The Exploration Of Nate

by What You Want To Read

21 Apr 2024 462 readers Score 9.7 (10 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt



Scott rose to his alarm at 6AM. He looked over to find Nate fast asleep next to him. He smiled happily to himself. He gently lay back down and spooned Nate. Both of them lay without a thread of clothing between them. Scott rested his head on Nate's and ran a hand along Nate's side, down his cheek and leg. 

"God you’re beautiful." He whispered as he pushed his hardening cock against Nate's back. 

Nate stirred but remained asleep. Scott kissed Nate's shoulder and got up. He wasn't about to force Nate awake. He was a gentleman after all .

Scott dropped to the floor and did his usual press ups and crunches before jumping in the shower. Running his head under the water he pulled at his cock. He challenged himself not to shoot a load. Nate was here, there was no way he wasn't going to get Nate to work another one out of him before the day was up. He chuckled to himself in the shower and tapped his cock into submission. 

He quietly padded into bedroom and dressed for work. White shirt and grey suit trousers. Always dressed for the part even if from home. 

He went into the  kitchen made coffee for him and Nate. Bringing the coffee back in and setting it on the table next to Nate, he stared at his date again. He was  falling for this guy. Hard. He bent down and kissed Nate's forehead before heading off into his office room. 

A little while later, Nate stirred at the waft of coffee under nose. He smiled at the gesture left by his handsome date and took a sip while sitting up in bed. 


BRANDON: Morning mate, want to grab a coffee before we head to site? 

JUSTIN: Yeah sounds good. Usual? Half hour? 

BRANDON: See you there.


"Mornin' man." Justin pulled Brandon in for a half hug and chest to fist grab. 

"Morning! Just thought we'd catch up one on one. Not done that in a while. How are you? Everythjg ok with HIM?" Brandon hated Jason. He felt his best friend was far too good for that selfish disaster of a being. 

"Uh yeah. Fine. Tired lately. We're ok. Uh, yeah." Justin slumped into the chair oppoiste in the cafe they liked. Bashed up and needing some TLC, it was perfect for tradesman to congregate. 

"Well that sounds bloody convincing. You're clearly not ok. What the fuck has happened now? You've only been back with him properly for a week. Even that's a record breaker for that big fucking baby." Brandon seethed. 

"Fuck ok, steady on dude. He's just been jealous of the fact that there may have been other guys I've been involved with since we last broke up. Gettin' boring to be honest. It's mad, he keeps usin' it as some kinda foreplay. Make up sex is hot but even that gets predictable." He huffed.

"You know what I feel about him. He's not good enough for you. Do you want to know something?" Brandon had Nate's name on the tip of his tongue.

Justin stretched and yawned. "Probably not but you'll tell me anyway so. Shoot." 

"Went for a run yesterday and I bumped into Nate." 

Justin paused mid stretch and clamped his arms to the table and his eyes went wide. 

"Yup, didn’t wanna know but carry on. Bet he looked incredible." He slumped his head downward.

"He did actually. He also mentioned he had a date last night and he seemed really happy and confident. Not in an arsehole way. Like really genuine." Brandon took a little pleasure in the statement. He thought Justin was a complete idiot going back to the nightmare that was instalment god knows what at this stage with Jason.

"Well he’s entitled to. He's got good people around him. He's beautiful, new to the scene and all that shit, he was bound to find someone quick. I made my bed though. I told you before, I can't just switch off what I feel for Jason. You..." Brandon put up a hand and cut him off.

"No. I don't want to hear it anymore Just. I'm not going to be there to help you through this shit again. He's a toxic, self centred prick. You cannot save him. You understand that? He will always do as he pleases. He knows you're too good for him. You're one of, if not the most popular stud around. You're sucessful now and dont need him for anything. Nate was a smart, kind new kid. You're never like that with anyone, especially mid session with the group. JASON IS NOT THERE TO BE SAVED BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T SAVE YOUR MUM."

"Hey, thats not fair." Justin swallowed Brandon's last words. They stuck. "He just seemed to get me. He didnt see me as damaged or complicated. He just accepted my baggage. In fact, he let me fuckin' talk about it." Justin punched the table lightly in frustration. 

