had 'given' him to Drake, to do to him whatever pleased the depraved Cousin. He couldn't disobey Orren's order, but he didn't want to suffer again for Drake's torments, so Ewan and Shay decided to temporarily share their room with the fugitive.

Until they could find a solution for Torrance's situation, Ewan was doing his best to show again to Torrance how sweet and tender man-love was, in total contrast to Drake's harsh and punitive sexual acts.

Shay waited to hear the ragged gasps of the climax, and then opened his eyes and turned to look at Torrance with an affectionate smile: “You are so handsome, Torrance, and your eyes shine with happiness…” – Shay said thoughtfully – “If it wasn't for the black habit you always wear, I wouldn't say you are a Lost Cousin…”

“It's so sweet of you saying so, Shay. But the West wing is where I rightfully belong: I'm not as pure as you may think. I not only left the path to the Holy Fountain, but I walked very far from it, led astray by my lust, my pride… and Drake.”

Torrance looked at Shay and Ewan and saw a great curiosity in their eyes, a curiosity they were too polite to express. The least he could do, to repay them for their hospitality and help, was to answer their unasked questions and reveal how he became a Lost Cousin.

“I believe you remember the stool with the fake penis we all had to sit on, at our novitiate trials…” – Torrance began, looking at the two younger lads – “Well, the thin, slender phallus you had to 'impale' yourselves onto is the smallest one, as both of you were virgin, back at your trial. But the stool can host several different fake members, ranging from tiny to huge. In my case, the Uncles used a medium size, with bumps on the shaft and a wider head, as I was far from being a virgin…”

Far?” – Ewan asked with prurient curiosity – “How… far?”

Torrance chuckled, but it wasn't an amused chuckle: “Let's say that the man who… took me under his wing in my late teen years, before I came here, was definitely well-hung. And he liked it rough.”

A sorry and embarrassed silence fell in the room, and Torrance went on: “Anyway, the phallus Uncle Roderick chose for me was one that would've scared many Novices; and I was scared, too, but extremely excited, as well. When I sat down on it and felt it stretching me open, and the wide head started reaching deep into me, I just lost it. My cock sprang up, bobbing like crazy, and I slammed my butt on that wondrous fake member, riding it with abandon. Holy Springs, I came buckets!”

“And… was that what made you become a Lost Cousin?” – Shay asked tentatively, as he still couldn't really grasp what was allowed and forbidden in the Asylum.

“Oh, no, it wasn't that. But it opened a door inside my mind. I've always loved being fucked, and the bigger the better, but most of the men who fucked me in my life were just disgusting. And then, here was the perfect solution: a big, fat, tireless leather member that could give me the pleasure I craved for, with no strings attached. Of course, I soon learned that the Holy Fountains is all about sharing, and solitary pleasure is a no-no, so I tried to keep myself in check… without much success. At first, I occasionally went to the Chapter hall in the middle of the night to ride the mid-size phallus on the stool, and I kept doing it until I became a Young Cousin. Then I stole the bigger one and brought it with me to my room. I couldn't get enough of it! Soon, I felt I needed more, and I swapped the big phallus with the huge one, that is never used, it's just a cherished symbol of the Holy Fountain. But did I put it to use! At first, I thought it was just too big, even for my sloppy hole, but night after night I tried and tried, until I could make its head pass my sphincter…”

“How… How big it was?” – Ewan asked, scared and fascinated by the naughty tale.

“The head was as large as… your fist. Yes, the thing was roughly like your fist and forearm. But my ass was insatiable. Back then I didn't share my room with anyone, so I was free to spend my nights shoving that humongous phallus up my ass, but still I couldn't take it all. One night, while I was at it, Drake broke into my cell and caught me in the act. He was an Older Cousin, and I froze, scared, with my legs in the air and the phallus halfway into my ass.”

