Politicians Son

by djfmonkey

4 Oct 2023 4098 readers Score 9.2 (96 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Note: while still recovering from my accident and surgery, I've developed this short series, again I apologize for the delay and extended time between stories and chapters. Hopefully I can get back on track. This first chapter outlines the character's and their personalities throughout elementary school and Middle school. this is meant to be a slow build to more aggressive action when the boys move on to high school. Hope you enjoy it and stick with me, Thanks DJFM

Politicians Son

 Part 1 - The Introduction

 My name is Royce Whitfield Jr., we live in New Kansas, my dad is the prestigious Senator Royce Whitfield Sr. the two time re-elected US senator, (12 years to date) my mom Lucy is the quintessential politicians housewife and number one supporter, she is a former elementary school teacher, prior to her political career supporter, fund raiser, champion of charity, community service, advocate, and trophy wife often on my dad’s arm. Prior to being a US Senator, dad was in the state house, and had also an unsuccessful run for governor, which was actually a stroke of luck, because it opened up his path up to become a landslide winning, most Conservative Party senator from our state, with little or no opposition from the liberal left, that is unless some diabolical scam or unexpected exposed secrets are discovered or some unforeseen hidden lies become apparent or exposed. Dad was “clean, honest, respected and trusted”.

 Me, I was shuffled off to boarding school once I left public school after the sixth grade. Although private school might seem like mom and dad wanted to tuck me away and out of their political paths, by being a full time baby sitter, that’s really not the case. We were a close loving family, that is as close as you can be in that situation, I truly loved them and they me. I spent summers, holiday breaks and some weekends at home, these were valued cherished times by all. Other times we were often seen together on the campaign trail. It all seemed normal to me it’s all I ever knew and although it doesn’t sound it, we were a close and loving family.

 My private school was about an hour and a half away from our home, and mom and dad always had a limo and driver ready and waiting for me at their beckoned call, while the school had many elites, I was proud, and to my advantage to be amongst the top of the “cream of crop”, however I admit It also helped to enable me. My safety was of utmost concern to my parents. Lyle my limo driver was also my parents spy, his primary job was me, yet we also grew close enough that I considered him my (paid) brother and vice versa, he understood my adolescence and even kept some things from mom and dad when appropriate, we could trust and confide in one another, as he fulfilled his main job of my safety. He was always by my side whenever we were outside of school property. Of course I was never allowed off the grounds without him, or one of the other employed drivers, as Lyle needed his time off.

 The private middle, and high school I moved on to, is The Hampton School for Boys, which in itself was a bit confusing in its title, because sometime in the 90’s it became coed. The school was fully in charge of our safety while we were on property. the school was originally formed sometime in the late 1800’s, and has slowly evolved into what it is today, a top notch elite secure school, for the rich and famous. Today there are fences and security cameras and a private police department. But don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t like a prison. There were sprawling acres of park like property around the buildings and dormitories that were called residence buildings. Now we did have restrictions, there was no girls allowed in the boy’s rooms and vice versa, but we were allowed to “commingle” in the monitored lobbies or library and out on the grounds during the day. Lights out was strictly at 10pm, and it was bedroom doors open whenever guests were in our rooms, male or female. Although we could close them, as no one actually went around checking us, but there were some rules that were on the books that were loosely enforced and only there if they needed to enforce them.

 There were 4 residence buildings, 2 of which were for boys, one building was for middle school boys and they were set up two roommates to a room, and one larger building for high school boys which consisted of “single” rooms. Then there were also 2 buildings for girls, however both of their buildings were set up as singles, mostly because they were smaller rooms and there were far less girls attending a school named for boys. Many efforts were made to officially change the name but to no avail. Most people just called it the Hampton School. Classes were mostly coed, with the exception of some health classes and gym. If I had to guess the ratio of boys to girls had to be at least 2 to 1. 

 Some previous history: My years in public school (grades 1-6) were innocent enough, dad was an important man but not important enough to warrant any additional security, although that’s when the bond between me and Lyle was first established as he always brought and picked me up every day. But in school I was just another runty kid, not the best of kids, yet not the bullied one either, I stayed middle ground and passed my grades as an average kid. We had gym class but we wore our gym clothes under our regular clothes on gym day, and we usually just played and learned basics and sports, kickball, touch football, dodge ball, exercise class, relay races, tee ball, and later on baseball. We were indoors in winter, we did running games, trampoline, exercise and tumbling, we never really got sweaty but we always had a cool down period before redressing and going back to class.

 One day a few of the boys were talking about moving onto middle school next year, and how we would be growing up and required to shower in gym. This was a new concept for me and scared me a bit, I had no brothers to lean on for this information so I had to take their word as naive as I was. A few of the boys had already grown to be occasionally a little stinky after gym, so their idea didn’t sound farfetched, but I was mortified at possibly being naked in front of others, after all I was raised modestly and taught to always be covered up if I was to be in the presence of others. Even at the public beach, the country club or pool, there were dressing rooms with doors or curtains, surely middle school would have them too, wouldn’t they?

 I had friends both in school and neighbors, but our home was big, and we were in an upscale area with gates and fences, so my home friends were limited to only a few, who could get past the security, especially when dad was out of town or at the capital, which was quite often.