"Hey man. That was too far. I'm sorry. Shit, my mother would slap me if she heard me talk about your mum in that way. Im just saying, you have to protect yourself. And dont trick yourself into thinking Jason can be saved, he will change, only if he wants to or when a doctor, possibly a fucking therapist, demands that he does." Brandon grabbed Justin's arm  to apologise.

"Bran, we've know each other for years, I know you don't mean it nastily. It's cool. Watch your fuckin' self though boy." Justin slapped Brandon's hand away playfully.

"Good. Arsehole." They both laughed loudly to break the heavy conversation.

"Im here if you need me. Don't close yourself off. You're my wingman. I miss you when you're being a childminder to him." Brandon pleaded.

"Soft prick. I know boy. Thank you. Right, we need to get on with this office. Hey, we've talked about me, what’s goin' on with you?" Justin remmebered he needed to actually check in with his friend as well.

"Ah you know me. Happy with a daddy pussy to smash every now and then. All good." He laughed. 

"Dirty bastard. Still makin' David and Steven squeal like pigs then?" Justin sniggered.

"Too fucking right. They're up for it all the time. Group is closing down now. Doesn’t matter though. I can get what I need anyway. Shall we go?"

"Ah, you're one hell of a boy Sullivan. Yeah let's rock." They left and made their way to site.


Nate stretched and surveyed the room. Everything was pristine and had its place. He decided to get up and look around. 

Nate still felt the sex of the night before, all over and in him. It turned him on as crept around Scott’s bedroom. He ran his fattening cock through his hand as he browsed the room around him. 

He reached a chest of drawers. Smart, mango wood, expensive. He let his cock drop heavily and glided the draw out. Bingo. 

Perfectly arranged sections of underwear. Clearly split into occasions. Baggy cotton for office or day time, tight briefs and trunks for evening - all emblazoned with Calvin or Tom Ford. Nate ran a finger over the silky fabric. He bit his slip at the thought of Scott’s member and thighs gripped in these ones. He moved along a little further and glimpsed a clump of shiny, strap like garments partially covered by loungewear sets. “Someone’s a filthy boy.” Nate giggled to himself. His cock jolted. 

He pulled away the loungewear and gasped. There was an array of jocks looking back at him. The original kind, Nate would surely be on his knees as soon as seeing these wrapped round Scott’s meat and cheeks. Nate noticed a black rubber like thong. He picked it up. The pouch looked stained. He picked it up, “fuck yes,” he buried his nose in the material. The smell of Scott’s sex was intoxicating. Nate closed his eyes and jerked his cock. 

He pulled the thong down and wrapped it around his cock and continued jerking. Then he had an idea. 

He stepped into the thong, it sat tightly between his cheeks and cupped his bulge. He waited to soften slightly then made his move. Creeping down the hall way he reached the home office door. He heard mumbling and could make out coworkers on Scott’s screen. 

“Yeah I think that’s the best approach. Maybe we can look at that again on Friday morning? Thanks guys. Speak soon.” The call ended and Scott sighed and stretched, flicking through notes.


Nate pushed the door open and marched to Scott. He slammed the laptop shut, grabbed Scott by the neck and spun to straddle Scott. 

“Fuck babe. You’re all worked up this morning.” 

“Don’t speak. I found your naughty underwear. I’ve been sniffing it all morning. Just pull your dick out and I’ll ride a morning load outta you before more boring meetings.” Nate snapped his hips forward, driving his cock against Scott’s belly. He grabbed Scott’s neck and pushed his head to one side and held it there. 

Scott scrambled to pull his cock out of his fly. Nate spat on his free hand and ran it along Scott’s raging shaft roughly. He pulled the thong to one side, slapped the huge pink meat hard against his hole. Moist and crisp claps filled the silent room. 

Still pressing Scott’s face away, Nate stuffed Scott’s tie in his mouth and ordered him to put his hands behind the chair. Scott was his in that moment. 

