Politicians Son

by djfmonkey

16 Nov 2023 1065 readers Score 9.5 (49 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Part 8 – The School Reveal

 Lyle brought us back to the campus on Sunday night, and I spent a good portion of time talking to dad on the phone. He had been working on strategies with the team and ran the ideas past me and Tyler, but first dad talked to Tyler and got a good and honest feel for the way things went this past weekend with his parents. He offered to contact Tyler’s parents to reinforce and go over some of the same strategies that we were discussing on the trip back, we eventually wound up on speaker phone and Lyle offered his own two cents as well.

 One of the scenarios would be that Tyler and I would join my parents on several public appearances together and dad would make a bold statement in support of Gay rights at one of his committee meetings, and then announce to the committee members that his son is gay and he loves and supports him very much, that will drive the press frenzy and then that night my parents and Tyler standing alongside me would stand in my front yard as they announce the presidency run. We would begin this process next week and the whole thing will be quick.

 We arrived back at campus where we grabbed our bags from the trunk and Tyler and I hugged Lyle as we headed back into our residence hall feeling very good about where we started and the progress we’ve made, to some cat calls from the others, I think they were jokingly wondering where the two of us went this past weekend, as they still had no clue. Tyler escaped quietly to his room and I to mine.

 About a half hour after lights out, I heard my door begin to creak open, I was lying in bed scrolling on my phone when I saw it was Tyler sneaking in, he had a brown paper bag in his hand. He kicked his slippers off at the door and shuffled across the floor to my bed. Truth be told I was watching gay porn on my phone, I was stark naked under my sheet with a raging hard on and I was jerking myself, that is until I saw someone entering my room. He pounced up on my bed smashing into my tented sheet folding my damn hard on in half, I folded up at the waist in pain as Tyler began loudly giggling. Between his giggling and my cries of pain I tried to shush him or someone would be able to hear, as it seemed unusually quiet in the hall tonight. Tyler pulled out a small bottle of fireball and it was obvious he had already been into it, and just then his bottle of lube also fell out of the bag and fell to the floor as he unscrewed the top to the fireball ad tipped it into my mouth, but as I couldn’t seem to refuse or stop him, he slobbered it down my face and onto my sheets. Tyler was drunk.

 Tyler was a raging maniac, I don’t think he ever drank before nor was he ever drunk, but he wasn’t being very quiet, frankly I was fighting him off. We calmed down after he began kissing my injured dick and he took a shot of fireball, and then went down on me, and it was cold but burned in a way as his tongue massaged the alcohol into my dick skin, and he slobbered it down over my balls. He finally convinced me to take some shots, which admittedly I’d never done before, we kept at it for a few more and we were both pretty loosened up. He reached down to scoop the lube off the floor but dropped his PJ pants as he poured a generous blob over my dick head still giggling. without even putting any in his ass he climbed on top of me and sat right down square on my dick bending it again in the process, once we were adjusted he began riding me like I’d never imagined, he wasn’t only bouncing up and down, he was slipping and sliding to the left, right, back, and front as his hard dick floppy balls slapped my stomach each down stroke. God he was being rough and I really wasn’t sure if I liked it or not, but I was more concerned with his loudness. I reached up and pulled on his dick hoping to calm him down a bit but to no avail, it just got him hornier and hornier as he was banging up and down for dear life. It wasn’t long till his dick in my hand began spewing squirts of salty jism up to my face as I closed my eyes so as not to be blinded, and then the sight, sounds of his climatic orgasm made me cum deep in his ass, but he kept on pounding away till my erection subsided, somewhat in pain, as he wound up folding it in half yet again. Just then he turned his head to the side of my bed and tossed his cookies all over my floor, and he got his PJ’s and my sneakers. Well that certainly killed the mood, as I got up and cleaned the mess with his PJ’s and comforted him as best I could in the bathroom. I tossed his PJ’s in the shower and ran the water and used whatever fireball was left to try to erase the smell from my floor as I mopped the floor down with an old T-shirt.

 I walked him to the door and I scoped out the hall and walked him back to his room laying him in his bed. Those cute blue eyes opened just enough as if saying both thank you and I’m sorry, as I kissed him on his forehead, brushed his blond tussled hair from out of his eyes and went back to my room. On my way across the hall I think one of the guys saw me leaving his room way past lights out, in fact it was about 2AM by now.

 Morning came, I overslept and was running late and threw on some clothes I ran across to Tyler’s room knocked on his door, he was running late too, no surprise, and we headed down to breakfast. He seemed to be OK for what he actually went through last night, he had a bit of a headache but we figured he tossed most of the alcohol before too much got absorbed.

 We encountered a few unusual stares from some fellow classmates that we passed. When we got to the breakfast cafeteria, it was a buzz, as Tyler and I walked in together. Something just didn’t seem right, then it started, the whole place seemed to know, and began making fun of us by chanting gay nursery rhymes like “Tyler and Roycy sittin in a tree K…I…S…S…I…N…G”. The two of us looked at each other absolutely stunned and shocked. When one of the dean of students and a guidance councilor made them stop, the dean then escorted us both to his office while the guidance counselor remained behind lecturing the now quiet cafeteria. I assumed someone caught us and reported us last night.

