Piss Boy

by Baltcumcump

4 Aug 2023 4286 readers Score 9.5 (47 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It's about time we give Timothy's father a name. Let's call him Matt.  Timothy gets his blonde hair, blue eyes from his dad, who was also an all-state football star like his son.   Aged 42 now, the blonde hair has receded significantly, he's embraced his baldness, and now keeps a short-cropped graying beard on his face.  Also like his son, he's practically hairless with an impeccable body and an eight and half-inch dick. He screams of Big Dick Energy, and his latest girlfriend loves it.  

Matt caught Timothy and Marco red-handed on the many cameras capturing their sex throughout the house.  This is the third day in a row, and Matt was enraged when he came through the door. Luckily for Marco, he'd already gone home by then.  Maybe his intuition served him well in this instance.

"Son, this is the third time!  Three days in a row.  Seriously, you can tell me if you're a fag. I can take it!"  

He yelled these words but inside he wanted to call his son every derogatory name in the book.  How could he, a stud, raise a son that likes to shove his dick up another boy's ass?  It just didn't make any sense.

"Dad, I am telling you; I am not a fag.  I am just horny all the time and it feels so good.  I really can't help myself.   I never expected to like it. I get boned up for chicks!"

"Son, explain yourself.  What do you mean by it feels so good? How could it? I don't get it. It's a boy, shit, a man, and he's got all that hair, he's not even feminine at all. This doesn't make sense?"

"Dad, when I put my dick in his mouth, it's so warm and wet, and the suction he uses, all the way down from tip to base.  None of my bimbos can do that! And then, when I put my dick in his chute, it was so tight, warm, it felt so fucking amazing on my cock.  I could bang the dude harder than any of the sluts I've fucked.  He asks for it harder and harder, a girl say's "I'm too big, it hurts. Stop!".  I mean, it’s addicting.  If you tried it, you would be doing the same. I promise you, Dad."

"Son, I can't even imagine doing such a thing.  Putting my dick up another man's ass? Nonsense! Maybe if I was a horny 20-year-old I might see it differently.  Maybe you're not a homo.  The way you explained it I can see the appeal.  I just don't know how I feel about it under my roof, and what about the long-term effects if you keep fucking him like that?  Over time, you might only want to fuck a man's ass and then you will be a fag.  I always knew that boy was trouble. I had a feeling eventually he'd get his hands on your dick.  I went through something like this when I was your age."

"You did?  Tell me more!"

"There was a kid in the neighborhood that everyone picked on, even me.  The way he always stared at me in the locker room, or any time he saw me. I could see the lust in his eyes.  In the shower, I caught him a few times staring at my dick and licking his lips!  You see, those faggots will do whatever they can to get some straight dick.  I didn't cave in although I thought about it when I wasn't getting any pussy.   I think Marco took advantage of your situation and used it to get your dick, and you let him, and now you're hooked."

"Dad, it's not like that and what do you mean you thought about it when you weren't getting any pussy?"

"Son, I went through a few droughts myself over the years.  Back then I could bang 2 chicks a day 7-days a week, and then it would be nothing for a couple of weeks. You know how it is."

"Didn't you just say your girlfriend is going on a business trip overseas for the next ten days? "

"Yes, but what's your point?"

"I'm just putting this out there, but if you get a case of blue balls after a couple of days and don't wanna use your hand that night, there are other options.  I'm certain Marco, if I told him and asked him to, would service you, gladly!"

"I don't think so, but thanks for the offer.  By the way, I have a home care aide coming tomorrow around 9am to help you out for a few weeks.  Tell that homo to keep his germs over there because I don't want him coming around here no more."

Timothy was pissed that this home aide was a woman in her 40's, no non-sense and too rigid.  He suffered every day not seeing his friend, who was now interning at the hospital where his mother was the administrator. 

Several days have passed.  However, since his son, Timothy, put the idea in his head about Marco servicing him, he just couldn't get the thought out his head.  The way his son described what it was like, he had to admit to himself, finally, that he did want to find out for himself.  With each passing day he felt his balls getting heavier and heavier. He was getting to a point where he was either going to have to give himself a hand job or pass up an opportunity he'd not have again any time soon.  He decided since he can always give himself a hand job, he just had to.  He'd always be wondering for the rest of his life what he missed.  

That night at dinner Matt decided to raise the topic again.  

"Son, remember when you mentioned something about Marco servicing me if you asked him to?"

Timothy spit his drink out of his mouth and nose.  He could not believe what his dad just said!

"Father!  Yes, of course I do!  Why are you asking?"

"Well, Helen has been gone now for 5 days and...well...you know...a man has needs."

"So, you're saying, you want me to set up a fuck date with the homo across the street for you?"