He guided Scott’s cock into his pussy and squatted firmly. They both huffed. Nate immediately snapped his hips back and forth firmly. Riding Scott hard. Gripping his other hand around Scott’s neck, he pushed his forehead against the side of Scott’s, gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

Scott’s breathing became more ragged. “You gonna shoot your wad in me? Do it. Fill me up.” Nate snarled and clamped himself tighter. Scott’s breath became uncontrolled and his legs went slack as his load flooded Nate. 

Nate released his grip from Scott’s face as he slammed hard one final time, grunting. They both rocked, breathless and sweaty. 

Scott smacked Nate’s tensed cheeks. “Oh baby you’re just something else.” Nate leant forward and kissed Scott. 

“Lean back. Time for me to repay you.” Scott pushed Nate back and slapped his chest. He yanked the thong to one side freeing Nate’s cock. “Hmmm my boy is packing a weapon of his own. You’re gonna shoot in my face. Look at me babe.” Scott started jerking Nate with one hand and supporting him with the other hand at the small of his back. 

Nate locked eyes with Scott and held a hand to his cheek. “Shit, keep going, I’ll come for you now. Yes.” Nate shot a heavy load out, Scott moved his head closer and captured every drop across his right cheek.

Scott took Nate’s cock in his mouth and throated him to get every drop. “Beautiful.” Nate jumped back onto Scott’s lap and wrapped himself around Scott. 

“See, I can handle you.” Nate grinned. “More coffee?” Nate asked as he got up as if nothing had just happened.

“Yes please.” Scott looked up at the beautiful, unpredictable and exciting man inhabiting his apartment.

Nate busied himself in the kitchen still in the rubber thong. He he felt two hands grab him from behind and Scott’s cock pressed his back. He hadn’t bothered to stuff it away. 

Scott grabbed Nate’s neck and whispered in his ear. “You know what? I’m feeling a little sick. Maybe I should take a sick day? I could do with more of what you just did. That was hot.” 

Nate spun round and dropped to his knees. Grabbing Scott’s cock. “Hmm more of this you mean?” He took Scott deep. Scott grabbed both sides of Nate’s head and slammed his cock into Nate’s throat. He wasn’t done. Clearly. Nate retched but persevered, grabbing at Scott’s solid, suit clad cheeks. 

“You drive me insane Nate. I’m gonna cum again.” He held Nate down on his cock as he shot again. Nate held him there. He wanted to drink this man in. 

He released to a sharp intake of breath and leant back against the counter and looked up grinning. “Yeah. Call in sick. Right now.” 

“I’ll do it. Weather’s good. Shall we get out and walk? There’s a beautiful forest walk about an hour from the city.” Scott said all this as his cock bobbed in front of Nate’s face. The thought of this giant in a forest with the prospect of getting nailed surrounded by trees and earth was almost too much for Nate to bare. He whimpered.

“I’d like that. Yeah.” He swallowed hard. 

Scott leant forward and smoothed Nate’s cheek. 


“I’ll be down in 5 minutes.” Nate said.

Scott drove via Nate’s to allow him to change. “I’ll be counting. Don’t wear underwear.” Scott pulled his shorts leg to one side and his massive thick head appeared lazily.

“Deal.” Nate grinned. 

He changed into his usual rock climbing shorts and t shirt. Both black. Putting his sturdy trainers on he grabbed his rucksack. He looked at the coffee table and saw his camera. He smiled and put it in his bag carefully. 

His phone buzzed as he went to leave. 

BRANDON: HI Nate, I managed to get your number off Justin’s phone while he wasn’t looking. Hope you don’t mind. I just wanted to tell you, things aren’t good between him and Jason. Already. He regrets what happened but understands you’ve moved on. Thought you should know. 

Nate sat back on the floor a moment. 

NATE: Hello. Not brilliant to hear. Justin will be ok, he’s a tough boy. Tell him no hard feelings from me. 

BRANDON: You’re a gent Nate! 

Back in the car Nate sat down. 

“Ready?” Scott asked. Nate took him in again. His very own forest man. Smitten. 

“Yep. I brought this too.” Nate opened his bag to reveal his camera. 

“Thinking of shooting are we?” Scott grinned and grabbed Nate’s thigh, shamelessly rubbing at his cock.

“There’s a good chance of that I’d say.” Nate locked eyes with Scott. Scott released his hand and brought it to his lips.