“Did Drake snitch on you??” – Shay asked, and Torrance shook his head: “No. He shot me a lurid glance, came closer, placed a hand at the bottom of the phallus… and pushed hard, wearing an evil grin while I bucked and screamed for the sheer pain. He then pulled it almost entirely out, and I silently pleaded not to do it, but he did: with another mighty push, he shoved again the whole fucking thing inside me.”

Torrance blushed, lowered his eyes to the floor and murmured: “And I… I came. I came like never before. I literally drenched my bedsheets, I couldn't stop shooting…! He was mercilessly wrecking my hole… and I shamelessly loved every single moment of it. When my orgasm finally trailed off, Drake patted hard on the phallus protruding from my ass, making me wince for the pain, and said: 'We'll do it again', and off he was. Starting from that night, Drake came very often to my room, and every time he split me wide with the phallus, shoving it inside me with vicious thrusts, bringing me to orgasm over and over.”

“That was the beginning of my descent to hell…” – Torrance went on, with a sigh – “Drake's games became wilder and wilder, and despite my efforts sometimes I couldn't muffle my screams… and we got caught. I still remember Uncle Roderick looking down at us with utmost disgust. He said we had betrayed the principles of the Holy Fountain to such an extent that no forgiveness was possible. That very night Drake and I were showed our new cell in the West wing, and we were given the black habits…”


~ Into the Dragon's lair ~

Torrance paused, lowering his gaze, and a deep frown appeared on his handsome face: “I don't blame Uncle Roderick for sending me to the West wing, I deserved it. But I can't go back to Drake. I just can't. Over the years he's become possessive, cruel! This thing between us has gone too far, it's too humiliating, too painful… He's destroying me bit by bit! But I can't hide here forever, I have to go back to Orren and Drake.”

“For the time being” – Shay said resolutely, getting out of his bed – “you'll stay here. Ewan will take good care of you, won't you, Ewan? I have something to do, see you at breakfast”. Under Ewan's and Torrance's surprised eyes, Shay quickly put on his short red habit and went away.

Once again, Shay found himself walk with determined steps but a thumping heart toward the West wing. If Orren had 'given' Torrance to Drake, then he could well… take him back! He knocked on Uncle Orren's door and went in, but the only monk in the room was Drake; he was standing with a furrowed look next to the wooden cross to which he used to tie Torrance, rejoicing in his screams of frustration and pain [1].

“Oh! I thought it was Torrance!” – Drake snorted, disappointed – “That fucking coward thinks he can hide from me. But he'll come back, oh, he will come back!”

“No, he won't” – Shay said, trying to keep his voice as firm as possible – “And you must stop tormenting him! He's not a toy in your hands, something to use and abuse for your sordid pleasure!”

“Uhm… Alright…” – Drake said, matter-of-factly. Shay was surprised to see Drake giving up on Torrance so easily and asked, tentatively: “Alright?”

“Yes” – Drake confirmed, perfectly calm – “After all, why should I want Torrance… when I can have YOU?!”

In a blink of an eye, Drakes expression morphed into a mask of anger and lust; with a swift move he grabbed Shay's arm and shoved him to the cross. Shay started screaming, scared shitless, and squirmed hard, trying to get free, but Drake quickly tied him to the cross and shot him a lascivious glance.

“Leave me alone!” – Shay yelled – “Uncle Orren forbade you to even lay a finger on me!!”

“Oh, right, my vow of Submission…” – Drake mused with a honeyed tone that quickly gave way to an evil hiss: “Too bad I'm a Lost Cousin! I've stopped honoring my vows long ago, didn't you know? Keep your precious Torrance, if you love him so much, I don't give a damn! But you have to grant me something in exchange, a quid pro quo! Something like… yourself!”

Shay became as pale as a ghost, realizing that Orren's protection was not going to save him from Drake's vicious onslaught. He held his breath, while Drake ripped the front of his short habit, leaving his lithe body completely exposed to… any depravity Drake's mind could conjure.

