Piss Boy

by Baltcumcump

5 Aug 2023 4657 readers Score 9.6 (57 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Matt awoke the next morning with massive morning wood. He rolled out of bed to relieve his bladder and that’s when his mind detoured to Marco, specifically Marco’s lips and mouth, and what it might feel like to urinate inside him. It was a long and challenging piss, his boner refused to subside as his mind wandered.

After he did his business, he brushed his teeth and walked down the hallway to see his son sitting up on the sofa, shirtless, shorts, watching tv.

Timothy looked at his dad a little differently that morning. Matt was proud of his body and didn’t even think twice walking around in his boxers in front of his son. That morning, Timothy looked at him as a horny man about to get his rocks off with his best friend later that afternoon, sporting a major woodie as can be seen by the evident tent in his boxers.

”Dad, put that thing away or you’re going to hurt someone!”

”Sorry son. It just won’t go down. Maybe after I fuck your homo friend later this will no longer be a problem. Were you able to set it up?”

”Actually, yes, I was. It didn’t take much convincing. That boy has had the hots for you since we were horny teenagers. But, before we talk about the details, I have a favor I need to ask you.”

”What is it, son? What do you need?”

”I don’t want that old hag coming here anymore. She makes me nuts with all her rigid rules and she doesn’t even talk to me. I want Marco to take care of me, and I need you to pay him.”

”You know, I think I spoil you too much.  I don’t have any problem paying the boy for taking care of you, but I do worry you’re going to get addicted to his ass and you’re going to delay your recovery just so you can continue tapping it. I’ll tell you what, if you show me you're making progress with your physical therapy, I’ll allow it. If I don’t see any improvement, then the old hag is coming back here.”

”Dad, you have my word. You know I wanna get out of the house and hunt for pussy. Fucking Marco is just physical, just to get me through this until I’m back out there again.”

”You gave me your word you weren’t gonna fuck under my roof and then you did, so I don’t even know what to believe. I don’t need your word, what I do need is your ass off that sofa so you can get on with your life.”

Matt went to fix some breakfast for the two of them and sat next to Timothy as they sipped fresh brewed coffee. 

“So tell Marco to come to the No Tell Motel around 4pm today. He should already be done getting you through lunch and some exercises. Promise me you won’t go near his ass today. I want him hungry for me when I finally try this out.”

”No need to worry about that. How do you think I convinced him to meet you today? After I fucked him, he was willing to do anything I asked. I still cannot believe you’re doing this. I’m happy for you, dad. Expanding your mind is a good thing!”

Matt gave his son a squeeze on the shoulder and retreated to finish his morning routine and get ready for work. He packed a small bag to change in the motel room and threw in his toothbrush and some mouthwash. 

As Matt walked towards the front door to leave for work, Timothy shouted, “Have fun, dad, see you tonight!”

Timothy texted his buddy and told him to come over. He told Marco that he’d now be paid to look after him. Marco didn’t hesitate. His parents understood the reasons Marco gave up his internship for the summer. Timothy was like a blood brother to Marco. They understood the bond and appreciated that their son placed his priorities in the right order. 

When Marco arrived, Timothy had dozed off for a bit. He noticed some urine in the plastic urinal and decided to empty it. He took the half-full bottle of piss into the bathroom and closed the door. Timothy was sleeping, maybe he’d never know. 

He opened the container and placed his nose inside. So pungent he thought to himself. He felt his sinuses clearing from the fumes. Then he tipped the container just enough to take a small swig. He swished it around in his mouth, savoring the liquidity, the texture, the taste. 

Marco couldn’t help himself. The sexually charged young man started to strip naked and climbed into the tub. Next, he began to ever so slowly pour some piss over his head. He put the container down and began to rub it all over his chest. His dick became harder and harder. Marco made that piss last as long as he could, pouring it bit by bit over his hair and face and putting it aside and playing in it. When his entire front side was covered in a sheen, and the container was completely empty. His right hand latched onto his hardon and his left hand continued to rub around his soaked body, and he blasted a major load all over the shower curtain. He then noticed he wasn’t the first man to christen that curtain, the evidence of dried up cum streaks were all over it. 