“My boy tastes good.” He slammed the car into drive and off they went. 

They chatted back and forth and Nate had a text of Liv.

LIV: How’d it go last night??

NATE: Still on date. We’re going out today. Stayed at his last night. He’s amazing. Ring you later.

LIV: Fuck yes! Please do! 

“Hey. How do you feel about a night out with my friends? Chris and Gray should be coming too. It’s a DJ set at Suede.” Nate asked. 

“Yeah I’m up for that. Getting to grope you all night in the dark? Of course.” He laughed. 

“Awesome. It’s 2 weeks Saturday. It is themed though. So think metallics.” Nate sniggered. Scott was such a man’s man this idea was entertaining. 

“I’ll do my best. You’ll have to help me. I’m chinos, shirts, jeans and gym stuff, anything apart from that is totally alien to me.” 

“I’ll sort you out.” Nate smiled. 

“You usually do.” Scott teased. “Can I ask a favour, as long as you’re free. I want to see you on the weekend but I’m out with work then meeting the rugby guys after tomorrow evening. It’ll probably be late and bonkers, but can I stay with you? Get changed at yours and come back after? I’ll be a total pain in the arse but you said you can handle me. You need to look after me on Saturday morning.” Scott asked, being completely truthful. 

“Of course you can. You don’t scare me. You’ve met your match remember?” Nate reached over and cupped Scott’s crotch and shook it hard.

“Fuck Nate.” Scott pulled his cock out with his free hand. “Suck me off.” He whispered keeping his eyes on the road. 

Nate leant over and took Scott in his mouth for the second time that morning. 


DAVID: Hi both, can we catch up just about winding down the group and maybe just check in. Hope you’re both well. 

GRAY: Morning. Yes sounds good to me. Tomorrow evening? Shall we come to you? 

DAVID: Let’s meet out. I fancy a drink after this week with work. 

GRAY: Even better. Chris may come. 

DAVID: Ok, great. 

JASON: I’m in. Justin is out with Brandon so I’ll meet him afterward. 

DAVID: Look at you both all settled. Great I’ll tell you when and where tomorrow afternoon. 


It was completely still as they got out of the SUV. Only birds singing, water trickling in a hidden river and the occasional rustle of trees.

Scott walked up to Nate and pinned him against the car and kissed him hard, then released him. 

“Just needed to do that. Now I’m good. Shall we?” Nate smiled brightly at Scott as they began their hike.

They walked in silence for a good while. Nate savoured how comfortable he was around Scott even when they were not speaking. It made him feel even more sure that this connection was something worth exploring. Scott led the way, Nate didn’t mind. Something about this broad red head leading him through a forest walk just felt totally correct. A full view of Scott’s arse wrestling with his shorts as he moved was a little bonus too. 

“Hey can we stop. I’d love to capture some photos.” Nate asked, setting his backpack on a large stone by the river they’d happened upon.

“Of course. Can you show me how you decide what makes a good picture? My expertise goes as far as a drunk selfie in a bar.” Scott laughed at his own ignorance. The request to learn from Nate made Nate feel like an equal. He may not be a successful guy in a suit, but Scott still saw an opportunity to learn and share in Nate’s passion. 

“Really? You sure? I’d love to. No one has ever asked me that before.” He momentarily thought about Justin showing him the look out point on their ill fated date. He exhaled hard and shoved the memory down.

“Absolutely. I might be all figures and spreadsheets, doesn’t mean I don’t want to see the world around me. Show me.” Scott said with a keenness that made Nate feel even more for this guy.

“Ok, come sit on this rock next to me. You see how the light comes through the trees and hits the water? Most would right that off as a bad photo op- too much darkness, too many colours fighting for dominance. It’s all in the angle. Angled correctly, you can capture an image that pulls everything into a perfect harmony.” Nate loved to talk about his craft.

“Nate? That’s so fascinating. You’ve got the big shot camera, I’m going to follow what you say. Let’s take a few and compare.” He pulled up next to Nate and got his phone out. Nate pulled his camera out and started studying the scene in front of him.