“Ah! No! NO!” – the boy screamed, when Drake grabbed his dick and started stroking it with expert hands; contrary to Shay's fears, the Cousin was not forceful, he actually was gentle and sensual, and soon Shay's youthful libido responded, making his cock rise to a full, throbbing erection. Then, the monk's hand paced up, the strokes became frantic, the grip on his hard shaft became tighter. Shay gasped hard, unable to breath, suddenly overwhelmed by a sexual stimulation that was way too intense to even be pleasurable.

“NNNGGHH…! Ah! Stop!” – he groaned, panting heavily, trying to evade the vicious masturbation; but Drake didn't relent, and started pinching and twisting Shay's nipples, adding to the already unbearable sensations. Shay let out a long scream, while the excessive sexual tension wreaked havoc on his sensitive body, making him buck as wide as the restraints let him, in the desperate effort to resist to the beastly sexual onslaught.

“Too much… It's too much…!!!” – Shay blurred, rolling back his eyes, unable to cope with the hurricane that was sweeping him away. The boy had seen Drake doing that on Torrance, but Torrance was older and well used to those games, he could withstand much better that vicious torment; Shay was not as strong, he was a young lad, new to physical pleasure, and the forced, violent stimulation was just too much for his body and mind to bear.

Despite the excruciating overstimulation, Shay felt something powerful mounting inside him, making him stiffen even more, and with a chocked gasp he felt his own cock spurt thick ropes of boyish cream, that flew across the room and splatted on the floor. His groin ached for the exertion, forced to endure an orgasm that was too powerful and had built up too quickly to actually give him anything more than a faint, fleeting pleasure.

“You definitely need to improve your Temperance, boy!” – Drake mocked him with an evil grin – “But I know a sure way to teach you how to behave!”

Drake's hand slowed down just a bit, and Shay whimpered and whined, feeling his now oversensitive dick relentlessly manhandled that way: “Enough… Enough!!! AAAGGHH!! I beg you, STOOOP!!”. But Drake didn't stop, and shoved a wet finger up the boy's ass, to increase even more his discomfort and pain; Shay's eyes got wet, and he went on begging and screaming, keeping his eyes shut, feeling on the verge of losing consciousness.

Then, everything happened in a blink of an eye… or at least so it seemed to Shay's numbed mind. The door crashed open, there was a dull thud and a chocked groan, and soon Shay found himself free, safe into the protective embrace of…

“Uncle Orren??” – Shay exclaimed in a trembling voice when he could regain control of himself. The boy looked around, and saw Drake painfully rising from the floor, with an expression of pure hate painted on his face. Orren kept his gaze and said with a restrained voice: “From now on, you'd better stay away from me, Drake. This is not a void threat: if you cross my path I swear I will kill you, you devilish beast!”

Shay gripped hard on Orren's black robe and whined under his breath: “Torrance, too, Uncle! Save him from Drake!”

If Uncle Orren was surprised by the ardent plea, he didn't show; he shot another icy glance to Drake and added: “And this applies to Torrance, too: if you lay a single finger on him, you'll face my wrath! Get out of my face! Now!”


~ Unforgiving tenderness ~

Drake didn't say a word and went away, with a rueful expression. When alone, Orren looked at Shay with sorry eyes, noticed his habit in tatters and extended a hand to pull it close, but Shay backed up, scared. Orren lowered his gaze and murmured: “Of course you don't trust me… But don't be afraid, your friends are doing an excellent job, helping me keep my instincts in check” [2]. He went to a chest of drawers and took a neatly folded red habit: “This was my habit as a Novice” – he said, offering it to Shay – “but I would understand, if you don't want to wear it.”

Shay looked straight at the Uncle, took the habit from his hands and said, seriously: “I will wear it with pride”. The boy shrugged his own ripped robe from his shoulders and put on Orren's one; it was a bit longer than his own, but otherwise fitted him perfectly. Despite the warm temperature of the room, Shay was shivering, and Uncle Orren said with a warm tone: “Go lie on the bed for a moment, rest for a while.”