Wanting not to give away what had just occurred, Marco scrubbed himself with soap so Timothy wouldn’t smell the stench of urine all over him. The thing is, Marco isn’t a quiet cummer. As his seed splattered all over, he was groaning like a slut, “”oh fuck yeah. Give me that piss, buddy. Fuck me with that big dick, man!” Timothy heard it all and retreated back to the sofa and to plan what he was gonna do next.

Marco came back to the living room and saw Timothy awake now.

”Well good morning to you, sleepyhead. Can I get you anything?”

”When did you get here?”

”Just a minute ago. I went to empty your pee jar, man.”

”is that right? I thought you might have been here awhile.”

“What makes you say that?”

”You tell me. I mean, I think you should just tell me what I already know.” 

Timothy could be so tricky, he was snickering and just wanted Marco to confess.

”I may have used your pies to get off in the shower.”

”I don’t think there’s any “may” about it. I heard you shooting’s your nut in my shower. You’re a sick perv, you know that?”

Timothy laughed. Calling his buddy a “sick perv” was becoming a bit of a joke between them. Marco didn’t mind it. He was growing into his kink, and was owning it.

“So buddy, I know we were really fucked up last night, but you agreed to meet my dad today, remember?”

”Yeah, vaguely. Something about him having blue balls and needing to get off.”

”Exactly. He wants you to meet him later at the Motel No Tell. He specially asked me not to fuck you today. I promised I’d keep you hungry for him you greedy pig.”

The two of them played some video games to pass the time. Marco helped Timothy with some leg lifts and other exercises as they had him up on his crutches trying to keep him moving. Timothy was drinking a lot of water, all the physical activity was making him sweaty. Marco couldn’t stop himself from taking in his buddy’s musk. He wanted to bottle it up and jerk off to it later, but that wasn’t possible. He was finding himself leaning closer to Timothy’s armpits to get a good whiff, but not wanting to be too obvious.

”Are you trying to lick my sweaty pits, man? You keep getting closer and closer!”

”Ewww no, I don’t think so!”

“Dude, how many times are we going to go through this. I know you better than you know yourself. I know about your sexual links more than you do. Get me back on the sofa.”

Timothy stumbled his way back down the hallways into the sofa. He was still shirtless, his arms clasped behind his head. His chest heaving, glistening from a coating of sweat. Under his pits, dirty blonde/brown thickets of hair were there for the taking.

”Now you get over here and take a whiff. I know you want to.”

Marco was like a dog at this point following Timothy’s every command. He sat to Timothy’s right side and twisted himself so his nose was right up in it. When he inhaled, he let out a high pitched low level groan. He’d heard poppers had a way of taking over your body, the aroma was having the same effect on him. He moved his nose around in his buddy’s pit and stuck out his tongue and gave it a bath. The taste of sweat on his tongue, just like piss, was more than agreeable. His cock was beginning to grow and he wanted to badly to reach into his shorts and stroke it.

Timothy slapped Marco’s hand away. 

“I promised my dad I’d keep you horny today. You can’t get off now. Save it for later. Now sit on my other side and take in that funk!”

After Marco finished worshipping his buddy’s pits, his cock was leaking. He’d not been that excited sexually in his life. Timothy was awakening the inner fag inside him. He’d always been the top when he hooked up with other guys. With Timothy, he was willing to submit his ass, drink his piss, swallow his seed, lick his pits, bend over for his dad. Timothy was, little by little, uncovering just how passive Marco is and will forever be.

”I need to piss, boy. Open your mouth!”

Marco wasn’t used to Timothy calling him “boy”, but he was more than ready to be his personal urinal. Besides it was nearing 4pm, one last drink straight from the tap wouldn’t be a bad thing before meeting Matt at the motel. 

Marco gurgled as he swallowed Timothy’s piss. He compared the pungent tastes and smells he had just experienced, making his dick harder than ever.

Timothy tapped out his cock over Marco’s face and said, “no time for you to blow me now. Maybe after you take care of my dad you can swing by tonight? You better get going.”

Marco was in a trance. The pits, the piss, it was all intoxicating his senses, all he could think about was wanting more. And he was about to get it.

Marco somehow drove himself over to the motel and found Matt’s room.

When Matt answered the door in just a pair of boxers, Marco’s jaw dropped. He was about to have sex with a hulk of a man, an Alpha if there ever was one.

”Don’t just stand there gawking, homo, get in here!”

by Baltcumcump

Email: [email protected]

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