“Sure!” Nate was lost to his photo op. Scott was grinning next to him taking photos. He was impressed by Nate’s knowledge and passion. 

“Ok, times up. What you got?” Nate dropped his camera round his neck. 

Scott flipped to his camera roll. Nate started flicking though and laughed. 

“You arse. All this around us and you take ones of me.” Nate shoved the phone back at Scott who laughed loudly. 

“Fuck the trees and river. That’s what I wanted to capture. Hot isn’t he?” Scott zoomed in on a photo as if his subject wasn’t Nate himself. 

“If you say so.” Nate was lost for something else to say to how much appreciation this man had for him. 

“I do. Look at him? The way the light hits his hair. The way his bicep bulges holding the camera. The curve of his perfect cheeks bent into a squat to get his photo. Are you kidding? That’s beautiful.” He nuzzled his mouth by Nate’s ear and kissed him. 

“Well, when you put it like that. Want to look at mine?” Nate asked.

“You’re beautiful.” Scott kissed Nate’s shoulder. “Sorry, I’m hijacking the moment. Yes I do.” Scott reassured Nate. 

Scott flicked through the images. “Jesus Nate. How the hell did you do that? These are like a painting. I love them.” Scott squeezed Nate’s shoulder in recognition. 

“Thanks. I suppose it’s all about patience and jumping on a good shot when you see the chance.” Nate said, wondering what he was actually referring to with that statement. 

“Seriously. They’re incredible. For what it’s worth, say yes to the job. You clearly have a rare skill. You need to share it. Who knows what doors will open up.” Scott handed the camera back and got up. He went to stretch and lean against a fallen tree trunk.

“Stay there. I’m gonna shoot you.” Nate got to his knees in front of Scott. 

“Huh? I don’t think I can do stuff like that.” 

“You can, do you know how handsome you are? Your hair and body are amazing against all this. Like a fairytale character. Please?” 

“Uh, ok. Tell me what to do.”

“Just as you are for a moment.” 

Nate went back to his camera and surveyed Scott. He was like a god. 

“Put your hand on your waistband and pull it down a little.” 

Scott pulled his waistband down and revealed a trace of his lava like hair above his cock. 

“Take your t shirt off.” 

Scott followed orders. He leant back against the trunk. The irony of Scott leaning against a tree trunk given what was resting in his shorts was not lost on Nate. 

“Take off your shorts and lie back on the trunk. Don’t flash your junk, I just want your silhouette.” Nate could feel his cock and hole stir. 

“You got it boss.” 

“Get down and stand with your hands behind your back.” 

Scott jumped down and did as instructed. His cock hanging heavily in front of him. 

Nate got up, grabbing a handful of earth. He went to Scott and smeared it across his chest and cheek.


“You have no idea how good you look. Jesus.” He took the photo. The look of confusion captured in Scott’s eyes added to the rawness of the image. 

Scott got up from the trunk and grabbed some earth himself. He walked to Nate and grabbed his mouth hard and squashed the mud against his face. The cool wet feeling against Nate’s skin made him lose himself to Scott’s hold. 

Nate dropped the camera gently to the floor. Pulled his shorts off and Scott pulled Nate’s t shirt off roughly. 

Nate ran his mouth along the muscles of Scott’s chest, rubbing more earth along the slickness left by his mouth. 

Scott pushed Nate to his knees and held his cock at Nate’s lips.

“Take my cock forest boy.” Scott rubbed more earth all round Nate’s face. Nate didn’t feel the need to say anything. This experience was like nothing he’d ever contemplated.

He held Scott’s cheeks and kneaded them as he pulled Scott further into his mouth. He let Scott shove his cock to the back of his throat. He retched greedily. Scott reached down and ran a line of earth up Nate’s back. 

Reaching Nate’s head, he grabbed it and snapped it back and forth. They hit a rhythm and Nate went into a trance. 

Changing the pace, Scott grabbed both sides of Nate’s head and sunk his hips forward and held Nate in place before releasing him. 

Nate fell to his back. He gathered his breath. He locked eyes with Scott and raised his legs and held them. “Come eat me. Bury that face where I like it.”