The boy sat on the bed and reclined on the comfortable mattress; Orren stayed afar, unwilling to make Shay anxious: after all, as he painfully remembered, he had raped the boy only few days earlier. But Shay looked at him and said: “Don't stand there, Uncle Orren, come here. I'm not afraid of you. Not anymore. Thank you for saving me from Drake, and for Torrance, too…”

“Where is Torrance?” – Orren asked, lying on the bed fully dressed in his long cassock, and cautiously hugging the boy. Shay didn't move away, and when he felt Orren's protective arms around him he nestled against his muscular torso. He explained that Torrance ran away from Drake, unwilling to submit to him anymore and scared of his growing cruelty. “If I may ask…” – Shay inquired – “is it true that you have 'given' Torrance to Drake, to be his sexual… toy?”

“It was just part of their wicked game.” – Orren replied – “Torrance longed to be owned, it made him feel thrilled to be at Drake's mercy, and at first they went along together well. But then I noticed that things were going downhill, and Drake was out of control. I was actually wondering when Torrance would've called it quits. So, apparently you got yourself another lost soul to take care of…”

“Me?” – Shay exclaimed, turning to look at Orren – “I'm just a novice, how can I take care of anyone?”

“Novice, Cousin or Uncle, it doesn't matter, my sweet boy” – Orren said, smiling tenderly – “You have a pure heart that proved to be more powerful than my sins, and Torrance's. You awoke something in me that I thought lost forever, and I suspect you did the same for Torrance. If I think to the horrible things I did to you, I… I feel…”

Shay looked at Orren's face, the face that once scared him to hell, but now was lit by a tenderness tinged with shame that warmed Shay's heart. He slowly leaned over and gave a sweet kiss to the Uncle, lips on lips, enjoying the warmth of Orren's breath; he felt weird, kissing a man (and the man who raped him!), but it all seemed so natural, so right, and he almost didn't realize that his own tongue was peeking out to intrude into Orren's mouth. The chaste peck quickly turned into a passionate kiss, and though Shay was just a boy, and Orren a grown man, it was clear to both that Shay was in charge.

Uncle Orren was actually surprised when he felt the boy's hands undoing the many buttons of his long black cassock. Shay took his time, slowly opening the front of Orren's robe, until the man's naked body appeared from underneath, in all its muscular and hairy glory.

A tender kiss in the middle of his bulging chest made Orren wear a wide smile exuding a delighted surprise… but soon that smile faded: “Shay…” – Orren said, tense – “I'm the last man in the world to deserve your tenderness… Why are you doing this…?”

Shay looked straight at the man and replied under his breath: “Because you're so beautiful when you smile…”. And then he went on giving light kisses on Orren's torso, while his small hand curled around the man's thick stiffening cock. Orren had long past his youthful years, when an unexperienced hand-job could make him writhe with pleasure; lately, he had actually indulged into intense and rough sex. But still, looking at those small fingers doing their best to circle his thick shaft and feeling the boy's warm lips caress his skin was, in that moment, the most erotic feeling he'd ever felt.

Orren's breath became heavier, and Shay raised his head for a moment: “Sir, I want to be honest with you: I can't possibly do more than this…” – he said with a hint of worry – “If this is not enough for you, tell me before it's too late. You don't want to hurt me again, do you?”

“Had I to chain myself to the cross, boy, I swear I won't hurt you, never again. Don't stop… Ahh… It's sooooo sweet!”

Shay felt heartened by Orren's reaction, and used his other hand to play with the man's body hair, contouring his pecs and the creases of his abs, running down the treasure trail and then up again, in search of the small, stiff nipples. The boy felt his own heart beat furiously, realizing that he had the man's pleasure literally in his hands, and that his inexperienced fingers could have such a great power over the seasoned monk. Watching him arch his torso and rock his hips, while uttering restrained gasps of pleasure, made Shay feel powerful, confident. His hand paced up on Orren's hot rod, and the man's moans filled the room.