 We were both obviously embarrassed as we took seats in the dean’s office who was trying to be as supportive as possible as he apologized, I think mostly because of who I was. He explained that the guidance councilor was most likely calling a special assembly to go over etiquette and bullying and sexual harassment. Tyler and I were both baffled at what just happened. The dean proceeded to pick up the phone after we explained that it was all true and call my parents. Before he was connected to my dad, Lyle was escorted into the office by the dean’s assistant and I jumped up in tears and hugged him for I was scared at what it may have ruined. The dean put down the phone and we all talked and explained everything we knew. Well the dean and Lyle then began by saying it wasn’t any of our faults it seemed that someone in congress leaked the info to the news media during the night and it was all over the news this morning, not realizing neither of us had turned on the news as we were running so late this morning. The dean turned on the TV in the office and sure enough after the weather report they recapped today’s top stories and there was a picture of my dad and another of me that was about 5 years old and I looked like an underage kid, they were making it sound like my conservative dad was hiding something for all these years when he’s actually only known since thanksgiving. Then suddenly my dad was shown at a live press conference, where he stood calm and collective and made a statement, he explained that I had recently come out to him and he fully supports me 100% and there will be no questions until a full fledged press conference occurs later this evening at my home. With that Lyle signed both me and Tyler out of class and we packed our bags to head to my house.

 In the car I called my mother, I was crying, as she reassured me it was not our fault and it should get handled tonight at the press conference, then she asked to speak to Tyler who was obviously scared and she tried to calm him down, and she explained that she and my dad called his parents early this morning and already explained the situation.

 Then the biggest shocker came, she said Tyler’s parents would be joining us for dinner before the press conference tonight. It turns out one of my dad’s opponents in the senate got wind of the presidential run and of Tyler and me and he leaked it to the press last night so it had nothing to do with our schoolmates or our last night antics, but somehow we still felt guilty.

 We had a working dinner where two of my dad’s advisors also joined us, Salvatore shut down the entire restaurant for us as he also held off the press at the front door. My mom and dad and his advisors headed out to their limo while Lyle took me, Tyler and his parents back to my home, where the press were already gathered amongst a crowd of supporters. Unusually I also noticed numerous police and some sort of special agents in black suits and ties (FBI, Secret service? I thought). Tyler’s dad said well this sure turned into a cluster fuck, as Tyler looked stunned that his dad used such language and his mom slapped his dads knee.

 We went inside my house through the back door and Tyler and I changed into better suits before converging in the foyer where my dad’s advisors reviewed how we were to walk and where we should stand once out there. They then opened the double doors and my mom and dad walked to the podium my mom to his left, Tyler and I to my dad’s right and Tyler’s parents stood behind us, Tyler’s dad behind me put his hands on my shoulder as if in support of me.

 Dad made a joke or two, then saying “I guess you all know why we’re here” and then said “well I know why I’m here” then he continued “I Royce Whitfield plan on running for president of the United States in next Novembers election.” He then introduced his lovely wife and then me proudly as his son, then he said “and this is Tyler my sons boyfriend and his parents” as he stepped away to shake all of our hands. He returned to the mic and said the rest of his presidential platform speech finishing by saying yes his son and his boyfriend are gay, and I am proud of them and their courage, and that will be all that we will discuss tonight, no more questions about them, as they are entitled to their own personal lives, and their personal preferences don’t give a rats ass to the campaign, mine is to serve this country and not backstab my opponents with rumors, leaks or morals that are none of your god damn business. Now I will take questions pertaining to my presidential run.

 The press kept asking questions about Tyler and I, and dad proceeded to ignore each and every one of them moving onto the next question when finally they began to get the message and began asking policy questions and primaries pertaining to the election.

 Dad made us stay out of school for a few days and Tyler’s parents joined us at my home, I can say we all now have a full understanding of each other. One of our friends at school texted Tyler about the special assembly and lecture and they were forced to watch the press conference as well.

 When we returned to school, we arrived after dinner and it was after 9PM and additional security at the front gates as press were still camped outside, Tyler went to his room to unpack, and I to mine, then the dean and Lyle walked us to the dining hall where the students were gathered for a reception, and we got applauded as we walked in. I couldn’t resist as I turned toward Tyler and planted a kiss on his cheek, that’s when the cat calls kind of began to surface and they settled down as we ate cake and punch and talked with our friends and fellow classmates seemingly supporting us now. However the dean put a slight damper on things as he said there would be changes in our room arrangements beginning tomorrow, as Lyle patted me on the shoulder and smiled.

 It seems this well planned out strategy had changed but still resulted in positive results

 to be continued

by djfmonkey

Email: [email protected]

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