The Exploration Of Nate

by What You Want To Read

29 Mar 2024 721 readers Score 9.4 (16 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt



Contemplating the possibilities of the night ahead Chris headed to the gym to blow off some steam. 

Dumping stuff in the locker, he made his way out to the weights area. 

Settling onto the bench press he was mid rep when a tall, tanned, dirt blonde hunk of a man walked up to him sheepishly. 

"Hey Chris. Can we ta..." Justin began.

"Ya know what mate? I don’t know if I’m the guy you need to be talking to. Let’s be real.” Chris winced as he completed his rep. Justin stood back to wait for what else Chris might say.

Getting up and coming to a seat on the bench, he leant his elbows on his knees and looked up at Justin. “Nate is hurt. You know he’s new to the men thing right? He’d really fallen for you. I’m not stupid. I know it’s only a matter of days but we all know feelings and when they want to make an appearance. You hardly did anything to stop it.” Folding his arms now waiting for the boy to speak.

“Yeah I know. I’m a prick. You know it’s not simple between me and Jason. We have history. I shouldn’t have taken Nate out last night and laid my feelin’s on thick like that. I still feel like that, but I can’t explain it really…” he looked down at the floor defeated.

Chris couldn’t be too hard on Justin. He knew he was a good guy. But did want to wind him up just a little. “Don’t be hard on yourself, Just. I understand what you mean. You gotta be careful with Jason. But my god Nate. You turned that down? Are you insane? Fuck. He’s hot. Shit, can’t wait to see what he can do tonight.” Chris looked up and winked at Justin.

“What? You seein’ ‘im tonight?” Justin felt a pang of jealously. 

“Absolutely. Over at Gray’s, got our own little party planned since everyone flaked. You don’t want him, plenty of people who do.” Chris was trying not to gloat but it just didn’t work. 

Justin looked at the floor again. “Fair enough. I can’t say nothin’ about it can I? How is Gray anyway?” Justin’s turn to reclaim some power.

“He’s good. We’re good. Still having fun but we’re having fun together rather than apart. Perhaps he’ll be the next Jason. Who knows. Not to massage your ego but I think his words about you and Nate were, ‘what a beautiful pair.’” Chris smirked. 

“Hmm well we stopped it before it got too complicated. You and Gray suit though. Hope it works out. He must keep you satisfied. I know you pack a bigger punch than me. He’s wild for it all the time.” Justin laughed.

“Ha. True, we’re a good match. He’s definitely my equal in the bed department. Tires me out. Anyway I better get back to it. Just, take care of yourself. I mean it. I’ll take really good care of Nate tonight too.” He smirked and winked at Justin again. Justin pretended to stab a knife in his chest, laughed and walked away. 

“See you, man.” Just said over his shoulder. 


Justin went via his own apartment to grab a bag for the weekend. He packed options. Jason was never able to sit still all weekend. Better be prepared. 

He arrived at Jason’s apartment in the obnoxious complex and made his way up. 
In the lift, still sweaty from the gym and Chris’ talk about his night with Nate, made him feel the need to exert some sexual power of his own. He grabbed his cock through his short’s contemplatively and arrived at Jason’s door.

 ‘I’m gonna fuck him on the spot as soon as I see him.’ Justin thought and chuckled to him self.

“Hey, Prince is that you? I’m making dinner then thought we could head out?” Jason was in the kitchen by the cooker. Wearing lounge shorts and a vest. ‘Perfect.’ Justin thought as he marched up behind him in his full gym kit of black t shirt and shorts.

“Hey, there you… what the…” A hand clamped over Jason’s mouth and the other forced his hips back and forth over Justin’s growing bulge.  

“I’ve been workin’ out for you. I’m gonna show you how powerful I am. Don’t say a word just spread your legs.”  Jason breathed heavily into Justin’s palm and did as he was hold. 

“Good. Now spit on my hand. Don’t say a word.” Justin reached his hand out in front of Jason. Jason spat and gasped. Justin placed the spit slicked hand over Jason’s hole. The other, he clamped on Jason’s throat firmly. 
With a firm push, Justin drive his middle and index finger fully into Jason. Jason hissed and slammed his hands on the granite counter.

Justin increased his grip and started driving his fingers roughly back and forth, opening Jason up. He slipped his hand down and wrapped his arm around Jason’s neck. 
Jason’s gasps got faster and faster

“Don’t say a word. I’m gonna fuck you right here and fill you the fuck up. You’re gonna carry it around in you all night.” He slapped his hand back over Jason’s mouth, pulled his gym shorts down letting his cock spring free and land with a thud on Jason’s arse. His lounge shorts now wedged under his arse. 
Justin smacked his cock between Jason’s legs with his free hand. Jason reacted immediately by driving his arse back at Justin. Justin dropped spit onto his cock and pushed it hard into Jason. 

Keeping a hand firmly over Jason’s mouth he slips the other to Jason’s slim waist and grips. He nuzzles his mouth into Jason’s ear and snaps his hips back and forth furiously.
The force caused Jason to crash against the cabinets creating clattering throughout the apartment. 

“Take it babe. You can take my power. Come on.” Justin keeps his hand firmly on Jason’s mouth. Jason squirms with ecstasy as his Prince ruins him. 

Wanting to gain a little control, Jason reaches back and grabs Justin’s neck chain. Signalling for Justin to not relent. Justin buries his head at the top of Jason’s neck. 
“I’m gonna cum.” Justin heaves forward, gripping Jason’s mouth and holding his hip tightly with the other hand while his loads fills Jason.

He lets Jason take his weight a moment then breaks free. Jason looks back, breathing heavily through Justin’s hand. 

“Get one of your legs up on the counter. I’m gonna finger my load into you until you bust all over my face. Not a fuckin’ sound from you.” Justin stepped back with his cock still bouncing in front of him. A slight sheen of sweaty now forming on his brow.

He knelt, maintaining a straight face, under Jason. Jason had now splayed on leg onto the counter as instructed. Justin reached up and in, feeling the warmth and liquidity he’d just left behind and used his strength to whip Jason’s pussy into a frenzy. 

Justin jabbed Jason’s spot deep inside repeatedly, coupled with the tenderness created from Justin’s cock, it didn’t take him long to reach his climax. His insides were churned, he fell forward and without alert, allowed his own load to crash against Justin’s face. He breathed out heavily to stable himself.

“Oh fuck yeah babe. That’s hot. You covered me. Fuck I really got you goin. Mmm.” Justin reached up and sucked Jason’s head to get every drop. He reached up and slapped Jason’s arse firmly as he stood.

Jason looked back at Justin. Panting wildly. Justin stood with hands on hips, cock away, handsome and satisfied with himself. Justin flicked the smile that could easily make Jason cum again. “Evening babe. Yeah dinner then drinks would be good. I’m hittin’ the shower. Back in a sec.” Justin walked off to the bathroom. Whistling.

Jason leant forward on the counter. Closed his eyes and bit his arm. ‘Fuck, this what I’ve missed.’ 

by What You Want To Read

Email: [email protected]

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