Scott dived forward grabbing both of Nate’s cheeks. Smearing them with dirt. He smacked as he whipped Nate’s hole into a puckering, slicked up mess. Repaying the earlier favour, Nate ran earth through Scott’s hair line as he continued to open Nate up with his mouth. 

Scott snapped his head up. “Let me have you right here in the dirt.” Scott reached a muddy hand down and shoved three fingers into Nate and darted them in and out of Nate’s pussy. “Look at me. Don’t take your eyes off me.” 

Nate gripped the forest floor and hissed. “Scott yes, fuck me.”

Scott snatched his fingers back and bent Nate over double. Gathering him in his huge span. He entered Nate fully and solidly. 

They raged on the floor, covered in earth and leaves and twigs. Like two animals. No care. Primal. 

Scott lifted and grabbed Nate’s hips as his load ran through his body and arrived in Nate’s pussy. 

“God. Yes. Fuck I can’t stop.” Scott fell forward and breathed against Nate’s chest. Covered in filth. 

As he fell, Nate sprayed his own load against his chest, hitting Scott’s chin as they came together. 

They collapsed in a mound of muscle and mud. Silence. Just breath. 

A few moments later Nate grabbed Scott’s head and looked at him. “Well that was fucking insane. Look at the state of us.” They both laughed. 

They walked to the river and splashed water over their bodies. Scott smacked the surface and the wave hit Nate. Nate gasped at the cold flooding over him. 

“Oh you’re going to pay for that you forest monster!” Nate shouted.

He kicked the water and a tide flew over Scott. Scott defiantly stood with his arms out either side and took the wave. Grinning with closed eyes.

“I don’t think so.” Scott looked back at Nate with his hands on his hips. 

Nate ram at him and jumped and kissed him. 

“This has been so special. Thank you.” Nate whispered before dropping to his feet.

Scott held Nate’s hand and kissed it. His fairytale Prince in the woods. He thought of the other big bad Prince out there in the city who discarded him only a week ago. 

“My pleasure. I’ll remember this. Now can we get out of here. I’m fucking freezing.” They both laughed. 

They ran back to the car in an attempt to warm up. 

Scott dropped Nate home after a lingering kiss and firmed up plans for the following evening. 


NATE: Ok, you can ring me now. Fuck do I have details! 


“Ok, I’m sat with a glass of wine like I’m waiting for a new series to start on Netflix that I’ve been reading about for fucking months. SPILL. THE. TEA.” Liv practically jumped out of the phone.

“We had dinner, Georgiou’s, booth, taster menu. We discovered we have a love of family and friends. He’s a total man. He warned me he can drink for England and can be a total handful when he’s partying. He told me he needs looking after when he’s hungover. He said he’s from a banking family, hence the career. He also was totally fascinated by my photography stuff.” Nate reeled off the evening’s events.

“That sounds like a beautiful evening. Christ he sounds like something out of a film. Are you happy you went through with it then? Probably the most stupid question.”

“Oh that’s not all. I told him about the job offer and he gave me a personally embossed leather bound portfolio with the following: Nate, Capture moments to your heart’s desire.” Nate smiled so much it hurt. 

“Wow. I’m almost a little emotional. He’s perfect. Nate I’m so happy for you. This is amazing.” 

“I stayed at his and the today we went for a hike and that’s literally all I’m saying about that.” He looked down and giggled at a little bit of mud stuck under his thumbnail, despite scrubbing himself for ages. 

“Point taken. Oh, I nearly forgot, what’s the attendee list looking like for Silver Box?” 

“He’s in! He’s adorable, I said it was themed and he looked at me like I was speaking French. These rugby types have no idea how to dress outside of chinos and shirts. He’s so sexy but the cuteness is precious.” Nate lay back on the sofa thinking about the man that was very quickly coming into view as HIS man. 

“Brilliant! I can’t wait, found a dress. Oh we’ll have him looking fabulous in no time. Love you babe, I’m so happy for you. I can’t wait to meet him. Confirm with Chris and his other half as well.” 

They hung up and Nate dragged himself to bed. 

He ran his hand over the bed. The emptiness was weird all of a sudden. He’d rather be on a forest floor. 

by What You Want To Read

Email: [email protected]

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