 My parents made the determination to send me to the private boarding school beginning my 7th grade year, mainly because of dad’s ever growing public presence, and my safety. So I was a bit relieved in hoping that the private school may have other gym dressing room situations than the public school setting my other classmates spoke about. 

 At the end of the 6th grade that year I had bid my friends farewell from the sixth grade, as I would be losing them to their future in public school, unfortunately by the end of that summer I had to do the same for my home friends too, as I could only see them on vacations and breaks and during some of those times I wouldn’t actually be home, so our face to face contact would be severely limited.

 I arrived at the Hampton school in September with my parents, we met my roommate Tyler Hastings and his parents. Tyler’s parents were impressed with the fact that their son would be sharing a room with Senator Whitfield’s son. This would be a prestigious feather in their cap for all their friends and acquaintances. Tyler’s dad is a self made millionaire from well played investments. Tyler was not there for security reasons primarily, but for the prestigious name and education that Hampton was known for, security was secondary to them.

 I never had a brother nor experienced having to share a room. My room was basic, a twin bed, desk, dresser, closet, and a shared bathroom. The thought that Tyler would be my first new friend dawned on both of us, so we leaned on each other as it was our first time away from home and at least for me a roommate.

 Tyler was a good looking small blonde kid, we got along, often we’d hang together after class and play outside, we met up with many others, we were still mostly frowning upon letting those girls join into our after school activities. However it wasn’t long after, before certain hormones began kicking in, and we had begun to lose some of our guy cliques to hanging with the girls. Of course it seemed the apparent path, as the older kids seemed to be infatuated with girls, so we never shunned those who veered from our group as they seemed somewhat conflicted to where they wanted to be with them or us. Both Tyler and I made friends with some girls because it was what seemed to be happening all around us. So our recreational time went from boy roughhousing and getting dirty to more passive activities when the girls were involved. However alone back in the residences boys will be boys.

 Tyler and I grew to shed our modesty with time, when we began dressing we used to lock ourselves in the bathroom or made sure we weren’t near anyone. Eventually we’d dress with our backs toward each other and I’d get occasional glimpse of his naked ass. I have brown hair and blue eyes and I began to sprout hair in private places and became more curious how the other boys were doing. Unfortunately my hopes of private dressing rooms and showers were dashed when I discovered the communal locker rooms, but in the beginning I’d locate a secluded row of lockers away from others or wait till the crowd thinned out before taking my shower if I even took one. I began “checking out the other guys, that was my first glimpse of Tyler’s junk, him being light blonde I guess he looked less developed in growth of pubic hair, yet the darker black hair guys seemed to be fully developed. As our middle school years dragged out we all became less and less inhibited even though some guys were developing faster than others, those developing slower seemed to retreat back into hiding while those who were developing faster really seemed proud and wanted to show off their goods. This is where I also first saw someone uncut. Wow, I wanted to know more, the shapes the sizes of everything, dicks, balls, abs, chests, arms, thighs and legs. There were hairy guys some even developing chest hair. I was somewhat embarrassed to ask, as some kids were picked on and called names for even getting caught looking at anyone else, but we were all seemingly checking each other out.

 Naturally Tyler and I were closer than our other friends, so occasionally we’d touch very carefully on the subject of our maturing and developing bodies, while laying in bed or playing checkers or cards. Tyler was the quintessential shy kid who tried to act like a tough guy, but as I got to know him it was obvious he was still very withdrawn. One hot night during a very bad severe thunderstorm, Tyler was very scared and his cracking voice asked quietly several times if I was asleep. Of course with the bright flashes of lightning and loud thunder blasting through the open window, who could sleep? Tyler admitted he was frightened as he lay on his bed pressed to the wall wrapped in his blankets. I got up and closed the window and sat on the edge of his bed, reached over and stroked his back lightly, he was shaking like a leaf in the wind, and he truly was frightened. Feeling sorry for my friend I cuddled up next to him and folded myself into his body and wrapped my hand around him. He seemed to calm with my body’s touch almost cocooning him. This was one of my first sexual memories as my penis was growing and I felt it pressing against his ass. Nothing happened mind you, but I was concerned that he may have noticed.

 After that night it seemed we became more free around each other and we didn’t hide, heck we even compared each other and discussed sex and masturbation. Tyler was hard one morning, and he was stroking his morning wood under his sheets as I pretended to sleep but watching with half an eye. This voyeuristic spying on my friend made me so freaking hard my dick was leaking, not just leaking but oozing with fluid, damn it was so hot I wasn’t even touching myself.

 Tyler remained my roommate for the rest of middle school and we often even began masturbating in front of one another, we managed to bypass the internet security on my laptop, and found some decent porn sites, Tyler and I taught ourselves, and we practiced. Neither of us ever admitting we might be gay, nor doing anything with each other, it was truly a learning experience and we compared ourselves to each other. I on the other hand found the guys more interesting and was becoming more into them as we watched porn, and I was even thinking of naked Tyler as I jerked off, even when he wasn’t around to actually watch. I was pretty sure I was “Going to be gay”. Now my concerns grew as to my father’s political convictions and beliefs and how to keep this a secret. This news would truly devastate them and the life they’ve built. I truly felt I would be betraying them and embarrassing myself in the process. So deeply closeted I remained.

 To be Continued

by djfmonkey

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