~ The bliss of the Holy Fountain ~

Sensing that Orren was climbing to the top of his pleasure, Shay concentrated on the cock and the balls, stroking the shaft with passion and rolling the heavy gonads into his fingers. Orren urged him to go on, faster, and Shay gladly complied, rejoicing in the sound of the monk's ragged breaths and chocked groans.

“Shay… Shay…” – Uncle Orren said after a while, raising his head – “My Fountain is about to gush… It's been such a long time since I blessed someone with the essence of my Fountain… I can't ask you, but… will you drink my seed?”

Shay shot at Orren a horrified glance: drinking a man's semen? He did it only once, with Ewan, but Ewan was young, he was his best friend… and anyway he had no choice, as Ewan held his head still, while spurting his seed straight into Shay's mouth [3]. And now Orren was asking him to do that again? Shay's strict education and the granitic principles that his father taught him just didn't let him drink a man's sperm.

Orren got the message, and with a sorry smirk he closed his eyes, surrendering to the pleasure exploding in his groin. His engorged glans thickened even more, his muscles stiffened, and a powerful shot of white cream erupted from his cock. While his body was getting ready for a second, even more powerful shot, he cried out with surprise, feeling Shay's tender lips closing around his sensitive helmet.

Shay had seen too much precious manly seed getting wasted in that very room, including his own, not long earlier; so, when he saw the first gush of Orren essence fly in the air and splat on the bedsheets, he didn't think twice and hastened to engulf the spurting cock with his mouth, syphoning the sweet essence with passion.

Orren groaned loud and blurred something like “Thank you… Thank you…”, while forcing his hands away from Shay's head: at the very least, he owed this to the boy who was selflessly bending his own nature out of affection for him.

The man's pelvic contractions slowly trailed off, and Shay recoiled and cleaned his lips with the back of his hand, looking at Orren with a timid glance, as if he was silently asking «Did I do it right?»

Uncle Orren felt a warmth spreading into his heart and opened his arms exclaiming: “Come here, sweet boy! Today you made me a happy man, happier than I've been in a long time…”

Shay lay next to Orren and placed his head on his wide chest, nestling in his strong embrace. They stood silent for a while, and then Orren asked, uncertain: “Does… Does this mean that you've forgiven me?”

“I wish I could” – was Shay's sorry reply – “I tried. I'm not that strong. I look at you now, serene and handsome, I feel your kind arms around me, and I love it; but I can't forget your eyes of ember and your steely grip when you… hurt me. But in my eyes you earned the right to get a second chance when you restrained yourself, despite the irrepressible fire burning inside you, to spare me from an even greater pain.”

“I'm not sure I deserve it” – Orren replied, contrite – “but your words warm my heart, they give me a hope. And I understand from your ardent plea, earlier, that you're granting a second chance to Torrance too.”

“Torrance granted a second chance to himself, I didn't do anything. But you, Uncle Orren… please protect him. No one but you can keep him safe from Drake. Promise you will help him!”

“Is there anything I can ever deny to you, my sweet, brave, wise boy?” – Orren whispered with an affectionate smile, and Shay rewarded him with another tender kiss on his lips.


In the next chapter: Orren and Torrance will do something that will greatly surprise the entire Cousinhood, and in turn they will be surprised by the monk's reaction.

Footnotes and references:

[1] Shay once witnessed Torrance tied to the cross, undergoing an excruciating trial or Temperance, with Drake teasing and hitting him hard until he cried out for the desperation. See Ch. 6.
[2] Shay was the first to guess that Uncle Orren was not an evil man, but he was prey of an overactive, mind-bending sexuality that forced him to sexually assault and rape unwilling monks, like Gaynor and Shay himself. In order to help him, a group of monks accepted the task to keep Uncle Orren sexually satisfied with daily visits. See Ch. 9.
[3] Ewan didn't want to force Shay: he was sincerely convinced that his seed was a welcomed gift to the boy. See Ch. 2.

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024