"Yeah, I suppose that's what I'm asking. Only thing is, I can't do it here in this house. Knowing you are here, knowing this is the bed I fuck my girlfriends in. I don't think I'd like that.  Tell him, if he's game, I'll get a motel room nearby so he and I can meet after work tomorrow."

"Ok Dad.  I'm on it.  Now let's finish dinner."

That night, after Matt cleaned up the dishes and watched some baseball with his son, he went to bed.  Timothy pulled out his cell phone and texted his buddy.

"U up?"

"Yeah man, how's it going? Miss u."

"U need to come over now. There's stuff to talk about. It's cool, my dad is asleep and I don't think he cares anymore."

"I'll be there in a few. Need to throw on some clothes."

In reality, Marco gave himself a nice cleanse.  He wanted to have a clean path for his best friend's cock, should it come to that.

"Dude, tell me what's going on?

"Before I do, I need that mouth on my dick. You thirsty?"

"I thought you'd never ask! Always!"

Marco quickly dropped to his knees and reacquainted himself with Timothy's tool.  He held a vacuum tight seal around that dick, Timothy's smooth balls resting on his face, as Timothy let it rip and quenched Marco's throat with the nectar he craved.  Marco tried so hard not to moan around that dick. He didn't want to wake Matt up.   As quietly as possible, he swallowed everything. Having several chances to practice the craft, Marco could challenge some of the best piss guzzlers in the region.   Timothy didn't even ask or hesitate, as soon as his leak was completed, he grabbed onto Marco's face like a football and rammed his cock hard down his throat. As his cock hardened and thickened so quickly, he was soon taking long swinging strokes, from tip to base, his balls smashing into Marco's face repeatedly.  He, too, was trying not to grunt so freely.  He muzzled himself and when unloading, he opened him mouth and began to breath hard, exploding a different kind of liquid down Marco's throat.

"Oh man, bro, I needed that. I missed that mouth!"

"I missed that piss, that cock.  That's a keeper right there, I tell ya!"

"Did you bring any weed? You might need to take a hit before I tell you what's going on."

"Yeah, hold on."

They each took a couple hits and let the cannabis take hold of them.  

"Dude, so like my dad told me at dinner that he has blue balls.  His girlfriend is on a business trip and he doesn't want to jerk off."

"No offense friend, but this is information I do not need to know.  Hearing about your dad's sex life is creeping me out."

"Nah, man, you didn't let me finish telling you the rest."

"That night, after I fucked you, my dad came home from work and started freaking out.  There are cameras in this house and he saw us. He saw you drinking my piss, blowing me, me fucking you...all of it. "

"Seriously.  Oh my god!  Wow! Your dad has seen me naked."

They were both so stoned the began to laugh hysterically.

"And here's the kicker buddy, I start telling him how good it feels to have my dick in your mouth and up your ass.   Long story short, he wants you to do it for him, too! "

"No way! He actually said that.  He wants to fuck me or something. "

"That's right.  He wants to get a motel room after work tomorrow.  What do you say?"

"And you're okay with this?  This is your father we're talking about.  I don't know."

"Marco, brother, again, I know you better than you know you.  I've seen the way you've ogled my father over the years. It's the same way you look at me.  You're doing the man a favor. And you'd be doing me a favor.  I'll have him get rid of that old hag home aide and tell him to pay you to take of me.  You're not making any money at the hospital anyway."

"OK, I will admit. And maybe this is the weed talking, but you're right.  You're dad is fucking hot.  I love his beard, his body, and I always thought he'd have a big dick like you.  I'll fucking do it!"

The two boys giggled and giggled at the idea of Marco bending over for his dad.  All this talk got the boys all horned up again. Marco brazenly pulled down his shorts. 

"Come on buddy. I was hoping all night to get some of that dick again.  Get that dick hard and shove it up my hole!"

Timothy was ready to go again although he'd blown his load just 20 minutes ago.  He spit down onto Marco's bent over ass, stud up and pressed his cock into Marco's rosebud.  Marco bit down on his hand to absorb the sounds of his moaning while Timothy bit down on his lower lip. The feeling of skin-on-skin sex for both of them was a special treat.  Timothy missed his boy's manhole over the last five days. It was like a hand in glove, a natural fit.  Timothy slowly rocked his hard penis inside and out, the smooth, silk-like texture causing pleasure senses all over ever fiber in his dick.  Marco's hole never felt more alive.  It was a quiet, smooth, but deeply sensual fuck that didn't last too long.  Timothy just couldn't help himself and pushed his nut deep into Marco's welcoming innards.  

Marco almost wanted to kiss Timothy but caught himself before doing so. A post coital kiss is always nice, but he did not want to start something that might not be reciprocated.   

It was getting late and time for Marco to get going. He stumbled home high, and very excited about what was going to happen tomorrow after work.   Timothy told him to keep his phone on and he'd text all the details.

by Baltcumcump

Email: [email protected]

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